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Unit193LocutusOfBorg: Heh, hopefully you're happy now?  Started the DD process.00:15
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dokotsimonq2: fyi, qtubuntu ftbfs06:54
ginggsdoko: ack, he is aware07:01
dokooSoMoN: please could you have a look at the libreoffice ftbfs in -proposed? it also blocks xmlsec1 migration07:24
dokoand gcc-N of course ...07:25
oSoMoNdoko, sure thing07:26
LocutusOfBorgUnit193, I'll be really happy once you become core-dev too :p07:42
Unit193LocutusOfBorg: I'm trying for MOTU right now, also why would I want core-dev?07:42
LocutusOfBorgmotu is fine :D07:52
tsimonq2doko: Was just following up with the Mir team on bug 1708326; they seemed surprised it hadn't been removed yet. :P08:11
ubottubug 1708326 in qtubuntu (Ubuntu) "RM: obsolete product" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170832608:11
juliankLooking for feedback to my interpretation about libomxil-bellagio triggers: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appstream/+bug/1780996/comments/4909:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1780996 in guile-2.2 (Ubuntu Bionic) "Convert triggers to noawait" [Undecided,In progress]09:21
cpaelzerhi, I have a case where an apt upgrade will upgrade 6 packages belonging together11:18
cpaelzerI'm suspicious that the one we looked at so far does all right but another one in the transaction does trigger bad things11:18
cpaelzerI wonder is there a way to e.g. step through all actions triggered11:18
cpaelzerso this goes through all unpack/remove/maintscript calls of these packages11:19
cpaelzerand I'd want to watch status while I can go forward slowly11:19
rbasakI think you can do everything apt does by calling dpkg manually?11:19
rbasakIs that what you mean?11:19
cpaelzerI wondered, but won't that insist on the same dependencies done in one pass11:19
cpaelzere.g. dpdk -i on one of them breaks due to missing depends11:20
rbasakOh, I see11:20
cpaelzerand on all of them would be the same as what an apt uprgade would give me11:20
rbasaklooking at the manpage, dpkg has --unpack and --configure11:20
rbasakSo you might be able to do it that way using --force-depends etc if necessary11:21
rbasak(IIRC, dpkg won't complain about depends until the configure stage, so I don't think force should be necessary)11:21
rbasakCould I have a second ~ubuntu-sru opinion on bug 1750356 please?11:52
ubottubug 1750356 in apache2 (Ubuntu Bionic) "Apache2: BalancerMember worker hostname (65.character.host.name) too long" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175035611:52
rbasakThe patch feels (necessarily) quite invasive, changing API between modules, etc.11:52
rbasakSo higher regression risk, in my view.11:52
rbasakIs the impact worth it?11:52
rbasakbdmurray_: since you're already familiar with bug 1780501, do you want to take the SRU review for that? Or are you wanting someone else to take it as you're involved?11:57
ubottubug 1780501 in vte2.91 (Ubuntu Bionic) "Traceback calling Vte.Terminal.feed_child()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178050111:57
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bdmurray_rbasak: I'll write up the test case etc but it'd probably be good to have someone else review it14:24
rbasakbdmurray_: OK no problem, but I think I'm just about out of time today :-/14:27
bdmurray_rbasak: No problem, its a lower priority than the 18.04 point release anyway.14:30
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dmj_s76Trevinho: did the patches for https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=786929 ever get into the Ubuntu packages?15:31
ubottuGnome bug 786929 in general "Attaching a monitor to laptop while in suspend and then waking up laptop will reliably crash gnome-shell" [Major,Resolved: fixed]15:31
dmj_s76I'm getting reports that sound very much like that bug.15:33
coreycbdoko: do you know if anyone is working on an imagemagick merge? (for python-wand)16:36
dokocoreycb: no, not yet16:39
coreycbdoko: ok i'll work on that then if that is ok, since it's blocking me16:42
dokocoreycb: much appreciated16:44
ricotzdoko, hi, while there are a lot of transitions happening, is there an eta for icu 62?18:03
dokoricotz: I didn't plan for that18:05
ricotzdoko, ok18:05
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Trevinhodmj_s76: not yet, I've cherry-picked them for gnome-3-28 but we need a new release for that, I've already asked Florian... Maybe you can enforce the request :)20:23
dmj_s76Trevinho: So we just need a 3.28 point release of mutter?20:31
Unit193teward: Going to fix CVE-2018-14055 and CVE-2018-14056? ;)21:46
ubottuZNC before 1.7.1-rc1 does not properly validate untrusted lines coming from the network, allowing a non-admin user to escalate his privilege and inject rogue values into znc.conf. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-14055)21:46
ubottuZNC before 1.7.1-rc1 is prone to a path traversal flaw via ../ in a web skin name to access files outside of the intended skins directories. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-14056)21:46
Unit193Fancy that, lp 1781925.21:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1781925 in znc (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Vulnerabilities in znc package CVE-2018-14055 CVE-2018-14056 " [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178192521:46
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Unit193Hi.  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/cosmic/update_excuses.html#xfce4-terminal seems to have been uploaded at a bad time as apport is now failing.  The buildd is now yelling at me, can someone fix apport? :)23:54

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