ubptgbot | <Daniel_Wood> https://t.me/ubports_news/233 congratulations to all involved in taking my owncloud-sync app and renaming it as a new project with absolutely no contact. #opensource #doingitwrong | 06:16 |
ubptgbot | <mattbel10> @Daniel_Wood, this sounds serious thing to me....I'm wondering why no reaction to this post up to now. @Daniel_Wood if this is true, the maximum solidarity to you and your work which shall be safeguarded as should be normal for all the precious developers on this platform | 07:16 |
ubptgbot | arorashaikh was added by: arorashaikh | 07:23 |
ubptgbot | <Daniel_Wood> @mattbel10, Well I'm disappointed as it's just not in the spirit of opensource. | 07:26 |
ubptgbot | <mattbel10> agreed, I'm really surprised as well | 07:29 |
ubptgbot | <sagilani> @Daniel_Wood, This is shameful | 07:55 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @arorashaikh, Hi Krrish, welcome! Take a look to https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you up to speed | 07:55 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @Daniel_Wood, I agree, an appalling situation. We need some clarification on what exactly happened here | 08:49 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> I'm confused though, I thought Nextcloud was a newer version of Owncloud? Despite that from what you say it seems that this new UT app is an unauthorised version of your's, @Daniel_Wood ? And yes of course I know these UT apps are separate from the cloud/servers configurations they are clients for. | 09:00 |
ubptgbot | <Daniel_Wood> Owncloud/nextcloud are the same thing. My app has been taken and a newer xenial binary included for owncloudcmd so this works with some newer installations of nextcloud and newer Qt versions. Its great that someone has gone to the effort to make it work with the newer builds and release for xenial but IMO the approach is wrong. | 09:06 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Ah, with you. Yeah not cool. | 09:07 |
ubptgbot | strangerer was added by: strangerer | 09:09 |
ubptgbot | <strangerer> https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/780 | 09:09 |
ubptgbot | <strangerer> I raised an issue here | 09:10 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> How can I change the Clock format from 11:12 AM to 24h format? | 09:12 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> [Edit] How can I change the Clock format from 11:12 AM to 24h format? I just put 16.04/rc on my tablet and now the clock is showing that strange format :D | 09:13 |
ubptgbot | <Daniel_Wood> @TartanSpartan, It's just a philosophy issue. There is nothing to stop this happening other than setting expectations within the community. | 09:13 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Yeah, expectations of trust and communication. | 09:15 |
ubptgbot | <strangerer> @Jo_Led, It may be of ur time zone , my phone displays me in am pm format … But iam not sure | 09:16 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> Hmmm but back on 15.04/stable it was 24h format, and I don't see what I've set up differently. | 09:17 |
ubptgbot | <strangerer> There is no option to change it now … If u want this option plz rise an issue in GitHub page | 09:20 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> Strange. | 09:32 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @Jo_Led could it be this issue https://github.com/ubports/clock-app/issues/7 ? | 09:44 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> Probably yes, I guess. Here's an old screenshot from 15.04/stable. | 09:48 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> Erm nevermind. My desktop Telegram is bugged and can't send photos. Says it's an empty file. Omfg plz kill me. | 09:50 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> [Edit] Erm nevermind. My desktop Telegram is bugged and can't send photos. Says it's an empty file. Omfg plz kill me. Anyway. 15.04/stable still had 24h format: | 09:53 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/N1ARozo4.png | 09:53 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> [Edit] Erm nevermind. My desktop Telegram is bugged and can't send photos. Says it's an empty file. Omfg plz kill me. Anyway. 15.04/stable on my phone still has 24h format: | 09:54 |
ubptgbot | <strangerer> @Jo_Led, What's ur phone name | 09:56 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> BQ E5HD | 09:57 |
