[00:09] g'day cmaloney ! sorry i missed you; i was taking care of a couple things. [00:10] i... have that. if you want me to search on the FCA site for internal postings and then rec one to you, send me a pm, cmaloney [02:02] Thank you. [07:55] why not both? "boss wants this on his desk by Friday, roll for init" [11:45] Heh [11:50] morning [11:54] How's the day so far? [11:55] ugh, same as the last week I guess [11:55] * rick_h_ grumbles in the corner [11:56] What happened last week? [11:56] * cmaloney is on a day-to-day basis. :) [11:56] Or was it that the pupper got up way too early? [11:57] not this past weekend, but a week ago I guess I got some inner ear thing "vestibular neuritis" so I've not been able to drive or walk in a straight line since [11:58] woke up feeling good for about 10minutes before things kicked in and so now I'm cranky for the false hope [11:58] Oh shit. [11:58] * cmaloney doesn't read the Twitter [11:58] meh, not missing much [11:58] I've not been able to read for a week really either [11:59] spent last week basically with an eyemask on listening to podcasts [11:59] Oh god, that's no fun [11:59] finally able to do limited 30min computer sessions this week [11:59] Does that mean this weekend's festivities are in limbo? [12:00] oh we had to cancel our 10day family UP trip again this year [12:00] last year due to ACL blowing and this year because I can't drive/do anything complicated [12:00] we were supposed to head out Wed [12:01] Oh no. That sucks. :( [12:04] bbiab. [12:04] yea, them's the breaks [12:48] Anything I can do to help [12:48] ? [12:48] Even if it's just a sanity break [12:50] Naw, I need to get to PT tomorrow. I'm holding out some magic hope they can move things faster than this last week has been [12:50] sorry, guess this is whiny at this point [12:50] I was just dropping in to say hi as I've not been computing much lately [12:51] currently running all text at 180% so I can see it well enough it doesn't blur so feel like a grandma using a computer :P [12:51] That's quite OK [12:51] You're allowed to be winey. It's like a lot of the things you enjoy gut removed all of a sudden [12:52] I've got my buddy trying to make me feel better lol https://photos.app.goo.gl/Fo33NHcwL8c9NzgV8 [12:53] I've got to take a new pic with the shower wall and such installed but https://photos.app.goo.gl/xFUxqpJs121WVd6h7 is coming along nice [12:53] so there's little victories in there [12:53] OMG, she's adorable [12:54] trouble maker :P https://photos.app.goo.gl/A8nM5sT5LggVgMhZA [12:55] Well, of course she is [12:55] that's just good thinking [12:55] gotta mask that scent somehow [12:55] she's a treat. Training class starts tomorrow [12:56] well, expect first day is just the owners [12:56] so next week I guess [12:56] Ah, OK [12:56] but she's pretty well trained at this point, just has a puppy brain [12:56] Naturally [12:56] She's also got someone keeping her in line who has already been through this [12:57] Jordyn is so well trained [12:58] she only bolted that tone time toward the door when I was coming into it and knocked any future children I might have had well into the future. [12:58] :) [12:59] yea, she's been an amazing pup [12:59] though it was satifying to hear Erica go "you know, a rott probably would have made such a great first dog after all. So much more calm" [12:59] heh [13:00] Well, don't rotts have that trigger in them where if it snaps they have a hard time undoing it? [13:00] or is that most dogs (save for poodles) [13:06] OH man, my friends' pomsky is kind of a nightmare [13:07] It nips everyone when it wants to play, which is always, and is too quick to catch [13:07] It had my son crying last weekend [13:07] Ugh [13:07] Pees on the carpet all the time, even after just going out [13:09] i never understand why folks keep dogs like that. [13:10] Rumor is, it costed $3000 [13:10] It's incredibly cute, but nippy and barky [13:10] what kind of dog is it? [13:10] pomsky: pomeranian + husky [13:11] oh god, one of those trendy mixes. [13:11] http://platpets.com/pomsky-dog-breed-temperament-training-diet/ [13:11] So basically a diminuitive husky with an attitude [13:11] Yeah [13:12] And too quick to catch [13:12] get a cat [13:12] at least they piddle in a litterbox [13:12] They have one. It is a reasonable creature [13:12] heh [13:13] They drove like 2 hours to get it, too [13:15] Reading the temperament section on that page. It is accurate, and looks like a problem [13:16] They don't have anyone disciplining her consistently, and the kids would rather computer than play with her [13:24] ah, that's no good [16:44] does launchpad not let you upload ed25519 ssh keys? I got "invalid key" when