
SrgjamesHow the hell can i get Mod_rewrite or the Vitrualhost when using a vhost on 44300:33
naccSrgjames: hard to tell what exactly you are asking for, but: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/rewrite/vhosts.html00:43
Srgjamesnacc so instead of Login.php its just login00:44
naccSrgjames: you mean that http://.../login redirects to login.php? or you don't want to see login.php at all?00:44
Srgjamesnacc I have this file https://thorn.eveinterface.com/login.php but would rather people see https://thorn.eveinterface.com/login00:47
naccSrgjames: i don't think that's what mod_rewrite is for00:53
naccthough, maybe? it's limited to just the extension, afaict00:54
sarnoldmod_rewrite can do way more than just strip extensions http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_rewrite.html00:59
sarnoldwhether or not it *should* do those things is another question00:59
Srgjamessarnold no clue why but I cant get it to work at all01:05
Srgjamesat least with extensions01:05
naccsarnold: sorry, i meant the above link, htaccess based rewrite01:27
naccsarnold: i'm not sure you can do more than the extension-based rewrite in htaccess01:29
sarnoldI never spent much time seeing what htaccess could do, those are re-read and re-parsed and so on every single request, so I pretend they don't exist because that's just silly.01:29
hehehesarnold: can you even code creatively?01:50
sarnoldno, too old now01:51
jak2000hi all02:03
jak2000 how to check if a port is open?02:03
sarnoldss -l or netstat -lnp02:05
easyOnMeblackflow: good day02:14
easyOnMeI figure out the issue and it has something to do with codeigniter configuration02:14
easyOnMedo you have any idea about it02:14
jak2000sarnold:  https://paste.debian.net/1034013/02:46
sarnoldthose are two separate commands. try them both.02:47
jak2000sarnold: https://paste.debian.net/1034016/02:51
jak2000the port 3306 is open?02:51
jak2000 if stop iptables i can connect to mysql if start cant connect...   how to open the port?04:14
lordievaderGood morning06:15
tobascoanybody seen issues with masked systemd files before?08:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1782097 in redis (Ubuntu) "redis-server systemd unit file is masked and cannot be enabled" [Undecided,New]08:53
tobascocoreycb: semi-openstack related since redis is used in the CI when testing bionic+rocky ^08:53
oerheksdid you edit /etc/redis/redis.conf and set supervised systemd ?08:57
tobascooerheks: thanks for the tip, setting supervised to "systemd" did not help, systemctl enable still fails09:00
oerheksi found that on, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-redis-on-ubuntu-18-0409:03
oerheksumask gave no error .. curious09:03
tobascooerheks: weird, i spawned up a new bionic machine from vagrant and it worked09:08
tobascomust be something puppet related that causes it to be masked or smth like that09:09
tobascowonder why i can't unmask though09:10
tobascooerheks: thanks for the help, I found the issue :)09:15
oerhekstobasco, nice09:15
oerheksis it just a glitch or ..?09:15
tobascooerheks: somehow related to puppet when installing the package, more of a workaround, don't enable it :(09:17
=== blackflow is now known as blockflaw
SomeTanyone help me with the following step, step 6 at https://gitlab.com/tslocum/tinyib it says to set directories as writeable (https://i.gyazo.com/d3c5a3997a8aa3bf1db0f109df0f91b5.png) but what chmod number do I use for this and what command in Linux Ubuntu therein?10:04
lordievaderWritable for whom?10:07
SomeTthis is the thing thats confusing me I think...10:08
SomeTit literally just says: CHMOD write permissions to these directories:10:08
SomeT./ (the directory containing TinyIB)10:08
SomeT./inc/flatfile/ (only if you use the flatfile database mode)10:08
SomeTthen lists those directories10:08
SomeTI presume it means to make them writeable publically?10:08
lordievaderThat sounds like a bad idea.10:09
lordievaderInvestigate who needs those right and only give them the rights.10:09
