
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:06
zmoylan-pimorning mammals06:13
brobostigonmorning kirikkets06:14
knightwiseBoobs !06:15
knightwisei'm here06:15
knightwisei'm up06:15
knightwisesomebody mentioned boobs ?06:15
knightwiseWhere ? ?06:15
* knightwise franticly looks around for boobs06:15
knightwisediddledan: Birds dif boobs06:17
knightwiseTmux, ya gotta love it :)08:16
knightwiseI"ve started to notice that working via the CLI and working OFFLINE are the biggest boosts to my creativity08:21
zmoylan-pirisc processing for the human brain when you don't have to constantly interpret icons and buttons, just pure text08:32
zmoylan-piibm ran massive ad campaign back in the days of os/2 about how using a mouse slowed you down too08:33
knightwiseat a point its actually true08:35
knightwiseWhen i see people using an old AS400 interface .. they are FLYING08:35
knightwiseFor me its mostly because it is very distraction free08:36
zmoylan-pino notifications, no images, single tasking as much as possible08:37
zmoylan-pithat's why i have so much on my pi these days that i ssh into :-)08:37
knightwiseyep , totally understand what you mean.08:39
knightwiseI'm gonna beef up the storage on my Pi a little bit so I can use it to run some scripts and download stuff08:39
knightwiseI sync my Pi with my iPad and my ipHone over ssh to have all of the downloaded music, youtube video's and podcasts delivered to my machine08:40
knightwisegonna explain it all on the next podcast08:40
daftykinsbeauty of CLI is that you're the one responsible when things don't work, too :D08:45
knightwiseYep, true08:51
knightwisethat still brings me back to the question if the Linux GUI isn't overated08:51
daftykinswell that was really odd, yesterday a switch here in this London apartment i'm working in completely quit spitting out packets any which way, now today it's back to normal (having unplugged everything and slowly added it back)08:52
zmoylan-piand with cli there isn't a race to redesign the ui every month08:52
knightwiseyep that is true08:52
knightwiseits not good for EVERYTHING but I do keep questioning the need for a separate linux DESKTOP in my life08:52
zmoylan-piswitch overheated perhaps?08:52
knightwisezmoylan-pi: could be08:53
daftykinswell at first i pondered that but it isn't that bad in here... plus i tried giving it some downtime before another power up, didn't make any difference08:53
zmoylan-piwe're at that time of year when hardware that gives no problems starts to misbehave cause it can't handle the heat08:53
zmoylan-pior some other device is sending packets on the network thats making it misbehave... :-)08:54
daftykinsmmmm everything is plugged back in so i suspect this one will remain a phantom issue08:55
daftykinsunless when mid-day rolls around and i resume dying of heat - and it flakes out again too...08:56
knightwiseYou gotta put a fan on it08:56
zmoylan-pimax heat is around 2-3pm as the heat from the sun warms up concrete and bricks and that heat starts to bake the contents of their buildings08:59
diddledanit's already 27C in my flat08:59
diddledanunless my thermiewotsit is wonky09:00
* zmoylan-pi has an 18" fan blowing air right now...09:00
diddledanbefore the heat and now: https://www.bbc.com/news/in-pictures-4488549309:01
knightwiseyeah , its pretty bad09:02
knightwisemy lawn is actually shrinking.09:03
daftykinsthe poor TV guy i had visit yesterday came down dripping with sweat twice from going up in the loft to fit a satellite multiswitch09:03
knightwisei have a 2 cm gap between my cobblestones and my grass09:03
daftykinsoh that was me and diddledan last night with scissors09:03
knightwiseyou kids !09:09
knightwiseGET OFF MY LAWN09:09
zmoylan-piis it still a lawn when it's brown and dead?09:20
knightwiseits not completely dead yet09:23
knightwiseits a zombie lawn09:23
daftykinsgot asked to set up a safe with a PIN just now, doesn't really fill me with confidence that the things touchscreen PIN panel runs from 4 AA batteries on a compartment inside09:45
diddledanyeah - those things are gimmicks - the batteries can die so there's a lock+key override09:46
daftykinshmm didn't see anything in the cupboard where it lives09:46
zmoylan-pidon't worry, they'll lock the key inside for security....09:47
zmoylan-piand the manual. because when the panel batteries run down knowing that the instructions on what to do will be vitally important and you'll know were they are for sure09:48
daftykinsclearly it should use BASH security: "you have one attempt, execute a perfect tar command to archive your current directory AND SCP it to the following remote host"09:48
zmoylan-pinah just the old 'enter 11 digit prime number to continue'09:49
diddledanor: enter the result of sqrt(-1)09:53
diddledanand it's not i or j09:53
knightwiseanyone ever owned a motorola android phone ?09:56
zmoylan-pidoes one own android, does not google own it? :-)09:58
knightwisejust thinging about switching back to android for a swhile10:01
daftykinsi've chosen moto g's for clients before, always been nice phones10:14
daftykinsmost recently picked the 'moto g6 play' dual SIM for a lady's first smartphone - she's really getting on well with it10:15
knightwiseWorth the risk to go for a mid range model (not a flagship phone ?)10:16
daftykinsyou might well be a bit more demanding so the higher end 'moto g6' might be worth it, but i find if anything is glass backed or fronted they'll suffer greatly if not baby'd.. and flagships seem to be all about anything other than practicality10:17
daftykinscase in point my clients Note 8 which already has smashed front and rear glass10:17
daftykinswhich reminds me, i need to call LG and see if they still lost my Nexus 5x that was going in for repair10:18
knightwiseI was looking at the G6plus10:18
knightwisewith a good case10:18
knightwisealso want to downplay my phone use and focus on my tablet a bit more10:19
daftykinsyep LG have still lost my phone10:27
daftykinsor rather DPD have10:27
knightwisedpd = /dev/null11:01
daftykinsi return \o/ another laptop revived, but ugh walking around London is hell to me13:24
knightwisedaftykins: good to have you back13:31
daftykins:D thanks!13:32
daftykinsshirt off, balcony doors and windows reopened, hidden from the tormenting heat :)13:32
knightwiseare you torrenting heat ?13:59
knightwisein THIS weather ?13:59
daftykinstor Ment ;D14:01
knightwiseyou wouldn't download a heatwave  .. would you ?14:07
daftykinsit'd melt my phone line!14:20
daftykinsheh my clients silly lighting system here puts noise onto the phone line (in voice calls terms) when the lights are on14:21
zmoylan-piso he can dial in from abroad and appreciate the hum of his lighting system :-)15:01
zmoylan-pidoes he have a ring doorbell so he can watch blue tits nicking his milk?15:10
daftykinshehe, nah not a fan of the gimmicky tech15:14
zmoylan-piwhat if they added a laser....? :-)15:14
zmoylan-pitroll cats from the comfort of your sofa...15:14
daftykinsthe poor little blighters would finally get some attention when left in Guernsey15:18
zmoylan-pioh for that all you need is a recording of a dog barking to remind them of the time they woke you up at 3am meowing their brains out... :-)15:24
* arsen slaps daftykins 15:29
diddledan\o/ https://twitter.com/aaisp/status/102150625731906355317:01
zmoylan-pitime to get that 8k tv :-P17:04
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