
guiverc:) @ leftyfb (#ubuntu)01:22
blackflowlol trolling is offtopic! ;)01:22
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:38
EriC^^morning all05:34
lordievaderGood morning06:15
ducassegood morning!06:23
lordievaderMorning ducasse06:28
ducassehi lordievader - all well today?06:29
lordievaderYes, doing alright here. How are you?06:29
ducasseall good, hoping it will rain today as forecast promised06:29
lordievaderHere it is just going to be warm -.-06:30
ducasseprobably here as well, like every other time they've promised rain this summer06:33
lordievaderIt would be nice for a change06:37
ducasseeverything is scorched here, huge risk of forest fires06:38
lordievaderSame here. Perhaps to a lesser extend, but the risk of forest fires is a lot higher than normal.06:40
ducassethere's already been a bunch of them this summer06:41
=== blackflow is now known as blockflaw
lotuspsychjehey pragmaticenigma good day sir12:11
lotuspsychjesupprt is slowly going up12:11
BluesKajHI folks12:19
lotuspsychjehey there BluesKaj12:19
lotuspsychjeall good there?12:20
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje, yes, fine here, and you?12:20
lotuspsychjeall great here tnx12:20
leftyfbfdgfdg: I thought you were going back to Windows12:34
lotuspsychje!cookie | EriC^^12:35
ubot5EriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!12:35
fdgfdgdont give a damn wat u think12:36
lotuspsychjefdgfdg: please mind your language in the ubuntu channels12:36
fdgfdgsince i hav elinux in my drive, i can use it if i cna get a few things ironed out12:36
fdgfdgbut dont expect help from you, dont worry12:36
lotuspsychjefdgfdg: talk professional here12:36
lotuspsychjefdgfdg: you try to give advice to users, you should know better talking polite12:37
fdgfdgim not going thru it all again. i have my reasons for being frustrated and ive stated them already. justified in my opnion12:38
fdgfdgsome people in here are snobby fanboys and i dont like it12:38
leftyfbfdgfdg: enough with the namecalling. Last warning12:39
fdgfdgoh go and eat shit.. your mothers12:39
lotuspsychjefdgfdg: its your life, you can be frustrated if you want..but dont mirror this to irc channel12:39
fdgfdglike i care about your warnings12:39
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
lotuspsychjetnx leftyfb12:40
leftyfbwish I could do it in the other chan12:40
leftyfbHe'll find his own way though12:40
EriC^^lotuspsychje: thx for the cookie :P12:41
lotuspsychjegreat work on dzip12:41
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb 's other name is obi-wan12:52
lordievaderA real jedi among us, cool :D12:59
lordievaderThat fdgfdg guy is quite bitter, ain't he.13:03
lotuspsychjehe was trying to warn users in main13:04
lotuspsychje<fdgfdg> make sure u understand linux demanding terminal stuff befur eu jump completel13:04
lotuspsychjemy terminal is also very demanding, i argue alot with him13:05
pragmaticenigmaIt's unfortunate to see someone bitter'd by their experience. I've been working with Gnu/Linux off and on since 1999. I didn't make it a full time decision until 2009/10 ish. I think some are delusional that they can install it and it will "just work" like windows does13:13
lordievader > my terminal is also very demanding, i argue alot with him14:03
lordievaderMy terminal is very submissive.14:03
lordievader`sudo` isn't. It insults me 😋14:04
lordievader > It's unfortunate to see someone bitter'd by their experience. I've been working with Gnu/Linux off and on since 1999. I didn't make it a full time decision until 2009/10 ish. I think some are delusional that they can install it and it will "just work" like windows does14:05
lordievaderIt is getting better. Still not quite there but lots of stuff does work out of the box.14:05
pragmaticenigmalordievader: I've had no issues since I switched to running full time. Though I'm comfortable around computer more than most people. I know that if I break it, I can usually fix it. Most of my breaks are bad configurations which are often resovled by deleting the config file and letting the application recreate it14:07
pragmaticenigmaOne of the many things I've enjoyed about the linux ecosystem. That configurations are not buried deep inside some goofy registry database hive, but are simple files that can be moved/swapped out easily14:08
lordievaderThat is true for most programs. But sometimes things are scattered all over the place. "Does the config in cwd, your homedir, /etc or /usr/<something> break everything" 😋14:09
pragmaticenigmalordievader: I guess that's where my knowledge on the setup helps. Most applications look first in their install directory, then in the system path, then in /etc, then in /home/user14:11