ducasseSomeT: don't crosspost, it's rude and wastes other peoples time10:09
SomeTI just crossposted because that other guy is crying in there10:09
SomeTso he is getting all the attention about his graphics driver10:10
oerheksSomeT, i still wonder who needs write permissions, the user, or a group, or php ?10:10
oerheksthat guide is pretty ... not saying10:10
SomeTwould it be all three?10:11
SomeTso basically 776?10:12
lordievaderLike I said, investigate.10:12
SomeTI cant10:12
SomeTthis is all the info I have10:12
lordievaderIs it code that is supposed to run?10:14
ducassecontact the maintainer(s)10:14
SomeTthe folders are empty10:15
lordievaderLooking at the gitlab page it looks like a bunch of photos scripts. So whoever runs the php stuff on your machine needs write rights, most likely.10:16
oerheksadd it to the www-data group?10:18
lordievaderDepends on the setup.10:23
ahasenackrbasak: hi, I didn't understand one thing about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sssd/+bug/124977711:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1249777 in sssd (Ubuntu) "libsss-sudo generated nsswitch.conf leads to error messages upon sudo invocation" [Low,Confirmed]11:29
ahasenackrbasak: why are they installing the sss-sudo (name to be corrected) package if they do not want to use it?11:29
ahasenackit just comes along because of dependencies perhaps?11:29
rbasakahasenack: I assume it's a Recommends so is coming in automatically.11:37
ahasenacksssd-common indeed recommends libsss-sudo11:37
ahasenackteward: hi, did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/1781971 ?11:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1781971 in nginx (Ubuntu) "nginx daemon should be provided in a package that doesn't have dependencies to systemd (or nginx-common)" [Undecided,New]11:41
rbasakI commented with a side note11:47
rbasakBut yeah, +1 for Wishlist11:48
tewardahasenack: rbasak: saw, and replied.12:45
tewardthere's a headache to consider here though12:45
tewardto do this we need to do three things at least:12:45
teward(1) rename nginx-core (which is the 'upstream-provided modules only' version of nginx-full) to something else,12:45
teward(2) each flavor of NGINX needs its own -core package12:46
tewardwhich means we go from nginx, nginx-{light,core,extras,full,doc,common} to nginx, nginx-doc, nginx-{light,ubuntu?,extras,full,doc,common}, nginx-core-{light,ubuntu,extras,full}12:47
tewardof which nginx, nginx-ubuntu, nginx-core-ubuntu, and nginx-common become Main included12:47
teward(assuming that nginx-ubuntu is whatever name we rename nginx-core to)12:48
teward(3) This makes maintaining this while merging from Debian that much more difficult12:48
tewardmeaning as I said in my reply to the bug we probably have to permanently diverge in a non-mergeable way from Debian12:48
tewardnot to mention the build rules currently don't take kindly to changing, we'd have to do some serious work on the d/rules to probably make this work12:49
tewardit may be the lack of coffee talking just now, but I'd be hesitant to do this without some heavy-duty discussions first12:49
tewardso the earliest I think we could roll this out would be *maybe* next cycle if we choose to do this12:50
tewardthe key problem is nginx-{core,light,full,extras} all have different nginx binary applications in them12:50
tewardbecause not all NGINX modules are dynamically includeable12:50
tewardso to replace this so each of those flavors' nginx executables are able to be used independently in a 'core' package variant like MySQL does is a significant overhaul12:51
tewardand I can't guarantee it'll even be done by next cycle.12:51
teward*my* suggestion would be to upstream this to Debian for their thoughts, and depending on what they do decide where we go next12:51
rbasakteward: OK, thank you for your thoughts.13:06
tewardrbasak: not to say we can't do it, but it'd need thought out, adjusted, and heavily tested13:20
tewardthat's the thoughts I have on it right now13:20
