
naccpsi7: run the last apt-get commands i suggested00:00
naccpsi7: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-video-openchrome; sudo apt-get install lubuntu-core lubuntu-desktop xserver-xorg-video-openchrome-hwe-16.0400:00
psi7Bashing-om, nacc https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SDs2mBSn8s/00:04
naccpsi7: add xorg to the install00:05
psi7at the end?00:05
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naccpsi7: yeah, after xserver-xorg-video-openchrome-hwe-16.0400:07
horus125hello, anyone know how to rip cd with rhythmbox?00:10
naccBashing-om: i think you can pick it up from here? I need top step away for the evening00:11
psi7nacc it finished00:11
psyfoxhi all!00:11
Bashing-omnacc: Tough shoes to fill. Bu t I give it my best :P00:12
naccpsi7: ok, i imagine you should be good to reboot, but i'd wait to see what Bashing-om says00:12
psi7nacc i have another problem when i use reboot or shutdown my system freezes on black screen00:13
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Bashing-ompsi7: Befor re-booting .. what shows ' dpkg -l  xserver-xorg-video-openchrome-hwe-16.0400:13
psi7Bashing-om, nacc https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PFsXYVvxFF/00:15
Bashing-ompsi7: can you boot to grub .. and from there start a TTY  ?00:17
psi7how do i do that?00:18
psi7Bashing-om, when i use reboot after i logout from user and i see logo the pc freezes and i need to press manually power off button00:19
Bashing-ompsi7: UN-Good .00:20
Bashing-om!sysrq | psi700:20
ubottupsi7: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key00:20
psi7Bashing-om, previous https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ydsy46rp7J/00:21
psi7Bashing-om, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dDjmCtmJG9/00:22
BlackDalekanyone know how to find out my IP address in debian 9? I want to copy files to a debian machine from ubuntu across lan00:22
BlackDalekifconfig doesn't seem to exist on my debian machine00:22
blackflowBlackDalek: ip from iproute2 replced and deprecated ifconfig00:24
Bashing-ompsi7: Does not look from that log that the driver installed . as we are now at a black screnn .. try and boot to a TTY : http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/how-to-boot-into-linux-command-line .00:24
psi7Bashing-om, so i reboot and open tty?00:27
BlackDalekblackflow, thank you00:28
Bashing-ompsi7: Yes, but boot to the grub boot menu - 'e' key for edit mode and edit the linux line .00:28
Bashing-ompsi7: welcome to system administration :)00:30
psi7Bashing-om, i want to cry00:30
psi7Bashing-om, if i reboot we will close chat session00:30
mmerceroh hell.... maybe someone in ubuntu can think of something -- im configuring an sftp server, and of course using classic sftp-internal with chrooting....  now this works fine in most cases, however, because im doing match on group, it prevents users from being able to get shell (which is exactly what I want) -- however, i do have a couple of users that want to use rsync, so in the old days, we would simply00:31
mmercercreate a 'duplicate' user (unique name, same uid/gid), and you could login with that one since login should parse /etc/passwd...00:31
mmercerive gotten all of it configured, but when attempting to authenticate, im getting a pam access denied pre-auth, and cannot for the life of me figure out where/why00:31
sonicwindon my system, in order to use REISUB you need to modify /etc/sysctl.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf to a value of 1 from 176.00:31
Bashing-ompsi7: HUH ?? where does this black screen play into this now ?00:32
psi7Bashing-om, i am on my gui right know but when i start to reboot an the end after system logs out i get a black screen and i need to power off manually00:33
Bashing-ompsi7: Have you rebooted since installing the driver ?00:34
blackflowstochastix: well, I was told in #zfsonlinux it's considered experimental few months ago, and there still are some scary open issues involving native encryption, so I'd wait with that.00:34
psi7Bashing-om, no because i have this issue00:34
psi7Bashing-om, even if i use reboot or shutdown at the end i end up on a black screen00:34
Bashing-ompsi7: With the driver install, you should now have a GUI driver .00:35
psi7Bashing-om, let me reboot then00:35
Bashing-ompsi7: Yes, the driver will not take effect until the reboot .00:36
sonicwindtry typing Esc on that black screen and see if it shows you any details?00:36
Bashing-omsonicwind: we just got a vidie driver installed :P00:36
sonicwindah ok00:36
IkoIkocomment on Launchpad: seems that 18.04 indeed broke all Nvidia dual laptops.00:46
IkoIkoubuntu never get it right, never00:46
leftyfbIkoIko: thanks for the input. Goodbye00:47
IkoIkoconstrutive criticism is healthy00:48
blackflowexcept this ain't constructive.00:49
IkoIkoit was00:49
blackflowconstructive is "oh, shi-! X is broken. here's what should be done to fix X".00:49
blackflowwith no alternative/solution suggestion, it's not constructive criticism.00:50
owl_techhello there comunity. greetings from spain. please, any idea about what tools you recomend to create augmented reality in ubuntu? good time for you!00:50
leftyfbIkoIko: regurgitating some rando comment on a bug as gospel and then making a generalized negative comment about the entire project, all the while posting from a completely different distro is quite the opposite of constructive00:50
IkoIkosimplistic crutructive criticism00:50
Bashing-omIkoIko: Funny I have never had an issue with nvidia: dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia >>  nvidia-driver-390                     390.67-0ubuntu1 .00:50
IkoIkothis is a serious regression in my opin01:03
sarpHello, I am having some trouble with my system, and I have asked about it on AskUbuntu as well, but couldn't figure out the solution. Would be glad if anybody have any ideas to try to solve it: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1047485/asus-g550-screen-goes-black-after-resume-from-suspend-even-though-the-system-is01:04
blackflowthere's always some regression, in some software, for some users/conditions, whenever something changes.  Pareto principle in action.01:04
IkoIkoPareto principle in action.??01:05
IkoIkooh never mind i get it01:05
leftyfbIkoIko: do you need help fixing the problem?01:09
IkoIkoim not sure it can be fixed, im all over lauchpad looking for solutions but theres nothing really working.01:09
leftyfbIkoIko: do you want help fixing the problem? As in, are you able to login to the machine in question and troubleshoot?01:10
IkoIkoi dont understand your quetion01:10
leftyfbIkoIko: This is a support channel where we help people with their ubuntu issues. Are you here to ask for help and troubleshoot the issue or not?01:11
IkoIkoapparently this is a fix here, https://github.com/matthieugras/Prime-Ubuntu-18.04 But i dont know how to impliment it.01:12
leftyfbIkoIko: that link gives step by step instructions. If you don't know how to follow step by step instructions, how do you expect to fix anything?01:13
IkoIkoi have learning disabilities01:13
blackflowThe third paragraph of the README.md being very important to understand.01:14
leftyfbIkoIko: and yet no problem with "constructive criticism"01:14
IkoIkoNaturally, make sure you have git and git clone this repository. I dont know what that means.01:16
leftyfbIkoIko: the first result on google for "how to clone a git repository" brings up https://services.github.com/on-demand/github-cli/clone-repo-cli01:17
leftyfbIkoIko: again with step by step instructions01:17
blackflowIkoIko: The third paragraph of the README.md being very important to understand.01:17
jnprhello! i'm having difficulty in connecting to wpa2 enterprise with peap on ubuntu 18.0401:19
jnpri can connect to other types of wifi, but this one fails01:19
IkoIkohow do i make a file witht he name cd prime_socket/src01:21
unclefooHow do I verify that my Ubuntu ISO hasn't been modified in transit?  releases.ubuntu.com isn't available over HTTPS and I don't see where Ubuntu advertises the public key I should use to validate SHA256SUMS.gpg01:23
GoopI literally had a spider crawling on my screen, and was wondering if it could be malware, if there's a physical spider in the monitor, or if it's something that the aport error thing does, because that was a window that was open.01:25
blackflowunclefoo: it's a box and link on the download page....  https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu#001:25
GoopWhen I hovered my cursor over it, I couldn't see the spider, so.01:25
GoopThe cursor was white.01:25
unclefooblackflow: So I am supposed to use the keys advertised in that tutorial; they aren't just examples?01:29
unclefoo0xFBB75451 0xEFE2109201:29
GoopSorry, I'm not trying to be a troll.01:29
leftyfb!ot | Goop01:30
ubottuGoop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:30
blackflowunclefoo: read step 4, it explains how you see the key fingerpritns and how you request keys from the server using them01:30
Goopleftyfb, it's related, I wanted to know if apport displays a spider.01:30
unclefooRight, but if the signature has been tampered with then I'll just request the bad guys keys.01:30
leftyfbGoop: now you're trolling01:30
unclefooUnless that key server is only available to Ubuntu devs or something?01:31
leftyfbunclefoo: if you think someone is messing with your transit to ubuntu.com, then no amount of checking checksums is going to help you01:31
unclefooHTTPS would work fine.01:32
unclefooAnd so will gpg signatures, if I know which public key to verify with.01:32
leftyfbunclefoo: except you just said "releases.ubuntu.com isn't available over HTTPS"01:32
blackflowunclefoo: you're requesting the keys from keyserver.ubuntu.com. if those fingerprints have been tampered with, so must be the keyserver to serve them, and then all bets are off.01:33
unclefooblackflow: If an attacker is serving me a bad ISO and SHA256SUMS through my plaintext HTTP, then the fingerprints are going to be for the bad guys keys.01:33
IkoIkosudo make install make: *** No rule to make target 'install'.  Stop.01:34
unclefooI shouldn't have said "tamper".01:34
blackflowIkoIko: The third paragraph of the README.md being very important to understand.01:35
IkoIkowhat does it start with?01:36
blackflowIkoIko: "This is not for Ubuntu beginners. If things go wrong, ..."01:36
gogetablackflow: ummm01:37
leftyfbIkoIko: what does the 3rd paragraph start with? You don't know what a paragraph is?01:37
blackflowunclefoo: well I suppose you're right, without pre-shared keys it's rather a chicken and the egg problem. even https is broken in that regard.01:37
IkoIkoits all messed up01:37
unclefooblackflow: We have Certificate Authorities to "solve" the problem with HTTPS.01:37
blackflowunclefoo: we don't. CAs can be corrupt. CAs are corrupt. CAs are sometimes booted out of trust chains due to that. See: StartCom. See: Comodo breach. See: what-was-that-chinese-one-that-google-dropped. See: Symantec.01:38
unclefooSure so we're going to get DNSSEC and Certificate Transparency.01:38
blackflowCAs _cannot_ be truested. https is "good enough" to protect against a skiddie down the road, nothing else.01:39
unclefooAnd we also have HPKP.01:39
unclefooAnd I can manually pin keys for non-browser applications.01:39
blackflowyeah but it's still the chicken and the egg problem.01:39
unclefooI see, because I don't have the root cert for the CA?01:39
unclefooAnd I have to trust the browser guys to give it to me?01:39
blackflowof course. you can also nuke the ca-certificates and be your own CA. the mechanism itself and DH kex is good (enough). it's the CAs that are bad apples.01:40
unclefooWith key pinning I can just trust a single CA.01:40
blackflowthat's the thing, you have to trust the CA has not given out your cert's private key somewhere01:40
unclefooOr like you are saying, prune most of the root certificates from my device.01:41
blackfloweven if you pin it, no guarantee the private key is not compromised.    a bit offtopic here though.01:41
unclefooWell, the CA might give out his own private key but he doesn't have mine.01:41
unclefooSo more on topic, what do you currently do to verify your Ubuntu download hasn't been modified in-transit?01:41
blackflowmutliple mirrors.01:42
unclefooYou download from multiple mirrors, calculate all the checksums, then compare them?01:42
foounclefoo: I'm not sure there is room for the two of us in this world (Or at least this channel)01:42
leftyfbunclefoo: I don't assume someone has gone through the trouble of creating their own fork of ubuntu and are injecting it into my download stream the moment I'm downloading the iso01:43
unclefooWell, being the senior...01:43
blackflowa "solution" to broken CA problem is Moxie Marlinspike's convergency which basically states that instead of one CA, you have a peer network that verifies each other. so, multiple mirrors, over https, is significantly reducing the likelihood of compromise01:43
blackflowunclefoo: no just check the checksums from multiple mirrors.01:43
blackflowthe ISO itself I donwload once.01:43
unclefooblackflow: So I wonder, if there isn't a publicly announced Ubuntu public key how are these mirrors verifying the ISOs they get?01:44
unclefooWhatever the mirrors are doing to securely grab the ISO, I should just do the same thing.01:44
foounclefoo: I surrender. ;)01:44
unclefooleftyfb: What if attacker just leaves his MiTM online waiting for you to download something?01:45
blackflowunclefoo: or the mirrors are being pushed to, say rsync over ssh or something.01:45
unclefooAnd who says it's targetted only at you, but maybe everyone using your ISP.01:45
unclefooblackflow: good point.01:45
wrneed to setup dhcp isc-dhcp-server on ubuntu 16.04 server, what are best links for instructions?01:45
leftyfbunclefoo: Again, I don't assume such things until I have reason to assume such things01:45
unclefooIt's well established that bad guys are tampering with plaintext HTTP sessions.01:46
blackflowunclefoo: I will admit I don't know what they use in the background. at some point you either trust it's not compromised or youre 100% paranoid with absolute zero trust in the software..... or are 100% sure the ISO is correc but you run all that on a system with IME :)       (offtopic tho, so we better move this to #ubuntu-discuss if you want)01:46
leftyfbwr: sudo apt install isc-dhcp-server # and then read the documentation on isc-dhcp-server01:46
wrleftyfb, would it be https://help.ubuntu.com/community/isc-dhcp-server ?01:47
leftyfbunclefoo: show me where this scenario with iso's from ubuntu.com has been established01:47
unclefooI see, you don't think someone would specifically tamper with Ubuntu ISOs.01:47
blackflowgogeta: you wanted to object about something? :)01:48
ahi2ubuntu 18.04 hexchat disconnects after connecting then reconnects and is okay01:50
IkoIkowhat is this? make: *** No rule to make target 'install'.  Stop.01:52
IkoIkoKinux very hard for me01:56
IkoIkosudo make install is downloading a filre01:57
IkoIkoi know its a script, i just dont know exactly how is works01:57
IkoIkoCreated symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/prime-socket.service → /etc/systemd/system/prime-socket.service.01:59
IkoIkosudo systemctl start prime-socket.service01:59
IkoIkomake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/dave/prime_socket/src/Prime-Ubuntu-18.04/prime_socket/src'01:59
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RaybihOneness Pentecostalism (also known as Apostolic or Jesus' Name Pentecostalism) is a movement within the Christian family of churches known as Pentecostalism.02:12
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IkoIkook, for anyone wondering, following the instrutions on this page got my primus and dedicated GPU running smooth on 18.04.  https://github.com/matthieugras/Prime-Ubuntu-18.0402:30
IkoIkoplus nvidia settings work properly02:30
IkoIkovery sweet02:31
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IkoIkothank you for putting up with ,e02:42
mikekjoin #loraham02:43
Lost_Goathas anyone had any luck running their own email server from an ubuntu server ?03:08
zjhxmjlhi,guys!who have some experience to install VEGA 56 driver on ubuntu 18.04 server?03:26
=== Nicmavr is now known as Guest711
uffNeed  to upgrade from 32bit 12.04 lts to 16.04 lts .03:54
uffTell method03:54
IkoIkogoogle it?03:55
Bashing-omuff: A clean fresh intall of <18.04> .03:56
IkoIkoi think his rig may not handle 18.04, mabye why he wants 16.0403:57
uffsoftware demand03:58
unclefooWhat software?03:59
