
petrothe last time I upgraded the ubuntu version, I ran into problems in which I couldn't boot - I had to use an older kernel or other way to boot00:00
kurt-xubuntujust got the strangest pm from some guy names nicknet00:02
Guest28537greatgatsby, is there a way to switch to LightDM I confirmed im running GDM00:07
Guest28537and my login time is really slow00:07
guivercGuest28537, if it is already installed; `sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm` (or could be gdm3.. etc) will ask you which of installed you wish to use00:10
Guest28537what if I want to use apt?00:11
guivercGuest28537, ps: if it relates to a discussed issue, i'm not privy to that, so i was answering your last question only00:12
Guest28537can I just purge it and then reinstall00:12
Guest28537ive never learned dpkg00:12
guivercwhy?  if you use apt; it'll cause the dpkg-reconfigure process to run at the end of install???00:12
guivercapt is a front end of dpkg... it just gets the packages, dpkg does the actual isntall00:13
Guest28537hm okay00:14
guivercdpkg == deb package manager; the tool that works with deb's  (already downloaded)00:14
Guest28537ill give it a try00:14
Guest28537so dpkg came first?00:14
Guest28537before apt?00:14
Guest28537nice I switched it00:15
guivercyep Guest28537,  dpkg-reconfigure causes the installation-scripts used when package was first installed to be re-run  (which is what your purge, re-install would have caused to occur, but with a lot less work)00:16
Guest28537is lightdm less secure though than the full gdm?00:16
guiverci can't answer that; it contains less functionality I believe (thus saving memory & making it lighter..); no idea about security sorry00:16
Guest28537fascinating stuff00:19
Guest28537hm i should learn more about anonymity and hardening my system im interested in that. not because im hiding anything but just think its importan to know00:21
petrosame problem in ubuntu every time....it does not automount hard drives00:25
petroso annoying00:25
petroGuest28537, just so know, ubuntu sucks00:25
petro so many bugs in it00:25
petrothat they never fix00:25
petroconstant freezes - mouse works but can't click anything00:26
petrothey also refuse to fix bugs in which a hacker can gain access to your system00:26
petroand ubuntu tells the forum admins to remove ppl they don't like00:27
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petrofortunately, there's some really good people who use it for some reason...who will help but you have to find them or wait for them to show up :)00:29
petroI have to reboot my machine because it won't mount my HDD00:30
petroeven in windows, it will detect the hd00:30
linextcan someone help me get private internet access working on a Ubuntu VM?00:32
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linextit seems to be installed but i can't see a way in the GUI to edit the settings00:32
lamerchepetro: win not detect ubuntu system hdd00:33
lamerchefile system00:33
petrolinext, I have it installed natively..why do you use it in a VM?00:34
petrolamerche, but, windows detects HDs w NTFS00:35
petrothere's no mounting problem00:35
linextpetro, to keep only certain traffic on VPN00:35
petroI know I can manually mount it but it's a hassle and I forget the commands00:35
petroare you using windows?00:36
petrowhat vm is it?00:36
petroI probably cannot help but I know I had problems with PIA in the past but not with VM use00:36
petroit might have to do with the VM....00:37
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petroI guess I have to reboot my machine... I want to back up my work to my external HDD...so, I can try to upgrade to 18.04 soon00:37
linexti think i got it working00:37
linextit required installing a few things first00:38
Meadis there a going concensus on what the best IRC client is for ubuntu?00:40
ducasseMead: 'best' is totally subjective00:41
petroI use hexchat usually00:42
Meadducasse: what irc client are you using right now?00:43
ducasseMead: weechat, fwiw00:43
xoxowhat are the rules to selling an Orange Pi Zero with ubuntu installed00:52
xoxodoes anyone on the ubuntu team care00:52
sonicwindI like HexChat00:53
leftyfbxoxo: there's nothing wrong with that00:53
xoxowoo ok00:53
xoxothank you00:53
sonicwindbefore that I used Konversation00:53
leftyfbsonicwind: you might want to try #ubuntu-offtopic. This channel is for Ubuntu support00:54
sonicwindMead asked, so I answered... sorry00:54
TRPrechtGreetings, I am curious if anyone has encountered an issue after update/reboot where the machine hangs on "Started GNOME Display Manager. Dispatcher Service...tem changes.pp link was shut down...."00:58
hfpHow do I disable my laptop from suspending when on AC?01:02
hfpwith the command line01:02
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Guest28537how come when I run getent services I get a list of about 6000 different services half of which I appear to not even need (netbios? LDAP running on port 123 --- why would I need ldap ? )01:11
Guest28537its just a desktop01:11
Guest28537Ubuntu 18.0401:12
Guest28537should I modify my /etc/rc.local or w/e and remove half of them?01:12
Guest28537or am I missing something here01:12
_novgorod_greetings all01:40
_novgorodnot much happening here from the look of things..01:43
TRPrechtpresume not. :-)01:55
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Lucaswhat irc tool are you using02:24
Bashing-omLucas: You meant the irc client ? .. I use irssi - hexchat and weechat are also quite popular.02:27
Lucasthe #ubuntu channel is quiet enough to hear the mosquito singing02:31
HEX0do you guys know if nvidia-dkms is hackabe? I always wondered if anyone tried to mess with source tree and building a customized nvida module02:36
slackjeffI love mia khalifa, more not love ubuntu, bye!02:37
xoxois a chromebook the cheapest bestest Ubuntu laptop ?02:37
HEX0xoxo: I would say a thinkpad t500/w500, t400s x200 etc are the cheapest, decent linux laptops in general02:39
HEX0if not running a heavy DE02:39
guivercxoxo, cheapest & bestest I don't think go together; what i value in a machine means I'd prefer a second hand x86 laptop (a shorter battery life won't worry me)02:40
guiverc(sorry for last, I didn't realize this was #ubuntu)02:44
boblamontI have a question, but it's about an past-its-lifetime version...02:47
boblamontis that ok?02:48
padarcnobody will slap you for asking, i guess.02:49
boblamontI seem to have broken LXDE in Lubuntu 13.04 while trying to install something in wine, though it works ok in the guest account, but the main account just gets the background and a non-functioning openbox menu02:50
guivercboblamont, two options come to mind, `dpkg-reconfigure` for the package involved (assuming its not a config option you've set), or if it is something you've set (config in your home directory), you could copy the working config for the 'guest' over your own config file (in your $HOME); remembring to `chown` etc to make it yours after `cp`02:55
leftyfbboblamont: Lubuntu 13.04?02:56
leftyfbboblamont: as you mentioned, that is WAY EOL02:56
leftyfbas in 5 years02:56
leftyfbboblamont: it's going to take you less effort to reinstall a supported version and restore your files from backup02:57
boblamontleftyfb: yes, I kind of keep it around because of the wine junk02:57
leftyfbboblamont: I think you can just backup and restore ~/.wine and keep all your wine applications02:57
boblamontleftyfb: I figured the installed programs would have to be installed fresh with a newer version of wine02:58
leftyfbboblamont: shouldn't be too hard to test02:59
boblamontleftyfb: but if I wipe the old one to put in the new one, they'll be gone if it doesn't work03:00
leftyfbboblamont: try with a live cd or another computer or a VM03:00
boblamontis there a live cd with wine?03:00
leftyfbboblamont: you can install it03:01
boblamontleftyfb: I suppose it's worth a shot03:02
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amazoniantoadI installed the newest version of Ubuntu but the fan on my laptop is not working03:04
amazoniantoadCan someone help me get it to turn on when needed?03:04
boblamontbut I'll try dpkg-reconfigure, too like guiverc sugested, and maybe copy over the config file .. I'm kind of worried I have logins and stuff saved that I don't easily have written down (I know they're somewhere)03:04
cjosephI'm trying to compile the linux-hwe-4.15.0 sources with the ath9k module03:20
guivercboblamont, if you're scared something will be mucked up by a change (copying a config, even a dpkg-rec..) just make a backup copy of what gets affected, and restore it it if doesn't help (I often use this to `diff` & see what differences it makes, so I can better understand what was done, what changes were done etc)... dpkg-recon will require quite a few files to be `cp` (backed up, which varies on package)03:21
cjosephthe compilation goes without errors, but no ath9k binary is produced03:21
cjosephif I tee the make output, it just skips the whole net/wireless/ath9k directory03:21
cjosephI've double checked the .config and it definitely does have CONFIG_ATH9K=m03:23
cjosephany idea why on earth the module is not being compiled when it should be? especially since the make output has no errors03:25
guiverccjoseph, note: i'm no expert; but compiling the kernel does not compile the modules; it's a different step (you should have makefile & kbuild [module])  https://linux-kernel-labs.github.io/master/labs/kernel_modules.html03:28
cjosephguiverc: I know, but there should be a CC[M] net/wireless/atheros line03:29
cjosephduring the make03:29
skehhello all. will the encrypted partition on same drive be still accesible after reinstalling ubuntu?03:29
cjosephthe 'make modules'03:29
cjosephand 'make modules_install' steps both don't produce any ath9k output either03:29
cjosephand of course the binary ath9k.ko is never produced either03:30
guiverccjoseph, as stated; i'm no expert, but I'd check your makefile for the kbuild as per aforementioned link  (I can't offer more than that sorry mate)03:32
amazoniantoadskeh: yes03:35
amazoniantoadif you have password/key03:35
guivercskeh, i agree with amazoniantoad; I recently upgraded a system (encrypted home folder only) and had issues during install; one package was missed; once that package was installed it was perfect (i'm using it now; folder encrypted) --- but backup your data regardless!03:37
skehamazoniantoad guiverc the drive was encrypted using right click > format > type > encrypted , no pass/key was made03:44
skeh..it should be still existing & accesible after the reinstall right?03:44
guivercskeh, grab it before you upgrade; `ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase`03:46
skehguiverc,otherwise it wont be accesible or present?03:47
guivercprimarily just to be safe; not I'm no expert with encryption.  my comment was that I'd installed with an encrypted folder; once the upgrade was complete (and I fixed a missing package) it just worked. I didn't need the key, but if you didn't record the password/key as previously stated; I'd record it (elsewhere) before you attempt..03:50
skehok.tnx for the tip03:51
poprocksIs anyone aware of a "freetype-freeworld" package (ala Fedora) that enables the patented subpixel rendering mode? (Not to be confused the with new subpixel hinting mode which has been enabled by default in freetype since 2.7)03:54
skehis it possible to merge partitions - sda4 & sda5 http://img298.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=97061_partit_122_509lo.jpg03:57
Flannelskeh: not directly.  You'll need to backup the data on sda4, delete sda4, then extend sda3/sda5 forward.04:00
guivercskeh, i don't know any way except by being destructive;  lvm allows more, not ext04:00
guivercsorry Flannel04:00
Flannelskeh: expanding sda3/sda5 forward is doable "in one step" with modern tools (because they hide the actual mechanisms, its techncially not possible to move the start directly, but it can be emulated as long as the partition has enough free space)04:01
Flannelguiverc: No worries04:01
Flannelskeh: Actually, you have enough room to just move sda5's contents onto sda4, then delete sda5 and expand sda4 backward.04:03
FlannelSo, that'd be fewer steps.04:03
* skeh analyzing04:05
skehflannel ,  delete sda5 and expand sda4 backward. --> last option04:07
skehFlannel, what modern tools are you referring?04:08
skeh delete sda4, then extend sda3/sda5 forward --> acceptable04:09
skehwhat partitioning style is convenient if i plan to add another distro or resize a partition in the future ?04:13
skehFlannel, just move sda5's contents onto sda4 --> ubuntu was installed @ sda5,is it possible to relocate it?04:16
pantatoi have a serious problem with ubuntu 18. Every time I put a usb drive in and i dont explicitly eject it between boots, it gets stuck trying to mount it. Usually it wouldnt be a huge deal but this time i actually corrupted said usb drive and now I cant boot in at all. I'm just sitting here in maintenance mode. How do I fix this nonsense?04:37
guivercpantato, that sounds like (booting usb) a bios or eufi config issue; where it's told to boot usb; ubuntu could only be an issue if ubuntu was on usb i'd suspect05:09
pantatoguiverc: i ended up resolving the issue. Thanks05:11
guivercif you're stuck in recovery mode; I'd suspect a fs couldn't mount; hence if were my system I'd boot a 'live' system & fsck your partitions etc...  :)05:12
TeguI wouldn't mind hearing what was the solution05:12
sjvxid67HY RED QUEEN05:14
Abhijithow to make ubuntu take back control from external monitor and treat laptop monitor as the only monitor, when suddenly electricity is off and external monitor not working.05:18
guivercAbhijit, on at least one thinkpad; I can fn + (blue screen button on key) to switch between 2/mirror/disable but I know it doesn't work on all environments..  i'd probably then switch to term & run xrandr/arandr script (I have scripts that enable/disable external to save me remembering the real commands)05:24
acoustykAnyone know how to change the master password for the alpine mail password file?05:25
Abhijitguiverc, ok. let me check.05:27
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baghi, how should I scan my signature. It is for an online application. Is there a specific program to so that?06:01
bagwould scanning it from a white piece of paper and crop it with gimp work?06:04
boblamontbag: scanning it would probably work, take a picture of it might work depending on how decent a picture you can get (both still would need cropping)06:09
bagboblamont, what other optines there are?06:09
boblamontdo you have a graphics tablet? you could sign on that06:10
boblamontI think most people probably scan just because it's (a) easy and (b) most people's printer has a scanner they never use06:11
baggood, im scanning06:11
bagboblamont, are you good with gimp?06:12
boblamontbag: depends on what needs to be done with it06:12
bagah, please join #gimp06:12
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lol-md5iwconfig returns that my wifi card is named wlp2s0. but /dev/wlp2s0 doesn't exist. where is it?06:16
ducasselol-md5: there are no /dev entries for network interfaces06:17
lol-md5how am i supposed to use macchanger or ifconfig down?06:18
