
guivercthank you (x2) tsimonq206:34
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest82437
laceylaneyDoes anyone know if it's possible top hide the process list from htop ?? I only want to show the meter section....08:19
tsimonq2I don't think so08:19
laceylaneyJust asking because I seen some pics of unix desktops running htop with only the meteres section loaded....08:20
tsimonq2I dunno :)08:20
laceylaneyok ^^08:21
laceylaneyok so app you just have to resize your terminal window until the bottom half is hidden....08:22
ca-on-adamHi there, two things: the social media icons at the base of https://lubuntu.me/, with the exception of the RSS feed icon, are all links to social media sites owned by either Google, Facebook or Microsoft, all which are corporations which I feel are not safe to interact with from privacy and freedom standpoints.11:32
tsimonq2ca-on-adam: We have Mastodon.11:33
tsimonq2Wordpress won't let us link it there.11:33
tsimonq2However, we do heavily promote https://lubuntu.me/links which has that boldly listed.11:33
tsimonq2I mean, it's not like the icons are unclear, correct? :)11:34
tsimonq2I personally don't have a problem with it, but I get your argument.11:34
ca-on-adamAlso, I don't know who to talk to, but I have been granted my sole use of a server by another member of the Ubuntu community, and one of the informal conditions was to use it best I can to help with *buntu projects, but they mentioned Lubuntu specifically.  I'm not a programmer but I have a limited amount of experience with QA in the Mageia project and I am very comfortable with the command line.11:35
tsimonq2I'm the Lubuntu Release Manager and an Ubuntu Developer. :)11:35
tsimonq2ca-on-adam: amd64 or i386?11:36
ca-on-adamtsimonq2: I will look into Mastodon, as it was already on my radar.  But like there are less dangerous networks like Diaspora that I have a profile on, it'd be nice to see a presence there.11:36
tsimonq2I agree that Mastodon is, well, dangerous... :P11:37
tsimonq2wxl doesn't agree with me XD11:37
tsimonq2ca-on-adam: But if you want to create a Lubuntu account there, give us the username and password just in case you go MIA, and maintain it yourself, I have no problem with that.11:38
tsimonq2ca-on-adam: I can get you high-quality artwork for the logo if you want.11:38
ca-on-adamtsimonq2: the server is 64-bit, fully hypervised so I can swap kernels.11:39
ca-on-adamtsimonq2: but I've got some 32-bit hardware sitting around the house if 32-bit testing is needed more.11:39
tsimonq2ca-on-adam: https://lubuntu.me/this-week-in-lubuntu-development-7/11:40
tsimonq2ca-on-adam: The real story behind that is I no longer have access to real hardware i386 machines.11:40
tsimonq2ca-on-adam: So I don't feel comfortable maintaining it unless some people are willing to step up and test on real hardware, and fix platform-specific bugs,.11:41
* ca-on-adam catching up...11:41
tsimonq2No problem :)11:41
tsimonq2ca-on-adam: The tl;dr is, if you'd like to help, the main place to pay attention to is #lubuntu-devel. There we post calls for testing, talk about implementation details, etc. If you need any help with anything, please do feel free to reach out with questions. :)11:44
* ca-on-adam also in race condition to move old stuff out of hard drive while torrenting Lubuntu & not enough free space11:45
tsimonq2Ah. :)11:46
ca-on-adamtsimonq2: I have at least 3 Intel P4s, a P2 and P3, 1 ASUS netbook with atom CPU locked-in as 32bit, 1 imac G3 and a powermac G5 at my volunteer place, I guess the only thing I don't have is an AMD 32-bit computer.11:49
tsimonq2ca-on-adam: No problem; your help would still be appreciated.11:50
ca-on-adamI had an AMD K6 desktop lying around but I got rid of it as a 'scrap trade' to receive some 64-bit low end systems headed for scrap anyway.11:54
ca-on-adam350MHz or something like that.11:54
lubot5<tsimonq2> Which volunteer place is this through, out of curiosity?11:55
ca-on-adamI also volunteered at Toronto Free-Net for a number of years, but not anymore and that's a rant best saved for an offtopic channel :)12:06
egyhello lubuntu. I have a text file containing ascii data, however pcman recongizes it as "GTK+ Builder" and not as ascii12:11
egyalso, I create a plain text document and just type "ifconfig" as content, save the file, and then pcman recongizes it as an audio file (SoundTracker Amiga)12:12
tsimonq2ca-on-adam: Ah nice :)12:15
tsimonq2egy: These are certainly edge cases...12:16
egymy first text file that turned rouge (the gtk+ builder) is caused by some txt related to "networking"12:18
egylike dig, tracepath, traceroute, ...etc.12:19
egyI manually traced the issue when it was like 20 lines long, and I found that lines beginning with "ifconfig" or containing net addresses (192.126....) causes it to turn rogue12:20
egyI prefixed "ifconfig" with some ## and put the arguments below it12:20
egybut now as I am typing more stuff in the file, it turned again rogue again (gtk+ builder)12:20
egyhope that shed any light on any issue12:21
ca-on-adamegy: if you're willing to adopt a non Linux-y habit, I've done pretty well by appending .txt to text/ASCII files and it seems, by way of friendly attitudes toward Windows users, to respect that.13:04
ca-on-adam"it" being Thunar, pcmanfm, Nautilus/Caja, etc.13:05
egyca-on-adam: you're absolutely right :)13:08
egyi'll append .txt for these roguelike files13:09
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