Bashing-omIkoIko: I run a very old rig, handles 18.04 xubuntu very well . 18.04 wayland not too shabby .03:59
IkoIkooh i guees xffce is light03:59
uffneed  to update from live cd , possible while keeing current data (update I mean) ?03:59
IkoIkouff https://www.ubuntudoc.com/upgrade-ubuntu-16-04-lts-30-minutes/04:00
IkoIkoi dont know about a live dvd/cd04:00
uffgot a live cd of 16.04 lts 64 bit help if possible ?04:02
=== g2[nl] is now known as BrAsS_mOnKeY
IkoIkofresh install is the only way unless your on the internet04:03
IkoIkothen a network upgrade can be done04:03
uffon internet right now04:04
=== daniel is now known as Guest25007
uffapt get upgrade does nothing04:04
IkoIkothen do a ditribution upgrade04:04
Bashing-omuff: You are on a 32 bit install .. the only way to convert all those 32 bit libs to 64 bit is a new install .04:06
uffnot even apt-get update && apt-get upgrade04:06
uffnot even from live cd04:07
uff ?04:07
IkoIkosudo apt update /  sudo apt upgrade then  sudo apt dist-upgrade04:07
IkoIkosudo apt install update-manager-core sudo do-release-upgrade04:09
IkoIko[11:10:04:pm] *** [#ubuntu] Clones: 2 from wilbert_ (wilbert) CtrlF1 whois; ShiftF8 ping04:14
uffdoes not give upgrade information04:22
uffAnd fronm 12.04 lts to 14.04 lts I think04:22
uffHelp please05:01
qwebirc38569Hello, I am new to Ubuntu but not to linux. I have been attempting to install the nvidia drivers for my gtx-980 (nvidia-390 driver). I installed it by using sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall which seemed to work. However, when I run "lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' " it says that the loaded kernel driver is still nouveau. Anyone have any ideas what I may be doing wrong?05:16
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EriC^qwebirc84940: maybe you need to blacklist the nouveau one05:22
EriC^qwebirc84940: can you pastebin "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log" ?05:23
Remboi'm using ubuntu 14.04 , this is a part on my script who don't send email, can someone tell me if i'm using the correct syntax? https://hastebin.com/raw/dinehebuxi05:29
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=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone
mmpmmmpmphey, I have to open the folder "- TEST" in a console. How do I do that?06:54
ducassemmpmmmpmp: try 'cd -- "- TEST"'07:01
mmpmmmpmpgreat, thanks07:04
=== Randy_ is now known as Randy
mmpmmmpmpand what do I do with the folder "- TESTÖ"?07:14
ducassesame thing should work07:14
mmpmmmpmpthanks, I made another mistake07:26
DevtronIf I am running in terminal with no gui, how do i take a screenshot of what is on the monitor atm07:27
ducasseDevtron: try with a screenshot tool like scrot, and use it like this - 'DISPLAY=:0.0 scrot'07:31
qwebirc96061Hi guys, i installed ubuntu 18.04 yesterday, andif i log in to a wayland session i can use my monitor with 1080p 60Hz, but on Xorg my monitor only work with 24 Hz, i was wondering if i can fix this somehow, messing with xrandr does not helped.07:35
GarciaRunsLinuxis anyone else finding their libreOffice crashes in Ubuntu 18.04 whenever they try to open pdf docs?07:36
Devtronducasse thanks, cant get it to work though, just going to ssh in from a desktop enviroment07:37
ducasseDevtron: that will probably give you a screenshot of the machine you ssh in from07:39
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andre144khmm anyone knows how to get open windows from lost vnc-connection back?  when i connect again via ultravnc i dont see open applications like firefox and so on07:54
munzxhi everybody07:58
munzxany idea how to install build essentials on ubuntu 18.0407:59
munzxI need to use "make" to install Redis which requires build essentials that dose not come with ubuntu 18.0408:00
munzxhmm... sorry for spaming08:00
munzxbut is any body there08:01
munzxnew to IRC08:01
munzx I need to use "make" to install Redis which requires build essentials that dose not come with ubuntu 18.0408:03
munzxCould anyone help plz?08:04
ducassemunzx: 'sudo apt install build-essential' should work08:05
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=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
CyR4[x]Hi u all08:36
ppfsudo apt install redis08:49
Shabbysheikppf: wrong terminal window? :p08:51
ppfShabbysheik: no08:51
ppfjust a hugely delayed response to munzx08:52
caffeinethePOPI've created an ubuntu one account, and can't seem to figure out how to share files via the ubuntu one drive... does it need some ssh keys to sync my computer to it?08:54
ShabbysheikcaffeinethePOP: https://www.howtogeek.com/117064/how-to-share-files-online-with-ubuntu-one/08:55
gabrielhello all. Would like to know if there is any way to install dropbox on ubuntu 18.04 LTS. keep getting permission error while starting and fix from dropbox site is not working. Please?08:56
Drego_UPHello, news for 18.04.01?08:56
ducasseDrego_UP: that is expected on the 26th08:58
Drego_UPThanks ducasse, I thought it was today!08:59
caffeinethePOPShabbysheik I don't see an ubuntu one icon, nor is it availabe when i search it on the dock. There's no search results for ubuntu one on ubuntu software..08:59
ShabbysheikcaffeinethePOP: have you installed the ubuntuone-client package?09:01
caffeinethePOPno, I can't find such package, please share link09:02
Shabbysheiksudo apt install ubuntuone-client09:02
caffeinethePOPShabbysheik: sudo apt install ubuntuone-client09:04
caffeinethePOPShabbysheik: "E: Unable to locate package ubuntuone-client"09:04
caffeinethePOPthat's what I get09:04
ShabbysheikcaffeinethePOP: are you running 18.04?09:06
confluency"In April 2014, Canonical announced that the cloud storage and synchronization features would be shut down at the end of July 31 of 2014, leaving the sign-on features intact."09:07
caffeinethePOPyep @shabbysheik09:07
confluencyThat article is from 2012. It is no longer relevant.09:07
Shabbysheikthere isn't a client released for that yet.09:08
Shabbysheikthere is a web interface i believe09:08
caffeinethePOPoh, so I can't share files and stuff09:08
Shabbysheikyes from web interface09:08
caffeinethePOPso basically it's worthless, I can't really upload a file to the web interface right..09:09
caffeinethePOPi.e without a client09:09
confluencyThe service *doesn't exist anymore*.09:09
caffeinethePOPf* it, why tf would they want me to sign-in ... -___-09:10
Shabbysheikaccording to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_One file service shutdown i n201409:10
confluencyThere hasn't been a client since 2014, because the service was discontinued.09:10
confluencycaffeinethePOP: why would who want you to sign in?09:10
caffeinethePOPidk, I thought the service existed09:10
confluencyThere are still accounts, which I think are used for identification e.g. on Launchpad.09:11
caffeinethePOPtnx for the tips guys, g2g09:12
=== madwizar1 is now known as madwizard
roryIs anyone currently automating the installation of Java on Ubuntu without using the webupd8 ppa?09:18
roryThat PPA is not reliable enough to use in a prodduction build pipeline. Today it is giving 404.09:18
roryIf so please share your commands so I can have some of my day back.09:19
oerheksrory, known issue, the ppa gives 8u171-1~webupd8~1 and current is jre-8u181-linux-x64.tar09:19
roryexactly, I want to move away from using this PPA in production09:20
oerhekscontact the maintainer, i know no other java binairy blob ppa09:20
oerheksbut this is just trusty 14.04 ?09:20
rorycontacting the maintainer is not part of an automated build process - I'd like to do this from upstream if possible09:20
roryit's 16.0409:20
oerheksif you rely on that java, setup your private ppa?09:20
roryseems like overkill, if possible I'd like to fetch an official Java binary and extract it09:21
roryI can do this fine, just was wondering if anyone had a scriptt already.09:21
oerheksrory, something like this, incl cookie jandling https://gist.github.com/n0ts/40dd9bd45578556f93e709:30
oerheksc/handling to accept license09:30
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GarciaRunsLinuxIt seems I got buried in the flood09:30
GarciaRunsLinuxAnyone else finding that their libreoffice can't open pdf files in ubuntu 18.04?09:31
roryamazing thanks oerheks - exactly what I was hoping for but couldn't find in Google09:32
oerheksrory, i found some more, but this is the only one with cookie handler09:32
oerhekshave fun :-)09:33
rorythat combined with this will fix my issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/712399/installing-java-offline09:35
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=== marve is now known as Guest23697
bef848fWhich Ubuntu flavor would perform the best on an old PC with 1GB ram and some crappy 1 core processor from the medieval times? It's currently running on Windows XP and it sucks so much. I'd prefer XUbuntu, but not sure if it isn't too heavy if XP is too much10:13
Tin_manpuppy linux, bef848f10:14
Tin_manmaybe mint xfce10:15
bef848fIs mint xfce any different from XUbuntu in terms of performance?10:16
Tin_manI would say it's somewhat lighter, but been a long time, so hard to remember..10:17
ShabbysheikNo. LXDE might run better than xfce though. You could try Lubuntu10:18
Tin_mani ran mint for several years on old xp 1gb computers, ran fine.10:18
Tin_mani might be to big now days, haven't followed the specs, so you'd have to read up.10:19
bef848fNever run LXDE, is it customizabvle at least half as good as xfce?10:19
Tin_manive not had any experience with LXDE10:20
bef848fLooking at r/unixporn LXDE can be made somewhat pretty10:24
bef848fI'll try it, thanks10:24
gabrielhello all. Would like to know if there is any way to install dropbox on ubuntu 18.04 LTS. keep getting permission error while starting and fix from dropbox site is not working. Please?10:27
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w0rpDoes anyone know which address is most appropriate for requesting that people fix an open bug with an Ubuntu package?10:39
w0rpThere's an issue with the Vim version in Bionic that can be fixed by updating Vim to a more recent patch version.10:40
JimBuntugabriel, You may want to pastebin or post an image of the error.10:40
gabrielJimBuntu, the error is as followes:10:41
gabrielCouldn't start Dropbox.10:41
gabrielThis is usually because of a permissions error. Storing your home folder on a network share can also cause an error.10:41
JimBuntugabriel, I don't use 18.04, but I may be able to help. You may want to try starting dropbox from the command line, so you can hopefully see more error information.10:46
oerheksif this is dropbox on wayland, with the nautilus-dropbox plugin, i understand10:59
=== ASDL is now known as SPeedY
WhiskeyHi, i have installed Ubuntu Server ARM on a Resp Pi 3 and then installed Mate Desktop but the screen resolution is wrong, and i can´t change it under display so i think that the display driver for the Rspi is missing, but i don´t find how to install it11:19
ppfWhiskey: can you paste the output of xrandr11:20
Whiskeyok and how do i use that11:22
WhiskeyIm suck at this11:22
Whiskeycan you use it in terminal ?11:23
WhiskeyCan't open display11:23
Whiskeybut thats SSH from my desktop11:23
ppfDISPLAY=:0 xrandr11:23
WhiskeyInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyCan't open display :011:24
oerheksso ssh limits your view ??11:25
WhiskeyI got this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KDgpq7vc8y/11:26
WhiskeyIf i install ubuntu mate prepacked or any other prepacked linux for Resp the display works fine11:27
WhiskeySo the driver has to be missing11:27
Whiskeyits the only logical answer11:27
ppfwhy don't you install that then??11:28
WhiskeyWhy its 16.04.xx its quite old11:28
ppfWhiskey: what's the native resolution of the display11:29
BluesKajHi folks11:29
ppfWhiskey: so 1080p?11:30
xjkxI have 18.04, using two monitors, it's all configured as mirror each other. But GDM (I guess gnome-gdm now? I'm running the default)  doesn't realize the configuration I did inside the system, so it only gets normal after I login11:30
ppfWhiskey: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/227876/how-to-set-custom-resolution-using-xrandr-when-the-resolution-is-not-available-i11:36
gdevhey chanserv11:41
Whiskeythat is not working11:42
hans_what is the bionic equivalent of http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz    ?11:44
hans_err, that is the 16.04 version, where is the 18.04 equivalent?11:45
hans_i think i found it ^^  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/11:47
hans_ah no11:48
hans_here, i think* http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/11:48
=== Sarques__ is now known as Sarques
TheWildhaving a program (e.g. cmake), how I can get what package it has been installed from?12:05
BluesKajusually you can find the package and associated files and dependencies in your package manager12:12
vltTheWild: dpkg -S /path/to/file12:12
vltTheWild: or `dpkg -S $(which cmake)`12:14
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hans_update-grub doesn't see/add the /boot/ipxe.lkrn kernel to the boot options12:16
hans_erm, grub boot options12:16
hans_oh, wrong channel, sorry12:17
CarlFKhow do I get the mac for eth0?  something like: ip link eth0  (but that errors..)12:19
TheWildworks, thanks vlt12:20
amadeobeewhat is a good ubuntu alternative to google earth?12:20
vltCarlFK: What error?12:21
leftyfbamadeobee: https://www.google.com/earth/download/gep/agree.html12:22
leftyfbthere isn't an alternative12:22
CarlFKvlt: Command "eth0" is unknown, try "ip link help".12:22
vltCarlFK: And have you tried?12:22
amadeobee@leftyfb: thanks!12:25
amadeobeeleftyfb; thanks!12:25
amadeobeeleftyfb: thanks!12:25
amadeobee:/ not sure how to tag you in the message...12:26
leftyfbamadeobee: we get it12:26
leftyfbyou're welcome12:26
amadeobeelol thanks12:26
lotuspsychje!tab | amadeobee12:32
ubottuamadeobee: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:32
lotuspsychje!bug | w0rp start here12:34
ubottuw0rp start here: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:34
rafaelrcenteioHi, I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 on Wayland. It's working great, except that my mouse scroll is behaving abnormally. When I try to scroll down, it sometimes scrolls up and vice-versa. I appreciate any help.12:39
lotuspsychjerafaelrcenteio: ah, do you have natural scrolling enabled?12:39
lotuspsychjerafaelrcenteio: check at your mouse settings to enable/disable this option12:40
rafaelrcenteiolotuspsychje: Thanks for the reply. I will check.12:40
rafaelrcenteiolotuspsychje: No, I don't have natural scrolling enabled.12:41
lotuspsychjerafaelrcenteio: try disable and check again?12:41
lotuspsychjerafaelrcenteio: i mean toggle on/off to see12:42
rafaelrcenteiolotuspsychje: same thing. Just to make sure If I expressed myself correctly. What happens is, when I'm scrolling down continually, it goes down, down, and suddenly, goes up, and then goes down again, etc.12:43
lotuspsychjerafaelrcenteio: ah thats something else..does it do that by itself?12:43
blackflowrafaelrcenteio: what does that?12:44
rafaelrcenteiolotuspsychje: I'm not sure what you mean. That behaviour happens when I'm trying to scroll.12:44
lotuspsychjerafaelrcenteio: ok, have you tested this in xorg, to make sure its really wayland?12:45
rafaelrcenteioYes. Actually, before on 17.10, this behaviour happened only on xorg. Now it happens both on xorg and Wayland.12:45
lotuspsychjerafaelrcenteio: ok and what kind of graphics card do you have on wich driver version?12:46
blackflowrafaelrcenteio: what are you scrolling that behaves like you describe?12:46
rafaelrcenteiolspci | grep vga -> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 530 (rev 06)12:47
lotuspsychjerafaelrcenteio: can you give details to blackflow, aka browser? program?12:48
rafaelrcenteioblackflow: Picture someone simply scrolling down for 3 seconds. Instead of scrolling down the entire three seconds it will have moments of upwards scrolling. This happens across all applications, and that includes Gtk and Qt apps.12:49
lotuspsychjerafaelrcenteio: would be interesting to test another flavor perhaps in a liveusb, maybe gnome related?12:50
blackflowrafaelrcenteio: okay, so all applications. that's what I wanted to ask. if it was some specific one.12:50
rafaelrcenteioI have a Linux lite installation on a VM. I don't know it that helps.12:51
lotuspsychjerafaelrcenteio: well we can only support ubuntu and its flavors here, so perhaps a lubuntu/xubuntu?12:52