ubptgbot | <strangerer> Could any one guide me to configure Gmail on dekko2 | 09:58 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @Jo_Led are you using the same language settings exactly? I remember something about some language layout not allowing changing that format (?) Well, I need more coffee 😆 … Have you tried to change English "X" to English "Y"? | 09:59 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> True. On the phone I'm on English (UK), on Tablet I was English (US) | 10:00 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> [Edit] True. On the phone I'm on English (UK), on Tablet I was English (US). Aaaaaand it's fixed. | 10:00 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> 🎉🎉🎉 | 10:00 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> [Edit] True. On the phone I'm on English (UK), on Tablet I was English (US). Aaaaaand it's fixed. UK language seems to have the 24h format. Strange and stupid, that it's fixed to language, but hey, I don't care any more. | 10:01 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @strangerer, What problem do you have exactly? | 10:21 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> I assume you're trying to config it on vivid, is that right? | 10:22 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> (because Dekko2 doesn't work on xenial yet) | 10:22 |
ubptgbot | <strangerer> Any other mail client? | 10:33 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @strangerer, For Gmail on xenial there's a webapp for now https://open-store.io/app/gmail.google | 10:37 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> Several developers are trying to port Dekko2 to xenial, so maybe there's good news soon :) | 10:38 |
ubptgbot | <lastdon82> I have Dekko2 running on denial but the settings are not opening.luckily for me it picked on my previous settings so I am receiving mails and notification | 10:43 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @lastdon82, You're testing the unpublished Dekko2 dev version, am I correct? | 10:48 |
ubptgbot | <lastdon82> Correct | 10:58 |
ubptgbot | dayalnxs was added by: dayalnxs | 11:54 |
ubptgbot | <dayalnxs> Hi | 11:54 |
ubptgbot | <dayalnxs> How to install Ubuntu touch from Nexus 5 | 11:55 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @Jo_Led, It goes with location. Maybe you can choose a city in the same longitude with a different convention? | 11:59 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @lastdon82, Everyone seems to be on Denial 😂 | 12:01 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> @Stereofont, Thre switch to language english (uk) did the trick. I'm fine. | 12:13 |
ubptgbot | <milkor73> @Jo_Led, Thx, I had the same issue. I would never fall in this could be the reason. | 12:27 |
ubptgbot | <Jo_Led> Yeah didn't think so either. Advocatux hat the idea. | 12:30 |
ubptgbot | <sergiusens> you also have to switch from us to ca if you want real temperature units | 12:32 |
ubptgbot | <sergiusens> fwiw, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locale_(computer_software)#General_locale_settings | 12:33 |
ubptgbot | side was added by: side | 12:33 |
ubptgbot | <side> hello hello! | 12:33 |
ubptgbot | <milkor73> @side, Hi Side welcome! Take a look to https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you up to speed | 12:34 |
ubptgbot | <vince1171> @dayalnxs, https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/hammerhead :) | 12:36 |
ubptgbot | <strangerer> And before that u need your device bootloader unlocked | 12:42 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @dayalnxs, - Update it to the latest official stock ROM … - Turn on developer mode & usb debugging … - Install the latest installer on your computer … - Check out you have `adb` and `fastboot` tools on your computer … - Be sure you have a good usb cable … - Start the installer and then plug the phone … - Follow the on-screen | 13:01 |
ubptgbot | instructions … - Have patience. The installation takes a while … - Enjoy your new UT device … :) | 13:01 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @sergiusens, Pretty sure that doesn't give you Kelvins | 13:01 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @dayalnxs if you need any additional help while installing, please join the Install group (https://t.me/WelcomePlus) | 13:03 |
ubptgbot | <side> guys.i cant find anywhere a "guide" or a basic start to port ubuntu touch to a device | 13:07 |
ubptgbot | <side> manifest, git repo and such | 13:08 |
ubptgbot | <vanyasem> @side, docs.halium.org | 13:09 |
ubptgbot | <vanyasem> you're welcome | 13:09 |
ubptgbot | <side> thanks for quick reply. but whats halium | 13:09 |
ubptgbot | <side> O_O | 13:09 |
ubptgbot | <vanyasem> @side, you can read on the website | 13:09 |
ubptgbot | <vanyasem> it's a common base (HAL) for GNU/Linux OSes for Android-powered phones | 13:10 |
ubptgbot | <side> perfect.i make roms for that device since 2014 so i guess i wont have "many" problems :P | 13:11 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @Daniel_Wood, [Edit] We need some clarification on what exactly happened here | 13:12 |
ubptgbot | <side> do i need a specific recovery or any twrp that supports Nougat is ok ? | 13:12 |
ubptgbot | <vince1171> Twrp is good | 13:13 |
ubptgbot | <side> thanks for all guys | 13:17 |
ubptgbot | <dayalnxs> Thanks | 14:01 |
ubptgbot | <Daniel_Wood> @Daniel_Wood, I've been asked to formally appologise for being disappointed that someone forked my project rather that making PRs and working as a team. I'm genuinely sorry if I have generated any negative feelings. This a great project and I wish UBPorts nothing but the best. | 14:13 |
