
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:26
zmoylan-pimorning mammals07:26
brobostigonmorning gelatinous cube.07:28
daubersI've been poking around all the communities I used to be involved with as a teenager and it feels a bit sad how many have faded away. Quite sad how much non-piracy base usenet has drifted off too :(09:03
daubersI remember this place being busier too. Though I may just be getting nostalgic in my old age09:03
mgdmmorning daubers09:05
zmoylan-piwell slack is th current place for chat plus whatever new platform google released this week09:17
daubersslack always seems disappointing. The few non-work tech based slacks I've been into have been unpleasant places. Most of the modern tech based chat things haven't been the nicest places tbh09:23
knightwisemornin peepz10:53
* daftykins yawns10:54
daftykinsfew too many pints around London last night10:54
knightwisepoor you10:54
daftykinsit's tough work, but someone's gotta do it :)10:54
knightwisedoing some archiving10:55
daftykinsof the digital kind?10:55
knightwisegoing to upload the old knightwise.com shows to youtube10:56
knightwiseses1 dates back to 200610:56
knightwisehad quite a time finfing a machine that had a cd rom drive10:57
diddledanbetty swollocks is visiting14:21
penguin42tis a bit cooler up here14:22
daftykinssend her away!14:26
daftykinsi'm dying here in London, no AC in this pad, 27 deg C i think14:26
daftykins31 expected tomorrow14:26
penguin4222c up here in manc, expected 24c tomorrow, so not too bad14:30
mgdmit's not too bad in Glasgow right now16:03
* zmoylan-pi passes around the generic lidl choc ices to any that needs them...17:43
* brobostigon would rather a navy rum and coke, :)17:44
penguin42zmoylan-pi: thanks!17:46
zmoylan-pii bought a little usb powered fan for €9 and it's 4" blade right beside my laptop is wonderful breeze...17:50
zmoylan-pimanaged 12k steps today in icky weather and now have a cool breeze and some ice water for a nice diluted orange drink...17:53

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