vltHello. To save time I used `abcde -1 -o wav -a default,cue` on all of my Audio CDs last night. What's now the recommended way to produce single flac or hq mp3 files for each track? Can abcde use the cue file? Somehting like ffmpeg?12:52
rafaelrcenteiolotuspsychje: ok. I will see what I can do. Thanks.12:53
xjkxWe have libinput 1.10 in ubuntu 18.04. For a bug fix regarding my keyboard, i'd need libinput 1.11, but that is not offered in LTS last apt-get upgrade. How do I just upgrade this package without affecting a whole lotta dependences and such? I like LTS and stability, it is only this package that I need newer12:54
lotuspsychjexjkx: try !backports or !pinning maybe?12:55
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xjkxI dont know what that is, will google, thanks12:56
lotuspsychje!backports | xjkx12:56
ubottuxjkx: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:56
xjkxlotuspsychje: whats the difference for pinning?12:57
lotuspsychje!pinning | xjkx12:58
ubottuxjkx: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto12:58
leftyfblotuspsychje: libinput10 1.11 is not inbackports12:58
xjkxso should I do pinning?12:59
oerhekswhat bug fix gives libinput 1.11 ?12:59
tomreynpinning is somewhat complicated, i'd rathe rlook for a ppa12:59
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:59
leftyfbpinning is only relevant if you have libinput 1.11 installed to begin with13:00
xjkxoerheks: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=106720 or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libinput/+bug/176253613:02
ubottuFreedesktop bug 106720 in libinput "Logitech K400+ double tap on touchpad is problematic" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]13:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1762536 in libinput "double tap on touchpad isn't recognized as double click on ubuntu 18.04 bionic" [Medium,Fix released]13:02
tomreynwell cosmic got 1.11, but yes, one would need to be using that then, and if there is a specific PPA for libinput 1.11 it'd probably be easier to configure.13:03
oerhekslibinput10 1.10.5 seems to have that fix too, ...13:04
xjkxoerheks: and is it easy to get? What I have is libinput-bin/bionic,now 1.10.4-1 amd6413:06
oerheksno, we have to wait for it to show up in proposed13:07
leftyfbxjkx: hold on13:10
leftyfbxjkx: https://launchpad.net/~leftyfb/+archive/ubuntu/libinput1013:15
xjkxleftyfb: wow, thanks :)13:17
leftyfbxjkx: let me know some day when you don't need it anymore :)13:18
xjkxok ^^ brb13:19
hans__the installer is asking me what my ip address is, but i have 2, can i tell that to the installer, or just give it a random 1?13:34
hans__not using DHCP13:34
oerhekshans__, as you are not using ubuntu ..13:34
maxam9Is there a way to change the order of network interfaces in Ubuntu? A piece of software I'm using checks my license file against the MAC address of my network card. It always checks for the first network interface (ethernet), but the license file matches up with the second interface (wifi)13:36
=== RJW3 is now known as RJW2
Southern_Gentlemmaxam9, matlab?13:39
hans__oerheks, i am now, i was on debian 9 an hour ago, but reinstalled it with ubuntu 16.04 now (it's a pre-packaged image from the vps provider, so its farily fast to install)13:40
maxam9oh, I see what you mean sorry. Not, this is Siemens NX13:40
hans__oerheks, i installed a ubuntu 16.04 image, and booted into the ubuntu 18.04 installer from the 16.04 system (the vps provider doesn't support installing 18.04 so i have to do it myself)13:40
oerheksmaxam9,  blacklist the wired adapter on boot, i see no way to change the hardware position, some idea https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/10254/how-to-change-the-order-of-the-network-cards-eth1-eth0-on-linux13:41
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hans__oerheks, oh and if the installer looks a bit weird, it's because its the mini netinst installer13:42
hans__... running over a network emulator with no color support, VT220-something, i think13:42
oerheksupgrading a vps, those are heavily tweaked, good luck,13:42
vltvlt: shntool13:42
maxam9oerheks, I see, thank-you. I had seen that thread but was hoping for a nicer way to do it. I'll give that a try.13:44
oerheksi wonder what software scans such weird way13:44
hans__oerheks, well, i've done it before at another VPS provider, but that time it was KVM, this time it's Xen - and that time, the secret was that i had to boot the installer with `console=ttyS1,9600`, and before rebooting into the installed system, i had to modify /target/boot/grub/something.ext  and add `console=ttyS1,9600`  before rebooting into the new system, but i definitely see your point13:45
hans__(also i had to modify /target/etc/default/grub and add `console=ttyS1,9600` to GRUB_BOOT_DEFAULT , otherwise next time a apt update;  script ran `update-grub`, it would break the boot system)13:45
hans__(also i had to boot the installer over http via ipxe.... it took a long time to figure out)13:47
vltHello. How can I copy a directory from one file system to another (target vfat) and make sure the files are copied in alphabetical order?13:48
leftyfbvlt: for i in $(ls|sort) ;do cp $i /path/to/destination/;done13:49
vltleftyfb: Should `find` list the files in the correct order then?13:50
vltleftyfb: THe first time I tried this I got a random file order from `find`.13:51
jostHi! On one of my machines, I appearently started `sudo apt-get upgrade -y` a month ago, which got stuck somehow. How can I read the output of that process and bring it into the foreground, if possible? I'm working over ssh.13:51
leftyfbvlt: find will not list in alphabetical order13:51
vltleftyfb: I know. But does it list in the order the files appear in the file system?13:51
leftyfbjost: just run it again13:51
hans__vlt, why do you care in which order the files are copied?13:52
jostleftyfb: That won't work, because apt uses a lock file13:52
jostOr do you mean I should kill it and then run it again?13:52
leftyfbjost: incorrect13:53
hans__jost, could try https://github.com/nelhage/reptyr  and hope for the best, but...13:53
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leftyfbjost: well, not incorrect, but lets get the error13:53
vlthans__: Because the file system will be later used by an audio player that will play one file after the other.13:53
leftyfbhans__: lets not recommend random github binaries13:53
hans__vlt, and that audio player sorts by inodes!?13:53
vlthans__: Apparently, yes.13:53
jostleftyfb: the error message is: "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"13:54
jostSo I checked and found a process using it13:54
leftyfbjost: ok, kill the process13:54
jostleftyfb: And that won't leave half-configured packages behind?13:54
hans__leftyfb, reptyr is the most reliable program i know of to reparent running programs to your own terminal13:54
leftyfbjost: it might. We can fix that13:55
jostleftyfb: ok, I'll try13:55
hans__leftyfb, (and i know of 2, this is the better 1)13:55
leftyfbhans__: it's not necessary in this case and it's certainly not a supported method of troubleshooting here13:56
hans__leftyfb, if apt is just waiting for a `do you want to replace your modified script with a maintainer's?`  question, it could let him continue, but k13:57
rafaelrcenteioHi, I came here a while ago to seek help for my mouse scrolling abnormal behaviour. The person that was helping me asked me to test it on other flavour of Ubuntu. So I booted into a Live USB Lubuntu, and I can confirm the same abnormal behaviour of the scroll.13:58
thePiGreppermouse model,system info, and distro?13:59
rafaelrcenteiothePiGrepper: Ubuntu 18.04, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2JJJsjFZrP/14:01
vltleftyfb: How can I deal with spaces in file names when using $(ls | sort)?14:05
leftyfbvlt: for i in $(ls|sort) ;do cp "$i" /path/to/destination/;done14:05
jostleftyfb: It worked, I just had to run `dpkg --configure -a` afterwards. Thanks for your help :-)14:06
leftyfbjost: np14:06
transhumananyone in here know how to change a password for thunderbird under linux?14:09
transhumanClick the TB Menu button (3 horiz.bars), then Options/Options/Security/Passwords/Saved Passwords, Show Passwords, right-click the AT&T account incoming and outgoing entries, Edit Password, enter the new password, OK to close Options, restart TB.Click the TB Me14:09
transhumanthis OPTIONS/ menu doesnt exist14:09
transhumanand its not under security, I can change certificates but not account passwords14:09
rafaelrcenteiolotuspsychje: I tested it under Lubuntu, the same odd scroll behaviour was displayed.14:10
leftyfbtranshuman: you need to do it under account settings14:10
transhumanno there is no such settings, I can change the certificate but not the password14:13
transhumanits not under edit preference secuity14:14
transhumanand if i right click an account its not under settings that I can see14:14
transhumanthere is a manage identities button under there and then I can edit from there but no passwords under there under security14:15
hans__leftyfb, oh btw, reptyr is already in the ubuntu repos, https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=reptyr14:17
hans__(so it's not just `a random github repo`)14:17
leftyfbhans__: then recommend that, not the github link14:17
hans__leftyfb, i didn't know until 30 seconds ago14:18
transhumannever mind it found it, for some reason its a big thunderbird secret14:21
leftyfbtranshuman: where was it?14:24
transhumanedit preferences security passwords, saved passwords14:25
transhumanand it worries me because you can view the passwords and not just a hash14:25
transhumanleftyfb, actually that changes the saved password but it does not change the account password, guess I need to go outside thunderbird to change it for an account14:27
leftyfbtranshuman: isn't the saved password the account password? I don't follow14:29
qwebirc64227Hey all, I'm having some problems in Ubuntu Bionic with corrupted graphics or rext rendering in Matlab 2013a. This issue has been discussed a little bit on other forums, but the solutions that have worked for some have not worked for me. This: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/296491-problems-with-matlab-windows-both-editor-and-command-line-windows-when-using-r2016a-on-ubuntu-16-0 is the problem I seem to be havi14:31
qwebirc64227I have tried setting Matlab's java runtime environment to various versions, as was suggested in the forums, with no success. Any ideas?14:31
sideonehey all. im having an issue with all things apt. have tried updating apt, apt-get remove linux-image-extra-3.19.0-25-generic, apt-get reinstall linux-image-extra-3.19.0-25-generic, apt autoremove and dpkg --configure -a   .. running 4.4.0-130-generic under 16.04 .. any ideas?  https://pastebin.com/y0VK9GnB14:34
Posteryou might want to try: apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-extra-3.19.0-25-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-39-generic14:36
PosterI know you ultimately want to remove them, but it looks like they're in a broken state currently14:37
schneuhello, can some wiith this : Unable to load library icui18n "Cannot load library icui18n: (icui18n: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)" I'm on 18.0414:37
leftyfbsideone: what version of ubuntu are you running with kernel version 3.19?14:37
sideonePoster; https://pastebin.com/zZWzPJZx14:37
schneucan't find any lib that fix the problem14:37
Whiskeyi have ubuntu mate 18.04 whit wrong resolution on rasp pi 3 and can´t fix it14:37
Whiskeybut i found out that the resolution is not the real problem, is the overscan and i can´t find out how to fix it14:37
sideoneim running 16.04, but using 4.4.0-130 kern. im not sure why i even had old refs for 3.1914:37
leftyfbWhiskey: try #raspberrypi14:38
Postersideone: yikes that failed to fork is a concerning one, do you have any other kernels installed?14:38
leftyfbsideone: then why are you trying to reinstall 3.19 in your above command?14:38
sideoneleftyfb; just trying to fix metadata14:38
Posterthe reinstall was my suggestion14:38
Posterthough I think something else may be wrong14:38
leftyfbsideone: don't. Just remove it14:39
Posterhis original question was on it's removal which also failed14:39
leftyfbsideone: sudo apt remove --purge --autoremove linux-image-extra-3.19.0-25-generic14:39
sideonePoster; apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-extra-3.19.0-25-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-39-generic14:39
leftyfbsideone: pastebin the output of that command please14:39
sideoneerr.. https://pastebin.com/rHanNurT14:39
leftyfbsideone: please don't run that again14:39
sideoneleftyfb; https://pastebin.com/Njg0E7v814:40
sideonethanks for the assistance guys, this one is throwing me.14:40
PosterI am not entirely sure you have a working kernel, do you have boot/rescue media?14:41
leftyfbPoster: 1 step at a time please14:41
sideonePoster; wouldnt 4.4.0-130 be my current kern as ref'd in uname -a?14:42
leftyfbsideone: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-*3.19.0-25-generic /tmp/14:43
leftyfbsideone: then try the remove --purge again14:43
leftyfbsideone: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-*3.19.0-25-generic* /tmp/14:44
Posteryeah, but I am not sure it's installed completely based on this output https://pastebin.com/rHanNurT along with the "failed to fork" errors ; hopefully leftyfb can get over this part, only thing I know to do here is boot to rescue media14:45
sideoneleftyfb; https://pastebin.com/Y69gSs5914:45
leftyfbPoster: we don't care if 3.19 installed correctly. We're removing it. We don't want it14:45
PosterI don't think 4.4.0-130 is installed correctly either, something is causing the install process to be unable to fork14:46
leftyfbsideone: uname -a14:46
leftyfbsideone: ls -l /boot/vmlinuz*14:47
leftyfbsideone: I gotta head out ... if you can get those pastes back to me soon, we might have this fixed momentarily14:49
sideonebtw. ls /tmp shows : linux-image-3.19.0-25-generic.list  linux-image-3.19.0-25-generic.postrm14:49
sideoneLinux web03 4.4.0-130-generic #156-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 14 08:53:28 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:49
sideone-rw------- 1 root root 7156160 Jun 14 09:24 /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-130-generic14:49
sideonesorry for the delay, vp came into my office for a moment.14:50
leftyfbsideone: ok, reboot and make sure it boots into 4.4.0-130, once you're back up, try removing 3.19 again14:50
leftyfbPoster: 4.4.0-130 is installed properly since he's booted into it14:51
sideonerebooting, do you want me to run: apt-get remove linux-image-extra-3.19.0-25-generic ?14:51
PosterThe part I am hung up on is here: https://pastebin.com/rHanNurT specifically status iF for linux-image-4.4.0-130-generic14:52
leftyfbsideone: after you reboot, I want you to run the remove --purge command I posted above14:52
leftyfbsideone: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-*3.19.0-25-generic* /tmp/14:54
leftyfbthen try removing again14:54
sideonetmp: linux-image-extra-3.19.0-25-generic.list  linux-image-extra-3.19.0-25-generic.md5sums  linux-image-extra-3.19.0-25-generic.postinst  linux-image-extra-3.19.0-25-generic.postrm14:55
sideoneshould moving the dpkg info clear references to /boot/system.map? it shows *-39 currently14:57
leftyfbsudo dpkg --purge linux-image-extra-3.19.0-25-generic14:57
leftyfbthen sudo dpkg --purge linux-image-extra-3.19.0-39-generic14:57
sideoneits just complaining about 39 now14:58
sideoneshould i try the mvs followed by purge?14:58
leftyfbno more moved14:58
leftyfbsudo dpkg --purge linux-image-extra-3.19.0-39-generic14:58
wrdoes ubuntu 16.04 server iso have a netinstall?14:59
leftyfbwr: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads  first result on google for "ubuntu 16.04 network install"14:59
wrsideone, always thought pastebin.com site was a bad design, https://paste.ubuntu.com/15:01
leftyfbsideone: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-*3.19.0-39-generic* /tmp/15:01
wrleftyfb, yes seen the link, was in doubt if the mini.iso was ubuntu desktop or server or both15:01
leftyfbsideone: then try to remove again15:01
leftyfbwr: it's both15:02
leftyfbwr: you choose the (meta)packages15:02
wrleftyfb, cool15:02
kwekhello.. It seems like i'm missing some groups in my ubuntu terminal. if i run 'groups' there, I only see my own user group. But if I login via ssh on my localhost, then 'groups' is filled with what I'd expect (sudo, adm, dialout, etc).. what could be wrong here?15:03