trying. [16:45] * greg-g is looking at his launchpad account due to updating his stack exchange login info from the launchpad openid to email/password (SE is deprecating openide) [16:45] -e [16:49] yeah, I can't believe they are doing that. I thought they were a big openid success story. Shows what I know. [16:50] oh wait... they are keeping oauth providers? those ARE openid2. sheesh, this is confusing [16:50] I see, they are removing generic openid. I guess that makes sense. [16:52] I guess... :( [16:52] the open web is dieing [16:53] dying, something [16:53] I never get that right, or think I get it right [16:53] now I don't know what is right. [16:53] :) [16:53] dying - to dye, using dye? [16:54] presumably [16:57] oh... its dyeing if its with die. its dying if its die. wow, english irregular conjugation. [16:57] i probably learned that in 4th grade and then forgot it all. [17:00] <_stink_> what about the act of rolling a die? [17:00] you just said, rolling [17:00] unless you are doing drugs. that is different rolling. [17:01] anyone else watching google cloud next? [17:06] Isn't oauth / openID2 still the open web? [17:07] or is that essentially "do nt apply unless Google, Facebook, or Twitter" [17:09] cmaloney: that [17:09] it's like email: sure it's an open standard, but good luck getting on google etc's good side with your private server [17:09] because openid was, "insert your openid url here" [17:09] but oauth2 is: we accept these and only these providers, and by these, we mean facebook. [17:09] god, I'm having all sorts of fun trying to set up a new mail server and not have Google dump my mail into the shitter [17:10] SPF: That's nice, but we need DKIM [17:11] DKIM: All of the fun of SSL, now in your DNS records [17:11] exactly, which is why I skipped that and just use gandi's service [17:13] I loved the fact that my grossmeier.net email was hosted on the same box my grossmeier.net apache was back in the day (a friend, Asheesh, managed the box, he's a DD, so I trusted him ;) ). But, those days are long gone for me. [17:17] Hmmm. [17:18] Hover has a $20 a year option. [17:18] All I really need is something to route a bit of mail around [17:18] Might be worth it in the long run [17:18] was setting this up as a separate machine so I wouldn't be so reluctant to upgrade machines and have my email go wonky [17:19] unrelated: love when I mentioned that I was having fun setting up a mail server that someone recommended I use something like ansible [17:19] i am currently doing 2 things for self hosted email. 1: coloc rpi for $7/mo. 2: aws instance receiving and routing to my home server to get around comcast port 25 incoming block [17:19] both work well. [17:19] like, my dude, I'm not even at the level where I have working config. Why the fuck would I put it in Ansible yet [17:20] i have a dream of starting a business charging something cheap like $3/mo simply to route mail for self hosters to get email to their home-server through port blocks. [17:20] Heh [17:20] its not a growth market :) [17:20] its a hobby business. [17:20] No, it's a support nightmare [17:21] maybe. [17:21] bunch of whiney nerds wondering where their email is [17:21] and can you make it so you route it to ... [17:21] right. that is why you have to build tools for them to view logs for only their email. [17:21] and why is it so expensive ... [17:21] they'd config the route destination themselves. little webui for config. not a big deal. [17:22] Whenever I think of a service like that I suddenly get images of some of the folks that attend MUG and while I think they're wonderful people I wouldn't want to support their infrastructure. [17:22] well, you wouldn't. [17:22] haha [17:22] you send email to a host/ip-tcpport [17:23] I reiterate... ;) [17:23] no biggie. some customers, you dont' want. [17:23] refund their money, move on. its not a big deal. [17:23] heh [18:56] Coloc rpi? [18:56] That's hilarious [19:13] Hey now [19:13] you could probably fill the crap out of a 1U unit with RPI [19:14] http://www.bitscope.com/product/BB04/ [19:15] http://my.bitscope.com/store/?p=view&i=item+7 [19:16] I think I just figured out one thing that I'm getting when I win the lottery [19:21] Seems less powerful than a $5/mo DO droplet [19:38] but more fun/esoteric ;) [22:08] I was half watching a train hopping video while getting synced up with our recruiting people (via email) and man, that looks like such a stressful and fun time. I couldn't do it. [22:31] Is the rpi at Hipster Hosting? [22:59] Ugh. I don't think I could do train hopping at all [23:21] So, I will be doing a webcast in about a half hour on Gitolite if anyone is interested. https://www.crowdcast.io/e/intro-to-gitolite