ducassenever has been06:18
lol-md5oh wait06:18
lol-md5i'm dumb06:18
ducassejust use the interface name06:18
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guyHi everyone07:03
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eraserpencilcould I ask about snapcraft related questions about the kernel here? the guys at #snappy seems asleep08:05
ducasseyou can try, but you might be better off waiting for them08:06
Edistohow do you restrict the workspace switcher from showing windows in other workspaces?08:22
Edistonevermind had to install multi-monitor addon08:24
tomreynhi asdfgh08:28
asdfghI am using win 10 pro, but i would like to give ubuntu 18.04 a try. is it stable now? i know that when a new OS exit is far from stable...08:28
asdfghhi tomreyn08:28
ppf"stable"? "new"?08:29
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tomreynasdfgh: there are still some bugs in it, but 18.04.1 will release in a couple days, on July 26th.08:30
qwebirc23566Hello, I just installed Ubuntu from an USB Stick on Harddrive, but deleted that Partition and runs Command to fix bootmanager, as it is written on Internet to remove it.08:32
qwebirc23566But now i see two Lines of Ubuntu on Boot installed on Harddrive.08:33
asdfghthanks tomreyn08:33
qwebirc23566Starting in safe mode a window appears with "Stack overflow,... or smthng lika ths.08:34
qwebirc36548anyone is here?08:36
qwebirc36548need fast ubuntu help :/08:36
qwebirc23566I started Text yet.08:37
guivercask your question qwebirc36548, if someone knows the answer they'll answer (try & keep to a single line, and please be patient)08:37
qwebirc36548First i get Failes to connect to lvmetad08:37
tomreynthat's a warning only, you can usually ignore it.08:38
qwebirc23566Especially i like Design of it, but don't know issue running Windows twice.08:39
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tomreynqwebirc23566: if you're still loking for support, you'll need to provide more details. also post the tuorial / guide you are following.08:41
qwebirc23566Ok, i don't have any Links to it. I just wan't to tell why I have done it so.08:42
qwebirc23566There wasn't any Files on Partition!08:43
tomreynqwebirc23566: the way i read "Hello, I just installed Ubuntu from an USB Stick on Harddrive, but deleted that Partition and runs Command to fix bootmanager, as it is written on Internet to remove it." is: I installed some version of ubuntu to one of my HDDs, then deleted the partition i installed it to, and ran some command which i was hoping would somehow fix somethign with booting. i used some howto somewhere on the internet.08:48
tomreyn"two Lines of Ubuntu on Boot installed on Harddrive" is pretty ambiguous, too, and ubuntu does not provide "safe mode", maybe you mean "recovery"?08:49
tomreynor maybe you still have some windows version installed somewhere and started that in safe mode.08:49
qwebirc23566I started it with UEFI.08:50
tomreyntry providing outut, screenshots, text. we only support ubuntu, not windows.08:50
tomreyn!paste | qwebirc2356608:50
ubottuqwebirc23566: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:50
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.08:50
tomreynbut text is preferred, where possible08:51
tomreynqwebirc36548: and second?08:51
qwebirc23566So i thank you within that and hope find a way to Fix it,..08:51
qwebirc23566Good bye!08:52
phoceanI have a strange alert from apparmor on man09:02
phoceanit detects a ptrace call09:02
phoceanapparmor="DENIED" operation="ptrace" profile="/usr/bin/man" pid=4981 comm="ps" requested_mask="trace" denied_mask="trace" peer="/usr/bin/man"09:02
phoceanhow is it possible?09:02
blackflowphocean: how is what possible? the profile for usr.bin.man apparently does not allow ptrace on self09:04
blackflowand indeed, the profile coming with Bionic does not09:04
phoceanblackflow, I understand, but how a basic program like man is doing a ptrace?09:04
blackflowphocean: on itself. it's not uncommon.09:05
phoceanblackflow, really, I did not know09:05
phoceanblackflow, then this might worth a bug issue for this profile09:06
blackflowfirefox does it for example.    anyway, just add    ptrace trace peer=/usr/bin/man,    to local/usr.bin.man  and file a bug report.    Of cours, assuming that ptrace is legitimate, I don't know if it is.09:06
phoceanblackflow, I am going to install a VM to check how it is on a fresh install09:07
phoceanblackflow, just to make sure that my binary was not backdoored09:07
phoceanblackflow, strace man ls 2>&1 | grep ptrace does not show the ptrace call, but I assume it's because strace is using ptrace itself, am I correct?09:08
blackflowI'm not sure exactly which syscalls are covered by AA's "ptrace" rule09:09
blackflowphocean: btw, that trace is coming from `ps` invoked in the context of that profile09:18
blackflowman, that man profile is ugly...... /** mrixwlk,   !!09:19
phoceanblackflow, yeah, indeed09:27
duncan213guys anyone of you by any chance know a good irc channel for learning languages (human) especially russian ?09:45
tomreyn!ot | duncan21309:47
ubottuduncan213: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:47
tomreyn!alis | duncan21309:47
ubottuduncan213: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"09:47
fSharphello, I am not familiar with permission commands..how can I assign read and write permissions to myself, and no permissions to groups and others?10:07
fSharpfor a folder10:07
TimeDoctorfrom the desktop or command-line?10:07
EriC^^fSharp: chmod 700 /file10:07
fSharpfrom command line10:07
EriC^^wait you said read write, you dont want execute?10:07
TimeDoctoryeah chmod is what you need for that10:08
duncan213chmod then 0 for nothing 1 for execute 2 for read 4 for write10:08
fSharpEriC^^, without execute for this folder, yes10:08
EriC^^fSharp: ok, chmod 60010:08
duncan213you can combine them for read and write it's 610:08
EriC^^(fwiw you wont be able to cd into it without execute)10:08
fSharpbut isn't "cd" about reading?10:09
EriC^^actually you won't be able to do anything i think10:09
duncan213cd = change directory10:09
fSharpthen with execute :)10:09
EriC^^fSharp: chmod 700 with execute10:09
fSharpthank you, EriC^^!10:09
EriC^^fSharp: no problem10:09
fSharpduncan213, yes, I will keep them in mind one day :)10:10
fSharpthat day may be now, though. it seems to be about 4 numbers and adding them10:13
fSharpfor ex. if I wanted to give read-only to others, I'd assign 722, right?10:14
ppffSharp: use the alpha permissions instead10:15
fSharpmeaning others and groups10:15
fSharpppf, I know what it is maybe I can :)10:15
fSharpif I know10:15
ppfchmod u=rwx10:15
ppfchmod u=rwx,go= to make it rwx only for u10:16
fSharpah, that's what appears in terminal at the beginning of files, right?10:16
ppfyes, and it's identical to the above, just without having to mess with the dumb permission bits10:16
ppfand there's + and - instead of = to add/remove permissions10:17
fSharpat first glance the former way seems easier :)10:18
fSharpbut at first glance, as I said10:18
ppflol how10:18
fSharpyou just add the permissions you want the particular user to have10:19
fSharpin the first method10:19
ppfchmod 700 is absolutely identical to chmod u=rwx,go=10:19
fSharpthe second is not yet clear to me, probably that's why10:20
ppfexcept the letter is readable10:20
fSharpyes, identical to you :)10:20
fSharpbut I see it for the first time10:20
ppfthat's why i'm telling you you can use the characters instead of octal bits ;)10:20
ppfbecause it's absolutely clear what they do10:21
fSharpanyway, no worries. I trust it should be easier the way you say it..just I need to make a little search and go about it10:21
ppfisn't it self-explanatory?10:22
fSharpnot to me :)10:22
fSharpu=rwx,go= is all I see10:22
fSharpand dont know what to make of it10:22
ppfu means user, g is group, o is other10:22
ppfthe flags are Read, Write, eXecute10:23
fSharpah, "go"10:23
d3bugWindows time screwed up after booting into Linux.  I suspect one OS uses UTC and one uses Localtime.  Which does Ubuntu use?10:23
fSharpso it is just about writing them like that, i.e. u=rw,g=x,o=wx10:23
fSharpok, you've been right10:24
ppfthx ;)10:24
fSharpthank you10:24
blackflowfSharp: the chmod manpage explains it all nicely. manpages are your friends, use them. :)   `man chmod` for more info.10:24
ppfthere's also sTicky, Setuid, and capital X for sane udpates to the executable bit :)10:25
d3bugppf:  what fun is sanity?  :P10:25
fSharpbut what I said about being shown at the beginning of files was a bit different. it was with dashes..like rw--rwx--x etc..what are those dashes?10:25
ppffSharp: the bit is not set10:25
awaysHi all; Question about ubuntu:latest on docker hub.10:25
ppfplus you got an extra bit in there ;)10:26
awaysThe kernel on this install from docker has kernel 4.1310:26
ppfdrwxrwxrwx is the full sequence; missing bits are replaced by a dash (in ls)10:26
fSharpblackflow, yeah, maybe the kind of friendship that takes a bit of while to build :)10:26
awaysubuntu 18.04 by default come with 4.1510:26
awayswhy it's wrong on docker hub ?10:26
fSharpblackflow, joke aside, sure I'd take a look. I mean generally man pages seem sort of complex in their narrative style10:27
fSharpas if assuming the reader to be above a certain knowledge level of the topic10:29
blackflowfSharp: some are, most aren't. the chmod one isn't :)   ideally, you should try to use and understand the manpages first, and if something needs clarification we're here to help.10:29
blackflowfSharp: yes. using computers is not a trivial task, requires education and understanding. :)10:30
fSharpI agree, yes10:31
qwebirc15431Hello everyone, i'm not sure i'm in the right place, but i wanted to report that i downloaded the ubuntu 18.04 desktop iso from the ubuntu.com site(official), and halfway through the installation the antivirus(avast) found a trojan virus so it stopped the installation.10:32
ppfqwebirc15431: what antivirus10:32
ppfas in: how are you installing this that you have an AV running10:32
blackflowavast :)     but I think the question is what VIRUS?10:32
ppfblackflow: not really ;)10:33
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blackflowppf: read the original post again? :)10:33
blackflowthe user is DOWNLOADINg, not installing. and using Avast for AV, that allegedly saw a trojan.10:33
ppfhe said halfway through the installation10:33
blackflowI'm erring on the most likely side of it, being a typo ;)10:34
qwebirc15431i think the installer might have been downloading stuff for free codecs etc10:34
ppfqwebirc15431: what installer10:34
qwebirc15431ubuntu installer?10:34
ppfhow are you running the ubuntu installer and avast at the same time10:34
qwebirc15431as i said i was installing it in a virtualbox10:35
ppfyou didn't10:35
blackflowqwebirc15431: you most certainly did not say that.10:35
qwebirc15431and the avast from the windows host give me an error10:35
qwebirc15431my bad10:35
ppfwhy do people still use AV anyways ...10:36
oerheksqwebirc15431, " and halfway through the installation the antivirus(avast) found a trojan virus so it stopped the installation." ... are you trying to install within windows???10:36
oerheksoh virtualbox, i missed that10:36
blackflowwe all did :)10:36
oerheksbad antivirus, false positive10:36
ppfaren't they all bad10:36
blackflowthe REAL question here is WHAT virus. where, what path, how.10:37
qwebirc15431give me a second10:37
ppfas if avast could detect a virus if you hit it in the face with one10:37
blackflowavast is one of those bad boys that MITM your encrypted mail connection so it could scan your mail.10:40
ppfyes :)10:40
ppfbut AVs are bad across the board. there should be a law against them10:41
ppfbut since we're not #windows, i shall stop ranting now :)10:41
qwebirc15431i restarted the installation to see what file is in the error10:42
ppfso, how is avast able to stop something _in_ virtualbox?10:42
oerheksavast monitors download in the host, i guess10:43
ppfand kills the download, that makes sense10:43
ppfprobably after uploading what you download into the cloud, for good measure ...10:43
oerhekslong time no hear about antivirus issues10:44
ppfthat's true10:44
qwebirc15431it is ELF:Agent-RA [Trj].      hhtp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/libssl1.1_1.1Og-2ubuntu4.1_amd64.debidata.tar.xzl|data.tar|. \usr\lub\x86_64-linux-gnu\libcrypto.so.1.110:45
* blackflow facepalms10:45
ppfmy default stance is that people with AV problems deserve them, but this is just brilliant :D10:46
qwebirc15431I was suprised it even scanned the runing virtualmachine10:47
blackflowwell, regular users don't know better and think AVs are protective.10:47
blackflowqwebirc15431: it didn't, it's scanning the host's network traffic10:47
ppfi know. we could blame the schools for not teaching security basics or something10:48
duncan213blackflow: why wuldn't they be protective ?10:48
qwebirc15431so you guys saying it is a false error then10:48
ppfduncan213: they fundamentally can't be10:48
qwebirc15431I'm not using an Av at home and have used linux for like 6-7 years, so i don't trust them either10:49
duncan213ppf, how is that ?10:49
qwebirc15431just wanted to make sure10:49
ppfduncan213: they detect only _known_ viruses. which can't infect you because you've kept your software up to date and closed any security holes10:49
oerheksqwebirc15431, yes, the odd thing is: you are the first one, o the other hand, we should take this serious, but it is unlikely10:49
ppfand if it 's one of those that you actively have to click on, well that's on you10:49
duncan213ppf, true but this is the purpose of viru writers they write up to date versions of viruses10:50
ppfduncan213: as a tradeof, they increase the attack surface of the system by factor a million. the AV is a priviledged process that _opens every file_10:50
blackflowduncan213: they somewhat are, in theory, but in practice they cause more trouble, especially when they MITM encrypted connections.10:50
ppfduncan213: if they update the virus than the AV can't detect it again10:51
duncan213ppf: yes10:51
duncan213what i wanted to say was that10:51
blackflowppf: and in fact, wasn't it Avast that not long ago had a few CVEs itself?10:52
ppfthe one reasonable scenario where it might help is where a trusted source get's infected. such has the windows update store or something. but i'd consider that so unlikely that it doesn't outweigh the insane security compromise you have to accept10:52
ppfblackflow: yes. all of them had10:52
qwebirc15431Thanks for ansvering my q, maybe it is something new in avast, i've instaleld 18.04 on this PC couple of times before10:53
ppfthe one that so far has come out winning is actually windows defender10:53
blackflowqwebirc15431: Avast is the worst of the lot10:53
ppfbecause it doesn't try to parse a lot of files10:53
blackflowwindows defender got a lot beter, and in Win10 is the recommended protection actually.   and..... Holy offtopic Batman!  ;)10:53
ppfthey had a CVE in a scripting engine couple months ago, but that was the first and only one in some time :)10:53
ppfyeah, my bad10:54
qwebirc15431have a nice day guys, hope my problem don't affect anyone, bye10:55
