
=== braderhart is now known as Guest13679
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mborzeckiinteresting failure in unit tests: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PB3FhvyfT7/06:07
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mborzeckimvo: hey07:00
mvomborzecki: hey, good morning07:02
mborzeckimvo: have you seen something like this? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PB3FhvyfT7/07:03
mvomborzecki: yes, that rings a bell - not sure though what is causing this, maybe some incorrect mocking, i.e. your device is already registered07:05
mborzeckimvo: happened once on travis, couldn't reproduce it locally, feels like some race between mock server being started and the actual code accessing it07:07
mvomborzecki: yeah, that sounds likely07:07
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mborzeckitests are super unhappy again07:52
mborzeckinew failure in unit gccgo unit tests https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NfYDvfwGdg/07:53
mvomborzecki: woah, strange. what distro/system is that?07:54
mborzeckiChipaca may be right that we're messing something up with fds in the tests07:54
mborzeckimvo: 2018-07-25 06:25:13 Error executing google:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/unit/gccgo :07:54
mborzeckimvo: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/407668444/log.txt full log07:55
mborzeckimvo: the auto import unit test failed there too07:55
pedroniswe didn't see this errors a lot before07:57
pedroniswondering what changed07:57
zygagood good morning07:57
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zygamvo: hey, welcome back08:01
zygaI'm sorry for being late today, we were stargazing last night and ... well :)08:01
zygawe saw Mars, red and bright like a cherry on the sky :)08:01
zygawe also saw the ISS, I think,  I never saw it before08:02
cjwatsonit's very distinctive, quite a sight08:02
zygait was also the last call as it's a rare sight over here and it's expected to be cloudy for the next week08:04
mvozyga: hey hey08:08
mborzeckimvo: will you be publishing busybox-static for more arches?08:12
mvomborzecki: yes, working on it as we speak08:12
mborzeckimvo: got it, great :)08:12
mvomborzecki: its a bit of fiddling/clicking around in LP, but should be ready soon08:13
cjwatsonembrace the API :)08:13
mvocjwatson: *cough* I really should use it more08:14
* mvo is sometimes a bit set in his ways08:14
mborzeckimvo: btw. i've seen apt-hooks test fail a couple of times on travis08:26
mvomborzecki: yeah, this is what 5548 should fix08:27
mvomborzecki: or rather, what do you mean with "fails"08:27
mvomborzecki: do you have an example?08:27
mvohrm, except that 5548 failed with the "MATCH" failure08:28
mborzeckimvo: the output did not contain information about aws-cli snap08:29
mbenetoHey guys, sorry to interrupt, just a stupid question. Is the $SNAPCRAFT_STAGE variable empty when building a "classic" snap?08:29
mborzeckimvo: unfortunately i didn't notice anyting specific in the debug log08:29
mvomborzecki: ohhh08:30
mvomborzecki: thats interessting, it might be a race with the update-catalog code08:30
mvomborzecki: also grrrr @snapcraft, it insistend on having a linker in the base, I'm looking for a workaround now08:32
mbenetoI have a CMakeLists containing a $SNAPCRAFT_STAGE variable that works well when in a devmode (it takes the value the proper path) but remains empty when building it in classic08:36
mborzeckiwondering if those connection refused errors may be caused by http server taking a longer while to start accepting on the socket, looking in stdlib there is no synchronization between the http.Server.Start() and actual http.Server.Serve(), so just calling http.NewServer() there's a chance that the if you do a request the server won't be waiting in Accept() yet08:49
mborzeckiheh https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Pw77jthXgQ/09:06
mvomborzecki: test-snapd-busybox-static should be ready on all arches now, might be easiest to just force push the base removal PR without the last commit09:18
mborzeckimvo: pushed and restarted the build09:20
mvomborzecki: ta09:21
zygamvo: hey09:30
zygadid you have a chance to look at the kernel->fixrtc->apparmor issue?09:30
zygaspecifically I think we must do something about it before the release09:31
zygawe can either undo the snapctl change so that existing profiles remain compatible09:31
zygawe could change apparmor caching but that's a bigger (beyond snapd) work09:31
zygaI think we could also fix fixrtc (heh)09:32
zygasince it involves several subsytems it's going to be a coordination issue more than bugfixing issue09:32
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mvozyga: sure, let me check09:34
zygamvo: there's a trivial tweak to fixrtc to use the more appropriate timestamp09:34
zygamvo: and if we could somehow fix the shutdown process to write the last-write-time timestamp on shutdown/reboot we would not need any changes to apparmor09:35
zygamvo: I can send you debdiffs09:36
zygamvo: then those need review from ubuntu developers and need to be SRUd09:36
zygamvo: the shutdown fix is more subtle, no idea how to fix that yet09:36
zygamvo: we could (terrible terrible idea) hack something so that we write the last-write-time ourselves on core09:37
mvozyga: we have our own shutdown C program09:37
zygamvo: or perhaps instead of using last-write-time of the rootfs, instead look for mtime of a canary file in /writable09:37
mvozyga: maybe that helps?09:37
zygamvo: that would be an non-invasive way to fix it09:37
zygamvo: yes, we could use it to touch /writable/.timestamp09:37
zygaand look at that from fixrtc09:38
zygamvo: longer term we should ask the kernel team for opinion/fix (maybe just foundations)09:38
mvozyga: lets fix fixrtc first, that seems a pretty obvoious one09:38
zygamvo: do you have a pi at home? I didn't bring any here09:38
zygamvo: note that fixing fixrtc alone won't solve the issue09:38
mvozyga: I have a pi09:38
zygabut sure, let me start with that09:38
mvozyga: let me look at our custom shutdown, maybe we can hook into that09:39
zygamvo: can you boot your pi and just do a sanity check please09:39
zygamvo: use "dumpe2fs -h" on the root filesystem09:40
zygamvo: and pastebin the result09:40
zygamvo: I'm also curious how we are special, my fedora system (using lvm and ext4) is not affected by that09:40
zygamvo: so something works correct in this case (timestamps updated) but not on core09:40
mborzeckiChipaca: hi, did you get to anything debugging the connection refused issue?09:40
Chipacamborzecki: I was able to reduce its incidence a lot, but not eliminate it, meaning that the changes I did were not finding the root cause, just making it less probable09:41
