
ZahovayI just saw that after i upgraded my server through ssh i still have 2.6 kernel. Is it possible to update the kernel through ssh ?08:02
blackflowZahovay: what's the output of   uname -a   ?08:11
blackflowthat's not output of uname -a08:12
Zahovay2.6.32-042stab130.1 #1 SMP Tue May 22 09:19:34 MSK 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:12
blackflowZahovay: is that OpenVZ VPS? if yes, then no, you can't touch the kernel. I'd leave that hoster before I could finish this sentence.08:13
ZahovayNot quite sure about it. The tarhely(dot)eu does provide openVZ vps, could be08:17
blackflowthat 'stab' kernel is OpenVZ signature08:17
Zahovayyour knowledge is amazing (to me atleast)08:19
Zahovaydo you suggest any "cheap" but not horrible provider?08:21
blackflowin EU I'd recommend Hetzner. Digital Ocean is otherwise not too bad.08:22
ZahovayThanks for your advice, hetzner is a bit messy to me but digital ocean looks good08:25
blackflowmessy how?08:27
Zahovaymost of the time I find vps server on the site and its clear what it is. On hetzner there are too much options I cant see vps keyword so I should read the whole site which one I m looking for08:29
Zahovayif it is at the managed server section it costs way too much08:29
Zahovayto us yet08:29
blackflowoh they call it Cloud now. but it's a regular VPS with some "cloudy" features like floating IP.08:30
blackflow(and they separate storage from compute nodes, so that's another "cloudy" feature)08:30
ZahovayI've made pictures of these prices with a little description of why openvz s...ks, thanks for your help and suggestions08:35
Zahovayso back to server, I cant change kernel?08:35
blackflowno. that's not really a VM. openvz is a form of OS level "virtualization". a container on steroids if you will. not unlike LXC. so that's just an advanced namespace on the host, with all the limitations of it.08:36
Zahovayyou must be kidding me08:38
Zahovayblackflow: I am really thankful for your help, you saved me a few days of research and also helped me to get to the right direction. Thank you!08:42
blackflowyou're welcome.08:42
blackflowZahovay: btw, all this is on the assumption that it _is_ OpenVZ, based on that uname. Given what I've seen people do, it's not theoretically impossible this really is a VM, some franken something with gods know what kernel. :)08:43
ZahovayI asked the guy, he told me that yes it is openVZ08:44
Zahovayanyway I will use this server to host a webpage for now.. (without input field so only information could be read)08:45
UssatDid the command to purge old kernels change ?12:12
Ussatsudo purge-old-kernels --keep  2 -qy is now throwing errors. : Command line option --keep is not understood in combination with the other options12:13
UssatDont remember seeing that before today, this is on 18.0412:14
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Ussatseems to work fine on 16.0412:15
Ussatand works fine on 17.X12:16
rbasakUssat: "sudo apt autoremove" (possibly with --purge) should be sufficient now.12:21
UssatOK, but how does it know how many to keep ?12:23
RoyKUssat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RemoveOldKernels perhaps12:25
Ussatthe old purge-old-kernels -y --keep 2 was working fine , untill 18.04lts12:27
ogra_Ussat, autoremove will never remove the currently running kernel and the one the linux-generic package depends on12:27
rbasakUssat: the logic is in /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal12:28
rbasakI'm not sure you can tweak the set of kept kernels any more. But enhancing that with options is a reasonable feature request I think.12:28
rbasakSome details at bug 168613812:30
ubottubug 1686138 in byobu (Ubuntu) "purge-old-kernels is superseded by "apt autoremove"" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168613812:30
UssatOK, so safe to assume then that sudo apt autoremove --purge will keep a "extra" kernel to boot from in case of oh shit12:30
UssatOK, ya12:30
rbasakUssat: that's the idea, yes. If it doesn't work for you, please tell us :)12:30
Ussat:) count on it.....running it on my test system now :)12:31
Ussatsudo apt-get -y autoremove --purge be viable for 16.04 and 17.X also ?12:34
rbasakI think it works on 16.04 too.12:35
rbasakIt's been around for a while.12:35
rbasakSince apt according to https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/log/debian/apt.auto-removal.sh12:36
rbasakThat includes Trusty12:37
rbasakSo it might also work on 14.04 unless there are other moving parts I've not accounted for.12:37
Ussatok, will see. I understand the reasoning, but I like to keep 1 running, a "gneric" and my last known good or N, n-1 and a generic12:37
ogra_definitely works on 16.04, i use it regulary on all my classic deb based installs12:37
rbasakUssat: I think if you want to keep extra ones present, you can mark them as manually installed using apt-mark. Then apt won't suggest removing them.12:38
Ussatwhich is what sudo purge-old-kernels -y --keep 2 allowed12:38
Ussatrbasak, sure, but I need to do that every time a new kernel is installed. with sudo purge-old-kernels -y --keep 2 it always kept N, N-1 and the generic12:39
rbasakUssat: or tweak the script in /etc. It should be preserved on package upgrades (since it's in /etc).12:39
rbasakUssat: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/ scripts run every time a new kernel is installed :)12:39
UssatOK, but I guess I dont understand the reasoning not allowing to flag how many to keep ?12:40
ogra_you dont need to re-set the apt-mark mark if noew kernels are installed ... that is persistent12:40
rbasakogra_: only on the metapackages presumably though?12:40
ogra_it should work on the -image packages too ... autoremove ignores manually installed packages12:41
rbasakUssat: I think it'd be perfectly reasonable to add a feature to /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal to support configurability of how many kernels to keep.12:41