sideonelooking much bettr15:03
sideonei have tried apt-get install -f after and found a little more. but i believe the older kerns are removed! https://pastebin.com/ciqsm0Ug15:04
sideonewr; which site do you like better?15:04
wrsideone, there are a bunch of pastebins but ubuntu one is nice15:05
leftyfbsideone: try sudo apt install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.0415:05
hans__wr, there is a netinstall version of ubuntu 16.04, yes15:06
hans__wr, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso15:06
leftyfbsideone: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-*4.4.0-130-generic* /tmp/15:07
leftyfbsideone: then try again15:07
wrhans__, for every installation the iso is always the same, the mini.iso right?15:07
leftyfbhans__: I already posted a link that links to that15:08
hans__wr, .. ? you mean desktop vs server edition vs whatever? the mini.iso is the netinst version of all of them, yes, it will ask you which version you want to install15:09
sideoneleftyfb; sorry old paste.. try this one: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/S49CsKTrXX/15:09
sideoneran out of usages on pastebin15:09
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sideonealso, heres a list of the linux-image* in /var/lib/dkpg/info .. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j7MNnQ8KQ6/15:10
leftyfbsideone: sudo mv /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules /root/15:11
sideoneshould we look at *45 ?15:11
leftyfbsideone: then try to reinstall the hwe kernel15:11
leftyfbhans__: You're basically just repeating the answers I already gave15:12
sideoneleftyfb; i think we got it! https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mxz9zFF7fc/15:13
leftyfbsideone: looks ok to me. Reboot and you should be now running the 4.13 hwe kernel15:14
hans__leftyfb, oh sorry, didn't notice15:14
sideonenext autoremove ran smoothly too.. rebooting.15:14
sideoneleftyfb; thanks for all the help. that was a stubborn couple of images, yes?15:15
sideoneLinux web03 4.13.0-45-generic #50~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 30 11:18:27 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:15
leftyfbsideone: just some silliness. I've dealt with it before15:15
manj-gnomeis unity gone from ubuntu now?15:16
sideonereminds me of the old days building kerns under slak and deb15:16
sideoneapt :)15:16
lotuspsychjemanj-gnome: no, you still can install unity desktop15:16
leftyfbmanj-gnome: Unity is still available for install on 18.04 but not installed by default15:16
sideonerebooted fine! time to work with certs15:16
manj-gnomealways used arch because i prefer gnome but i read that ubuntu dropped unity in favour of it15:16
sideonethanks again leftyfb , really saved my day!15:16
manj-gnomeis gnome the default now?15:17
Richard_CavellHi everyone. I need a desktop or laptop as a stopgap solution because my present machine is failing and I can't afford a really nice one.  What's the cheapest machine I can get in the UK (desktop or laptop) that runs Windows 10 and can run Ubuntu 18.04 in a VM comfortably?  The cheapest I've found so far is a 350-pound Lenovo Ideapad 310.15:17
oerheksmanj-gnome, that is what you read15:17
lotuspsychjeRichard_Cavell: ##hardware can help you15:17
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: try #ubuntu-offtopic15:17
leftyfbor that^15:18
manj-gnomeyes, im confirming what i read...15:18
manj-gnomeand what i read was from early 201715:18
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes15:19
oerheksso we have the same info15:19
bef848fGuys, can you play mp4 file directly in Firefox?15:21
bef848fOr does it say its corrupt as well?15:21
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bef848fOh nvm15:22
lotuspsychjebef848f: not really an ubuntu issue, perhaps ask in #firefox ?15:22
oerheksmp4 is just a container15:22
bef848fSeems its not firefox related. I'm recording a video with ffmpeg and then upload to my web server. And Firefox can not play it when I open the link.15:23
bef848fthis one works fine15:23
oerheksuse an open standard15:23
bef848fI tried, but can't record an ogg with a decent framerate15:23
bef848fit comes out choppy as hell15:24
wrhans__, you refered that there is a version of netinstall of 16.04, so 18.04 is another? or is same mini.iso?15:25
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ubottugint: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:02
oerhekspssst gint, all torrents are here http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/16:03
compdocI screwed up my system trying to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04, so installed it from scratch. linux is so great when copying over settings from thunderbird and my other programs. it just works16:10
NekrosBurekI can't install Apache2 on my ubuntu it is giving me some error "you have held broken packages"16:11
naccNekrosBurek: please use a pastebin and paste the exact command and output16:11
nacc!pastebin | NekrosBurek16:11
ubottuNekrosBurek: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:11
nacccompdoc: note that upgrade path isn't yet supported :)16:11
NekrosBurekhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6JFnG67YR8/ here is the command and output16:12
hfpI have an issue with my terminal and I don't know how to troubleshoot it: sometimes when stopping vim with ctrl-z, it will break my display and just write the new output over the old output, instead of clearing the lines. I mean that if my window is full, it will type over what's already there from the first line instead of adding new lines from the bottom and scroll up what's already there. There is still a16:13
naccNekrosBurek: ok, try this: `sudo apt-get -s install apache2 apache2-bin`16:13
hfpscrollbar in my terminal. Another (potentially related) issue is when running jest (javascript test runner) in watch mode: jest has keys that you can type to trigger actions, but when I do type them it will output them on the screen rather than actually doing the matching action. I have a screenshot here: https://i.imgur.com/7GcbZOm.png -the "pfqa p q" shouldn't be there, it should have cleared the screen and16:13
hfprun the corresponding actions instead. I am using Ubuntu 18.04 with Terminator (but also happens in rxvt-unicode) and i3-wm. Any ideas? This is driving me nuts.16:13
naccNekrosBurek: that tells apt to simulate the install, and we are going to try and help apt resolve the issue16:13
NekrosBurekNow i have got this error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PFPmS3vMRW/16:14
naccNekrosBurek: try: `sudo apt-get -s install apache2 apache2-bin libapr1 libaprutil1 libaprutil-ldap`16:15
naccNekrosBurek: to be sure, you've run `sudo apt-get update` recently, right?16:15
NekrosBurekyes + i had error with some public key i fixed it but when i run the update command at the end i get the signature uses weak digest algorithm16:16
NekrosBurekshould i paste the output for the above command in paste.ubuntu ?16:16
naccNekrosBurek: yes please16:19
naccNekrosBurek: and for the update output as well16:19
NekrosBurekthe update outpot contains the key should i post that to ?16:19
naccNekrosBurek: yeah, it's public16:20
naccNekrosBurek: looking16:22
naccNekrosBurek: `apt-cache policy libapr1` please? And why are you using archive.canonical.com for the sources.list? I'm pretty sure that's not standard16:23
NekrosBureki installed some panel for ubuntu for web, and it messed up my vps, when i removed it  apache broke, my phpmyadmin works but when i go to usr/share/phpmyadmin it is redirecting me to that location, some of my web pages get the Access denied and support is not answering so i am lookin google and here as reinstalling ubuntu is removing all my files16:25
oerhekslet me guess, you upgraded your vps to the next version?16:26
NekrosBureki just followed online help for fixing apache and phpmyadmin16:27
naccNekrosBurek: yeah that's the bug.16:27
naccNekrosBurek: ok, one sec16:27
naccNekrosBurek: can you pastebin your sources.list file?16:27
NekrosBureksure can you just help me how to open it i forgot16:28
naccNekrosBurek: you should be able to just do `cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999` and paste the URL it outputs here.16:28
naccNekrosBurek: ok, we're going to modify that file16:29
blackflownacc: do vim do vim! ;)16:29
naccNekrosBurek: which editor are you most comfortable with? nano, vi, emacs?16:29
NekrosBureki mostly use nano16:30
naccNekrosBurek: ok16:30
naccNekrosBurek: `sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak; sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list`16:30
naccin the editor you are going to put this content:16:30
hans_any guide for upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04 ?16:31
naccNekrosBurek: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Pp2bPTP2yK/16:32
naccNekrosBurek: not sure what extras is, or if you actually need it16:32
nacchans_: wait til it's available16:32
oerheksnot for your vps, hans_16:32
oerheksreally, you should know better16:32
NekrosBurekok pasted and saved16:32
naccNekrosBurek: ok, run `sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update`16:33
naccNekrosBurek: then try and install apache2 again: `sudo apt-get install apache2`16:34
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naccNekrosBurek: your sources.list was totally ... weird.16:34
naccNekrosBurek: ok, so a different error16:36
naccNekrosBurek: no other output at all?16:36
oerheksupdates went oke?16:37
NekrosBurekoh there16:37
NekrosBurekone error which says cannot overwrite the panel which i deleted -_- ill send you paste just a second16:37
oerhekszesle-apache24 2.4.27-1 ??16:38
NekrosBurekwell i was looking for a good free web panel for ubuntu they say zesle i install zesle i regret for installing it xD16:39
ioriaNekrosBurek, if you are on trusty , those 2 xenial repos might be a problem (ttps://apt.zeslecp.com  and deb.nodesource.com/node_8.x xenial )16:39
naccNekrosBurek: ah and there's the problem16:40
naccNekrosBurek: the panel shipped it's *own* apache16:40
naccNekrosBurek: so, let's do this: `sudo apt-get remove apache2 zesle-apache24`16:40
NekrosBureki guess the mysql to16:40
naccNekrosBurek: then `sudo apt-get install apache2`16:41
blackflowNekrosBurek: what does grep -i zesle /var/lib/apt/lists/*Packages         say?16:41
blackflowcould be more stuff that needs removal16:41
leftyfbNekrosBurek: I would recommend not using a web panel to manage your server(s).16:41
naccblackflow: true, but i think the above should get apache there; i suppose w could just do a ppa-purge16:42
blackflownacc: if you say so, I'm not familiar wiht ppa tools and/or if there's a faster way to identify such "alien" packages and remove them16:42
NekrosBurekThis is from apache install https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NZk3RJF7zf/16:42
NekrosBurekand this is from packages command https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pJVSPkx95m/16:42
blackflowyeppers, there we go.16:43
naccNekrosBurek: yeah, so if you really don't want the zesle thing, then i'd ppa-purge it16:43
NekrosBurekwell i am still learning with ubuntu etc and i wanted to give my friend a website panel so he could make himself a website so i went the easy way and you see the rest16:43
NekrosBureki don't need it at all16:43
naccioria: i need to work on something else, would you be able to help them ppa-purge that?16:45
lotuspsychjewe got your back nacc16:45
iorianacc, ok16:45
ioriaNekrosBurek, i guess the culprit is this repo https://apt.zeslecp.com xenial  and i don't even know what that is16:46
ioriaNekrosBurek, but i know that is for xenial, so need to purge it16:47
NekrosBurekso is there a way to remove everything related to zesle ?16:48
ioria!ppa-purge | NekrosBurek16:48
ubottuNekrosBurek: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html16:48
NekrosBurekinstalled ppa-purge16:49
NekrosBurekso i do ppa-purge ppa:zesle ?16:49
ioriaNekrosBurek, but it's not exactly a ppa , so idk how it 'll behave16:49
oerheksif it got a list in sourses.list.d folder, you might16:49
BadPracticehi, what program provides this dialogue? https://www.utwente.nl/.uc/i4a/d208be0102f82274002fccde024e3d0b0090e101020701c48701300180.png16:50
ioriaNekrosBurek, apt-cache policy apache2   gives you 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.20 version or what ?16:50
oerheksadd printer, in what version, BadPractice ?16:50
NekrosBurekyes that 2.4.716:51
BadPracticehow is the program called?16:51
ioriaNekrosBurek, and libapr1  ?16:51
BadPracticei dont care about version much. I just wanna know how the utility program is called16:52
blackflowoerheks: ioria: note their source.list was purged earlier, only has official ubuntu repos now16:52
ioriablackflow, damn right16:52
naccblackflow: but we didn't purge sources.list.d because i didn't see it in the output16:52
leftyfbNekrosBurek: I would install wordpress for your friend and call it a day. Other than that, you won't learn anything with a web management interface. You learn less and can actually cause problems16:52
NekrosBurekwell i just want to fix apache and phpmyadmin back16:52
NekrosBureki made a mistake with that panel stuff16:52
ioriaNekrosBurek,   dpkg -l | grep apache2 | pastebinit16:53
BadPracticeok let me ask differently: what do i have to enter in my command line to get this program https://www.utwente.nl/.uc/i4a/d208be0102f82274002fccde024e3d0b0090e101020701c48701300180.png16:53
ioriaNekrosBurek,   dpkg -l | grep libapr1  | pastebinit16:54
blackflowBadPractice: isn't that Printers, under Settings in old Unity desktops?16:54
BadPracticeblackflow, i dont know. I am using a gentoo here and try to find a useable utillity program to manage cups16:54
BadPracticewhat does ubuntu have installed? whats the name of the utillity program?16:55
blackflowBadPractice: lol.  then just use CUPS http interface16:55
blackflowBadPractice: it's gnome's16:55
jason85Does anybody know why ssh won't execute my local command? ssh -o LocalCommand="echo test" hostname16:55
ioriaNekrosBurek,   dpkg -l | grep libaprutil1 | pastebinit16:55
BadPracticeblackflow, no gnome is a desktop environment not a cups frontend16:56
blackflowBadPractice: the printer dialog is gnomes I believe, that's what I meant. but that look, that's unity (which is a gnome shell)16:56
blackflowBadPractice: so just  use   http://localhost:631   and that's functionally exactly the same CUPS interface.16:56
lotuspsychjejason85: see also #openssh16:57
blackflowBadPractice: also, #gentoo should be more helpful with that ;)16:57
jason85lotuspsychje, thanks16:57
hggdhjason85: add a config for the remote stat states "PermitLocalCommand yes"16:57
hggdhs/stat /that /16:58
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ioriaNekrosBurek,   they are all correctly installed16:58
BadPracticeall i want to know is what utility program you have installed. On your desktop! right now! whats the name of the program?16:58
ioriaNekrosBurek,   dpkg -l | grep zesle | pastebinit16:58
hggdhBadPractice: calm down please16:59
blackflowBadPractice: good luck with that attitude, mate.16:59
BadPracticeits system-config-printer16:59
BadPracticei figured it out16:59
leftyfbBadPractice: different distro's will rename things occasionally. You cannot assume just because it's named something on Ubuntu that it will be the same on Gentoo. I don't see why you don't just ask for help in the channel dedicated to what you're running.17:00
ioriaNekrosBurek,  do you need those packages ?17:01
jason85hggdh, that did the trick, thanks :)17:01
compdocI just installed 18.04 and theres a little icon of a monitor with a circle/slash in the middle of it. if I click it, it drops down a menu with nothing in it. Propeties say its the Indicator Applet. How do i put applets in there?17:01
lotuspsychjecompdoc: screenshot?17:02
ash_worksiI have a generic question17:02
ash_worksido you uninstall vi and install vim?17:03
leftyfbash_worksi: no, just install vim17:03
hggdhash_worksi: no, just install vim, it will adjust to be called vi17:03
BadPracticeleftyfb, it has the EXACT same name on Ubuntu, Arch and Gentoo. I found screenshots and all it tould me is that i should click "Add printer" I wanted to know the name. I thought i just ask here since all you have to do is click on the about box since it is your defualt utillity17:03
blackflowash_worksi: there's no vi, it's all vim but in compatibility mode, until you install "proper" full vim.17:03
ash_worksiI see17:03
hggdhBadPractice: again, please be nice17:04