mborzeckiChipaca: tried this locally https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Pw77jthXgQ/09:41
mvozyga: the remount -o ro - is that done by systemd?09:41
mborzeckiChipaca: but at times i got no panic and the http requests still failed with connection refused09:42
mborzeckiChipaca: stracing it now09:42
zygamvo: I _think_ so, not sure if intrinsic part of systemd or just some service we have09:42
Chipacamborzecki: Hmm. I'll add this to the changes I've done, let's see what gives09:42
zygamvo: I just recall seeing that message09:42
* zyga reboots09:42
mvoChipaca: good morning! do you think we can merge 5531 (it got plenty of +1) or shall we ask for a gustavo review first?09:42
zygaso my fedora system is _not_ affected09:46
zygatrying with ubuntu now09:46
Chipacamborzecki: cmd/snap/main_test.go:132: url.Hostname undefined (type *url.URL has no field or method Hostname)09:46
Chipacamborzecki: i think i might be losing it09:46
mborzeckiChipaca: i'm using go 1.10.109:46
Chipacamvo: I don't have a strong opinion either way; I think I described the pr in the standup on monday and he didn't flag it, fwiw09:47
Chipacamborzecki: hah09:48
mborzeckiChipaca: url.Host instead?09:48
Chipacamborzecki: so url.Host is host+port09:48
mvoChipaca: ok, I leave it to you, we can either double check in the standup or just go ahead (easy enough to revert if needed)09:48
Chipacamborzecki: ... value *os.PathError = &os.PathError{Op:"close", Path:"/tmp/check-4087160113880545930/34/var/lib/snapd/system-key.WWtDQKfmnsvk~", Err:0x9} ("close /tmp/check-4087160113880545930/34/var/lib/snapd/system-key.WWtDQKfmnsvk~: bad file descriptor")09:50
mborzeckiChipaca: right, seen this one too09:51
Chipacamborzecki: WAT!!wat09:51
Chipacathat's wat^(wat^....^wat) wat times09:51
zygaChipaca: close EBADFD - it got closed elsewhere, you have descriptor usage bugs?09:52
mborzeckizyga: it's in master :P09:52
zygais golang protecting against close(-1) ?09:53
Chipacazyga: this is runnig unit tests for cmd/snap on master09:53
zygaChipaca: who would ever do that09:53
Chipacazyga: I've got a PR that fails with one particular race every time, but the race is on master already09:54
ChipacaI think I described the issue yesterdya already09:54
Chipacanew one: ... value *os.PathError = &os.PathError{Op:"read", Path:"/tmp/check-5611194952709039976/48/mountinfo", Err:0x9} ("read /tmp/check-5611194952709039976/48/mountinfo: bad file descriptor")09:54
Chipacabut, importantly, different09:54
Chipacabut, strangely, stll in auto_import09:54
mborzeckiChipaca: i see int quite often here09:54
Chipaca(where other bugs have been seen)09:54
Chipacamborzecki: you see int?09:55
mborzeckiChipaca: yeah, int is all i see09:55
mborzeckiso much int :)09:55
Chipacaisn't that an '80s ballad09:55
zygajdstrand: hey, 4.18 kernel seems to be misbehaving wrt apparmor again: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/170915509:56
zygajdstrand: I recall you said something about that a few weeks ago09:56
zygaany bells?09:56
mupBug #1709155: Better error message for unsupported kernel <Snappy:Triaged> <Ubuntu:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709155>09:56
Chipacamborzecki: have you seen panics, with this change?09:58
pedronisChipaca: mmh,   I think we EBADF errors somewhere else at some point, trying to remember where10:00
mborzeckiChipaca: twice10:00
mborzeckiChipaca: strace when aliases failes with connection refused10:01
mborzeckiChipaca: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NcVssQP7sY/10:01
* zyga cries a little wrt shell in fixrtc10:02
zygapedronis: I recall (a long time ago) when we didn't realize some part of golang did dup(2) on a FD and we were leaking fds in the server10:03
Chipacamborzecki: what're the openat … /json things?10:05
mvozyga: my pi is unhappy right now, looking into it, but can't ssh into it right now10:06
Chipacaseems to be the AuthFile10:06
zygathat's okay10:06
zygamvo: do you have a serial port adapter?10:06
mborzeckiChipaca: maybe because of successive connect attempts10:08
mvozyga: yes, it tells me the ip but no ssh, i may have used this to test disabling the ssh login :/10:13
Chipacambeneto: what do you see if you run the tests under a 'ulimit -H -n 200'?10:13
Chipacamborzecki: ^10:13
Chipacambeneto: sorry :-)10:13
zygamvo: ah, that bug :)10:13
zygamvo: heh, well10:13
WimpressJust want to confirm that only content snaps published by Canonical can be connected to by 3rd parties.10:14
zygaWimpress: or snaps with an appropriate store side declaration10:14
WimpressIn this case we have a new content snap we want 3rd parties to be able to use freely.10:14
WimpressSo publishing as Canonical is the way to go, right?10:15
Chipacamborzecki: ok now i got a panic in httptest/server itself10:16
pedronisWimpress: to be clear Canonical is not special here in code,  we setup a declaration either way10:16
pedronisit's a policy question10:16
mborzeckiChipaca: in listener?10:17
zygaWimpress: what content is that? will canonical maintain it?10:17
mborzeckiChipaca: err i mean when setting up listener?10:17
Chipacamborzecki: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/ryWkGQp3FD/10:17
mvozyga: dumpe2fs output https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jzVHMqRJjP/10:24
zygaFilesystem created:       Wed Jan 10 21:18:38 201810:25
zygaLast mount time:          Wed Jan 10 21:19:40 201810:25
zygaLast write time:          Wed Jan 10 21:19:40 201810:25
zyganow reboot10:25
zygaand look again10:25
zygaif those don't change in a sensible way (they are already off IMO) it's confirmed10:25
zygamvo: so in the early boot phase your device think it's still winter10:25
zygamvo: I'm looking at vanilla ubuntu, fedora is certainly not affected somehow10:26
zygamvo: classic ubuntu is also not affected10:26
zygathough let me triple check to be certain10:27
zygaI have a pi running raspbian as well, let me check that10:27
Wimpresszyga pedronis I've not actually been involved in assertions for content snaps.10:28
Chipaca... value client.ConnectionError = client.ConnectionError{error:(*url.Error)(0xc82000a630)} ("cannot communicate with server: Post dial tcp getsockopt: connection reset by peer")10:28
mborzeckiChipaca: stopped with dlv at a breakpoint in TestAliasesNoneFilterSnap10:29
mborzeckiChipaca: there don't seem to be many fds open10:29
WimpressThe content is the chromium-ffmpeg codecs. Will be published by Canonical since Canonical are the MPEG-LA license holder.10:29
WimpressWe have an initial browser vendor who will connect to the that snap.10:29
zygamvo: interestingly raspbian _is_ affected10:29
zygaFilesystem created:       Thu Jan  1 00:00:35 197010:30