tewardI also have to get into the habit of version controlling the package (do we have it in git yet?)13:20
teward(Launchpad VCS is... tricky to say the least... compared to github or such)13:20
tewardnow, to be fair, I've got an idea of how this can be implemented.  It'll just be very tricky to get working properly...13:22
tewardrbasak: ahasenack: do you want me to proceed with prototyping this so we can see how the existing 18.04 package would have to be altered to work properly?  do we have a replacement name for the 'core' flavor that we have for NGINX?13:23
rbasakteward: I suggest you hold on this for now, pending further discussion. Some of my colleagues are sprinting at the moment so it may not be for a week or two.13:36
rbasak(given that Andres filed the bug, I suspect that it's because MAAS would like this facility from the nginx package; there may be other possible solutions)13:37
tewardrbasak: ACK13:52
swebmy preseed command is return exit code 113:56
swebhere my command : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4YGmgJ82VR/13:56
l4m8d4Is it possible to create a network bridge on a physical interface, and at the same time derive MACVLAN interfaces from it?14:57
RoyKl4m8d4: yes - it's quite simple15:12
RoyKl4m8d4: something like this https://wiki.debian.org/BridgeNetworkConnections15:13
l4m8d4RoyK: Ok, not sure if what I wanted is really what I need. I (will) have 2 containers and 1 vm (possibly more in the future) on the machine, and I have 1 physical NIC (eno1) that I want to devote completely to the containers and vm. Another physical NIC is used to directly connect the host to the network seperately. Would I be able to create 3 virtual NICs, bridge them with the physical eno1, then15:30
l4m8d4"give" them to the containers and VM?15:30
l4m8d4And also, would these be able to configure these virtual NICS themselves, assigning addresses, putting up and down, and so on?15:32
l4m8d4Before, I planned on only containers, there I could just use MACVLAN with systemd-nspawn, which would do just that, without evem requiring a bridge, or any manual config on the host even. With VMs, I guess this approach wont work (it seems netplan can not configure macvlan that can be handed to the VM)15:34
RoyKl4m8d4: kvm?15:48
RoyKthen just use that bridge15:51
l4m8d4Ok. Systemd containers support connection to the brdige too, so that should be ok15:51
RoyKin the vm setup, just connect to that bridge - it'l work - I use the same thing on a few servers15:51
l4m8d4RoyK: Thanks, I'll try to set it up like this then!15:53
SomeThaving trouble getting php code to connect to my sql database15:59
SomeTchecked ufw and the port 3306 is open15:59
SomeTI can't figure out what else is wrong?15:59
RoyKSomeT: which sql server?16:04
RoyKmysql? postgresql? mariadb? sqlite? mssql?16:06
RoyKSomeT: are you connecting from the same machine or another?16:09
blockflawSomeT: what kind of "Trouble"?16:09
SomeTits a digitalocean dropley16:10
blockflawsurely there's a specific error message to it16:10
SomeTits a digitalocean droplet16:10
SomeTone sec16:10
SomeTgive you more details16:10
blockflawwait, you're accessing your db remotely, over the public internet?16:10
RoyKwith cleartext password?16:10
SomeTwell kinda16:10
SomeTI am logged into a virtual machine16:10
SomeTI am trying to install this on a LEMP stack16:10
SomeTvia digital ocean16:11
SomeTI got as far as step as step 716:11
SomeTon there read me16:11
SomeTwhen I go to/imgboard.php16:11
blockflawdoesn't matter where you're logged. the question is on which server is the php client and on which server is the db and is the traffic going over the public internet, or infact, any network between two different IP addresses.16:11
SomeTI get that error message16:11
RoyKSomeT: can you telnet into port 3306 in that db server?16:11
SomeTum never tried that16:12
SomeTbut I already checked ufw16:12
RoyKSomeT: erm - you're missing a library16:12