blackflowvi, the old original vi, is hardly installed anywhere these days17:04
ash_worksithat's all the exact wealth of knowledge I needed17:04
leftyfbBadPractice: again, you cannot always assume that. You're not running Ubuntu. It's not appropriate to ask support questions about Gentoo in #ubuntu, regardless if you think they might be the same17:04
ash_worksiblackflow: so the vi that comes on 18.04 is a nerfed vim?17:04
blackflowash_worksi: yeup17:04
blackflowash_worksi: I mean it says right there "VIM - Vi IMproved"  when you start `vi`  ;)17:05
BadPracticeleftyfb, i asked in #ubuntu how a ubuntu default utillity app is called. Not related to gentoo.17:05
blackflowit's just that it's in vi compatibility mode, command-wise17:05
NekrosBurekZesle no17:06
ash_worksiblackflow: yes, and the funny thing is that it also says, on the same page, "type :help version8<enter> for version info" and then when you type it it says: E149: Sorry, no help for version817:07
blackflowash_worksi: right because default vi(m) is compiled for minimal, compatibility mode, features. you then install "vim" which pulls in vim-runtime which is additional features, and provides vim.tiny and vim.basic alternatives.17:08
blackflowI never understood that, I mean just include proper full vim in the base OS....17:08
ash_worksiyeah, well with minimal there should be, imo, some snippet about what you just said17:09
NekrosBurek<ioria> i need to go now ill be back later or tommorow thanks for such an amazing help from everyone17:09
ash_worksiblackflow: so `apt install vim` will give you "full proper vim"... _along_ with tiny and basic? (ie you can start tiny or basic alternatives of vim?)17:10
blackflowash_worksi: yup17:11
notl33tenoughhey guys, do you know an alternative for cairo-dock? i got problems with cairo-dock on my 18.04LTS17:11
lotuspsychje!info docky | notl33tenough17:12
ubottunotl33tenough: docky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 609 kB, installed size 3329 kB17:12
blackflowash_worksi: vim.tiny is the "vi" compatibility mode afaik17:12
notl33tenoughthx guys17:12
blackflowash_worksi: right. vi is a symlink to vim.tiny through /etc/alternatives/vi   and vim is to vim.basic through /etc/alternatives/vim17:13
blackflow(both being vim 8.x actually, .tiny being with vi compat featureset)17:14
ash_worksiblackflow: so after `install vim`; then `vi` will still launch vim.tiny and `vim` will launch `vim.basic` ?17:15
blackflowash_worksi: exactly17:15
ash_worksiblackflow: and what about "full blown vim" ?17:15
compdoclotuspsychje, anybody, what is this little icon?  https://imgur.com/a/0Z9oGGR17:15
yeatsash_worksi: blackflow: /usr/bin/vi is a symlink to /etc/alternatives/vi, which will point to whatever you have chosen17:16
lotuspsychjecompdoc: ah, you might have apt problems17:16
lotuspsychjecompdoc: can you hastebin us the output of: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade please?17:16
Dave_Elechow do i enable global dark theme on ubuntu 18.04?17:16
ash_worksiyeats: which in a default scenario, I'm guessing is vim.tiny?17:16
yeatsash_worksi: yes, by default, vim.tiny is what's there17:17
blackflowash_worksi: that's .basic actually. note there's also bindings for GUI thorugh vim-gtk and vim-gtk3 packages.  and if you build it from source there can also be various langauge bindigs like perl, python, etc... for really full full functionality, but I don't know if that's prepackaged on ubuntu17:17
Dave_Eleci have tried ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini17:17
blackflowyeats: yeah , I said that above17:17
ash_worksiI was about to say that :help version8 worked on `vi` post `install vim`17:17
blackflowyeats: however there's a difference between vi and vim in alternatives17:18
compdoclotuspsychje, All packages are up to date.17:18
blackflowyeats: it's not to alternate vi(m) iimplementation, its' for editors17:18
lotuspsychjecompdoc: no issues in apt?17:18
ash_worksiat some point I would like language support, but I will get to that later17:18
blackflowash_worksi: note that's not for syntax and stuff like that, it's for plugins and modules being written in those langs17:19
ioriacompdoc, i guess a broken dropbox icon17:19
ppfash_worksi: 'language support'17:20
ash_worksiblackflow: is that a "caution for when you do that" or a "there are multiple ways to skin that cat"17:20
yeatsblackflow: I was trying to make the point that ash_worksi's assumption that "vi" -> vim.tiny and "vim" -> vim.basic wasn't quite right17:20
ash_worksiyeats: duly noted :)17:20
ash_worksippf: ?17:20
ppfyes i was missing ?17:21
ppfwhat's language support17:21
ash_worksioh, I mean, at some point I would like vim to be capable of doing language specific things17:21
blackflowyeats: it's default though. Id' really NOT recommand change that default and create a maximum confusion where vim is vi and vi is vim. that's serious offence right there ;)17:21
ash_worksilike an IDE17:21
ash_worksibut I'm not really concerned with it now17:21
blackflowash_worksi: that's what I meant, that's not what "language bindings" are for vim17:22
ppfash_worksi: ah, right17:22
blackflowash_worksi: "IDE" is done through syntax highlighting and various autocomplete modules and all..    language bindings, eg python, means the modules themselves are written in python, regardless of what the modules do17:22
yeatsblackflow: not sure I understand, but it's not really important :-)17:22
ash_worksiblackflow: so it was a "just so you know, 'language bindings' (whatever that is) is not that"17:22
compdocioria, could be. I would just like to remove it, but cant without removing all the icons17:22
ash_worksithanks for all that17:23
ppflanguage bindings are important, because you _really_ don't want to write in  vimscript ;)17:23
blackflowyeats: vi by defaut is symlink to /etc/alternatives/vi which is symlink to vim.tiny       vim by default is symlink to /etc/alternatives/vim whhich is symlink to vim.basic17:23
blackflowyeats: that's default, and yes it can be changed with update-altenatives for vi but not vim, and for editors.17:23
yeatsblackflow: okay, yeah we're on the same page then17:23
ash_worksibut but but17:23
blackflowash_worksi: hmmmm?17:24
ash_worksi`vi` (now that vim is installed) is now capable of :help version8 ... so _something_ about `vi` changed17:24
Deus402i have just added a pile of new drives to my system, and have successfully created two mdadm arrays, however, i cannot seem to get them to stick through reboot. here is what i have done, can anyone spot where i have messed up?17:24
blackflowash_worksi: full blown vim is pulled in I'd say, the vim-runtime and all.  vi is just a symlink anyway, so...17:25
blackflowash_worksi: so the extra files, helps and all became available17:25
ioriacompdoc, dropbox stop && dbus-launch dropbox start17:25
ash_worksiblackflow: so does that mean at this point vi == vim ?17:26
ash_worksi(the commands)17:26
blackflowash_worksi: I think it's still vim launched in compability mode17:26
blackflownote that it always WAS just ViM. except vi is compatibility mode command-wise, but it's ViM's code.17:26
blackflowconfusing? :))17:26
ash_worksito say the least17:27
yeatsash_worksi: the postinst for vim updates alternatives for vi and other variant commands to point to vim.basic if vim.basic is installed17:27
ash_worksiokay here's the important thing... how do I _check_ exactly what it is I'm using?17:27
compdocioria = genius. thanks!17:27
ppfsome things just don't work in vi as they do in vim17:27
blackflowash_worksi: okay, how about this.  it's ViM. but when you build ubuntu packages, you can vary the compile time options, mkay? so you're using the same codebase, but different compile time options. those are defining that vi, through vim.tiny will start vim codebase, but in compatibility mode.17:27
ash_worksiso that when someone tells me :execute '/' . @x I can tell them why it's not working17:27
ioriacompdoc, ok np17:27
ppfmouse handling for instance17:27
ppfbut that's just because vi switches these things of17:28
ppfit's still just vim17:28
blackflowash_worksi: compatibility mode means how certain key bindings are mapped and what it does. being ViM source code and all, it make sense that when you pull in full vim, various additional help files become available so vi, which is vim in compat mode, now has access to.17:28
ash_worksiblackflow: I see17:29
blackflowash_worksi: right so vim.tiny and vim.basic are build from teh same, VIM, codebase, with different compile time options and some other stuff methinks, but the point is, BOTH are VIM.17:29
ash_worksiso vim.<foo> describes what the program can do... vim.tiny could always show help, but without full, there were no help files to access17:30
blackflowI belive it's just tradition, and nothing else, that `vi` is present in the base installation and `vim` is something you install optionally.17:30
ash_worksithank you blackflow sensei17:30
blackflowash_worksi: exactly.  dpkg -L vim-runtime will show you those extra files that are installed17:30
* blackflow is a Vim Cultist. Survived the war with Church of Emacs. Has scars to prove.17:32
ash_worksisee, that's the kind of thing that scares me17:32
ash_worksithere is SOOOOOOO much to vim17:32
blackflowash_worksi: it has a steep learning curve, but once the muscle memory sets in, you become unrivaled demigod in how fast you can edit text.17:33
ash_worksiand if it by chance becomes deprecated, what did you learn all that for?17:33
ash_worksiI know, I've seen the magic before17:33
blackflowthe scars are in that you Ctrl-W and close a Firefox tab because muscle memory says ctrl-w switches the buffer  (shift-tab does in FF)17:33
blackflowyou edit Libreoffice docs with no vim bindings and you constantly hit ESC:w17:33
ash_worksiI always f'up ctrl+(shift)+C17:34
lotuspsychjeperhaps continue in #ubuntu-discuss ?17:34
ash_worksiI'll stop17:34
blackflowlotuspsychje: yup, yup. see, this brings back memories of the war..... :)17:34
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: join there, we all there17:34
* ash_worksi needs to get back to work anyway17:34
ash_worksithanks though, everyone17:34
blackflowash_worksi: just this: I don't think it'll ever be deprecated. it has very deep fanbase, and I see more and more programs having vim keybindings. its totally worth the time and effort to learn it.17:37
vadiAccording to lscpu, my MHz is at its minimum even though the temperature is fine and cpu governor is performance. I can't find anything weird in logs. What is going wrong?17:39
lotuspsychjevadi: can you tell us whats happening wrong in your system?17:39
ash_worksiblackflow: \m/17:39
blackflowvadi: why do you think anything is wrong at all? if you start a cpu intensive task, does it go up?17:39
vadiYeah, it's running slow and the cpu speed is at its minimum17:39
lotuspsychjevadi: define whats going slow please? wich ubuntu version?17:40
vadiIt does not go up when I start cpu-intensive tasks. 18.0417:40
lotuspsychjevadi: clean install or upgrade? wich graphics card/driver?17:41
vadiupgrade, intel/nvidia17:41
lotuspsychjevadi: from wich version?17:42
blackflowvadi: can you pastebin    lscpu  ?17:42
vadiI upgraded from the previous version, you can't skip versions17:43
lotuspsychjevadi: some users upgraded from 16.04 too, hence the question17:44
vadioh, okay17:45
blackflowvadi: what does   cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_driver     say?17:45
falahi all17:45
blackflowash_worksi: intel_pstate or something else?17:45
lotuspsychjevadi: have you tested system speed with a 18.04 liveusb?17:45
blackflowoops vadi ^^^^17:45
falausually wifi reconnects after dropping.but sometimes it will show the wifi log in screen already filled in,waiting to press on connect after that a new connection will form with #2 after the duplicate ssid.17:45
vadiI did not test a liveusb.17:45
blackflowvadi: what cpuintensive task did you try, btw?17:46
vadiI set a bunch of while loops to run in terminals17:47
blackflowvadi: and also what does   cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor    say?17:47
lotuspsychjefala: details please, ubuntu version, wifi chipset and driver?17:47
vadiThe whole system is just running slow which is why I noticed17:47
vadiYet CPU temperature is fine (38)17:48
blackflowvadi: that'sa  bit weird then. please pastebin      grep . /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/*17:48
lotuspsychjevadi: did your system work well at 17.10?17:48
blackflowvadi: infact use   cpu*  instead of  cpu0   in that grep path please17:49
* ash_worksi was confused17:49
blackflowash_worksi: sorry, I mistabbed17:49
vadiIt also worked well in 18.0417:49
lotuspsychjevadi: aha? when did things went wrong?17:49
vadiI don't know.17:50
vadiblackflow: https://hastebin.com/rurilikacu.makefile17:50
lotuspsychjevadi: could it have been after an update?17:50
vadiI do not pay attention to them and I have that livepatch enabled.17:50
notl33tenoughhey guys, where i can get more docklets for docky?17:50
blackflowvadi: somethings terribly wrong there. shows 6GHz as max freq? did you perchance try to overclock that thing somehow?17:51
vadiYeah, that's correct17:51
vadiIt's been that way for many months. Works ok.17:52
stan_man_can_Hey -- Is there any easy way to see how many requests per second my server is receiving?17:52
vadiThere's a giant aftermarket cooler on it...17:52
blackflowvadi: what is correct? 6GHz??17:52
vadiHey, it worked17:52
blackflowI think you burned that thing.... :)17:52
blackflowyeah,  ed. past tense.17:52
oerheks lolz, burn that cpu, slowly17:52
vadiDon't mind if that's the case but why is it still working then?17:52
stan_man_can_according to nginx i'm getting about 400rps sustained with bursts up to 600-700 but i'd be interested if there's any other way to kinda see it live17:53
falalotuspsychje: 16.04.4   .. driver=ath9k_htc  .. still looking for the chipset17:53
blackflowvadi: there's one thing you could try, try using cpufrequtils and try change it with that governor instead of intel pstate. I think you might need to reboot with  intel_pstate=disable    for that to work17:54
lotuspsychje!atheros | fala17:54
ubottufala: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:54
blackflowvadi: and if that doesn't chage it, I'd say you've permanently fried that thing.  6GHz!17:54
lotuspsychjefala: to see whats wrong exactly: from a terminal: tail -f /var/log/syslog and play a bit with wifi to see usefull errors17:55
blackflowstan_man_can_: other than usnig nginx status stub?17:55
stan_man_can_blackflow: yeah17:56
stan_man_can_like is there a way to directly show connections to the machine or something17:56
blackflowstan_man_can_: apachetop should work with nginx log files, the format is I believe identical by default. If not, you could change the format, OR find an apachetop -like tool but for nginx.17:56
vadiI have a feeling a fried cpu should not work17:57
falalotuspsychje: tnx ,disconnection happens in long intervals,not that often,around 2x a day17:57
stan_man_can_blackflow: hm okay17:57
blackflowstan_man_can_: oh that... sure.  ss, netstat, ...17:57
stan_man_can_blackflow: i think i might have disabled nginx logs17:57
lotuspsychjefala: you could try another atheros driver/firmware perhaps17:57
stan_man_can_too much data17:57
blackflowstan_man_can_: well at that scale I don't blame you17:57
blackflowstan_man_can_: note that looking at raw socket states with ss or netstat, you'll see _FAR_ more of them due to transitional and wait states17:58
mohnish_What is the command to automatically install the appropriate drivers for my system?17:58
stan_man_can_it all runs on like a $40/m VPS so storage is a premium17:58
stan_man_can_blackflow: ahh nevermind then17:58
reactiv3Hi. A few days ago I was having problems with xrandr showing that my refresh rate is set to 60hz, while the true framerate of the monitor stayed capped at 50hz. The problem remains even after a o/s reinstall. A new weird discovery is that glxgears shows higher than 50hz on the first line, then drops back to 50hz. Output of glxgears and xrandr here: https://paste.ee/p/wgASI17:58
blackflowstan_man_can_: syslog + compression + large block size for nginx logs should help offsite those logs for archiving purposes tho'17:58
stan_man_can_yeah but we're literally talking about a billion requests a month17:59
blackflowstan_man_can_: they compress well, and with syslog you send them over network, dont' toouch local disks17:59
falalotuspsychje: nmcli networking off / on seems to work for me.. are you good at scripting?17:59
stan_man_can_TBH, logging slows it down too! so much activity17:59
