
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
didrocksgood morning06:21
jibelSalut didrocks06:37
didrockssalut jibel, les vacances étaient biens ?06:37
jibeldidrocks, bien, un peu courtes comme toujours et toi ça va?06:38
didrocksjibel: ça va, rentré de GUADEC, les vacances dans 2 semaines :)06:38
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dufluMorning didrocks and jibel06:49
* duflu runs off again to make coffee06:50
didrockshey duflu07:12
oSoMoNhello world07:20
dufluHello oSoMoN07:21
oSoMoNhey duflu, had a good week-end?07:22
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worldHello oSoMoN07:22
=== world is now known as duflu
didrockssalut oSoMoN07:22
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:22
dufluoSoMoN, yeah twas nice. How about you?07:22
oSoMoNweek-end was nice yeah, I didn't do much except for sleeping and bbq07:24
oSoMoNand started setting up an automated watering system for my vegetable garden, which is coming along nicely07:25
dufluSounds nice07:25
* tsimonq2 waves to everyone07:28
oSoMoNeveryone waves back07:28
didrockshey tsimonq207:31
dufluHi tsimonq207:31
dufluHi seb12807:31
seb128good morning desktopers07:31
seb128hey didrocks duflu07:31
didrockshey seb12807:31
jameshhi seb12807:32
seb128hey jamesh07:32
seb128did you all had good w.es?07:32
didrockshey jamesh07:32
jameshtoo much rain07:32
jameshhi didrocks07:32
dufluThat's true. We practically had a cyclone last night. But still a nice weekend07:33
dufluwith water07:33
dufluAnd Saturday, depending on the suburb07:33
dufluHow are you seb128?07:34
oSoMoNsalut seb12807:34
seb128duflu, I'm good! ready for a warm week07:35
seb128when we came back yesterday it was 32.3°C in the flat :/07:35
seb128lut oSoMoN07:35
oSoMoNgood morning Trevinho07:37
oSoMoNseb128, does it cool down at night?07:37
TrevinhooSoMoN: hi :-)07:37
dufluHi Trevinho07:38
seb128oSoMoN, yes, we can't complain07:38
Trevinhoduflu: hey Daniel07:38
seb128hey Trevinho, what are you doing up so early? ;)07:38
duflu? Where in the world is Trevinho San Diego ?07:39
didrockshey Trevinho07:39
Trevinhoseb128: eheh, yesterday I walked around 30km, while I slept probably 8 hrs in the weekend so yesterday I needed to sleep a bit earlier :-P07:40
Trevinhoduflu: ahaha, no... Nerja, Spain07:41
oSoMoNnice, I was there for a holiday 5 years ago07:45
TrevinhoYeah very touristy place, but I wanted to check it out...07:46
dufluSomething tells me too many projects/people are now on gitlab.gnome.org07:56
oSoMoNit was painfully slow for me the other day, is it still the case?08:00
dufluoSoMoN, yes it's been unusable for a few hours at least08:01
dufluEven last week I had to save my comments offline and try pasting them whenever I could get the site to respond08:01
dufluHi willcooke08:08
seb128hey willcooke, how are you? had a good trip back?08:09
willcookeI'm ok, verrrrrry tired this morning08:09
willcookeone week is really bad for jet lag08:09
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke08:11
dufluwillcooke, welcome to our world. One week of jet lag during the sprint + one week of jet lag after the sprint08:12
didrocksmorning willcooke08:14
didrocksandyrock: hey, once you are around, apparently you discussed about https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/747 when implementing the feature with the dash to dock people, do you have anything plan for it?08:16
gitlab-botmicheleg issue 747 in dash-to-dock "Make progress bar and trough themeable" (comments: 0) [Open]08:16
seb128duflu, they are discussing gitlab's slowness on #gnome-hackers (you should be there maybe, can be useful?), it's not specific to the GNOME instance and they blame it on extra JS use from gitlab08:17
dufluseb128, yeah I thought it feels like it's in the web frontend. git itself still works. No need for me to join if they know already08:18
seb128right, I was more suggestion that you might want to autoconnect to some GNOME channels maybe08:18
dufluseb128, I already do08:19
seb128ah, I see you are on #gnome-shell08:19
seb128good :)08:19
seb128L_aney (I think?) commented post GUADEC about that, I meant to follow up/ask08:19
seb128I guess that's already sorted out :)08:19
Trevinhooh, finally! https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/commit/f68cefbdc1f5131b930c2acf3c2dc0ede07f538e08:33
seb128Trevinho, well done \o/08:35
seb128willcooke, ^08:35
willcookeTrevinho, woot!  Thank you!08:38
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andyrockdidrocks: not really11:25
