
ballMy daughter's Xubuntu box appears to be hosed. Blank desktop with no menus.  I have a cunning plan though...01:13
* ball sighs01:20
ballNope.  It's probably time to nuke and pave.01:20
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone
zr-0Just set up xubuntu for first time, forgot of what to and how to do things to get everything to run into my liking. I'm trying to fix Graphic tearing right now, currently taken me from forums to forums. Files changed but the problem is still there20:18
zr-0not sure if this is the right chat too soo, im sorry in advance20:18
diogenes_zr-0, run: sudo lscpi -nnk | grep VGA -A320:32
diogenes_paste the output to ubuntupaste, share the link here20:33
zr-0diogenes, Got an output of "sudo: lscpi: command not found"20:35
diogenes_zr-0, sorry: lspci20:36
diogenes_not lscpi20:36
diogenes_zr-0, try this: nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }"20:40
zr-0Okay, seems like it executed. Im back on my native Screen resolution20:43
diogenes_what about screen tearing?20:43
zr-0Its better, Tearing is now minimal. Im gonna see if i can scale up a resolution without having to deal with tearing20:49
zr-0Is there a way of safely doing that?20:49
zr-0I just miss my nvida scaling to 1080p back on windows, im currently using a 1360x768 60hz Vizio tv20:53
diogenes_zr-0, run: xrandr20:54
diogenes_it will tell you the maximum available resolution20:54
diogenes_zr-0, now run: xrandr --size 1920x108020:56
zr-0currently on 1080i20:57
zr-0everything flickers like i can see refresh rates20:58
diogenes_then maybe try compiz or compton, i personally like compiz20:59
zr-0yeah i might just do that. I been jumping distros like crazy lately. Ill see ya guys around. Thank you21:01

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