blockflawmysql by defautl listens on localhost only, if I'm not mistaken? so... is this supposed to work between two different machiens or is all within localhost?16:12
SomeTa library?16:12
SomeTwhich one?16:12
blockflawmysql client lib for PHP otoh16:13
RoyKthe first thing you pastbinned was saying "mysql library missing"16:13
RoyKpretty normal noob issue ;)16:13
spaceshi guys, do we still need ondrej for PHP packages in 18.04 ?16:14
SomeTwait I need that enabled?16:14
blockflawspaces: probably if you'll want 7.3 in a few months.16:14
SomeTwhat thing16:14
SomeT https://gyazo.com/e879dd520f7e58d0eba7ee03c0635715 ?16:14
RoyKphp-mysql something16:14
SomeTah I see16:15
SomeTone sec16:15
blockflawmysql PDO probably (as there's THREE mysql libs for PHP.... two actually I think one was discontinued with 7.x)16:15
SomeTdefinitely the mysql library?16:15
SomeTif you check that page for me16:15
spacesblockflaw I wasn't able to install php-curl with the default repo's in 18.04, it failed, dependency and I came from ondrej16:15
SomeTbecause I find it bit confusing to read16:15
blockflawSomeT: you got them all it seems, ont he _server_. where's the client? on the same machiine?16:16
naccspaces: you never "needed" ondrej16:16
naccspaces: you chose to require something that wasn't in ubuntu, which then made you need ondrej's repo16:16
SomeTI usually just direct connect through pUTTy16:16
spacesnacc 7.1 and 7.2 had some advanatges where 16.04 didn't had those16:16
blockflawSomeT: so, mysql and php (fpm) are running on the same machine?16:16
naccspaces: can you pastebin the exact output of installing php-curl?16:16
naccspaces: right, that's a *choice* you make16:16
spacesnacc I can see if it's tstill in my terminal16:16
naccspaces: ok16:17
SomeTI don't care about the security to much at this stage16:17
SomeTI am still learning ;)16:17
SomeTI will make a not of your security advisement though16:17
SomeTas I get where your coming from16:17
blockflawdon't say that. even if you don't care, someone else cares that you don't and will gladly take over your machine and turn it into a 100Mbps UDP gun for hire.16:17
SomeTbesides it makes sense because thats how I do it locally16:17
spacesnacc php-culr is sumlinked as you know: https://pastebin.com/Hd9bET7M16:17
SomeTthe amount I delete my servers anyway it dont matter so much16:17
naccspaces: you have ondrej enabled.16:18
naccspaces: don't use a ppa.16:18
SomeTbut anyway back on point, you said the mysql library is installed right?16:18
blockflawSomeT: if you don't install in your brain a security savvy mind and do it the right thing from the start, it'll be harder later to do so.16:18
spacesnacc it was not enabled anymore16:18
blockflawSomeT: according to that phpinfo, it is.16:18
spacesnacc earlier you needed appa16:18
SomeTbecause php -m gives:16:18
SomeTno just mysql16:18
naccspaces: yes you do.16:18
naccspaces: look at the output.16:18
naccspaces: `apt-cache policy php7.2-curl`16:19
blockflawSomeT: that's okay. also, pdo should be listed there16:19
SomeTyeah pdo is on there16:19
naccspaces: if i had to guess, you didn't purge the ppa, and still have packages from it.16:20
SomeTI am at a loss16:20
=== blockflaw is now known as blackflow
SomeTlike I even looked through the code to find whats bringing up that error message but could not find it16:20
SomeTdidnt think to search using gitlab16:21
SomeTif (!function_exists('mysql_connect')) is my key to solving this16:22
SomeTquestion is which function?16:22
naccSomeT: do you just need to set TINIB_DBMODE to mysqli?16:23
SomeTcould be16:23
SomeTone sec16:23
blackflowSomeT: that tinyib thing is using mysqli, which you have according to that phpinfo16:23
SomeTnot tried that16:23
naccblackflow: i believe by default it might use 'mysql'16:24
SomeThow do I even enter mysqli command line in ubuntu though...16:24
blackflowI grep'd the source16:24
SomeTI will try it and see16:24
SomeTI tried to change to pdo already16:24
blackflowoh wait, yes, it can use more than one backend....16:24
