
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest73003
IrcsomeBot<TaurohtaRR> I'm noticing behavior when autofs network share is not unmounted after it is not available(for instance vpn desconnected) … do someone uses autofs mounts and can confirm this?00:23
Elw3Isnt there any gui option to add .desktop files?01:14
emmacan you run kubuntu on a laptop with only 3 GB ram?01:28
Elw3I have less than 1 atm.01:28
emmaand it runs okay for you?01:29
emmaon a laptop?01:29
Elw3No old tower.01:33
Elw3Get rid of the swap! Also webbrowsing might be a bit too harch.01:34
Elw3The desktop itself runs smooth.01:34
emmamy aunt has this laptop (vostro 1700) that had windows xp on it.  But she installed avast and it deleted her registry01:40
emmaso she's letting me put linux on it for her01:40
emmaim trying to figure out the best thing01:40
Elw33gb is more than enough.01:41
Elw3_only_ :D01:42
Elw3My workstation has 4.01:42
jrssSo.. I prepared a live USB with clonezilla. Everything seemed to have gone well until I had to pick the right SSD that does NOT have my window sinstalltion01:43
jrssturns out that bitlocker requires two hard drives. One with the OS, and one to unlock the OS. I'm not s ure how it happened but01:44
jrssSo now I can't clone with clonezilla because it will delete everythign (not sure how to tell it to use a partition inside the SSD, I don't see this option)01:44
jrssso... maybe... another approch is to use my backups  and copy over the config files of different programs I use. So that's actually the question: where do I find these configs?01:45
* jrss sighs01:46
jrssI really don't want to go through all the stuff again. I have backups of my home directory, but there are already a alot of things I changed01:46
emmagogeta: Im just getting kubuntu then : )03:58
gogetaemma: welcome to the club04:06
gogetaemma: i made a screen grab of kubuntu on my core 204:06
emmagogeta: oh cool you have a core 2?04:13
gogetaemma: yea a old laptop04:14
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IrcsomeBotlucianodouglasm2 was added by: lucianodouglasm209:48
mozammelI love Kubuntu13:25
IrcsomeBot<Faszinosium42> Is there any way to minimize the RAM usage of plasma ?15:08
jrssHello... still newish to linux, trying to make a backup of my config files for the different programs. Will I find most of these in bin?16:32
BluesKajHey folks16:44
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jrssconfig files17:36
jrssmaybe I will just do a fresh install again >.>17:36
BluesKajjrss, which config files?18:14
jrssBluesKaj: hmm.. programs like Konversion, or my terminal themes, for example (konsole)18:24
BluesKajjrss, Konversion?18:28
jrssyes, the IRC client that comes with kubuntu?18:28
jrssusing it right now ya18:28
jrssoh yeah typo. that one yep18:29
BluesKajwhat do you want to configure? .../usr/share/konversation has a lot of files, don't see a .conf tho18:38
BluesKajthemes themes are determined by your choices in the kmenu>system settings>appearance18:42
keithzg[m]jrss: Your config files should all be in folders starting with dots in your home directory (ex. `.config`).18:43
keithzg[m]If you're just looking to back things up, laziest way is to simply back up your whole home directory :D18:43
jrsskeithzg[m]: I do that actually (bacup my home directory) but I'm wondering if I try my fresh install if it will all be there hmmm18:49
jrsslet me ask this then. Are there any config files that are NOT in the home directory?18:50
jrssones that change with regular costumizations.18:50
toso_hi all18:50
BluesKajhi toso_18:56
toso_i am running 18.04, after a few changes (no terminal) task switcher kind of broke down19:00
toso_i am kind of a noob, saw the ubuntu forums kind of send here for support, so i though i might have tried before reporting, hope someone could help and i don't bother19:03
toso_basically i try to change anymation and to bind keys but they seem erratic in behaviour, i can't seem to make any task switcher go forward nor reverse, it used to work at beginning, then forward broke, then now i can't bind nor make work the reverse either19:04
toso_tried few shut downs and restarts too, so i think this might be some bug of kde19:05
toso_i have a couple of links to couple of people reporting i think same problem, solutions are not really clear to me, i don't want to make a mess and before doing anything i thought it was better to ask for help19:09
keithzg[m]jrss: It would be quite weird (and very against standards and established practice) if any of your applications stored user-specific configuration files outside of your home directory without some explicit intervention or choice on your end. (System-wide configs however are stored in /etc.)19:18
jrsskeithzg[m]: thanks. OK, then I will just try a fresh install wtih my /home backups and everything should be in place, more or less -- provided of course that I download the software I had before21:04
IrcsomeBotchuangrennuo was added by: chuangrennuo21:41
IrcsomeBotVanessaLuke was added by: VanessaLuke23:52

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