mohnish_What is the command to automatically install the appropriate drivers for my system? Anyone please?17:59
reactiv3reactiv3, I only have this problem with the native resolution17:59
stan_man_can_blackflow: ohhh i gotcha17:59
stan_man_can_i'll look into it man thanks a ton!18:00
lotuspsychjemohnish_: ubuntu-drivers autoinstall18:00
blackflowstan_man_can_: yah, especially with nginx logging block size, I'd go with 64k or more18:00
mohnish_lotuspsychje: Sudo apt-get?18:00
lotuspsychjemohnish_: no18:00
mohnish_ubuntu-drivers autoinstall, that's it??18:01
lotuspsychjefala: sorry scripting isnt for me :p18:01
lotuspsychjemohnish_: yeah, to check wich drivers available: ubuntu-drivers list18:01
mohnish_lotuspsychje: Thank you very much!18:02
lotuspsychjenp mate18:02
falalotuspsychje: tnx.gtg18:03
genewitchfresh install of ubuntu 18.04 desktop, with updates and 3rd party (or without those) crashes with this http://projectftm.com/#vP9DN6mhivWkCgA-tU6wxA that's all i ever see, it never goes any further, ctrl-alt-F keys don't do anything18:04
lotuspsychjegenewitch: did you also try ctrl alt F3 and higher for tty?18:04
lotuspsychjegenewitch: wich graphics card is that please?18:04
genewitchctrl-alt-F{2,3,4,5,6,etc} do nothing18:05
lotuspsychjegenewitch: tryed !nomodeset ?18:06
BarnabasDKlotuspsychje, +118:06
genewitchit never shows grub18:07
BarnabasDKgenewitch, do you have sshd running on it?18:08
genewitchfresh install18:08
BarnabasDKhow do you know it will not lead you back to the same problem?18:09
genewitchi am saying this is a fresh install18:10
genewitchsshd isn't on by default18:10
BarnabasDKah ok, I thought you where planning something :-)18:10
BarnabasDKis there anyway to keep shift depressed while booting a qemu / kvm?18:11
BarnabasDKshould spawn grub18:11
BarnabasDKthat is the virtual shift for the image naturally18:12
genewitchi'm in the guest filesystem18:13
BarnabasDKso who have access to the host filesystem? seems that you need that18:13
genewitchi'm in it, do i edit grub.cfg for the menuentry for ubuntu one the linux line and add !nomodeset18:14
BarnabasDKyeah but you need to also be able to do a update-grub18:14
BarnabasDKin the client os18:14
genewitchgot it18:14
Deus402i am totally stumped as to why mdadm will not find my raid array after rebooting, would anyone be so kind as to peek at what i've done and try to decipher where i messed up? here is the pastebin: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KmwsZCFKtW/18:16
Deus402everything works fine until the reboot, is there something else i should be doing besides adding them to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf and /etc/fstab?18:17
genewitchgrub-probe: error: unknown filesystem. <--- qhat18:19
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BarnabasDKgenewitch, are you using virsh from your host os?18:24
genewitchnot virsh18:25
BarnabasDKI have to say I haven't tried either. But read this18:25
BarnabasDKmaybe it is of no use to you18:25
BarnabasDKbut it seems that virsh has ways to boot an image to console18:26
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BarnabasDKplease correct me if I am wrong18:26
BarnabasDKmaybe you can get a console boot though chroot as well? would make sense - anyone ?18:29
genewitchBarnabasDK: root@SirPrize:/etc# find . -name tty1.conf18:31
genewitchthere's only three files in /etc/init, because, see, we're note using openRC anymore18:31
BarnabasDKgenewitch, so was that in the root os or the guest?18:31
BarnabasDKgenewitch, you have exhausted my knowledge of the subject I am afraid18:33
genewitchthat's ok18:34
BarnabasDKall we can do is try :-)18:35
* BarnabasDK pokes ppl18:36
lotuspsychjegenewitch: best way to get your issue solved is to re-ask once in a while/all in one line with details,steps taken etc18:37
alexm_Hello! Is it possible to configure multi-seat with propietary nvidia video driver in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS? It work normaly with x.org x server, but not login in second seat after installing nvidia propr driver.18:37
alexm_I need help, please.18:38
lotuspsychje!patience | alex18:38
ubottualex: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/18:38
asdfghi cannot install ubuntu 18.04 from usb18:39
asdfghi see the GRUB shell when i start the USV...18:39
alexm_<ubottu> google search didnt help me.18:39
BarnabasDKasdfgh, can you boot your usb18:40
BarnabasDKforget install for now18:40
asdfghi see this when i boot with usb18:40
asdfghBarnabasDK, why?18:40
BarnabasDKbecause you have to boot the os on your usb stick. that is what does the install to your hard drive18:41
asdfghBarnabasDK, i have win 10 pro right now18:41
asdfghi would like to change it with 18.0418:42
asdfghwhat can i do ?18:42
asdfghBarnabasDK, i have copied the .iso files inside the USB18:42
BarnabasDKfirst of all is this your pc? not your companys / where your work?18:42
asdfghBarnabasDK, sure, it is my pc18:42
asdfghwhy? :)18:42
BarnabasDKbecause if your company have given you a pc they decide what os you run18:43
genewitchwell, copying the iso files to the usb using what software, asdfgh18:43
asdfghgenewitch, copy and paste :) (with hidden files too)18:43
swebWTF with netplan http://uupload.ir/files/ybm1_screenshot_from_2018-07-18_23-12-54.png ... ping DUP i can connect to my virtual box bridge adapter ... it's simple adapter that bridge to my wifi interface ...18:44
asdfghBarnabasDK, no problem it is my pc18:44
swebnetplay is real pain in my @$$18:44
BarnabasDKasdfgh, just to make sure, if you are trying to install on your own hw .. no problem, if you are trying to replace windows on a corporate pc, some admin will get you fired .. just saying ..18:44
asdfghBarnabasDK, yes i understand eheh18:45
alexm_<asdfgh> disable safe and legacy boot in BIOS before installation.18:45
asdfghno problem18:45
asdfghalexm_, ok18:45
BarnabasDKasdfgh,  if you have something called "safeboot" enable that in bios18:46
asdfghhmmm enable or not18:46
BarnabasDKone of the new things in 18.04 afaik18:46
asdfghalexm_, said not18:47
BarnabasDKwhat is it now?18:47
BarnabasDKtry the opposite18:47
asdfghidnot know18:47
alexm_try to disable18:47
BarnabasDKlook in your bios18:47
BarnabasDKand let us hear back18:47
asdfghok i try thanks18:47
alexm_<asdfgh> boot without UEFI18:48
BarnabasDKalexm +118:48
BarnabasDKbut boot with uefi is nice now it is possible with os's not ms18:49
BarnabasDKso it should be encuraged18:49
p1l0tSo I think I messed up my /boot mount since when I restart my laptop it says no such device, must load kernel first, etc.. Here is the boot-repair output http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YbFNSf5DjC/18:49
genewitchyou can't just copy and paste the iso files to a USB stick18:50
p1l0tI'm not sure if I need to reinstall grub or simply fix my mounts18:50
mr_louI was once able to zoom a window in Nautilus, and it would increase the font size. This doesn't happen anymore. :-/18:52
BarnabasDKmr_lou, did you upgrade to the newest lts -- then you changed from unity to gnome afaik. things changed (back to normal)18:54
mr_louProbably. Don't remember.18:55
BarnabasDKlsb_release -a18:56
BarnabasDKin a terminal18:56
BarnabasDKjust to know what os  you use18:56
mr_louNo LSB modules are available.18:56
mr_louUbuntu 16.04.4 LTS18:56
BarnabasDKok you are still on the old version of ubuntu (which is fine if that is what you want)18:57
BarnabasDKno problem18:57
genewitch16.04 is LTS, in fact afaik 14.04 is still supported18:57
BarnabasDKsupport still18:57
BarnabasDKno problem18:57
BarnabasDKmr_lou - your Ubuntu install is under support, and I do not have an answer - so - anyone?18:59
mr_louMaybe Nautilus is just using a font that doesn't magnify...19:00
BarnabasDKfirst things first ;-)19:00
Soul_Samplemr_lou: i don't remember ever seeing that behavior in nautilus19:01
Soul_Samplewhen were you last able to do it?19:01
mr_louI just press CTRL and + to zoom my window.  Line hieght gets higher, but the font stays small.19:02
mr_louer... height even19:02
mr_louIt's been like that for ages.19:02
mr_louBut it worked long ago.19:02
BarnabasDKmr_lou and you are using a vector based font I hope?19:03
* mr_lou looks for font settings in Nautilus....19:03
BarnabasDKif it is bitmap it does not scale19:04
BarnabasDKor maybe - what font do you use19:04
BarnabasDKand could you try another (scalable)19:05
p1l0tIs it normal that my /boot folder is on a seperate partition?19:07
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mr_louHm, I can't figure out where the font settings for Nautilus are19:07
naccp1l0t: yes19:07
BarnabasDKmr_lou, try the "tweak tool"19:07
BarnabasDKor "gnome tweak tool"19:08
BarnabasDKshould be in your apt19:08
p1l0tnacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YbFNSf5DjC/ when I boot up grub says no such device, must load kernel first, etc..19:08
Lost_GoatHas anyone done a mail server before on their ubuntu server?19:09
BarnabasDKmr_lou, should be able to delve into the deeper parts of the user config of gnome19:09
BarnabasDKalso the font19:09
naccLost_Goat: you want #ubuntu-server, but also unless you really know what you're doing, you probably don't want to run your own mail server19:10
genewitchBarnabasDK, lotuspsychje: hitting escape realy fast in VNC while it was rebooting alowed me to get into the grub thing, i added console=ttyS0 and now i have a serial port19:10
mr_louAlright. Installed gnome-tweak-tool. Fonts are set to "Ubuntu", "Ubuntu Regular", "Sans Regular" and "Ubuntu Mono Regular"19:10
genewitchit looks like the installer didn't actually perform any updates, so i am doing that first19:10
Lost_Goatnacc: Im going to give it a try for some experiments but thanks for the tip19:10
naccp1l0t: dunno, someone can i'm sure help you figure out what's wrong with the config19:11
BarnabasDKgenewitch, super19:11
BarnabasDKgenewitch, still grub shold be available19:11
p1l0tI am trying to figure out if I can simply fix the partitions or if I need to reinstall grub19:12
BarnabasDKmr_lou, that sound very standard19:12
BarnabasDKyou still cannot see the text?19:12
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BarnabasDKmr_lou, changes in the tweak tool require a reload19:13
BarnabasDKtype r19:14
BarnabasDKmr_not obvious .. just the way it is19:14
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BarnabasDKr for reload19:14
BarnabasDKmr_lou, you still there?19:17
ceiballucaspc lucaspc19:18
leftyfb!bg | ceibal19:18
ubottuceibal: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently19:18
mr_louBarnabasDK, Yea, but I kinda gave up. Too much happening around me at the moment. Sorry.19:19
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BarnabasDKmr_lou, NP19:19
mr_louBarnabasDK, Will look into it later again.19:19
tonsofpcsso... I have the 'live' server disc but how do I get to a 'live' console?  Alt+f2 gives me another terminal but it's not at a prompt of any kind19:20
ioriatonsofpcs, still not tried the live version ... but probably is ctrl+alt+fx19:23
tonsofpcserr, yea, sorry, that's what it was.  But there's no atual prompt, just a getty with a motd and "this is terminal /dev/tty2" or similar19:24
ryuotonsofpcs: ? which ISO?19:27
tonsofpcshmmm, just rebooted and tried switching to a different console as installer was loading and was able to get to it19:28
tonsofpcsryuo: ubuntu-18.04-live-server-amd64.iso19:28
ryuotonsofpcs: curious. i had no issues.19:32
ioriamaybe just a delay19:32
lvrp16is there a simple way to do quadranting like on 16.04...the complete UX change is bizarre. every OS maintains UX consistency and Ubuntu just threw it out the window with bionic.19:39
lvrp16control alt + numberpad19:39
lvrp16super useful feature...19:39
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ffejjgot a tty question... my tty1 font setting isn't saved after reboot (but tty2-6 are saved..) any idea how i can fix that?19:39
ffejjTiTTY :)19:40
lvrp16or is there a fork with compiz?19:40
ryuolvrp16: maybe you can get what you're wanting from Ubuntu Mate?19:40
ryuoIt has a number of modes that can emulate other UXs.19:41
asdfghnothing to do i cannot install ubuntu 18.04 from usb19:42
asdfghwhy is so diffocult to install ubuntu via USB?19:42
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asdfghUEFI, safe mode etc etc soo boring19:42
pragmaticenigmalvrp16: Ubuntu didn't throw the UX out the window. The replaced the Unity manager with Gnome. The commands you are looking for are slightly different19:42
pragmaticenigma!enter asdfgh19:43
pragmaticenigma!enter | asdfgh19:43
ubottuasdfgh: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.19:43
ffejjasdfgh: idk i installed it from usb19:43
asdfghffejj, i have win 10 pro19:43
ryuoasdfgh: so... you want to dual boot?19:43
asdfghi have tried to disable safe mode on USB but i cannot use USB devicies...so i have reset the CMOS19:43
asdfghryuo,  no no linux only19:43
ryuoasdfgh: do you mean secure boot?19:44
asdfghi do not remember it exactly...i have siables legacy...19:44
asdfghi have an asrock pro 4s19:44
asdfghif i disabled it ...it does not see keyboard and mouse during the boot time... but i can use it right now...only during the boot19:45
asdfghso i must enable it19:45
asdfghryuo, what can i do?19:46
ioriaasdfgh, how did you do the usb ( with what software, i mean )  ?19:48
asdfghioria, just copy and paste the .iso files (with hidden files too)=19:48
ioriaasdfgh, wrong19:48
* ryuo sighs.19:49
asdfghioria, why?19:49
ioriaasdfgh, you cannot copy paste an iso19:49
asdfghioria, i mounted it and copied the files inside the .iso files19:49
asdfghwhy is this wrong ?19:49
ioriaasdfgh, use rufus19:49
ryuoasdfgh: because it doesn't setup the USB for booting. that can only work for UEFI mode, but that requires special formatting.19:50
ryuoasdfgh: As they said, use Rufus to prepare the stick.19:51
asdfghhmm ok my wrong i am installing that software19:51
ryuoThough, I haven't needed to format a USB stick in like 2 years, thanks to my Iodd2531. \o/19:52
hggdhasdfgh: boot devices have special partitions. When you copy & paste, you are doing this all under the existing filesystem, not the actual device19:52
asdfghhggdh, ok19:53
asdfghit say DD image or ISO image19:54
asdfghwhich one ?19:54
ryuoISO probably.19:54
asdfghok i try19:54
ryuodd is probably referring to how you could do it from Linux.19:54
ryuoSince all Ubuntu live cds are now hybrids...19:54
asdfghryuo, ok i try it right now19:55
asdfghthank you19:55
asdfghit is coping the files19:55
asdfghthen i reboot crossing fingers19:55
someone235hey, When I suspend my laptop, and I open it back, my session is not restored. Someone knows what could be the reason?19:55
asdfghi go19:56
pragmaticenigmasomeone235: Some computers do not support power state levels in their default conditions. Googling for your computer manufacture with "Ubuntu Suspend" will likely find a page that has instructions on what to do19:58
ryuopragmaticenigma: would you happen to have any advice for how to debug a kernel level input issue? I have brightness keys that are mapped to microphone mute for some reason...19:59
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lvrp16pragmaticenigma: i tried really hard to restore the functionality in gnome 3, couldn't get it the same20:00
pragmaticenigmaryuo: I don't know much about kernel level stuff... You are looking for key mapping20:01
TJ-ryuo: that /could/ be caused by a platform driver (e.g. asus, lenovo, dell) mis-identifying the PC and sending the wrong events20:01
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ryuoTJ-: quite possible. It's a newer model HP ProBook released this year.20:02
ryuoI already submitted a patch through Ubuntu to fix an audio LED issue.20:02
TJ-ryuo: might be worth trying a mainline kernel build, and/or checking the Linux commit logs for the HP platform drivers, to see if it has been addressed20:02
ryuoTJ-: i doubt it. I also tried Arch recently just to see if it changed anything.20:03
ryuoSame behavior.20:03
TJ-ryuo: does it happen only with the GUI, or from a VT console too?20:03
ryuoTJ-: both.20:03
ryuoTJ-: i also tried other distros without systemd for comparison. the problem is the kernel reporting them as the same scan code.20:04
tonsofpcsioria / ryuo - more like the opposite of a delay - worked when I told it "Install" then quickly hopped to a different terminal.  When I tried answering a question or two first it didn't.20:04
TJ-ryuo: right, so you confirmed that, that is a positive step, so focus on the platform and/or input drivers20:04
