[03:00] looking for a way to quit getting silverlight update failure messages since i thought i deleted that program [06:32] Why if I open /usr/bin/catfish in a terminal, 'update search index' then search for * , do I get errors; Exception: g-file-error-quark: Failed to open '/home/kunty/.cache/thumbnails/normal/883b692eb94227b31dd1a264782b9406.png' for writing: No such file or directory (4) [06:32] stale index? [06:34] * pmjdebruijn now doubts it even has an index? [06:34] xubuntu1804: maybe that files was created and delete during your search? [06:34] Isn't the thumbnails directory; /home/kunty/.thumbnails/ ; ie. ~/.thumbnails/normal/ [06:35] that may differ depending on the program you use? [06:35] I get hundreds of error lins [06:35] I get hundreds of error line [06:36] no clue sorry, stick around, maybe someone else knows [06:36] Catfish 1.4.4 [06:36] slow down the search [06:38] Were ~/.cache/thumbnails/normal/ moved to ~/thumbnails/normal/ ?? [06:39] 'update search index' before search [06:41] * pmjdebruijn now doubts it even has an index? [06:41] * pmjdebruijn rarely if ever uses catfish [06:42] IIRC, Catfish 'update search index' uses 'updatedb' - update a database for mlocate [06:47] ah [06:47] xubuntu1804: then you might run updatedb? [06:49] In Catfish 'update search index' uses 'updatedb' . also man --> updatedb is usually run daily by cron(8) to update the default database. [06:56] yes but that does explain the errors doesn't it [06:56] xubuntu1804: presumably you could add PRUNEPATHS to /etc/updatedb.conf [06:57] No, hence my question, why the errors ?? , Do you have ~/.cache/thumbnails/normal/ OR ~/thumbnails/normal/ ?? [06:58] no clue you could have either [06:58] opps ~/.thumbnails/normal/ [06:58] I have both too [06:58] probably application dependant [06:59] which directory has the mime type icons? [07:05] xubuntu1804: you can just browse either? [07:05] and look [07:08] I only have ~/.thumbnails/normal/ NO ~/.cache/thumbnails/normal/ ; xubuntu-18.04 fully up-to-date : uname -r 4.15.0-29-generic [07:10] ran; sudo updatedb , no ~/.cache/thumbnails/normal/ , created [07:12] Can you tell which thumbnailer created : ~/.cache/thumbnails/normal/ ?? [07:22] I should add, that in thunar I have pref's 'Show Thumbnails' set to 'Never' [07:30] Have I lost u, as u wade-thru GBytes of thumbs ;) [07:37] If I edit /etc/updatedb.conf ; and add to PRUNEPATHS ; is ~/.cache/thumbnails/normal/ ; OK , OR /home/kunty/.cache/thumbnails/normal/ [07:40] Also updatedb does no create the errors, Catfish does [07:41] 'sudo updatedb -v' ran with no errors [07:43] Hi iam new user [07:44] recommend linux mint/xubuntu? [07:45] xubuntu1804: of course updatedb runs without errors, the files are there when updatedb indexes them. the issue is, that they are no longer there when catfish runs hours later [07:46] xubuntu76i: are you asking whether linux mint or xubuntu is better [07:46] as the answer to that highly depends on the user :) [07:46] xubuntu at least has the advantage being a part of the real ubuntu family [07:48] linux mint, while ubuntu based, isn't part of the family, so they may do things differently when they please [07:54] Run 'sudo updatedb' ; OR open /usr/bin/catfish in terminal ; 'Open Catfish --> options --> 'update search index' ; enter 'sudo password' (gui frontend to updatedb); then search * [07:55] Where is ' ~/.cache/thumbnails/normal/ ' deleted ?? [08:22] Yo guys, i need to create an if and else statement in order to do the xubuntu core installation. Does anyone know a stable location to check if xubuntu core 16.04 is installed or not? [08:22] im thinking about /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml [08:28] I new but ; dpkg -l | grep linux- [08:36] xubuntu05w, what about "/usr/share/doc/xubuntu-core/"? only xubuntu-core package creates that folder [08:37] Spass, Thank you very much, gonna try that out ! [08:38] so smart, of you spass. again thank you very much! [08:38] top lad! [08:38] :D [08:38] no problem, you location seems legit too too check if xfce4 is present, but it's created by some other package [08:38] *your [08:52] I have to go for now, thanks for your help, I'll check-in later. [11:58] you still there?? [12:03] Ok, all a question about 'catfish' 'updatedb' 'mlocate.db' and 'tumbler' ; any takers ?? [12:04] !ask [12:04] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [12:07] 1. Thunar 1.6.15 --> Pref's set 'Show Thumbnails' = 'Never' [12:09] 2. ~/.thumbnails/normal/ exists, ~/.cache/thumbnails/normal/ does NOT exist [12:10] 3. sudo rm -f /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db [12:10] 4. sudo updatedb [12:14] 5. In Term (ctrl-alt-T) /usr/bin/catfish === oer_ is now known as oerheks [12:17] 6. Select Pref's (gear-wheel) -- > 'update search index' [12:17] 7. Search * [12:18] xubuntu1804: can you explain in simple words what you trying to achieve? what is the expected relsult? [12:18] 8. 