
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.05:47
Knightwisehey brobostigon05:54
brobostigonhi Knightwise05:55
Knightwisehow are you dude05:58
brobostigonaverage really, and you?06:05
Knightwiseheading out for a couple of days of camping06:06
Knightwiselittle bit of offline time06:07
Knightwiseoffline is the new luxury06:08
brobostigonand no customers to deal with.06:10
Knightwiseha  that is not an option when you are self employed06:11
Knightwiseoff to pack up the tent and head out in an hour06:15
brobostigonhave a good time.06:22
brobostigoni have a couple of appointments this afternoon to see some commercial premises for let, for potential shop space.06:23
Knightwiseshop ?? what are you going to sell ?06:29
brobostigongaming kit, ie tabletop gaming kit, like D&D books, dice, maps, etc.06:30
brobostigonand inhouse published edventure paths etc.06:31
brobostigonnot just D&D, but pathfinder and starfinder.06:35
zmoylan-pibut NO warhammer!! :-P06:47
brobostigonwarhammer is a non-existant market as far as i am concerned to be honest.06:50
Knightwiseooooo   a geek store !!07:37
Knightwisegood luck !!!07:38
Knightwisewe just remodeled our garage into a traing room for our company07:41
Knightwisethat way we can gove workshops and stuff for our clients07:41
Knightwisebuilders are testing my patience07:42
Knightwiseit will be ok but its just hard to keep them on schedule   lots of little details need to be completed07:46
Knightwisebut its a fixed price project  otherwise i would have gone apeshit by now07:47
brobostigoni can imagine.07:47
Knightwisemorning alan_g07:49
alan_gHello Knightwise07:50
Knightwisebtw is this mate-alan ? i keep mixing them up07:50
Knightwisejust "regular" alan then ;)07:52
Knightwisehey dermot-207:53
oerheks2nd machine, 18/04, no problems..15:08
brobostigona new life has arrived in the world, :)15:53
oerheksbrobostigon, so you have a daughter/son ? or both ?15:59
oerhekscongrats !16:00
brobostigonty, :)16:01
daftykinswas it a problem free birth?16:04
daftykinsif there is such a thing16:05
brobostigonmore or less.16:05
daftykinsthanks goodness for thewaspsknees getting booted :P16:25
mgdmbrobostigon: congratulations :-D16:29
daftykinsugh spoke too soon apparently16:30
brobostigonmgdm: ty, :)16:32
daftykinsanyone with ops that can ban that guy? and no, i won't hide joins/parts because it isn't appropriate to support giving17:32
zmoylan-piyou could just /ignore thewaspsknees17:59
daftykinsi know :)17:59
daftykinsquite telling they're getting a good few k-lines though17:59
zmoylan-pitimes do look odd alright18:00
daftykinsmaybe just naughty scamps getting certain PIA nodes banned18:02

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