ubptgbot | <sergiusens> @Daniel_Wood, welcome to the club of having your project forked 😊 | 14:17 |
ubptgbot | <alan_griffiths> @Daniel_Wood, I'm disappointed too, it isn't the sharing behaviour I expect from this community. (But I don't feel any need to apologise.) | 14:19 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> Well since this is now a 'thing' let's talk about it. | 14:20 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> what is a thing? | 14:20 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> First of all, no one asked Dan to apologize (that I know of). What I was hoping was that we could discuss on the side the best ways to communicate about things like this so we didn't use full supergroup platform | 14:20 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> Second, there are two sides to this and both have merit | 14:21 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> on the one hand, the project appeared dead and quick action was needed (this is a solid position) | 14:21 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> on the other hand, it would have been great if communication was better | 14:21 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> sure. | 14:21 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> the person who fork put credit everywhere he could | 14:22 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> and the person who started it (Dan) wasn't contacted 'pre-fork' | 14:22 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> moving forward, let's become more awesome. | 14:22 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> my proposal is that before a fork happens that someone in community team is contacted to make sure it's strategized better? Any other suggestions? | 14:23 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> did @Ern_st not attempt to contact Dan before creating a fork? | 14:23 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> @dohbee, I don't have all the facts here but it seems that the communication wasn't as good as it could have been. No contat was received by Dan | 14:24 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @wayneoutthere, I think this makes no sense. We don't need to bottleneck and be some sort of censor of what should or shouldn't be forked | 14:24 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> However, the project moved from Github —> Launchpad ,etc, and the bugs were unaddressed for over 1 year | 14:24 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> @dohbee, fair enough.... | 14:24 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> in the cloud group we were actively doing stuff and the 'quiet project' wasn't getting active | 14:25 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> so, i can see why people get impatient. | 14:25 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> howeever i'm hoping we can have a kind of 'higher standard' than the 'general rule' of 'fork whatever whenever' | 14:25 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> no sense dividing if we don't need to i'm thinking. but bottleneck and slowdowns by censor team is also possibly a bad idea | 14:26 |
ubptgbot | dpope was added by: dpope | 14:26 |
ubptgbot | <dpope> hi all, | 14:27 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> Hi :) | 14:27 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> Welcom | 14:27 |
ubptgbot | <alexey70> Hi | 14:27 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> i mean the open store site has a link at the bottom of every page that is "Fork us on Github" so the sentiment is a bit unclear | 14:27 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> but that is how one proposes changes. you make a fork and make a PR | 14:27 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> yeah... | 14:28 |
ubptgbot | <dpope> i'm trying to install ubuntutouch on my hammerhead but usbports installer doesn't recognize my device and even if i select manually it, the screen on "Please reboot to bootloader" doesn't go on | 14:28 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> if there was actually no attempt to contact, that's a problem. but if an attempt was made and it didn't get through, that's no reason to blame the person(s) who created the fork | 14:29 |
ubptgbot | <dpope> i'm trying usbports on Linux (Manjaro) and Windows 7 | 14:29 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> @dpope, check this link to get you going! … https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome | 14:29 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> @dohbee, agreed. apparently there is a way to 'reverse a fork' if there was an appetite. I didn't know this so if it was important apparently this could be done? | 14:30 |