XsisecHello guys I am dualboting with windows 10 and debian, suddendly after I have opened the ext4 file system from windows with a shitty tool, suddenly then when I start my ubuntu it get into emergency mode. It feels like its about the mount/unmount thing_ now I am here from a debian live with usb. could someone please help me out?11:03
Xsisecthis is how my disks looks like inside qparted --> http://i.imgur.com/Npp3VgT.png11:03
ppfXsisec: #debian likely can11:03
ppfXsisec: we don't know anything about debian though :)11:04
oerheksext4 driver in windows.. the horror11:09
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BluesKajHiyas all11:13
fSharpthank you for your help, bye!11:26
duncan213!find one piece 108011:35
ubottupiece is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-pr11:35
tomreyn!warez | duncan21311:41
ubottuduncan213: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o11:41
duncan213tomreyn: sorry i just typed the wrong command on the wrong chat11:42
duncan213it was ment for another channel11:43
ppfwhat's o4o11:44
tomreynduncan213: alright. i don't think there are / should be any such channels on freenode, but maybe you just mixed up networks11:44
duncan213no it was on rizon and it's xdcc11:45
tomreynppf: what makes you inquire about it?11:45
ppfthe warez factoid11:45
duncan213i was searching for an anime "one piece"11:45
tomreynwell, it's OT here anyways11:50
dellTabletUserHello. First time here, I hope I understood the rules. I tried Ubuntu 18.04 (and Fedora) on my Dell Venue 11 Pro 7139 tablet and the touchscreen sadly does not work (from the live USB. Full install untested, but I did try a full install of Fedora 28 which also has the same problem). Where can I go with this issue? Can I edit some files to get it functioning, or does it likely require kernel patching? Thank you12:13
oerheksthis is a general idea from linlap http://www.linlap.com/dell_venue_11_pro , where the wifi will not work,  Intel Dual Band Wireless-N 726012:16
dellTabletUserI had a look at that linlap site before. The wifi works on my model. 7139 i5 vpro. The touchscreen however is not working unlike other places on the internet saying the contrary.12:21
oerheksyes, i am reading that too now, this one is fixed.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/135459812:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1354598 in linux (Ubuntu) "No video on touchscreen -- Dell Venue 11 Pro 7130" [High,Fix released]12:21
oerhekssome say from kernel 4.4 and up12:22
oerheksbut 18.04 comes with 4.15, so that should be good12:22
dellTabletUserI thought >4.4 should be good unless a change that fixed it was reverted for some reason.12:23
dellTabletUserI should be clearer. Only touch input from the touchscreen is not occuring.12:26
partofthelegionhello there, I have a lenovo legion Y520 laptop and I am having troubles with dual boot, after a couple of times I managed to install it finally but it just hangs after 2 minutes in average12:33
partofthelegionI tried to install 18.0412:33
partofthelegiondid anyone experience this problem? I tried googling, changed RSI to AHCI and it didn't help, disabled secured boot it didn't help, nothing really seems to help12:34
kurt-xubuntuonly one thing to do rent a circus cannon12:36
dellTabletUserI have found the bug report related to my 7139 problem. I'll leave now. Thank you.12:38
kurt-xubuntui was just kidding12:39
kurt-xubuntupartofthelegion sometimes when you run into install issues like that its just simpler to try a diferent distro see if the computer likes it better12:40
kurt-xubuntuand try running from a live dvd or thumbdrive before installing12:41
partofthelegionokay thanks12:42
kurt-xubuntuif its not stable running off the live disk its going to give you issues when you install it12:42
kurt-xubuntutry one of the flavors of mint there are three to choose from12:43
kurt-xubuntutry all three12:43
kurt-xubuntutry xubuntu12:43
oerhekskurt-xubuntu, please do not suggest mint, thanks12:44
kurt-xubuntucosts you nothing but a bit of download time12:44
oerheksit is called trolling, as mint is not supported here12:44
oerhekspartofthelegion, tons of howto's about installing on that yoga, but make sure you have an updated uefi bios12:46
syntaxxI am trying to install lvm via preseed. however, whenever I come to partition disk it says unable to install on the logical volume because it is also consist of physical volume on other device. how can I fix it?12:49
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tekisuihow can i solve this ?13:11
tekisuiFailed to find module 'vhba'13:11
nonii have issue with nvidia GeForce 9600 GT and ubuntu-mate [16, 18.04] i have tried a lot of drivers but non of those works [304, 340..etc]13:12
tekisuiperhaps 16.04 version works13:13
tekisuiwell more tinkering :D13:13
tekisuikeeps a man away from the streets13:14
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jk^Do it exist a graphical software for ghostscript?13:20
sipiorjk^: yes, try "gs".13:21
jk^ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about gs13:22
ubottujk^: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:22
sipiorjk^: in your terminal: "sudo apt install ghostscript-x". and then "gs".13:23
jk^what does -x mean?13:27
jk^sipior ?13:27
jk^sipior ghostscript is already istalled13:29
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sipiorjk^: i just checked, and only the plain ghostscript package should be necessary. /usr/bin/gs should be available to you.13:41
jk^sipior, but how to use it?13:41
jk^i need graphic softwar13:42
jk^i did many trouble by terminal commands, i'm not very well to use terminale13:42
elfranneI am having some issues with screen flickering sometimes... any idea where to start ?13:43
sipiorjk^: it has a very nice man page. try "man gs".13:43
jk^man gs?13:44
jk^i don't understand :(13:44
oerheksjk ghostscript does not need a gui, that ghostscript-x is a plugin for pdf support13:44
jk^it doesn't need a gui, i need it13:45
jk^i'm not good to use terminal commands13:45
jk^ok, in repository i can't find "ghostscript-x"13:45
chris___Hello , I'm moving a file with greek letters inside to an ubuntu server with FTP and but when I'm trying to read it , shows bad chars. Why can I do ?13:46
jk^sipior did u mean https://linux.die.net/man/1/gs ?13:46
oerheksinstall synaptic, a more detailed softwarecenter, softwarecenter only shows metapackages13:46
jk^i already have synaptic13:46
jk^i can't find ghostscript-x in synaptic13:46
oerheks!info ghostscript-x13:47
ubottughostscript-x (source: ghostscript): interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF - X11 support. In component main, is optional. Version 9.22~dfsg+1-0ubuntu1.1 (bionic), package size 43 kB, installed size 205 kB13:47
=== erwinnovo is now known as easyOnMe
chriiisHow can I read greek characters in ubuntu ?13:51
ppftake a greek class?13:53
ppfwhat do you mean by read13:53
oerheksyou might want to reask in #ubuntu-gr13:54
chriiisppf: haha  I'm writing greek chars to a file with notepad++ from windows and when I'm moving it to an ubuntu server through FTP , chars are unreadable..13:55
oerheksoh, not an ubuntu issue, wrong charset13:56
chriiiswhat do I need to do ? I made a change to the locale  el_GR.UTF-8 but still the same13:56
oerheksthis seems a usable manual: notepad__ .. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/132318/how-do-i-correct-the-character-encoding-of-a-file13:58
oerheksits menu has convert13:58
oerheksEncoding -> "Encode in UTF-8"13:58
chriiisoerheks: when I do 'file' it says that encoding is already utf814:02
Drego_UPHi guys ;)14:08
jk^excuse me14:11
jk^<jk^> oerheks ghostcript-x is already installed14:11
jk^<jk^> but how can i open it?14:11
jk^i need a grahic solution14:11
jk^<jk^> "ghostscript is command line only program""14:11
blackflowjk^: I don't think one exists, at least I've never heard of a gs GUI14:21
SeTunTunhello. I use ubuntu 14.04. I noticed that I have no sound in my heraphones.14:25
tarzeaualsamixer says what on the output?14:25
tarzeaui'd strongly recommend to upgrade to 16.04 or 18.0414:25
SeTunTunI have another ubuntu machine and the headphones work great. Is there any solution?14:25
tarzeauthe other ubuntu is also 14.04 ?14:26
SeTunTunalso 14.04.14:26
SeTunTunI don't know about alsamixer14:27
easyOnMewhat is the terminal command to enable the changes you make in sites-available to be implemented in sites-enabled14:27
jk^ok blackflow do u know software to do what i need? I need to reduce pdf's dimension...14:27
defa0ltquick python question, in sorting a list, how do these two keys differ: key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[2]) key=itemgetter(0,1,2)14:27
oerheksdefa0lt, run quick to #python14:28
defa0ltoerheks, re-registering my nick now14:29
aniketwhere is the store14:29
oerheksaniket, can you be more clear? what store?14:30
toaderasWhat's up with Chromium and widevine (DRM) in 18.04 ? That is no longer there if you install Chrome on the side14:30
aniketthe ubuntu store on the desktop14:31
padarceasyOnMe, a2ensite <yoursite>14:31
easyOnMepadarc: but I only have one file that contains several subdomains together with its main domain14:31
easyOnMeusing ssl cert14:32
oerheksaniket, type store in search, or scroll through all programms14:32
aniketThanks Andy14:32
SeTunTunany idea?14:34
aniketguys i am on ubuntu mate14:36
aniketsorry for not saying14:36
oerheksaniket, oh that explains; it is called boutique, software boutique14:37
oerheksmate has its own name14:37
oerheksi would still install synaptic, much more detailed softwarecenter14:38
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aniketwhere dose it get put in the menu14:39
oerheksit seems to have a coat hanger https://news-cdn.softpedia.com/images/news2/ubuntu-mate-17-04-lands-with-mate-1-18-desktop-brisk-menu-updated-components-514870-8.jpg14:40
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blackflowjk^: you can edit -- more like import and re-export -- single page PDF in Inkscape, but I don't know of a gui tool dedicated for (multi page) PDF editing.14:43
Exterminadorhello guys. is there any web management system for Ubuntu, other than webmin? I've been searching around but seems there's none official14:47
leftyfbExterminador: why do you need it?14:48
blackflowwell there's Landscape, but that's general system/service/container management, not specifically shared-host oriented like webmin14:49
Exterminadorwell, I found easier to manage databases via web interface than command line, especially PostgreSQL14:49
leftyfbExterminador: do you want an interface for PostgreSQL, not necessarily all services14:49
blackflowExterminador: for that you can install only phpPgAdmin (but don't put it on a public URL)14:49
leftyfbExterminador: though I would highly encourage getting better at managing your DB's without a web interface14:50
amiriteHi all. I just got a new laptop and put linux on it. Suspend and hibernate were working out of the box, but would cause a suspend loop (i.e. suspend again after 30 seconds into the session after resuming a session). I eventually fixed that, but now my power management is messed up in that I can't get linux to acknowledge a laptop lid close event14:52
Exterminadoryeah, I should. but the syntaxes aren't exactly noob friendly14:53
amiritethus I dont suspend automatically. evtest tells me that "Lid Switch" is /dev/input/event0. I can watch that event through evtest or by catting it and I do not get any event by closing the lid14:53
amiritedoes anyone have any suggestions?14:53
leftyfbExterminador: running and managing production PostgreSQL databases shouldn't be done by "noobs"14:58
Spork_Laptophello all.15:03
Spork_Laptophas anyone else noticed that ubuntu-software no longer shows categories?15:03
Spork_Laptopi noticed that this may affect only some people and dates back to 2016?15:04
oerhekssure it does15:04
Spork_Laptopnot for me :(15:04
Spork_Laptopi wished there was a way i could fix it15:05
easyOnMesorry folks15:09
easyOnMeis this the channel of ubuntu apache15:09
oerheksSpork_Laptop, there seems to be no option to hide those, remove .local/share.gnome-software and .cache/gnome-software  and restart softwarecenter15:09
oerhekseasyOnMe,  for apache there is #ubuntu-server too15:10
Spork_Laptopok gimme a second ty15:10
Spork_Laptopno dice :(15:12
Spork_Laptopbrb gonna restart15:12
oerhekswith dconf /org/gnome/desktop/notifications/application/org-gnome-software/ there is no setting, also15:12
oerheksreinstall gnome-softwarecenter perhaps?15:12
dptcHi there, I uninstalled Wine but the icons for a wine-install program remain. Is there a way of removing them (and the icons within the application menu)?15:14
blackflowdptc: OTOH, perhaps remove ~/.local/share/applications/wine* .desktop files?15:15
easyOnMeoerheks: ok thanks15:15
easyOnMeI think that is what I am looking for15:15
dptcblackflow: that was my thought too but there are now wine .desktop files in that directory, which is puzzling...15:17
blackflowdptc: look into /usr/share/applications/  for any lingering ones, but those should be removed with the package15:17
blackflowdptc: or maybe you just need to restart/recache the desktop15:17
dptcblackflow: do you know how to restart/recache desktop off the top of your head? I did restart but to no avail.15:18
blackflowdptc: alt-f2 and r,  for gnome shell. but if you restarted the whole computer, it should've removed it too.    does this return anything?   find ~/ -type f -name '*wine*'  ?15:19
Spork_Laptopok im back15:19
Spork_Laptopoerheks what did hyou say about dconf?15:20
oerhekswith dconf /org/gnome/desktop/notifications/application/org-gnome-software/ there is no setting, also15:20
oerheksreinstall gnome-softwarecenter perhaps?15:20
dptcblackflow: yes! it does. is it same to do a sweeping rm on these files?15:20
Spork_Laptopi did that too15:20
blackflowdptc: not sure what you're asking15:21
Spork_Laptopthis is super frustrating15:21
dptcblackflow: despite wine being uninstall, the command you've given me has unearthed a number of files associated with wine. would it be okay to delete all of these?15:21
Drego_UPGuys, when it is released on 18.04.01? Has the date already been defined?15:22
oerheksdptc, uninstalling wine does not remove the ~/.wine folder, hidden15:22
blackflowdptc: I don't know. it's for you to decide whether these files belong to wine or not. afaik, installing stuff in wine would result with a .desktop file created under ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/,   so those should be safe to remove. I don't know what else you've got. perhaps pastebin?15:22
blackflowdptc: and what oerheks just said too, about ~/.wine/15:23
dptcblackflow: https://pastebin.com/9PvQb55z15:23
Spork_Laptopbtw oerheks when i tried running dconf  /org/gnome/desktop/notifications/application/org-gnome-software/ it says unknown command  /org/gnome/desktop/notifications/application/org-gnome-software/15:24
ash_worksikeeping with FHS, what directory would you compile programs to?15:24
blackflowdptc: I'd guess those are safe to remove. I'd personally remove them if I were you and I just uninstalled WINE.15:25
ash_worksiI guess /usr/local/bin ?15:25
dptcblackflow: is there a way to adapt the line of code you wrote to delete those instances of wine that it found?15:26
