
Anthaasthe weechat.conf file wasn't created on there either, but I can edit that absolutely fine.00:00
tomreynno idea, i never worked with it.00:00
rosco_y Can I install Ubuntu Server in a VirtualBox Machine, setup LAMP and Serve a WordPress website, that I could access from my ubuntu Desktop?00:02
AnthaasHmm, is there a way to see if KeePassXC runs as a different user?00:02
AnthaasIf so, there is an interesting restriction with FUSE that may be causing this.00:03
tomreynrosco_y: technically, yes.00:03
AnthaasYeah you can00:03
rosco_ytomreyn: ty.  Practically, no?00:03
AnthaasVagrant would make this a lot easier for you though00:03
tomreynAnthaas: 'ps' will tell which user it runs as00:03
tomreynrosco_y: practically also depends on your abilities. ;)00:04
rosco_yAnthaas: ty, what is Vagrant?00:04
rosco_ytomreyn: yuck.  doesn't sound great.00:04
Anthaastomreyn: It maintains virtual machines for you00:04
rosco_yIt would be time to crack the Linux Administration books?00:04
tomreynrosco_y: it's not so hard.00:04
AnthaasVagrant and VirtualBox is a very common web development set up00:04
Anthaasoops, that was meant for rosco_y00:05
rosco_yAnthaas: I'll look into Vagrant.  Now that you mention it, I think I've heard of that before.00:05
AnthaasThere are 2 common approaches, Docker and Vagrant/VBox00:05
rosco_yso Vagrant/VBox are a little joined at the hip?00:06
AnthaasIf you want to set up your own Wordpress site, I'd look at services which do this set up for you00:06
AnthaasVBox is just a common virtualisation tool that is used with Vagrant00:06
Anthaasothers are available00:06
rosco_yAnthaas: are you talking about signing up with a host?00:07
AnthaasYes, if you want a site up and running00:07
rosco_yThat actually sounds like a really good idea.00:07
AnthaasIf you are interested in development, steer clear from Wordpress00:07
AnthaasAs I said though, if you just want a site, there are a million and one hosts that will provision a box for you to just log in and get started with writing content00:08
rosco_yAnthaas: I am interested in development, why do you recommend steering clear of WordPress?00:08
AnthaasBecause it is a security minefield00:09
AnthaasAnd they are notorious for just ignoring security flaws00:09
rosco_yAnthaas: That's really great advice.  I could skip all the hassles of building it from the ground up.00:09
rosco_yAnthaas: and what alternative(s) would you suggest?00:10
AnthaasYou want to write a blog?00:10
AnthaasWhat is your end goal00:10
rosco_yAnthaas: yes, I was thinking of writing a blog, while learning the cms, and then publish if I felt the need.00:11
AnthaasTo what end though?00:11
AnthaasWhat is the purpose of this?00:11
rosco_yAnthaas: many things: I would like to learn a CMS, and I would like to learn how to pubish on the web, learn a bit more about Linux, and develop a blog.00:13
AnthaasThese are all separate things00:14
rosco_ymostly I was thinking of developing a blog, without paying for the learning curve.00:14
AnthaasAll achievable completely separately.00:14
AnthaasIs there a reason WHY you want any of these steps?00:15
rosco_yYeah they are, but they can be done simultaneously as well, but I am just now realizing how naive that is--when would I actually start blogging?  After I learn Vagrant, After I get the00:15
AnthaasDo you need it for work, or what?00:15
rosco_yLamp stack set up.00:15
rosco_yI'm disabled and trying to limp something together that amounts to anything that's more than nothing.00:16
AnthaasFirstly, you need to take small steps00:17
AnthaasYou need to learn one thing at a time.00:18
rosco_yAnthaas: I really do appreciate that advice--I hadn't thought of looking for hosts letting people try thing out on trial basis.00:18
AnthaasThere is no use in learning very little of many things when you can learn a lot about one thing.00:18
rosco_yWow, that is the best advice I've heard in a million years.  I wish I could internalize it.00:19
AnthaasImagine you could say hello in English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin.00:19
AnthaasYou can do a little in many areas00:19
rosco_ylol, perfect example00:19
AnthaasImagine you could hold a conversation in French and English00:19
AnthaasWhich is more useful?00:19
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AnthaasGo away, do some reading. Learn about Provisioning, Development stacks, Git, Web Frameworks, CMS, Deploying, SSH, Unix Command Line00:20
AnthaasBut they will give you a lot of areas to look at00:20
rosco_yWould you argue against learning WordPress on a commercial site (letting them worry about security?)00:21
rosco_yI've had the impression that know WordPress can lead to work.00:22
AnthaasVery niche work.00:22
AnthaasReally, you'd be knowing PHP and integrating with Wordpress00:22
AnthaasWordpress is crap.00:22
AnthaasWe use the front end only in a couple of projects at work.00:23
rosco_yWhat do you recommend?00:23
AnthaasBecause the backend is a fucking disaster.00:23
AnthaasI don't.00:23
AnthaasI run my own system haha00:23
AnthaasDrupal is a nightmare too00:23
rosco_yI've worked in asp before I was disabled.00:23
AnthaasI worked in ASP too, but not that ASP you worked in :P00:23
rosco_yand now I really enjoy working with .net.00:24
rosco_yI think asp.net would be doable for me, I didn't really care for asp though.00:24
rosco_yWoa, I am not fond of reading that code.00:26
rosco_yI've weebled my way through quite a few languages, and I can't make heads or tails of this stuff.  My guess is that the writer is using really bad variable names.00:27
rosco_yor rather, that's my hope.00:27
AnthaasThat is the standard.00:27
AnthaasIts a logic programming language.00:27
AnthaasMore power than Prolog, but fewer features00:28
rosco_yoooh.  I've heard of that, as it programming cuircut boards and such?00:28
rosco_ywell, I've been wrong before...00:28
AnthaasIm off now anyway, good luck!00:28
rosco_yhey!  Nice meeting you Anthaas!  Thanks!00:29
DelvienLoading up ubuntu in as a guest in a vm, using the QXL driver all I get are black areas of the screen and windows only show when moving them around. Anyone run into this>?00:30
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
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rfmDelvien, afaik the vbox guest adapter knows not of QXL (which is a QEMU thing, right?)  surprised it works at all... the only video drivers that I know of that work are the generic VESA one and the vboxvideo that is installed with Guest Additions...00:52
xjkxHow do I configure monitors in gdm ? My monitors are well set correctly in Gnome, but when gdm screen comes up, they're not00:59
ALowther_It appears that the DNS servers assigned by my network router is not allowing certain domains to resolve...Where is the appropriate place to manually set global DNS servers on my machine, no matter which network I am connected to?01:03
JacobTDCI'm looking for support regaurding SynPS/2 problems. Can anyone here help?01:17
JacobTDCHow exactly does this work?01:19
kk4ewtyou keep asking and when someone has an idea what you are referring to they will answer01:20
JacobTDCXD okay then.01:21
CWtheDeveloperWhat's up people01:23
wyseguyCWtheDeveloper just watching the live hostage situation01:23
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guivercJacobTDC: don't ask too often; they are volunteers here who do other things, and look here on occasion and answer the questions they can. Try and avoid asking too much (see !patience), and if you don't get help at one time, you can always try at other times..  (in the mean time you can search askubuntu, or prior chat's here [everything is logged]) etc01:25
texlaUbuntu 16.04> I have a 500gb sata hdd in a 3.0 usb enclosure > When i boot the usb per bios it is recognized in gparted,parted -l, fdisk -l it list it as /dev/sda which is my internal hdd>my internal is then listed as /dev/sdb and contains all my partitions> If i shutdown disconnect the usb the partition return to the proper designation>what is happening??01:26
Bashing-omtexla: The first drive seen by the system is identified as 'sda' .01:28
guiverctexla: as i understand what you've said; the sdX designations are set by your BIOS which is why they aren't a good idea in referring to drives/devices (as they can change) - why UUID is the better alternative to 'mount' etc drives & devices01:28
texlaBashing-om, Can i go ahead and use gparted and install suse to sda and it will boot which ever one I WANT TO RUN01:29
guivercthis is a Ubuntu Support room; SuSE or openSUSE are off-topic here texla01:30
Bashing-omtexla: Most likely .. best ask suse about their operating system requirements.01:30
texlaBashing-om, At the moment it is booting Ubuntu when i boot the usb01:31
JacobTDCguiverc: okay, will do.01:31
JacobTDCI'm having problems with SynPS/2 devices. The keyboard (usually) doesn't work at the login screen, but works without fail in GRUB or the BIOS Setup. I know for a fact that they are both using "SynPS/2" because the output logs from xinit refer to them as that before saying "No input driver specified, ignoring this device". How do I fix this problem?01:33
JacobTDCCurrently, I just have to reboot and hope everything works at next boot.01:33
JacobTDCI'm using a Dell Inspiron 2650 with Ubuntu Minimal/CLI 18.04. Yes, I know it's a dinosaur.01:33
Bashing-omtexla: I do not know SusE - can not advise in this instance .01:33
JacobTDCOops... I didn't mean to send all that... XD01:33
Bashing-omtexla: maybe ask in the ##linux channel .01:34
CWtheDeveloper1Okay, not quite rocket science but I finally got pidgin working01:34
texlaBashing-om, Okay how about installing Ubuntu 18.04 to the usb enclosure01:35
Bashing-omJacobTDC: Maybbe .. look in bios and change the USB to "legacy" . For what bios pasess off to the operating system.01:36
Bashing-omyena: sure .. just have in mind how you want to boot it .01:36
JacobTDCBashing-om: I'm pretty sure my BIOS is so old it doesn't havr Legacy settings, and the keyboard isn't usb, anyways...01:37
JacobTDCBashing-om: yup, no legacy mode.01:38
Bashing-omJacobTDC: I too run an old PS2 mechanical keyboard .. I must set USB settings to use legacy .01:39
JacobTDCBashing-om: How do I do that? I can't find Legacy Settings in my BIOS... :(01:40
Bashing-omJacobTDC: 2007 machine with Phonix nios .01:40
Bashing-omJacobTDC: All I can suggest is look and see what is available to change USB settings in your particular bios .01:41
JacobTDCBashing-om: Absolutly nothing. I'm pretty sure this BIOS is from 2000... XD01:44
JacobTDCI have parrallel port settings, though...01:45
JacobTDCIt is PhoenixBIOS Version A1301:46
MrCorvidHello! So, I want to make a script that, when called runs the "screen" command, which then upon creation runs the "optirun" command (from bumblebee, for controlling nvidia GPUs) which then runs the java command to run a program under optirun within the screen.01:51
MrCorvidThe issue I am having now is that when this happens, the java program crashes because it attempts to modify files that it cannot because it needs root permissions. So, I need to A) find a way to have the script give ONLY  either that optirun command OR that java command sudo privaleges (that initial script is being run with root privileges due to it being owned by the root folder, and also being accessed by systemd)01:51
MrCorvidor B) make it so that jar can access all the files it needs without root without enabling ANYONE to modify or run those files other than root and this jar01:52
JacobTDCI need to setup a laptop with SynPS/2 keyboard and mouse, but my BIOS has no legacy settings.01:54
MrCorvidJacobTDC: I would assume its either a rack management laptop probably dell, or its genuinely an old laptop01:57
JacobTDCMrCorvid: correct, it's a dinosaur. Sorry it took me so long to respond.02:02
MrCorvidJacobTDC if its not a recent dell rack management laptop, the only reason I could imagine it having a ps/2 port would be because its ancient, and at that time period there was no such thing as "legacy" - that only came around when windows 10 and secure boot became a thing02:03
MrCorvidJacobTDC so you should be able to install linux just fine on it like any other laptop, the only issue with installing a modern version of ubuntu is it might have gotten a bit of bloat that relies on new hardware, I wouldn't know, so if installing standard ubuntu doesn't work,02:04
MrCorviddo a headless install with the "minimal server" version, and bolt on things piece by piece till something breaks02:04
MrCorvidwhat exactly is your issue?02:06
JacobTDCMrCorvid: well, it's having problems with the keyboard and mouse. The keyboard (usually) doesn't work at the login screen, but works without fail in GRUB or the BIOS Setup.02:06
JacobTDCMrCorvid: it is headless02:06
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JacobTDCSorry those were out of order. I didn't notice your response until AFTER I hit return... XD02:07
JacobTDCMrCorvid, you there?02:14
JacobTDCWelp, bye.02:25
JacobTDCIf you need anything, MrCorvid, msg me (I think freenode lets you do that?).02:26
=== Guest43344 is now known as Botan
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emmaIs Ubuntu Mate a good choice for an old laptop?03:25
matsamanemma: how old?03:25
matsamansome laptops are older than others, but any version of GNOME (MATE [GNOME 2]) is going to be heavier than many other alternatives (Xfce, etc.)03:26
pantatosooo I somehow broke my package manager when I tried to switch nvidia-390 metapackage to nvidia-340 in the ubuntu driver gui. I was having some video problems and I wanted to see if it would solve it, but now everything is messed up. Here is a paste of what I'm seeing https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WxKjMGWRyj/03:29
gogetamatsaman: kubuntu is a good choice shockingly03:29
matsamangogeta: compared to GNOME, maybe, but then you're comparing a beastly large DE with another one03:30
purplepodold isn't necessarily a good determining factor.  A T430 with a 3rd gen i7 M-series CPU is about as powerful as a T480 with an 8th gen i7 U-series CPU03:30
gogetamatsaman: no the days of kde being heavy are history03:30
purplepodthe difference is power consumption/heat/battery life03:30
gogetamatsaman: it stacks up to xfce now03:30
matsamannonsense, do be quiet03:30
emmamy auntu has this vostro 1700 DELL that was running windows XP until avast ruined it.  Now she's letting me put Linux on it for her so Im trying to find something that will be a good experience for her.03:30
gogetamatsaman: the devs stipped away the blote03:31
matsamanemma: you can configure most DEs and WMs to work like XP03:31
emmaI thought maybe Ubuntu Mate but it should be pretty light probably.  Can you run a 32 bit version on any machine?03:31
matsamangogeta: shhh03:31
emmamatsaman: yeah03:31
gogetamatsaman: then dont ask for advice and enjt your overbloted mate03:31
matsamanemma: what's the processor?03:31
matsamangogeta: I didn't, pay attention03:31
emmamatsaman: how can i tell ?03:32
gogetaemma: oh it was you03:32
emmai have a xubuntu live cd in there03:32
emmais there something you can type at the command line to learn if the processor is 64 bit or 32 bit?03:32
matsamanemma: from GNU/Linux? cat /proc/cpuinfo; although you could do egrep -i ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo to get the info I'd want, too03:32
gogetaemma: pretty mutch anything not gnome 3 is a good choice03:32
matsamanwell, GNOME and GNOME 3 in particular are on purpose macOS clones by default03:33
matsamanthough they _can_ be reconfigured to work more like Windows03:33
matsamanof course these days Windows emulates macOS more and more, too03:33
matsamanbut you said she's used to XP, so that's no matter03:33
gogetaemma: lscpu03:33
emmagogeta: your name seems familiar to me03:33
gogetaemma: yea i think i helped you on soemthing before03:34
emmamatsaman: it says intel core 2 duo cpu 2.000 GHz03:34
gogetaemma: so its 64bit03:34
Bashing-ompantato: Try ' sudo apt purge nvidia ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' .03:34
emmahow do you know if it should be 32 bit or 64 bit tho?03:34
matsamanemma: what's egrep -i ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo say03:34
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gogetaemma: anything core serise and up are03:35
pantatoBashing-om: tried the former,03:35
emmamatsaman: well that shows many 3 and 4 letter acronyms03:35
matsamanemma: egrep -i ' lm ' --color=yes /proc/cpuinfo then03:36
matsamanyou're looking for ' lm '03:36
emmai see it say lm in there03:36
matsamanokay, then it's definitely 64-bit03:36
matsamanwhich is what you may as well use03:36
pantatoBashing-om: it looks like nvidia is all removed...but the package manager is broken03:36
gogetaemma: if you do ls cpu you will see Architecture:        x86_6403:36
emmait does say x86_6403:37
gogetaemma: that means its 64bit03:37
emmawell this is a 64 bit xubuntu live cd03:37
matsamanthat's also a good indication =P03:37
emmais it reading the os or the hardware?03:37
gogetaemma: lol03:37
matsamanbut the 'lm' is the best indication03:37
pantatoBashing-om: yeah when i run ubuntu-autoinstall I get this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4Dt2qBSWht/03:38
matsamanKDE might indeed be the most Windows-like out of the box; shame it blows so hard and they constantly betray their end users, just like GNOME03:38
matsamanand it's C++ centric, and the GUI toolkit is developed for-profit03:38
matsamanblah blah blah03:38
gogetaemma: bay no attetion to the clowns03:38
matsamanXfce is pretty easily reconfigured to be like Windows, even though Ubuntu's default preconfiguration has it more like macOS for some reason03:39
Bashing-ompantato: Package manager days files are in residence " /var/cache/apt/archives/libnvidia-gl-390_390.48-0ubuntu3_i386.deb " and the amd64.deb versions, Might remove them and try again .03:39
gogetaemma: xfce kde mate are all a good choice03:39
gogetaemma: unlesss you wanna go bare bones light then lxde03:39
matsamanI've got my incredibly software illiterate father on Xfce configured to work like old Windows; he's pretty happy03:39
emmaoh really kde too?  I myself use kubuntu but i thought maybe kubuntu is too much for a laptop so old it was running xp03:39
emmathis laptop only has 3 gb ram i think03:39
matsamanemma: old isn't what it used to be03:39
gogetaemma: kde whent lightwight recently03:40
matsamana number of years ago computers/laptops stopped being leaps and bounds more powerful each new season, and kind of plateaued03:40
gogetaemma: its slightly heaver then xfce03:40
pantatoBashing-om: like, type rm /var/cache/apt/archives/libnvidia-gl-390_390.48-0ubuntu3_i386.deb ?03:40
matsamansuch nonsense03:40
pantatoBashing-om: sorry, i'm kinda new03:41
gogetamatsaman: im running kde on a centrino so stop being a clown its not funny now03:42
