
tomreyndoh, windows has something like a serial console, too, i never knew... https://serverfault.com/questions/554298/windows-serial-console00:46
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:44
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ducassegood morning06:18
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lotuspsychjeim also since on ubuntu09:32
ubot5Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.09:32
calcmandanactually, it was 4.1009:33
calcmandani want from that to 5.0409:33
calcmandanthen skipped 6.1009:34
calcmandanedgy i think it was.09:34
ubot5Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.09:34
calcmandani was never really a fan of gnome.09:34
calcmandani moved to 4.10 from being a redhat user.09:35
calcmandani was sick of the package manager.09:35
lotuspsychjei did, when it was still lighter in use09:35
calcmandanupdating redhat was such a pain09:35
lotuspsychjeive tested early redhat/mandrake?suse too09:35
calcmandani was a redhat user from rh3 .09:36
calcmandanuntil i switched to kubuntu.09:36
oerheksblackflow, best thing is not to answer right away, let them wait, and see what happens :-D12:17
oerheksif trolls do not get attention, they usually fix their issues within 2 minutes12:17
blackflowI don't buy that selinux story either.12:18
tomreynthey installed their home server using the desktop installer image and did not know which ubuntu release is current, they are unable to get their sshd working. they wont have setup selinux (unless they found some ugly how-to). :-/12:21
oerhekswe wait, and still do not see12:22
blackflowor is not a troll but wants to sound smart and assumes nobody would ask about selinux details :)  "Nobody in #ubuntu is probably using selinux so I can sound smart".12:22
oerheksI got my fresh couch, and removed the leather from my old one, yes, even the back was pure leather, despite my brother/mom claiming the back is usual fake leather12:23
tomreynglad you brought it up!12:24
oerheksSSL super strong leather12:24
tomreynso a tech topic after all12:25
blackflowupgrade to TLS?   Total Leathery Strongness!12:25
tomreynalthough i guess leather crafting involves plenty of tech, too12:26
oerheksi am going to use it for storing a collection of wood bites tools12:26
oerhekshmm too much helpers does not work12:46
* oerheks facepalms13:03
tomreynthanks for pointing out the 16.04 vs 18.04 thing, oerheks13:05
sonicwindgood morning guys13:06
oerhekshi sonic13:20
blackflowy'all see this question? office under wine under ubuntu under vmware under windows.......14:02
daftykinsthat deserves a penguin slap14:07
blackflow"16:05 < HaMsTeRs> if so, you should know that the format in libre is gay"   sigh... ignored.14:08
tomreynblackflow: do you know https://raptorcs.com/content/base/products.html ?14:49
blackflowtomreyn: Talos, yup. I'm drooling for that.14:50
tomreynme, too, once it'll be stable / reliable / gen 2, and, moreover, more affordable.14:50
blackflowbeside $$, the only other problem with it I have is that Steam is essential to my sanity. I'd need a wintel machine, separate to my main workstation, for that.14:51
tomreynwell, why not. if you can afford the talos, adding another off the shelf gaming computer is just pennies ;)14:52
blackflowand servers... it's currently cheaper for us to rent than to colocate own hardware. otherwise I'd be all over those servers.14:53
tomreynthere's also https://store.vikings.net/libre-friendly-hardware/the-server-1u14:53
tomreynactually i think the raptor-cs folks want to also offer hosting on this hardware.14:54
blackflowtomreyn: it'll have to be in EU for us.14:55
tomreynokay, you give me the money, i do the hosting?14:55
blackflowtomreyn: sure, send over your technical GDPR compliance docs, and we'll take it under consideration ;)14:57
tomreyn:) well, i'd first of all need to setup a DC14:57
tomreynthen hire someone for all the boring stuff, office + paperwork incl. compliance stuff, and then do the fun hosting stuff.14:59
tomreynso... lets talk in 3 years? ;)14:59
tomreyni think we discussed ipv4 depletion a while ago https://ipv6.he.net/v4ex/sidebar/15:47
BluesKajHey folks16:44
tomreynlooks like yesterdays' "ntd" found their way to #ubuntu-hardened as "lol768"18:57
oerhekstomreyn has eagle eyes, run mice, run18:59
oerheksnext step is recognize them without ip adresses18:59
tomreynwell, no need for hostnames or ip address, i can recognize 'angry person boasting about intolerable lack of instant security support in my free OS' easily19:01
blackflowany ops in the house?21:08
oerheksin #ubuntu-ops, or directly #freenode, they monitor us too21:11
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hggdhblackflow: what do you need?21:37
blackflowhggdh: the user is gone now, but for the reference, and this was posted earlier in #ubuntu:  https://pasteboard.co/HvGIbnH.png21:38
blackflowthis "toured" user apparently harassing Dbugger in private21:38
hggdhthis is a PM session?21:39
blackflowhggdh: from what I understand, yes.21:39
hggdhyeah, found it, around 2100 UTC21:41
hggdhthe best we can do: (1) report it at #ubuntu-ops; (2) /ignore the user (syntax may be a bit different depending on what IRC client you use; for me -- weechat -- it is /ignore add <nick>)22:01
blackflowhggdh: yeah I suggested to Dbugger to set +g on their nick22:04
blackflowhggdh: another customer requires your attention in #ubuntu :))22:08
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