
xubuntu62wI installed from a stick and the wifi worked on it but when installed on the hard drive it does not show the additional drivers to get wifi to work. It works on the thumb drive.00:21
xubuntu62wwhat would the command line be to get the wifi driver when hooked up to ehernet? It is a Broadcom wifi hardware.00:27
xubuntu30wdoes anyone know how to upgrade xubuntu to the new release 18.04 LTS?03:26
=== odc_ is now known as odc
XAMPPexcuse me, i have a problem with my computer that i installed Xubuntu on it12:08
XAMPPi can't start my cpu fan12:09
XAMPPcan someone help me?12:09
xubuntu30wHi, I can see an error in my syslog regarding my wifi card. Could you help me?12:38
diogenes_xubuntu30w, does your wifi work?12:38
xubuntu30wI can paste the error logs if that helps12:39
usrshv1I want to made custom action for thunar: "cp %f /home/usrtmpfs/". How me manage to made progress bar for that?17:44
usrshv1zenity is correct for Xubuntu 18.04?17:47
usrshv1can i invoke the "copy " GUI action of Thunar from terminal? something like thunar cp * *18:15
RayneDoes Xubuntu 18.04 ship Atril? I have just upgraded from 17.10 and it installed Atril. The package xubuntu-desktop lists it only as recommendation.18:37
usrshv1Rayne:  Yes it is there by default18:43
usrshv1look at menu > office > Atril18:44
Spassok, one question after the upgrade to 18.04 - my volume changing/mute notifications are doubled, what should I disable? xfce4-volumed in autostart or the option to show notifications in the new PA panel plugin?20:28
Spassor in other words - do I still need xfce4-volemed?20:28
diogenes_i think xfce4-volumed20:31
Spassdiogenes_, yup, I've just opened fresh 18.04 in VM to make sure, no xfce4-volemed there20:38
diogenes_ oczywiscie20:41
SpassI was going to do a fresh install of 18.04.1 but I changed my mind, I'll install a fresh 18.10 upon release, because there will be more changes20:47
Spassall those tasty 4.13 apps and new Thunar20:48
diogenes_and not a good theme so far for the gtk3 thunar20:52
xubuntu66dI cannot get the wireless interface to work whatsever in xubuntu, or studiobuntu, both 18.04. I was sccessful in ubuntu desktop with bionic beaver but the driver fix wont carry over to the other two installs. The main difference being settings managers between desktop and xfc environments. Any ideas?23:39

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