
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:01
lordievaderGood morning06:11
ducassegood morning06:13
lotuspsychjehey lordievader ducasse06:15
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje ducasse06:16
lordievaderHow are you guys?06:16
lotuspsychjeall good here lordievader06:16
lotuspsychjehows your side lordievader06:16
lordievaderPretty good06:16
lotuspsychjesun shines, holiday..what we need more :p06:16
ducassehi lordievader06:18
EriC^what's this circus act going on in #u ?06:40
lotuspsychjea lot a nuts these days06:44
tomreynEriC^^: if you just scroll up in #ubuntu09:47
lotuspsychjewhere are they keep comming from..dont they have a life09:50
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: tomreyn already called the ops, hence why09:50
EriC^^yeah i saw that, i just wanted their attention more, also gave them a msg in #u-ops09:51
EriC^^somebody could easily be curious and try that command to see what it does09:52
lotuspsychjebad commands are a danger indeed09:52
ubot5DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!09:52
EriC^^ah nice09:52
EriC^^will robinson, what is that out of?09:52
lotuspsychjehmm not sure09:53
EriC^^(potential movie i can see :D )09:53
lotuspsychjehe's klined09:54
blackflowtrolls so early in teh morning, wth09:57
lotuspsychjehehe morning blackflow09:57
blackflowEriC^^: Lost in Space09:57
blackflowlotuspsychje: morning, morning :)09:57
EriC^^thanks blackflow09:58
lotuspsychjettyl guys, salade nicoise a la lotus10:08
BluesKajHowdy folks11:04
ubot5Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P11:24
oerheksyes lotuspsychje, it is happy hour11:27
oerheksmaking up problems11:27
lotuspsychjewe need more trolls11:27
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj11:28
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje11:29
lotuspsychjethere you have another one oerheks thomas11:29
blackflowtwo trolls at once! wth is today, not even friday.11:34
lotuspsychjeprobable a split personality11:35
lotuspsychje2 clients from same machine lol11:35
oerheksbut he is running kali .. silly thomas11:50
lotuspsychjecan you ban users in #ubuntu leftyfb11:51
leftyfbwish I could11:51
leftyfboerheks: we know, but he won't admit it11:51
BluesKajthought it was lubuntu11:51
lotuspsychjethat wtf guy is busy from this morning11:51
lotuspsychjeand thomas mysteriously joined every same time with him11:52
oerheksnext will be our hans__ ..11:53
BluesKajnoticed hans was around yesterday ..was he still trolling?11:54
oerheksrunning debian on his vps, or lying in debian too11:56
lotuspsychjeeven if one is lonely..i dont get why inventing up a fake story is fun?11:57
lotuspsychjewhat gain does this have lol11:57
oerheksHi, i am lisa, 81, curly hair, and freggles11:58
BluesKajsome use vpn or vps to change their banned IPs12:01
leftyfbI like the whole squatting nicks excuse12:22
leftyfbespecially on freenode with nickserv12:23
BluesKajyeah, that squatting nick thing is new to me12:36
BluesKajaltho I did have my registered nick stolen here on freenode for 2hrs, \about 5yrs ago12:39
blackflow"rm -rf --no-preserve..... "     oh, sorry, my cat leaned on the keyboard and pffft! what do you know! against those exact keys in that exact order. some cat!12:40
blackflownickserv can require you to authenticate within X secodns or you're automatically renamed. with some proper sasl auth set up, it can be defined for low timeouts so they can't own your nick for more than a few seconds12:41
blackflowhmmm.... I must've remembered it wrong, there doesn't seem to be a way to alter the number of seconds. it's preset to 30 it seems.12:43
BluesKajblackflow, I had been logged into freenode for more than 3 hrs when this happened12:45
blackflowBluesKaj: so, they knew the password?12:48
BluesKajhe was able to send a DOS attack to my IP after the ops banned him ..we had no internet access for 20 mins until i called my ISP and they walked me thru some changes, especially in wife's windows fw12:48
blackflowBluesKaj: but what I mean is, if you logoff and I use /nick BluesKaj  , if you have auth enforcement on, I have to auth within 30 seconds or nickserv will rename me12:49