pantatoBashing-om: should i just remove all the .debs for nvidia except the xserver one in that folder "/var/cache/apt/archives" ?03:42
Bashing-ompantato: yeah ,, and /var/cache/apt/archives/libnvidia-gl-390_390.48-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb . Or one can remove all the files in the archive directory .03:42
emmai read mate is good for someone who is looking for a 'traditional desktop metaphor' -  I thought that was an interesting phrase.03:42
matsamancentrino is a marketing term03:42
gogetamatsaman: same as a core 203:42
emmaWhat is the non-traditional metaphor ?03:42
pantatoBashing-om: ahh ok I'll just wipe the folder. I have really good internets03:42
matsamanemma: mate is nothing in particular more than maintained GNOME 2, which is an older version of GNOME 3, which is GNOME, which is a desktop that attempts to clone macOS03:42
* matsaman shrugs03:42
emmaI see03:43
matsamanthere is some merit in the argument that GNOME 2 was less awful than 3, for various reasons, but03:43
Bashing-ompantato: ' sidp apt clean ' will clean them all out .03:43
matsamanit had the same goals, really03:43
pantatoBashing-om: I'm still getting the same error03:43
emmamatsaman: what do you think about xfce ?03:44
matsamanemma: I would say more than anything: if you're using KDE, and you will be supporting her, you may as well put her on KDE03:44
Bashing-ompantato: sUdo apt clean **03:44
matsamanit'll make it easier to do the things for her that you want to do03:44
matsamanemma: I use Xfce, it's easily the least terrible "full" desktop environment03:44
gogetaemma: its all personal prefrence in the end.03:44
emmamatsaman: sounds like a good idea to me as long as kubuntu doesn't just drag an old laptop to the ground or freezeup with only 3 gb ram03:44
matsamanshame GNOME 3's GTK+ v3 is so hard to avoid even on Xfce03:44
pantatoBashing-om: I still get the same thing. What if I remove the diversions?03:44
gogetaemma: i run on 4gb03:44
matsamanemma: nah, GNOME 3 wouldn't either03:45
gogetaemma: bone idel its using around 400mb ram03:45
matsamanemma: there was a time about ten years ago, when Xfce vs KDE/GNOME was a big, big deal03:45
matsamanbut laptops have been able to handle most anything ootb for many years now03:45
pantatoBashing-om: like with dpkg-divert --package nvidia-340 --remove ?03:45
matsamanand GNU/Linux DEs aren't like Windows or macOS, constantly needing exponentially more beefy hardware to keep up03:46
matsamanthey have their share of bloat and misdirection, but not like that03:46
emmathat's cool03:46
gogetamatsaman: kinda the issue with mate atm alot of bloat03:46
pantatoBashing-om: what if i run that on the diversions mentioned in the errors? would that break anything?03:46
matsamanI should mention, though, that Xfce in a lot of distros comes with lots of GNOME stuff, even though it isn't technically required03:46
gogetamatsaman: when its easting 900mb of ram03:46
matsamanit's still more straightforward to configure & use, though, less macOS-y03:46
matsamanyeah GNOME devs aren't my favorite03:47
Bashing-ompantato: Ya maybe have a driver conflict " libGL.so.distrib by nvidia-340 " . pastebin ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' .03:47
emmalike xubuntu?03:47
gogetaemma: xubuntu is xfce03:47
matsamanbut if they're after a macOS clone, obviously using tons of resources makes sense =P03:47
matsamanXubuntu comes with Xfce, though it's a little preconfigured to be more like GNOME/macOS _visually_ by default03:47
matsamanthis is easily undone, if you like03:47
emmano my aunt is capable of learning to use her computer but I wouldn't want to make it more difficult than necessary03:47
pantatoBashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xz2b7szQR3/03:48
gogetaemma: i gotta give points for kde then everything is point and click when it comes to making changes03:48
matsamanthis would be the you-can-configure-everything-via-a-mouse-which-matters-because-someone-having-trouble-with-avast-on-windows-would-ever-even-attempt-that argument? =P03:49
emmakde is probably my own personal favorite03:49
pantatoBashing-om: I can't even watch videos at this point. So choppy03:49
matsamanyou should use that, then, you'll be more familiar with tweaking it, and that'll help you support it03:49
gogetaemma: i would go with a personal favret then03:50
emmai like kubuntu pretty much but i always thought it's resource heavy since on my own laptop some times the web browser freezes.03:50
gogetaemma: as i said its all personal prefrence in the end03:50
matsamanemma: well, web browsers are terribly made, and websites even moreso03:50
matsamanwhat browser, out of curiosityi?03:50
gogetaemma: yea chrome is a system hog03:50
Bashing-ompantato: Pastebin ' sudo apt remove --purge nvidia ' .03:51
pantatoBashing-om: I'm assuming you want an asterisk at the end of nvidia?03:51
emmamatsaman: with google chrome it will some times freeze up (this is usually after ive had it running a long time and probably many tabs open) and possibly if i wait a long time it will come back to life.   Then I tried Firefox instead. With Firefox open a long time and with many tabs open it freezes slightly less often but if/when it does freeze there is no hope of it ever coming back without a reboot.03:52
Bashing-ompantato: will mke no difference here to wildcard with an asterisk .03:52
matsamangoogle chrome? That'll be a proprietary binary built by Google03:52
matsamanyou should at the very least use chromium, built by your distro maintainers03:52
matsamanit'll surely run immensely less terribly03:52
gogetaemma: nothing will fix chrome being a pig03:52
matsamanyeah they'll always suck, but that'll reduce it03:52
pantatoBashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZvkF52vrWF/03:53
BudgiiAnyone noticed firefox has been a hog the last 3 months?03:53
emmayou think chromium can run the google translate plugin?03:53
gogetaemma: yea03:53
illuminatedI like gnome-shell03:53
emmai'll definitely give it a try then03:53
matsamanthere should be nothing you'd want that chromium can't handle03:53
gogetaemma: its still chrome everything should work03:53
illuminatedchromium is what chrome is built from03:54
matsamanyeah a bunch of devs that aren't goofs who work at google just spent ages cleaning up its absurd code and build process03:54
lol-md5qemu: pressing any key causes it to be prefixed with ^[ (aka ESC)03:55
lol-md5i can't type d or f, pressing backspace causes an entire word to be deleted, and to go up in shell history i need to press ctrl+up03:56
lol-md5i'm running qemu-system-x86_64 alpine.qcow -boot c -net nic -net user -m 256 -localtime03:56
pantatoBashing-om: stumped?03:56
lol-md5so idk if this is an ubuntu problem or alpine problem03:56
matsamanyou don't want to run alpine anyway, trust me03:58
lotuspsychjehow is that related to ubuntu?03:58
matsamanfor that matter, I don't really know why you're using QEMU to run GNU/Linux03:58
lotuspsychjekeep it ontopic guys03:59
lol-md5lotuspsychje i'm ruhnnign QEMU emulator version 2.11.1(Debian 1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.4)03:59
lol-md5that's why i thought it was relevant03:59
Bashing-ompantato: What a nvidia 390 driver install should look like : http://termbin.com/bjgl - you install is in pieces .. not at all sure how we are going to get out the mess .03:59
lol-md5ubuntu 18.0403:59
pantatoBashing-om: ok thanks for trying04:00
lol-md5so what should i do?04:00
Bashing-ompantato: Just not sure of a best means here .. but we can see if we can make the package manager happier ' sidp apt install libnvidia-gl-390 libnvidia-gl-390:i386 ' .04:03
Bashing-omsudo **04:03
pantatoBashing-om: tried that. Same result as apt --fix-broken install04:04
pantatoBashing-om: I haven't tried removing the diversions mentioned in the errors yet04:05
pantatoBashing-om: heyyy that worked04:07
pantatofor FILE in $(dpkg-divert --list | grep nvidia-340 | awk '{print $3}'); do dpkg-divert --remove $FILE; done04:07
pantatoBASH is neato04:07
Bashing-ompantato: can you now purge nvidia ,,, to get a clean state to re-install ?04:08
matsamandpkg-divert --list | grep nvidia-340 | awk '{ print $3 }' | parallel dpkg-divert --remove04:09
matsamanI wonder if dpkg-divert works in parallel =P04:09
matsamanI guess there's always -j 104:09
cxc99i'm trying to search for ^docker with apt search, but it's listing stuff that starts with g..is there a different way?04:11
pantatoBashing-om: well, i rebooted, and everything is peachy now. I don't wanna mess with it any further tbh04:12
pantatoBashing-om: I'll check the output of that command you gave me earlier to see if it matches with mine04:13
matsamancxc99: | egrep -i '^docker'04:13
matsamanthere's probably a better (less hugely antique) tool you can use instead, though04:13
lotuspsychjecxc99: there is also a docker snap, snap find docker04:13
Bashing-ompantato: :)04:14
pantatoBashing-om: hmm yeah it's still fractured as heck04:14
matsamanhate me some docker =)04:14
pantatoi'll try doing a clean install04:14
pantatoI hope it doesn't break..04:14
pantatolol again it just says "Package 'nvidia' is not installed, so not removed04:15
pantatoBashing-om: I don't think that command does what you think it does04:16
cxc99i was just thinking the regex i was searching for was wrong... does apt-cache search not support it?04:17
scientescxc99, aptitude does04:18
illuminatedscientes:  how do you use 'aptitude' ?04:21
illuminatedahh I see you have to install it04:22
scientesilluminated, it is similar to apt-get04:24
scientesbut it also has a cli gui04:24
scientesthere is also synaptics04:25
scienteswhich is gtk04:25
illuminatedin the apt man page it says to search for what package contains a particular file to use apt-file04:25
scientesyes install apt-file04:25
illuminatedthere is no apt-file binary man page or anything04:25
scientesthen run apt update04:25
illuminatedahh ok04:26
illuminatedI thought it would be in the base system since it was mentioned in the man page04:26
scientesyou can also use http://packages.ubuntu.com/file:/foo/bar04:26
scientesinstead of installing apt-file04:26
scientesapt-file subscribes you to Contents.gz which lists every file in every package04:26
illuminatedI see04:28
scientesso it makes apt update take longer04:28
illuminatedso there is no core functionality like the yum provides feature04:28
scientesthats why it isn't installed by default04:28
scientesyum is insane in this regard04:28
scientesit uses a massive sqlite database04:28
scienteswhich has to be downloaded over and over again04:28
scientesit is absolutely crazy04:29
illuminatedI guess I never really noticed it cuz my internet is fast enough that a few mb is nearly instant04:29
* scientes re-wrote command-not-found https://github.com/shawnl/command-not-found04:30
scientesthats why i know this04:30
matsamancall me crazy, but I always found bash's regular command not found sufficient to realize I hadn't that command =P04:31
scientesubuntu actually is using a python program04:31
scientesoh IC04:31
scientesthe problem is that the command is sometimes differn't from the package04:32
scienteslike alsa-utils or x11-utils04:32
scientesit helps people using tutorials from the internet04:32
illuminatedone thing that is annoying is the different package names across different distros04:33
illuminatedand what is contained within the packages04:33
nurulhi guys04:37
nurulhow are you marsaman04:37
nurulsorry Matsaman04:37
matsamanhokay, & ye?04:38
nuruldoing good04:38
nuruli am new to this04:38
nurulwhy peoples are leaving?04:38
illuminatedpeople come and go all the time04:38
matsamanit's almost 1am EST04:38
illuminatedthat's normal on irc04:39
illuminatedany chat really04:39
nurulwhere are you from guys?04:39
nurulwhere have you all gone?04:41
nurulhi my04:41
nurulhow are you budgii?04:41
illuminatednurul, I don't want to discourage you, but this is an ubuntu help channel.  It's customary to remain on-topic.  The network generally provides a 'general chat' type channel and some channels provide their own specific off-topic channels to where you can talk about anything.  So, basically, not to put you off, but do try to remain on-topic...04:41
nurulhey who is this guy illuminated?04:42
nurulare you really trying to scare me out or something else?04:43
illuminatedjust trying to 'educate' you on 'how things work'04:43
nuruli am here to  be a friend of yours man04:43
nurulok bro04:43
illuminatedi'm not trying to be a jerk04:43
xamithanYou can be friend in #ubuntu-offtopic.  He just trying to help you not get banned04:43
illuminatedbut if you get off-topic the channel admins can kick you out of the channel04:43
nurulok sorry04:44
nuruli told you guys that i am new to this04:44
illuminatedright.. and that's ok.  just educating you on 'the rules'04:44
nurulhi guys04:46
nurulwhy is everyone stopped talking?04:46
xamithanNo one has a support issue04:47
nurulyeah youre right xamithan04:47
genewitchi wish ayufan would update to bionic04:49
genewitchi tried like 6 times to recompile the kernel myself, nothing doing. and normally i am adept.04:50
matsamanwhat's ayufan?04:50
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gogetaxamithan: guess not04:53
gogetaxamithan: you dont get alot at this time of day04:53
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jayjois there a way to have separate background images on ubuntu 1604lts with multiple monitors?04:58
jayjoIt looks like there is something called nitrogen, but it appears to hide icons from the desktops04:58
matsamanwhich desktop, which graphics driver?04:58
jayjohow do I find that info?05:00
jayjoI have the GK106 [GeForce GTX 660]05:00
jayjousing lshw -c video05:00
pantatoBashing-om: maybe that's an aptitude command?05:00
matsamanlspci -v | grep -i vga -B 2 -A 2 maybe05:01
matsamanlsmod | egrep -i 'nv|nouveau'05:01
matsamanps aux | grep X05:01
matsamanthe proprietary nvidia driver has a couple different ways to do multiple monitors, that's one factor05:01
matsamanyour desktop is the other05:01
matsamanGNOME 3 made it harder to do what you want at some point, at least05:02
jayjoYes all of those commands confirmed the nvidia driver. how do I look into the multiple monitor thing, then?05:03
matsamanhow many lines does 'ps aux | grep X | grep -v grep' spit out?05:05
ducassejayjo: 'feh' might be able to do it, it has several options for multiheaded setups. see the man page.05:05
jayjotwo, a /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg and a cassandra entry05:06
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matsamanand what desktop environment?05:06
Skaface82kde can do the multiple background images05:07
gogetaSkaface82: yes05:11
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gogetaSkaface82: slect wallpaper type you can make it a slide show or image of the dat etc05:13
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Skaface82oh wow i didnt notice that feature... image of the day05:15
pantatoBashing-om: would you be happy if i did the command with the wildcards on each end?05:15
pantatoBashing-om: the meta package itself is called nvidia-driver-39005:15
pantatothere's no "nvidia" metapackage05:15
pantatounless you're using a repo i'm not05:16
_1dsfamsg abadon_ hola05:36
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* _1dsfa waves hello with robot hand05:46
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_1dsfahow to mention someone on IRC chat?06:04
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BottomFeederAnyone have the Tor bundle installed properly in Ubuntu 18 and can help me install it? Not the Browser, the full Tor Bundle. Thanks06:24
BottomFeederHelp me install Tor bundle anyone ?06:30
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guivercBottomFeeder: do you mean https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/tor  ; it's in universe06:57
BottomFeederguiverc im not sur ewhat i meaust not the tor browser on it sown., but the 'sudo service to start' packages. so i cna tos with any apps also, not just browser07:02
BottomFeedersorry i dont understand it well07:02
BottomFeedernot esure what i mean, but not just the tor browser on its own *07:03
BottomFeederi installed the services, but they dont seem to work properly.  on mint i got a terminal messsage saying tor services are starting when i type sudo service to start,  but on ubuntu i get no such message.  i think its not working as it should07:04
ToxmiHi, I've btrfs partition in /dev/sdb2. It's been mounted and everything seems working. But after I had a electricity outage I now get `open_ctree failed` error on the device. On the surface it seems good. I do btrfs check and it's ok as well. is there anything I could become sure of?07:04
guivercthat package contains what I believe you want  (it doesn't include the tor-browser; it only 'recommends' the tor-browser; the most common program people use it for)07:04
ToxmiI've no clue why this erros comes up in the journal...07:05
BottomFeederits says its best to use synaptic t oinstall.  but i dont know how07:06
BottomFeederim installing anyway from the link you gave07:06
BottomFeederamd 64 version i guess i want07:06
BottomFeederand still i get no confrimation message when i sudo service tor start07:07
BottomFeederah.. tor just wont work proerly on ubuntu. i dont understand it as ubuntu is most populer07:07
ToxmiBottomFeeder: You can try traktor to install it properly07:09
BottomFeedersorry ie not heard that before07:09
BottomFeederand its not in software center07:09
ToxmiBottomFeeder: https://gitlab.com/tractor-team07:13
BottomFeederthanks.  which way do i install it please07:14
BottomFeeder'In Debian based distros, make sure that you have software-properties-common package installed an then do as following:'07:14
ToxmiBottomFeeder: If you go to the traktor repo on the above link you can find the installation.07:14
BottomFeederis that right ? or am ilooking at wrong oart.  ive no idea with this stuff07:14
BottomFeederi did but i dont know waht thing to install07:15
BottomFeederlots of folders there07:15
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BottomFeederyes im there07:15
BottomFeederbut now waht?07:15
ToxmiBottomFeeder: just follow the instruction, install that package then sudo add that ppa repo and go on...07:15
BottomFeeder'In Debian based distros, make sure that you have software-properties-common package installed an then do as following:'07:16
BottomFeederi dont even know how to install that package07:16
BottomFeederno link there for it07:16
Toxmiyou'll do these:07:16
Toxmisudo apt install software-properties-common (if you have not)07:16
Toxmisudo add-apt-repository ppa:tractor-team/tractor07:16
Toxmisudo apt update07:16
Toxmisudo apt install tractor07:17
Toxmithen you can run traktor by command line, no other thing is required. just these07:17
BottomFeederthanks.. trying it now07:17
Toxmi*tractor ( i spell it wrong)07:18