lordievaderI know. I'm just saying that it is sometimes annoying to find where something is configured.14:12
lordievaderDon't get me wrong, it is alot easier to find the location than on Windows, but still.14:13
blockflawlordievader: oh you rebuilt sudo for insults? ;)14:19
hggdhthe thing here is that -- used as they usually are with smart phones -- people expect any OS to be like a phone.14:19
lordievaderNo, I enabled the use-flag 😉14:20
blockflawlordievader: that's what I meant ;)  (I have that too on gentoo systems)14:20
lordievaderYeah, my Ubuntu/Debian systems don't insult me.14:20
hggdhalso, on Windows, most of the times the file extension is linked to a program. Had this happened with the inform files, Mystic would have had no issues14:20
hggdhso, there is probably a bug lurking there, for UX. But... they refused to go that way14:21
oerheksugh that name, he got kicked out of ##linux yesterday14:21
leftyfbhggdh: no issues with opening a game with inform ... I guarantee you he had others queued up ready for the arguing14:21
hggdhthis is the same sdgfdg above, as far as I can see14:22
blockflawlordievader: the insults are in the sudoers.so though, even on deb/ubu. it's just missing that --configure thingy14:22
lordievaderHmm, I see. Never really looked into it.14:23
hggdhleftyfb: I do not doubt, he has approached moving to a new OS with unreasonable expectations14:23
blockflawlordievader: otoh one I remember:    strings /usr/lib/sudo/sudoers.so | grep -i honk14:23
blockflawit's a racial slur btw, so be warned.14:23
blockflawI wonder if the mere presence of these violate some Ubuntu/Canonical policy. Recently, FreeBSD saw some serious drama with a sjw attack on "hitler quotes" in "fortune" cookies.14:27
blockflaw(I call it a "sjw attack" derogatively, because they attacked only the hitler quotes, leaving Stalin ones. Stalin killed millions too, so....)14:28
leftyfboerheks: I don't see anything about Mystic being kicked or even saying anything in ##linux for this whole month14:29
pragmaticenigmablockflaw: Canoncial removed the contentious fortune db entries awhile back. you can still get them though, I think you have to enable the universe package repo.14:30
blockflawpragmaticenigma: well they're in my regular Bionic  sudoers.so14:31
blockflawanother one:   strings /usr/lib/sudo/sudoers.so | grep -i burrito14:31
blockflawmaybe sudo is compiled not to utilize them, but they're present nonetheless.14:32
oerhekserr, he was taken voice .. anyway14:32
blockflawbtw, he got kciked out of #debian earlier today for the same reason.14:32
blockflawcame in there and started the whole innocent help request going on, culminating with same crap.14:33
oerheksoh, i thought it was linux14:33
pragmaticenigmapretty sure they were around yesterday too14:48
pragmaticenigma*NOT FOUND*15:07
lotuspsychjegoogle hits the MS azure site15:09
lotuspsychjeno ubuntu wiki15:09
pragmaticenigmaI thought the Azure install image was managed by Microsoft15:14
oerheksyay .. https://news.softpedia.com/news/lubuntu-18-10-may-support-32-bit-pcs-if-there-s-demand-here-s-how-you-can-help-521998.shtml15:51
oerheksfinally the chromium team got some air15:51
oerheksand firefox team15:51
pragmaticenigmaI should spin up my Celeron 2GHz and install the image... start testing15:56
oerheksohhh i have such machine too, my 1st newly build pc15:57
pragmaticenigmaohh! I should do that too! I have an old Athlon 1Ghz15:57
oerhekswow, with AGPx4 ?15:58
oerhekside hdd15:58
oerheksfloppy ?15:58
pragmaticenigmaI don't remember what the spec was on the AGP slot... but yeah.. floppy, 2 ATA100 and 2 ATA66 PATA ports, 2 12 pin serial16:05
pragmaticenigmaIf only I had a picture16:05
pragmaticenigmait was the first PC i built, it was also the first PC that i had requiring the use of a heat sink on the chipset16:05
oerheksthose machines i leave on the street, i don't even try to open them any more16:06
pragmaticenigmaI've mostly kept it around for nostalgia16:06
pragmaticenigmaIt fell out of favor when Fedora wouldn't play nice with it16:06
=== blockflaw is now known as blackflow
pragmaticenigmaWho is this Werterd person??16:40
* blackflow puts $5 on a "petro" sockpuppet16:41
blackflowoerheks: I say we let it die. there's plenty of software, distros and installations, still supporting 32-bits for _years_ to come. the "Mah Athlon!" crowd can keep on installing 16.04 and methinks 18.04 still does 32 bits?16:48
pragmaticenigmablackflow: 32bit spins were dropped with 18.04 with the exception of Xubuntu and Lubuntu16:54
