[01:45] What's the preferred way (if any) to install Docker on 18.04 -- apt install docker.io? snap install docker? Some other way? [01:51] apologies for asking an actual ubuntu question on the channel :) [02:29] waltman: probably the former [02:29] Sticking with the distro package manager is always preferred to using something like snaps (that's probably an opinion, but) === H8| is now known as jthan [02:29] Turns out they've also got their own repo: https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#install-using-the-repository [02:30] But I think the docker.io package is sufficient for now. [02:31] There's always udocker [02:31] What's that? [02:31] https://github.com/indigo-dc/udocker [02:31] Depending what you're trying to do with it [02:31] don't need root privs [02:32] it's also easy to just download and quickly build if you're just messing around [02:32] vs. installing at a system level [02:33] I know very little about it except that it exists, so YMMV and I can't speak to its security implications if there are any [02:33] We use docker at work. This week a coworker's doing a series of classes on using it. I think I'm better off using the real deal. [02:34] Oh, well in that case, probably. [02:34] I got the hello-world image to run, and I also built a simple shell. [02:35] I stick to singularity. [02:36] This is a really good time for this talks. I've been working in docker for a couple of months now, and today's session answered a bunch of questions I haven't had a chance to look into. [02:37] I've mostly been using it as a black box. [02:38] it's pretty easy to just do it because it works and not understand anything that's actually going on. [02:44] But it's pretty opaque. I didn't really understand the difference between docker and docker-compose until today! [09:48] Morning peoples, critters and everything else [15:10] hey [15:32] hey [15:53] yo [16:56] how are you msalvatore and waltman [17:01] I'm just dandy, swift110. How are you?