BottomFeederhow to run by command line?   sudo apt tractor start  ?07:19
ToxmiBottomFeeder: no07:21
ToxmiBottomFeeder: tractor start07:22
ToxmiBottomFeeder: just issue `man tractor` and read that small man page everything is there07:22
BottomFeedergoogle ?07:22
BottomFeederit says tractor is connected now in my terminal07:23
BottomFeederhow ot know what routing proxy has been set up?07:24
BottomFeederwill it always be  sock 5 port 9050 ?07:24
ToxmiBottomFeeder: yeah, if you're using firefox/chrome/chromium you can install switchyomega and set That way your connection will be routed through tor07:28
ToxmiSwitchyOmega is an extension*07:28
BottomFeederand any other app, i just have to maunally type on the proxy settings and will work?07:28
Frank2anyone know multiboot here?07:28
ToxmiYeah, the if the app have socks5 capability07:29
BottomFeederi dont need to configure for browser, as i cna just use tor browser anyway.  thought i beleive if using tor browser, i have to use 9150 as the proxy for tor services07:29
BottomFeederok thanks very much for the clear help.  casuals like me have no hope with the reminal07:29
Frank2it's a script to do many iso bootable07:30
ToxmiBottomFeeder: you anc also send any command using 'torify' command if you have installed torsocks. I'm not currently on ubuntu but using torify or torsocks command you can easily force the command be routed through tor07:30
Toxmifor example: torify thisCommand07:31
BottomFeederoh, i dont know how to do all that.  especialy with various apps ect07:31
Toxmior torsocks07:31
ToxmiBottomFeeder: yeah, you should check online and get some information about this. Youtube videos might help as well07:31
BottomFeederbut some apps have proxy settings, and i cna manually change07:31
BottomFeederi was 'using' tox over tor before, but when running sudo service to stsart'  i got no feedback from the terminal. and also when i stopped tor services, my tox was still connected07:32
BottomFeederso im not sure it was working at all07:32
BottomFeederi will try same with this method.. stop the service you ggave me and hopefully tox will disconnect.. proving it actually works07:33
BottomFeederhmm spoke too soon. wont even connect to web wiht this method !07:36
BottomFeederback to th edrawing board.  might hav eto chang emy os.. tor and ubuntu is no good07:39
BottomFeedermint is better07:39
BottomFeederchange my os*07:39
illuminatedBottomFeeder: why is ubuntu +tor no good?07:52
BottomFeederwell it wont work07:53
BottomFeederthe tor bundle07:53
BottomFeederthe browser work, but not tor services07:53
BottomFeederso if i want t orun other apps thro to rnetworlk, cant do it07:54
illuminatedyou're going to have that problem on mint07:54
illuminatedthe problem is not with ubuntu07:54
BottomFeederit ran on mint07:54
BottomFeedersudo service tor start07:55
BottomFeederand i got feedback in terminal, confirmation07:55
BottomFeederin ubuntu, nothing07:55
illuminateddoesn't mean it's not running07:55
BottomFeederalso if i stop the to rservices, the app stays connected07:56
BottomFeederwithout even a glitch07:56
BottomFeederso i dont thin kit working properly07:56
illuminatedif you want to socksify your programs on ubuntu prob should do some iptables rule that pre-routes tcp to your tor proxy port07:56
BottomFeederand now, with this latest method i tried o installing tor proxy, my app wont connect at all07:56
BottomFeederi dont understand all that.  all i know is the same service seemed to work better on mint07:57
BottomFeederor tails07:57
BottomFeederits to complicated to set up on ubuntu07:57
illuminatedwell ok.  at this point I'm too drunk to do any complex support so do what you want07:57
BottomFeedernot feeling so illuminated07:57
BottomFeederinebriated maybe07:58
illuminatedI'm not an ubuntu fanboy either.  I use centos/freebsd as well08:00
illuminatedbut I kinda like ubuntu08:00
illuminatedI kinda like every OS I encounter08:00
illuminatedeach has their pros/cons08:00
illuminatedbut I like them all generally08:00
BottomFeederbut as for do 'wat i want' i cnat cos its to complicated.  i love how ubuntu looks, adn it seems the easiest for casuals t orun, aslong with mint.  but ubuntu looks better.  just a few issues tho. like tor.  sucks08:00
BottomFeederhave to keep using differnet distros depending on wat u want to do is a bit silly08:01
illuminatedyeah...I kinda hate how each distro has their own methods of accomplishing the same thing08:01
guiverc__BottomFeeder: have you looked at any howto or blog, eg. https://linuxconfig.org/install-tor-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux08:02
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BottomFeederyea, but i dont know which one of those many commands i actually need t oacheive my goal of just running apps behind tor08:03
BottomFeederas i say, a bit complex for me.  other os's have simpler solutions08:04
guivercBottomFeeder: many of the easy solutions actually leak data; if you need privacy you really need to learn to use it (otherwise you'll be leaking... & it's a false sense of security)08:05
illuminatedlike using iptables to route all tcp traffic over tor rather08:05
BottomFeederbut im kind dislexic lokinga tstuff liek that. o dont even know wat i need t odo or look at , or what answers they ar eoffering08:06
BottomFeederexecute control port, torify yourshell etc08:07
BottomFeederdunno if i have to do those or skip em08:07
BottomFeederno idea08:07
BottomFeederi  should just use tails08:07
BottomFeederits all built in security08:07
BottomFeederthe other linux stuff is too complex for casuals really08:07
BottomFeederproblem is. tails is hard to use in many other ways lol08:08
BottomFeedertor on windows then  :/08:08
BottomFeederwell, that tractor downst work08:09
BottomFeedermy tox refuses to connect08:09
BottomFeederso i guess i have t oremove tractor before messing around with any other tor stuff08:10
BottomFeederdont know how t odo that either :D08:10
illuminateddon't listen to me tho...i'm a dumbfuk08:12
BottomFeederu know more than me08:13
BottomFeederso i guess  that makes me braindead08:13
BottomFeederthe nagain, despite wha tfanboys say.. you do need to be pretty adept at comouters to use linux properly08:13
BottomFeeder'my granny uses it' lol.. yea ok08:14
BottomFeederuses it as a nightlight only maybe08:14
illuminatedyeah linux has a definite learning curve for sure08:14
BottomFeederdont say that too loud.. many linux users dont like the truth :/08:15
illuminatedI got my linux+ like 15 years ago and abondoned it for freebsd.  recently I got interested in linux again.  holy crap.  lots to learn.08:16
BottomFeederyea..  'oh its not harder than windows, just different '  well windows took me this long to get the basics08:17
BottomFeederso that aint right either08:17
BottomFeedernever took me this long *08:17
ducassethis is getting pretty offtopic, could we move the chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic, please, and leave this channel for support issues?08:17
BottomFeedermake my tor work please lol08:17
BottomFeedertheres on topic08:17
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=== Richard is now known as Guest30754
calcmandanis it possible to update ubuntu server 15.04 to 18.04?08:43
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: non-lts server is not a great idea in the first place, and its long eol now08:44
ducasse!eolupgrade | calcmandan08:44
ubottucalcmandan: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:44
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: alot of security flaws has come out since then...would you still trust it?08:44
ducassecalcmandan: i'd probably just do a reinstall, though08:45
calcmandani'm considering a rebuild.09:06
calcmandanthanks yall for the advice.09:07
calcmandani'll do a  backup before anything.09:07
calcmandangot my media server on here.09:07
calcmandanon it09:07
calcmandanokay. say I do an end-of-life update from 15.04 to 18.04, you're saying there will be built-in vulnerabilities related to 15.04 still?09:14
lotuspsychje!usn | calcmandan check here09:14
ubottucalcmandan check here: Please see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.09:14
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: it 'could' not saying it is...09:15
calcmandanyeah it's a tough choice. i made a supid mistake building a server on a non-lts.09:15
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: was your 15.04 server 24/7? or did you just turned it on?09:16
calcmandani've been taking care of my pops and have let the server sit running without maintenance. now i'm playing catchup09:16
calcmandanit's still up and running09:16
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: then if i was you, i surely would advice full wipe, clean install09:16
calcmandanit's got an old v9 owncloud and ampache running on it09:16
lotuspsychjetoo risky mate09:16
calcmandanthe servers aren't avialable to the outside. i have a smoothwall box and i've disabled outside access.09:17
calcmandanso it's at least not accessible09:17
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: you sure, nothing can target it, from network neither?09:17
calcmandani don't  have anything in the zone plugged in.09:18
calcmandanit's alone in its own zone.09:18
lotuspsychjeok then09:18
lotuspsychjeif its locked from the web, your good to go09:18
calcmandanand my smoothwall is fully updated.09:18
calcmandanwell, i just want it to be accessible again  because i was streaming my music from the box..09:18
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: but you say apache is on it? means outside going?09:18
calcmandanmaybe, what i can do, is plug in a fresh harddrive and install fresh.09:19
lotuspsychjewhy take the risk on a 24/7 server..09:19
calcmandanand then transfer the data over afterwards.09:19
calcmandanthen use the old drive for backup.09:19
calcmandanthe media server alone has 3tb of mp3's.09:20
calcmandanand then i can backup the database to preserve the content.09:21
calcmandanmaybe i'll do an entire transition plan before i do anything09:22
calcmandani could royally kick my own arse for building a server on a non-lts. what was i thinking.09:26
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: if you clean install 18.04 you got 5y support...09:26
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: worth the trick yeah?09:26
calcmandani have it on all my laptops and workstations.09:26
calcmandanyeah i'm going to do a test run on a vm first.09:27
calcmandani can't seem to figure out how to get ampache running. i'm going to test run on the vm.09:27
calcmandani'll have some fun.09:28
calcmandanlotuspsychje: thanks for the advice.09:30
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: welcome09:30
calcmandanducasse: and thanks to you too09:30
calcmandani've been on ubuntu os's since 509:31
calcmandankubuntu on laptop/workstation09:31
calcmandanubuntu on servers09:31
calcmandanbut they were really for play and nothing for actual daily use09:31
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: use the #ubuntu-discuss channel for ubuntu chitchat :p09:31
calcmandanok later09:32
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lotuspsychjesacarde: welcome to ubuntu support, what can we do for you?09:34
sacardeI have a network problem09:34
sacardein ubuntuserver1804, I have change ip address from dhcp to static09:35
sacardein .../interfaces now I have only ip static09:35
lotuspsychjesacarde: best talk to the #ubuntu-server experts mate09:36
sacardeah ok09:36
lotuspsychjesacarde: no problem09:36
=== Mr_Pan is now known as Guest62590
callMe_Dudehey , how do I back up my current Ubuntu into a image file. I am upgrading to an ssd. I can't clone drive because I don't have a USB to SATA adapter right now with me10:55
tomreyncallMe_Dude: can you have two drives connected to the SATA bus at the same time, though?10:56
tomreynis it a laptop? then you can, or not easily.10:57
callMe_Dudetomreyn: no10:57
callMe_Dudetomreyn: yes it is a laptop10:57
tomreyncallMe_Dude: okay, what other storages do you have available? since you will need to somehow move the data from one drive to the other10:57
callMe_Dudetomreyn : i have an external Harddrive with me10:58
tomreyncallMe_Dude: and there's sufficnet space leaft on it?10:59
callMe_Dudeyes , more than enough space10:59
tomreyncan you boot off the external hard drive?10:59
callMe_Dudetomreyn : no11:00
callMe_Dudetomreyn: may be I should use clonezilla11:01
tomreyncallMe_Dude: to image your current internal hard drive, you will need to boot off another drive. this can be the external storage, the replacement storage (ssd) or optical media (DVD, cd-rom) or a usb stick.11:02
callMe_Dudetomreyn: i have another bootable USB11:02
tomreyncallMe_Dude: if you don't have to image, you can also just create a file archive, then you can do it from the running system.11:03
tomreyncallMe_Dude: okay, if you have another bootable usb, then you can boot off that and do the imaging, storing the images to the large capacity usb drive.11:04
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tomreyncallMe_Dude: clonezilla is a good approach if you'll do imaging.11:04
callMe_Dudetomreyn: okay.11:05
tomreyncallMe_Dude: if this laptop is capable of uefi booting but so far you were bios booting (maybe also with an MBR-based / msdos partition table), you may want to use this opportunity to change to uefi (and a gpt partiton table).11:09
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brunch875Uh oh, I accidentally closed my terminal while doing apt upgrade through ssh11:29
brunch875when I reconnected, apt reported everything to be up to date11:30
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brunch875... I take it to be fine then?11:30
tomreynbrunch875: changes are you still have the apt or dpkg process running. ps ef | grep -E '(apt|dpkg)'11:34
blackflow!info debsums | brunch875 also:11:34
ubottubrunch875 also:: debsums (source: debsums): tool for verification of installed package files against MD5 checksums. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2 (bionic), package size 41 kB, installed size 120 kB11:34
tomreynbrunch875: there are also logs in /var/log/apt/term.log11:35
brunch875tomreyn: thanks! No processes are running and there are no locks. Apt seems to have finished on its own11:39
tomreynbrunch875: entirely possible. be sure to run it in a screen multiplexer next time.11:40
oerhekslast check: see if the file /var/run/reboot-required exists or not.11:43
brunch875heh, worst that could happen would be server breaking up11:43
brunch875reinstall and done11:43
brunch875it doesn't exist11:43
oerheksthen you are fine :-)11:44
AjvenHello, got strange problem with fresh installation of ubuntu, cannot reach ssh connection. Firewall and SELINUX are disable, config is setup properly and when Im trying to connect it says connection refused, any idea where can be issue ?12:00
tomreynAjven: did you install an openssh server?12:02
tomreyndiscuss the ubuntu version and variant you installed, provide the name of the iso file you used to install12:02
Ajventomreyn: yes openssh server is installed12:04
AjvenIts fresh installation of newest ubuntu12:04
tomreynAjven: the newest ubuntu is ubuntu carmic, which is not yet released.12:05
Ajvenit isnt obvious that i got the last released in official download?12:05
blackflowAjven: selinux on ubuntu?12:06
Ajvenblackflow: yes, but for now its disable12:06
tomreynnot obvious, no. there are several other options, desktop, two different servers, different architectures.12:06
blackflowAjven: you've set up SELinux yourself? It's not default... definitely not on a fresh new installation.12:07
Ajvenblackflow: for now I just installed it, in future will be configured for now its just off12:07
tomreynAjven: can you ssh, from this computer you installed on, to it's public / LAN ip address?12:09
debouncerWhy gcc version in ubuntu systems is ancient?12:09
Ajventomreyn: its LAN ip address, cannot ssh there thats the problem12:09
tomreynAjven: also not from the system itself?12:10
Ajventomreyn: THis is my home server I installed it and want to now connect12:10
blackflow!latest | debouncer12:10
ubottudebouncer: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.12:10
tomreynAjven: you installed it using the desktop installer, though?12:10
Ajventomreyn: ssh: connect to host localhost port 65222: Connection refused - from that computer12:10
blackflowdebouncer: also, gcc version doesn't change in the lifetime of a release.12:11
blackflowAjven:   sudo ss -4lnp | grep ssh    please12:11
tomreynAjven: port 65222 is not the default ssh port. selinux is not configured by default. what other customizations have you made which may affect whether you can connect to your ssh server?12:11
blackflowI wonder if selinux would even work on Ubuntu, given it's designed around AppArmor, and those LSMs are not stackable. It'd require a lot of modification....12:12
oerhekssudo systemctl enable ssh # if it is not enabled already12:12
Ajventomreyn: i said in my frist message here that i configured ssh and disable sexlinux and firewall, please dont ask me same thing few times12:12
Ajvenblackflow: no output12:13
blackflowAjven: so sshd is not running at all?12:13
blackflowsystemctl status ssh.service ?12:13
Ajvenblackflow ssh is running as service12:13
oerheksdisbling  selinux story is a hoax, Ajven, what did you do exactly?12:13
blackfloware you sure? not according to that ss, there's no ssh-anything listening12:13
tomreynAjven: you said nothing about how or whether you configured ssh(d) in your first message, no12:13
Ajvenblackflow: yea i checked now - Active: active (running)12:13
blackflowoerheks: kinda my suspicion too12:13
oerheksyou are not running ubuntu at all then12:14
blackflowAjven: can you pastebin please  journalctl -u ssh.service -n 3012:14
Ajvenblackflow; ok, moment12:14
r33d_is there someone to help here to register on freenode12:17
EriC^r33d_: /nickserv register <password> <email>12:17
tomreyn!register | r33d_12:17
ubottur33d_: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.12:17
r33d_ive done when using the command from my email doest work12:18
tomreyn"For any further help, ask in #freenode."12:18
Anzuki_Beansi downloaded richochet from here  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ricochet/0.712:25
Anzuki_Beansbut how to install it please?.  no .exe fil12:25
* blackflow facepalms12:26
FuchsAnzuki_Beans: in ubuntu you do not download and install programms manually12:26
Anzuki_Beansthats ok, but how do i do it12:27
FuchsAnzuki_Beans: you can install it via the package management, either on a terminal with    sudo apt install programname     or with one of the graphical frontends12:27
blackflowAnzuki_Beans: you install it from the Ubuntu software, or run the `apt` command from terminal. eg   apt install ricochet           (with sudo)12:27
