
tsimonq2lynorian: Finally hunted down Nio's bug and fixed it.04:21
tsimonq2Secure Boot is the only thing that isn't working at the moment.04:21
-lugito1:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALASETTINGS6ce083f094c5: Add a changelog entry for the changelog entries.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALASETTINGS6ce083f094c504:32
-lugito1:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALASETTINGSc5ff9d12f82a: Upload to Cosmic.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALASETTINGSc5ff9d12f82a04:32
-lugito1:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALASETTINGSa860ee710529: Fix non-secureboot UEFI installs on real hardware (LP: #1781015).] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALASETTINGSa860ee71052904:32
-lugito1:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALASETTINGS3a210944949b: Replace a blind cp with a more tactful apt-cdrom command.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALASETTINGS3a210944949b04:33
-lugito1:#lubuntu-devel- [rSEEDd8529092ee67: Remove ship; it's no longer used.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rSEEDd8529092ee6705:37
lubot<tsimonq2> Who in here has Raspberry Pis? Specifically 2s or 3s.06:44
lubot<Wolfenprey> @tsimonq2, I will have one for sure soon.06:45
lubot<Wolfenprey> But im using an Orange Pi right now.06:46
lubot<tsimonq2> @Wolfenprey, Nice.06:49
lubot<joancipria> @tsimonq2, I have a Pi 207:12
lubot<tsimonq2> Excellent.07:12
lubot<tsimonq2> Anyone else?07:12
lubot<AlFXLogic> @tsimonq2, I do. A model 307:16
lubot<tsimonq2> Nice, nice.07:17
lubot<AlFXLogic> Not with me though07:23
lubot<StepanSkryabin> @tsimonq2, I have Raspberry Pi Model B10:23
bOObHi i have I think simple question. I need run lubuntu 18 LTS on raspberry Pi. I have readed that it will run correctly. The one issue is that img of lubuntu must have ARMhf processor support. Armhf is just that ARM processor have hardware acceleration for floating point compution.I have also reded that lubuntu 17.04 support armhf. How about 18 LTS? I have 16LTS version iso for armhf.So does 18 LTS support armhf architecture?Here18:35
bOObSo if 16lts is ready for armhf..could anyone tell me how is it witch 18 LTS?18:35
tewardbOOb: 18.04 is still ready to go, it should work much the same18:36
teward(I haven't tested but it should still work)18:36
bOObOk thnkx:)18:36
bOObI will test18:36
bOOb16lts is working18:36
bOObso if you want pls check:)18:36
bOObbut necessery is how to mount iso on sd card..some programs have some problems..I use eacher or barryberry os sth like that18:37
bOObI wont write article about that for lubuntu18:37
bOObI love lubuntu I use it since 2 years18:37
bOObLubuntu is awsome the best OS near debian and raspbian18:38
bOObOk I have second question If you..18:38
bOObI have installed lubuntu on usb as mass storage18:39
bOObno live instalation just installation on usb like on normal drive..its call mass storage usb instalation I think18:39
bOObSo..i boot my magic usb..form any computer18:39
bOObI only put my pendrive to usb port , change bios boot from->usb..ant my own individual personal system..boot from any computer:)18:40
bOObI have no problem to boot from any computer.18:40
bOObin raspberry I have problem18:40
bOObRaspberry doesnt boot me from usb18:41
bOObI have 3b+18:41
bOObI have found 2 article: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/bootmodes/msd.md and https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/bootmodes/msd.md18:42
bOObI am not english native can any one help?18:42
bOObis it possible?18:42
bOObfrom sd card lubuntu is starting on my raspberry 18:42
tewardi think you need #lubuntu if you just want support18:43
bOOb16lts but from usb not..but from any other computer on intel and amd architecure is booting well. So if 16lts and 18 lts support armhf..it must 18:43
lubot<Wolfenprey> It seems you have to enable usb boot on your pi.18:43
bOObanyone know whre I can enable it?18:44
bOObubuntu have grub18:44
lubot<Wolfenprey> https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/bootmodes/msd.md18:44
bOObraspbian is debian18:44
lubot<Wolfenprey> Take a look18:44
tewardbOOb: read through that link that you got there, that will explain how to do it18:44
bOObI know ..i know...I supose that anyone here do that before me and can tell directly18:45
bOObI will write article18:45
bOObmaybe lubuntu website will want post it18:45
lubot<Wolfenprey> I never do it, i dont have a pi right now, but just searched for18:45
bOObOk ok...18:46
bOObRasp pi is great platform for lubuntu18:46
bOObraspbian i for me not so good as lubuntu18:46
bOOblubuntu is complete system but raspbian i castrate:)18:46
bOObThnks so 18lts is working witch armhr..its that what I want to know18:47
krytariktsimonq2: LP bug 1782579 - fyi, since filed against the wrong package.20:43
ubot93Launchpad bug 1782579 in xterm (Ubuntu) "lubuntu 32bit daily image 2018-07-18 nmtui-edit won't show; needs xterm (not on image)" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178257920:43
tsimonq2krytarik: Oh thanks.20:43
lubot<tsimonq2> @krytarik, Ftr if you see bugs about the 18.10+ network applet in Lubuntu, it's nm-tray.20:45
krytarikYeah, thanks for the heads-up.20:47
lubot<tsimonq2> Thanks.20:48

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