
veebersanastasiamac: when you have a moment would love a review on that pr :-)00:05
anastasiamacveebers: k... but i might collect at some stage :)00:06
veeberswallyworld, kelvin: What's the best way to have a k8s cluster to test with. I've had issues with microk8s, unable to tear things down, uninstall needs a reboot as there is resource issues etc. For now I would prefer something I can deploy, leave and blowaway the namespaces as needed.01:32
wallyworldi use aws01:32
wallyworldor you can use lxd01:32
wallyworlddeploy kubernetes-core01:32
veeberswallyworld: Ah, using the bundle that kelvin has put locally in our testing repo? (I think he had to touch something to make it work with lxd or our tests)01:33
wallyworldhave you tried microk8s.reset01:33
kelvinyeah, lxd01:33
veeberswallyworld: aye, I have01:33
wallyworldi have a version of kubernetes-core in my repo, i just edited it to remove the lxd nesting01:34
veeberswallyworld: ack, how many machines does it use out of interest. I might need to reboot at any rate.01:35
veeberslol, ascii art matrix :-) Sweet, I'll use that I think01:36
wallyworldkelvin: i've update the go k8s sdk dependencies https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/896902:06
kelvinwallyworld, that's cool. I will pull dev after this landed to test my changes.02:12
wallyworldkelvin: can i get you to +1 it?02:15
kelvinwallyworld, sure.02:17
veebersanastasiamac: If you could eyeball the test I added when you have a moment that would be grand02:31
anastasiamacveebers: of course02:31
anastasiamacveebers: lgtm'ed02:33
veebersawesome, thanks anastasiamac o/02:33
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veeberswallyworld: circling around, this is the bundle yeah? https://github.com/wallyworld/caas/tree/master/bundles/kubernetes-core02:35
wallyworldyeah, it's probably out of date compared to upstream02:36
wallyworldall i did was take upstream and unnest the lxd containers, justed use a distince new machine02:36
veebersok seet02:40
veeberssweet even02:40
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veeberskelvin: hah, deploying that k8s bundle with the lxc profile changes is doing odd things to my machine, seems it's rebooting the usb subsystem or something over and over03:06
kelvinveebers, it kills my x-org and log me out. I have to login then re-open all the windows.03:07
veebers0_0 oh man, hopefully that's a pain /me hopes that doesn't happen :-|03:07
kelvinveebers, let me know when u get it up and running or get any issues.03:10
veeberskelvin: will do just waiting on charm sw install, and cluster dns now03:10
veeberskelvin: if you're having an issue building a caas charm, you can either comment out the resource, build and add it back in and push, or you need to build charm command from source (there is both py and go parts)03:24
veebersAlthough I've never wired up the py part (I just modified after the build L:-p)03:24
kelvinok, ic. I did that for device as well03:26
veeberskelvin: looks like I'm cooking with gas: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TZcBmZHW6C/03:26
veebersI'm seeing this error (tip of develop) is it expected? (seems harmless as it doesn't seem to stop anything) ERROR unable to detect LXC credentials: open /home/leecj2/.config/lxc/config.yml: no such file or directory04:03
anastasiamacveebers: looks like there are some failures including https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/178340004:37
mupBug #1783400: misleading error message "unable to detect LXC credentials" when no credentials are necessary <lxd-provider> <juju:Triaged by simonrichardson> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1783400>04:37
veeberswallyworld: is there a way to get upgrade-juju to use my built jujud in path, and not have it attempt to build it itself?04:37
veebersanastasiamac: ah ack, thanks seems like it's in hand then04:38
kelvinveebers, i got this error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SgxzxszGN2/04:39
* veebers looks04:39
veeberskelvin: you have a charm in the staging charmstore? can you link me please?04:41
kelvinveebers, im using mariadb at ./caas/charms/04:42
veeberskelvin: so a local build of a charm?04:42
kelvinveebers, yes.04:42
veeberskelvin: where can I see the charm code, have you modified it? (Is this in Ians repo)04:43
kelvinveebers, what did was just comment the resources:04:45
kelvin  mysql_image: -> build -> add back to the build version of metadata.yaml04:45
veeberskelvin: ok, makes sense. The metadata.yaml defines mysql_image as a resource, the make_pod_spec tries to resource-get it, but it's not anywhere so it fails.04:45
veeberskelvin: normally you would --resources mysql_image=<the path> but that's broken, I'm working on it :-)04:46