BluesKajblackflow, yeah , he must have targeted me from a previous freenode session and waited til Ilogged in ...wasn't using sasl at the time12:49
BluesKajmy ISP tech said his IP was in russia somewhere12:51
BluesKajwho knows where he really was12:51
blackflowit's clearly russians. Just ask the FBI :)12:54
BluesKajto this day I still don't know why , i don't recall having any disagreements with anyone on freenode the previous day or even a week proor to the event12:54
BluesKajhehe, it's all russia's fault12:55
blackflow(FBI, Hitlery, and the whole "Russian Meddling" posse)12:55
blackflowall jokes aside, doesn't mean it was targeted against you specifically. taking over accounts has fun and profit in it.12:56
BluesKajI'm staying away from CNN for a while ...I'm tired of the whole Trump thing and his obvious grab at becoming a benign dictator12:56
blackflowBluesKaj: the part I love to mock is that they're so sure based on no forensic evidence, it's hilarious. IP addresses from russia so CLEARLY it's them ruskies!12:57
blackflowsomoene CLEARLY wants to stir up some serious intl sht going on..... but.... offtopic. bah politics.12:58
BluesKajblackflow, deny deny deny and perhaps the people will follow that old Nazi propaganda device.," tell a lie long enough and often enough and the people begin to believe it"12:59
BluesKajI see we have someone asking a racist question13:03
JimBuntuYeah, but they are using NFOrce Entertainment... a cloud hosting service, no doubt VPN or such13:08
JimBuntuWell, that was fast13:11
blackflowBluesKaj: I agree. The bigger the lie, easier to believe.13:11
BluesKajJimBuntu, yup, ip tracker  url shows the same info13:13
lotuspsychje!info x11-dev13:36
ubot5Package x11-dev does not exist in bionic13:36
lotuspsychjetomreyn: think he trying a theme or so?13:37
tomreynlotuspsychje: maybe that, or inventing cold fusion, hard to tell.13:38
lotuspsychjeweirdos today lol13:38
lotuspsychjewriting a full sentence...so hard13:40
tomreyni think there's a language barrier involved. but still, machine translation would work better with full sentences.13:43
lotuspsychjehelp? gtk?someone :p13:44
tomreynm2_teknix is not doing a lot better.13:45
blackflowwell, when you design a system idiots can use.... idiots will use it :)13:47
lotuspsychjeartful goes eol today13:48
tomreynoh, thanks for the heads up.13:48
lotuspsychjejust out of the press :p13:49
blackflowthe ubuntu-announce and some other mailing lists are worth being subscribed to ;)13:50
lotuspsychjeor not use non-lts :p13:59
tomreyntoo much email ;)14:04
lotuspsychjeso now artful users suppose to come, and in one week the xenial users14:05
lotuspsychjeoerheks: did you mess with user agents or so?15:28
lotuspsychjeim talking in ##networking15:28
oerheksno, nothing fancy15:28
TJ-oerheks: can you save the page source so we can see what it is, or use the developer tools to inspect it?15:34
oerheksi will, lets see hoto do that15:34
lotuspsychjeTJ-: fixxed jack yet?15:35
TJ-lotuspsychje: yeah, got home earlier to find a completed build, and just finished a test install on the device15:37
TJ-apparently dropbox fails because it requires scripts from google15:40
TJ-useless design!15:40
TJ-lotuspsychje: now i'm trying to figure out how/why Google Play got installed (this is LineageOS) when I didn't add Gapps!15:40
TJ-oerheks: can you just pastebin the source ? apparently dropbox requires google captcha15:41
TJ-yay :P15:41
oerheksi read ya15:42
lotuspsychjeTJ-: perhaps they added play store as default in the build?15:42
TJ-lotuspsychje: no, it's proprietary. Somehow it's icon at least has slipped in with the google account setup I think... maybe it's only the icon. I best check which packages are in the image that might clue me in. I'm assuming the entire play store app is behind it15:47
TJ-lotuspsychje: weird but the solution to the failing build was, add a swap file!15:47
lotuspsychjeTJ-: does lineage use another software centre?15:47
TJ-lotuspsychje: it doesn't have one, that's the point. The user can install what they like. Many use OpenGapps, but there's also FDroid and Yalp (anonymous access to play store)15:47