oerheksSpork_Laptop,  install dconf-editor first?15:27
oerheksand it is a gui15:27
Spork_Laptopoh sorry, thansk :)15:27
Spork_Laptopit also doesnt show all the installed software i have, and i've only seen like a handfull of other people with this problem, but the answer is always something like "its a bug" but no solution15:28
blackflowdptc: find has  -delete option  so just append that.... MAKING SURE that's really what you wanna delete.15:28
blackflowdptc: I have to warn, NO SUDO!15:29
dptcblackflow: thanks for the heads up on sudo15:29
iorialocate wine15:29
oerheksblackflow, maybe he needs just sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoremove15:30
blackflowoerheks: I don't know15:30
slowingguys, i was wondering if i could boot into ubuntu automatically (dual boot with windows 10) depending on the condition that some usb is plugged into a port. I imagine that the solution involves some kind of grub coding (maybe?)...15:32
slowingjust confirmed whether there was someone named "guys" :)15:34
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dptcblackflow: got there in the end! thank you for all your help with this, really appriciate it!15:38
blackflowdptc: yw15:38
dptcblackflow: it's amazing how much more of a userbase ubuntu has and even still, large corporations cannot be bothered to develop a linux-compatible application15:40
RaybihInterpretatio Christiana15:40
dptcsuppose it isn't in there interest given the majority of the market is Windows or OS X15:40
slowingkaushal, hi15:41
kaushalAre there any AMI instances to spawn Ubuntu desktop in AWS?15:41
kaushalslowing: Hi15:41
kaushalI mean community AMI's15:41
slowinghmm... after posting a question in this channel, after how long can i repost it so that i can gather more attention to it?15:46
blackflowdptc: depends on the applications in question and what their userbase usually is.15:50
Rumensomeone familiar with Nvidia?15:51
pragmaticenigma!ask Rumen15:51
dptcblackflow: true15:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:51
SystemParadoxCan anyone help explain to me how the 'asm' directory works when compiling kernel modules? I have a 3rd party module here which builds fine on Ubuntu 16.04, gcc 5.4.0, but with Ubuntu 18.04, gcc 7.3.0 it is unable to include <asm/linkage.h>15:52
pragmaticenigmaRumen: Please keep all discussion in the main channel. It allows everyone to see the solution and allows other people to assist and verify advice provided is accurate. I also do not accept Private/Direct messages.15:54
blackflowSystemParadox: the third party module should be compatible with the kernel version you're building against. I'm guessing files changed with newer kernels and that file is no longer there. what is it, btw?15:55
oerhekshe is answered in ##linux15:56
oerhekscrossposters, bleeh15:56
RumenI wanted to change the card NVS300 with GT730 - but NVS300 uses driver Nvidia-340, when I changed the cards with GT730 the driver changed to Nvidia-390 and some applications freeze the whole computer like Google maps ... strage, but - YES I retuned the NVS 300 but again I have a problem - I can install and use only Xorg driver and I can't change the driver to Nvidia 340 - return automaticaly to Xorg.15:57
RumenI got error's like "Error parsing lines in Nvidia-settings" and some Kernel modules.15:58
RumenI tried to uninstall - purge the whole Nvidia - nothing happens15:58
Rumensame result.15:58
blackflowRumen: if I were you, I'd purge all nvidia packages, reboot so in-kernel's nouveau takes over (making sure there's nothing nvidia proprietary involved), then install nvidia-driver-390, reboot.15:59
petrocan't upgrade as usual....ubuntu versions get worse every change15:59
blackflowassuming of course, nouveau is insufficient for you.15:59
petroeven the writeups on it suck....i.e. are useless15:59
RumenI did it - same result. Couple of times15:59
petroRumen, that's because, ubuntu sucks now16:00
oerhekshelpfull, petro16:00
pragmaticenigmapetro: That is not appropriate for this channel. Do not discourage others from receiving help16:00
RumenI used "sudo apt purge nvidia-*" than sudo apt clear, then sudo update, the reboot the insstall 390  .... and nothing16:00
petroreally buggy pos16:01
oerheks18.04 will be available when 18.04.1 comes out, end of this month16:01
pragmaticenigmapetro: This is a family friendly channel, please clean up the language16:01
pragmaticenigma!ohmy | petro16:01
ubottupetro: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:01
oerheksthis is normal, for *any* LTS release16:01
kaushalI have setup ubuntu remote desktop and installed vncserver but the screen is black when using vnc viewer16:01
kaushalAny clue?16:01
RumenBasicaly I want to change the card with the GT730 - but how to install the driver properly so applications like Google maps will not freeze the whole computer?16:02
petronot being able to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 is normal?  really?16:02
blackflowpetro: are you even sure you're upgrading to 18.04. it's not possible at the moment, it'll toss you over to 18.10 which is ALPHA grade16:02
oerheks17.10 users all have the update notification in updates16:02
blackflowoerheks: for 18.04?16:03
oerheksto 18.04, yes16:03
ducassepetro: what does the 'Prompt' line say in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades?16:03
pragmaticenigmapetro: without know everything taht you have done to your machine, it's impossible to know what is causing an issue. If you have 3rd party PPAs enabled, installed software from outside the Ubuntu package managers, or compiled something directly on your machine can all impact the ability to use the automated upgrade scripts to move from one version to the next16:03
blackfloware you sure? iirc, it stopped being the case when 18.10 became available as alpha/beta16:03
petrothis was released in APRIL16:03
leftyfbpetro: it was not released as an upgrade as of yet16:04
dptcI've only recently moved to 18.04, installed on an xps 13 but some of the application scaling for the 4k screen is a bit iffy16:04
oerhekstime to run apt full-upgrade16:04
petroI didn't do anything to the machine... I know the updates for 17.10 are done this thurs so I thought I'd upgrade now16:04
oerheksleftyfb, i have it in my update screen16:04
easyOnMeoerheks: how do I clear the nautilus of my password for ssh connection to a live server16:04
petroI have a nvidia card so I am worried about what that means16:04
leftyfboerheks: that's new ... thought it wasn't for another week16:05
Rumenis it true that nvidia-396 is better than nvidia-390? I saw in one site that nvidia-390 have some bug?16:05
petroit seems every upgrade, run into issues due to the 3rd party apps (ppa) but I am not even at that stage yet16:05
blackflowRumen: well, in my case (GTX960) yes. Gnome was very crashy with 390 until I installed 396 from the graphics PPA.16:05
oerheksoh, i see it for weeks now.. https://imgur.com/a/QylrYRd16:05
ducassepetro: please answer my question above16:05
blackflowoerheks: petro: then I stand corrected, my apologies for misinfo.16:06
oerheksupdates "for any new version'16:07
ducasseoerheks: yes, i'm thinking he has it set to lts16:08
petroducasse, prompt=normal16:08
ducassepetro: ok, are you sure you are fully up to date?16:08
petrooerheks, checked that... it's already set for "for any new version'16:08
petroI receive the msg, no new updates16:09
petrobut, the upgrade is supposed to be about 30 min to an hr at least16:09
oerheksagain, time to run apt full-upgrade16:09
oerheksand ppas will be disabled, so that could not been an issue before16:10
SystemParadoxAre there any known issues with building kernel modules on 18.04? I'm trying to build a 3rd party module which uses the /lib/modules/[version]/build/Makefile, but I'm getting an error in "include/linux/linkage.h" trying to include <asm/linkage.h>. Either I'm missing a symlink or something isn't adding the asm directory to the include path.16:11
blackflowSystemParadox: you were answered. and if you're asking the same question in multiple channels, please don't.16:12
pragmaticenigmaSystemParadox: This isn't the right channel for those questions. This is for support of ready to install packages from the Ubuntu package channels... You need to find the Ubuntu developement channel16:13
SystemParadoxok sorry16:14
oerheksindeed, if you are the writer of that module16:14
SystemParadoxI'm not16:15
SystemParadoxhmm. perhaps I have not made myself clear. I believe there is an issue with 18.04. I do not believe the issue is within the module I am trying to build. There's something wrong with either the linux-kernel-headers include tree or the kernel build files16:18
pragmaticenigmaSystemParadox: This is still not the right channel ... You need to go to the development channels for ubuntu16:18
leftyfbSystemParadox: try #ubuntu-kernel or #ubuntu-devel16:18
pragmaticenigmaThanks leftyfb16:19
oerheks gcc 5.4.0 to gcc 7.3.0 issue.. or contact the writer of the module16:19
easyOnMeanyone here knows how to clear the nautilus of the password used to connect to a live server16:20
pragmaticenigmaeasyOnMe: The password is stored in the Gnome Keyring, you will have to open the keyring and fing the entry to remove it16:21
oerhekseasyOnMe, that would be stored in keys&passwords ( seahorse)16:21
easyOnMeoerheks: no I already checked using seahorse found nothing16:22
leftyfbeasyOnMe: "live server"?16:22
easyOnMeleftyfb: to an online server16:23
easyOnMelike a droplet16:23
leftyfbeasyOnMe: what type of server? ssh?16:23
easyOnMeI used nautilus it worked fine until I accidentally save password forever16:23
leftyfbeasyOnMe: I am not aware of seahorse caching passwords for ssh accounts. Passphrases for ssh keys maybe.16:23
easyOnMenow I cannot key in a new password for a different user16:23
easyOnMeno I do not need that16:24
easyOnMethose are for terminals16:24
easyOnMeI want to use the nautilus to log in to a new user account with higher privileges problem is nautilus keeps on using the old user's password so new user cannot log in16:24
leftyfbeasyOnMe: How are you trying to connect exactly?16:25
pragmaticenigmaeasyOnMe: Try using sftp://new_username@sftp.server.example.com format16:25
easyOnMeusing the connect to server feature16:25
leftyfbeasyOnMe: ok, so you're mounting a directory via sshfs16:25
pragmaticenigmaeasyOnMe: Press Ctrl + L on the folder window and try that address format16:26
easyOnMeleftyfb: yes16:26
phinxyIs the minimal Ubuntu a new thing?16:28
leftyfbphinxy: yes16:28
phinxyThe "minimal ubuntu" for my singleboard computer isnt the official then?16:29
oerheksminimal option in the regular installer, is new yes16:30
leftyfbphinxy: huh?16:30
FurretUber1When I hibernate my notebook, GRUB2 acts as if the shutdown was unsuccessful, taking 30 seconds to choose an option, even while it restores the system correctly after hibernation16:31
oerheksthe mini iso is older https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:31
pragmaticenigmaphinxy: If you are installing to a personal computer (laptop/desktop) the minimal Ubuntu install is not the right version.16:31
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: that might not always be an accurate assumption16:31
oerheksminimal iso / minimal option16:32
phinxypragmaticenigma• You can't stop me16:32
pragmaticenigmamini iso is not the same is the Minimal Ubuntu. Mini ISO is primaryily for network installations16:33
leftyfbphinxy: What exactly can we help you with?16:33
pragmaticenigmaphinxy: I can't, but the way you are phrasing, gave me the impression you might be new to Ubuntu and are possibly looking at the wrong edition.16:33
phinxyHas someone compiled the differences between minimal, mini iso and standard Ubuntu?16:34
leftyfbphinxy: they are completely different ways to install ubuntu16:35
pragmaticenigmaThere is no reason to compile a difference list, Ubuntu documentation already explains the differences and purpose for each one16:35
leftyfbphinxy: they are not comparable16:35
leftyfbphinxy: what exactly do you need help with?16:35
oerhekspolling for homework :-D16:35
phinxyleftyfb• I wanted to know if the Ubuntu I'm running is official or what else could it be?16:38
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leftyfbphinxy: did you download the installer from ubuntu.com?16:39
oerhekssingleboad computer, is that arm ..16:40
phinxyleftyfb• No.16:40
leftyfbphinxy: where did you get it?16:40
phinxyFrom a repository created by a person which is supported by the vendor of the arm64 board16:44
leftyfbphinxy: then no, it's more than likely not official. Not sure why you would think otherwise16:44
pragmaticenigmaphinxy: The only official releases of ubuntu are found at http://releases.ubuntu.com/ ... if it doesn't come from an Ubuntu.com domain, it is not official. It also is not supported on this channel.16:46
Rumenblackflow:   In this case do you see the driver as "manualy installed" and the program Nvidia from the menu doesn't appear?16:46
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: There are official mirrors16:46
blackflowRumen: what menu?16:47
pragmaticenigmareleases.ubuntu.com leftyfb handles that automatically.16:47
RumenAnother question - can I install some older driver, which is known as stable? And how to find which is?16:47
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: http://mirrors.mit.edu/ubuntu-cdimage/   <~~~ official mirror16:48
pragmaticenigmaRumen: Run the following command and paste the results to paste.ubuntu.com: lshw -c video16:48
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: This isn't the right place for this discussion16:48
RumenThis one https://ibb.co/jPnDWy16:50
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ppfpragmaticenigma: sure it is16:50
ppfyou're overdoing it with the gatekeeping :)16:51
RumenHere you are16:51
pragmaticenigmaRumen: You are currently running on the nouveau (open source) nvidia driver.16:52
blackflowRumen: sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.16:52
RumenI can't run the Nvidia driver only nouveau16:54
pragmaticenigmaRumen: which means you have successfully remove the nvidia drivers or configured the system to use the OpenSource driver. So I think the next step would be shut down the machine, remove the older card and install the newer card and see if you are still experiencing issues. Right?16:54
pragmaticenigmaRumen: The nvidiia driver will only run if it is installed.16:55
RumenThis is the problem it can't be installed16:55
Rumengive errors16:55
blackflowRumen: what are the errors?16:57
pragmaticenigmaRumen: was the screengrab earlier from when it was installed??? or is that under the currently running system16:57
blackflowbtw, that lshw is different from the nvidia-settings screenshot, that's not the same card16:58
RumenThis one16:58
RumenAnd couple of Kernel module errors16:58
blackflowRumen: can you run nvidia-settings from the command line?16:58
RumenNo - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DTNwMXR8tk/17:00
blackflowRumen: and what happens when you install the nvidia-driver-390 package (Assuming Ubuntu 18.04)?17:01
p1l0tMy /boot is full. I'm on the 4.13 kernel but I can't remove 4.4 because it says 4.128 has unmet depencies or something...17:02