blackflow(Ubuntu Software gui application)12:27
guivercAnzuki_Beans: I see the word source in the url (I'm not looking), source generally means it's source code, which you compile before you run. It usually comes with instructions (a README text file etc) that you follow...12:27
Anzuki_Beanssudo apt instal richochet?12:27
Anzuki_Beansi dont understand the readme12:28
Anzuki_Beansthey tal kabout things i dont understand12:28
Anzuki_Beanscant evne find the path to the folder using terminal12:28
oerheksif you downloaded the source from that url, you will need to build it too, just follow the hints from Fuchs12:29
blackflowAnzuki_Beans: you don't install software by downloading files and running them or something. technically you can, but that's highly advanced and you know what you're doing.  on linux systems you use package manager, like apt12:29
Anzuki_Beansi cant12:29
oerheksoh sure you can12:29
Anzuki_Beansbut its not in package manager12:29
Anzuki_Beansno, i cant. i dont understand the language12:29
blackflow!info ricochet12:29
ubotturicochet (source: ricochet): multi-user networked version of the Ricochet Robots game. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7 (bionic), package size 46 kB, installed size 352 kB12:29
Fuchsit very much is12:29
blackflowso   apt install ricochet   should work12:29
Fuchsif you open a terminal and type   sudo apt install ricochet    it will install it12:29
Anzuki_Beanssudo apt instal rocichet ?12:29
Fuchsin a terminal12:30
blackflowAnzuki_Beans: without any typos of course.12:30
guivercAnzuki_Beans: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ricochet shows me ricochet is available for bionic & cosmic (18.04) in universe; if running 18.04 (and you've enabled universe) it should `sudo apt install`12:31
guiverc(ignore my last - info provided already by blackflow)12:31
Anzuki_Beansis rocochet the same as tor rochichet?12:32
Anzuki_Beansroci  and richo12:32
Anzuki_Beansthink this is not what i need12:32
Fuchsoh, you want the secure messenger?12:33
Anzuki_Beansthis is some robot thing12:33
ioria!info ricochet-im12:33
ubotturicochet-im (source: ricochet-im): anonymous metadata-resistant instant messaging. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.4-2build1 (bionic), package size 872 kB, installed size 3601 kB12:33
ioriaAnzuki_Beans, ^^12:33
Anzuki_Beanshow do i stop it?  the window wont close12:33
blackflowAnzuki_Beans: apt search --names-only     is your friend12:33
Anzuki_Beansi dontr under stand apt search12:34
Anzuki_Beansso its not my friend yet12:34
Anzuki_Beansiu need to know what ot type12:34
ioriaAnzuki_Beans,   sudo apt install !info ricochet-im12:34
ioriaAnzuki_Beans,   sudo apt install  ricochet-im12:34
blackflownow you've confused them to hell and back.12:35
ioriadamn copy paste12:35
Anzuki_Beansthanks, that seems to work.  the only langauge i understand,. press an exe or copy and paste12:35
Anzuki_Beanshow to close and uninstal robot ricochet?12:36
blackflowAnzuki_Beans: if you state "I don't understand"   without even trying, then yeah, you never will.    apt search   searches for packages.    apt search --names-only  <somename>   will look through package names only and not, say, description too (and is a more precise search).     `man apt` is the manpage that explains all the commands and options of `apt`12:36
FuchsAnzuki_Beans: sudo apt uninstall ricochet12:37
Anzuki_Beansi dont want to learn al lthe terminal if i can avoid it. jus twant to use an os12:37
Anzuki_Beansi dont know what that robot thing was12:37
blackflowGUI is not omnipotent. you can't indefinitely avoid the command line. the sooner you start getting used to it, the better.12:37
Anzuki_Beansi just ask on her ewhen im stuck, its ok12:38
Anzuki_Beanspeopel told me i wont really need to learn terminal12:38
FuchsAnzuki_Beans: you might want to familiarize yourself with some ubuntu basics, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/package-management.html.en  is something you could read through :)12:38
Anzuki_Beansotherwise i wouldnt have installed linux in first place12:38
hiyahttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/B6WHNHmQF5/ <-- dmesg on my server, do you see any errors? It has VPN server running which randomly freezes when I upgraded to 18.04 from 16.04, I moved the kernel to 0-23 and it fixed it but it is freezing at times12:38
Anzuki_Beansthis is advanced enough for me already  ;)12:38
ioriaAnzuki_Beans,  take your time12:39
Anzuki_Beanssudo apt uninstall ricochet12:39
Anzuki_BeansE: Invalid operation uninstall12:39
Anzuki_Beansmaybe cos the app is still open12:39
Anzuki_Beanswont close12:39
YADWAnzuki_Beans Yes, sure, you can do that. Ubuntu is great because it's got lots of graphical frontends that let you do almost anything. When you are forced to use the terminal you will have someone to explain you stuff almost everytime. But it would be convenient if you learned just the very basics, it's not hard and it can be fun.12:39
Anzuki_Beansitshard for me and it isnt fun.  im just a casual pc user12:40
blackflowAnzuki_Beans: just don't kid yourself that you can avoid it forever. You can't. GUI applications can't do everything. And learning how to use commands in the terminal, at least some basic ones, especially package management, does not really rquire a CS degree.12:40
Anzuki_Beansyea, then ask for help in places like this12:40
Anzuki_Beansthen hopefully dont have to touch terminal for a fe wmonths12:40
Anzuki_Beansthat swhat i was told after all.   othertwise i woudlnthave installed  ;)12:41
ioriaAnzuki_Beans,  you use  :  'sudo apt remove pkg' not  uninstall12:41
blackflowyou weren't told complete truth.12:41
oerhekstip: install synaptic, a much more detailed softwarecenter-gui12:41
Anzuki_Beansremove wat pkg tho?12:41
oerheks!info synaptic12:41
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.84.3ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 624 kB, installed size 3276 kB12:41
Anzuki_Beansit wont know wat pkg im talking about12:41
YADWAnzuki_Beans copypaste this into your terminal: sudo apt-get remove --purge ricochet12:42
blackflowsee that's bad advice.   copy pasting in terminal stuff you don't udnerstand what it does.12:42
Anzuki_Beansi like it12:42
Anzuki_Beansi dont want to learn terminal really ;)12:42
hiyaError before it freezes: http://paste.debian.net/plain/103474212:42
skndnsynaptic is the best package manager, albeit slightly bugged12:42
blackflownot understanding it and turning to others for help, soooner or later you'll come across a rm-rf troll and then it's back to windows time.12:42
Anzuki_Beansits not my idea of fun12:43
Anzuki_Beansthats ok.. its better option than learning terminal12:43
YADWblackflow it doesn't take a PhD in psychology to understand I'm helping him. Besides, I do that without frightening him about how much he must use the terminal, that is just not true.12:44
ioria'The Equalizer 2 2018' HD12:44
Anzuki_Beansi prefe redward woodward equalizer12:44
YADWSeriously though, only follow that kind of advice ONLY when in support channels like this, so you won't find trolls.12:45
blackflowYADW: like I said. the GUI is not omnipotent. the sooner one starts getting used to basic terminal stuff, the better. also copypasting stuff from random ppl in IRC, without understanding what that does, is BAD. regardless how much YOU are willing to help, someone else won't be.12:45
Anzuki_Beansyea.. or online searches, im told to dearch online in her eanyway12:45
Anzuki_Beansso wat can i do12:45
Anzuki_Beansi jus twant an easy t oyuse os.  im not a hobbyist and i simply do not want to learn terminal12:46
skndnAnzuki_Beans: buy a mac then12:46
Anzuki_Beanscant afford one12:46
Anzuki_Beanscrooks apple12:46
blackflowwhy a mac. windows is perfectly fine these days.12:46
Anzuki_Beansive got windows on my bi gcomputer12:47
Anzuki_Beansfor games12:47
Anzuki_Beansmore powerful pc, and windows has more games12:47
oerheksbut windows lacks a good flightsimulator, lets get back to linux support12:47
YADWAnzuki_Beans Ubuntu is a nice os, and it's designed to let you do EVERYTHING a basic user needs without going to the terminal. You won't be able to do advanced things, but would you need them?12:48
Anzuki_Beansi lkike ubuntu when it works.. biut ive had t ospend a look time troubleshooting, asking for help12:48
blackflowYADW: until the next upgrade borkage.12:48
Anzuki_Beansbut i do know, its maybe the best looking os ive ever used.. feels good12:48
Anzuki_Beansjust cannot stand this terminal and searching fro dependeinces stuff.  it sfor hobbyists only12:49
YADWInstall/update packages? There's the software center. Manage partitions? Use the gnome drives utility.12:49
skndnsoftware center is unusable12:49
blackflowindeed it's unusable.12:49
YADWGo Synaptic then12:49
Anzuki_Beanssynaptic confusing12:49
Anzuki_Beanstar file mor econfusing12:50
skndnwhy do you feel synaptic is confusing?12:50
YADWTar files are something you'd better not look at haha. Those are quite advanced stuff.12:50
oerheksguys, please don't start a flamewar, use the software you like12:50
hethkarany recommended ways to automate installing multiple ubuntu VMs from iso's in KVM(installed on top of ubuntu) ?12:51
tomreynhiya: install the latest firmware first of all https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/drivers/driversdetails?driverId=69VFP < yours is BIOS 2.2.3 10/25/201212:52
hiyatomreyn, is that related?12:53
blackflowhethkar: there's several ways, depending on what exactly you want to achieve and at what scale12:54
tomreynhiya: maybe, i don't know. this firmware update contains counter measures against meltdown and spectre, so you should have it anyways.12:54
hiyatomreyn, i downgraded the kernel to 0-2312:55
hiyawould that be an issue?12:55
hethkarblackflow: max 5- 10 vms is the scale, purpose is to practice stuff, want to install and delete them quickly whenever needed (dont want to do it manually every time), want to make use of ansible12:56
tomreynhiya: possibly. you should not normally downgrade a kernel, rather use a newer one if something is broken.12:56
hiyaok upgraded12:56
tomreynhiya: that's the same old bios version12:57
blackflowhethkar: well one way, that I have zero experience with, is using installer preseed. Another, which I'd do, is preparing a base VM and then just clone it around, use ansible or whatever for minute post-cloning configs.12:57
hiyatomreyn, oops sorry, shared wrong, now should i get back to default kernel?12:57
blackflowhethkar: anotehr (which I have) is having a "rescue" VM and whole VM setup in such a way that you debootstrap installations from that rescue env.12:58
tomreynhiya: dpends on what you are trying to do, and why you didnt run the defrault kernel version initially.12:58
hethkarblackflow: i see12:58
blackflowyeah I use the debootstrap method as it works both for where I have access to the hypervisor, and when I don't (and thus can't clone a VM disk image)12:59
hethkarblackflow: so when you clone it , they will have same username for ssh ? and different ips ?12:59
blackflowit's scriptable, with ansible or whatever.12:59
hiyatomreyn, we did, but VPN didn't work well and it showed some micro-code errors i shared yesterday, you said upgrade isn't possible unless we have 18.04.1, so i downgrade to the kernel it was actually working with before but it tends to freeze12:59
blackflowhethkar: when you clone it, it's exactly the same as the base VM you cloned it from, so you set it up in a way where networking will work automatically. Note: it's cloning disk images, not hypervisor configs, so the NICs have own MACs.13:00
hethkarblackflow: ah okay13:00
tomreynhiya: i don't rmeember me saying "upgrade isn't possible unless we have 18.04.1", upgrade of what exactly? the kernel image? there are newer kernel images available in -proposed13:01
hiyatomreyn, you said upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 isn't good as oof now?13:02
tomreynhiya: i see, that's correct, there is no supported upgrade path from ubuntu 16.04 LTS to ubuntu 18.04 LTS, yet13:02
oerhekshiya, but you are on 18.04 now, aren't you?13:02
hiyatomreyn, ok13:03
hiyaoerheks, yes sir13:03
tomreynthen how is this releavant?13:03
hiyaI don't know, I am just sharing information13:03
hiyaBios upgrade is taking time :(13:03
tomreynyou want it to work, dont you?13:03
hiyaJul 21 18:01:42 VPN-DE1 kernel: [ 0.000000] microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0x24, date = 2018-01-2113:05
hiyatomreyn, ^ this microcode error I got earlier13:05
tomreynhiya: thats not an error13:05
tomreynnoit even a warning, it's purely informational.13:06
hiyatomreyn, What is the best option for Ubuntu laptop?13:06
hiyaI want to buy one13:06
YADWAnyway, I was here to ask  for  suggestions. I'm having a couple of issues with kernel 4.15.0-29 (which seems to be the latest?) on Ubuntu 16.04.1 desktop x86. It's just incredibly slow to boot (systemd-analyze returns a shocking 4 minutes and something boot time!) and displays some [drm: drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_dependencies [drm_kms_helper]] errors. Last kernel to boot decently is 0-13.13:06
Anzuki_Beansnow that i have my os set up pretty much.. id hate to go thru all that again.  i want to clone my disc.  i manage to clone my usb before.. using acronis on windows.. it worked fine apart from slow boot time on the copied disk.   maybe cos the disks were a different size.  its better to have exact same size disk when cloning?13:07
tomreynhiya: i'm not great in suggesting hardware to buy, and this is not an ubuntu support question. you could ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, though.13:07
hiyatomreyn, Hardware to buy to run Ubuntu is off-topic in Main channel?13:08
hiyaI am so sorry, I didn't know13:08
YADWAnzuki_beans if you and the terminal were good friends, you could use dd, but I don't think you'd enjoy that. I'll check if there's a graphical way to do that.13:09
tomreynhiya: i'd say so. ubuntu is an OS, so software. i can point you to system requirements, but discussing specific hardware choices is a bit off topic13:10
skndngnome disks should be able to make and restore the partition images13:11
YADWskndn Yep, you can backup a partition as an .img file and then restore  it.13:12
tomreynYADW: might be this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/177982713:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1779827 in Ubuntu Bionic "failure to boot with linux-image-4.15.0-24-generic" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:14
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YADWtomreyn Although it's most likely somewhat related, it doesn't look the same... I can actually boot into the OS, it just takes an eternity. I'll stick to boot with 0-13 then.13:16
tomreynYADW: can you show the systemd-analyze blame  / critical-chain  outputs?13:17
YADWtomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ncqTKZ3F3X/13:23
oerheksYADW, what is on sda5?13:25
YADWoerheks it's the root partition13:26
oerheksis it closed dirty? does it contain filesystem errors? fsck.ext4  /dev/sda513:27
blackflowYADW: glad you agree that being familiar with terminal basics is very beneficial in the world of Linux.13:29
YADWNah, I guess it's clean. I run a fsck from time to time, obviously in recovery mode, since I  can't unmount it while the computer is on haha13:29
=== erwinnovo is now known as easyOnMe
oerhekslong time no see, easyOnMe13:31
easyOnMehope you guys are having a good time here13:32
YADWblackflow The point is, I am myself quite the hobbyist, so I enjoy spending tons of my time playing around with the CLI, understanding how gnu/linux systems work, etc. but you can't deny there are other tech-not-so-savy people out there that get a heart attack when they hear the word "terminal".13:32
oerheksnow we have, thanks!13:32
blackflowYADW: sure, but all I mean is "getting familiar around terminal", not becoming a unix pipe guru ;)13:32
blackflowless stressful when failures that require cli, and they are guaranteed to happen, occur and one seeks help.13:32
YADWI wish everyone was open-minded enough to understand that it's not difficult at all, and it just takes the effort of trying, but I've come to accept the sad truth that those people just won't even try. Yet they can absolutely enjoy Ubuntu, they can surf the web, install software, write documents, watch netflix... they don't need to configure an SSH server or build drivers from source.13:36
help_meGuys, I am trying to back up my ubuntu. What should I choose savedisk or saveparts???? I am backing up to upgrade to a new ssd13:37
help_meGuys, I am trying to back up my ubuntu. What should I choose savedisk or saveparts???? I am backing up to upgrade to a new ssd13:37
blackflowYADW: yah, until the next upgrade breakage which is I'd say somewhat regular in Ubuntu. At least once or twice a year, even if on LTS.13:37
blackflowsetup once and never touch the admin parts of the system? sure, works just like that until the hardware fails.13:38
YADWI must be very lucky, I don't think it ever occurred to me. Do you mean upgrade as in release upgrade?13:38
blackflowYADW: not just release upgrade. kernels sometime fail. GPU drivers are often misbehaving. gnome is a bug fiesta in itself, etc...13:39
blackflowYADW: just an example, the recent minor-minor-minor version bump in kernel causing boot failures to a lot of people, due to that crng update in the code.13:40
YADWSure, but consider that, too... in my school they used to have this old pc with an LTS release of lubuntu, they set it up with a non-sudoer account and the guy who knew the root password never touched the computer again. No updates, nothing at all. It worked, for all it had to do.13:41
blackflowand that's very bad, even though superficially it looks like computing nirvana.13:42
YADWIt's an awful way to administrate a system, but it worked.13:42
zeljoi have a question13:43
blackflowpoint is, people are afraid of the terminal, won't even _try_ to understand the basics of basics, enjoy it for a couple of weeks or months until the next minor kernel bump borks their system, and then it's "ubuntu suxxxx!!!!1one" and "I'm going back to Windows" time. I've seen it _a lot_ in the past 10 years that I've been doing this.13:43
CookieMmy case is an example of situation you don’t have to be a cli-wizard to run Ubuntu in graphical session. Still updating my 16.04 from November 2016 and system is stable13:43
blackflowCookieM: and one doesn't have to be cli-wizard. just familiar with teh terminal so they know how to check what commands given to them by random people on IRC, would do.13:44
YADWPity he quit. I had one better... why not?13:44
blackflowjust familiar *enough13:44