naccSomeT: took me about 5 seconds of reading their maing gitlab page16:24
SomeTCould not select database: Unknown database 'TinyIB'16:25
SomeTI get that when I change to mysqli16:25
naccSomeT: that's a better error16:25
SomeTI defined the database in the code16:25
SomeTI thought it would auto create it16:25
SomeTbut now my issue is I have no idea how to create a database in mysqli16:25
naccthat seems more like a tinyib problem than an ubuntu one16:25
SomeTonly in mysql16:25
SomeTyeah at least you got me that far thanks16:25
SomeTis a better error16:25
SomeTMySQLi is a replacement for the mysql functions, with object-oriented and procedural versions. It has support for prepared statements.16:26
spacesnacc maybe indeed but installing curl itself fixed it all16:26
spacesso I think a dep issue in the ppa packages16:26
spacesold ones or so16:27
naccspaces: no, it's because you have two repos setup16:27
naccand ondrej's versions are after ubuntu's.16:27
naccspaces: your issue is using a ppa you don't need16:27
spacesnacc yes but taht would be no issue as it should get the latest ones but I think it was still looking for 16.04 packages and didn't match where 18.04 were newer16:28
SomeTok I fixed it16:28
spacesbetween ppa en 18.0416:28
SomeTI just went into mysql and created that database16:28
SomeTthansk for the help16:28
naccspaces: i'm otp now, one sec16:28
spacesnacc I'm at att now (at the toilet)16:29
spacesmore then one sec ;)16:30
spacesblackflow what's wrong with it, better let people know where you are, do you know how many people die on the toilet each year ?16:32
blackflowa statistic I'm dying to find out.16:33
blackflowyou asked if I knew how many people died on the toilet each year, no?16:35
blackflowyour rhetoric question was answered with a cynical, nihilistic sarcastic answer. sans smileys for a pokerface response.16:36
spacesblackflow you say so but it happens a lot because people hold up too long and need to use pressure to get it out, some vane in your head can explode then16:38
spaceskinda tricky, really when you get older16:38
* blackflow politely coughs and looks at the offtopic sign hung near the door.16:38
spacesblackflow better know then find out when it's too late ;)16:39
spacesnothing wrong on the side for a small talk16:39
spacesblackflow now I need to drink so I can pee out later on what I didn't hydrate and sweated out <- tip is drink from time to time :P16:50
=== tobasco is now known as tobasco_away
DammitJimis there a way to get a service status on Ubuntu 16 where it just prints the status and exits?17:07
DammitJim(you don't have to press q to quit)17:07
RoyKsystemctl status <service>17:08
DammitJimRoyK, I appreciate it, but when you do that, you'll see at the bottom: lines 1-14/14 (END)17:09
DammitJimyou need to press q to get out of that window17:09
DammitJimmeaning, the systemctl command in that case doesn't return you back to the prompt17:09
RoyKdosaboy: it does17:11
RoyKDammitJim: it does17:11
DammitJimit does what?17:11
RoyKDammitJim: it returns - or if not, just "true | systemctl status <service>"17:12
DammitJimdid you try it for yourself?17:12
DammitJimeven with true, it still doesn't return you to continue running more commands17:12
RoyKI've never seen systemctl status not return17:13
DammitJimtry it and pastebin it... maybe I have configured something wrong17:13
RoyKyou paste bin it17:14
DammitJimAgain, I appreciate you trying to help, but please don't tell me that it returns when you haven't even tried it yourself17:15
DammitJimbecause as someone who is trying to learn, it makes it even more confusing17:16
RoyKit doesn't stop for a prompt there17:16
DammitJimdoes it return to the prompt for you?17:17
DammitJimpaste bin it and let me see17:17
RoyKit does17:17
RoyKDammitJim: http://paste.debian.net/1034117/ <-- systemctl status apache2 - nothing else17:18
DammitJimyup, yours doesn't return to the prompt either17:19
DammitJimyou can't run another command after it17:19