ubptgbot | <amolith> @dpope, Someone (me if I have time in a few minutes) can help you in the Welcome & Install room! There's a link on the page Wayne sent! | 14:30 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @wayneoutthere, get the changes merged into the upstream source, and a new release can be made by the original author | 14:32 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> What do you think @Daniel_Wood? | 14:32 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> ... hmm | 14:33 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> i think he left the group? | 14:33 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> did he leave the group? | 14:33 |
ubptgbot | <alan_griffiths> @wayneoutthere, yes. A PR, which is what was missed | 14:33 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> what the...??? | 14:33 |
ubptgbot | <dpope> @amolith, Thanks 😉 | 14:33 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> Maybe some words about this from me and the official view of the foundation ppl. Dan´s app has been forked, and this is nothing we can prevent. Whoever likes to do this can do it, its a public repository and so it can happen. … In the case of the Signal app it was done in the same way. People were demanding Signal, and someone stepp | 14:33 |
ubptgbot | ed up, and forked. Probably because he seems to not have expected that the original maintainer will still accept PRs, merge, maintain etc. … So please do not see this as offensive step, Dan. Rather I suggest, i ncase you still want to work on this App, contact the new fork and try to merge it again, should be no problem. … Not everyone has the pati | 14:33 |
ubptgbot | ence in the first step, but its probably nothing rude or intentional. Just all developers jumped ship with Canonical, that´s what most people´s impression is. … But please also do not connect this fork with any official behaviour of the foundation since we are just promoting an App. Its not an official work by us (UBports). | 14:33 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> Thanks @Flohack | 14:34 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> ok... back to work everyone! Feel free to contact us before you fork... if you want. | 14:34 |
ubptgbot | <AlexanderPlaza> I think if you want Daniel_wood to be aware of that statement someone will need to message them directly as they appear to have left the group. | 14:36 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> but to say it "is not the spirit of open source" is patently false | 14:36 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> it is exactly the spirit of open source | 14:36 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> @AlexanderPlaza, i'll send it | 14:38 |
ubptgbot | <alan_griffiths> I agree that the ability to fork is fundamental, but it works better if everyone contributes to one version than everyone making their own. | 14:38 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> sent | 14:38 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> @alan_griffiths, we agree. | 14:39 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> so that's my point about trying to communicate before forking. it doesn't take long to talk to community team since we have big picture view of things | 14:39 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @alan_griffiths, sure. socialism is way better than anarchy. | 14:39 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> we can also contact people quickly | 14:39 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> i'm not saying we will censor but we can help with that contact point | 14:39 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @wayneoutthere, how can you contact devs more quickly than anyone else who clicks the contact link on the open store? | 14:40 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> because... | 14:40 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/oNX0Jffx.mp4 | 14:41 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/gjw0g1Gj.mp4 | 14:41 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> who asked you???? | 14:41 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> obviously one should try to communicate first. but saying "come to us so we can be the middle man between you and the dev to blah blah" is quite extraneous | 14:41 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> fine. | 14:41 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> i just want to be IMPORTANT!\ | 14:41 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> breakfast time. have a nice day. I love you | 14:42 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> maybe some "recommended process" for "what to do when my prefered app from 15.04 isn't available on 16.04?" would be good | 14:42 |
ubptgbot | <amolith> @dohbee, I like this idea | 14:42 |