YADWAnyway, blackflow, you are right, and it absolutely sucks when people behave like that, but the best way to keep them inside the linux community is to make them feel comfortable no matter what. Let them avoid the terminal as much as they can, eventually they'll start to use it on their own. Curiosity is a natural human trait, this is what I hope.13:46
YADWAnd finally, for hell's sake, when I tell them "type sudo apt-get remove --purge ricochet" when they ask "how do I uninstall?" it's not any different than when people tell them "type sudo apt install" when they ask how to install. I'd never tell them to do something that could damage their system. Period.13:49
blackflowYADW: you wouldn't. but that troll from earlier would. ;)13:50
blackflowthere was one two days ago, even had an obfuscaed one with echo and eval13:51
YADWNow, that's plain eval. I mean, evil.13:51
FreeBDSMhello, what's the right approach to work with nvidia GPU?13:51
FreeBDSMI have just installed XUbuntu and `dpkg -l | grep nvidia` returns nothing13:52
blackflowFreeBDSM: do you have the 'restricted' repo enabled?13:53
HaMsTeRsHey guys13:53
FreeBDSMblackflow: probably. How to check?13:53
FreeBDSMblackflow: I did `less /etc/apt/sources.list` and I do see `restricted` there13:54
blackflowFreeBDSM: grep -ri restrict /etc/apt/sources*13:54
blackflowFreeBDSM: what about  apt search --names-only nvidia ?   which ubuntu is this btw?13:55
FreeBDSMlatest LTS, 18.04 BB13:55
blackflowFreeBDSM: well, I don't know if xubuntu does anything differently, but nvidia-driver-390 is in the repos for bionic.13:56
FreeBDSMblackflow: I see lots of different packages suggested by that apt query13:56
FreeBDSMblackflow: I do see a lot of older driver versions there and they all are marked as bionic as well13:56
HaMsTeRsI'm running Ubuntu 18.04 VM guest under WMWare Workstation.  I had to disabled 3D Acceleration in order to install Office 365 (2016) with CrossOver.  This caused my system went poorly slow when running MS Office.   Any idea to speed up?13:56
blackflowFreeBDSM: I'm guessing the latest stable 390 should work for your GPU. which one is it?13:57
kk4ewtHaMsTeRs, run libreoffice instead :)13:57
blackflowFreeBDSM: although, I had to use the graphics PPA and 396, gnome was very crashy with my gtx 960, and nvidia-driver-39013:57
FreeBDSMblackflow: hmm13:58
HaMsTeRsI've tried Libre Office, WPS, OpenOffice etc.  none can replace MS OFfice13:58
FreeBDSMblackflow: should I start with PPAs as well?13:58
FreeBDSMor try `nvidia-driver-390` first?13:58
blackflowHaMsTeRs: what's the host OS for that vmware?13:58
kk4ewtHaMsTeRs,  it does for me but different stokes for different folks13:58
FreeBDSMgtx970 here13:58
HaMsTeRsWhen I edit my docs created under MS office, the format went crazy13:58
HaMsTeRsblackflow, Windows 10 6413:59
tomreynFreeBDSM: you just need to run: software-properties-gtk --open-tab=413:59
blackflowFreeBDSM: I'd try the stable nvidia-driver-390   because you said that was xfce.13:59
blackflowHaMsTeRs: so you run windows, then ubuntu virtualized, within which you run wine in order to install office? O.o13:59
FreeBDSMtomreyn: neat!14:00
HaMsTeRsblack, i installed CrossOver 7.5.0.  I'm not quite sure which version of wine it use14:00
FreeBDSMa freshly installed OS, and getting weird messages already :/14:00
blackflowHaMsTeRs: you don't understand. you run office under wine under ubuntu under windows. why not install office on your local windows directly.14:01
blackflowis it pirated and you're afraid of viruses?14:01
tomreynFreeBDSM: that's also available from xfce/application menu -> settings -> additional drivers14:01
HaMsTeRsBecuase I do not want to switch between windows14:01
FreeBDSMtomreyn: I've checked 'using NVIDIA driver metapackage from nvidia-driver-390 (proprietary, tested) there and in console I do get `debconf: DbDriver "passwords" warning: could not open /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat: Permission denied` 3 times14:01
FreeBDSMtomreyn: I know, still I like console and tricked like you showed14:01
FreeBDSMI now even wonder if I can use --open-tab for other windows as well14:02
blackflowHaMsTeRs: well it's silly what you're doing. and you probably can't speed that up.14:02
HaMsTeRswhy's that?14:02
tomreynFreeBDSM: ok if you're into wroking on a temrinal then using this is probbaly better. the CLI alternative to this GUI is "ubuntu-drivers"14:02
blackflowHaMsTeRs: just install it locally for windows.14:03
FreeBDSMtomreyn: after switching the driver the display didn't even blink14:03
HaMsTeRsblackflow, so what office software do you use for word processing14:04
FreeBDSMjudging by scrolling a very lightweight webpage in firefox - I still do have issues with repainting when scrolling14:04
tomreynFreeBDSM: i would think it wont apply until you restart the desktop manager14:04
blackflowHaMsTeRs: LibreOffice on Ubuntu14:04
tomreynFreeBDSM: maybe you would even have to reboot since nvidia is ... special.14:04
HaMsTeRsblackflow, do you do docs alot?14:04
blackflowFreeBDSM: you _definitely_ have to reboot for change from nouveau to nvidia.14:05
FreeBDSMthanks for the info14:05
HaMsTeRsif so, you should know that the format in libre is gay14:05
blackflowHaMsTeRs: a lot of spreadsheets yes, a bit less on word.14:05
tomreynFreeBDSM: yes, you'd need to switch from KMS to UMS14:05
tomreynkernel/user mode setting14:05
FreeBDSMI've installed an OS with DE, and it lacks a GUI (un)archiver :/14:06
HaMsTeRsblackflow, so what about diagram?14:06
FreeBDSMtomreyn: what's that?14:06
tomreynFreeBDSM: there's squeeze which is xfce specific, i think, and file-roller, which is gnome specific14:06
FreeBDSMtomreyn: how'd I switch?14:06
blackflowHaMsTeRs: welcome to my ignore list. have fun! ;)14:06
HaMsTeRsany visio replacement14:07
FreeBDSMtomreyn: there's no `squeeze` in `apt search squeeze` :(14:07
* HaMsTeRs twists blackflow's nipples14:07
schezukHi guys, can you survive in a OS where there were no unique file paths at all and you had to filter a single file with multiple attributes like uid/timestamp/namespace/hash etc., or the last resort, fid?14:08
tomreynFreeBDSM: KMS/UMS is about how / where the graphics drivers are managed / initialized. nowadays, you do it via KMS, except with some special drivers, like nvidia.  to switch between KMS and UMS, reboot, as backflow pointed out.14:08
Snow-ManUsing 18.04, XPS15 w/ EFI. manually set up an encrypted partition w/ LUKS and LVM inside of that, with LVs for boot, root, usr, var, etc.  Grub comes up but complains it can't find the kernel and it never prompts me for a PW to decrypt the container.  Anyone here familiar with grub and encrypted partitions and such?14:08
FreeBDSMtomreyn: ah, so it will switch automatically?14:09
FreeBDSMgood then14:09
blackflowFreeBDSM: yeah nouveau and nvidia blacklist each other14:10
blackflowSnow-Man: you can't put /boot on LVM, esp. not encrypted. you need it separate14:10
tomreynFreeBDSM: hmm, maybe my 'squeeze' info is outdated or wrong. xfce seems to does it from thunar, the file browser, using the thunar-archive plugin, which is part of xfce-goodies14:11
* Snow-Man sighs14:11
Snow-Manblackflow: I've seen a lot of varying opinions on that.14:11
blackflowSnow-Man: did you set that up manually? the installer should've set it up properly14:11
Snow-Manyes, I set it up manually, mostly followed this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManualFullSystemEncryption/DetailedProcess#The_stages14:12
Snow-Manwhich pretty clearly has /boot inside of an encrypted LVM14:12
blackflowSnow-Man: well it's simple. the bootloader _can_ work with LUKS'd /boot, but afaik it can't work with LVM. so it needs initramfs to work with LVM, which is then a catch22, so it's best if you have separate /boot14:12
blackflowSnow-Man: yeah well you followed that tutorial and it's not working, it it?14:15
tomreynschezuk: is this a homework assignment?14:16
Snow-Manblackflow: so you believe that tutorial to be entirely wrong from a technical standpoint and that it'd never work that way?14:16
blackflowSnow-Man: I'll give it a benefit of a doubt that using EFI with a stub kernel perhaps or some other way with initramfs available, _might_ work. but I don't see that from glancing at the tutorial.14:17
blackflowSnow-Man: but if that were me, I'd set up unencrypted /boot for LEAST headache down the line.14:18
KhapraniWhen you all have a moment I'm looking at some strange behaviour in gparted regarding the used space in a partition.14:18
blackflow!details | Khaprani14:18
ubottuKhaprani: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.14:18
Snow-Manblackflow: I'm more inclined to believe that I've managed to miss including something in the grub command or set up some aspect of it incorrectly and that grub actually can perform decryption and pull a kernel/initramfs out of an encrypted container w/ LUKS even with LVM14:19
schezuktomreyn: not quite, just a wild imagination that tries ti overturn something14:19
FreeBDSMhmm, not yet familiar with the linux naming of devices, how'd I figure the /dev/ path to my usb stick? Is `/dev/disk/by-label/XUBUNTU-180` fine for `dd`'s `of=` param?14:19
KhapraniAh, yes well I have a partition that I know to have data, when mounted it shows the spaced used. My aim is to resize (shrink it) when I unmount all data information ie used space dissapears.14:19
blackflowSnow-Man: grub can work with LUKS'd /boot yes. I don't know about LVM which requires userland tools. Could be wrong and the recent versions changed that. But from what I know, it can't.14:21
KhapraniThe odd thing is that I've checked the disk for errors and corrected those, gparted tells me via yellow triangle that it I should install ntfsprogs and ntfs-3g to get more info, but I have those already so...14:21
blackflowSnow-Man: I guess I was wrong and grub _can_ work with LVM too.   GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="lvm"14:22
tomreynschezuk: well this channel is just for ubuntu support, but you could discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss or just ##linux maybe14:22
KhapraniWhen mounted I cannot shrink it, when unmounted it does not see the data present to avoid it... thus my conundrum.14:23
FreeBDSMschezuk: I would install such an OS.14:23
KhapraniThose are pretty much the details Blackflow14:23
tomreynFreeBDSM: this is a symlink, you'll need to follow it or make dd do so if it can (not sure). readlink -f /dev/disk/by-label/XUBUNTU-18014:24
ioriaSnow-Man, make sure that the lvm module is preloaded14:25
FreeBDSMI see my XUbuntu has tmux preinstalled, what's the default <prefix> in it?14:25
ducasseFreeBDSM: that probably points to a partition, not the block device itself14:25
FreeBDSMctrl+a and ctrl+b don't work14:26
schezukFreeBDSM: thank you. For half a centry people have adopted path string as the tradition, you know14:26
FreeBDSMducasse: do I need to point dd to a partition or a block device?14:26
ducasseFreeBDSM: depends on what you're writing. for iso images, the block device.14:26
FreeBDSM`sudo dd if=FreeBSD-11.2-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/disk/by-label/XUBUNTU-180 conv=sync` => `1507217+0 records in` `1507217+0 records out` `771695104 bytes (772 MB, 736 MiB) copied, 219.073 s, 3.5 MB/s`14:26
FreeBDSMI guess success?14:27
FreeBDSMschezuk: paths are human readable, how'd I navigate among hashes of files?14:27
ducasseFreeBDSM: i suspect you won't be able to boot from that14:29
tomreynFreeBDSM: i suspect you just placed a file in /dev/disk/by-label/XUBUNTU-180 , overwriting the symlink.14:29
Snow-Manblackflow: sadly, no joy w/ that either.  I don't think grub is even attempting to decrypt anything since I'm never prompted for a PW...14:30
blackflowSnow-Man: try adding luks to that GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES so it's  = "luks lvm"14:31
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schezukFreeBDSM: shall we go on in channel #linux14:32
KhapraniDo you require additional details?14:32
Snow-ManI've got GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTOBOOT=y set, would have thought that'd take care of some things...  I'll try adding more stuff tho.14:33
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blackflowSnow-Man: now that oyu mention it.... there was some silly problem with that cryptoboot variable.... what was it.... I think "y" didn't work but oyu had to use "1" or something liek that.14:33
FreeBDSMducasse: tomreyn: seems like I screwed up: I've detached the usb stick, re-attached it and now it's not in /dev/disk/by-label/ anymore14:34
blackflowSnow-Man: lemme try find that14:35
FreeBDSMducasse: tomreyn: should I `dd` to `/dev/sdc` or to `/dev/sdc1`?14:35
ducasseFreeBDSM: the first14:36
blackflowSnow-Man: btw, I think it's GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK   and not CRYPTOBOOT14:36
Snow-Manthe cryptomount and such options are ending up in the grub config, I can see that when I look at the grub script after booting14:36
tomreynFreeBDSM: i lack contextm would need to read up14:36
Snow-Manyes, GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK is what I have..14:37
FreeBDSMtomreyn: I'm trying to write a FreeBSD-memstick.img onto a usb stick14:37
tomreynFreeBDSM: what ducasse said then14:38
tomreynFreeBDSM: thats if sdc really is the usb stick14:38
FreeBDSMit is, judging by /dev/disk/by-id/14:39
Snow-Manyea, no joy w/ using '=1' or with adding 'luks lvm'..14:39
FreeBDSMnow I wonder if I needed to `dd` just 1s first14:40
FreeBDSMrebooting to test if dd'ing worked14:40
FreeBDSMthanks for help, I'll come back soon14:40
tomreyngood luck14:40
blackflowSnow-Man: yeah I can't find it now any more. I ran wiht encrypted boot once, two years ago, just to see how that works, but really, I'd just go with separate /boot. All the computers and servers I install, use encrypted filesystems, except /boot. Encryption is just to protect data at rest, and /boot in it is more hassle with zero security benefit.14:41
Snow-Manthe benefit is marginal, I'll agree with that14:42
Snow-ManI hate this feeling that I'm just missing something minor tho14:42
KhapraniWhen partitioning a disk for Ubuntu how much space should I allocate?14:42
tomreynSnow-Man: some people place /boot on removable media for the purpose of 'securing' it (in the 'something you have' + 'something you know' sense)14:43
blackflowSnow-Man: or you're not :) really there was this silly bug with =y vs =1 or something, it took me a few hours to get it all right, had to go into the source code. but that was right after grub grew the capability to use encrypted /boot, so it was probably all still too new.14:44
tomreynSnow-Man: yet others combine this with checksumming to knw when files on /boot change14:44
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blackflowand YET they all run a whole minix OS, which can do anything, including present fake data to the checksum, in parallel throught the IME ;)14:45
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tomreynnot everonye uses intel CPUs. but it'll be something similar then, yes.14:47
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schezukFreeBDSM: let's take photos for example, you shall filter them with file type, date, location, title etc. If you arrange your photo properly in file trees, you must have named these pieces of information in the path. If not, you have to search with these filters, or to count on your memory to pick the specific file named randomly. ALL of these operations involve your participation, and the application that opens the file is finally feeded with an inode. Anoth14:55
schezukomitted like ~/.wget.rc does.14:56
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Khapraniis anyone familiar with a udisks-error-quark, 0 when resizing a filesystem?15:00
tomreynKhaprani: i think udisks runs into this situation because it fails to re-read (or make the kernel re-read) the partition table after writing it.15:05
tomreynKhaprani: it should not be fatal nor cause actual problems, though, IIRC.15:06
Khapranitomreyn Thanks, how should I approach completing my disk resize then?15:07
tomreynKhaprani: what were you using there?15:08
KhapraniWell initially I was attempting with gparted, but then with the disks utility of ubuntu15:09
tomreyni usually use use parted on the terminal, gparted should also work.15:10
tomreynthe gnome disk utility uses udisks, which may then fail.15:10
Khapranigparted would not see the disks used space when unmounted15:10
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Khapraniso all space was up for resize... figured that was not a good thing15:11
tomreynKhaprani: how is the disk formatted?15:11
Khapraniit is a windows OS + data15:11
tomreynhmm, well, ntfs resizing is probably best done on windows15:11
KhapraniWould if I could.15:12
Khapranithey didn't like it either15:12
tomreynwell there is ntfsresize in ntfs3g15:12
Khapranihow should I go about doing that?15:12
tomreynyou install ntfs-3g and run ntfsresize against the partition which contains the ntfs file system15:13
tomreynafter creatign backups, of course15:13
tomreynand after running ntfsfix against it15:13
KhapraniI have ntfs-3g installed. so I should use ntfsfix first?15:14
tomreynfirst: backups, second: ntfsfix, third: resize15:14
Khapraniunfortunately backing up is kind of my aim. I have to get it small enough to fit on another disk. I've backed up the data but not the OS15:15
tomreynwell, then it's a matter of luck, or of buyiong more storage.15:17
Khapraniluck i guess... like always15:17
Khapraniso now lets see ntfsfix that is part of ntfs-3g right?15:19
tomreynKhaprani: yes. it also has a man page, just like ntfsresize (and you should definitely read it, contains good hints).15:19
Khapraniman page?15:19
tomreynman pages become available using the 'man' command once you have installed the 'man-db' package15:20
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/15:20
Khapranioh cool15:20
tomreynquite often they'll provide much more detailed hints on how to use a command line utility than --help does15:21
Khapranihrm seems I am using it wrong15:22
Khaprani!man ntfsfix15:22
Khapranilike that?15:22
tomreynwithout the !15:23
Khapraniso looks like I just want the regular command for ntfsfix no modifiers then?15:24
tomreynKhaprani: probably, yes. maybe you'll need -c, but it will tell15:27
tomreyni mean -d15:27
Khapraniwell that completed quickly15:28
Khapranishould it have given something beyond "was processed successfully"15:29
tomreynKhaprani: i dont think so, no15:30
Khapraniwell cool i guess15:30
tomreynKhaprani: if you do it again, it will probably say it has the dirty bit set now, also if you try to resize it.15:31
KhapraniI didn't use the d modifier should I have?15:32
tomreynKhaprani: you will find out, i'm not certain. it was good not to use it the first time, to learn whether it was already considered dirty or not. it wasn't.15:34
Khapranifrom there I just use ntfsresize yeah? time to read the man page15:35