RumenYes ubuntu 18.04 - give errors and when run only the xorg driver17:02
Rumenif by any chanse I succeed to run it - it freeze the computer when I start some applications17:03
blackflowRumen: what errors would those be? can you reboot with the proprietary driver installed, and save /var/log/Xorg.0.log somewhere, if xorg doesn't start, then pastebin it17:03
blackflowRumen: also, did you try the v396 from the graphics PPA?17:03
RumenWhen the nvidia run the procesors goes to 90% ... and I have 8 - not normal17:03
Rumenyes I try also PPA17:04
Rumensame result17:04
RumenI think I have some problem in the Kernel module at the moment I have to fix it first before I make fresh instalation - but how to check and how to fix?17:05
seizoim trying to install ubuntu 18.04 server on an apu2c4 board, how would i go about this over a serial connection? gfx fails to load17:06
blackflowRumen: well you'd have to check dmesg and Xorg.0.log for any hints on what's going on with the nvidia module17:07
topdownjimmyI did a dist-upgrade recently and may have rushed through the prompts asking me about modifying config files a little too quickly. Is there a way to see which config files were changed during upgrade?17:13
blackflowtopdownjimmy: find /etc/ -type f -mtime -X     where X is the number of hours, or less, of the file modification timestamp. so if you upgraded in the past hour or so, use   -mtime -117:18
blackflowtopdownjimmy: that finds files modified in that time frame, not directly answer to your question, though.17:19
topdownjimmyblackflow: Thanks17:19
topdownjimmyYeah like I wish there were a way to show the 3-way diff of all the config files I was offered an option on17:20
AnticomHey. I'm desperatly trying to create a bootable thumb drive. (I'm on Xenial) I first tried usb-creator-gtk which didn't work and left my thumb drive mangled. After some fiddling i got it fixed and tried unetbootin but it failed as well17:24
boernd\join #froscon-orga clubmate2317:24
AnticomOh and i tried two different thumb drives to make sure it's not the drive's fault17:26
AnticomAny ideas what steps to take next?17:27
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compdocAnticom, finding the right program to write to a usb stick can be difficult17:32
Anticomcompdoc: i just don't get why cannonical won't fix their tool of choice...17:34
oerheksrufus/etcher for windows, dd for mac and linux17:34
Anticomoerheks: can i simply dd an ISO?17:34
compdocit must work with some things. I just now tried to write an OS iso file to usb, and it wont boot17:35
Anticomwell i want to get bionic beaver on the damn drive :D17:35
Anticomand i would expect it to work there17:35
pragmaticenigmaAnticom: It's necassarily the tool. Lots of people use that tool and have not had any issues. It could also be the USB at fault, so much as they're not able to be boot from. Cheap/free thumb drives often do not work for me to boot from17:35
Anticompragmaticenigma: well i tried two different drives by two different manufacturers17:36
compdochave you tried Startup Disk Creator?17:36
oerhekssure, the iso is redy for usb, sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sd? bs=4M status=progress17:36
Anticomoerheks: +117:36
pragmaticenigmaAnticom: and it's entirely possible both have the same internals. Lots of companies sell each other's chipsets and chips17:36
Anticomoerheks: what about sync etc. once it's finnished?17:37
Anticompragmaticenigma: wouldn't say that san disk is one of the cheap ones17:38
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oerhekssync is a good idea, it does nothing more actually than normal waiting until the prompt appears17:39
lotuspsychjeAnticom: i never had a faulty usb yet with ubuntu's disk creator17:39
oerheksand progress should say enough17:40
Anticomoerheks: terminal ftw :)17:40
oerheksall problems i see, are unpatient users, installing nvidia, that could take some time, too17:40
texlaHow to blank dvd-rw17:45
RumenThis is the result from the  journalctl   https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cxShM3yG7v/17:45
oerhekstexla, sure that option is to find in the dvd writing tool17:46
lotuspsychjeRumen: do you have a nvidia-340xx driver in your ubuntu-drivers list ?17:47
xet7texla: install brasero or k3b , and use menu option17:47
lotuspsychje!burn | texla17:47
ubottutexla: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:47
texlaoerheks, tried brasero and only wiped 1500 mb off the disc17:48
lotuspsychjeRumen: seems like 390 is ignoring your card17:48
oerheksoh, so you know the answer. i am off17:48
Rumenyes NVS 300 should run 34017:51
Rumenbut 340 give error during instalation and crash17:52
lotuspsychjeRumen: have you tried switch from GUI additional drivers section?17:52
RumenYes - automatically returns to Xorg17:52
lotuspsychjeRumen: could you hastebin: ubuntu-drivers list please?17:53
RumenI click on 340  .... it asks password and after minute return to Xorg17:53
lotuspsychjeRumen: wich ubuntu version is that again?17:54
RumenHere you are https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wFwXnNjn4C/17:56
RumenUbuntu 18.04 LTS17:56
lotuspsychjeRumen: pastebin us what happens when: sudo apt install nvidia-340 please17:57
RumenError code 1   at the end  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QbbRYkRhWm/17:59
lotuspsychjeRumen: oh..my russian is not so good, but did you add external ppa's?18:00
RumenI don't remember to add such18:01
RumenI think no18:02
hfpHow do I troubleshoot a cron not running? `sudo crontab -l` lists the cron, `sudo crontab -e` saves the file just fine, and yet the cron is never run.18:02
lambdoidshould I install ubuntu on my macbook pro?18:03
lambdoidor is that a bad idea?18:03
lotuspsychje!mac | lambdoid18:03
ubottulambdoid: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:03
pragmaticenigmalambdoid: Is this your first time working with Linux or Ubuntu?18:03
lambdoidI know Ubuntu in and out18:04
lambdoidbut never used it much on mac18:04
lotuspsychje!cron | hfp18:05
ubottuhfp: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto18:05
callMe_Dudehas anyone tried HEADEST music streaming app on Ubuntu????18:05
pragmaticenigmalambdoid: I'd say go for it, take a look at the link ubottu posted.18:07
seizohow can i edit the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file of an ubuntu 18.04 server iso? trying to boot with a serial interface instead of anything with gfx18:07
lambdoidmy mac is very recent and undocumented18:07
lambdoidit's risky18:07
pragmaticenigmacallMe_Dude: This channel is best for requesting support for Ubuntu. For other topics and discussion, please join the #ubuntu-offtopic channel18:07
lotuspsychjeRumen: try this with your lib.so file: https://askubuntu.com/questions/419304/dpkg-divert-error-rename-involves-overwriting-usr-lib-xorg-protocol-txt-wit18:07
oerhekscallMe_Dude, if that app is not in the repos, we don't support it, and polling is useless here18:08
lotuspsychjeseizo: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys might know a trick for that18:08
lotuspsychjelambdoid: try a liveusb?18:09
lotuspsychjeRumen: check also your sources.list please to doublecheck ppa's adding18:09
lotuspsychje!sources | Rumen18:09
ubottuRumen: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.18:09
pavlosseizo: this may help ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/924913/how-to-get-to-the-grub-menu-at-boot-time-using-serial-console18:11
Rumenmany errors this is the end https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D8MNG54ch3/18:11
pragmaticenigmalambdoid: I guess I'd recommend going with your gut feeling. If you're not comfortable with it, I wouldn't risk it. Though I would only thing you risk to lose is MacOS, which you can install again if you had to. Your data is backed up... right?18:11
fwefHi, I recently bought a monitor HP Z Display z27n. When I connect it to my laptop via HDMI and USB-C to USB-A cable the display works and keyboard+mouse that are connected to the monitor work too. However, when I connect to the laptop using single USB-C to USB-C, the display works but keyboard+mouse don't. After I reboot the laptop it works until it's disconnected again. Any ideas how to fix this?18:12
lotuspsychjeRumen: what was your command?18:12
Rumensudo mv /usr/lib/xorg/protocol-precise.txt /usr/lib/xorg/protocol-precise.txt.bak18:12
Rumensudo apt-get -f install18:12
pragmaticenigmaseizo: I have no way to verify this information, but this github page appears to have instructions to do what you are looking for. https://github.com/ynkjm/ubuntu-serial-install18:12
itstravis019Am running 16.04 LTS The Life Time Support is 2021 and I was wondering Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will it work on my computer because everytime when I try to install a newer verison of Ubuntu after it tryes to reboot after the installation it seems like it dies likes goes into a sleep mode and the power lite turns orenge like its sleeping and it wont boot up right... I been having some troubles with it but I was researshing about it and 18:13
itstravis019with the kernel I was wondering if I can install a kernel LTS Verison that is more stable18:13
oerheksitstravis019, you can add HWE18:13
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack18:13
lotuspsychjeRumen: no...tou need to replace dir to your lib.so file18:14
itstravis019oerheks could you link me a video because am very sorry a newbie and cant read that will18:17
pragmaticenigmafwef: That is a hardware issue, and isn't something that you'll be able to fix in a config file. Depending on how the monitor and the laptop do their power negotiations, it typically drops the peripherals until the monitor receives power.18:18
oerheksI have no knowledge if there is a video, itstravis019 and the few commands are pretty straight forward18:19
pragmaticenigmaitstravis019: There are no videos on how to install HWE support. You need to go that website for proper instructions.18:19
oerheksin one line, and reboot18:21
lotuspsychjeRumen: paste us your sources.list plz?18:21
fwefpragmaticenigma, so what are my options?18:23
lambdoidI tried booting ubuntu live usb on my macbook pro18:26
lambdoidthe keyboard and touchpad didn't work18:26
lotuspsychjelambdoid: and? did it work?18:26
oerheksfwef, sounds like you have to boot with usb-c connected, and be happy with that18:26
lambdoidI have a very recent macbook pro18:26
lotuspsychjelambdoid: did you read the !mac url? some tweaks might be needed18:26
lambdoid2017 model18:26
lambdoidmy mac wasn't documented18:27
lambdoidthat's my max18:27
lotuspsychjelambdoid: you might need this github: https://github.com/Dunedan/mbp-2016-linux#keyboard--touchpad18:28
pragmaticenigmafwef: I just told you, there is nothing you can do. You found a way that works reliably the way you want. That's all you can do.18:28
lambdoidapparently there is no way to get audio working on ubuntu on the new macs18:29
lambdoidI can't live without music18:29
lambdoiduntil that is fixed I won't switch to ubuntu18:29
pragmaticenigmasounds like a good plan lambdoid18:30
lambdoidI love youtube marathons18:30
lambdoidneed to hear it18:30
blackflowor get decent hardware, not that faux crapple stuff that's basically wintel hardware with shiny logo.18:30
lambdoidI'm back18:31
lambdoidfaux crapple?18:31
blackflowyah. they sell you regular intel hardware but the price is hiked up due to the logo.18:32
lambdoidalso I can't suspend or hibernate with ubuntu18:32
lambdoidon the latest macs18:32
lambdoidwaste of power18:32
oerhekswait until 20.04 for proper support, too new hardware ..18:32
blackflowofftopic here tho', I was just wondering why would anyone buy that overpriced mess where keyboard stops working after some short time. and can't replace it.18:33
lambdoidyou can repair it18:34
ash_worksiwhats the shortest way to print just filename:number from grep output?18:39
TuxBlackEdoHello, I am on a clean install of ubuntu 18.04, i have edited my /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml and did a "netplan apply" however netplan doesnt apply the configuration file on startup, is there something I need to be doing to make this happen?18:49
naccTuxBlackEdo: does it apply any config?18:50
ioriaTuxBlackEdo,     sudo netplan --debug generate18:50
TuxBlackEdo@nacc yes18:50
TuxBlackEdoioria: https://pastebin.com/sUmUJEtM18:51
ioriaTuxBlackEdo,   does  'ip a'  report correctly ethx nic names ?18:53
TuxBlackEdoioria: yes18:53
ioriaTuxBlackEdo,  can you paste /etc/netplan/*.yaml ?18:54
AnticomHi. Quick question: Is Ubuntu's first user always GID&UID 1000 ?18:56
TuxBlackEdoioria: https://pastebin.com/aJQsV2sD18:56
Anticomioria: also true for bionic beaver?18:56
ioriai guess so18:56
ioriaTuxBlackEdo,  are you using NM or networkd ?18:57
blackflowAnticom: yes on both.18:57
Anticomgreat, cheers o/18:57
ioriaTuxBlackEdo,  i think about a conflict18:58
TuxBlackEdoioria: network-manager is what started... i stopped it manually to get rid of dhcp18:58
ioriaTuxBlackEdo,  mmm, try to backup /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml18:58
ioriaTuxBlackEdo,  sudo systemctl stop network-manager && sudo systemctl disable network-manager18:59
ioriaTuxBlackEdo,  i mean sudo mv  /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml  /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml.back19:00
TuxBlackEdoioria: done19:01
ioriaTuxBlackEdo, reboot19:01
Mystic_ReverieDoes anyone know if I can play text adventures or point and click adventures on Ubuntu ?19:01
blackflowMystic_Reverie: inform is in the repo, so I'd say yes19:02
blackflowTADS too.19:03
Mystic_ReverieThanks, thats nice. I will install19:03
blackflowMystic_Reverie: I'm assuming you know what those are19:04
Mystic_ReverieI've hear d of them. I think they are text adventure creators, but you can also download other peoples creations and play them19:05
petroubuntu and 18.04 is such garbage19:06
Mystic_ReverieReally??  I like it and im not very experienced with Ubuntu19:06
petroafter upgrade, it deleted some program files and messed up my keyboard settings....what a pos19:06
Mystic_ReverieArent you supposed to back stuff up before upgrade?  I dunno19:07
blackflowMystic_Reverie: they're IF specific languages and interpreters. And there's the anual IF competition so there should be A LOT of games to play.19:07
blackflowMystic_Reverie: don't listen to trolls ;)19:07
petroMystic_Reverie, that would explain it then19:07
petroI'm not a troll, just honest19:07
Mystic_ReverieYes, I like the IF website, some imaginative people !19:07
petroit should be easy to find keyboard settings.  nope19:08
petroi can't use the shift key...ubuntu is such crap19:08
blackflowMystic_Reverie: there's also SCUMM I think that's the name, for oldschool point'n'click19:08
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petroi have to google search something that should be straight forward but ubuntu makes it difficult...since it's a garbage os19:08
blackflowMystic_Reverie: yeah, scummvm package19:09
petroi will probably switch to debian when i build my new computer19:09
blackflow!info scummvm19:09
ubottuscummvm (source: scummvm): engine for several graphical adventure games. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.0+dfsg-1 (bionic), package size 10794 kB, installed size 38521 kB19:09
