
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> @KMyers There are so many coffee houses here it’s unreal02:56
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> Even a coffee bus02:57
floridagram-bot1Majid Baseri was added by: Majid Baseri11:37
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> @RazPi you must be in the northwest or Europe?12:11
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> @RazPi where is that?21:41
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> Majid welcome.21:41
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> I'm in Asheville atm21:42
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> GA?21:43
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> @ahoneybun21:43
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> North Carolina21:44
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> AH nice.21:44
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> Whenever I work on some software architecture-related stuff, I get the conceptual organization down fine, but then I get stuck in implementation. It feels like my brain can't connect point a to point b. Is this common?22:00
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> Maybe its because I'm trying to pull alot of new information together and I don't have a dependable way of doing that- I have Qt docs open, a few emacs windows, and some c++ docs and some intel docs22:01
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> It is not abnormal. It happens all the time for me. It is like writer's block22:06
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> Yeah I've had a bit of a block the past week.. getting some notes in here and there, but I really need to pull it all together today22:06

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