tomreynKhaprani: yes15:35
tomreynfeel free to highlight me (i.e. write "tomreyn: ...") if you have more questions.15:36
Khapranitomreyn: like this?15:38
tomreyn!paste | Khaprani15:38
ubottuKhaprani: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:38
tomreynKhaprani: yes15:38
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tripelbbi have ubuntu 18 and to synch time with server I am told to set up ntp. is this normal?15:49
tripelbbthis page has things I cannot understand. My time and date settings says manual. is this normal?  https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/NTP.html.en15:51
tripelbbthe time is correct.15:51
maroctripelbb, yeah most all computers use some form of ntp to sync time15:54
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blackflowtripelbb: you should have systemd-timesyncd running by default, so no need to install any additional package.15:57
marocyep, "timedatectl status" should tell you if it's running and syncing15:59
Khapranitomreyn: seems I have a number of missing clusters in $Bitmap16:06
Khapranitomreyn: 695766 cluster accounting mismatches16:07
herritusanyone willing to explain some backup stuff to me?16:15
herritusim missing some fundamentals16:15
tripelbbthanks maroc16:17
MrCrowHey, I need some help - I want to run a script from systemd, which either operates with root privileges and has a password on it, or runs a single command with sudo or remove the need to run that command with sudo16:18
YADWherritus elaborate...16:18
tripelbbwhat is the normal text editor in ubuntu. i have mate and I got one that has no command to let me brouse. I am contenet to access it from terminal actually16:18
YADWtripelbb then you can use nano or vim. The former is much easier.16:19
tripelbbgedit wont let me browse. dumb16:20
YADWBrowse as in search through text? Of course Gedit can do that.16:21
tripelbbYADW, as in look for a file in different directories.16:23
tripelbbi want to open a file. I just made the file in terminal. mate has a graphic that comes up I have never seen, this under open in the ... well it isnt a file menu, just says open16:24
blackflowisn't there Pluma or whatsitcalled MATE editor?16:25
tripelbbhow can i open a text editer from terminal?16:25
YADWtripelbb you can type gedit <file path> or nano <file path>16:26
herritusYADW, can we chat in PM about it? It's easier for me than things getting lost in channel messages16:28
YADWherritus It's not a problem for me.16:28
theorHi. I've upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04, and there aren't progressbar anymore in the dock. I tried removing the extensions folder and resetting the org.gnome gsettings tree, but that didn't work. Is there something in particular I should do or try?16:29
blackflow!pm | herritus16:29
ubottuherritus: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.16:29
CarlFKin gnome-terminal, how do I send Alt-f2?16:33
CarlFK... running ssh in terminal, connected to a remote box, that's what needs the alt-f216:34
andrew09Any idea on why the "Download updates while installing Ubuntu" doesn't work, because every time after installation I still have to download 200mb of updates, even though I do have internet connection during installation.16:40
ioriaCarlFK, alt+f2 calls a gui widget to execute a cmd.... why do yuo need it in terminal16:41
RandolfIs the "Vectr" application spyware?  It requires that I sign up online before I can save my work, and it displays banner ads.16:42
CarlFKioria: im connected to a box running the netboot/text based installer, I want to switch VTs16:43
ioriaCarlFK, chvt16:43
BluesKajHey folks16:44
CarlFKioria: what is chvt?16:45
ioriaCarlFK, change foreground virtual terminal16:45
CarlFKioria:  I start an install that does this https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/NetworkConsole    I ssh to the box, I get this: http://img.flnet.org/a/term.png16:50
CarlFKioria: derp. "start shell" option gets me a shell.16:56
ioriaCarlFK, ok16:56
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AldemInstalling Ubuntu on Windows 10 via WSL.17:18
ppfi have samba running on xenial. any idea why the host wouldn't show up in windows' network browser?17:19
kang0Any one from U.S.A.?17:19
woodskang0: yup17:20
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oodswaykang0: im in usa17:21
ioriappf, you can mount manually in Explore address bar :  \\server-ip\share17:24
ppfioria: i know, but i want the hostname to show up17:24
ppfthis is for the non-techie users on the network ;)17:25
ioriappf, maybe netbios name issue17:25
ppfhm, how would i debug that?17:25
AldemHi, I'm at the display driver step17:27
AldemI just enter the 2 commands ? It tells me not to forget  to run bash17:28
ioriappf, add in [global]  'netbios name = myname' restart smbd service and eventually windows (i assume ufw is disabled or set)17:28
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ppfSamba is allowed inufw17:29
Randolfkang0: I'm also from Canada.17:30
ppfioria: netbios name is not set in smb.conf. i'd assume it'd default to hostname?17:30
tomreynppf: look into the nmbd service, it does the naming stuff17:30
ioriappf, yes17:31
ppftomreyn: it's up and running if that's what you mean17:31
ioriappf, ^ yeah, restart nmbd too17:31
ppfif netbios name isn't set doesn't it just default to hostname?17:31
ioriappf, usually, yes17:32
ppfso then why would setting it help?17:32
tomreynppf: '[nmbd's] "own NetBIOS name" is by default the primary DNS name of the host it is running on, but this can be overridden by the netbios name in smb.conf'17:32
ppftomreyn: i don't need to override it17:33
tomreynppf: sorry i thought oyu had said ti was set to an empty string in smb.conf17:33
tomreynbut oyu said unset17:34
ppfah, yes17:34
ioriappf, could be a windows setting, like 'network discovery' or stuff .... ever worked on that pc ?17:35
ppfyes, it works and detects the windows machine, just not the smb server17:35
tomreyni think there's a #samba channel around here, maybe ask there, too.17:36
smuvtapis anyone in here?17:39
tomreynnot during this .5 min17:40
amadeobeehow do you shut down applications like in windows when you force quit on task manager?17:48
smuvtapis anyone online?17:49
amadeobeesmuvtap: nope17:49
blackflowamadeobee: one way would be to start the Monitor application, find the process for teh application, right click and Kill17:50
ioriaamadeobee, if you really want to , in 'system monitor -> processes'17:50
amadeobeeioria: thank you17:51
amadeobeeblackflow: thanks17:51
ioriaamadeobee, ok17:51
amadeobeeioria: whats the difference between 'end' and 'kill' ? does 'end' close the application properly and kill just ends it without doing it "neatly" ?17:52
__marcoamadeobee, xkill may help17:52
ioriaamadeobee, the signal sent17:53
ioriaamadeobee, SIGQUIT vs SIGKILL17:53
amadeobeeah ok17:53
amadeobeethanks again :)17:53
blackflowno SIGTERM?17:54
blackflowalright. really tried recommending a GUI way instead of terminal. it sucks. no control.     so.... start the terminal, find the process with ps axuf   and kill it by pid. SIGTERM first and SIGKILL if still isn't obeying. nuke it from orbit, that's the only way to be sure.17:55
NeepuHi. Can anyone please help me out? I've just recently installed a driver for my WiFi adapter, but it does not really work well with WiFi Direct(?) also referred to as p2p.17:57
NeepuBut i struggle disabling p2p functionality in wpasupplicant17:58
NeepuIn earlier Ubuntu versions that used NetworkManager, i could set "p2p_disabled=1"17:58
NeepuBut with netplan, how would i do that?17:58
ppfioria, tomreyn: looks fixed, and appears to have been a weird caching issue18:13
ppfnmblookup returned the wrong ip18:13
ppfrestarted everything a couple of times18:13
ioriappf, yeah, well done18:14
AldemHome folder for a distro via WSL is user/appdate/lxss ?18:15
ioriablackflow, sigterm probably, yes18:15
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ironpillowhi all, I am trying to install a package on 18.04 and I am getting an error about libmbedcrypto0 not being available. it was working on 17.10 but is currently not working on 18.04. Any advice? thanks!18:22
ppfironpillow: what's the packagae?18:28
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]PeGaSe[Hi there anybody ?18:44
CookieMyes, around 1700 individuals18:47
]PeGaSe[hi CookieM18:47
]PeGaSe[but anybody talk :-D18:47
]PeGaSe[only you18:47
hggdh]PeGaSe[: that's because this is not a general chat channel, this is a support channel18:48
]PeGaSe[ah ok sorry18:48
qwebirc38733I need help18:48
=== qwebirc38733 is now known as RPiUbuntu
RPiUbuntuHelp me plz18:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:49
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/18:50
RPiUbuntuSo I am using a raspberry pi 3 and I rebooted after changing the overscan and resolution. I then couldn’t get anything to work. I had no screen, no nothing. Then, later, I installed Ubuntu again. It had the same problem. Please help18:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:53
RPiUbuntuSo I am using a raspberry pi 3 and I rebooted after changing the overscan and resolution. I then couldn’t get anything to work. I had no screen, no nothing. Then, later, I installed Ubuntu again. It had the same problem. Please help18:54
RPiUbuntuIs anybody here???18:55
RPiUbuntuSo I am using a raspberry pi 3 and I rebooted after changing the overscan and resolution. I then couldn’t get anything to work. I had no screen, no nothing. Then, later, I installed Ubuntu again. It had the same problem. Please help18:55
owl_techHello there. Please, test it build with Python and Django. A goal  planning. Greetings! http://goalstoachieve.ga18:55
CookieMdude, can’t you read18:55
CookieM if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you18:56
RPiUbuntuOwl_tech I can’t18:56
RPiUbuntuOk. I still need help18:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:57
RPiUbuntuOk stop or18:57
BluesKajRPiUbuntu, how did you install ubuntuon the RPI, from a usb ?18:57
RPiUbuntuNo. I used a micro so card18:58
BluesKajor a from microsd?18:58
BluesKajok, did you create a bootable image on it18:59
RPiUbuntuYes. I booted it twice both times18:59
oerheksreset your monitor to factory default, and boot your pi again?19:00
tomreynRPiUbuntu: please explain how you created the bootable sd card, which image you used exactly19:00
BluesKajRPiUbuntu, is the sd larege enough to hold the image ?. I have to ask19:00
RPiUbuntuI used the Ubuntu mate image from the website. It was the official website.19:01
RPiUbuntuYes the sd card was19:01
BluesKajdid you unetbootin or dd or some such?19:02
tomreynjust magic and unicorns then?19:02
BluesKajthen what?19:02
RPiUbuntuI put the sd in and it booted19:03
RPiUbuntuOh do u mean for on to the card?19:04
tomreynthat's missing a step, you downloaded some ubuntu mate image from some website to your computer. then you inserted an sd-card into the raspi, and it booted?19:04
tomreynwould you not have somehow written that image to the sd card?19:04
RPiUbuntuI used etcher to put the image onto the sdcard19:05
RPiUbuntuOn Mac19:05
tomreyndo you still have the image and can tell us filename and sha256sum ?19:05
RPiUbuntuNo. It was latest ARM version tho19:05
RPiUbuntuIt’s from yesterday19:06
RPiUbuntuU got that.19:07
tomreynhttps://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi/ubuntu-mate-16.04.2-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi.img.xz is what i find19:07
RPiUbuntuYea that’s it19:07
NeuhNeuhHello !19:08
tomreynDownload Size 1.2 GB19:08
tomreynSHA256SUM Checksum dc3afcad68a5de3ba683dc30d2093a3b5b3cd6b2c16c0b5de8d50fede78f75c219:08
NeuhNeuhI have a big problem with nvidia-340 and ubuntu. I explain19:08
NeuhNeuhWhen I install nvidia-340 driver (is good driver, I have already check), I get this error :19:08
NeuhNeuhError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 4.15.0-29-generic (x86_64)19:08
RPiUbuntuYes tomreyn19:08
NeuhNeuhAnd I cannot start X after. I must purge nvidia-340 and return to nouveau driver19:08
NeuhNeuhbut nouveau driver performance is very very very poor19:08
RPiUbuntuNeuhNeuh do !patience19:08
NeuhNeuhRPiUbuntu: ?19:09
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/19:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:09
NeuhNeuhRPiUbuntu: I explain what is problem :) I don't repeat problem19:09
NeuhNeuhAnd I don't ask to ask, I explain what is problem ...19:09
RPiUbuntuTomreyn u there?19:09
tomreynRPiUbuntu: yes, but i have more patience than you. and am maybe slower, too.19:10
RPiUbuntuYes. That’s probably true. Lol19:10
tomreynRPiUbuntu: can you ask in #ubuntu-mate since i dont think this is an official ubuntu image.19:10
RPiUbuntuOk is that /j Ubuntu-mate19:11
tomreyn/join #ubuntu-mate19:11
ioriaNeuhNeuh, what ubuntu version ? my wild guess is that you're installing from a wrong repo19:11
RPiUbuntuOk. It is a official image tho19:12
NeuhNeuh(Oh ! I have forget, I use ubuntu 16.04. Is maybe 16.04 related problem, but I don't know if switch to last version can solve problem, but I don't want to expand lot of time to upgrade)19:12
NeuhNeuh-expand +spend19:12
Lupinusi have a problem too : my ubuntu dont reconize my usb device19:12
marocNeuhNeuh, what is the graphics card? unfortunately, drivers for some older cards aren't updated to work with newest kernels19:13
tomreynRPiUbuntu: https://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi/ states "This image is not an official Ubuntu image, it is community supported, so any bugs filed on the Ubuntu MATE Launchpad bug tracker will be closed with a comment directing the report to the Ubuntu MATE forums :-)"19:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:13
qwebirc68016Oh lol19:13
qwebirc68016I am rpiubuntu19:14
NeuhNeuhmaroc: NVIDIA Corporation GT218M [GeForce 315M] (rev a2)19:14
=== qwebirc68016 is now known as RPi-Ubuntu
ioriaNeuhNeuh, post   apt-cache policy nvidia-34019:14
NeuhNeuhioria: Actually driver is not installed19:14
NeuhNeuhI use nouveau now19:15
BluesKajNeuhNeuh, think that gpu uses thenvidia- 390 driver19:15
tomreynRPi-Ubuntu: see also the other notes on this page about where to get suipport19:15
ioriaNeuhNeuh, that's not a problem :  post   apt-cache policy nvidia-34019:15
tomreynRPi-Ubuntu: ?19:16
NeuhNeuhBluesKaj: I have already check. 340 is good driver, and has always work with this driver19:16
RPi-UbuntuWhat page19:16
tomreynRPi-Ubuntu: <tomreyn> RPiUbuntu: https://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi/ states "This image is not an official Ubuntu image, it is community supported, so any bugs filed on the Ubuntu MATE Launchpad bug tracker will be closed with a comment directing the report to the Ubuntu MATE forums :-)"19:16
RPi-UbuntuOk. The problem is no one responds to u on the Ubuntu-mate server19:17
marocNeuhNeuh, according to the readme nvidia 340 should work19:17
oerheksRPi-Ubuntu, just be patient19:17
maroclet me see if I can build19:17
NeuhNeuhmaroc: Yes but I have check on nvidia website19:17
Lupinuswhat does that mean : usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 28 using ehci-pci (why ubuntu then dont find the usb device ?)19:17
NeuhNeuhMaybe I must install «340.107» version19:18
RPi-UbuntuThere’s like no one there19:18
RPi-UbuntuBut fine19:18
marochave you tried using the ubuntu installer?19:18
NeuhNeuhI can try https://www.nvidia.fr/download/driverResults.aspx/135248/fr19:18
LupinusRpi-Ubuntu do you googled your problem ?19:18
NeuhNeuhmaroc: I have use « sudo apt install nvidia-340 » for install driver19:18
RPi-UbuntuLupinos no19:18
marocsoftware & updates gui -> additional drivers tab19:19
RPi-UbuntuShould I? Lupinus19:19
LupinusRpi-Ubuntu , maybe coz it seemes like nobody in this channel can help you ;)19:20
BluesKajNeuhNeuh, correction: the 340 driver is the correct one19:20
RPi-UbuntuPeople were helping before19:20
RPi-UbuntuLike BluesKaj19:20
ioriaNeuhNeuh, it's a bug i'am afraid19:20
NeuhNeuhioria: Ok. I try version on nvidia website :x19:21
ioriaNeuhNeuh, i advice against that19:21
NeuhNeuhioria: Why ?19:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1737750 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-304 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-graphics-drivers-304 304.137-0ubuntu2 ADT test failure with linux 4.15.0-1.2 [error: implicit declaration of function ‘init_timer’]" [Medium,In progress]19:21
BluesKajNeuhNeuh, it's not supported by kernel upgrades19:21
Lupinuscan anyone help me pls ?19:21
NeuhNeuhBluesKaj: Oh not a problem19:22
BluesKajthe website version that is19:22
RPi-UbuntuWhat lupinus19:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:22
NeuhNeuhI lock kernel version while bug is solving and try latter19:22
Lupinuswhat ?19:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:22
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/19:23
BluesKajNeuhNeuh, is this an Optimus gpu system with 2 gpus ?19:23
tomreynRPi-Ubuntu: you learn fast (about the bot triggers), but let's not overdo it.19:23
marocubottu, that's 304 not 34019:23
ubottumaroc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:23
RPi-UbuntuSo let’s ask Lupinus19:24
ioriaNeuhNeuh, why don't you try with  ppa:graphics-drivers ?19:24
BluesKajNeuhNeuh,  one is nvidia and the other an intel ?19:24
RPi-UbuntuTomreyn can u help me plz19:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:25
ubottuRPi-Ubuntu: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:25
tomreynLupinus: this message you posted from your logs does not indicate why the usb device was not activated later. it just states that it was detected that this new device was connected.19:25
gogetalol list19:25
tomreynRPi-Ubuntu: please stop19:25
RPi-UbuntuOk fine19:26
tomreynLupinus: check the other records nearby19:26
BluesKajRPi-Ubuntu, you can also ask in #raspberrypi chat19:26
tomreynRPi-Ubuntu: read the bottom of the page you were popinted to a couple times now. it has a link to a forum on it where you can requerst help.19:26
gogetaRPi-Ubuntu: is that still even a thing19:26
new_genhow do I install snap??? what are its advantages ???19:26
RPi-UbuntuI did. I hate forums tho19:27
RPi-UbuntuYe it is gogeta19:27
tomreynRPi-Ubuntu: well, then wait. a day or two, or three.19:27
gogetanew_gen: is your running 18.04 snaps are thing as is19:27
Lupinusthat ? gnome-shell[1866]: Object Clutter.Clone (0x55797476e790), has been already finalized. Impossible to get any property from it19:27
new_gengogeta : yes I am running 18.04 LTS19:27
BluesKajhmm , no bot info for that one19:28
gogetanew_gen: the app store uses snaps as is19:28
tomreyn!botabuse | RPi-Ubuntu19:28
ducasse!msgthebot | RPi-Ubuntu19:28
ubottuRPi-Ubuntu: Please investigate me only with "/msg ubottu bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu search <pattern>"19:28
new_gengogeta: okay. what are its benifits / advantages ???19:28