royal_screwup21I'm in deep trouble. I'm on ubuntu 16.04  and I accidentally clicked on a link sent by one my friends on fb. It took to me another fb page, no login or anything. However, apparently this link is a virus and my friend clicked on it and now it's being sent out of his account to his friends, without him knowing. Is there anything I can do to stop this19:09
royal_screwup21 virus from infecting me, if it hasn't already?19:09
Mystic_ReverieYes I used that before. Great for the oldies. I see on stea mmany games are for linux now, but I dont think they are really for linux, but can be played via weblink or something.  Actuall linux games, i'm not sure there are so many.19:09
petrowhat is it deleting programs during the upgrade19:09
petrowhat a pos19:10
lotuspsychjeroyal_screwup21: online worms cant be stopped by the operating system19:10
blackflowroyal_screwup21: report it to facebook. not an ubuntu issue.19:10
Mystic_ReverieThimbleweed park is a new but retro style point and click, but not sure it can be run right from linux19:10
blackflowMystic_Reverie: GoG has more btw.19:10
Mystic_ReverieDo they run straight out of linux though?  I get confused about that19:11
royal_screwup21lotuspsychje: yup, sorry, this was a little off topic. I was wondering if there's a trusted anti-virus package or something for ubuntu?19:11
ducasseMystic_Reverie: there are several point and click adventures that are native to linux19:11
pragmaticenigmapetro: Again, please mind your language here. This is a family friendly channel and cursing is not appropriate19:11
blackflowMystic_Reverie: they do support Ubuntu, I just don't know if all or some games, probably just some19:11
lotuspsychjeroyal_screwup21: yes, clamav but as i said it will not find an online worm on some webpage..19:11
Mystic_ReverieI'd be interested to know them.  As I said, I getr confused looking through steam, so many games say linux supported, but I dont know what they mean when they say that, as they are not native games19:12
blackflowMystic_Reverie: if there's the steamos support icon, then it means linux.19:12
petrothis garbage os added a keyboard shortcut i don't want....19:13
lotuspsychjepetro: language please!19:13
jpabloHi there, How can change between screen like "ctrl + alt + f1" in ubuntu?19:13
petropragmaticenigma, calling the os garbage is not bad language....19:13
ducassepetro: please stop the complaining if you want help19:13
petrojpablo, answer is dont' use ubuntu19:13
pragmaticenigmapetro: your abbreviation is not appropriate19:13
blackflow!ops | petro wants out19:14
ubottupetro wants out: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax19:14
lotuspsychjeMystic_Reverie: you should know better, only ubuntu support questions here19:14
petrosure, help me?  there's nothing in keyboard shortcuts why this is happening19:15
Mystic_ReverieWell, i was asking for hints regarding my linux, which is ubuntu - the only linux I use19:15
petroplease explain why the ubuntu process is designed to delete programs19:15
JimBuntujpablo - If you are using 18.04, try CTRL+ALT+F719:15
petropeople should know this19:15
pragmaticenigmaroyal_screwup21: What you clicked on is called a click-jacking attack. Nothing is downloaded or affected on your computer. What has happened is somewhere along the path of that link, a redirect intercepted a cookie for your facebook account. What you need to do is change your facebook password, make sure you go into the account and log out any sessions you do not recognize and then send a message to your friends to19:15
pragmaticenigmalet them know that you were affected.19:15
lotuspsychjeMystic_Reverie: focus on the actual support, less on the whole storytelling19:15
petrosomeone here should tell them19:15
pragmaticenigmaFor further support royal_screwup21, please contact facebook19:16
petrosince you are such fans... you would think you would tel them19:16
lotuspsychjeMystic_Reverie: you already know you can use #ubuntu-discuss to talk more right19:16
ducassepetro: which programs were removed?19:16
petrowell, a bin file19:16
petroi don't know, others were deleted ...it didn't display... i used the gui method to upgrade19:17
Mystic_ReverieSorry, I think I sont understand when I'm being whispered too.  Like are you whispering me now ?  I reply without whispering and I suppose that can look messy19:17
petroi did notice a .bin file was removed19:17
ducassepetro: from where - your homedir?19:17
petroI reinstalled it....19:17
royal_screwup21pragmaticenigma: thanks! I've  changed my password and let them know19:18
petrobut, the short cut change is worse... i can only use one shift key19:18
petroducasse, i think so19:18
pragmaticenigmaroyal_screwup21: Also make sure to check the login history, and log out any sessions that aren't the current one19:18
royal_screwup21pragmaticenigma: not that it matters now, but I clicked on the link about 6 hours back? Is it too late?19:18
ioriapetro, a .bin ? in your homedir ?19:19
pragmaticenigmait's never too late royal_screwup2119:19
ducassepetro: that doesn't sound right to me - under no circumstances should the upgrader remove files from your homedir19:19
jpabloJimBuntu, what should happen?19:19
jpabloAppear a black screen19:19
petrohow do you access keyboard shortcuts in gnome.19:20
jpabloIn Debian I can use ctr alt f* for change19:20
Mystic_ReverieCan anyone help me installing Inform and TADS?  I dont understand how to install tar files19:20
petroi meant a question mark but it outputs a .19:20
Mystic_Reverieperto, sems you need to chang you keyboard region ?19:20
blackflowMystic_Reverie: ? there are ubuntu packages for those. you install like any other ubuntu package. do you know how to do that?19:20
royal_screwup21pragmaticenigma: thanks again. I've logged out of all sessions and changed my password. Hopefully nothing happens, but that's doubtful :/19:21
Mystic_Reverieblackflow, not much, i cant find them in software center. So I' dont know how really19:21
petronope...itäs correct19:21
dserodioMy Ubuntu 18.04 has shut down crashed for the second time this week, how can I troubleshoot this? I think this started happening after I enabled Automatic Suspend while plugged in19:22
royal_screwup21pragmaticenigma:   (all of my sessions were known to me, so they weren't suspicious, but nevertheless I thought it'd be best it logout)19:22
pragmaticenigmaroyal_screwup21: that's great. we need to bring the conversation back to ubuntu support though. thank you for the updates, I wish you the best of luck19:23
petroanother user has crashes19:24
blackflowMystic_Reverie: well, I don't know about the software center, but you can install them from command line with apt install <package name>. The packages are 'inform' and 'qtads' I think.19:25
petroI am correct, ubuntu 18.04 is garbage19:25
hggdhpetro: please be clear on your issues. So far you have given us generalities19:25
Mystic_ReverieThanks, will try19:25
blackflowpetro: then you'll have no problem to stop using that garbage, right?19:25
petrodserodio, no one will help you here...they either don't know how or they refuse19:25
blackflowMystic_Reverie: apt search --names-only tads   shows qtads (the QT variant), I guess that's it. inform is inform.19:26
hggdhpetro: and, one last time: keep your opinions to yourself. This is a support channel. Go elsewhere for anything that is not support19:26
petrohggdh, my right shift key changes the input source... i want it to operate as a normal shift key19:26
Mystic_ReverieE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)19:26
lotuspsychjeMystic_Reverie: reboot and try again19:27
Mystic_Reveriei have found qtads in synaptic package manager, but a search for inform gives hundreds of results, i dont knpw what to choose19:27
hggdhpetro: Settings/Devices/Keyboard19:27
jpabloSomeone know a lan network for play in ubuntu? I want play another game in my office19:28
blackflow!sudo | Mystic_Reverie19:28
ubottuMystic_Reverie: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo19:28
lotuspsychjejpablo: a nice resource for linux gaming: #gamingonlinux19:28
Mystic_Reveriealso, i installed qtad sfrom synaptic packag emaanger, but it doesnt appear in my software search19:29
Mystic_Reverievery confusing system this sometimes19:29
petrohggdh, and.19:30
petromods on the forums have a solution to re-install the entire os and not upgrade19:30
petrothis is how pathetic this OS is!19:31
hggdhpetro: and change your input source key sequence to whatever you want19:31
hggdhpetro: last time. Stop wwhining19:31
petroMystic_Reverie, that's because this OS is extremely buggy...it sucks19:31
Mystic_ReverieHow to find a software that has installed, but wont show in softwar search19:31
CarlFKpetro: "... continued misbehaving after you have been asked to stop is disruptive  and obnoxious. Such behaviour may result in a removal from the channel. "  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:32
naccMystic_Reverie: what do you mean by "software search"?19:33
naccMystic_Reverie: why not just do `sudo apt-get install qtads` from the command line, e.g.19:33
Mystic_Reveriebecasue i cant usualyl remember how to do it that way19:34
Mystic_Reveriebut synaptic installed it anyway, but i can find the software on my computer.  how to run it ?19:34
naccMystic_Reverie: look in the 'games' menu, or try running 'qtads' from the comamnd line?19:34
blackflowMystic_Reverie: and if that's gnome, hit the meta key and start typing qtads19:35
Mystic_Reveriehow to run ?19:35
naccblackflow: good point19:35
naccMystic_Reverie: you were just told19:35
blackflowif there's no icon, then possibly it's only a command line tool, which wouldn't surprise me, being an IF interpreter19:35
Mystic_Reveriei wasnt19:35
Mystic_Reveriewhats a metsa key?19:35
blackflowMystic_Reverie: the "windows" ke19:35
Mystic_Reverieit ran, the nsaid a new version is available and do i want to visit download page.  but i cant install software from webpages19:36
Mystic_Reverietoo advanced for me19:37
blackflowMystic_Reverie: don't install third party software from "downloads" pages if there exists a package in the repos, and here it does.19:37
Mystic_Reverieit says update is available19:38
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:38
Mystic_Reverieprompted me19:38
Mystic_Reverie'sudo apt-install inform19:41
Mystic_Reverie'  is that right ?19:41
petrois there a way to report the irc channel?19:42
blackflow!apt | Mystic_Reverie19:42
ubottuMystic_Reverie: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)19:42
Mystic_Reverielol petro. report for what19:42
oerhekspetro, join #ubuntu-ops for that19:42
petrowhat's wrong with asking for where the keyboard shortcuts are?19:42
petrobooting me for no reason19:43
Mystic_Reveriei think it was you saying 'pos' every minute was the problem19:43
oerheks<petro> dserodio, no one will help you here...they either don't know how or they refuse ,... i think it is your attitude19:43
dserodiooerheks: I think that was meant for petro, not me :)19:44
petroif someone acknowledged there are bugs, i wouldn't be so frustrated19:44
CarlFKpetro: if you don't understand, take it to #ubuntu-ops and if someone has time they may help you understand.19:45
Mystic_Reveriesudo apt-get install inform .  i think it installed, but it still wont run..  says something about compiling ?19:45
oerheksdserodio, ys, sorry for that ;-D19:45
petrono one even offered to help19:45
leftyfbpetro: focus more on working with people to troubleshoot your issues. Give details and be responsive to requests for more information from people trying to help you. The constant personal feelings toward your frustration only slow down your progress. Leave it out completely.19:45
petrosomeone is calling me names privately but i don't care19:45
DeathTickle1hey all, anyone have a good software recommendation for viewing my bike ride I recorded as a GPX track ?19:46
petroi just wanted some idea of what is wrong and i will report it as a bug when i have time19:46
petroi read that it happened in 17.10 too19:46
leftyfbpetro: ok, explain in detail your issue19:46
petroleftyfb, it is simple... the right shift key changes my input sources and i want to change that19:46
leftyfbpetro: input sources?19:47
petrowhen i bring up keyboard shortcuts, there's no option for that19:47
petroyes, i have two other languages19:47
oerheks!info viking19:47
ubottuviking (source: viking): GPS data editor, analyzer and viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-3build1 (bionic), package size 1260 kB, installed size 4203 kB19:47
hggdhpetro: you are incorrect no one helped you. I told you where to go.19:47
oerheksand more examples, DeathTickle1 http://planbperformance.net/dan/blog/?p=37919:47
hggdhpetro: if you want to discuss your removal from the channel, join #ubuntu-ops19:48
leftyfbpetro: try https://askubuntu.com/questions/1029588/18-04-ctrlshift-to-change-language19:48
Mystic_Reverieanyone?  please how to install and run inform ?19:48
DeathTickle1I will try it out oerheks thanks19:49
YatyatPetro is crybaby19:49
hggdhYatyat: please don't.19:49
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: you install inform like every other package and like people told you above. How to use it is up to you to read it's documentation19:49
oerheks!info inform19:49
ubottuinform (source: inform): story file compiler for the Inform interactive fiction language (v6). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6.31.1+dfsg-2 (bionic), package size 466 kB, installed size 1313 kB19:49
oerheksi think it is part of the whole package?19:50
Mystic_ReverieI did ninstall it but it didnt run19:50
blackflowMystic_Reverie: http://inform7.com/19:50
MonsieurBonHi all19:50
blackflowcheck also the command manpage  (the command is 'inform')19:50
petroleftyfb, I found the 'right shift' key mentioned in another window... which i can't find at the moment... this is a bug or a bad design...why won't anyone accept my suggestion?19:51
Mystic_ReverieI was on the websoite before, i dont know what i am supposed to do with a tar file. this system is so hard to use sometimes19:51
blackflowMystic_Reverie: those are interpreters, you need the actual game files to run them.19:51
petrowhy should we need gnome tweaks?  i will try it though since the default does not work19:51
leftyfbpetro: if you have a suggestion, file a bug. You could also try the link I gave you19:51
blackflowMystic_Reverie: plenty of links and resources and further reading on that link, just check it out ;)19:52
pavlospetro: I added anothr language from Settings Languages and changed the toggle from keyboard settings19:52
petropavlos, do you use gnome?19:52
Mystic_ReverieIm trying.  but i dont understnd why installing software has to be so complicated on here to be honest19:52
petroi think it is a gnome thing combined how it's integrated in ubuntu19:52
pavlospetro: 18.04 gnome19:52
MonsieurBonI'm currently building a new desktop pc and was looking into AMD Ryzen processors. How's the support in the linux kernel and ubuntu? Is there any reason to stay away from AMD and buy Intel? I found a few articles talking about issues in the linux kernel, but nothing recent.19:53