ryuoTJ-: yea, but i'm out of ideas for now. I'm not much of a kernel hacker.20:05
TJ-ryuo: report a bug via b.k.o or the linux-input mailing list - the latter is likely to get more attention than bugzilla20:05
ryuoI think i'll report my findngs to the bug tracker.20:05
ryuothe LED issue was trivial... the fix was already in kernel, just needed my HW ids to apply it.20:05
=== semeion is now known as mnemonic
hashwagonCan anyone recommend me a channel to answer a CPU question I have? I'm wondering if the Intel Xeon E3-1220 (BX80662E31220V5) has a integrated graphics.20:10
hashwagonnvm, ty20:11
TJ-Intel Ark usually can answer those type of questions20:13
ryuohashwagon: https://ark.intel.com/products/52269/Intel-Xeon-Processor-E3-1220-8M-Cache-3_10-GHz20:16
ryuoIt's usually the first result whenever you search for the model # of an intel CPU.20:16
dunnousernamefnI just entered '\' into nautilus search by accident and it crashed ._.20:23
dunnousernamefnI'm trying to link with this library and the `gcc -D[super long chain of defines] -I[many directories] *.c` strategy isn't working20:25
dunnousernamefnIt's using some private include file that isn't in include/, but in src/, and it includes a bunch of c files I think so I end up destroying everything by doing that20:26
dunnousernamefnI can't compile without knowing the size of a struct, right?20:27
TJ-dunnousernamefn: That's what Makefiles are for!20:27
dunnousernamefnThis library doesn't even build any type of library except a .la20:28
dunnousernamefnI've tried running `make` and that's all it does20:28
dunnousernamefnTJ-, it's using this weird automake and autoconfigure, and it's really scary20:28
TJ-dunnousernamefn: .la is a libtool archive20:29
dunnousernamefnIt's not a static archive?20:29
dunnousernamefnIt also has some pkg-config file20:29
TJ-dunnousernamefn: that's a cross-platform description of the library; libtool can create the correct format of library (.DLL, .SO, etc.) based on the host (or target)20:30
TJ-dunnousernamefn: see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1238035/what-are-libtools-la-file-for#123807920:31
TJ-dunnousernamefn: for the autotools there's usually a series of preparatory steps, e.g. ./autogen.sh, autoconf, automake, ./configure, make20:33
dunnousernamefnYes, I ran all those20:33
TJ-dunnousernamefn: what is the library?20:33
dunnousernamefnI'm trying to access the header src/secp256k1_batch.h or something20:34
TJ-dunnousernamefn: from your own code?20:34
Deus402here is what i am getting in syslog on boot regarding my mdadm raid 0:20:35
TJ-well, for compiling, that just requires that path to be added to your own project's include path with -I../relative/path/to/target/dir and an #include <filename> in the source20:36
TJ-(or an absolute path of course)20:36
dunnousernamefnbut if you look in the path it includes OTHER source files20:37
EdistoI have a ntfs drive mounted with umask=0027, my vlc gives me an mrl error which appears to be related to permissions. How can I get vlc to access files as a group or user rather than other?20:37
TJ-Deus402: the system has 2 mdadm arrays?20:37
blackflowDeus402: and what does the status of the service say? Why did it fail?20:37
dunnousernamefnI'm going to fiddle with libtool a bit more20:37
p1l0tnacc: blackflow: Thanks for the help I did finally get it all working. On top of your suggestions I had to reinstall my grub with lvm enabled and then the magestic Bionic Beaver appeared.20:38
TJ-dunnousernamefn: right, because that include file is *private*, not meant to be used externally20:38
Deus402TJ- yes, two arrays20:38
dunnousernamefnthat's weird because it's mentioned in the README as a feature20:38
blackflowp1l0t: yw20:38
dunnousernamefnyet that feature cannot be accessed from outside20:38
Deus402blackflow: status of what service? mdadm?20:38
TJ-Deus402: both arrays are Stripes (RAID-0) ?20:39
blackflowDeus402: yeh but I misread that output, it's .device, not service.  so anything in dmesg? why did it fail?20:39
TJ-Deus402: have you checked both arrays for integrity using mdadm ?20:40
Deus402i just created them, it all works fine until i reboot.20:40
blackflowDeus402: yeah device disappeared, but why. is theere an error in dmesg?20:41
Deus402lemme check20:42
TJ-Deus402: what are the underlying devices? real disks, LVM LVs, iSCSI network storage, something else?20:43
=== CptLuxx is now known as SirLuxx
WhiskeyHow do i get autologin work on Ubuntu 18.04 Mate?20:45
Deus402blackflow, TJ- : underlying devices are sata hdd's conected to lsi 9211-8i cards, and i don't see anythign that jumps out at me in dmesg, but here is all of it in case i missed something: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DZZNbSTftY/20:46
oerheksso easy to find20:47
Whiskeyi have try that20:47
Deus402and here is my original work creating the arrays: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KmwsZCFKtW/20:47
blackflowDeus402: you have five drives in Raid0? So those will store data that can disappear at any moment with no consequence to it?20:49
Whiskey- /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf is empty20:49
TJ-Deus402: ahhh, the drives are in an external enclosure?20:50
oerheksWhiskey, don't edit that, just change "password: ask on login..."20:50
Whiskeyi have20:51
Whiskeybut i have 2 users20:51
oerheksand please don't ask how to do this on terminal20:51
Whiskeyroot and my desktop user20:51
Deus402TJ-, no, drives are internal. i have a silly case.20:51
Whiskeyon the login window one needs password other one don´t but its not auto-login20:51
oerheks..root? oh, that is disabled.20:51
isomorphismesreally basic linux question, sorry. I am doing sudo chgrp programmers `pwd`; sudo chmod g+w `pwd`; but then touch a in `pwd` fails due to permissions20:52
Whiskeyso no one knows then20:53
blackflowDeus402: what's /proc/mdstat now, after that failure? Are the devices listed? Can you try rescan and reassemble them?20:53
Deus402blackflow, i have a total of 11 drives in raid 0, i like to live dangerously.20:53
TJ-Deus402: ahhh, I ask because the driver looks to be doing some port multiplexing, is that the case, or is each drive on a separate SATA header ?20:53
Deus402tj-: sas -> sata forward breakout cables20:54
TJ-Deus402: can you show us "pastebinit <( sudo lsblk )"20:54
Deus402i can, but it is also like the first thing in this pastebin: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KmwsZCFKtW/20:55
Deus402TJ-: here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SWkM4gJH74/20:56
isomorphismes(I am member of programmers, according to `getent group programmers`)20:56
blackflowDeus402: right, so /proc/mdstat?  Also please pastebin    mdadm --examine '/dev/sd*'20:56
asdfghryuo, back20:56
oerheksWhiskey, why did you enable root account? your issue is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo?#root_account  ,.. unless you don' t have ubuntu at all20:56
TJ-Deus402: OK, didn't see you'd got that already, looking now20:56
asdfghrunning ubuntu 18.04 :)20:56
Deus402blackflow: here is the mdstat: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8yRMxsjF4R/20:57
blackflowDeus402: yeah, it doesn't see them, I wonder why, could be you have bad blocks somwhere, after all yo've got 5x greater probability of failure with that20:58
TJ-Deus402: my best guess is that because you didn't wipe the existing partition tables from those drives, that is causing a conflict. When they are seen the system may be doing something else with their content which causes mdadm to fail out, although they don't actually seem to disappear20:59
Deus402blackflow: mdadm --examine -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P87GRgTYdX/21:00
blackflowTJ-: mdadm would bark at that though21:00
ryuoRaid0? ... No comment.21:00
blackflowryuo: a 5-disk RAID0. :)21:01
Deus402also, i had previously zeroed out the superblocks and deleted all partitions before i started the first time...21:01
Deus4025 8tb disks at that, heh.21:01
asdfghguys how can i install last nvidia drivers ?21:01
asdfghi m running 18.9421:01
blackflowDeus402: that doesn't look right at all, you sure those steps you pastebin'd are exactly what you did? the array worked before reboot?21:02
oerheksasdfgh, use the driver tool in updates21:02
asdfghoerheks, i see old drivers there21:02
blackflowDeus402: maybe the '/dev/sd*' syntax is wrong, it's been a while since I mdadm'd. Can you --examine just one of them? Say, sda?21:02
asdfghi think i need to add something in sources.list21:02
Deus402blackflow: yes, array works fine before reboot. perhaps we should back up and make sure i'm creating it right?21:03
ryuoblackflow: i stopped using mdadm awhile back... no idea why people still use it with the options we have now.21:03
TJ-Deus402: what happens if you manually assemble the arrays?21:03
blackflowryuo: Yeah I'd slap ZFS on that thing like there's no tomorrow. RAID0 included if it has to be :) But ZFS.21:05
asdfghoerheks, 390 are the last?21:05
ryuoblackflow: that's the default mode of ZFS if you don't specify another. lol21:05
TJ-Deus402: have you recreated the arrays several times? I'm wondering about the report "/dev/sda appears to be part of a raid array:"21:05
ryuoasdfgh: latest, not last.21:05
Deus402blackflow: gives the same output as the last pastebin, but just for sda. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P87GRgTYdX/ vs https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/h8x7mbS8hr/21:05
Deus402TJ-: yes, it reports that but asks if i want to blow it away anyways, and then it works.21:06
blackflowDeus402: yeah that's not a valid array member. I'd recommend you zero superblocks, and then overwrite with some dd if=/dev/zero magick first and last GB of each drive (gpt backup is at the end)21:06
blackflowDeus402: but, if you're feeling adventurous, why not ZFS ;)21:07
TJ-Deus402: OK, so that's just because you're overwriting the previous array metadata21:07
Deus402zfs makes my head hurt. i came to ubuntu from freebsd...21:07
ryuoblackflow: if they do, they'd be better off using mirror or raidz.21:07
TJ-Deus402: what happens if you manually assemble rather than letting systemd/sysv scripts do it?21:07
Deus402what is it, mdadm --scan --assemble?21:08
ryuoDeus402: why do you want to use raid0? is your data not important?21:08
blackflowTJ-: there's no array members, look at the --examine output21:08
blackflowDeus402: If I were you, I'd zero the superblocks, nuke first and last GB of eachdisk, and retry the procedure.21:08
Deus402yuck, but ok.21:09
blackflow(actually if I were you, I'd go ZFS, but....)21:09
ryuoblackflow: evidently they don't like it, for some reason.21:09
ryuoperhaps BTRFS would be more their thing.21:10
blackflowhey even btrfs would be fine, if mdadm raid0 is fine. btrfs is then pure liquid gold.21:10
TJ-Deus402: e.g "mdadm --assemble --scan /dev/md0"21:10
ryuoblackflow: brown gold. :P21:10
vavkamilcan I somehow set date in english?21:11
ryuothough, if i were to use mdadm these days, i'd probably do it on top of dm-integrity.21:11
ryuokinda useless in RAID0 though.21:11
=== SirLuxx is now known as CptLuxx
Deus402TJ- returns no output and doesn't seem to do anything, checkign logs.21:12
blackflowthe only way I'd touch mdadm these days is indirectly, through RedHat's Stratis. If that even uses mdadm, I think it does.21:12
TJ-Deus402: check "cat /proc/mdstat"21:12
Deus402Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]21:13
Deus402unused devices: <none>21:13
blackflowwe've been through this tho'21:13
TJ-Deus402: check that the mdadm.conf entries for both arrays contain the SAME UUID as the metadata on the disk from the --detail report shows21:13
ryuoblackflow: does mdadm get confused if drive letters change?21:13
blackflowmdstat empty, no array memebers, they're not there or the kernel is not seeing them as such21:13
snee_hello, i really need some help. there is nothing on google ive searched for hours. how on earth do i make a wireless pci adapter work with ubuntu 18.04 work?21:14
Deus402going to do the zero superblocks and write zeros to the drive thing, brb.21:14
TJ-ryuo: no, it uses metadata on-disk (it is using metadata v1.2 )21:14
snee_any help appreciated21:14
ryuook. i've never used a disk array this complex.21:14
blackflowryuo: I don't think so, it uses uuids21:14
ryuoso, i was wondering myself.21:14
blackflowDeus402: btw, any reason you don't want ot btrfs or zfs that thing? It's way easier and better than mdam, even if you stripe all the disks21:15
TJ-Deus402: e.g. "mdadm --zero-superblock --force /dev/sda"21:15
Deus402can i cheat and do the /sd[a-j] thing?21:15
TJ-Deus402: of course, that's the shell expanding those, not mdadm, so it ends up as a load of space-seperated full drive names21:16
snee_hello, i really need some help. there is nothing on google ive searched for hours. how on earth do i make a wireless pci adapter work with ubuntu 18.04?21:16
naccsnee_: don't just repeat your question, please21:16
snee_lspci doesnt show any kerne drive in use21:16
naccsnee_: what adapter, what have you tried, etc.21:16
ryuosnee_: paste output of this please: lspci -vnvn21:16
TJ-Deus402: e.g. you could equally do "echo /dev/sd[a-d,l]" to see the same effect21:16
snee_adapter is BCM4360221:16
ryuoUGh. Broadcom.21:17
naccyeah, just get a different one :)21:17
naccthat would be my honest first choice; but let's see what's out there21:17
ryuonacc: not necessarily an option.21:17
naccryuo: i know.21:17
snee_ryou the thing is i managed to get it working with this https://github.com/DH-Box/dh-usb/issues/8 but that gets reset after restart21:18
snee_how do i make it permanent21:18
blackflowDeus402: right, you can't cheat like that. that shell expansion  does multiple arguments, not multiple iterations of the command21:18
blackflowDeus402: for D in a b c d ; do mdadm --zero-superblock --force /dev/sd${D} ; done21:18
naccsnee_: that appears to be supported by the brcmfmac driver21:19
naccsnee_: https://wiki.debian.org/brcmfmac similar instructions should apply here21:19
Deus402blackflow: gives the same output if i just do one at a time...21:20
naccsnee_: the firmware is in the linux-firmware pacakge21:20
TJ-Deus402: so something definitely wrong there21:20
naccsnee_: have you tried loading that module?21:20
Deus402it's almost like mdadm isn't writing the superblock when it's created, so when i reboot it doesn't know wth to do....21:20
Deus402*when the raid is created21:20
TJ-Deus402: I'm wondering if the controller is putting the devices to sleep21:21
snee_nacc how? theres no docs for that21:21
snee_as in straighforward ones21:21
naccsnee_: `sudo modprobe brcmfmac`21:21
TJ-Deus402: your previous pastes show the metadata is there, and you mounted the devices too21:21
naccsnee_: not sure you need docs for that.21:21
snee_does that persist after restart21:22
ryuosnee_: are you sure that's how you "fix" t?21:22
naccsnee_: you need the '-extras' kernel pacakge21:22
ryuosnee_: No.21:22
naccsnee_: what doesn't persist?21:22
naccsnee_: are you saying if you simply load the module after you boot, the device works?21:22
TJ-Deus402: can you read the drives directly? "sudo dd if=/dev/sda count=16 | hexdump -C"21:23
snee_ah yes nacc, i have done what you said already. but if i restart my machine it stops wroking again21:23
naccsnee_: and again, if you then just load the module, it works?21:23
snee_yes it works21:23
snee_how do i persist it21:24
naccsnee_: add brcmfmac to /etc/modules and then run `update-initramfs -k all`21:24
naccand reboot21:24
Deus402TJ- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vXnfX95fgT/21:24
Deus402already started zeroing sda21:25
snee_nacc for a noob, could you please elaborate how i add brcmfmac to /etc/modules please?21:25
naccsnee_: it's a text file21:25
naccsnee_: add the string "brcmfmac" to the file21:25
blackflowDeus402: after you zero all the disks (imho first and last GB suffices), reboot just in case21:25
naccsnee_: on its own line21:25
TJ-Deus402: OK, so the disks are readable. That shows there's a GPT with an EFI system partition defined (which was why the original creation of the array warned about an existing partition table)21:27
snee_initramfs -k all throws a you must specify at leas one of -c, -u, -d21:27
naccsnee_: sorry, `sudo update-initramfs -u -k all`21:28
TJ-Deus402: is this Ubuntu 16.04 ?21:28
snee_tangentially, what is /boot/initrd.img-4********-generic?21:29
genewitchhttp://projectftm.com/#k-_bzocRM-BqrGIFF4bf4A completely fixed bionic with a serial console by running apt upgrade21:29
genewitchthat's it21:29
