
Unit193bluesabre: You expanded my html page. :303:56
bluesabreUnit193: huh?09:55
SpassIs the Catfish only official Xfce application that uses CSD?10:45
bluesabretechnically the decorations on the notes app are client-side10:46
bluesabreThey're also optional on catfish10:46
bluesabreNeed to document that somewhere10:46
SpassSo probably in the "vanilla" Xfce experience it will not use CSD, right?10:48
SpassI'm asking because someone in the G+ comments asked "If it is an Xfce application why does it look like a Gnome app?"10:49
bluesabreGot something like that in my blog comments as well10:49
bluesabreThe generic answer is that xfce doesn't really have a human interface guidelines, it's largely shared with gnome10:50
bluesabreso any gtk application can be xfce/gnome/lxde/et10:50
SpassProbably the fact that it doesn't use Xfwm theme is an issue here.10:50
bluesabreyeah, planning to switch that up for 1.4.710:51
SpassOK, the fact that's optional is a great argument I think. Personally I don't care too much, but I can kinda understand the confusion.10:52
SpassAnyway, thanks for clarifying that bluesabre :)10:55
bluesabrenp :)10:55
Unit193bluesabre: I was mainly joking, but now it shows up on the xfce412.html page.17:08
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: thunar-vcs-plugin 0.2.0 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-thunar-vcs-plugin-0-2-0-released-tp51399.html (by André Miranda)22:22

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