380 error lines Exception: g-file-error-quark: Failed to open '/home/host/.cache/thumbnails/normal/*.png' for writing: No such file or directory (4) [12:20] I expect catfish to not throw errors looking for non-existant *.png files [12:20] Sorry I'm so slow [12:23] xubuntu1804: try gnome-search-tool [12:25] :~$ gnome-search-tool gnome-search-tool: command not found [12:25] xubuntu1804: first of all runŞ sudo apt install gnome-search-tool [12:26] Isn't catfish the xubuntu search tool ?? [12:27] xubuntu1804: xfce4 by definition doesn't have any search tool, all it uses is third party applications, so you can any of the search tools available. [12:28] Ok, so I should uninstall catfish ?? [12:29] xubuntu1804: is gnome-search-tool works with no errors then yes, if it still gives you errors then the issue is somewhere else [12:31] Oh, Ok So use 'gnome-search-tool' to diagnose the problem ?? [12:32] xubuntu1804: no :)))) gnome-search-tool is yet another search tool just like catfish, you just open it and search for the files and live a happy life :) [12:33] So, it looks like the problem is up stream in Catfish. yes?? [12:35] xubuntu1804: i'll confess you a huge secret, i don't use any gui based applications to look for files, all i use is terminal: find <=== command, much easier and productive :) [12:35] :~$ sudo apt install gnome-search-tool [sudo] password for hosty: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package gnome-search-tool [12:36] Yes I know I'm slack, but I'm old and slow [12:38] xubuntu1804: right, they didn't even package it for ubuntu 18.04, very nice, i'd advice you then to install nautilus and use it whenever you need to search for files on your pc, nautilus has a built in search tool which is much faster than any of the search tools i've ever seen. [12:42] nautilus, no thanks, I chose xubuntu, not ubuntu, I admit haven't used it since about 8.something [12:43] nautilus is not ubuntu application, it's gnome application that can be used anywhere. [12:45] Yes I know, but last time I looked at ubuntu with gnome DT, I didn't like it, true it was a long time ago, maybe time for another look [12:47] Thanks for your help, I'll wait till 18.04.1 and look at both, thanks again [12:48] xubuntu1804: ok yw. [13:03] diogenes_, small side-note - Catfish recently became an official Xfce project application - https://bluesabre.org/2018/07/15/catfish-1-4-6-released-now-an-xfce-project/ [13:04] Spass: oh ok, i didn't know that, thanks. [14:16] test [14:18] it works! [14:22] Opening chromium from the xubuntu menu causes a "busy" cursor to appear when hovering over the title bar, but this never happens if launched from "Web Browser" or the terminal. Is there a reason why? [14:30] hi am new to linux i am trying to install ralink wireless utility (RT2870) driver but am unable to ,please help me? [15:18] Getting some screen tearing when I watch videos or play games. [15:18] Any advice? [15:21] Hello. After upgrading to Xubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver), my laptop will not longer boot up into the Gnome destop even though the text says that it started. Please advise on how to proceed. [16:10] https://pastebin.com/v3a6rqMA Got me some flickery monitors. Both ubuntu and xubuntu so I'd try a fix for either. [16:11] I suppose that makes the first bits of that inaccurate. [16:35] hi am new to linux i am trying to install ralink wireless utility (RT2870) driver but am unable to ,please help me? [18:15] Do I still want to be using bumblebee or primus or something for my Optimus card? [18:15] I haven't messed with this stuff in years [18:16] prime it is, you find the settings in the nvidia tool [18:17] Doesn't that require me to be in nvidia-gpu on all the time mode? [18:17] I want the thing that lets my intel card run, but I can do specific programs with the nvidia [20:35] Help: have an external monitor connected to my Dell laptop and want to close the lid and not suspend. How can I do this? [20:36] xubuntu06w: power manager and choose the option for lid close action [20:36] Does not give an option of "nothing" [20:36] there is switch off [20:37] Where? [20:37] it will switch off display [20:37] can you see: http://i.imgur.com/7wVI0Mc.png [20:37] Cannot find it [20:39] It says "switch off display" Will that turn off my external monitor as well? [20:39] click that and choose another option [20:40] There is only "lock display" and "suspend" [20:41] xubuntu06w: what version on xubuntu you got? [20:41] 18.04 [20:42] well, click on battery icon and tick the presentation mode, it sould prevent the system from sleeping [20:43] Thanks. I will try it. [20:44] xubuntu06w, will you try something else first [20:45] xubuntu06w, close the lid, wait for both screens to click off, and type on your keyboard/wiggle mouse [20:45] the monitor comes right back ya? [20:46] Did not work. Bummer [20:46] ok [20:46] use an editor /etc/UPower/UPower.conf [20:46] find [20:46] ignoreLid= set to [20:46] ignoreLid=True [20:47] I did not try the type on the keys. Will try that. [20:47] then service upower restart [20:47] oh thats ubuntu [20:49] which editor do you suggest [20:50] nano but i dont think that is going to work [20:51] OK [20:51] nano works like a regular text editor vim hurts my head [20:51] OK [21:01] Have decided I will not close the lid... [21:01] Thanks for your help [22:11] okay I see most everyone involved in the laptop lid question has left the channel but for anyone else coming across this issue I have 16.04 LTS Xubuntu, not sure if this process is the same for 18.10 but on 16.04 the answer to this was issuing in the terminal sudo nano /etc/UPower/UPower.conf and find the line that says IgnoreLid=false, change false to true, and I rebooted as I didn't know which service was controlled by UPower. [22:12] confirmed test with a spare monitor that when I close the lid the laptop screen turns off but external monitor stayed open to the desktop. if anyone knows which service UPower.conf controls in Xubuntu, I presume just restarting that service would fix it === havenstance1 is now known as havenstance