TJ-oerheks: I don't see anything but then again there's loads of Javascript there. I'd suggest using the dev tools inspector and point to that element and see what source code seems to be associated with it15:48
TJ-oerheks: could that 'slider' be a progress bar related to the microphone input?15:49
oerheksTJ-, tried that, but that switch is not catchable, so i guess it *is* malware15:50
TJ-oerheks: also, it looks like it's been cropped and is slightly off the screen's left edge, is that correct?15:50
oerheksthere is no logical explain to this15:50
lotuspsychjetough one15:50
TJ-oerheks: did you try creating a new chrome user profile?15:50
oerhekslet me tell you something...15:50
TJ-oerheks: disable all extensions?15:50
oerheksit just disappeared15:51
TJ-oerheks: :D15:51
oerheksi have the pics and code to proove it..15:51
TJ-oerheks: it must have seen me coming with the sledgehammer15:51
oerheksdang.. who is after me?15:51
TJ-oerheks: well at least it was switched off, whatever it was :p15:51
oerhekstime to do a fresh 18.04 install, i needed to upgrade anyway15:52
TJ-it could have been an Ubuntu GUI element I suppose15:52
lotuspsychjewhy would anything malicious create a GUI object lol15:52
oerheksso unlogical, not extentions, not cache, not account15:52
TJ-did it only occur on the chrome search/default home page?15:52
oerhekson their homepage only, yes15:52
oerheksand.. it is back15:53
TJ-oerheks: that screenshot looks like the browser's built-in 'home' page rather than actually visiting the Google site, is that correct?15:53
oerheksTJ-, yes15:53
oerheksgoogle.nl gives a blanc screen, normal15:54
TJ-oerheks: right, so not possibly not loaded from a remote location. I was going to suggest using the Dev Tools to monitor the network connection requests to try to identify an unusual request URL15:54
oerheksdownloading a fresh iso on laptop now15:54
TJ-oerheks: does it happen in a new ubuntu user account ?15:54
lotuspsychjegood idea15:55
oerheksTJ-, yes15:56
oerheksthis is so unreal.. not sure if scanning for strange urls works on this vulnerable machine15:57
TJ-oerheks: are you able to slide the slider? does any Alt text pop up if the pointer hovers over it?15:59
oerheksno, i cannot even grab the item, make it blue15:59
oerheksno popup/hoover info15:59
TJ-oerheks: which Ubuntu variant (GUI) are you using? it looks like a GTK slider to me, rather than a browser one16:00
oerheksnormal gnome, 17.10, no special themes16:00
TJ-have you enabled any accessibility features?16:02
oerheksno, but the access. menu switch is enabled on top panel16:03
oerheksand it was gone, for a minute or so...16:04
TJ-I have a vague recollection of seeing something like that  happen a long time ago in some application. Does this still happen if the user logs off? if the PC is restarted?16:04
lotuspsychjeTJ-: chromium settings has also lookalike settings buttons like that16:05
oerheksi rebooted too, yes16:05
TJ-lotuspsychje: does it? I wonder if that's because it uses the native GUI toolkit16:05
oerhekscleaned cache, so i get the welcome screen 'do you want to send stuff to google, and default browser'16:05
TJ-oerheks: any extensions installed?16:06
oerheksyes, ghostery and ublock, both removed, and cleaned again, no difference16:06
oerhekscleaned by manually removing folders*16:07
lotuspsychjelooks bit like it no?16:08
lotuspsychjeleft disabled, right enabled16:08
oerheksoke, i be back in an hour or so..16:10
TJ-I think I have an idea about it, shame he's gone. I wonder if Google are testing some option for abiding by the EU commission findings of abusing their monopoly, to give people the option to switch browsers or whatever, and it is accidentally or deliberately leaking - oerheks is in Belgium isn't he?16:16
lotuspsychjenetherlands TJ-16:19
lotuspsychjehey pragmaticenigma16:19
pragmaticenigmaperplexing question of the day... why would Ubuntu be seeking a domain with my local domain name appended to the end?16:20
pragmaticenigmaso example.com becomes example.com.localdomain.loc16:21