DammitJimyou have to press q or something to get out of that console17:19
RoyKDammitJim: no17:19
RoyKDammitJim: you're quite wrong here17:19
DammitJimcan you run the date command after that?17:23
naccspaces: i'm back now17:23
DammitJimhey nacc17:23
DammitJimdo you know of a command on Ubuntu 16 where you can check the status of a service17:23
DammitJimbut the command returns you back to the prompt?17:24
sarnoldDammitJim: try this: PAGER=cat systemctl status lst-dash89-117:24
naccDammitJim: do you want to just know if it's running?17:24
DammitJimyou know, use shell scripts and stuff17:24
DammitJimthe old way was running: service <service_name> status17:25
naccsystemctl is-active?17:25
DammitJimit would return something I can parse17:25
naccand --quiet if you don't want any output17:25
naccparsing is alwways the wrong choice17:25
DammitJimthanks man!17:25
naccuse exit codes/retrun codes17:25
naccthe textual output of those commands is not an ABI :)17:25
naccthere is also is-failed, iirc17:26
DammitJimyeah, you are right nacc... I was saying parsing because right now that was the only way I knew from looking at the huge output from systemctl <service> status17:26
naccDammitJim: i think the above is what you want, though17:27
DammitJimnow, is-active is not the same as running, or is it?17:27
DammitJimI've seen the status say: active (<something else in here>)17:27
DammitJimoh yeah, like: active (exited)17:28
naccthat'd be a oneshot if so17:28
naccyou can read the systemctl manpage to see17:28
naccthe closest you can get to 'running' is is-active, afaick17:28
naccwhich just means it hasn't failed17:28
DammitJimok, great!17:28
naccif it is long-running, it's still running, if it's oneshot, well, it shot :)17:28
DammitJimthanks! that's very helpful17:44
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
trekkie1701cSo is there a way to get the 4.15 kernel on 16.04 or do I have to go to 18.04?21:08
nacctrekkie1701c: you should wait for 16.04.5 to come out.21:09
nacctrekkie1701c: you can use the edge hwe kernel if you want, i think21:09
trekkie1701chwe only goes to 4.1321:09
nacc!info linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge21:10
ubottulinux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image (dummy transitional package). In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 14 kB21:10
nacc!info linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge xenial21:10
ubottulinux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge (source: linux-meta-hwe-edge): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 10 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; s390x)21:10
nacctrekkie1701c: please do some research, as that is not correct.21:10
trekkie1701cI installed hwe a few minutes ago and I'm on the 4.13 kernel so...21:11
nacctrekkie1701c: read what i wrote *again*.21:12
nacctrekkie1701c: the *edge* hwe kernel.21:12
trekkie1701cAlright then, I didn't realize there was a difference.  Sorry.21:12
ahasenackhm, dpkg-buildpackage is complaining that I have changes that cannot be represented21:22
ahasenackso far, a common mistake,21:22
ahasenackbut it's about .git/* content21:22
ahasenackI've never seen that before21:22
naccahasenack: pass -i -I21:22
ahasenackI never had to do that before21:22
ahasenackcould something in cosmic have changed?21:23
naccahasenack: dunno, we pass it in git-ubuntu automatically21:24
naccahasenack: it's actually an option to dpkg-source, iirc21:24
ahasenackyeah, ignore certain default files/dir21:24
ahasenacknothing recent in dpkg's changelog, I must have skipped a step without realizing21:25
Veus_unihello is there jshell for ubuntu? or something simular where i user would be logged into their dir, and not aloud to go out side of it, but able torun mono and screen22:19
sarnoldyou could set the user account to have a specific shell, and create an apparmor profile for that shell..22:21
Veus_unihow do you mean?22:22
Veus_unisomething like rbash?22:22
