=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban [07:41] Is it possible to select which bootloader to use with maas? [14:46] hakonw: what do you mean ? === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [18:00] exit === cc is now known as Guest18391 [23:01] o/ [23:01] Im having some pretty serious issues with maas after my update to bionic, is anyone else experiencing the same problems as me? [23:02] my juju instances arent downloading apt-packages anymore, even though I know they should be able to, dns isnt working anymore, even though ip based internet connectivity works, and now my maas page wont load via webbrowser, and it loaded with nginx, with laoded broken. [23:29] fallenour: dpkg -l | grep maas [23:30] win 4 [23:31] fallenour: what's the version it is showing ? [23:32] roaksoax: 2.4.0~beta2-6865 [23:33] roaksoax: In better news, the page is loading again, this time I have to connect to it directly via port, but it still loads, which means its primary config is laying around somewhere, but the proxy isnt forwarding me well. [23:34] fallenour: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maas/stable -y [23:34] fallenour: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [23:34] fallenour: that will install 2.4.0 [23:34] fallenour: 2.4.0 is in the process of being SRU'd into Xenial [23:36] sd/xenial/bionic [23:36] s/xenial/bionic/g [23:37] fallenour: i think that 2.4.0 will resolve your issues