daftykinspretty normal for consumer routers to have a local FQDN type format and for the automagic rubbish networking components in Loonixes to make use of it for self references and the like16:22
pragmaticenigmaThis appears to be the computer doing the appending... not the router... dns is managed through pi-hole on a separate device, looking through it's logs is how I noticed16:22
TJ-if the domain search is set then it'll add that suffix if DNS resolution of the raw name fails16:23
pragmaticenigmaI thought maybe it was some sort of attempt to identify proxy and/or typosquating servers16:23
pragmaticenigmaThat's the strange part, I see both requests in DNS logs16:23
daftykinsright, both sides can show it up / make use16:23
daftykinsheard of others using pihole but it sounds a bit too much like a tinfoil hat user type move to me16:23
TJ-e.g. you do http://myotherpc/somefile it'll try myotherpc and myotherpc.local.domain.search.name16:23
pragmaticenigmaI've never seen it do this before... that's why I curious16:24
lotuspsychjehey kostkon16:25
TJ-pragmaticenigma: try this: "nmcli | grep -A 5 'DNS configuration' "16:25
kostkonhey lotus :)16:25
* daftykins never liked hostnames at home so stuck with IPs16:25
pragmaticenigmaIt's showing the expected dns server ipaddress and my localdomain.loc16:26
pragmaticenigmaI wonder if OpenDNS failed overnight... which is what Pi-Hole forwards to16:26
pragmaticenigmaI use friendly names since it makes setting up my LibreElec easier to switch backend Database providers16:29
pragmaticenigmaIf I pull down my main machine, I can change DNS in once place instead of running around to several devices and reconfiguring them16:29
lotuspsychjebeware of the trolls, we had many today :p16:32
pragmaticenigmapersonally daftykins ... I'd rather have the devices all DHCP, and the DNS server automatically update the IP when the device connects to the network, isntead of everything statically set ip on the router16:32
daftykinsi don't set statically on the router at all, static leases suck16:33
pragmaticenigmadaftykins: so set static on the device when needed?16:33
pragmaticenigmaI suppose comcast could have had an outage in the middle of the night too... much more plausible16:36
daftykinsseems to me you leapt into the topic part way through :) what's not being normal?16:37
daftykinsi'm meant to be packing for a trip though right now so i can't really chat too much16:37
naccget away from your computer, daftykins !16:37
* daftykins is zapped by his keyboard16:38
pragmaticenigmadaftykins: not normal? I check the logs every now and then. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night to see my Roku indicator light flashing. I unplugged the Roku and went back to bed. Checking the logs of my DNS server, I noticed a ton of requests between 1 AM and 4 AM local, from my main computer.16:39
pragmaticenigmaLast time I lost connectivity in the night, I saw a spike in requests, but never saw attempts to search the local domain16:40
daftykinsright so you reckon your cable service went down for a bit? never been near a roku16:44
leftyfbnacc: I would just let "linux_user" go. They're not going to get the answer they want because what they want isn't reasonable16:49
naccleftyfb: agreed.16:53
naccleftyfb: i just wish they would admit they are being unreasonable :)16:55
leftyfbpeople don't do that16:55
leftyfbhence the definition :)16:55
nacci have had one case of that working in my life and it was so glorious16:56
pragmaticenigmawell the room got lively all the sudden19:09
pragmaticenigmadaftykins: yes, I believe the cable must have gone out for maintenance last night, or unscheduled outage. Comcast rarely sends a notice of overnight outages19:10
daftykinsyeah my lady friendis with them down in Houston19:14
nacctomreyn: letting the ops know?19:39
naccpretty sure they are a child19:39
tomreynare there any ops?19:39
nacctomreyn: use #ubuntu-ops19:40
lotuspsychjewb oerheks19:40
lotuspsychjethe more users, the more tolls too19:41
oerheksmaybe i should sign up for ops19:41
lotuspsychjeyeah go for it oerheks19:41
tomreynnacc: i did so in the afternoon, pointing out that we need more active ops19:41