veeberskelvin: so you can log into the staging charm store, publish your changes there, attach a resource and deploy from there04:46
veebers(as a work around for now)04:46
kelvinah, ic04:47
veebersah I forgot to use a custom operator image. That's why no logs are happening duh05:05
wallyworldveebers: if it finds a jujud it will use that06:08
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
jamespagenot sure exactly when it landed but thankyou for the improvements in machine provisioning observe-ability with the MAAS provider - nice to know what's going on!11:00
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hmlstickupkid: if you have a few minutes, quick pr review please?  https://github.com/go-goose/goose/pull/6411:37
stickupkidhml: looking12:47
hmlstickupkid: ty12:47
stickupkid_hml: why do you use a httptest.Server?12:54
stickupkid_ah never mind, just read the package path12:54
stickupkid_"testservices" <---12:54
hmlstickupkid_: :-)  it’s part of the test double for openstack12:54
stickupkid_hml: done12:56
hmlstickupkid_: ty12:56
fallenourIve got an issue where my install for openstack, https://jujucharms.com/openstack-telemetry/ , has been stuck on a loop "installing packages" since yesterday, which is a bit abserd, can anyone provide any tshoot ideas I can do? Ive already checked all the hardware, as well as the systems for connectivity12:59
pmatulisfallenour, ssh to the machine and check logs?13:18
fallenourpmatulis: any log in particular you think? The only thing I can think of that might be impacting it might be MAAS proxy for APT repo, but I would assume MAAS team would update maas repos to also pull for bionic as well, especialyl since they added bionic image into it. Plus I checked its repo list, its got archive.ubuntu.com listed13:21
pmatulisfallenour, i meant ssh'ing to the actual juju machine that is stuck13:26
stickupkid_manadart: for some reason I'm getting a weird error with my host-arch branch, that i need to resolve13:54
manadartstickupkid_: What's the problem?13:58
stickupkid_manadart: check the error out13:59
stickupkid_manadart: it's a total lie, it really does support that, but the contraints validator is broken, maybe?13:59
manadartstickupkid_: This the thing I alluded to in the review comment. Let me look14:01
stickupkid_manadart: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/develop/environs/bootstrap/tools.go#L3114:06
stickupkid_is this the issue, i.e. we're checking the local machine vs the server machine?14:06
manadartThey should both be AMD64 though.14:38
stickupkid_manadart: `(server: x86_64, local: amd64)`14:38
manadartAh, so we will have to normalise the server's string.14:39
manadartThis will happen when we are running edge (for whatever branch), because it checks if we can build tools locally for uploading to the target.14:40
stickupkid_manadart: fixed it14:45
hmlstickupkid_: do you have a few minutes to play teddy bear on some ca cert stuff?15:00
stickupkid_hml: sure15:01
hmlstickupkid_: standup ho?15:01
manadarthml: Approved that PR.15:20
hmlmanadart:  thank you15:20
plarsrick_h_: so I got that bad unit to clear finally by upgrading systemd. I see nothing in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/229-4ubuntu21.2 that explains it, but it worked15:27
plarsrick_h_: on the model with the machine that won't delete with --force though, it's still stuck. One thing I noticed is that jenkins charm had previously been deployed there, so it has some storage associated with it in juju. It could be getting stuck trying to deal with that?15:28
rick_h_plars: hmm, normally if you want to remove something with storage you have to provide the --destroy-all-storage flag or something to it15:30
plarsrick_h_: I don't see that in juju remove-machine. I used --force though, and I also tried to remove it with juju remove-storage.  juju destroy-model seems to be waiting on the machine and storage to disappear15:31
rick_h_plars: bah yea not sure15:32
plarsrick_h_: on a side note - my juju client is at 2.3.7-xenial-amd64 - is it ill-advised to allow upgrade-juju to bump the version in the models to a higher version than that?15:32
plarsor is it best to try to be on the latest in every model15:32
rick_h_plars: yea, the big thing is the version on the controller15:33
rick_h_plars: as that does most of the work for things15:33
rick_h_plars: but ideally you'd update the client to the latest, the controller, and then each of the models15:33
plarsrick_h_: that's the latest version of the client in xenial, without moving to the ppa I guess. we rely on juju-deployer right now too if that makes a difference. Not sure if compatibility is affected in future versions15:34
rick_h_plars: snaps ftw :)15:35
plarsrick_h_: I've thought about moving to the snap version - coming from the packaged version though, is there migration to consider since this is already in production?15:35