Veus_unii knoe with cpanel they have jailshell which will only let them go to /home/user, but will let them run almost anything22:22
sarnoldrbash is easy to bypass if you let the user run something like vim or mutt or screen since it's trivial to get to a real shell and then do what you want22:22
sarnoldnearly every useful tool lets you execute shell commands..22:23
sarnoldso that's why a stronger tool like apparmor is useful; it can confine the user beyond what a single "restricted" process is able to provide22:23
Veus_uniwith apparmor are the users able to view through ssh other folder other than thier own i,e if i have user1 in /home/user1 would they be able to see anything in /home/user222:27
sarnoldif you wanted something that'd work on all users with the shell, you could write the rules like: "owner /home/*/** r," to let them read only files they own.. if you've got one user in mind, it could be "owner /home/untrusted/** r," to only let them read the files in their own home directory, IFF they own the file ..22:30
Veus_uniok i sort of get that, would they be able to run screen and mono, and be able to write in their directory etc, basically im creating a hosting service for a niche market, and the users need to access their own directory only, i.e read write, but able to execte things like mono and screen, and also editors like nano so they can edit .ini files in their directory22:33
sarnoldyeah, all that's possible with apparmor22:34
Veus_uniwould it also be possible to restrict the amount of ram and space a user can use with apparmor? i.e let the programs they use only use2gb ram etc, and only let them have 20gb space? i think quota will work for the space22:35
sarnoldyou may also wish to investigate lxd; it uses the kernel's namespacing features to let you build a bunch of shared instances.. it's got less overhead than full virtualization, and is easier to admin / configure..22:35
sarnoldlxd would do resource limits easier; apparmor can set the rlimits on processes, but it's harder to work with aggregate limits that way22:36
Veus_unii had thought about that but went against it with the stuff needing mono etx22:36
Veus_unithe ram limits its not a major must atm22:37
Veus_uniwith lxd how would the ip work? as the server will only have 1 ip, and that would need to go over all "containers"22:46
sarnoldhmm, I don't know how that'd work :/22:46
Veus_unilooks like apprmor then, just need to know how to set it up ptoperly22:47
sarnoldVeus_uni: hm. I'm getting a bit dissapointed when tyring to find some good docs on how to use apparmor. the apparmor.d manpage is too detailed -- it's good for reference but poor for learning..22:53
Veus_uniyeah im tryimg to read some atm22:53
sarnoldVeus_uni: the apparmor wiki is best ignored -- a lot of it is just notes for us for future development work, and it's not obvious which bits are which22:53
sarnoldVeus_uni: the suse folks have a nice enough chapter at https://www.suse.com/documentation/sled11/singlehtml/apparmor_quickstart/apparmor_quickstart.html -- but bits of it are specific to suse :)22:54
Veus_uniyeah, im thinking of getting someone to make a profile for me, then use that as a template22:54
Veus_unigrrr i need ubuntu though22:54
sarnoldVeus_uni: here's a profile that I've used for testing things before http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/T3vm8SB6Pv/22:55
sarnoldVeus_uni: if you cp /bin/bash to /tmp/bash and load this profile (store this file in /etc/apparmor.d/tmp.bash and then load it iwth apparmor_parser --replace /etc/apparmor.d/tmp.bash)22:56
sarnoldVeus_uni: .. you can then execute /tmp/bash, see what works, see what doesn't work, watch the kernel logs or audit logs for the DENIED lines to see how it works.. add lines as needed..22:57
sarnoldit's not a bad starting point to learn about apparmor anyway22:57
Veus_unibrb need to nip down stairs22:58
Veus_uniwill do thanks23:30
Veus_unisarnold, dpes appamor work for users?23:39

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