[09:54] how would you setup and manage networking on a single KVM based HV (no HA) with an IPv4 /28 and IPv6 /64 which you'll manage via CLI (libvirt-bin or similar) only? [11:04] Hi.. looking for solid guide about hardening fresh ubuntu server, could you recommend something? [11:24] mnms_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features and https://gist.github.com/ageis/f5595e59b1cddb1513d1b425a323db04 and employ AppArmor wherever possible. The second links a bit old, those aren't all security features available through systemd, so check its docs too. [11:38] blackflow thx [12:25] rbasak: hi, is the importer stuck by any chance? [12:25] rbasak: https://git.launchpad.net/~usd-import-team/ubuntu/+source/autofs/tree/debian/changelog is at 5.1.2-3ubuntu2, rmadison shows cosmic at 5.1.2-4ubuntu1 [12:26] Looking [12:28] Yes, the host was rebooted a week ago [12:28] Looking into why [12:30] The logs have rotated out :( [12:31] Restarted [13:54] jamespage: hi, isn't crmsh used quite a log in openstack xenial deployments? [13:55] I came across https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/crmsh/+bug/1687095 and "crm cluster health" just can't work in xenial because of the missing dep, and I also added the uca for a bunch of versions and the bug remains [13:55] Launchpad bug 1687095 in crmsh (Ubuntu) "crm cluster health: NameError: global name 'parallax' is not defined" [High,Confirmed] [15:33] ahasenack: we do but I don't think I have ever used 'crm cluster health' [15:33] we don't hold crmsh in the UCA, so I'm not surprised that made no difference [15:34] jamespage: ok, thanks === jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand [17:29] rbasak: are you aware of known issues doing release upgrades from trusty to xenial with a mysql server installed? [17:30] iirc, there were a bunch of bugs filed when xenial came out [17:30] because the config changed dramatically (again, iirc) [17:31] let me paste something [17:31] see if it rings a bell [17:31] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/M2RVQdv56P/ [17:31] that bit about the version, looks like not all packages were upgraded yet [17:33] there are some apparmor denied messages, but they look like the usual to me, that I have seen in other bugs already [17:33] ahasenack: trusty has 5.5.60 [17:33] ahasenack: and precise as 5.5.54 [17:33] ahasenack: i guess maybe the upgraded at some point in the past? dunno, hard to say [17:34] i *think* that's the postinst from mysql-server? [17:34] ahasenack: which implies that it didn't stop the old one? [17:34] stop/remove [17:34] 5.5 to 5.7 involves innodb + utf-8 collation by default (for new DBs), and strict mode on by default, IIRC. [17:35] yeah, something like that [17:35] ahasenack: it feels faimilar, but i'm not 100%, i tihnk you'd need rbasak [17:38] I've not seen that before [17:39] The postinst is running mysql_upgrade as expected, but the server daemon appears not to have restarted [17:40] "start: Job is already running: mysql" [17:40] Did it fail to stop previously? [17:41] Need reproduction steps I think. Given I've not seen it before, I'd want to rule out user misconfiguration first. [17:42] ahasenack: fwiw, per publishing history of mysql-5.5, that version was superseded in trusty around april 2017 [17:42] actually january!@ [17:42] so i'd be likely to suspect pebkac [17:43] yeah, I got 5.5.60 when I created my test container [17:43] Some customisation of the service locally perhaps, which prevents the maintainer scripts from being able to affect it. [17:43] rbasak: I don't see any messages about stopping mysql, or restarting [17:47] I'd expect that to be earlier in the log [17:47] there is this, though [17:47] 180723 11:46:14 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table './asterisk/freepbx_settings' is marked as crashed and should be repaired [17:47] 180723 11:46:14 [Warning] Checking table: './asterisk/freepbx_settings' [17:47] At least to see that the preinst i running, et [17:47] don't know if that was just before the upgrade, or during [17:47] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/379751877/DpkgTerminalLog.txt dpkg terminal log [17:47] I think it's fine to mark as Incomplete with our standard template. [17:48] If the user thinks it's a bug, they can provide reproduction