
ninjarider89ok who wants to help a noob out08:31
diogenes_!ask | ninjarider8908:35
ubottuninjarider89: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:35
ninjarider89ok i dnt know exactly how irc wrks so here we go trying to install lubuntu boot live run throu the install and go to boot from hd and it falls back to gnu grub 2.0 and thats where i get stuck any help?08:39
diogenes_ninjarider89: i didn't quite get, what OS is currently installed on your pc?08:42
ninjarider89windows 10 on another hd08:42
diogenes_so you've got a pc with two HDDs?08:42
ninjarider89its a laptop sorry hp envy touchsmart08:43
diogenes_with two HDDs?08:43
diogenes_and on one of then is windows 10 and what is on the other one?08:44
ninjarider89according to the partition manager lubuntu08:45
ninjarider89but i cant get it to boot it falls back to gnu grub2.008:46
diogenes_wait, did you actually install the lubuntu? or you trying to install it08:46
ninjarider89the live installer said it completed08:47
diogenes_ok, now when the pc starts, does it reach grub menu? where you can choose to boot either lubuntu or windows 10?08:48
* diogenes_ reboots his pc08:49
ninjarider89no it boots to windows 10 i have to manually select the hd in the boot device08:50
sirjamsI use Lubuntu 17 amd I would like to upgrade it to 18, but without loosing any data. How can I do it?10:35
sirjamsis it possible to do it by terminal?10:36
sirjamsor maybe save my /home dir in a usb pen and make a new installation?10:36
sirjamshelp the newbie here... :)10:37
tsimonq2!ask | sirjams10:45
ubottusirjams: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:45
sirjamsOk ubottu, sorry.10:45
tsimonq2sirjams: sudo do-release-upgrade does the upgrade to 18.04.10:45
sirjamsI am a Lubuntu 17 user...10:45
tsimonq2You don't lose data.10:45
tsimonq2You should always have backups, by the way.10:46
sirjamsholly...you gave the answer before the question???10:46
tsimonq2I guess I meant to do this one...10:46
tsimonq2!patience | sirjams10:47
ubottusirjams: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/10:47
sirjamsso...I dont loose any data, right?10:47
tsimonq2You shouldn't.10:47
sirjamssorry for the newbie question, but how do I save my /home drr in a usb flash pen?10:47
lubot5<tsimonq2> Hi from the Telegram bridge.10:48
lubot5<tsimonq2> Do you have anything on the drive at the moment?10:48
sirjamsyes, some docs10:49
lubot5<tsimonq2> So, insert the flash drive and open it in the file manager.10:49
sirjamsand copy it all to the flash drive, right?10:50
lubot5<tsimonq2> Then go to /home in the file manager.10:50
lubot5<tsimonq2> Yup, you can do that.10:50
sirjamsbut you had other idea...do to /home in the file manager and?10:51
lubot5<tsimonq2> Then from there you can just copy the whole folder.10:51
sirjamswell...thanks! you were great! tx for helping this newbie...10:52
lubot5<tsimonq2> Anytime :)10:52
sirjamsI will do it now. Upgrade and copy files to the flash drive.10:53
lubot5<tsimonq2> Copy first, upgrade second.10:54
sirjamswhat about the installed programs...will they be deleted or will stay with the new Lubuntu?10:54
sirjamsok tsimonq210:55
lubot5<tsimonq2> @sirjams, They will stay.10:57
sirjamstx. I had a lot of reserves doing this upgrade...my lubuntu machine is old and it is  not powerfull...and I red that lubuntu 18 needs the double of the resources, right?10:58
lubot5<tsimonq2> Well, that's mainly there to reflect the current web standards.10:59
lubot5<tsimonq2> You should be fine.10:59
sirjamsok. well...I will do it and see how it goes...but thanks guys...you were great!11:00
sirjamsstay well, stay safe!11:01
lubot5<tsimonq2> Thanks.11:01
=== m4sk1n[m] is now known as m4sk1n
sirjamshello again17:26
sirjamsI am a lubuntu 17 user, and I was trying to upgrade it to lubuntu 18 by terminal17:27
sirjamsbut every tutorial and articles I found are only related with ubuntu, not lubuntu...17:28
sirjamsis it the same thing?17:28
sirjamssorry for the newbie questions17:28
wxlsirjams: yes17:28
sirjamsok. so, if I follow all instructions about upgrading from ubuntu 17 to 18, is is going to do the same thing with my lubuntu 17...it becomes Lubuntu 18, right?17:30
sirjamsI red so many things and way to do it...wich is the easiest way to do it by terminal?17:31
sirjamsI made back up of all my docs in /home dir...17:32
wxlusually `sudo do-release-upgrade -d` but if you're on an old version, you might have to manually edit the sources.list and/or use the iso to upgrade17:32
sirjamsI am using the 17 version...17:33
sirjamswhen I try: sudo do-release-upgrade -d , it tells me that I have the new version17:37
wxlwhat's `lsb_release -d` tell you?17:37
sirjamsNo LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 17.10 Release:17.10 Codename:artful17:38
wxland to be sure what's `grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades` give you?17:39
wxloh that's weird17:43
wxledit that file and change that value to normal17:43
wxlthen `sudo do-release-upgrade` should work17:44
ca_cabot hey all, i'm on lubuntu 17.10, and trying to upgrade to 18.04 - sudo do-release-upgrade returns that no new release can be found?17:45
wxlca_cabot: edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades so Prompt=normal17:45
ca_cabotsweet, ty! why does it need to change from lts to normal when upgrading to an lts release?17:48
ca_cabotbecause artful wasn't lts?17:49
wxlyeah i have no idea how you were on artful and it was set to lts17:49
wxlthat's what i'd call a very strange situation17:49
wxli had thought that if set to anything, it would allow an upgrade to any lts release but it seems that the issue is that it will only support lts->lts if it's set to lts17:49
wxlwhereas normal will allow normal->normal or lts->normal or normal->lts17:50
ca_caboti see, i can't say it makes since - but i appreciate your help! upgrading now!17:50
wxlhave fun :)17:50
wxlssh bfdata221:39
wxloooops :)21:39

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