andyrockif required I can schedule some time for this11:26
didrockswell, talk with seb128 about it I guess, but it seems it's a small thing and the communitheme guys would be glad to have that possibility for the theme11:31
didrocks(nothing prevents you answering on the bug though ;))11:31
seb128didrocks, andyrock, seems like the nice small quite of polish that would be nice to have but not a priority, maybe for the list post-ff?12:18
didrockssounds good to me, post-ff, before uif12:21
didrocksjust please answer to the communitheme guys on the bug ;)12:21
seb128andyrock, ^ wfy? can you comment saying you can have a look post cosmic-ff?12:22
andyrockseb128: kk12:42
Trevinhouff gnome's gitlab is so slow, need more machinessss12:57
oSoMoNricotz, FYI, I pushed LO 6.0.6~rc1 to cosmic-proposed (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:6.0.6~rc1-0ubuntu1)13:00
ricotzoSoMoN, nice13:01
oSoMoNI know we usually wait for the proper release, but LO rebuild failures were blocking migrations (cosmic had 6.0.3), and it didn't make sense to undo changes in the packaging branch to push 6.0.513:02
oSoMoNwhen 6.0.6 final is out I will push it of course13:02
ricotzoSoMoN, I know, I suggested to just take the rc1 ;)13:02
ricotzoSoMoN, no -l10n package?13:03
oSoMoNricotz, uploading now13:03
ricotzoSoMoN, currently uploading 6.1.0~rc2, but don't expect too much13:04
oSoMoNricotz, btw there's a snap for 6.1.0~rc1 in the beta channel, and 6.1.0~rc2 currently building too13:05
ricotzgreat, I don't use snap though13:05
kenvandinericotz, i'm back from the sprint now, so I'll get vala updated in the backports PPA early this week13:19
ricotzkenvandine, thanks :), libgee-0.8 seems like a candidate as well, note valac is a compiler so upload order matters13:20
kenvandineok, thx13:24
willcookemorning kenvandine13:25
kenvandinehey willcooke13:25
oSoMoNhey kenvandine13:25
seb128hey kenvandine, had a good trip back?13:38
kenvandinehey seb12813:39
kenvandinegetting back to the routine now :)13:39
seb128xnox, doko, no, we don't check those ftbfs pages, I didn't even know they existed out of archive rebuilds14:57
xnoxseb128, that's ongoing page for the current devel series release/proposed pockets as needed.14:58
seb128xnox, doko, also as said, having to manually "pull" on a stack of random reports on inconsitent websites isn't a solution14:58
seb128you have to keep an eye on britney migration, component mismatch, assigned bugs, rls-nn-incoming tags, ftbfses, etc etc etc14:59
seb128no that doesn't work14:59
xnoxseb128, that one at least is part of like DMB tests for MOTU =/ =))))) and like contributing developers are pointed at those...... well documented in ubuntu development pages..... =))))))) are you even motu?! ghghghghhghghhghgh =)14:59
seb128xnox, no, I'm not :p14:59
xnoxseb128, please ask management to deploy tracker.debian.org for ubuntu?! =)14:59
seb128that would be useful14:59
seb128that's something we discussed recently with the people from desktop at GUADEC15:00
seb128having a dashboard would be very useful15:00
dokoand I usually reference that page in my test-rebuild emails15:00
seb128asking people to manually keep checking a stack of random reports isn't working15:00
seb128doko, right, which is why I wrote "I didn't even know they existed out of archive rebuilds"15:00
seb128doko, I though that was a report of archive rebuilds, I didn't know that was an active out of those15:01
xnoxseb128, he mentions both.... e.g. currently outstanding & full rebuild. cause full rebuild is typically a snapshot, and outstanding is the ongoing one.....15:01
xnoxseb128, please read emails from doko =) instead of ignoring them Har har har ghghhghghghhghghhhghghgh15:02
seb128my german is not good enough sorry :p15:02
dokoohh, my emails are in denglish15:02
xnox/msg doko but seb128 is german, what the?!15:02
seb128xnox, anyway, to go back to your initial question, yes email notification would be useful15:03
dokohe keeps denying that since UDU ;p15:03
seb128like we have for britney blocked migrations15:03
xnox/msg doko ich kann nicht verstechen, warum kanst ehr nicht im Deutsch lessen!15:03
willcookegoodnight all18:04
Trevinhokenvandine: hey, can you please publish https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3327 as per muktupavels fixes?18:13
Trevinhoor seb128 ^ :)18:13
kenvandineTrevinho, done18:53
Trevinhokenvandine: thanks18:54
kenvandineTrevinho, np18:56
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