zygaLast mount time:          Sun Jul 22 19:02:57 201810:30
zygaLast write time:          Thu Nov  3 17:16:45 201610:30
zygabut my dates are even more crazy than yours10:30
zygalast write time is equally bogus there10:30
zygathis machine is using a few snaps10:30
zygaI will remove them now to see if there is any relation to shutdown without snaps10:30
pedronisWimpress: you will need to ask jdstrand to setup the declaration10:31
Wimpresspedronis: Thanks, will do.10:31
* zyga rebooted his raspbian pi10:32
zygamvo: so last-write-time is unreliable in raspbian (somehow) but not on ubuntu (laptop)10:34
zygaI wonder if lack-or-presence of rtc is a factor here10:34
zygaI will look if I can capture the shutdown sequence somewhere10:35
mvozyga: ta10:36
mvozyga: fwiw, the downloaded base image I was using is from 10 Jan, so that might explain the date10:37
mvozyga: I rebooted now but the last-write-time is still the same10:37
zygayou can replicate the issue with just loopback ext410:37
zygajust mount -o remount,ro10:38
zygaand then unmount10:38
zygaI think the proper fix for now is a canary file10:38
zygawe will need to patch shutdown scripts but that is ok10:38
zygawell, the shutdown _helper_10:38
zygaand fixtrc in our ppa10:38
zygamvo: the fixed fixrtc will restore clock based on the canary file10:39
zygamvo: and that should be it really10:39
zygathen we pass this to foundations to untangle and fix properly with SRU candence10:39
zygamvo: I think that's the best case scenario for now10:39
zygamvo: I wonder if any other magic bugs can be attributed to devices waking up and thinking time is standing still10:41
zygamvo: also it would be interesting to have a core device metric with (has-hardware-rtc, has-working-ntp)10:42
mvozyga: it looks like this is somewhat specfic to core, on ubuntu my last-write-time looks vageuly ok10:44
mvozyga: so maybe the best case is we fix this?10:44
zygamvo: I agree but I also think there is something missing10:46
zygais the remount ro specific to core?10:46
zygais that a workaround for broken shutdown from 15.0410:46
zygaand we just carry it?10:46
mvozyga: I think that is what we need to find out10:46
zygazyga@pi3-1:~ $ journalctl --list-boots10:51
zyga-1 5a859aca24244b1aa150eadb4461c434 Wed 2018-07-25 10:49:49 UTC—Wed 2018-07-25 10:49:55 UTC10:51
zyga 0 a78a995e1b794fc3829e3ff69c90cc92 Thu 2016-11-03 17:16:45 UTC—Wed 2018-07-25 10:50:47 UTC10:51
zygaenabling persistent journal shows interesting dates10:52
ogra_zyga, abeato has a patch for canary file support in fixrtc we havent merged10:54
zygaogra_: oh, nice, do you have a link for that?10:54
ogra_... should consider using that one ;(10:54
* abeato searching...10:54
ogra_not off the top of my head, thats why i pinged abeato ;)10:54
zygathanks abeato10:55
ogra_hmm, interesting ... i'm doing a snap build, but snapcraft clean fails with permission denied (files of the build in prime/ are root only apparently) i wonder how thats possible given i didnt use sudo or anything10:56
zygamvo: so interesting, there's a systemd unit10:58
zygaJul 25 10:55:19 pi3-1 systemd[1]: Stopped Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.10:59
zygait runs just before actual shutdown, inspecting it now10:59
zygasystemctl cat systemd-remount-fs.service11:00
ogra_thats an upstream one AFAIK11:00
zygathat's just done on startup11:01
* zyga keeps looking11:01
zyga(this is a non-issue)11:01
zygaJul 25 10:55:19 pi3-1 systemd[1]: Failed to set timeout to 600s: Invalid argument11:02
zygaJul 25 10:55:19 pi3-1 kernel: systemd-shutdow: 26 output lines suppressed due to ratelimiting11:02
zygaI need to find the rate limit sysctl toggle11:02
zygathat's in sysctl.conf?11:04
ogra_in sysctl.conf it is kernel.printk_ratelimit=X11:05
ogra_(X is seconds, default is 5)11:05
abeatozyga, ogra_ this was the additional initrd script I used in some projects: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mNw7qKpbyx/11:06
zygaok rebooting11:06
zygaabeato: thanks11:07
abeatoit looks for dates on some files, when the mount date was not really reliable11:07
ogra_it sadly makes everything snap specific ...11:08
ogra_so nothing for upstream11:08
abeatoright, although it can be modfified easily11:09
zygaogra_: fixrtc is not upstream11:10
mborzeckiChipaca: heh, it stopped reproducing now11:11
Chipacamborzecki: on updated master?11:12
zygaChipaca: are you on 16.04?11:12
Chipacazyga: yes11:12
mborzeckiChipaca: no, the same code, just stopped appearing11:12
zygaChipaca: can you run: lsblk -a and find your rootfs ext411:12
zygaChipaca: then please run sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdaX11:12
zygaand look at the three timestamps and paste them here11:12
zygamvo: maybe it depends on systemd version11:12
zygaand is fixed in bionic / fedora 2811:13
zygabut not in xeial11:13
zygaand not in my old raspbian11:13
Chipacazyga: i can do that on encrypted and non-encrypted /11:13
zygaChipaca: non-encrypted please11:13
zygathough should not matter as ext4 doesn't see the encryption layer11:13
Chipacazyga: i mean, i have both, on separate machines (obviously)11:13
zygaand this is an ext4 superblock feature11:13
Chipacazyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vqFY25f3zs/11:14
zygaFilesystem created:       Sat Feb 24 17:42:06 201811:14
zygaLast mount time:          Fri Jul 13 21:11:46 201811:14
zygaLast write time:          Fri Jul 13 21:11:46 201811:14
zygais this machine up since the 13th of July?11:14
Chipacazyga: probably yes11:16
zygahmmm, would you be ok rebooting it?11:16
ogra_zyga, ubuntu upstream11:16
Chipacazyga: up 11 days11:16
Chipacazyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3KghN9nj7v/11:16
Chipacazyga: that one's up 8 days11:16
jdstrandzyga: I don't recall knowing anything about https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1709155/comments/411:16
mupBug #1709155: Better error message for unsupported kernel <Snappy:Triaged> <Ubuntu:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709155>11:16
zygaso somehow classic xenial is not broken11:16
zygajdstrand: thank you11:16
Chipacazyga: I would be ok rebooting it if needed11:17
zygaunless you never rebooted before it should be consistent11:17
Chipacazyga: i've rebooted lots of times11:18
Chipacajust not in the past few weeks11:18
jdstrandjjohansen: hey, the bug description is wrong, but starting at comment #4, people are complaining about "cannot perform readlinkat() on the mount namespace file descriptor of the init process" in 4.18. this reminds me of https://bugs.launchpad.net/apparmor/+bug/1656121, but people aren't talking about complain mode11:19
