
=== The_Milkman_ is now known as The_Milkman
xubuntu26dBoa noite! Por favor, alguém pode me dar uma resposta... Porque minhas imagens .iso estão dobrando de tamanho assim que termino meus downloads?03:45
xubuntu26daconteceu 4 vezes...03:46
xubuntu26dbaixei as .iso e assim que abri o usb-creator para gravá-las no pendrive, notei que todas elas tinha dobrado de tamanho.03:47
krytarik!br | xubuntu26d03:47
ubottuxubuntu26d: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.03:47
acoustykAnyone here use alpine mail viewer?05:11
acoustykI can't figure out for the life of me how to change the password for the alpine password file05:22
flocculantacoustyk: does this not work? https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Changing_passwords_for_ACF05:25
flocculantother than that - no clue I'm afraid05:25
aaron_hope everyone is ok.  i am looking for a little help with a computer i just put xubuntu on.. after apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, the desktop doesn't show up.  the screen flashes 8/9 times and i get a flashing cursor12:07
aaron_i have been trying various google searches but i can't figure out the cause12:08
aaron_i can get terminal up with ctrl+alt+f112:08
diogenes_!ask | aaron_12:12
ubottuaaron_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:12
Spasshello aaron_, maybe it's some kind of graphics card driver issue? what are you using?12:13
aaron_Hi Spass.  lspci shows "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)"12:13
aaron_not sure where the config file if for x to see what driver it's using12:14
diogenes_aaron_, sudo lscpi -nnk | grep VGA -A312:14
diogenes_sorry wrong12:14
diogenes_sudo lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A312:15
diogenes_that one ^^12:15
Spassaaron_, did you try booting from an older kernel from the grub menu?12:15
aaron_no, not yet..12:16
aaron_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2e32] (rev 03) Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller [103c:2a9d] Kernel driver in use: i915 Kernel modules: i91512:16
aaron_press any key on boot?12:16
aaron_trying to get the boot menu12:19
Spassaaron_, try holding Shift at boot12:24
aaron__typed reboot in the wrong console...12:28
aaron__ok, grub doesn't give me the option of booting different kernels so i'm guessing that means it hasn't been upgraded.12:28
diogenes_aaron__, tried advanced boot options in grub?12:29
aaron__wow took a few reboots to get back in.  your correct there is a previous version12:32
aaron__okay.  booted that previous kernel and the issue remains the same :(12:34
diogenes_and i still don't know what issue you are facing12:34
aaron__apologies; installed xubuntu onto a hp desktop yesterday. all was fine initially.  after running the updates and rebooting, xubuntu splash is shown then some screen flashing and the desktop does not load.  I can switch to console using ctrl+alt+f1.  I have tried reinstalling the lightdm package, a few suggestions from google but haven't found the fix yet12:36
diogenes_aaron__, try this: sudo nano /usr/share/xsessions/xubuntu.desktop12:39
diogenes_find the line: Exec=startxfce412:39
diogenes_change it to: Exec=xterm12:39
diogenes_reboot, after you reboot you (most likely) will be met with a terminal window12:39
diogenes_there you type in: startxfce412:40
diogenes_and notice what errors you gonna get in the terminal12:40
aaron__i did that.  still have the same issue where the screen flashes a few times then flashing cursor12:42
aaron__have to switch to CLI with ctrl+alt+f112:43
aaron__if i type startxfce4 at the prompt i see (EE) server terminated with error 112:44
diogenes_then try when you boot, in the grub menu on the first option you hit "e" and there you find the line: linux/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-23-generic root=UUID=8....... you need to remove quiet splash, then press ctrl+x and boot12:46
diogenes_and notice the last 3-4 line when it hangs12:46
aaron__so when machine boots it still tries to go into gui so i don't get to see the error.  will try it again just in case..12:50
aaron_@diogenes hi. i see no scrolling text even with quiet splash removed.  also don't see a splash screen.12:57
Spassaaron_, do you have auto login enabled on your machine? or did you always had to enter your password on boot?12:57
aaron_i only just installed it i believe it's auto logging in. not 100%12:58
aaron_whatever default is on the latest image on the website...12:59
Spassyou can see it using this command "cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf", is there "autologin-user=your_name" line there?13:01
SpassI'm asking because I'm curious if that blinking screen issue occurs on lightdm screen or after that, on a desktop13:02
aaron_aaron@Wolfy:~$ cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf cat: /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf: No such file or directory aaron@Wolfy:~$ cat /etc/lightdm/ lightdm.conf.d/           lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf  users.conf                 aaron@Wolfy:~$ ls /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/ aaron@Wolfy:~$13:02
aaron_i don't see that .conf file..13:03
Spassok, so probably no autologin, in that case you have an issue on the lightdm screen13:04
Spasswell, I would personally probably try to enable autologin and try if it changes something, but I don't think it would get you to the desktop...13:09
aaron_can you suggest an alternative to lightdm that might get me going again?  gdm is not in apt's sources13:11
