
IrcsomeBot3<Sick_Rimmit> Hello everyone, the article on Kubuntu was published in Linux Pro (US) and Linux Mag (EU)06:51
IrcsomeBot3<Sick_Rimmit> It looks good, and I am happy with the way they edited it.06:51
IrcsomeBot3<acheronuk> @Sick_Rimmit, Wow. Thank you :)06:51
IrcsomeBot3<acheronuk> So http://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2018/213/Kubuntu-18.0406:53
IrcsomeBot3<Sick_Rimmit> Also, I got a new computer, a ThinkPad, which of course I installed Kubuntu 18.04 on immediately.06:53
IrcsomeBot3<Sick_Rimmit> Oh, that's good, want me to write that up for the website ?06:54
IrcsomeBot3<acheronuk> hehe. TG linker gets your pic!06:54
IrcsomeBot3<acheronuk> @Sick_Rimmit, Please do if you have the time06:54
IrcsomeBot3<Sick_Rimmit> Sure, will do06:55
valorievery cool news, @Sick_Rimmit!19:50

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