mupBug #1656121: unexpected errno=13 and disconnected path when trying to open /proc/1/ns/mnt from a unshared mount namespace <verification-done-xenial> <verification-done-yakkety>11:19
mup<AppArmor:Confirmed> <linux (Ubuntu):Incomplete> <linux (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Released> <linux (Ubuntu Yakkety):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1656121>11:19
jdstrandjjohansen: I've asked for more info (in particular, denials). does the 4.18 have the sauce patches?11:19
jdstrandjjohansen: actually, seems most how are complaining are talking about mainline/upstream11:20
* Chipaca ~> lunch11:21
zygamvo: raspbian uses "fake-hwclock"11:25
zygabut it runs in mid-early userspace (not in intrd)11:27
Chipacamborzecki: merged master insto the green cehck mark and didn't get the connection error this time (got others instead)11:29
Chipacanow running tests in a loop with the race detector on11:29
Chipacawe'll see11:29
* Chipaca ~> really lunch11:29
pedronisChipaca: btw  the advise tests do direct FD manipulations in goroutines11:30
pedronisthere might be something there11:30
Chipacapedronis: ack11:30
ogra_zyga, yeah, that wont help with what initially triggered the fixrtc creation ... ("mount time is in the future yadda yadda, boom")11:33
ogra_zyga, though perhaps combining both might work11:34
zygaI'm trying to understand why last-write-time is bad on raspbian11:34
zygaand not on ubuntu11:34
ogra_but that will indeed result in jumpy clock11:34
zygais it caused by some systemd shutdown logic11:34
ogra_s/jumpy/more jumpy/11:34
zygaare we using systemd in the initrd in classic ubuntu?11:35
zygaAFAIK fedora does now11:36
ogra_there were attempts from ... hmm, how was he called ... james something11:36
ogra_he spent 6 months on it and gave up11:36
ogra_i'd actually love if we could perhaps go the android approach one day ...11:36
ogra_initrd as rootfs ... and just mount all subdirs from disk ... i.e. no rootfs pivoting at all11:37
ogra_that would surely work with systemd ...11:37
ogra_migrating todays initramfs logic will be a lot harder11:37
ogra_(especially since there are tons of mudular bits that get dynamically added or removed ... every package can enhance the initrd)11:38
pedronisChipaca: I see some code similar to the one we had problem with here: ac0523dadf923f4dc6bb11:39
jdstrandogra_: james hunt?11:40
ogra_jdstrand, ah, yeah, him !11:41
zygaok, so somewhat closer now11:41
zygaI'm looking at source of part of systemd11:41
jdstrandmborzecki: hey, did you implement timers? if so, fyi, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/system-options/87/1211:42
pedronisChipaca: mborzecki: I think there's a chance the issues come from  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/512211:42
mupPR #5122: snap: add support for `snap advise-snap --from-apt` <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5122>11:42
pedroniss/the issues/some of the issues/11:42
jdstrandmborzecki: but the reason I mention it is to ask if they are expected to work on 14.04? it seems it doesn't support 'systemctl list-timers' and though the timer file is generated, it doesn't ever seem to fire11:43
jdstrandmborzecki: it is fine (with me anyway) if it isn't supported, but seems like something that should be documented. maybe it is and I just don't know where11:44
mborzeckijdstrand: i'm aware of list-timers not working, but timers as such should likely work on 14.04, unless systemd is that old there11:45
mborzeckijdstrand: well, it's possible to enable a timer unit and start it11:46
jdstrandmborzecki: it has 229-4ubuntu21.2. I used 'timer: 0:00-24:00/24', but it never fired after reboot afaics. it worked as expected on 16.0411:47
jdstrandmborzecki: I could start it. I thought I even enabled it... but it wouldn't fire hourly11:48
mborzeckijdstrand: journalctl -u *.timer ?11:49
jdstrandmborzecki: it's gone now. I guess I can create bug/topic. which do you prefer?11:50
mborzeckijdstrand: let's do a topic first11:50
* zyga -> walk, see you at the standup12:05
jdstrandmborzecki: ok, it seems the problem was actually with the logging to rsyslog on 14.0412:06
mborzeckiphew :)12:07
jdstrandmborzecki: I created a timer that fires every minute and updates a file in SNAP_COMMON and echos to stdout. the file is updated, rsyslog is not. on 16.04, I see both12:07
jdstrandmborzecki: journalctl shows it. so this is configuration issue with logging12:08
jdstrandas it happens, the snap that I was using was specifically trying to generate a syslog entry12:09
jdstrandI could use logger, etc. but between that and list-timers, I thought there was an issue. but there isn't12:09
mborzeckiwell, at least we won't have to debug systemd12:10
mborzeckijdstrand: btw. there are some timer related properties if you do systemctl show foo.timer12:10
jdstrandmborzecki: I was surprised to see how long the timer file was for the pathological 00:00-24:00/144012:10
mborzeckijdstrand: but i don't recall if those are present in older releases12:10
mborzeckijdstrand: yes, our syntax is more expressive, we could do some optimization and be smarted about generated schedules12:11
* jdstrand nods12:11
jdstrandok, thanks!12:12
mborzeckihm something weird about how snaps run in amazon linux12:13
mborzeckizyga: /etc/os-release inside a snap should come from the core snap right?12:16
zygaBut by accident12:29
zygaBecause it is a slimlink12:29
zygaOn typical etc12:30
zygaThat goes to /lib12:30
abeatojdstrand, hi, I think this MP is waiting for your review: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/546912:34
mupPR #5469: interfaces/apparmor: (un)load profiles in one apparmor_parser call <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5469>12:34
mborzeckiChipaca: anything came up with the race detector?12:37
Chipacamborzecki: just one minor thing in cmd_wait_test, so far12:38
cachiomvo, did you see this one?12:38
Chipaca(cmd_wait_test uses a rather funny way of doing the check it does, fwiw...)12:38
Chipacai might just rewrite it out of spite12:38
Chipacamborzecki: infuriatingly, twice i've hit the 'connection refused' error with no race detection12:40
mborzeckiChipaca: also funny how even a tiny change in code makes it disappear to pop up in another test12:41
jjohansenjdstrand: there are no sauce patches in ubuntu or upstream around mount12:42
Chipacamborzecki: another one that I hit frequently is the 'queueing for later' (which is just another connection error)12:42
mborzeckiChipaca: yup, same here12:42
jjohansenthe only patch missing upstream is af_unix12:43
mojtabaHello, after running df, I am seeing this: /dev/loop1           640       640         0 100% /snap/gnuchess/9    Could you please explain what it is and how can I unmount it to free some space?12:43
