
cpaelzergood morning05:23
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lordievaderGood morning06:11
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swebhow to enable blank screen on ubuntu server .. i use my old laptop as ubuntu server ... i need to blank screen on not activity mode11:46
blackflowsweb: check out consoleblank=X kernel option, where X is number of seconds for the timout (=0 disables it)11:50
swebif i install ntp on my dedicate server do i need to install ntp for my virtual machines ?12:50
blackflowsweb: you mean for VMs on that dedicated server? no, there's kvm-clock with newer kernels I believe...12:52
blackflowsweb: yeah that's it. verify with   dmesg | kvm-clock   in the guest VMs12:53
wrdisk space size for a VM with isc dhcp, php, apache2 on a ubuntu 16.04 server?17:38
tewardwr: Dealer's Choice as to what disk space you want to provision.  :P17:45
sarnoldwr: I wouldn't go below 10 gigs, 20-30 might let you never think about drive space..18:10
tewardi'd not go below 20 GB IMO depending on what you're running on the apache and PHP parts.18:11
tewardthough I'd probably have the DHCP server be its own separately18:11
tewardespecially if this is a VM, you can split services up over multiple VMs18:11
RoyKwr: doub you'll need much for dhcp alone - how many clients?18:51
RoyKwr: dhcp only spends space on the lease file (which is minimal) and the logs (which may be quite a lot with a bunch of clients)18:54
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l4m8d4rbasak: I think I'll just use libvirt then, thanks!20:13
coreycbjamespage: narrowed in slightly on the py3.7 threading issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/178264720:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1782647 in Designate "py3.7 possible race condition in threading" [Undecided,New]20:38

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