ubptgbot | <rogieroudshoorn> or, rather then setting up more processes that lead the original developer getting 99 emails a month, we can all try to be nice? | 14:42 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> but i think that should basically just be "go here and report an issue on the app and wait a while for response" | 14:43 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> but sometimes e-mails get lost. sometimes devs might not reply for a month (how do you know they aren't on vacacation in the middle of the ocean with no internet?), etc… | 14:43 |
ubptgbot | <amolith> @dohbee, Well it could be report an issue, wait a week, see if you can find them on TG and, if not, send an email | 14:43 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> everyone just needs to be more kind and stop getting so upset over trivial shit | 14:44 |
ubptgbot | <rogieroudshoorn> obviously. but trying to get in touch before is what matters the most | 14:44 |
ubptgbot | <amolith> @dohbee, +1 | 14:44 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> get upset over things that matter, like the fascists seizing power across the globe | 14:44 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @rogieroudshoorn, +1 | 14:44 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @wayneoutthere, Me sent also before | 14:44 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @rogieroudshoorn, We are pondering mass-mailing all maintainers based on the Openstore email addies | 14:45 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> But then they will complain we abused their data probably. sigh. | 14:45 |
ubptgbot | <rogieroudshoorn> that probably isn't GDP compliant unless you advertise it ;) | 14:46 |
ubptgbot | <rogieroudshoorn> but in general, i guess that's a good idea for updates on the platform | 14:46 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> yes exactly | 14:46 |
ubptgbot | <rogieroudshoorn> just please hide how you email them | 14:46 |
ubptgbot | <rogieroudshoorn> so only store admins can do so, and do it sparingly\ | 14:46 |
ubptgbot | <rogieroudshoorn> [Edit] so only store admins can do so, and do it sparingly | 14:46 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Flohack, please don't violate the GDPR ;) | 14:47 |
ubptgbot | <AlexanderPlaza> And make sure you use BCC. | 14:47 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> better, just don't e-mail people. because honestly e-mail is a pain | 14:47 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @dohbee, Any better idea how to mitvate store devs to upgrade their App to 16.04? We will loose a lot of Apps probably soon. | 14:48 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @dohbee, [Edit] Any better idea how to motivate store devs to upgrade their App to 16.04? We will loose a lot of Apps probably soon. | 14:48 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Flohack, Well, I think the main issue here is the split between 15.04 and 16.04 apps and not showing or allowing to be installed, the 15.04 framework apps on 16.04 | 14:49 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> why not let people just install those apps on 16.04? if people install them and they don't work, they can complain to the devs | 14:50 |
ubptgbot | <AlexanderPlaza> Well some of the apps I've been using (downloading the click app and manually installing) seem to be working even though they are only meant for 15. | 14:50 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> I am not on all those details but yes, pure QML apps will continue to work. Anything with a pure C code will need recompile. But how shall we see this from the outside | 14:50 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> The store and click packages are not so smart to tell us how they were assembled I gues | 14:51 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Flohack, not necessarily. authenticator still works just fine on 16.04 for example, even without being recompiled | 14:51 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> TBH the app ecosystem was not designed with release changes in mind | 14:52 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> but also, ubports foundation and core devs should not have to be middle men between end users and app devs | 14:52 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Flohack, yes, but we can improve the situation, rather than just making it worse and creating some sort of approval body of when things can or should be forked or not | 14:53 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @dohbee, No this is not the official intention. Forking happens. Period. | 14:53 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Flohack, no, and i'm not talking about intentions. but it is basically what wayne was suggesting earlier, and depending on the choices made, it can become the de facto situation | 14:54 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> At the risk of being off-topic, this situation poses a question for me. I am forking an app for the PS Vita, changing a single-pane/directory file manager to a double-pane/directory one. So what is the etiquette with regards to contacting the original developer of the app? I don't need his permission to do this, right? As I wi | 14:54 |