plarsrick_h_: and does juju-deployer continue to function with the snaps?15:36
rick_h_plars: no, it's only the juju client that's involved15:36
rick_h_plars: oh hmmm, no deployer is hopefully never used any more15:36
rick_h_plars: It'd be good to hear what you're using for it vs raw juju commands15:36
plarsrick_h_: it's just always been a convenient way to describe our environment in a big yaml file. Most of our new instances are copy/pasteable from a similar one with only changing a couple of values15:37
plarsrick_h_: you would suggest what instead? bundles?15:39
rick_h_plars: yea, bundles are what does all that and is baked in15:39
rick_h_plars: so the question is what do you use in the deployer vs the raw bundles code15:40
plarsrick_h_: good question... is there a good way to convert or export it, or do we just need to go through the entire environment by hand?15:47
rick_h_plars: just try your bundle file you're using with the deployer in a new model juju deploy and check out the latest bundle docs to see if there's slight differences in how things are specified15:47
rick_h_plars: we attempted to take the external tool and bake it into Juju well15:48
rick_h_so it's not exact15:48
plarsrick_h_: did that just now actually, and tried it with --dry-run, I got: ERROR invalid charm or bundle provided at "./test-bundle.yaml"15:49
plarsso I'll have to pick through them manually and see what I can find, ok15:49
rick_h_plars: k15:50
stickupkid_manadart: it seems like the maas we're using is returing weird addresses again... you have any suggestions?15:52
plarsrick_h_: I think one of the main things we used was the ability to specify something like "branch: git://git.launchpad.net/..." I suppose the workaround for that is a script that first pulls in the necessary branches and do charm: ./xenial/foo?15:59
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thumperexternalreality: where are we on the 2.4.1 release?20:38
thumperI see we got the go ahead20:38
externalrealitymultiJob project CI job should be finished in a few minutes. Then moving on to manual steps.20:39
externalrealityI'd say that is about half way20:42
externalrealitythumper, ^^^20:53
thumperexternalreality: thanks20:59
thumperexternalreality, wallyworld: it seems somehow we got an invalid version number landed in 2.4 branch22:21
thumperhow did this happen?22:22
thumper"2.4.2 " <- note the space22:22
thumpersee http://ci.jujucharms.com/job/github-merge-juju/815/console22:22
thumperveebers: does the script autocommit to the branch?22:22
wallyworldI guess we don't have landing test coverage22:23
veebersthumper: the release process does yes22:23
veeberswallyworld, thumper: this is a straight push to the repo22:23
thumperwe need to validate the text before we commit it22:23
veebersThe release process should validaate input22:23
veebersyeah, what thumper said22:23
thumperI'm going to edit the branch..22:24
veebersawesome, thanks thumper22:24
externalrealitythumper, thx, I there is indeed a space in the release notes, which I copy pasta'ed into the build params. It's like I can't finish kicking myself in the teeth22:25
externalrealitythumper, thx for fixing22:26
veebersexternalreality: The release jobs should have done a better job at handling this. On the bright side, your pain today means the next run will be more streamlined ^_^22:26
thumperhttps://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8977/files landing now22:28
thumperbabbageclunk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1782745 might be interesting, and relates to leadership22:46
mupBug #1782745: Agents are in 'failed' state after restoring from a backup <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1782745>22:46
thumperI know we had some changes in 2.4.0 around leadership...22:46
babbageclunkthumper: taking a look22:47
fallenourcrap. when you rm a file, were does it go? please tell me its not "gone"22:57
fallenourbionic changed my maas deployment, and now the web MAAS interface wont load22:57
babbageclunkthumper: I asked him for more logs - the ones in the bug are from the unit, but the error looks like it's coming from the controller (the lease manager has died for some reason).23:23
thumperfallenour: normally gone is the answer23:45
thumperveebers: do you have a few minutes to chat?23:53
veebersthumper: I can try, my machine is under a bit of load so might not work in HO/meetup23:54
thumperveebers: are you running tests?23:54
veebersthumper: deploying k8s cluster locally23:54
thumperi'll be fine :)23:54
veeberssure thing omw23:54
wallyworldkelvin__: i left some comments - the device handling stuff on k8s.go isn't quite right, see if what i say makes sense23:57
kelvin__wallyworld, looking now, thanks23:58

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