steps [17:48] that's usually hard with release-upgrade bugs [17:48] lxd helps with that [17:52] "Restart services during package upgrades without asking?" <-- I wonder what he answered [17:54] I think that relates only to libc6. Not sure though. [17:54] (as in libc6's maintainer scripts) [17:56] oops [18:41] hello all! installing apache2 on 18.04 but it seems I [18:41] 'm missing something cause php7 doesn't want to execute when hitting index.php [18:42] any hints? seems apache2 comes pretty bare bones now and you have to manually enable all the mods [18:43] ahh poop....libapache2-mod-php...thought that was already in [18:48] neither is php only a web scripting language nor can apache httpd be only used with php (and scripting/programming language enabling modules are generally not part of the apache httpd core), so no, it's not. [18:51] v0lksman: did you a2enmod php or whatever? [18:52] I was just missing the mod...thought I had already installed it [19:09] v0lksman: it depends on the version of ubuntu you're on, but on 18.04 it should do what you said [19:39] is there such a thing as a tomcat repo for ubuntu 18.04 ? [19:39] DammitJim: probalby a ppa [19:39] I've been googling but can't find one [19:40] all the tutorials I see online now use wget to download the gz [19:42] if you're going to that much trouble you might as well maintain the one inthe archive :) [19:43] which trouble and what archive? [19:43] !info tomcat8 [19:43] tomcat8 (source: tomcat8): Apache Tomcat 8 - Servlet and JSP engine. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.5.30-1ubuntu1.2 (bionic), package size 43 kB, installed size 314 kB [19:43] I was looking for a ppa... and was trying to make sure I wasn't missing something since I can't find it [19:43] that one :) [19:43] archive = Ubuntu archive [19:43] oh, so there is no ppa [19:43] dunno, I never looked ;) [19:44] there is a package in the archive, but it's commuynity maintained [19:44] DammitJim: i mean there can be PPAs of archive pacakges [19:44] !ppa [19:44] A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [19:44] which might mean, in practice, no one maintains it. [19:44] you can search there --^ [19:44] and if you have to build one yourself, it'd probably be less effort to maintain the one inthe archive, and let everyone benefit from your work :) [19:46] DammitJim: so why are yuo looking for a ppa? is the version in ubuntu too old / new for your needs? [19:47] actually, you guys are right... man, the mind can screw you up if you don't learn how to control it [19:48] I have been googling how to install tomcat on ubuntu 18 and all I find are tutorials to install from source [19:48] I assumed that there is no way to say: apt-get install tomcat [19:48] whoa [19:49] you can even choose from major upstream versions [19:56] !info tomcat 9 [19:56] '9' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wi [19:56] !info tomcat9 [19:56] Package tomcat9 does not exist in bionic [19:57] OK so 8 and 7 still currently [19:57] I think it's 8.5 [20:02] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomcat8/+bug/1712645 [20:03] Launchpad bug 1662654 in tomcat8 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1712645 Please remove resteasy (3.1.0) from zesty-proposed" [Undecided,Fix released] [20:03] weird [20:03] tomcat 8 is end of life [20:05] oh, interesting.. the package is called tomcat8, but it's acually 8.5.30 [20:21] Tomcat 8.0 and 8.5 are not completely compatible, either - just to make things more fun [20:23] * RoyK thinks tomcat and other java stuff should be left untouched [20:41] RoyK, I'm with you; however, I'm forced to touch it since our company uses it... it's truly a mess... to keep Ubuntu Version + Tomcat Version + Java Version + Grails Version compatible and supported (not EOL) [20:45] If that's not all bad enough, soon to use Java in a production environment will require either using openjdk or paying oracle for a commercial license. [20:46] state your source? [20:49] +1 teward [20:59] http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/eol-135779.html - "Beginning with Oracle Java SE 11 (18.9 LTS), the Oracle JDK will continue to be available royalty-free for development, testing, prototyping or demonstrating purposes." [21:01] DammitJim: my condolences [21:02] lol [21:02] ty