
mate|49303hello I have a lenovo ideapad320 and im trying to install ubuntu mate on a usb... sadly unsuccessful so far00:12
mate|49303anyone can help me?00:12
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OBJuanHello Ubuntu-ites.16:35
OBJuanI'm quite new to Ubuntu and am amazed at how easy it is to use. Great release !16:36
OBJuanI do have a question. It has to do with entering special characters in a Libre Office page. I have been accustomed to using the <alt> key and typing in 3 or 4 numbers to get  symbols.16:40
OBJuanSuch as <alt> 248 for the degree character. Is there a way to do this in Ubuntu ?16:41
vkarehOBJuan: depends on your keyboard layout. I have a US keyboard, but I mapped the right Alt to be Alt Gr, which allows me to type accented characters by doing <AltGr>'a (to type á) or <AltGr>~n (to type ñ).17:27
vkarehOBJuan: to do this, open the Keyboard Preferences, select the Layout tab and open Options... in there look for the "Position of Compose key" and select "Right Alt" - you can also select other options or layouts, but that gives me what I need in my case17:28
karjala_exw mia aporia17:31
karjala_afto to vriskete asteio? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=218762178960945&set=a.173974860106344.1073741827.100024814933390&type=3&theater17:31
karjala_sorry wrong chan17:33
gid3onHello ev'rbody - a question regarding booting into 18.04 kernel 4.15.0-24: Does anybody in here have the question described in #1780009 and #1780131 over at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate ?19:26
gid3onI do - running on a ThinkPad x230 i519:27
OBJuanvkareh - thank you for your help20:57

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