genewitchi was able to append "console=ttyS0" to the kernel command line by spamming the ESC key during boot in VNC21:30
Deus402tj- yeah, 16.04 lts21:31
snee_lol nacc didnt work21:31
naccsnee_: the initramfs for the corresponding kernel21:31
naccsnee_: oh sorry, it might have moved21:32
naccsnee_: try adding the same line to /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf21:32
naccsnee_: run the update-initramfs command again and reboot21:33
ryuonacc: that's a symlink to /etc/modules21:33
naccryuo: ah so it is21:34
qwebirc12365Anyone have screen tearing fix?21:34
ryuonacc: plan B: maybe they should just use /etc/rc.local.21:34
naccsnee_: ok, then `sudo systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service`21:34
naccsnee_: and do you see in there that it inserted the module21:34
ryuoqwebirc12365: you need to be more specific if you want an answer.21:35
TJ-Deus402: it seems weird, but as the manual mdadm command failed, there must be some inconsistency in the metadata21:35
TJ-Deus402: hopefully doing the drive wipes will help21:35
snee_modeule brcmfmac is blacklisted21:35
ryuosnee_: that's done sometimes for problematic modules.21:36
naccsnee_: check /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist*21:36
snee_yep on it21:37
snee_picked a good wireless adapter didnt i21:37
snee_i wanted it for a hackintosh21:38
ryuosnee_: lol.21:38
qwebirc12365was getting help here just a while ago. He suggested i use compis or compton. I tried to get compton but im currently running into network issue. Right now i just wanna fix Nvidia Tearing with 1080p upscaled resolution then ill go try to fix other things21:38
TJ-the reason for the blacklist is usually to prevent conflict with SMAC (software media access control) as opposed to FMAC (full media access control) aka firmware or hardware MAC21:39
snee_alright nacc and ryuo got it working. thanks for your hel21:43
naccsnee_: yw21:43
Deus402tj- i'll be back after the drive wipes. trying to find the right magic so i don't have to zero the whole thing.21:44
qwebirc12365Whats the first step, fixing a screen tearing problem?21:48
qwebirc12365there's soo much around that none even worked =/21:48
ryuoqwebirc12365: try vsync or double buffering?21:49
qwebirc12365xorg.conf is where those setting should be at right?21:51
ryuoqwebirc12365: there should be a nvidia settings utility.21:52
ryuoI haven't used their drivers in years, but they provided one for configuring these things.21:53
TJ-Deus402: "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=16M count=1" for each drive and try "sudo mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdX" for each, rather than using shell expansions as you did before21:53
ryuoDeus402: why did you leave FreeBSD?21:54
Deus402got sick of things that wouldn't "just work"21:56
Deus402ryuo, you know, like software raid :/21:56
qwebirc12365nvidia gui doesnt really give me much options. none of the buffering is really an option21:56
ryuoDeus402: i never had much issue with mdadm, though i only used it for RAID1.21:57
Deus402tj- that is just wiping the beginning of the drive, didn't you say to wipe the end too?21:57
ryuoDeus402: if you get tired of playing with RAID0, you could give LVM a try.21:58
TJ-Deus402: no, I thnik blackflow did, but that isn't need if you can succesfully use --zero-superblock21:58
ryuoDeus402: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7582/21:58
Deus402i cannot succesfully use --zero-superblock21:58
Deus402even individually21:58
TJ-Deus402: what does "sudo dmsetup info" report ?21:59
ryuoincidently RAID0/1 has multiple things that can replicate its basic features...22:00
TJ-Deus402: I'm beginning to think the SAS port expander could be an issue here. We know you can read the drives, it appears you can write them since they got metadata and file-system formatted22:00
ryuoLVM, mdadm, ZFS, BTRFS...22:00
Deus402TJ-: No devices found22:00
qwebirc12365okay, after reading few while. Poeple be suggestiong compton and compis. How do i approach?22:00
TJ-Deus402: OK, so nothing unexpected holding those devices, that is a good thing :)22:01
qwebirc12365i tried compton i get 404 error when trying to get package or something22:01
Deus402TJ- also, it was working just handily before i decided to add 5 more 8tb drives.22:01
Deus402the only other thing that changed was adding the second controller card.22:02
TJ-Deus402: thank-you! that kind of information is vital! So we know it did work, but multiple controllers causes a problem. So maybe there's an issue with the controller/driver config. I did notice some dmesg "cm1 reset" messages but they didn't appear problematic22:03
TJ-Deus402: did you move any drives from controller A to B at that time?22:04
qwebirc12365um how do i get compton?22:04
gogetaqwebirc12365: gnome 3 has a compositer22:04
qwebirc12365not sure what that mean22:05
gogetaqwebirc12365: you running 18.0422:05
qwebirc12365how do i check?22:05
Deus402TJ-, no, and also when my original raid0 disappeared i pulled the new controller back out and it was still gone, so i put the new controller back in and decided to just blow everything away instead of troubleshooting the old raid.22:06
gogetaqwebirc12365: lsb_release -a22:06
qwebirc12365yes 18.04 LTS22:07
gogetaqwebirc12365: gnome has animations you dont need comptin22:07
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qwebirc12365i see, i thought it was something that would fix a tearing22:08
Deus402TJ-, alrighty. all drives are zeroed.22:08
stevie__hi, I am trying to sudo apt-get install squirrelmail on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, but it's saying E: Unable to locate package squirrelmail22:08
qwebirc12365my head hurts22:08
qwebirc12365i dont even mid if i break my computer >.>22:08
gogetaqwebirc12365: you should be able to tweak them22:09
xamithanstevie that package isn't on 18.0422:09
gogetaqwebirc12365: kinda why i dont run gnome 322:10
gogetaqwebirc12365: it can be very demanding for older hardware22:10
qwebirc12365my hardward is somehwat old..22:11
xamithanNot that I'm seeing,  you could always compile it22:11
qwebirc12365phenom ii with 760 gtx22:11
gogetaqwebirc12365: did you install your gpu drivers yet that should help22:11
qwebirc12365got tired of messing around windows, i wanna try unix. and here i go again. lots of problem again. But ima get thru it i know22:12
qwebirc12365i did tried a lot of drivers22:12
gogetaqwebirc12365: i personaly run plasma 5 kde22:12
qwebirc12365currently on manual mode it said22:12
gogetaqwebirc12365: kde has acully gotten fast and light over the years22:13
qwebirc12365okay i'd like to try that suggestion22:13
gogetaqwebirc12365: i run kubuntu22:13
qwebirc12365what is excatly it is?22:14
TJ-Deus402: for future reference you can do something like this to zap the last 16MB of a drive (this example 'echo's the command rather than executing it):  for D in a b c d e f g h i j l; do echo dd of=/dev/sd$D if=/dev/zero skip=$(echo "$(cat /sys/block/sd$D/size)-16384" | bc); done22:14
gogetaqwebirc12365: just ubuntu with kde as the wm22:14
qwebirc12365xubuntu here and im fresh to it22:14
gogetaqwebirc12365: qwebirc12365oh xubuntu22:14
gogetaqwebirc12365: ohh xubuntu22:14
gogetaqwebirc12365: you can disable the window animations22:14
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gogetaqwebirc12365: thats xfce22:15
qwebirc12365i let go of my Mint and it was the most work ive done to it, feels nice and good but forgot the password for it soo i went and install xubuntu =(22:15
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qwebirc12365panel switch?22:15
gogetaqwebirc12365: you should see a setting called window manager behaver22:16
gogetaqwebirc12365: from there you can urn off the compositor22:16
gogetaqwebirc12365: or windows manager tweaks22:17
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qwebirc12365completely turned compositor off, now whenever i move the application, it makes that old windows replicating ui for a bit22:18
qwebirc12365ill tweak it and see where i get to22:18
gogetaqwebirc12365: you can play with what animations you whant22:19
Deus402TJ-: alright, here is where i'm at now: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sSyyyMcPmy/22:20
qwebirc12365tearing is really bad tho, not sure how to tweak it22:20
gogetaqwebirc12365: i think thats a problwm with the nivida driver22:21
gogetaqwebirc12365: try passing this command nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }"22:22
qwebirc12365yea, i even used the driver from their site. Just gaved me lots of more GUI option but tearing was still there22:22
gogetaqwebirc12365: you screen should flicker and be inporved alot22:22
TJ-Deus402: I *think* "Unrecognised md component device" means there was no superblock found22:23
qwebirc12365Yes, this one fixes it22:23
qwebirc12365im back on my native resolution22:23
Deus402TJ-: everything looks nice right now: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WD3r5jjCnJ/22:24
TJ-Deus402: as before looking good; before creating the 2nd array, try a reboot22:24
gogetaqwebirc12365: can you just change that back22:24
qwebirc12365if i can replicate what i had back then in windows with xubuntu, id be soo happy, the tearing was just my problem when upscaling to 1080p22:24
qwebirc12365ill see if i can22:24
gogetaqwebirc12365: it should remane active untill you reboot22:25
gogetaqwebirc12365: so it should not be tearing now22:25
TJ-Deus402: don't forget to "sudo update-initramfs -u" before a reboot though, to copy in the new mdadm.conf22:26
qwebirc12365so that means22:26
qwebirc12365if i reboot everything should be gone22:26
gogetaqwebirc12365: it will just be back to tearing untill we make it perment22:26
qwebirc12365like all the work that is done right now, will be back to default setting22:26
qwebirc12365i see22:27
gogetaqwebirc12365: is it working fine now22:27
qwebirc12365can i make a .run file or something, everytime i start up os it'll be just that quick22:27
qwebirc12365working fine22:27
gogetaqwebirc12365: yes hear is a guide on how to fix it being we know it works now22:28
gogetaqwebirc12365: https://www.cmscritic.com/how-to-fix-nvidia-screen-tearing-in-xfce-mate-kde-lxde-and-others/22:28
Deus402TJ-: for funsies before i reboot it: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yK2BCD8x3g/22:30
qwebirc12365okay ill take a look at that one. Thank you and to that other person. It was the same procedure that fixed the tearing. Lets see if i can make it easier22:30
Deus402and i did run update-initramfs -u again.22:30
Deus402rebooting now.22:30
TJ-Deus402: metadata looks good22:30
Deus402TJ-, doh, forgot to add to the fstab, but so far so good...22:35
gogetaqwebirc12365: once you add the mode to your config file its perment22:35
TJ-Deus402: that's a minor issue, the main issue is the array being found and assembled22:35
Deus402correct. now to build the second one.22:36
TJ-from the previous pastebins of the raw 'dd' output it looks like the metadata didn't get put on the disks, despite everything else we saw22:41
TJ-Deus402: must go now, midnight almost here22:42
Deus402TJ-, thank you very much. pm your email?22:43
TJ-Deus402: ubuntu@iam.tj - let me know how it goes22:44
Deus402blackflow: zeroing the drives and re-creating the arrays worked.23:01
qwebirc12365whats a xubuntu text editor?23:02
qwebirc12365that i can use  with root23:02
DalekSecqwebirc12365: mousepad, so pkexec mousepad /etc/path/file.conf23:04
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qwebirc12365how do i open .conf with mousepad on terminal?23:14
qwebirc12365i ran into some errors23:14
hggdhqwebirc12365: vim is a good editor for terminal; if you have never used it, then try nano, a simpler editor23:16
qwebirc12365im getting some crazy errors. I think ima stick to editing it on terminal, somehow forgot how to do it https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kj2hGBfQh6/23:17
qwebirc12365do i just sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf?23:18
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hggdhqwebirc12365: you can probably disregard these errors23:18
hggdhqwebirc12365: yes, you can23:18
qwebirc12365yea and it seems like im in the file already23:18
DalekSecqwebirc12365: Those are theme "errors", not actual errors.23:19
qwebirc12365i see, so i can just continue and add my lines and disregards those theme errors?23:19
hggdhqwebirc12365: yes23:20
qwebirc12365my concern. How do i save it?23:20
qwebirc12365any hotkeys?23:21
hggdhqwebirc12365: which editor?23:21
qwebirc12365i used  pkexc mouspad23:21
qwebirc12365i used nano instead23:25
qwebirc12365was faster and easy23:25
genewitchhow do i make apt stop complaining and trying to remove software i installed with dpkg?23:31
qwebirc12365i noticed my network kinda slow compare to what i had before. Does forwarding IPv4-6 to will make good difference? or i need to look at something else first before doing such thing?23:31
genewitchqwebirc12365: forwarding what now?23:31
qwebirc12365i just feel like my network connection is really slow and maybe looses packets during download23:32
qwebirc12365just like earlier when i was trying to download a a package, i get hit with 404 or somethin23:32
nexusClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (2,11GHz) • Memory: Physical: 7,6 GiB Total (4,9 GiB Free) Swap: 976,6 MiB Total (976,6 MiB Free) • Storage: 887,9 GB / 1,7 TB (772,7 GB Free) • VGA: NVIDIA Corporation GK106 [GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost] @ Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor DRAM Controller • Uptime:23:33
nexus 5h 17m 33s23:33
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shachafI moved my disk to a new computer with a new wireless card, and now NetworkManager doesn't use my remembered wifi passwords anymore.23:34
shachafI still see them in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connection/ but I guess it's not using them for some reason? Is there a way to make it use them?23:35
naccshachaf: do you see them as remembered in Network Manager itself? note those connections are per iface, so your MAC address has probably changed23:38
naccshachaf: see under the [wifi] section for each connection23:38
genewitc1os[Linux 4.4.0-130-generic - Debian stretch/sid] up[ 1 days, 16 hours, 46 minutes] cpu[Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 4870  @ 2.40GHz SMP (80 processors), 1064.000 MHz (383579.4 bogomips)] mem[ 71566.58/128986.32 MB (55.5%)] video[ at  ( bits)]23:38
naccgenewitc1: please don't do that in this channel23:38
shachafOh, that's my MAC address? I figured it was the other side.23:39
shachafnacc: I see now, that makes sense.23:39
shachafnacc: I could change the mac-address in all the files, but is there a better way?23:40
dunnousernamefnwhen your program causes a bus error lol23:44
shachafnacc: Looks like if I delete the MAC address (just "mac-address=") then it works with any card. I guess I can do that.23:45
shachafNot sure why this isn't the default behavior.23:45
dunnousernamefnIs having an alignment issue because of malloc a thing?23:46
blackflowDeus402: awesome!23:48
qwebirc12365can i unlock windows partition harddrive and start having linux folder there?23:51
qwebirc12365read only it said. i wonder if i can read and write23:51
texlaInvestigating using an enclosure with a 2.5 sata harddrive attached to a 3.0 usb port>I want to download and install Ubuntu 18.04 to this harddrive will I be able to partition etc as needed to use the drive23:53
guivercqwebirc12365, yes you can `mount` a windoze partition; and create folders/files there, but if it contains  'hibernated' windoze data it will only `mount` ro (read-only)  hibernate = fastboot on w1023:53
qwebirc12365it shouldnt have any windows system partition to it, its all download and stuff23:55
guiverctexla, yep as data drive; yep as bootable drive if your machine will boot from it  (hardware specific i believe; but a huge proportion of machines will)23:55
guivercqwebirc12365, if its data only then yep.   but w10 hibernate caches even data drives meaning they'll possibly mount as read-only if fast-boot is enabled (likewise older windoze; your setup will determine if it can be used rw or ro)23:57
texlaguiverc, I can boot usb's will that be the same process23:57
guiverctexla, i can't give a definite yes or no; but it looks like it would boot a hdd in my opinion in my experience23:58
qwebirc12365it is mounted but its read only23:58
qwebirc12365that means i can't?23:58
texlaguiverc, thanks for the info23:59
qwebirc12365how do i test it out23:59

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