mborzeckiok, interestingly the snaps with commands that use relative paths, eg. ../../../bin/sh fail on amazon linux, it's clearly doing something wrong with the paths and calling eg. /var/lib/snapd/bin/sh instead of /bin/sh12:44
mborzeckizyga: any clues ^^ ?12:44
Chipacamojtaba: why would just unmounting it free some space?12:45
Chipacamojtaba: but, to answer your question with an explanation, look at the output of "snap list --all gnuchess"12:45
Chipacamojtaba: (pastebinit so I can see it as well)12:45
abeatohas anybody seen error when snapcraft downloads packages lately? like https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/M9mfqB9WcR/12:50
mborzeckizyga: hm i guess it has something to do with the hosts /etc/os-release appearing inside the mount namespace, but i don't know why it happens yet12:51
mojtabaChipaca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fChWFPp7Ct/12:53
zygamborzecki: is it a file?12:53
zygamborzecki: if so, that's why12:53
zygaogra_: ping12:53
zygaogra_: I need one more bit of help from your pi12:53
zygaogra_: can you spare 3 minutes12:53
zygaogra_: journalctl -u apparmor.service12:53
zygathat's all I need12:53
Chipacamojtaba: so, snapd will keep a number of previous releases of the snaps around, to fall back to in case something breaks12:53
mojtabaChipaca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JpyVcmYcmc/12:54
mojtabaThere is another one for core12:54
Chipacamojtaba: yes, by default it keeps a maximum of 3 around12:54
Chipacamojtaba: you can lower that to two, that is, it'll keep the current one and up to one older one (so when it refreshes it removes the previous old one)12:54
Chipacamojtaba: you can also remove them by hand if you need even more space12:55
mojtabaChipaca: I am running out of space in my root directory. Can I unmount the first two?12:55
Chipacamojtaba: unmounting won't free up space12:55
mojtabaChipaca: How can I change that to 2 and remove the first one by hand?12:55
Chipacamojtaba: and, note that snaps are heavily compressed, so if you're using "du" or similar, it's not giving you the whole picture12:55
mojtabaChipaca: What should I use then?12:55
Chipacamojtaba: (you can see the .snap files in /var/lib/snapd/snaps/)12:55
Chipacamojtaba: i'm getting there12:55
Chipacamojtaba: let me look up the command to change the default12:56
Chipaca1 se12:56
mojtabaChipaca: I am there, should I remove the files? like gimp_38.snap?12:56
Chipacano, do not remove those files by hand12:57
Chipacamojtaba: snap set system refresh.retain=212:57
Chipaca^ that sets it to keep max of 2 revisions12:57
Chipacamojtaba: (but it only kicks in during refresh)12:57
Chipacamojtaba: to remove a revision by hand, "snap remove --revision=<the revision> thesnap"12:57
Chipacamojtaba: e.g., given your 'snap list gnuchess' output, 'snap remove --revision=9 gnuchess'12:58
mojtabaChipaca: I am getting this error: error: cannot perform the following tasks:12:58
mojtaba- Run configure hook of "core" snap (run hook "configure": cannot set "core.refresh.retain": unsupported system option)12:58
Chipacamojtaba: ah, maybe it's not in stable yet, sorry :-)12:58
Chipacashould be there soon though13:00
ogra_zyga, my pi is currently building a kodi snap ... that will keep it busy for another 1-2h (and it is already 2h in and i dont want to stop it)13:00
mojtabaChipaca: Do you know how can I change it? Or it is not possible to change it to 2?13:00
jdstrandabeato: yes, on my list for today actually. was sprinting last week13:00
Chipacamojtaba: meanwhile there's a script that uses 'snap list' output to remove all "disabled" revisions13:00
zygaChipaca: can you ssh in and just run that or would that be a risk?13:00
abeatojdstrand, cool, thanks13:00
Chipacazyga: ?13:01
ogra_(keypresses on it take minutes to return atm)13:01
zygathat was for ogra_13:01
zygaah o13:01
Chipacamojtaba: if the 'set' command failed, your snapd does not have that option yet (so it's hardcoded to 3)13:01
mojtabaChipaca: What should I do know?13:01
mojtabaCan I edit the config file?13:01
Chipacamojtaba: give me a moment13:01
mojtabaChipaca: thanks13:02
Chipacamojtaba: https://superuser.com/a/1330590/6323413:03
threshso I want to use my pkcs11-enabled smart card with a snapped firefox13:12
threshis there a way to grant it access to a real / ?13:12
ogra_crazy ideas !13:12
zygathresh: it is in /var/lib/snapd/hostfs but it's not really available due to confinement13:13
ogra_(i guess that would need some kind of smartcard interface ... i have seen people ask about it before)13:13
zygathresh: yes, we'd need a new interface13:13
zygawe could craft one based on the denials you are seeing13:13
threshI don't have any denials, firefox just says it fails to load the library13:17
mojtabaChipaca: I could remove the first one of the three, but I just wonder if I could change the default value to 2. So in future it would limit to 2 versions.13:17
mojtabaChipaca: I could not find it in that link.13:17
thresh(I need it to import /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkcs11/opensc-pkcs11.so)13:17
threshhttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapped-firefox-unable-to-use-smart-card/5719 seems related13:18
pedronisChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap/cmd_advise_test.go#L129 vs https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/commit/ac0523dadf923f4dc6bb4fcecff8f2632d54020c I think13:20
mborzeckizyga: os-reelase on amazon -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZsyX7stm74/13:20
mborzeckizyga: it's an actual file :( damn13:20
mborzeckithat's why snap-exec may be getting confused with paths13:21
Chipacamojtaba: that configuration option is there from snapd 2.34, which isn't yet in "stable"13:21
mojtabaChipaca: Ok, thanks13:21
Chipacamojtaba: so you could look at switching to snapd candidate  (snap refresh core --candidate) to get the feature13:21
threshno denials afaict in journalctl | grep audit13:22
Chipacamojtaba: or, wait a bit :-)13:22
mojtabaChipaca: thanks a lot for the info.13:22
Chipacamojtaba: note 2.34.1 might have issues (there's already a 2.34.2 in the works), so take care13:22
Chipacai mean, there are reasons it's not stable yet :-)13:23
Chipacapedronis: tests are at loop #30 with no failures just by skipping TestAdviseFromAptIntegration13:25
mborzeckizyga: should we fix /etc/os-release as part of quirks in snap-confine?13:25
Chipacapedronis: so, yeah, i think that's the one13:25
zygamborzecki: ish... it's longer than it seems13:26
pedronisChipaca: good, I think the 2nd link should have an idea what we can do13:26
pedronisif I understand things13:26
mborzeckizyga: something like if /etc/os-release is not a symlink to /usr/lib/os-release mount core /usr/lib/os-relase on top of it?13:27