ubptgbot | ll not be submitting a pull request to merge because the changes I'm making are quite fundamental and radical. | 14:54 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> This is the first time I've done anything like this. | 14:55 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @dohbee, Consider my message bubble overwriting Wayne´s 😆 | 14:55 |
ubptgbot | <rogieroudshoorn> you don't need permission, but letting him know gives you credits | 14:56 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @TartanSpartan, It has become on topic. A polite word would be nice. Not officially required but nice | 14:56 |
ubptgbot | <rogieroudshoorn> he can always grab your changes into his version if he wants (it IS open source both ways right?), but usually just being nice helps. you might end up doing it together | 14:56 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @TartanSpartan, As said before, forking happens, for various reasons, in OS world every day. If you think that it has any gain, try to contact the original authoer, if you judge it will make things more complicated then dont. Give credits everywhere to the original App, register a new namespace and thats it basically. | 14:56 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan, i would say one should discuss the changes with the upstream devs first, generally speaking | 14:57 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @rogieroudshoorn, He or she might also be doing some modifications they haven't gone public on yet | 14:57 |
ubptgbot | <rogieroudshoorn> yeah, and might be able to help you out getting started etc | 14:57 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> maybe your suggestions/changes could result in even bigger changes to make the thing more themable for example, so you could easily have your UI or the original, based on theme | 14:58 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> plus, maybe they can help you with the development of your changes, even if they would not accept them | 14:58 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> which would be better than asking random questions to people working on wholly unrelated things, for example :) | 14:58 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> I doubt he'd want the changes. Think of Midnight vs Double Commander. You could merge mutually beneficial things, but the underlying principle of a single directory file manager is quite different from a double one. So it would make sense for each to be their own thing and have their own repos etc. | 15:01 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> Yeah just do it then ;) | 15:01 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Flohack, anyway, i think the right first step here would be to make it so 15.04 apps are installable on 16.04 again. | 15:01 |
ubptgbot | <garrogarri> What does "eye candy" means in the new installer? | 15:02 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan, well, that's not for you to decide. that's for him to decide. but if you don't give him the option of deciding, how will you ever actually know what he wants | 15:02 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Certainly then I'll contact him and give credit. | 15:02 |
ubptgbot | AppleCyclone was added by: AppleCyclone | 15:03 |
ubptgbot | <AppleCyclone> hi | 15:03 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> also remember that when you fork an app, you aren't just obligating yourself to only deal with maintaining the changes you make. you will now own the entire code as it exists in your fork. you will have to keep up with any other changes made to the underlying code from upstream, any security fixes that need done, etc… | 15:03 |
ubptgbot | <Merbin J Anselm> Hello people! An off topic. Do you think this recent EU's anti-trust penalty of $5Bn gives boost for non-Android OSes to be adapted by manufacturers? … We may run some campaign in Kickstarter or somewhere to bring manufacturers attention!?😀 | 15:04 |
ubptgbot | <AppleCyclone> @Merbin J Anselm, it doesn't affect non-Android OSes | 15:04 |
ubptgbot | <AppleCyclone> it affects Fire OS and other Android forks | 15:05 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Merbin J Anselm, @ubports_ot is for off topic things | 15:05 |
ubptgbot | <Merbin J Anselm> @dohbee, Thanks! | 15:05 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @Merbin J Anselm, It would be a boost to UBports if they gave the money to us 😂 | 15:07 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> @dohbee, Totally I get that, which is why most of the time I'm able to devote to the project is merging his newer changes into my code and keeping up rather than bringing my version out of alpha, and also partly why I haven't published it yet. | 15:08 |
