
=== Darkhero_ is now known as Darkhero
thomas__hi guys04:30
thomas__i'm "new" on linux04:31
thomas__time to start something new.... maybe i can try hacking some day?04:32
thomas__any advise, tips, tricks, guides, courses, sites,...04:33
thomas__feel free to share ;)04:33
sattineed some help05:52
sattihow to connect to projector from ubuntu05:52
thomas__i am desperate about this whole computer i have06:32
thomas__i started with xp, then 7, 8.1, 10 then the crack somehow got discovered06:33
thomas__probably after a kb file that got installed06:33
thomas__and then the problems start06:34
thomas__new video card06:34
thomas__still running extremely slow now06:34
thomas__installed a variety of linux distro's06:34
thomas__slow af06:34
thomas__did a memtest06:35
thomas__searched long hours06:35
thomas__waited long hours06:35
thomas__doing short things on a slow pc taking even more hours06:35
thomas__bro, i'm poor and i wanna save this pc06:36
thomas__all ancient parts on it06:36
mate|37662Good morning everyone... I am very new to this   IRC and stuff, so I will come up with a better nickname for next time07:16
mate|37662Does anyone have a favorite electronics design package. ( working with Raspberry and aruino for some robotics and lighting projects)07:22
thomas__hey mate07:32
thomas__my pc is slow in a weird way07:33
thomas__it freezes, then runs smooth again, freezes, run smooth and so on07:33
thomas__with every program, even booting07:33
thomas__well booting is ok07:34
thomas__i guess this IRC is mainly for noobs like me to ask help from 'noobs' just like me07:35
mate|37662more or less could be just bad timing... any further details thomas_07:37
mate|37662thomas_ ... some specs? CPU, RAM, HD, OS, etc.?07:39
thomas__i have to look that up again07:39
thomas__'new' ish video card07:40
thomas__but all ancient07:40
thomas__hold on07:40
thomas__i'm too used to windows man07:44
thomas__geforce 6800gt lol07:45
thomas__amd cpu07:45
thomas__whats the copy&paste combo on linux?07:46
mate|37662I seem to remember some comands that help w/ HW ID ... I will try to look them up07:46
mate|37662copy and paste same as windows, except from the CLI07:47
thomas__explain CLI07:47
thomas__ubuntu16.04.3 LTS P6T asus motherboard07:47
thomas__very old also07:47
mate|37662Command Line Interface - same same as DO07:48
thomas__i7 920 @2.67ghz07:48
mate|37662same as DOS prompt07:48
mate|37662aka. the terminal07:48
thomas__6gig ram i think ddr307:49
thomas__sorry it's a 6600GT not 80007:49
mate|37662system sounds like you should be having now problems... fresh stand alone install or dual boot?07:50
thomas__2tb drive, linux auto install without any adjustments done by me07:50
thomas__clean install07:50
thomas__well no07:50
mate|37662which linux?  might help with sourcing the commands07:50
thomas__i selected to wipe complete disk and clean install yeah07:51
thomas__ubuntu MATE07:51
thomas__because it claimed it would support more older hardware out of the box07:52
mate|37662OK you should be in the right place for help.... Me I am still fairly new to this ( used some UNIX in a past life )07:52
thomas__but maybe there still is something broken07:52
thomas__yeah me too bro07:52
thomas__as a kid probably xD07:52
thomas__first few tries of linux installing was setting up partitions on a 2tb for speed boots07:56
mate|37662what kind of info do you get from top? ( right ctrl-alt-t to open a terminal then enter top) type ctrl-c to kill top when U want ,  type exit or ctrl-d to close the terminal07:56
mate|37662and while we are at it what apps are you running that make the system freeze07:58
thomas__it's a brandnew install bro08:00
thomas__the freeze happens mostly at the first time of every action08:01
thomas__i really think it's hardware related somehow08:01
thomas__how can i rule out my paranoia about it being hardware based?08:02
thomas__is there a way i can 'test' every piece of hardware during boot sessions or so?08:02
mate|37662so, no extras, could be HW , still trying to remember some diag tools...08:03
thomas__what's HW again?08:03
thomas__ah ok08:03
mate|37662and yes there are additional test you can setup/run , but it is 2am and I am just drawing blanks08:04
thomas__lol... that stuff i don't know but watching mr robot and first thing i did when logging in for the first time was logging in terminal as root haha08:04
mate|37662try hwinfo in a terminal08:05
mate|37662swap file size?  I use gparted for hard drive info08:07
mate|37662you could also do a google search on 'linux hardware testing ' and check out some of the results.08:09
thomas__great idea08:09
thomas__gonna try that one08:09
mate|37662sorry thomas_ I am going for a smoke and then the sack... Good luck mate08:10
thomas__have a good day08:10
thomas__oh eh night right?08:10
adrysomeone knows how I can install fortnite or grand theft auto V (GTA V) for free12:53
karnemelkwe have multiple computers, how do i get my home folder the same on all my devices ? can i map a network drive ?13:59

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