BluesKajRPi-Ubuntu, click here #raspberrypi19:28
gogetanew_gen: the advantage is snaps have all there deps packages with the app so they should always work no matter there age or distros t19:29
gogetanew_gen: there used on19:29
RPi-UbuntuAm I !botabusing?19:29
gogetanew_gen: the downside they are larger19:29
Lupinusherbert pls STOP19:30
new_gengogeta: so what about flatpak and appimage . should i install those???19:30
gogetanew_gen: they both so simler things19:31
RPi-UbuntuUmm I can’t /join19:31
Lupinususe nickserv19:31
jskapataIs it possible to edit user locale categories, for example, in LC_TIME, edit only first_weekday, only for the user?19:31
tomreyn!register | RPi-Ubuntu19:31
ubottuRPi-Ubuntu: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.19:31
ioriaNeuhNeuh, ok, nvidia-304 driver has been removed from 18.04 because it run out of support and Kernel 4.15 doesn't compile it.19:31
RPi-UbuntuOh I have to register19:32
gogetaNeuhNeuh: you dont need 304 anymore anyways19:32
Lupinusyes herbert you have to19:32
gogetaand hes gone lol19:32
RPi-Ubuntu!botabuse | RPi-Ubuntu19:33
ubottuRPi-Ubuntu, please see my private message19:33
RPi-Ubuntu lol19:33
ZahovayHello, can anyone help me with ubuntu server upgrading from terminal?19:37
Zahovayactually through ssh19:37
Lupinusdist-upgrade ?19:37
Zahovayubuntu 15.10 to 16.04, or do you guys suggest other version of ubuntu server?19:38
tomreynZahovay: 15.10 has been eol so long, you'll better just install from scratch19:38
Zahovaycant, vps host does not allow me to use newer version of clean install19:39
Zahovaythat is the lastest one19:39
uebera||Zahovay: 16.04 is still supported and that would be the "least-invasive" upgrade, so if you need to upgrade, I'd suggest 16.0419:39
tomreynZahovay: that's a bad hosting provider, consider switching to a different one.19:39
tomreynZahovay: so use ppa-purge to remove and 3rd-party repositroies and any packages installed from there, then do an...19:40
ZahovayI will though yet this is the cheapest vps host for now its okay19:40
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:40
oerheksvps is heavily tweaked, use their 16.04 image19:40
uebera||Zahovay: If you have the option, don't use ssh, but a virtual console. ssh connections are usually preserved, but better be safe than sorry.19:40
tomreynoerheks: they just said their host doesn't provide anything newer than 15.1019:41
RPi-Ubuntunever ever do !ops19:41
Lupinusthink its the command : sudo apt-get upgrade19:41
LupinusZahovay, command : sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:41
oerheksreport that vps (..)19:41
Zahovayuebera||: how you mean virtual console?19:41
gogetaZahovay: i dont think there is a upgrade path for 15.10 server19:42
uebera||Most provider nowadays allow you to connect to a local console by means of their virtualisation solution (e.g., kvm).19:42
oerheksfrom your admin panel, maybe19:42
RPi-UbuntuI need to join #raspberrypi19:43
ZahovayWell I do not try to get such an advance level of connection19:44
gogetaZerant: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core19:44
gogetaZahovay: make shure you got that19:44
gogetaZahovay: once you have that sudo do-release-upgrade19:45
=== qwebirc76113 is now known as RPi
new_genhow do i add option to Right click and create "New Document" in Ubuntu 18.04????19:46
=== RPi is now known as rpiNEEDSHELP
iorianew_gen, http://tipsonubuntu.com/2018/04/22/re-enable-new-document-option-ubuntu-18-04/19:47
gogetaZahovay: if its not your box and some hoster you should contact them to have your system upgraded19:47
oerheks#ubuntu-arm may be a good channel to check out, RPi-Ubuntu rpiNEEDSHELP19:48
new_genioria: why did they remove that function ?? it is an usefull function19:48
iorianew_gen, long story19:48
new_genioria: okay19:49
iorianew_gen, gnome willbe very different from now on19:50
new_genioria: I hope its for good19:53
=== Guest52359 is now known as Mr_Pan
=== Mr_Pan is now known as Mr-Pan
=== Mr-Pan is now known as Mr_Pan
NeuhNeuhSo, good news19:56
NeuhNeuhI have found a solution :D19:56
NeuhNeuhIts work now19:56
NeuhNeuhhttps://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa With this repository, you can get 107 version of nvidia-340 driver19:57
Kaedenn"The repository 'http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-security Release' does no longer have a Release file." when apt-get update, running 17.0419:57
KaedennI try https://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu and get a connection refused19:57
NeuhNeuhAnd its work. If someone has same problem, add this repo en reinstall driver solve this problem19:57
blackflowKaedenn: 17.04 is eol long time ago19:57
blackflow!eolupgrade | Kaedenn19:57
KaedennI thought 17.04 was LTS?19:57
ubottuKaedenn: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:57
oerheks17.04 .. no, so you are on 16.1019:59
oerheksdo a fresh install, this upgrade path is long, and not without a lot of TLC19:59
KaedennI thought 17.04 was an LTS release (I thought all x.04 were LTS), though?20:00
oerheksnope, every 2 years20:00
oerhekslatest LTS 18.04, so count back20:00
Kaedenngreat, okay.20:00
KaedennI'm not sure if I'm able to do a fresh install; I'm nowhere near this server in terms of geograpy20:01
DbuggerHey everyone20:01
DbuggerI keep getting this message in my terminal:20:01
oerhekseol server, vulnerable without meltdown spectre and other nasty fixes.. oh boy20:01
DbuggerXid (PCI:0000:01:00): 16, Head 0000000002 Count 00002b2520:02
Kaedenn>_< wonderful, okay.20:02
oerheks#ubuntu-arm may be a good channel to check out, RPi-Ubuntu rpiNEEDSHELP, stop asking for help here20:02
Dbuggerwhy am i getting this (errro?) message20:02
BluesKajKaedenn, all LTS releases use an even number like 14.04 16.04 and 18.04, every 2 yrs20:02
fath0mHello. Could somebody help me to get palm rejection working on Ubuntu 18.04? I'm on Dell Inspiron 15 557020:02
KaedennBluesKaj: I was unaware of that. Thank you20:02
fath0mWindows Precision touchpad20:02
KaedennI'll see what I can do20:02
fath0mcant find anything online though :/ everything is for synaptics only20:03
tomreyn!details | Dbugger20:04
ubottuDbugger: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.20:04
Dbuggertomreyn, I do not really know what do add. I just keep seeing the same message over and over, in my terminal, with intervals of a few seconds20:04
tomreynDbugger: you provided an error message. ubottu just told you what else we might need20:05
Dbuggertomreyn, true I forgot stuff, sorry20:05
tomreynDbugger: so ubuntu version, hardwarein information would be good to have20:06
DbuggerThe steps are just boot up, the moment I boot, they come out. I am using 18.0420:06
Dbuggerabout my hardware... not sure what I could about it. I built this PC aeons ago. Im not even sure anymore what am I using20:06
tomreynDbugger: run this: dmesg -T | pastebinit20:07
blackflowDbugger: what does lspci say is on 00:01.0  ?20:07
memphistoDbugger:blackflow : i bet its nvidia20:07
blackflowprobably, due to that Xid20:08
oerheksfath0m, all i found is this old bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/154167120:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1541671 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "backport Microsoft Precision Touchpad palm rejection patch" [Undecided,Fix released]20:08
DbuggerI also think it is a Nvidia, even though not sure20:08
Dbuggertomreyn, it does not say much, just some numbers I do not know what they mean20:08
blackflownvidia indeed.20:08
blackflowDbugger: that's nvidia barking at you20:08
memphistoDbugger: are you using proprietary drivers or no?20:09
blackflowit's in that dmesg, yes.20:09
Dbuggermemphisto, Yes I am20:09
tomreynDbugger: i think you meant to say this to blackflow20:09
blackflowDbugger: I'd try upgrade to 396, from the graphics PPA20:09
Dbuggerupdate my propietary drivers, you mean?20:09
Dbuggerlet me see, if I can find them in my "Software & Updates" panel20:10
DbuggerI am currently using 39020:10
memphistotheres 396.2420:11
Dbuggerblackflow, the graphics PPA? I never heard that20:11
blackflowDbugger: that's teh stable one from the restricted repo. but it has issues. I had gnome crash very often with 390 so I upgraded to 396 from teh PPA and that fixed it.20:11
memphistofollow the "Adding this PPA to your system" from that page20:11
Dbuggerwell, let me see... ill try to find it and add it20:11
qwebirc52568hello please i install apache2 but now i can't start :(20:12
DbuggerI know how to add it, I just did not know such a thing existed20:12
=== rpiNEEDSHELP is now known as rpihelpme
Dbuggerdo I need to restart to make the drivers work?20:12
Dbuggerweird, because I dont see anything that says "396", just 39020:13
qwebirc52568my apache2 is not work :( This page isn’t working20:13
Dbuggerwow, this ppa is SUPER slow o_O20:13
oerheksqwebirc52568, and what guide do you follow? what ubuntu version?20:13
oerheksmaybe you better seek help in #ubuntu-server20:14
qwebirc5256818.04 tls :) 64bit   and i follow command service apache2 start but it's not work20:14
blackflowqwebirc52568: define "not work"20:14
qwebirc52568blackflow:  yes it's not work20:14
Flannelqwebirc52568: He was asking how you installed it, not how you tried to start it.20:14
memphistoqwebirc52568: its systemclt start then service name20:15
blackflowqwebirc52568: "not work" comes with an error message. what exactly doesn't work?20:15
oerhekssudo systemctl status apache220:15
blackflowno need for sudo for status20:15
qwebirc52568 sudo apt install apache2   210  service apache2 start   211  sudo mkdir -p /var/www/example.com/php   212  sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/b4b4nn.com/php   213  sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/example.com/php   214  sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/example.com   215  nano /var/www/example.com/html/index.html   216  sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/example.com.conf   217  sudo a2ensite example.com.conf   218  sudo a2dissit20:15
trash_pandasudo su20:15
trash_pandaIm really new at this lol20:16
blackflow!pastebin | qwebirc5256820:16
ubottuqwebirc52568: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:16
qwebirc52568ops sorry :20:16
DbuggerWell, Im gonna restart. Wish me luck and nothing explodes20:16
qwebirc52568it's my history commad https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8PCG3g4S9w/20:17
tomreynDbugger: check if you have the latest intel-microcode package installed20:17
oerhekssudo systemctl enable/disable/start/stop/reload apache2  # this line is all i need in my bash history20:17
Dbuggertomreyn, I just did a full-upgrade. Is that enough?20:17
blackflowqwebirc52568: if that's bash history, where was $USER set?20:18
tomreynDbugger: if the intel-microcode package is installed, that's not neccessarily enough but as good as it gets. this system lacks spectre mitigation.20:18
trash_pandagithub is mind blowing20:18
blackflowoh nvm, it's set default...20:18
blackflowqwebirc52568: so that history doesn't mean anything. you should really start by telling what _exactly_ doesn't work. pastebin that 'systemctl status apache2'  output too.20:19
Dbuggeroh well, the drivers are still installing20:19
qwebirc52568blackflow: im not proffesional :( and my english is not perfect im new user ubuntu i don't know what i can do20:20
Flannelqwebirc52568: We'd like to know what "don't work" actually means.  So please answer in this format: "When I do XXXX, I see YYYY, but I expected to see ZZZZ."20:21
blackflowqwebirc52568: you were told exact commands and you obviously know how to pastebin, so what's the problem?20:21
tomreynDbugger: also consider enabling IOMMU in BIOS, since you seem to be using virtualbox / virtualization20:21
Dbuggertomreyn, I am not20:22
blackflowDbugger: as hypervisor. your dmesg lists vboxdrv, that doesn't come by default.20:22
qwebirc52568how i can start my apache2 ?20:22
Dbuggeroh, I have it installed, but not really using it20:22
Flannelqwebirc52568: Why do you think it's not started?20:22
DbuggerMaybe I should uninstall it..20:22
qwebirc52568Flannel:  you mean it's started ?20:22
blackflowqwebirc52568: is this a server or are you testing on your local computer or a virtual machine?20:23
Flannelqwebirc52568: It should be.  What makes you think it isn't?20:23
Dbuggergonna restart now20:23
qwebirc52568local computer20:23
blackflowDbugger: good luck!20:23
uebera||qwebirc52568: "systemctl start apache2"; have a look at /var/log/apache2/ afterwards ...20:23
blackflowqwebirc52568: so start at the beginning. you say "not work". what are you expecting should happen and it doesn't?20:23
qwebirc52568uebera||:  i type this command it's ask for my password and i type and same :) localhost not work20:24
qwebirc52568blackflow:  i type localhost in my chromuime browser and i don't see anything20:24
uebera||qwebirc52568: So have a look at the newest files in /var/log/apache2/ -- if there is an error, it's logged in there.20:24
blackflowqwebirc52568: okay. how did you set up the vhost for apache? your pastebin lists some domain and no localhost at all. can you pastebin the example.com.conf ?20:25
DbuggerHere I am20:25
Dbuggerlets see20:25
blackflowqwebirc52568: /etc/apache2/sites-available/example.com.conf  tha tone20:25
blackflowqwebirc52568: *that one20:25
Dbuggerna... still getting that error20:25
blackflowDbugger: well, at least one thing if you want to shut it up, remove that *.emerg line from /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf, I think that's causing it to pollute your terminals20:27
qwebirc52568oh :( sorry for all ! i don't understand because my english is not perfect and i don't know what i can maybe anyone can help me for remove this apache and install new apache server20:27
Dbuggerit does not bother me, because it happens on the other terminals, the ones you can see with CTRL ALT F420:27
DbuggerBy the was I was checking the error I showed you. I didnt write the First letters20:28
memphistoDbugger: https://docs.nvidia.com/deploy/xid-errors/index.html20:28
blackflowDbugger: alternatively, if you really don't need the proprietary driver, you could try nouveau20:28
DbuggerIt starts with "NVRM: "20:28
qwebirc52568anyone can tell me how to uninstall apache2 and reinstall20:28
blackflowqwebirc52568: what's your native language?20:29
uebera||qwebirc52568: If translate.google.com does not help you (it should solve most of your problems w.r.t. understanding), you could try a localised channel--there is #ubuntu-pl, #ubuntu-de, ...20:29
Dbuggerblackflow, I kinda wanted to keep them. My machine runs much faster with them20:29
qwebirc52568blackflow:  Kurdish20:29
qwebirc52568blackflow:  ahahahaaa my langauge no one know about :(20:29
Dbuggermemphisto, not sure how that advice helps :/20:30
blackflowqwebirc52568: if I recommend a turkish channel, would that offend you?20:30
qwebirc52568no :( i can't understand turkish20:30
qwebirc52568sorry for all20:30
blackflowqwebirc52568: oh sorry.20:30
qwebirc52568blackflow: no im sorry20:31
blackflowhm, nope.20:31
memphistoDbugger: theres a link for tool that reads Xid error20:31
uebera||qwebirc52568: As far as i know, there is no kurdish channel. Can you work with translate.google.com?20:31
memphistoDbugger: then report a bug to nvidia20:31
qwebirc52568yes wait :)20:31
memphistoDbugger: it could be a HW Error, Driver Error,User App Error,System Memory Corruption,Bus Error,Thermal Issue, FB Corruption20:32
JacobTDCI have a problem with SynPS/2 devices... The keyboard (usually) doesn't work at the login screen, but works without fail in GRUB or the BIOS Setup. I know for a fact that they are both using SynPS/2 because the output logs from xinit refer to them as that before saying No input driver specified, ignoring this device. How do I fix this problem?20:32
JacobTDCCurrently, I just have to reboot and hope everything works at next boot.20:32
JacobTDCI'm using a Dell Inspiron 2650 with Ubuntu Minimal/CLI 18.04. Yes, I know it's a dinosaur.y20:32
Dbuggermemphisto, is there any tool to check HW errors on Ubuntu?20:32
memphistoDbugger: non for VGA that i know of20:33
Dbuggermemphisto, and for the whole system?20:33
Zahovaylooks like my soruces.list file have only 4 repos. How can I simply use all the official ubuntu repos? do I need to write every single repo link by my self?20:34
memphistoDbugger: well there is lots of small tools for various system parts, but which one are you asking for20:34
DbuggerI see20:34
memphistoexample: smartctl for disk20:34
DbuggerWell, I guess I will have to learn to live with that error :/20:34
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qwebirc52568okey now im in google translate :)20:35
qwebirc52568i need local server for learn php20:36
qwebirc52568and now my apache is not work and i want to uninstall and reinstall :)20:36
uebera||qwebirc52568: No need.20:37
qwebirc52568uebera||:  okey what i can do need ?20:37
uebera||qwebirc52568: Have a look at /var/log/apache2 ("ls -lrt /var/log/apache2/"). There should be a file named error.log. We need the last error messages/last lines of that in the pastebin.20:37
qwebirc52568uebera||:  okey wait20:38
qwebirc52568uebera||:  now ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vMZKNZxVSD/20:38
uebera||qwebirc52568: Let me see... (Also, for the future: "apachectl configtest" should give you some idea what's wrong.)20:38
qwebirc52568uebera||:  now ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SQ4qYpWBZh/20:39
uebera||qwebirc52568: We need the contents of "error.log".20:39
qwebirc52568uebera||: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CCwbv38h4k/20:39
uebera||qwebirc52568: According to the log, your apache2 works! It's a PHP problem. If you generate a /var/www/html/test.html file ("<html><body>Hello, world.</body></html>"), it should show up fine.20:41
uebera||qwebirc52568: "Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using" is only a warning.20:42
uebera||qwebirc52568: What is the content of /var/www/html/index.php ?20:42
uebera||qwebirc52568: This is PHP specific, though, so you might want to consider to ask about this in a PHP specific channel (afterwards). apache2 is up and running.20:42
qwebirc52568uebera||: finally !!!!!!!!!!!sooo thanks !20:43
qwebirc52568uebera||:  brother html is work but i don't know why php is not work :/ i install apache2 for learn php with my course20:43
uebera||qwebirc52568: What is the content of /var/www/html/index.php ? You might want to join channel ##php.20:45
qwebirc52568now its /var/www/html/index.html20:47
tomreynDbugger: i think the root cause of this issue is discussed at line 866 and following of your dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zrwhzV7gWZ/20:47
qwebirc52568uebera||:  THANKS!20:48
qwebirc52568uebera||:  can you give me simple code php for run to test if work or not work20:48