zygathat's racy :)13:27
mborzeckizyga: in snap-confine?13:27
jdstrandroadmr: hi! can you pull r1108 of CRT? not urgent13:28
roadmrjdstrand: sure thing!13:28
jdstrandone added test, couple of testsuite fixes for arm13:28
jdstrandand an override13:28
jdstrandroadmr: thanks13:28
mborzeckizyga: what alternatives you'd suggest?13:31
mborzecki(aside from fixing the offending snaps)13:31
zygamborzecki: please hold on,13:31
zygajdstrand: hey, I think we have to bump the apparmor cache bug; it's blocking the release now and we should look at a high-priority fix.13:44
zygajdstrand: we now have a more firm understanding of what is wrong13:44
zygajdstrand: and this is blocking the release13:44
mvoChipaca: sorry, its the stress talking13:46
Chipacamvo: coming from you, I'm not offended13:46
zygajdstrand: let me know when we can talk13:46
Chipacapedronis: mborzecki: #555613:46
mupPR #5556: cmd/snap: fix two issues in the cmd/snap unit tests <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5556>13:47
jdstrandzyga: how is apparmor_parser using mtime since (nearly) the dawn of time all of a sudden a release blocker for snapd? there is clearly a problem with how the system time is setup. that needs to be fixed any way. to unblock yourselves immediately, move the file back and then focus on the time fix13:47
jdstrandzyga: jj is off today, and there is no way that a change to how apparmor_parser handles its caching is going to be fixed fast enough13:47
jdstrandzyga: I mean, mtime may not be the best choice in retrospect, but it isn't a bad choice on its own. systems are expected to have a reasonable notion of time13:49
jdstrandzyga: it isn't just apparmor that does this sort of thing after all (there is a reason mtime exists after all)13:50
zygajdstrand: one sec, meeting13:54
Wimpressjdstrand: Can you hope on a quick video call with me?13:55
WimpressSomewhat urgent question about store assertions.13:55
ogra_jdstrand, well, the way we handle the system clock has seemingly never worked right on core ... was the switch to mtime a recent thing ? (i wonder why it has not exposed itself before)13:55
jdstrandzyga: iirc, there was talk of using some sort of a hash. this, afaik was never upstream. I'm not sure what the design was tbh13:55
jdstrandogra_: no. it was meant to use mtime forever. in the Touch days it was discovered to use ctime and went back to mtime13:56
ogra_i mean ... the clock is definitely never set up the epoch when reading the filesystem metadataas input ... but that metadata has also obviously never been updated since we use the snapd shutdown helper13:56
jdstrandogra_: iirc, there were some small fixes for snapd surrounding this have have existed for a long time13:56
ogra_*set up the/set to the/13:56
jdstrandperhaps tyhicks recalls some details13:57
jdstrandhe isn't in this channel atm13:57
jdstrandWimpress: what is this in reference to?13:57
ogra_i mean ... it could well be that we simply never noticed that we used outdated profiles ...13:57
ogra_but that would even be worse i think13:57
jdstrandzyga, ogra_: another unblocker workaround is to unconditionally delete the cache files for snap-confine on shutdown. these are small profiles that wouldn't take long to regenerate on boot14:03
zygajdstrand: the problem is that we found that time is essentially stuck in early boot14:03
jdstrandthat could be there until time is fixed and/or apparmor_parser14:03
zygajdstrand: and that it is causing (somehow) apparmor to load the wrong cache14:03
zygajdstrand: and we just got asked to actually go ahead and fix the cache for real rather than add another workaround14:03
ogra_jdstrand, well, given that we see 20min+ boot times oin firstboot anyway on most arm devices (thanks to snapd seeding) ... a few seconds probably dont have that mauch imapct ;)14:04
jdstrandI'd like to better understand how the cache is affected before suggesting any other workarounds. or having jjohansen/myself deprioritize roadmapped work14:04
zygajdstrand: it seems that the cache is from the future14:04
jdstrandogra_: exactly14:04
zygajdstrand: and then we load the cache from now14:04
zygawhere now == past14:04
jdstrandbut I need to go to a meeting14:04
zygajdstrand: I'll investigate the cache more but I think we cannot do another workaround, this is with us in some way or another since 15.0414:06
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Jguy|Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/14:07
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jdstrandzyga: well, the system needs to have a notion of reasonable time. sure, you can fix the symptoms like apparmor cache, but that isn't fixing the root cause and there might be other bugs14:33
zygajdstrand: that's not an assumption we can do14:34
zygajdstrand: those devices don't know the time14:34
jdstrandzyga: but this will have to be escalated via ratliff/amurray to reprioritize people's work if you're demanding apparmor be changed to redo its caching calculation14:34
zygajdstrand: ok, I'll do some more digging and get back to you14:34
jdstrandzyga: those devices are going to fail somehow, some way if they don't have proper time. they might not refresh, something might use kerberos, active directory, etc, etc14:35
zygathey don't have proper time in early boot14:35
zygathey have time once network is up14:35
jdstrandzyga: I'm not saying it is an assumption you can do. I am saying that snapd or the gadget or something needs to make them have reasonable time14:36
jdstrandzyga: I mean, I haven't thought through all this, but if it is true that the system time is correct once up, then that time can be stored off so fixrtc could use it14:37
zygajdstrand: yes, that's true14:37
pppingme_Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/14:41
pppingme_or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/14:42
pppingme_Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate14:42
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jdstrandzyga: also note that simply supplying a patch isn't going to appreciably speed up the apparmor acceptance. the feature needs to be designed (I believe that jj has one in mind), implemented, reviewed, tested everywhere before it goes upstream. then it needs to go through SRU for trusty-bionic14:46
zygamvo: ^14:46
jdstrandof course, this is all doable, but various people would be involved and it would have to be appropriately prioritized14:46
jdstrandzyga (cc mvo): note that a lot has happened with caching lately upstream, and the work would need to be verified to work correctly with all of that (it should be orthoganl, but, again, would need jj to comment since he did the work)14:48
