
infinituxwhy is it newly installed apps aren't permitted to access things?00:25
infinituxI installed pencilsheep but it can't see my usb portable hard drive00:27
OvenWerkscan you see the drive with the file manager?00:27
infinituxError opening directory '/media': Permission denied00:27
OvenWerksThings like drives do not auto mount00:27
OvenWerksThat is not normal.00:28
infinituxThat's not the issue00:28
infinituxit's mounted00:28
OvenWerksis it mounted by the same user?00:28
OvenWerks how did it get mounted?00:28
infinituxwhen I plugged it in.00:28
OvenWerksnothing gets mounted just by plugging it in.00:29
OvenWerksif you access it from the file manager, then it should get mounted at that point00:29
infinituxI can open files with other apps00:30
OvenWerkssettings manager->removable drives and media->removeable storage can be set to auto mount.00:30
OvenWerksthis should be off by default in ubuntustudio so that inserting an external drive does not cause xruns while recording.00:33
OvenWerksso I am getting that trying to see the files with the file manager also doesn't work?00:56
infinituxOvenWerks: Sorry. I just got your reply, but no. Other software work with my files and I can access the files, and there is no issue with the mounting of the device.03:04
OvenWerksI don't know then why one program only would have trouble with that. Unless it is mounted readonly or owned by another user like root.03:13
OvenWerksthats interesting... what file system does your USB drive have on it?03:16
OvenWerksI notice that my USB stick, which I assume is formatted some FAT fs, is mounted as my user but if I mount one of my other partitions on my hard drive, they are mounted by root.03:17
infinituxuser and group are both correct. it could be a corrupt piece of software maybe03:18
OvenWerkscould be.03:20
infinituxThanks for the help anyways, OvenWerks04:59
=== kalebris_ is now known as kalebris
puff_k. Hi16:05
puff_I need help with the tablet settings on the Bionic Beaver 18.04 build16:06
puff_The settings app just doesnt launch. I tried reinstalling it, tried doing stuffs in xconfig, but I couldnt get it to work. :/16:07
OvenWerkswhich settings app? the xfce settings menu?16:10
puff_I think thats the one, yeah16:10
OvenWerksby tablet do you mean you are running on a tablet or a drawing tablet as an input device?16:10
puff_an input device16:11
puff_"One by Wacom M"16:11
OvenWerksright. I have no experience with those, so anything I say is hearsay :) I have heard that in xfce one has to use the comandline tools.16:12
OvenWerkseylul: ^^^16:12
puff_I thought the settings menu worked yesterday, but I been trying a lot of distros, so Im not sure whether it was mint or studio16:12
puff_But imma try doing the terminal thing16:13
OvenWerksI don't remember the name of the tool.16:13
OvenWerksMint is based on the gnome and uses the gnome settings.16:13
puff_which tool*?16:14
OvenWerksnot sure.16:16
puff_Welp, thanks for your time, ill try to google how to change wacom settings through the terminal perhaps or try to reinstall mint.16:17
OvenWerksthats where I'm looking.16:17
OvenWerkspuff_: I think xsetwacom is the one16:18
OvenWerksI think the gnome tool is just a wrapper for that16:18
OvenWerkshttps://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/wacom_tablet about half way down at xorg setup16:19
OvenWerks(archlinux has some really good documentation...)16:20
puff_yup, I know about that post, thanks16:20
eylul*goes to read the log to catch up*16:44
eylulhi ok so we don't currently have a gui for xfce unfortunately but I use xsetwacom16:45
eylul*goes hunting for a couple of links*16:46
puff_I kinda figured out the xsetwacom thing, but dammit every linux distro should be called "google_is_your_life_now.iso"16:46
eylulI understand. we are looking into a solution for it.16:47
eylulin mean time if you are trying to set something in particular I can be of help :)16:47
puff_Aight, cheers16:48
puff_I dont have any more problems for now, but ill be sure to write stuffs here if I need something ;y16:48
OvenWerkspuff_: for what its worth... we are working on a plasma based iso which will have a gui based tablet setup.16:48
puff_Im surprised there's no gui for xsetwacom, actually16:49
eylulthere is some half done projects, but KDE and gnome has some GUIs for basic tasks16:50
eylulxfce doesn't currently have one. as Ovenwerks said, we are looking into a plasma/KDE based ISO. so this is a temporary problem.16:50
puff_Is there a way to switch to KDE manually?16:54
puff_Im a bit of a noobz at linux16:54
puff_ill try this16:57
eylulyou can install kubuntu-desktop packages to have plasma (plasma is the new name of ubuntu)16:57
eylulI have done this, it worked fine for me. another suggestion I would have through16:57
eylulis to get the kubuntu iso16:57
eyluland test it out to see if that is what you want to use before that16:57
puff_I mean, anything is better than using text ui for anything16:59
puff_If I prefer bionic ill just reinstall studio from the usb drive :/16:59
eylul*is away for a second*17:01
eylulok sorry,17:18
eylulpuff_ xsetwacom is really easy to use, and I do have a script that I just run to set up button features. Just as a warning through I am not sure the Plasma wacom gui is on the 18.04 kubuntu packages by default.17:19
puff__If it's not it should be intallable anyways, right?17:21
puff__and yeah, xsetwacom isnt that hard to use, but its still super inconvenient, especially now that I need to do the same shizz on my laptop again17:22
puff__imma restart17:22
puff_plasma does look very nice though17:27
Eickmeyereylul: Just to clarify, Plasma (as of 4.0) is the new name for the desktop environment that was known as KDE. KDE now refers to the software development community and foundation (KDE e.V.). Kubuntu is the Plasma flavor of Ubuntu.18:18
EickmeyerLeft over from KDE-Ubuntu, but Plubuntu doesn't soudn as good as Kubuntu.18:19
eyluleickmeyer: yep, I erred, then had to correct myself. ;)18:19
EickmeyerNo worries.18:19
EickmeyerI just wanted to get to the "Plubuntu" punchline. XD18:19
eylulpuff_ plasma is very nice, and especially has good tools for visual artists.18:19

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