nacctomreyn: heh19:41
lotuspsychjeand in different timezones19:42
tomreynsince then, too, response was not fast enough IMO.19:42
oerheksnacc,  how would i apply ?19:42
naccoerheks: i have no idea :)19:42
naccoerheks: i'd ask in #ubuntu-ops i think19:42
tomreynread up o the irclogs.ubuntu.com of #ubuntu-ops19:43
tomreynit's discussed there19:43
oerheksthank you19:44
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: you remember procedure?19:45
leftyfbsomething something wiki19:46
leftyfbI applied months ago but haven't got any official response19:46
leftyfbbut off the record I've been told "you will NEVER be an op"19:46
leftyfbI'm not expecting a response :/19:46
lotuspsychjeok tnx leftyfb19:47
tomreynlol @ "should i ask here for help or can someone come discord so i can send all pictures ?"19:49
naccthey installed a webpanel via  third party repo that shippped its own apache19:49
naccand fubard their system19:49
daftykinsby all means, let us use as many chat protocols as possible19:50
naccall at once!19:50
daftykins"one moment please i am awaiting the ubuntu release version number sent via carrier pigeon"19:50
naccbionic birdpoop19:51
lotuspsychjecosmic twitter19:51
nacclotuspsychje: nice one19:54
lotuspsychjehows things at work nacc19:54
nacclotuspsychje: good! learning a ton19:55
lotuspsychjeyou have vacation this year?19:55
naccyeah, DO has an unlimited policy, which is ... weird19:59
lotuspsychjebetter then google's swimming pool :p19:59
lotuspsychjeswim @ home20:00
lotuspsychjeyess!!! we are saved20:17
lotuspsychjeBashing-om is here to take us over20:17
* daftykins sounds the cuckoo for the shift change20:17
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: 17500 users today and many trolls20:18
lotuspsychjeoops 175020:18
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: LOL .. Sometimes here I do wonder - other times I just do not know .20:19
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: and today artful is eol20:19
lotuspsychjesome news for UWN :p20:21
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Yepper .. looking forward to what 19.04 brings . 18.10 has been no issues to report for me .20:21
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: 17.10 reporting .. still debating on how/when to handle all the details .20:22
lotuspsychjenite nite all20:29
Bashing-omtomreyn: IRT FroMaster : I see Package linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge >> amd64 arm64 armhf i386 ppc64el s390x . Normal HWE still on , No ?22:49
oerhekshe cannot be on 16.04.5 ..22:49
* oerheks scratches22:49
tomreynoerheks: i'm "on 16.04.5", too22:54
tomreynso the release file was pushed to proposed already, i guess22:55
tomreyni'm running 16.04 + proposed here22:55
oerhekshow odd, schedule gives an other date .. i am confused too, as many claimed they are on 16.04.5 too, so i assumed it was out22:56
tomreyni suspect it's only 'out' to posposed now, but got confused, too.22:57
oerheksgood luck with that 32 bit uefi thingy, xoxo22:58
oerhekshe already has https://github.com/lopaka/instructions/blob/master/ubuntu-16.04-install-asus-x205ta.md and the uefi manual with the 32 bit hack22:59
daftykinsjust had an update for base-files here guys - and now lsb-release reports .523:00
tomreyndaftykins: do you have propsed?23:04
tomreynrmadison says xenial-updates got base-files 9.4ubuntu4.723:05
tomreynfor which the changelog states "Bump version number to 16.04.5 in preparation for the point release"23:05
daftykinstotally stock server23:06
tomreynso it's not a matter of proposed23:06
daftykinsUnpacking base-files (9.4ubuntu4.7) over (9.4ubuntu4.6) ...23:06
tomreynthe changelog entry dates to Tue, 17 Jul 2018 12:20:12 +020023:06
tomreynso, yes, a littl eprematurely, i guess23:07
tomreyni think those are normally held back until the release day, or close to it23:07
oerheks17.10 went EOL today ..23:08
hggdhoh tempora, oh mores23:08
daftykinsyip another one bit the dust23:09
oerheksi don't believe fromaster..23:12
tomreynthis was claimed before at least once, not sure if by him.23:13

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