pragmaticenigmablackflow: Or rather 32 bit was only provided with Lubuntu and Xubuntu16:54
pragmatic_enigmaYou can continue to install 32 bit via the mini.iso version as well. As that does not require special compiling to run, it16:57
blackflowpragmatic_enigma: ah good start, then. now, Steam, would you kindly step into the 21st century and bump to 64 bits....16:57
_pragmatic_enigmfree node and hex chat are being a pain :-(16:58
pragmaticenigmathere ... all better17:03
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== pragmatic_enigma is now known as pragmaticenigma
hggdhoerheks: xenial is ending?19:32
hggdh:-) answered19:32
oerheksyeah, trusty, who is using that for serious work..19:35
blackflowa whole bunch of peeps19:36
hggdhin general, sysadmins are *very* conservative19:37
blackflowsomething something if it ain't broken don't fix it :)19:38
JimBuntuoerheks, I still use trusty for some serious work, but keep it behind firewall appliances and UFW19:41
oerheksmeh.. if they say cinnamon, i find it hard to believe they run ubuntu, i think mint or the other one19:41
oerheksi am not sure trusty gets all the patches for meltdown, spectre 1/1.1/1.2 ...19:42
blackflowit certainly won't be helped by upstream. the upstream would love everyone to run the latest kernel only.19:43
hggdhwell, you do have the hardware enablement kernels for LTS19:43
blackflowthat's a lifesaver. I'm personally irked that Bionic is on 4.15. it was EOL before Bionic was released even. feh!19:44
oerheksi am still on 17.10 ..19:46
oerheksbut my lappy is up2date :-D19:47
blackflowoerheks: btw, two more days, if you haven't found out already (your previous q about artful EOL date)19:47
oerheksah oke, thank you19:48
oerheksyes, i couldn't find that exact date, i thought somewhere 26/2719:48
ubot5Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases19:49
JimBuntumeh - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases19:49
leftyfb<psyk> nacc, i965-va-driver exists, but that supports 965 and up - i need 945 support which exists in the i915-va-driver package.21:18
leftyfb* XThomas has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)21:18
leftyfb<nacc> psyk: again, there is *no* such package in ubuntu, even in 12.0421:18
leftyfbThat's why I told you21:19
naccleftyfb: read what package they are asking about again21:19
naccthey want i915-va-driver21:19
leftyfbah, right21:19
leftyfbsorry :)21:19
leftyfbI'll shutup now21:19
naccyeah :)21:19
naccit's np, they are being obstinate and a bit rude21:20
naccBashing-om: not worth getting involved22:42
Bashing-omnacc: :)) - Have not kept up on flash .. seems I am way out of date .22:44
hggdhout of curiosity -- does Chromium (or Chrome) still support flash? I dimly remember it not being supported anymore. But I am probably confusing it22:46
daftykinspretty sure i made use of pepperflash on Windows for MLB.com last season, but they finally made their player HTML5 this year22:52
daftykinsi'm not even sure if Firefox on Windows can still use flash since i refuse to install it22:52
Bashing-omOur bot is not telling the truth : sysop@x1810:~$ apt list adobe-flashplugin >> adobe-flashplugin/cosmic 1:20180410.1-0ubuntu1 amd64 .22:55
daftykinsflashplugin-installer seems to be the one22:57
nacc!info adobe-flashplugin23:10
ubot5Package adobe-flashplugin does not exist in bionic23:10
nacc!info adobe-flashplugin cosmic23:10
ubot5Package adobe-flashplugin does not exist in cosmic23:10
naccBashing-om: apt-cache policy adobe-flashplugin?23:11
Bashing-omnacc: Installed: (none) ;  Candidate: 1:20180410.1-0ubuntu1 ; 500 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu cosmic/partner amd64 Packages  .23:14
naccBashing-om: weird, rmadison doesn't see it23:15
daftykinsdoes the above installer package grab a deb and install that name or something?23:15
nacclaunchpad says it's there23:15
nacci was pretty sure rmadison and the bot looked in partner23:16
Bashing-omnacc: restricted to AMD only ?23:17
nacc!info skype23:17
ubot5Package skype does not exist in bionic23:17
naccBashing-om: not sure, honestly23:18
naccdoing some other stuff, so don't have time to look into it right now :)23:18
naccpartner is weird anyways23:18
Bashing-omnacc: Old skype will be dropped by MS next month: https://arstechnica.com/?p=1343771 .23:19
naccand it's a snap now23:20
nacci was just tryuing to find another partner deb23:20
daftykinsi recently hit update and got the new v8 here on Windows, huge regret23:21
daftykinsi'm forced to see silly emoticons now :(23:21

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