zygajdstrand: we have some ideas14:53
zygajdstrand: on a small patch that would work in this specific case14:53
zygajdstrand: or on a way to decouple the schedules14:54
zygaso that we can fix this entirely on snapd schedule14:54
jdstrandzyga: how can you decouple an apparmor parser patch from the the sru schedule? this needs to go through review which brings in everything else14:56
jdstrandI don't see why it is unreasonable to properly fix the time issue14:57
jdstrandI mean, fine, the caching algorithm can be adjusted, but with proper design and consideration14:57
odchi! Is there a way to debug what happens when I launch my snapped application? It seems to be stuck and consumes a lot of cpu14:58
odci don't think it's apparmor this time15:00
nandubHey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/15:01
nandubor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/15:01
nandubRead what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate15:01
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zygaodc: is it using classic confinement?15:12
odczyga: yes it is15:13
zygaodc: it's calling itself in a loop15:13
odchm it worked when i was in devmode15:13
zygaodc: make sure to set the path to say something like $SNAP/bin/myself15:13
zygarather than "myself"15:13
zygabecause that will resolve to /snap/bin/myself15:13
zygaand will essentially execute itself forever in a loop15:13
odcthx :)15:14
zygajdstrand: we could patch apparmor not to load snapd profiles15:15
zygajdstrand: roll snapd.apparmor.service15:15
zygajdstrand: use a wrapper around apparmor_parser15:15
zygajdstrand: and use content based hashing15:15
zygajdstrand: I mean, we have the code for all of that15:15
zygaodc: in devmode that doesn't happen because PATH is reset15:15
zygaodc: in classic mode it is not touched15:16
odcthat's treacherous15:16
zygait's unavoidable sadly15:16
zygajdstrand: this would decouple apparmor release cycle15:17
zygajdstrand: from snapd release cycle15:17
zygajdstrand: I like this property15:17
jdstrandI don't know how to say it any more clearly. the fixrtc logic is broken. why not fix that?15:19
jdstrandthis is going to spin out to shell scripts, then go binaries, etc, etc. fix the time on the system, then, get moving away from mtime on the roadmap for the security team if you are still passionate about it15:20
jdstrandas it is, you will slow down boot cause of all the apparmor_parser -p fork/execs and the sha1sums15:20
jdstrandfix the time. mtime is used cause it is cheap on the very device you are trying to fix15:21
jdstrandzyga, mvo: ^15:21
Cory26Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/15:21
Cory26or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/15:21
zygajdstrand: we purge the cache on refresh because the mtime logic was broken15:21
Cory26Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate15:21
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zygaCory26: please stop spamming15:22
jdstrandzyga: that is something different. mtime is not 'broken'15:22
jdstrandzyga: it may not be the best choice, but it is a timestamp. the computer is supposed to do things like keep track of time15:22
jdstrandzyga: honestly, I'm surprised you purge the cache on refresh based on how snapd is supposed to work. also, your snap-apparmor-parser isn't going to fix the snap-confine issue unless you add something else to load it separately15:26
jdstrandthere are way to many things going on15:26
jdstrandit is supposed to be simple: if the profile is newer than the cache then recompile. if snapd detects that something changed on refresh, splat the profile on disk and load it, otherwise, no need to do anything15:27
jdstrandif the time on the system is changing all the time, or set wrong, fix that because *anything* else is papering over the problem and something else is going to break15:29
StephenS18Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/15:33
StephenS18or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/15:33
StephenS18Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate15:35
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ephemer0l_6Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/15:36
ephemer0l_6or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/15:36
ephemer0l_6Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate15:36
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annieslmaosHey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/15:38
annieslmaosor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/15:38
annieslmaosRead what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate15:38
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jdstrandzyga: to put i more concrete terms. I may as well not even review abeato's PR 5469 if you are going to make extra forks and sha1 sums15:38
mupPR #5469: interfaces/apparmor: (un)load profiles in one apparmor_parser call <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5469>15:38
kyrofaHey kenvandine, any idea why my firefox windows are showing up under the slack icon in the dock (18.04)?15:46
zygajdstrand: at this stage we don't know yet15:49
zygajdstrand: I was explaining a possible scenario15:50
jdstrandok, well, I see github commits and what sounds like every saying 'this mtime thing is annoying, just throw it out'15:50
zygajdstrand: that was written a while ago, I pulled it out of git history15:51
zygajdstrand: it's march I believe15:51
zygajdstrand: gustavo asked us to understand the current cache behavior and fix it15:51
zygajdstrand: one idea we had was to sync the mtime of the text file and the cache file15:51
zygajdstrand: and only use the cache if they are in sync15:51
zygajdstrand: (not newer or older but just equal)15:51
zygajdstrand: this would decouple the time from the equation, we would really use mtime as a cookie15:52
jdstrandzyga: the cache behavior seems undesrtood now. the clock is wrong and could be fixed by fixing fixrtc. has anyone communicated that?15:52
zygajdstrand: my patch about using content based caching was from an RFC branch (I showed you the patch before) https://github.com/zyga/snapd/tree/rfc/snap-apparmor-parser that I recalled we have and we discussed as a possible solution to the current problem15:53
zygajdstrand: yes, we don't want to rely on fixrtc, we have clear directions on addressing the cache semantics15:53
jdstrandzyga: as for making apparmor more robust, sure, that can be looked at, but I think it needs to be driven by upstream apparmor and not emply wrappers and a bunch of work arounds15:53
zygajdstrand: the kernel / initramfs patches for other userspace programs that may suffer from wrong time in early boot should be fixed as well15:53