ubptgbot | <Merbin J Anselm> @Stereofont, Lol😂 | 15:08 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan, which is why you should talk to the upstream devs first, and maybe you could work togeether and develop the feature in a way so that both interaction models are usable in the same code. almost like a converged app or something | 15:10 |
ubptgbot | <AppleCyclone> what should I do if Unity 8 doesn't start | 15:16 |
ubptgbot | <AppleCyclone> but blinks the screen and then returns to GDM | 15:16 |
ubptgbot | <garrogarri> @AppleCyclone, Login again | 15:16 |
ubptgbot | <AppleCyclone> @garrogarri, tried it 5 times now | 15:16 |
ubptgbot | <AppleCyclone> still the same | 15:16 |
ubptgbot | <garrogarri> Oh, ok. Because is expected behavior to login twice | 15:17 |
ubptgbot | <garrogarri> [Edit] Oh, ok. Because it is expected behavior to login twice | 15:17 |
ubptgbot | <AppleCyclone> by checking in syslog | 15:18 |
ubptgbot | <AppleCyclone> I see | 15:18 |
ubptgbot | <AppleCyclone> Jul 19 17:14:47 laptop2 unity8-session[6389]: [2018-07-19:17:14:47.185] qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display | 15:18 |
ubptgbot | <AppleCyclone> what the hell and what should I do to remove the X11 forcing | 15:18 |
ubptgbot | <vanyasem> maybe ask in https://t.me/UBports_Unity8 | 15:24 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Maybe I'll do that @dohbee. He doesn't seem very collaborative though. Very busy comp sci student. | 15:36 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @advocatux, 8 steps to to enjoy UT #unity8revolutionconfirmed | 15:38 |
ubptgbot | <dayalnxs> @advocatux, Thanks | 16:03 |
ubptgbot | <stefanomelchior> tu? q has decidit? aniràs a la cena? | 16:06 |
ubptgbot | <strangerer> Is there any ubports installer for solus | 16:21 |
ubptgbot | <vanyasem> @UniversalSuperBox | 16:21 |
ubptgbot | <vanyasem> @strangerer, There's an AppImage | 16:21 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Yes, install the snap | 16:21 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> `sudo snap install ubports-installer` | 16:21 |
ubptgbot | <strangerer> Snap is buggy sometimes I tried it before in Ubuntu | 16:22 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Then use the appimage from the website | 16:22 |
ubptgbot | <strangerer> Ok I will try | 16:22 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @Fuseteam, 😂 | 16:29 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @dayalnxs, You're welcome !! | 16:29 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> Fwd from Flohack: Anyone wanting to debug a little Qt upgrade issue? | 16:37 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> Fwd from Flohack: https://ci.ubports.com/blue/organizations/jenkins/docviewer-app/detail/master/1/pipeline/25 search for VerticalView:: | 16:37 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> Fwd from Flohack: It seems to have worked in old vivid, but with xenial I get this | 16:37 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> the only bug i experience with snaps so far is `access denied` for my files on fuse | 16:40 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> 'i wonder why they call "filesystem in userspace" fuse' | 16:46 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> f(...) use(...) | 16:47 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> 'i would just create an acronyme like FIUS— ohw wait i get it' | 16:47 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> and it "fuses" things | 16:47 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> interesting :3 | 16:47 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> a caveat is that it is slower i suppose but then again that's expected | 16:48 |
ubptgbot | <AlexanderPlaza> Has anyone gotten openvpn to work on their 16.04 installation? | 17:12 |
ubptgbot | <AlexanderPlaza> [Edit] Has anyone gotten openvpn to work on their 16.04 installation? (On the phone, I already have a working setup) | 17:12 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Yep | 17:13 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Tested it with PIA | 17:13 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> What's going on? | 17:14 |
ubptgbot | <AlexanderPlaza> I check the logs and it says it's getting a timeout error. But when I check the configuration with my iPhone or any other working setup I am able to ping and connect with the same settings. | 17:15 |
ubptgbot | Minghua Wu was added by: Minghua Wu | 17:20 |
ubptgbot | <AlexanderPlaza> @UniversalSuperBox, Actually so I followed the steps here, https://www.ubuntu-touch.io/fr_FR/blog/notre-blog-1/post/using-vpn-in-ubuntu-touch-132 … Now I am getting the error No Valid VPN Secrets. | 17:38 |
ubptgbot | <PhoenixLandPirate> @AlexanderPlaza, This has been an issue for a very long time | 17:43 |
ubptgbot | <PhoenixLandPirate> https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/46 | 17:44 |
ubptgbot | <AlexanderPlaza> @PhoenixLandPirate, Alright trying out that fix the person did there | 17:56 |