UssatHow would I request that ?12:41
rbasakUssat: the only difficulty is in implementation since ideally it'd be stateless, and "how many to keep" is difficult to define (in terms of order of installs, or order of versions, orders of boot, or what?)12:41
ogra_you could go a step further and make that an auto-setting feature that simply sets it self up based on available space in boot ;)12:41
rbasakUssat: file a wishlist bug against apt please, noting apt-auto-removal in the subject.12:42
ogra_tiny /boot -> keep two ... large /boot automatically keep a few more12:42
rbasak(since the apt package ships that script)12:42
Ussatogra_, um.... not sure I would want that auto set, and if was be able to change it12:42
rbasakUssat: if you can provide a patch for the script, even better :)12:43
ogra_(plus a manual override on top allowing you to set a fixed number)12:43
Ussatrbasak, will work on it in all my free time :)12:43
rbasakNo problem. Note that I'm not apt upstream and so I can't make the final decision. But if the patch is reasonable then I see no reason why it can't be done.12:44
Ussatnoted, I appreciate the help on this...12:44
* ogra_ hopes eventually we'll simply shop all kernels as snap packages ... that would solve the issue once and for all ;)12:44
rbasakahasenack: o/12:58
ahasenackhi rbasak12:58
rbasakahasenack: I think Monday is cpaezler today, but since he's out, shall we bump to the next person (you)?12:58
ahasenackI'm fine with that12:58
rbasakThen he can do yours next week I guess.12:58
ahasenackhm, is it expected that subiquity only enables the main repo in the installed system?13:11
ahasenackno restricted, universe or multiverse13:11
ahasenackI don't recall if the old server install was also like this13:11
rbasakThat doesn't sound right13:19
coreycbjamespage: for nova i don't think we can move all config to nova-common. there are all of the nova-compute-*.conf files for example.14:32
Forty-3how do I restart networking on 18.04?15:26
Forty-3I've looked through https://askubuntu.com/questions/230698/how-to-restart-the-networking-service but it doesn't seem to have anything past 16.0415:26
Ussatsudo  systemctl restart NetworkManager.service15:27
Forty-3I'm on server, there is no NetworkManager15:28
Ussatsudo service network-manager restart15:28
UssatI am also on servers and that works15:28
Forty-3not for me :l15:28
Forty-3network-manager and NetworkManager are both not found15:28
Forty-3I really just need to get a new dhcp lease15:28
Forty-3I was hoping for something like `systemctl restart dhcpcd` like on other distros15:29
tomreynare there changes in 18.04 server compared to 16.04 as to how ssh key authentication works? i just setup an amd64 server using the classic / alternative server installer and while password autherntication by ssh works fine, i can't seem to make pubkey authentication work, not with RSA keys, not with ed25519 keys.18:51
sarnoldtomreyn: rsa keys have to be > 1024 bits, that seems to be the most common stumbling block18:52
tomreynit's 204818:55
tomreynhmm there is a lot more commented out than in earlier versions apparently18:56
teward18.04 the commented out sections are because those are now the 'defaults'18:57
tewardif you want to be sure though uncomment SSHKeyAuthentication and set it to "yes", then restart the SSH process, to make sure it accepts pubkey auth as a valid method18:57
tomreynhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3PhWxDM9p8/ is what i have after enabling and also changing a little18:58
tomreynE486: Pattern not found: SSHKeyAuthentication                                                                                                                       20,19         Top18:59
tewardhang on I forget the specific argument 1 moment18:59
tomreynignore the 2nd line please18:59
tomreynPubKeyAuthentication is yes18:59
tewardtomreyn: did you put the public key of your SSH key into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for the user in question?19:04
teward(if the user was foobarbaz, that'd be /home/foobarbaz/.ssh/authorized_keys, if it's root it's /root/.ssh/authorized_keys)19:04
tomreynyes i did. i dont know what i changed, but it works now.19:07
tomreynactually i know what i changed. i uncommented these lines19:08
tomreyn#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key19:08
tomreyn#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key19:08
tomreyn#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key19:08
tomreynrestarted sshd, could log in19:08
tomreynthen commented the lines again, restarted sshd, could still log in19:08
tomreynmy guess is the ssh host keys were not created initially19:08
tomreynhmm no, the timestamps on them are old.19:10
tomreynokay, i'm clueless. thanks for helping me out, though.19:10
dlloydwhats in /var/log/auth.log for the failed login?19:10
tomreynerror: maximum authentication attempts exceeded for root from port 12345 ssh2 [preauth]19:16
tomreynDisconnecting authenticating user root port 12345: Too many authentication failures [preauth]19:16
tomreynjust those lines. i still get those when trying to do pubkey auth against root using an ed25519 key19:17
tomreynrsa works19:17
ahasenackdoes anybody have an example (package, project, etc) that uses libapache2-mod-perl2?19:22
ahasenackI'm trying to verify https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libapache2-mod-perl2/+bug/1779400 so make sure the rebuild didn't introduce some unknown breakage19:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1779400 in libapache2-mod-perl2 (Ubuntu Xenial) "DEP8 fixes for xenial" [Undecided,Fix committed]19:22
ahasenackI'm going over apt-cache rdepends libapache2-mod-perl2, but so far I couldn't get anything useful19:23
ahasenackwebgui doesn't work (that's a package)19:23
ahasenacknor does octopussy19:23
* ahasenack tries otrs219:29
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