aaron_i feel like I tried everything here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM13:12
Spassif you want to give it a try "sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf" and put this over there - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sSFDDKfFgT/13:12
aaron_sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm doesn't show a menu it just returns to the prompt13:12
Spassreplacing "your_name"13:12
aaron_and sudo service lightdm restart?13:14
Spasssave, and reboot your machine13:14
Spassand I don't know if you wrote that before, probably yes, but what happens when you switch to the console, log in to your account and type "startx"?13:15
aaron_interesting no flashy screen now13:15
aaron_i have the prompt13:16
aaron_ok if i startx in that console (guess that is running inside X) i see "only console users are allowed to run the X server"13:17
aaron_sudo !! ?13:17
aaron_worked :)13:18
Spasssudo shouldn't be required for that I think13:19
aaron_shall i change xubuntu.desktop back and reboot?13:20
aaron_if it works with autologin i will be happy with that13:21
Spassso with "sudo startx" you managed to get to the desktop?13:21
aaron_i didn't have permission as me13:22
Spassok, try to create a new user now in the "users-admin" tool13:23
Spassmake that user auto-login by changing /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf line "autologin-user=that_new_user"13:24
Spassreboot and see if it will get you directly to the desktop with that new user13:25
aaron_"Users Settings" tool is not loading13:25
aaron_aaron@Wolfy:~$ users-admin Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused  (users-admin:1497): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:25:52.574: cannot open display:13:26
aaron_also with sudo13:26
SpassAlt+F2 -> users-admin doesn't work? you're still on the desktop right?13:26
Spassit's a GUI tool13:27
aaron_yes the window loaded but i see a spinning wheel13:28
Spassok, so add the new user in the console, don't start x13:31
aaron_ok now it's just flashing in a loop!13:31
Spassswitch to the console Ctrl+Alt+F2, log in, "sudo adduser testuser" then "sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf" and "autologin-user=testuser", save reboot13:33
aaron_having to boot into recovery mode as regular boot does not allow me to switch consoles while the screen is flashing13:34
Spassquestion... is a complete reinstall an option for you? :) do you have some files already on that system or is it completely fresh?13:35
aaron_fairly fresh actually i think it took me about 2 hours to set up yesterday..13:35
aaron_i tried dpkg repair broken packages and it tried to download something but failed.  my wireless doesn't kick in until I'm logged in? :(13:36
aaron_okie-dokie.  looks like i know what i'm doing next ..  i hope it fixes it.13:39
Spassthat makes things even worse, you may stay in the channel for a bit, maybe someone more knowledgable than me will propose some solutions13:40
Spassbut if reinstalling lightdm did nothing, you don't have internet access to install additional packages, it will be hard probably13:40
Spassmaybe reconfiguring xorg is an option13:41
aaron_at the moment it's broken lol - i don't know how to get back to a command line13:41
aaron_i know, right!13:42
aaron_it's all good.  i'm learning.  linux has a steep curve..13:43
aaron_thanks for trying to help me13:44
aaron_the recovery menu might still help - i'n having a go13:45
Spasssorry for that, my suggestions could be a part of what break your system completely, but I hope not13:45
Spassthey weren't that invasive, I think13:45
aaron_they seemed fair enough..13:46
aaron_i have a prompt..13:47
Spasstry to ping google ;) "ping google.com -c 5"13:50
aaron_think i'll try the reinstall..13:52
BriggseHello, I've just installed xubuntu for the first time and i'm having a few issues with the trackpad.18:23
BriggseIt works, however if i try to disable it with the fn + f5 it disables for a few seconds, then enables itself again18:23
BriggseClicking also enables it immediately.18:24
BriggseGoogleing has been in-effective. I'm not sure how to describe the problem to the search engine18:24
BriggseI have tried using xinput but i am unable to re-enable the trackpad after that.18:24
Briggsesynclient works the same as the fn + f5 button18:24
Briggseany suggestions?18:25
Briggse( This key combination worked in ubuntu Mate )18:25
diogenes_Briggse, why you want to disable it?18:31
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad18:31
GridCubeBriggse: ^18:31
Briggse@diogenes When i type, my wrist bumps it and moves the mouse around and such. I also use the nub on the keyboard more often18:32
BriggseGridCube I'll check it out, thanks18:33
GridCubethere is a setting on synaptics that disables the touchpad for a little while after pressing a key on the keyboard18:33
GridCubeso it doesn't activates while typing18:33
BriggseThat might be conflicting with the script i had set up actually18:33
BriggseI wonder if it turns it on automatically after two seconds. I do have that set18:34
GridCubeno idea how that works though, it's been ages since i touched a touchpad capable computar18:34
BriggseGridCube, thanks, that was the issue afterall18:36
Briggsediogenes_ another reason i disable it is because my mouse will float sometimes when it is enabled. But i would like the ability to toggle so my girlfriend can use it if needed18:36
BriggseReally appreciate it guys!18:36
diogenes_Briggse, so you solved your issue?18:38
Briggsediogenes_ yes, i did!18:56

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