ubptgbot | <PhoenixLandPirate> I tried doing what was suggested but never got it to work personally | 17:59 |
ubptgbot | <AlexanderPlaza> @PhoenixLandPirate, Well i got it to work for a moment. Then I restarted and the vpn disappeared | 18:03 |
ubptgbot | <AlexanderPlaza> I started to redo it but when I went to edit it nin terminal I now see two different entries. One with the normal name … `ddns.netaddress` and the other `ddns.netaddress-uuid` | 18:03 |
ubptgbot | <Javacookies> just a random thought before I sleep 😆 … whenever I use my Nexus 5, I really wish someday I get a UT phone as fast/smooth,if not faster/smoother, as this and with the battery life of my bq E5....I'm sick and tired of my main phone (E5) to say the least 😝 | 18:26 |
ubptgbot | <sergiusens> @alan_griffiths, sorry for bringing back an old topic, but if this is the repository https://code.launchpad.net/~ocs-team/owncloud-sync/trunk it has't been touched for over 2 years. I would myself probably made the same mistake. One thing we all need to do is also learn to pass the torch. I the forker would have contributed | 18:30 |
ubptgbot | back, and would essentially become the only contributer, wouldn't it be better to just pass the torch on? I am full of speculation here, but passing the torch is something we do not see much when things have been at a stale state for so long. | 18:30 |
ubptgbot | <Javacookies> oh and BTW, the size of Nexus 5 is perfect for me 😉 | 18:30 |
ubptgbot | <Lyokanthrope> @Javacookies, this is why I can't wait for UBports to play nice with caf | 18:32 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @sergiusens, «When you lose interest in a program, your last duty to it is to hand it off to a competent sucessor.» … Yes, you're absolutely right (everyone developing free software should read The Cathedral and the Bazaar at least once) :) | 18:41 |
ubptgbot | <sergiusens> it is hard to accept you have abandoned software, but not touching something for two years and seeing others still want features from it is a good indicator | 18:43 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> 👍 | 18:44 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @sergiusens, but even that is not a good indicator that something is just dead or abandoned. there's stuff on the phone that didn't get touched for just as long, even when canonical was paying everyone to work on stuff. and even so, there isn't always someone ready to take the torch when you are ready to hand it off. sure, it's | 19:18 |
ubptgbot | doable for large projects with lots of visibility and developers involved, like python or the grand idea of ubuntu on phones, but rarely is anyone ever interested in taking over the one nitty gritty thing, or one random app made by one random person | 19:18 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> Everyone wants to go to the party, but nobody wants to stay and clean up. is a very appropriate adage, when talking about developing free software | 19:19 |
ubptgbot | <sergiusens> more reason not to complain when someone forks and jfdi | 19:28 |
ubptgbot | Alessandro Destriere was added by: Alessandro Destriere | 21:11 |
ubptgbot | <Bolly> Welcome Alessandro !!! Check out this to get you started! If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or in our Welcome and Install room! https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome | 21:25 |
ubptgbot | Richard Elliott was added by: Richard Elliott | 21:33 |
ubptgbot | <anime_ted> Hello everyone. Where does one file suggestions and feature requests? | 21:57 |
ubptgbot | <Mehdi Abdellah> @strangerer, how to unlock bootloader samsung j320H | 21:57 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @anime_ted, https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch | 22:02 |
ubptgbot | <anime_ted> @dohbee, Thanks. Just begniing to find my way around. | 22:03 |
ubptgbot | <Dave S> Anyone else have battery problems with OPO on 16.04RC Week 29. Presume I should get more than 9 hours with very light use. | 22:20 |
ubptgbot | <anime_ted> @Dave S, Not a OPO user (Nexus 5 myself), but I have a lot of experience with older phones and old batteries can start to display reduced life very quickly. Are noticing this because it's significantly different from your experience with another operating system or version on the same phone? | 22:26 |
ubptgbot | <Dave S> @anime_ted, True but suspicious itseemed to get much worse after update from Week 28 to 29. | 22:54 |
ubptgbot | <anime_ted> I certainly wouldn't discount the possibility. I am at the moment re-flashing from 15.04 stable to 16.04 rc on my recently-purchased used Nexus 5, which seems to have poor battery life to begin with. I just started my Ubuntu Touch journey a few days ago, so I don't have a lot of background to draw on, but I'll look for differences | 22:58 |
ubptgbot | on my phone. | 22:58 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> (Photo, 320x240) https://irc.ubports.com/t2J0ETY7.png | 23:26 |
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