
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
tester_hello, how can I build a custom set of packages into a lubuntu live cd09:25
tester_is there a better distro for building live cd with packages i choose?09:27
=== BrAsS_mOnKeY is now known as tapio
sliptteesHi guys13:21
sliptteesError loading theme icon 'gtk-go-forward-ltr' for stock and 'gtk-go-back-ltr13:21
guiverchowdy, issue with daily image (x86 +1), can't edit connection info as nmtui-edit needs xterm package installed (daily-image doesn't contain it; installing it & it works) - question what package to file against (bug report)13:37
guivercfiled against xterm (#1782579); missing from 2018-07-18 daily image in my opinion13:55
ShellcatZerowhat is the recommended document reader on Lubuntu/LXDE these days?  Okular has been a great universal document reader, but I thought surely there was something more light weight available in the LXDE ecosystem.17:03
wxlShellcatZero: evince.17:03
ShellcatZeroI don't seem to be able to open epub or chm files with Evince, is there something else you recommend for those?17:06
wxlah yeah i don't think evince is capable of that17:06
wxlif you're looking for something "universal," it's necessarily going to be heavierweight17:07
wxlyou might want to grab the right tools for each document type17:07
wxlfbreader should be able to do it. it's gtk and 937688k17:08
wxlavoid calibre. it's waaaaaaaaaaaaay larger and is a library solution you don't need. also no chm support.17:09
ShellcatZeroI do remember this being the case for calibre17:09
wxlokular is roughly the same size as calibre, requires qt libs (not normally something lxde lubuntu needs), and extra plugins for epub, chm, etc.17:10
ShellcatZeroyeah, that's what I was hoping to avoid.  I'll give fbreader a shot.  I recall going through a list of recommended document readers some time ago and kept falling back to Okular because of bugs, missing features, bloat, etc.17:11
wxlyeah, well, that's a potential concern, too. tbh i've never used fbreader17:12
ShellcatZerothanks wxl, I'll give it a shot17:14
wxlnp ShellcatZero17:15

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