petropavlos, how did you get there?19:53
pavlospetro: settings | languages19:53
Mystic_Reverie'bash: ./install-inform7.sh: No such file or directory'19:53
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: the "software" is installed. Now you have to research how to use it.19:53
Mystic_ReverieI cant run it even19:53
lotuspsychjeMonsieurBon: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux19:53
pavlospetro: then add a language with the +19:53
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: you read the documentation19:54
Mystic_Reveriei read what came i nthe download file19:54
Mystic_Reverieand pasted19:54
Mystic_Reveriebash: ./install-inform7.sh: No such file or directory19:54
MonsieurBonlotuspsychje, I'm not talking about the graphic cards yet, that would have been my second question :)19:54
Mystic_Reverieits too hard for me to understand19:54
naccMystic_Reverie: then maybe it's not software you need?19:54
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: then you don't get to run software you refuse to learn how to use19:54
DeathTickle1oerheks or anyone: so I have installed viking from ubuntu software, it looks like it installed as a snap and now I can't start it when pressing the "launch" button :(19:55
oerheksMonsieurBon, ryzen 2400 will be supported with the 4.16 kernel19:55
Mystic_Reveriei just told u i was following instructions19:55
petroI found the window... it makes no sense but this is what i see...19:55
Mystic_ReverieTo install Inform 7 for Linux in /usr/local, from the directory in which19:55
Mystic_Reverieyou found this README file, run:19:55
Mystic_ReverieIf you want to install somewhere other than under /usr/local, invoke the19:55
Mystic_Reveriescript with the --prefix option, e.g.:19:55
Mystic_Reverie./install-inform7.sh --prefix /home/dlebling19:55
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: it's already installed. You're following the wrong instructions19:55
petroi go to language and region section and there is a button for input sources19:56
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: It's installed. Go read how to use it19:56
blackflowMystic_Reverie: you installed it from the package. peruse the documentation on how to USE it and play games.19:56
mercimekhello everyone. I'm new to linux and I have a little problem. I'm running ubuntu 18.04 on a laptop with AMD graphics card. But in settings > about it says intel haswell mobile. How can i make sure i'm using my ati card?19:56
pavlospetro: and below a + sign19:56
petro'input source options' so i click that 'input source' button19:56
pavlospetro: click on the 3 vertical dots, type the language to add19:56
Mystic_Reveriewhat instructions am i supposed to me looking at?19:56
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: somewhere in http://inform7.com/learn/manuals/19:57
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: beyond that, we're not going to hold your hand19:57
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: why are you even trying to run this?19:57
Mystic_Reverieok, i will usre it in windows. Im not asking how to use the software, im just asking how to start it19:58
Mystic_Reverieits  a bit ridiculous really19:58
blackflowleftyfb: because I told them there's inform and TADS int he packages, answering the question of whether Interactive Fiction can be played on Ubuntu. I assumed they knew all about those, since it's a *VERY* niche market.19:58
petrounder keyboard shortcuts heading is one 'alternative switch to next source: right shift'19:58
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: "im just asking how to start it"   .... from what I understand, it's not something you just doubleclick and it "starts". It's a compiler/interpreter19:58
mercimekany ideas?19:58
Mystic_Reverieit just starts i nwindows with a click19:59
petro'you can change these shortcuts in the keyboard settings'  oh, no you can't...lol19:59
=== mkv is now known as m4v
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: ok, then use Windows. Good luck19:59
petroif i can't get help here, i will post the questions somewhere else19:59
Mystic_Reverieso snotty in here sometimes19:59
petropavlos, i added the languages a while ago... i don't know why you are giving instructions for what was already done ;019:59
pavlospetro: settings, devices, keyboard scroll down to Typing ... you can alter the behavior20:00
xav1usIs it stupid to link libs i built manually (installed in /usr/local/lib) to /usr/lib? I need to build stuff using custom dev-libs :)20:00
Mystic_Reverielets pretend linux ix ieasy to use to lur ein users, then when they as kfor help, blame the user for not being  a computer scientist just to start a program20:00
lotuspsychjemercimek: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux20:00
hggdhpetro: which, BTW, I told you to do some time ago20:00
pavlospetro: if I misunderstood the issue, I'll be quiet20:00
petrothere's nothing about 'right shift' in any of the keyboard shortcut settings....20:00
hggdhpetro: go and change the key sequence to what you would like20:01
petrobut, it is displayed in a window but doesn't allow you to do anything20:01
MonsieurBonYatyat, why are you insulting me in private messages?20:01
hggdhpetro: klick on the key sequence shown20:01
mercimekthanks a lot lotus have a nica day :)20:02
MonsieurBonoerheks, how about the 2700 series?20:02
YatyatI am not20:02
MonsieurBonYatyat, oh? so calling me a bastard, a jerk and a nigger is not insulting me?20:03
beowuffHe did the same to me. Should be kickbanned.20:03
YatyatYou foul mouth20:03
hggdhMonsieurBon: please not here. You can do one of two: (1) go to #ubuntu-ops and report (with a pastebin); (2) /ignore the user20:03
hggdhYatyat: stop20:04
MonsieurBonhggdh, ok, I'll do that. Thanks20:04
t_whats up Ubuntu? what is error exit status 1, what i'am doing wrong?20:10
leftyfbt_: in what context?20:10
petrothe tweak tool solved it... i'll file a bug.... keyboard shortcuts doesn't work properly in the default settings20:11
t_installing new programs20:12
nacct_: so from dpkg probably?20:12
petroi bet ubuntu devs won't care though... it's been this way since at least 17.1020:12
naccpetro: it might be an upstream bug in gnome20:12
petroi mean, since 17.04.... when i upgraded to 17.10, i had the same problem...that's why i remember this20:12
Mystic_Reveriewell i tried anothe room but i cnat enter so i will have to get help in here.  I cant get my terminal to find the inform file. which is now on my desktop.  can u even help me do that ?  or wil lyou not 'hold my hand' ?20:12
petronacc, maybe20:13
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: I thought you were going to play it on Windows?20:13
petroi don't know why others haven't encountered it... it seems likely if you have more than one input source20:13
Mystic_Reverielefty,  do you cnsider yourself a nice person?20:14
Mystic_Reveriecos u dont sound like one20:14
blackflowMystic_Reverie: you can play all those games through online interpreters anyway, if this is too..... overwhelming for you.20:14
petroI also have freezes but i am not sure how to solve that one20:14
petrodoes anyone have freezes of their system on occasion?20:14
petrothe mouse pointer works but only moves...can't do anything20:14
Mystic_Reveriei jus twant som help.  i am expected to study dictionaries just to do basic things20:14
MonsieurBonoerheks, sorry, I got a bit distracted... Does that mean I should currently not buy an AMD processor if I plan to run Ubuntu on it?20:15
petroi want the task manager to come up with ctrl-alt-del but i am not sure how20:15
Mystic_Reverieim not asking how t ouse the software, i msaying im having problems even running it20:15
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: do you know what a compiler or interpreter is?20:15
petroit is set as a shortcut to log out which i don't want20:15
Mystic_Reverieit wont access the folder from my terminal20:15
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: do you know what a compiler or interpreter is?20:15
Mystic_Reveriei am using inform to play games on only20:15
Mystic_Reverieor at least trying to20:15
ducasseMystic_Reverie: seems you can start the inform compiler just by typing 'inform' - you might want to read the man page, though20:15
Mystic_Reveriei hjave resd the instructions from the link u gave me20:15
Mystic_Reveriebut cant get my erminal to run from the location of the folder20:16
Mystic_Reveriei dont know how to do it20:16
Mystic_Reverieand yes i have googled20:16
naccMystic_Reverie: are you using the ubuntu package?20:16
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: inform is a compiler/interpreter. It is not a graphical application you just open/click/run by itself. You Run the compiler/interpreter against the game files in a particular manner according to the documentation.20:16
Mystic_Reverieim using the packag efrom the link i was sent20:16
naccMystic_Reverie: so you should seek help from the people who made the link you used. We can only help with ubuntu packages. The ubuntu package ships a `inform` binary.20:16
Mystic_Reveriestep by step help please?20:17
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: on the commandline. You do not run "inform" and it just opens some Window. It does not work like that.20:17
Mystic_Reveriethis is nuts20:17
blackflowMystic_Reverie: you can play all those games through online interpreters anyway20:17
Mystic_Reveriebut inform works exactly that way i nwindows20:17
naccMystic_Reverie: 1) windows != ubuntu20:17
Mystic_Reverieand i cna just download games and run them thro inform20:17
naccMystic_Reverie: the inform applicatin you are using on windows may be totally unrelated to the one in ubuntu20:17
Mystic_Reveriewell, its much harder to use obviously. like most things are20:18
blackflowMystic_Reverie: enjoy:   http://ifdb.tads.org/     https://ifcomp.org/comp/201720:18
naccMystic_Reverie: you are 1) not using the ubuntu provided package, 2) doing basic due diligence on what youare installing.20:19
leftyfbnacc: they are using the ubuntu package20:19
naccleftyfb: then why are they referring to some url?20:19
Mystic_Reverieai have downloadde from the terminal, but it wont run20:20
Mystic_Reveriethen also tried the url20:20
naccleftyfb: see above :)20:20
Mystic_Reverieit would be nice if u can just tell me how to run it please20:20
blackflownacc: I told them about the packages, and linked to inform and tads sites for more help and docs and further resources.20:20
Mystic_Reveriewhy al lthis strict aloofness?  im not even intersted in learning terminal myself20:20
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: please go read the documentation20:20
naccMystic_Reverie: what happens when you type "inform" at the terminal?20:20
blackflowbut at this point I suspect trolling.20:20
Mystic_Reveriejust asking for help in a help room20:20
leftyfbnacc: it's an interpreter20:20
naccleftyfb: i know.20:20
naccleftyfb: let them answer, please.20:20
Mystic_Reverietrolling who ?    inform 6.31 for linux it says. and other info20:21
nacc!pastebin | Mystic_Reverie20:21
ubottuMystic_Reverie: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:21
naccMystic_Reverie: then you just ran inform!20:21
Mystic_Reverienothing happened20:21
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naccMystic_Reverie: i think this problem is false expectations20:22
naccMystic_Reverie: what did you expect to happen?20:22
Mystic_Reverieno, ithink i expecte inform to appear like in windows,  not literally nothing20:22
Mystic_Reveriethen i cna add a game to the interface and play it20:22
leftyfbnacc: you know I have explained this several times, in multiple ways20:22
naccMystic_Reverie: that may or may not be how the ubuntu package works.20:22
naccMystic_Reverie: and it appears it is not how the ubuntu package works, it's just a commandline tool20:22
Mystic_Reveriewell acn u help me run it?20:22
naccMystic_Reverie: you did just run it.20:23
Mystic_Reveriejesus christ20:23
naccMystic_Reverie: you need to read the documentation to know how to run it correctly20:23
Mystic_Reverielinux stikes again20:23
leftyfbMystic_Reverie: inform is a compiler/interpreter. It is not a graphical application you just open/click/run by itself. You Run the compiler/interpreter against the game files in a particular manner according to the documentation. You run it on the commandline. You do not run "inform" and it just opens some Window. It does not work like that.20:23
Mystic_Reverieno thnanks. windows is definately easier20:23
Mystic_Reveriethis is nonsense20:23
naccMystic_Reverie: ok, no one is forcing you to use linux or ubuntu.20:23
Mystic_Reveriethanks for the help.. and some of u. thanks for the fking snobbery20:23
Mystic_Reverienot nice20:23
blackflowMystic_Reverie: for inform, "zoom" is the interpreter (installed with the package), so you just download a z-file for a game, and run it on the command line with zoom20:23
Gabriel8822hi guys. i'm trying to install 16.04 LTS server in a software raid0 and every time i cannot boot after installation. Any tips? I already tried everything I could find online.20:27
Gabriel8822grub installs in both drives and yet it does not boot20:27
_KaszpiR_ensure partitions are set to bootable?20:28
_KaszpiR_also use parttion nr1 as mirror, and use partitions 2as sraid020:28
_KaszpiR_anyway, why raid0?20:29
blackflowwhy partition 1 in particular? or do you mean, "You need /boot on a non-raid-1 partition for grub to find it"20:29
leftyfbGabriel8822: Is the data that's going to live on this raid0 temporary/disposable?20:30
leftyfblet me rephrase that....20:30
leftyfbGabriel8822: The data that's going to live on this raid0 will be temporary/disposable :)20:30
_KaszpiR_acyually this can be applied to any data ;D20:31
_KaszpiR_to be more precise, raid0 increases chance yo loose all the data without recovery option20:31
p1l0tSO I keep running out of space on /boot because it tries to put a hundred 4.4 kernel images... I'm on like 4.15 what gives?20:36
blackflowp1l0t: does your apt complain about a to of kernel packages ready for autoremove?20:37
blackflow*a ton of20:37
naccp1l0t: have you run `sudo apt-get autoremove` as apt-get recommends?20:37
naccp1l0t: what versino of ubuntu as well?20:37
p1l0tblackflow: nacc: so I just upgraded (sort of) to Beaver but I can't even boot on the 4.15 kernel because it didn't load right because no space on /boot20:38
p1l0tautoremove is reinstalling 100 versions of 4.4 like 4.4.0-70 71 72 73 etc...20:39
p1l0tall the way up to 13020:39
p1l0tSo it can't get 4.15 right20:39
naccp1l0t: what do you mean by 'sort of'? just the /boot full issue?20:39
naccp1l0t: it won't be reinstalling anything, it should be removing stuff, unless your system was *already* broken before the upgrade20:40
oerheksyou will, if you have enough space, but this story is unlikely, as the upgrade should warn you about low disk space20:40
p1l0tnacc: yeah it was already broken20:40
oerheksso how did you upgrade to 18.04?20:40
p1l0tI can't remove old pakages because of dependency issues20:40
p1l0tI have the new gui but I have to boot on the old kernel20:40