uebera||qwbirc52568: Sure. Just a moment...20:48
Dbuggertomreyn, i have no idea what that line is saying...20:49
tomreynDbugger: the nvidia driver is grabbing memory it's not supposed to in this configuration.20:49
uebera||qwebirc52568: This is a mixed example: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2X5vFj83z4/ (called "bing.php" locally)20:50
Dbuggertomreyn, any idea how to revert that?20:51
tomreynDbugger: at least that's my interpretation. when you posted this dmesg earlier, you had booted without the nomodeset option. normally, when using  the nvidia proprietary driver, you do boot with njomodeset. i'm wondering whther this might help20:51
tomreynDbugger: what is the output of: cat /proc/cmdline20:51
new_gen"$ sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default" , what is the set-default argument for in this command????20:52
uebera||qwebirc52568: This is a nice PHP related resource --> https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_examples.asp20:52
Dbuggertomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bymbx66rGv/20:52
tomreynDbugger: and you're using the proprietary driver now? does "lsmod | grep nvidia" show it's loaded?20:53
Dbuggertomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P2hQbHMdS4/20:54
Zahovaydo anyone know update-manager-core sources-list? can I use it to upgrade ubuntu server from 15.10 to 16.04?20:54
tomreyn!nomodeset | Dbugger try this20:54
ubottuDbugger try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:54
oerheksnew_gen, that is, when you have more than 1 java installed, say openjdk8 and the oracle blob20:55
new_genoerheks: allright to use oracle java as default20:55
new_geni got it now20:55
qwebirc52568uebera||:  i want say So Thanks !20:55
oerheksnew_gen, that is a choise, we recommend openjdk20:56
uebera||qwebirc52568: You're very welcome!20:56
uebera||new_gen: "apt show oracle-java8-set-default" will give you the package explanation.20:56
qwebirc52568uebera||:  so thanks bro <3 thanks for your support thanks again thanks good bye <320:56
Dbuggertomreyn, reading this, a think comes to mind, that maybe helps. When I log out, I do get the ubuntu "shuting down" screen. But when I log in, I dont20:57
new_genuebera: thanks man, i am new to linux20:59
new_genuebera|| :20:59
uebera||new_gen: yw ;)21:00
DbuggerThis channel has some lovely people :D      https://pasteboard.co/HvGFsNx.png21:01
tomreynDbugger: try just the nomodeset one for now. and just try it on grub menu for a single boot, dont make it permanent by editing the configuration grub default file just yet21:01
uebera||Dbugger: Defuse 'em with this --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjI2J2SQ528 :o)21:02
tomreynDbugger: there are some spammers around today, you can get help with how to handle them in #freenode21:02
Dbuggertomreyn, Yeah, I will try that. But not before I finish my conversation with that gentleman I showed you on the last link ;)21:02
blackflowDbugger: internet tough guys ;)21:03
DbuggerLol, now he asked me "Your mother have any kids who lived?"21:03
blackflowDbugger: /wc and /mode Dbugger +g   thank me later.21:03
Dbugger"/wc" is for me to go to the toilet :D21:03
blackflowDbugger: or to flush that trd :)21:04
Dbuggerwith /wc I get a "command not found"21:04
Dbugger"Unknown command"21:05
blackflowDbugger: meh what client is that. close the window then21:05
blackflowof that particular private chat I mean21:05
DbuggerWould you suggest me another one?21:05
blackflowDbugger: I'm an irssi fanboi21:05
DbuggerSeems like Hexchat does not like WCs21:06
blackflowDbugger: I see, irssi default config has /wc aliased to "close window"21:06
blackflow /window close    then21:07
blackflowbut the +g mode is the kicker ;)21:07
DbuggerThis is endless fun :D21:07
Dbuggeraaand he quited :)21:08
skinuxHey guys, I added a clock panel indicator that shows to the left of all the other indicator icons. Problem is, when I open 5 or more programs, it's stuck behind the name of the last one, and it always shows univeral/military time. How do I fix this?21:08
DbuggerI will try the nomodeset later, i dont want to reboot again :P21:09
Dbuggerbut thanks for the advice21:09
texlaUbuntu 16.04 Wanting to install Ubuntu 18.04 to a Sabrent Usb 3.0 enclosure with 500gb sata hdd which has never been formated When I login to the Usb enclosure the program goes to the Ubuntu grub menu and allows to boot items from menu When I open gparted the sda show the enpty enclosure and sdb show the partitions from the former sda Why21:10
JacobTDCCan anyone here help with SynPS/2 Synaptic controller issues?21:10
DbuggerNvidia will never release open drivers, right? =P21:10
blackflowDbugger: well the hell already froze with Microsoft getting all Linuxy, so I wouldn't say, really :)21:11
Dbuggeroh well, i guess everything is possible21:11
Dbuggereven though I do not get why is everyone saying that21:12
JacobTDCCan anyone here help with SynPS/2 Synaptic controller issues?21:12
DbuggerI have not heard yet of any open source software from Win21:12
blackflowDbugger: .NET?21:12
DbuggerI didnt know that was open source21:13
blackflowyeah, plus the whole WSL thing, Microsoft Linux running in azure DCs, etc....21:13
tomreynahem, could you guys move this discussion?21:13
blackflowyeah sorry. #ubuntu-discussion is better for this.21:13
Dbuggereven though I gotta admin I dont really know what .NET is. Sometimes I think it is a language, a suite or a framework21:13
Dbuggertomreyn, yeah sorry21:14
texlaWhen I try to create a partition on the enclosure it tells all data will be erased on sda as the partition names have changed what will happen?21:15
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tomreyntexla: what do you mean by "login to the usb enclosure"? you installed to the external disk and are now trying to boot off it?21:15
JacobTDCtexla: Are you currently in the install process?21:15
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tomreyntexla: so you have 2 disks, one internal, one external, connected via usb, right?21:18
tomreyntexla: and so far the internal one has ubuntu 16.04 installed and that's what you normally boot from?21:19
texlatomreyn, I have only installed the 500gb sata hdd inside the enclosure I then hooked it to a 3.0 usb port I open the computer select f7 and then sabrent to boot ao I can use gparted to format21:20
DbuggerHey, is there any tool to run diagnostics on my machine? On a global level?21:21
tomreynDbugger: there's the terminal ;)21:21
JacobTDCDbugger: and recovery mode21:22
DbuggerI meant more like a stress test21:22
tomreynDbugger: there are system logs, /var/log/syslog*21:22
Dbuggersomething more automated21:22
JacobTDCI've had to use PLENTY of recovery mode over the past few days... XD21:22
DbuggerI am not that good with the system itself21:22
tomreyntexla: so you have a live linux installed on the usb disk and are booting frotm this to repartition your internal hard disk?21:23
blackflowDbugger: really though, looking at the system logs is the best you can do.   journalctl -p err  is helpful .   there's also the xorg log, I don't know if it logs to journal.21:23
Dbuggerblackflow, the problem is that I do not know what most of those words mean. I am not even sure what "xorg" is21:23
texlaJacobTDC, I am to the point of trying to install to the enclosure but the sda and sdb have reversed when I TRY TO CREATE A partition21:24
blackflowwell forgive me for asking, but then how would a diagnostic tool help? if you ran it and it said  "LurgidBee somethingnator is off by ten gobberwarts", what would you do?  :)21:25
texlatomreyn, I have nothing on the external I am trying to format to install Ubuntu I have 16.04 on internal Plus21:26
tomreyntexla: okay. i'd say to start from a clean slate, reboot fromthe internal disk as you would normally, then come back here (or stay if you can) and we can go thorugh this.21:27
texlaRebooting from 16.0421:28
Dbuggergnight everyone21:31
texlatomreyn, I have rebooted with only internal hdd the external enclosure has the power turned off Gparted and parted -l only showing sda with the normal partition21:37
tomreyntexla: wb21:42
tomreyntexla: can you post: sudo parted /dev/sda print | pastebinit21:42
tomreyntexla: as well as: sudo parted /dev/sdb print | pastebinit21:43
tomreyntexla: also: lsblk --fs21:46
tomreyntexla: still around?21:46
texlatomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qdwnYQkTfj/22:06
fukwadpoopybuthole you in here?22:07
texlatomreyn, Error: Could not stat device /dev/sdb - No such file or directory.22:07
fukwadunder another nick perhps?22:07
rej_Hi, it seems that user namespaces are disabled by default on ubuntu 18.04. Is there a reason for it? It's causing me issues with nested LXD and I don't want to run privileged containers. Is it safe ti enable?22:08
fukwadim out buahbueye22:09
texlatomreyn, https://pastebin.com/yeWTKHqk22:10
texlatomreyn, Sorry had to leave a few minutes..these are the normal internal partitions22:11
texlatomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/S6FMfNGs3K/..This with the power to enclosure22:16
darrendI have a program that attempts to make its data directory writable on startup (regardless of whether it already is). I'm trying to use a shared data directory and so this program fails for whichever user doesn't own the shared directory. Is there a way to fix this?22:17
blackflowdarrend: yes, use proper permissions. can you be more specific about what's going on?22:18
darrendnote that both users are in the default group on that directory and that the directory is writeable for the group22:18
darrendblackflow: yes, the issue is the program seems to be attempting to do "chmod +w /shared/dir" at startup22:19
oerheksmake a group that owns that folder, add the users22:19
darrendoerheks: already have, user in the group that is not the owner cannot chmod the dir22:19
oerheksthen explain what program is doing this?22:20
blackflowof course, only owners can chmod. but why would two diffeerent users want to do that?22:20
darrendso I can share photo dirs22:20
darrendwhy would shotwell want to do that? Don't know, I didn't write it22:20
blackflowwell then do like oerheks suggested first, have a third group part of which are both users, and g+w on the dir.22:20
darrendalready have, doesn't work. If I own the directory, shotwell starts. For other users in that group it doesn't - it complains that it can't make the directory writeable (even though it already is)22:22
darrendyou can confirm it just with bash easily enough22:22
tomreyntexla: ok, still aruond?22:22
blackflowdarrend: okay so if each user's dir is readable to the other, do you really need one shared dir?22:23
blackflowdarrend: and this sounds like a bug to be reported to shotwell22:23
darrendyes, I want a shared directory, shotwell can only have a single data dir22:24
darrendblackflow: agreed it's a shotwell bug, but they aren't going to fix it22:24
texlatomreyn, listed the pastebit you wanted want me to redo22:24
oerheksthat is right, a long waiting feature, easy sharing, all i know is one folder: shotwell --datadir=<datadir>22:24
blackflowdarrend: shotwell works with whatever user is using it, and their home dir, no? so each user would have their own shotwell dir under ~/  no?22:25
tomreyntexla: i saw them, ok. so now you want to install ubuntu 18.04 on the external hard disk, which is current /dev/sdb, right?22:25
darrendblackflow: normally yes. But I want multiple users to use the SAME data directory22:25
texlatomreyn, Yes that is correct but it turns to sda when I try to use gparrted22:26
blackflowdarrend: apparently you can't. unless you script some sync between them all22:26
darrendseems odd that someone would go to such lengths to make their software completely unusable by multiple users on a multi-user OS22:27
tomreyntexla: ok, then dont use gparted for now. so your plan is to have a full / permanent 18.04 ubuntu installation on the external disk?22:27
blackflowdarrend: you haven't seen GNOME then :))22:28
tomreyntexla: the other option would be to set the external disk up as a live / installer usb stick / cdrom22:28
texlatomreyn, Yes but I want to partition disk later for other Linux22:28
tomreyntexla: so which of the two do you want?22:28
darrendis there maybe a better photo management app that wouldn't give me these issues? I have no objection to switching22:28
texlatomreyn, I have not made that dicision as of date22:29
oerhekstry the ubuntustudio-graphics ubuntustudio-photography repos, i like darktable22:29
oerheksnot sure that is more conveniant with shared folders..22:30
tomreyntexla: well, since the next step would be to instll there one or the other way, you will need to make this decision sooner or later. but we can just create an empty partition table and see what happens if you like.22:30
texlatomreyn, I can make a partition table but it tells me it will errase data on sda22:31
darrendoerheks: thanks, I'll take a look22:31
tomreyntexla: so open two terminal windows. in on of them, run "dmesg -w" - this will show the kernel log. in the other, run "sudo parted /dev/sdb mklabel gpt"22:33
raidghostWhy does a ubuntu server 18.04 LTS computer suddenly stop responding to static ip. HDMI/DVI (No output)22:33
tomreyntexla: and close whatever told you that it will erase data on sda before you do this.22:33
tomreyntexla: then tell me what it says on both windows22:35
texlatomreyn, https://pastebin.com/an3egu8n22:37
texlatomreyn, ray@ray-Kudu-Pro:~$ "sudo parted /dev/sdb mklabel gpt"22:39
texlabash: sudo parted /dev/sdb mklabel gpt: No such file or directory22:39
tomreyntexla: sudo apt update; sudo apt install parted; sudo parted /dev/sdb print22:40
tomreyntexla: keep the dmesg -w thing running, so do this in the other window22:41
texlatomreyn, https://pastebin.com/NrftLwcS22:48
gambl0reim having trouble connecting my samsung galaxy to ubuntu via usb. its not detecting22:50
gambl0reany help?22:50
blackflowgambl0re: does the galaxy show a message to tap it to change the way it's connected?22:51
gambl0reBlackDex, not sure what you mean22:52
lambdoidI'm installing Ubuntu 18.04 on Windows Subsystem for Linux22:52
blackflowgambl0re: well exactly what I said. when you connect it with the USB cable, does your galaxy show a popup/message/event about chaging USB connection. there are several ways/modes, you need "file transfer" -- I'm assuming that's what you want.22:53
gambl0retheres no pop up22:53
blackflow!wsl | lambdoid22:53
ubottulambdoid: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide22:53
gambl0retheres a red light on my phone indicating that its charging22:54
blackflowgambl0re: what about dmesg | tail -n 40   do you see any message about the phone (it's a phone right?) being connected?22:55
tomreyntexla: i'm sorry, this is taking too long, i need to leave.22:55
texlatomreyn, thanks for the help22:55
gambl0reBlackDex, you want me to paste the output here22:56
blackflowgambl0re: please be careful about who you're highlight. I'm not that nick.22:57
gambl0remy bad22:57
blackflowgambl0re: and sure, pastebin that output.22:57
oerheksunlock the phone first...22:57
gambl0reoerheks, it is unlocked22:57
gambl0rei also tried on a different computer runnig ubuntu and the same22:58
oerheks.. in ##linux they have the answer :-D23:00
blackflowgambl0re: did you (un)plug a Lexar device before plugging in your phone?23:00
blackflowoerheks: ? another crossposter?23:01
gambl0reblackflow, yea how did you know23:01
blackflowgambl0re: it's in that output. so, after that there's not a peep about new usb device connecting. so I suspect your usb cable is busted. there's power (if the phone shows charging) but no data.23:01
gambl0rebut the usb stick works23:01
gambl0reand the cable works when i plug it into my wireless samsung charger23:02
blackflownone of which conflicts what I just said :)23:02
gambl0reit cant transfer any data?23:02
gambl0reis what you're saying?23:02
guiver_dgambl0re: two pins carry power; two pins carry data - power powering thru cable does not mean data can traverse cable...23:02
blackflowthat's my suspicion. if I understand you correctly. you unplugged Lexar, and plugged in galaxy. the unplug of Lexar is visible in the dmesg, and there's nothing after that.23:03
gambl0reill try a different cable23:03
blackflowgambl0re: also confirming this is that galaxy _should_ show you a message about USB being connected and asking you to select mode23:04
lambdoidYay, I installed 18.0423:04
blackflowlambdoid: "ubuntu" under WSL and Ubuntu native is not quite the same thing tho'23:05
lambdoidthe only thing is that linux kernel system calls are translated into windows kernel calls23:06
oerhekswsl has its own support channel23:06
oerhekswe might suggest to install a desktop, hahaha23:07
lambdoidmy favourite game is has bugs in it's linux version23:08
lambdoidmy favourite game has bugs in its Linux version*23:08
IarfenI've thinked that any good application intended for use inside Ubuntu should have a website if possible, opinions?23:11
jbaseI think a man page would suffice ))23:11
blackflowthey more or less all do23:12
swift110hey all23:13
jbaseSo, I need help with OpenCL support for amdgpupro. 16.04 LTS Linux 4.4.0-130-generic x86_64. I install the latest amdgpu from AMD website (18.40 that is), but clinfo gives me "No. of OpenCL platforms: 0". Apparently, no miner app can actually use the OpenCL.23:14
gambl0reblackflow, i just tried a different cable and it does the same thing23:15
blackflowgambl0re: well then is your phone's usb connector busted?23:16
gambl0reblackflow, thats a copout answer23:16
gambl0refine. thanks23:16
blackflowgambl0re: I'm not sure what else do youwant me to say. your kernel apparently doesn't see the connection at all. not even as unknown device. it's not ubuntu problem.23:17
jbaseblackflow, do you have a solution to my problem, please? Lacking openCL support in amdgpupro 18.40 under 16.04 LTS...23:19
blackflowjbase: sorry, nope, no experience with opencl or amdgpu23:19
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Glorfindelhow do I change my computers hostname? cli is preferred. (I think hostname is the proper term... it's what's after the @ in user@computer)23:43
Glorfindeleh, found it23:48
Glorfindelit wasn't working at first though... maybe I was using the wrong keyboard ;)23:48
guiver_dGlorfindel:  edit /etc/hostname & /etc/hosts ;  systemctl restart systemd-logind.service --- or probably better use `hostnamectl set-hostname newname`23:48
=== guiver_d is now known as guiverc
Glorfindelis changing it from the 'about' section not permanent?23:49
JacobTDCIs it possible to change the color depth on Ubuntu Minimal/CLI?23:51
JacobTDCAnyone know?23:53
GlorfindelJacobTDC: it's a bit slower than usual rn, keep waiting and someone will let you know :)23:56

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