MonsieurBonoerheks, where did you get the information about amd 2400 support in 4.16 kernel? the only thing I can find is that support for the Zen architecture was added in 4.1020:43
naccp1l0t: this sounds like a bad upgrade; your system should be clean first when you upgrade20:43
naccp1l0t: you also upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04, which isn't fully supported yet20:44
p1l0tI did a sudo rm *4.4* but I probably won't be back after this because 4.15 is kernel panic20:44
naccp1l0t: if 4.15 isn't properly installed, then it will be panicking possibly due to the initrd20:44
popeythat's not a good way to clear out kernels20:44
naccpopey: indeed :)20:44
p1l0tpopey: it's the only way I can20:44
nacci mean, it's a way to clear out initrds, so apt can proceed, arguably20:45
popeydue to out of disk space?20:45
naccp1l0t: so if you've freed up space in /boot, get apt back to working20:45
naccp1l0t: before you reboot20:45
p1l0tnacc: How do I do that?20:45
naccp1l0t: does apt work now? (you said you rm'd files in /boot)20:45
p1l0tnacc: I can do updates and stuff20:46
leftyfbp1l0t: http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/apt-autoremove-old-kernels20:46
oerheksMonsieurBon, 4.16-x with Mesa 18.1-dev + LLVM 7.0 SVN  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1007350/what-is-needed-to-use-raven-ridge-ryzen-5-2400g20:46
oerheksmaybe the next 18.10 will get 4.1720:46
naccp1l0t: ok, so does `sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade` work?20:46
p1l0tW for no matching swap device available20:48
p1l0tNow it's genereating
popeylet it finish20:49
Sbur3Brother MFC 6490 CW Printer / Scanner.  The problem is that the printer works, but not the scanner.  See https://pastebin.com/rLc4beap20:51
naccp1l0t: and in the future, don't ignore apt's messages :)20:53
MonsieurBonoerheks, hum, that sounds like too much work for my taste... I guess I'll have to go with Intel then...20:54
p1l0tnacc: so it got to 71 and then ran out of space20:54
p1l0tIs it normal for /boot to be over 470mb?20:55
blackflowp1l0t: you know what, copy that to a /boot.tmp on your main root partition, then umount /boot, rename boot.tmp to /boot and uninstall stuff. I'm assuming you'd know how to revert that back to a separate partition.20:55
blackflowp1l0t: it's not. two kernels (current and last one) which is what you should aim for, is about 150MB20:56
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p1l0tblackflow: So why does it keep adding back these older ones?20:57
popeybecause you never let it finish20:57
popeyit needs to fully finish, then we can yoink out the old ones and they'll never be seen again20:57
popeyhow did you install 4.15? via some back channel, or just normally via updates?20:58
popey(when I say "let them finish" it's of course out of your control somewhat as you're out of space)20:58
p1l0tpopey: just normally20:59
ahi2Sbur3: did you try xsane package?21:00
naccpopey: they upgraded to 18.0421:04
erespondHai all, how to install server ubuntu21:09
oerhekserespond, download the iso, put it on dvd, boot from it, and go wild21:09
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p1l0tblackflow: That worked I think although I got a warning: W: APT had planned for dpkg to do more than it reported back (6 vs 16).21:18
p1l0t   Affected packages: initramfs-tools:amd64 linux-firmware:amd64 linux-image-4.15.0-23-generic:amd6421:18
elise2791Hello! I'm trying to install burg on ubuntu 16.04 LTS but always end up with a grub-esque screen... Can I ask here for help?21:23
p1l0tAnd after that all that auto-remove only removed 4.4.0-89 lol21:23
naccp1l0t: it would appear you maybe have removed some metpackages21:24
naccp1l0t: which then breaks autoremove and a number of other normal usage tools21:24
p1l0tnacc: piss21:24
naccp1l0t: you *probably* can purge, by hand (e.g. `sudo apt-get remove linux-image-4.4*`)21:25
naccp1l0t: if you really don't need them21:25
p1l0tnacc: Yes that seems to work.. dunno if I need them or not though21:27
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naccp1l0t: you can always reinstall *just* the package that corresponds to your current kernel21:29
naccwhich you are obviously successfully booted to21:30
p1l0tnacc: I think that's 8321:31
p1l0tI guess uname -a will tell me21:31
p1l0tnevermind it's 13021:32
p1l0tNow to remount my boot directory...21:36
EriC^^elise2791: how are you installing burg? are you using uefi or legacy?21:39
p1l0tSo anybody know how to remount /boot properly before I restart?21:43
naccp1l0t: i wasn't exactly following, what did you do?21:43
p1l0tnacc: I copied my /boot directory to /bootbak, umount /boot, mv bootbak to boot and then did all the updates21:45
p1l0tbut I think I should probably remount /boot before I restart?21:45
naccp1l0t: well, remounting /boot doesn't really matter21:45
naccp1l0t: but let's get it correct21:45
naccp1l0t: so what you'll want to doi is mount your old /boot somewhere else21:45
nacce.g. /mnt/boot21:45
nacc(this is my recommendation, btw, i'm not 100% sure it will work, so read it all before starting)21:46
nacconce mounted, delete everything in /mnt/boot21:46
naccthen move everything in /boot to /mnt/boot21:46
naccthen delete everything in /boot21:47
naccthen unmount /mnt/boot and remount /boot21:47
naccdoes that make sense, p1l0t ?21:47
nacci'd also make sure apt is still happy at that point, then it's just a matter of rebooting21:47
p1l0tnacc: I'm not sure how to mount /mnt/boot21:49
naccp1l0t: look in /etc/fstab for the line for /boot21:50
naccp1l0t: you'll do something like `sudo mount <entry from fstab, specifically, /dev/disk/by-uuid/...> /mnt/boot21:50
p1l0tnacc: boot was on sda121:50
p1l0tnacc: I have a UUID I guess I just assign that to /mnt/boot21:51
naccp1l0t: ok, so it'll be `sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot`21:51
naccyou might need to `sudo mkdir /mnt/boot` first21:51
p1l0tnacc: Yeah I made the directory already21:52
p1l0tnacc: So I copy the files to /mnt/boot BEFORE mounting it?21:54
naccp1l0t: no21:55
naccp1l0t: there should already be files in /mnt/boot (the old /boot contents)21:55
naccp1l0t: so you need to empty it first, then copy over the new files21:55
p1l0tnacc: ok21:56
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p1l0tnacc: So now copy them to /boot and remount /boot?22:01
RumenHello, mission imposible almost finished. Changed cards from NVS300 to GT730, installed nvidia driver 390, this time didn't crashed!!! Only can't understand WHY COMUTER FREEZE WHEN I OPEN GOOGLE MAPS???22:02
Rumenare there any settings I need to change (eventually) in order to fix that?22:03
gt8ost4lcan anybody i get an erro when i type in a command to stop the static sounds on ubuntu 18.04?22:04
gt8ost4lcan anybody help me i get an error when i type in a command to stop the static sounds on ubuntu 18.04?22:04
gt8ost4lsorry made typos22:04
p1l0tnacc: I think it's good... apt seems happy...22:07
fooAnyone see anything wrong with this system init service? https://paste.ofcode.org/dAGgsmaSqdUKZXgLsk8iFB22:08
rocketeer99Hey I have a .img file I'd like to mount on boot within my vm22:26
rocketeer99very long story for why I want to do this but every time I edit /etc/fstab the vm refuses to boot and I have to go to IT to restore the old fstab22:27
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rocketeer99the command I want is "mount -o loop /path/to/file.img /mountpoint/path" and I can't figure out how to run that on start - cron apparently doesn't like the @reboot tag on my system, rclocal isn't being interpreted correctly, and my attempts at creating a systemd service have basically failed22:31
xav1usI install cmake in ubuntu trusty with apt install cmake. ldd /usr/bin/cmake shows that libcurl is used from /usr/lib/linuxsomething/libcurl.so.4 . Next,  I install libcurl (different version rather than one in package manager) from sources to /usr/local/. What happens next is somehow ldd /usr/bin/cmake starts showing that custom incompatible lib in /usr/local/lib instead of global one. Why and how to fix this? I spent so much time over it22:35
leftyfbxav1us: remove the libcurl you installed from outside sources22:55
RumenHi there!22:57
RumenGuys anyone who is Nvidia guru around?22:57
tekisuijust me22:59
tekisuini hao23:00
RumenGuys I changed the card from NVS300 to GT730 and got small issue - almost everything works ... but some applications like Google Maps freeze the computer!!!23:00
ChiLLabiSTerve Jokkasdjärvi23:00
tekisuitry yandex maps23:00
naccxav1us: check yhour LD_LIBRARY_PATH23:00
RumenTell me how?23:01
tekisuic´est ca23:01
tekisuii think google and linux aren´t best friends23:01
ivanfrwhat distro is better for using in a system with limited resources, Mint xfce or Xubuntu?23:01
tekisuias microsoft and intel are23:01
tekisuithen there is android..23:01
naccRumen: ignore them.23:02
naccivanfr: for this channel, your choice would be xubuntu or lubuntu, you want #mint for mint questions23:02
Rumennacc:  how from the settings?23:03
RumenYandex Maps works like a charm ....23:03
naccRumen: you can use /ignore; but i meant just don't read that, it's rubbish commentary.23:03
ivanfrcant even mention the competence? xD23:03
naccivanfr: do you mean competition? mint is not supported here, was my point, and this channel is not for polls23:04
adamantiumRumen are you using nouveau or nvidia proprietary driver? I have had freeze issues on certain websites, like youtube using nouveau23:04
rocketeer99ivanfr: I've had more luck with lubuntu than I have with mint on super low end hardware23:04
RumenI'm using Nvidia 390 driver23:04
rocketeer99Mint xfce vs Ubuntu will be almost identical in terms of system usage, so on that front it's purely personal preference23:05
rocketeer99(Or at least were pretty identical in my experience, ymmv)23:05
adamantiumRumen:ok well i was thinking it may be something to verify, just to be sure.23:05
RumenThe one from Updates --> Additional Drivers23:06
rocketeer99anyone have any ideas mounting iso files without using /etc/fstab?23:06
rocketeer99mounting automatically on boot/reboot, that is23:07
oerheksrocketeer99,  no, that is what fstab is for23:08
Sleakerwhy wouldn't you use fstab?23:08
adamantiumRumen: check from a terminal, lspci -k | grep nvid23:08
oerheksdon't reinvent the wheel23:09
adamantiumRumen: you should see   Kernel driver in use: nvidia23:09
adamantiumjust to be sure.23:09
RumenYep it is Kernel driver in use - Nvidia23:09
adamantiumok good23:09
RumenKernel driver in use: nvidiaKernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau, nvidia_drm, nvidia23:10
Guest86029https://hastebin.com/oxerofosus.sql can somone help me understand this?23:10
rocketeer99oerheks: because I'm running in a vm, and every time I edit fstab at all, the system dies and I have to go to IT to restore the old fstab23:10
rocketeer99This would be attempt three or four at making changes there, and they're starting to get tired of seeing my face23:10
oerheksGuest86029, for wine issues, join #winehq23:11
oerheksrocketeer99, fstab it is.23:11
Guest86029i got not responce there23:11
Guest86029but ok23:11
adamantiumRumen: you said the system freezes, does control+alt+F1/F2/-->F7 work in this situation?23:12
Rumenno - only the sound and the mouse23:12
adamantiumRumen: what browser is this, have you tried the troublesome website on another browser?23:13
oerheksgood find, adamantium23:14
adamantiumoerheks: what did i find :D lol23:14
oerheks.. but i think someone already pointed that way23:14
oerheksit is just google earth..23:14
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adamantiumi see23:15
adamantiumRumen: you might start looking into your compositor settings if you are using one. For example, if it is set to opengl 2.0 you might try xrender backend, or vice versa, with some trial and error, you might be able to get a more stable situation.23:16
RumenYes used Firefox and Chromium23:16
RumenYou mean this settings? https://ibb.co/jzMu4J23:18
adamantiumRumen: no. they'd be in your desktop environment settings/options23:20
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RumenI will give it a try!23:26
xav1us <nacc> xav1us: check yhour LD_LIBRARY_PATH | it's empty23:34
naccxav1us: oh it's from /etc/ld.so.conf.*23:36
naccxav1us: why did you install a non-standard library in /usr/local?23:36
xav1usnacc:  because it's where they are always installed by default.. Idk23:37
naccxav1us: no, why do you need a non-standard libcurl?23:38
xav1usafaik, nacc, local is used for `locally` installed software, built from sources in other words23:38
naccxav1us: if you really don't want to use /usr/local/ for a library, then set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be more specific23:39
xav1usnacc: because i need a newer version of it.23:39
naccxav1us: yes, i know what it's for.23:39
naccxav1us: for *what*?23:39
xav1usnacc:  i misinterpreted the question23:39
xav1usnacc: because I need openssl 1.1 methods and ssl 1.1 compatible calls in libcurl used in the software that is ran on old server machines that would be upgraded to 18.04 not very soon23:40
xav1usand 14.04 doesn't supply that stuff in any of their repos23:41
fooDo I want to put init scripts, for python, in /etc/init or /etc/systemd/system ?23:44
naccxav1us: run in a container or VM?23:49
leftyfbfoo: if it's an upstart init script, it goes in /etc/init.d/ and gets setup properly. If you want systemd to manage it, then you'll need to write and setup a systemd unit23:49
naccfoo: but what do you mean by an "init script" *for* python?23:49
naccxav1us: it doesn't really make sense to run *new* software on a system that came out 4 years ago23:50
xav1usnacc: any arguments?23:50
naccxav1us: don't follow?23:53
oerheksxav1us, logically if you need openssl 1.1, you would use something newer, and give our volunteers no headache23:53
xav1usnacc: the thing is that is ran in container. But, there's some legal aspect only management knows about: regulation committee required the system running on 14.04 for upcoming release. Other than that I could not agree more.23:54
naccxav1us: tbh, you have said to your system that *by default* you want a newer openssl globally.23:54
naccxav1us: you could also easily just edit the ld.so file23:54
oerhekstell that committee, no go dude!23:54
xav1usoerheks: your arguments make sense, I would like my packages as fresh as the system (honestly that's why i use arch with rolling release myself). But sometimes business is just ****** up.23:55
xav1ussorry for taking your time.23:55
xav1usnacc: I just got myself much more deep in mud: I  built cmake against curl. My 14.04 is becoming somewhat a mess with manually maintained packages.23:56
xav1usat least my stuff works now.23:56
xav1usoerheks: tell all them businessman, lawyers and other ignorant people about packaging, versioning and stuff, I bet they all understand you.23:57
xav1ussometimes I hate my job. Farewell fine folks23:57
xav1uswon't distract you anymore, sorry again.23:57
oerheksxav1us, have fun :-)23:57
xav1usnacc: sorry that you misinterpreted my obscure text, I am sometimes double speaking: I only want 1.1 just being used for app environment. Fortunately, I don't even need anything beyond that in docker containe.23:59

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