jdstrandzyga: I maintain it is not snapd's problem to solve. the clock is wrong15:54
zygajdstrand: I'm reading the cache code now, I will try to provide a small patch that makes the cache correct even if the time is essentially random15:54
zygajdstrand: yes but the clock _cannot_ be fixed15:54
zygait can only be improved15:54
jdstrandzyga: the clock *can* be set15:54
jdstrandyou said it yourself15:54
zygahold on, I think I need to do IRL stuff for a moment15:55
jdstrandblocking the release on something that has been broken since day one makes no sense15:55
zygajdstrand: the clock can be made better but it will never be fully correct on early boot15:55
zygajdstrand: we want to block because it breaks people in the wild now15:55
zygabrb, sorry15:55
zyga3 min15:55
jdstrandso put snapctl back where it was to unblock and wait for the right people to look at this. ie, apparmor upstream which already has thought about this for a long time15:56
jdstrandzyga: but, really, I mean, the fixrtc mechanism is meant to keep track of time across reboots. it was doing so wrong. it could be made to do it right so the time is right everywhere. then other things can be made more robust without rushing it15:58
* jdstrand -> meeting15:59
zygasorry, rain just broke15:59
zygaand I was rescuing the laundry :)15:59
jdstrandI don't know why what I am saying seems so unreasonable. unblock yourself now. don't complicate caching and potentially slow down loads needlessly, work with the apparmor team to make it more robust16:02
jdstrandyou doing the patch isn't going to speed things up. doing an preprocess and sha1 isn't the hard part. it is working it all in within the larger design, getting the reviews, getting it pushed out, etc. that shouldn't be rushed16:03
* jdstrand is talking about you or someone else proposing an upstream patch to do caching differently16:04
zygajdstrand: I would like to do a small cookie based patch to the current code and SRU that (we can put it in the PPA for now)16:04
zygajdstrand: that's separately from the fixrtc logic16:04
jdstrandzyga: that still needs security review if it is even reasonable. this is security sensitive code16:05
zygajdstrand: it would be in line with the current logic in apparmor and it could also be fixed upstream16:05
jdstrandassuming you are talking about a patch to apparmor_parser16:05
jdstrandif the fixrtc logic is fixed now, then you are better than you were yesterday. tomorrow the parser can be adjusted for the future...16:06
zygajdstrand: yes16:06
kenvandinekyrofa, no... that is very odd16:06
jdstrandwhy rush something that may not be approved upstream?16:06
jdstranddouble the work16:06
kyrofakenvandine, this is the second time I've noticed it happen16:06
zygajdstrand: because this issue was reported in 15.04 and I don't see it getting fixed for real anytime soon16:06
kyrofaNo orange dots next to firefox, a bunch next to slack. When I hover over slack I see all the firefox windows16:07
kenvandinewindow matching bug16:07
jdstrandzyga: this can up because of moving snapctl?!?16:07
kyrofaEr, not hover, but click16:07
zygajdstrand: I think so, yes16:07
jdstrand15.04 is eol16:07
jdstrandwho cares?16:07
kenvandinekyrofa, not sure how they could get those mixed up16:07
zygajdstrand: this is snapd today now, my point was that the mtime reliability issue was with us for a while16:08
zygajdstrand: we just now connected the dots to reproduce it16:08
kyrofakenvandine, is there anything I can poke at? I don't know anything about how it works16:08
zygajdstrand: and see what is causing it16:08
jdstrandthe clock was always wrong16:08
zygajdstrand: I don't yet know what happens when the clock is wrong wrt apparmor cache16:08
zygajdstrand: perhaps we just _dont_ write the cache16:08
kenvandinekyrofa, not sure, that's a shell thing16:08
zygajdstrand: and then on reboot we load the old cache16:08
kenvandinei'd probably bug Trevinho about it :)16:08
jdstrandfix the fixrtc logic and all that goes away. then fix the parser with full upstream involvement to make it more robust16:09
zygajdstrand: I don't know if the fixrtc thing can be done in core snap or if it involves the gadget (all of them)16:09
zygajdstrand: the cookie idea for aa seems like a way to solve it regardless of gadgets16:09
zygajdstrand: I mean,  want to fix it all16:09
zygajdstrand: but timeline wise it seems like the safest thing to go after16:10
jdstrandzyga: but you haven't even discussed the cookie idea upstream16:10
zygajdstrand: right, we can share the patch upstream; even if it is dropped we would be in a position where we have more time to work16:10
jdstrandhow can that be considered the safest path forward? performant?16:10
zygajdstrand: time16:10
jdstrandbah. I'm done. I can't be any more clear16:11
zygajdstrand: sorry about being stubborn here,16:11
zygaas I said, I understand your point16:11
zygawe need to do more research to see if we can get to a point where we are unbroken (we moved snapctl for a reason) _fast_16:12
jdstrandI don't think so. this is blocking you. so I gave a *simple* way to unblock. move snapctl. then fix the parser with upstream involvement16:12
zygajdstrand: we cannot16:12
zygajdstrand: that was moved for a reason16:13
zygajdstrand: it is required for core1816:13
Cory21Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:13
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jdstrandwhy does it matter that snapctl is in /usr/lib/snapd?16:13
zygajdstrand: because of how core18 installs snapctl at runtime16:13
zygajdstrand: anyway, I think we said it all for now16:13
niemeyerWe can't move snapctl.. the reason it was moved out is core18 and the split of snapd..16:13
* zyga has network issues 16:14
niemeyerjdstrand: let's have a call today if you have some time, on a slightly more positive foot16:14
niemeyerjdstrand: We don't actually have any hard solutions that we must implement. we just need to solve the problem while preserving the ability to split snapd16:15
=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
jdstrandall I want is to not introduce more caching complexity. adding a new layer that wraps apparmor parser won't be performant and adds complexity. apparmor upstream has plans to do something different than mtime. I think we should discuss that when jj is back rather than rushing something else that might introduce more bugs16:17
zygajdstrand: note that I didn't say we would do that, that was _a_ idea, the idea for now is to change the caching as it exists to not rely on the ordering of mtime16:17
jdstrandnot to mention, it is just wrong that fixrtc isn't able to actually fix rtc16:17
jdstrandif that were fixed, the mtime thing wouldn't be as pressing16:17
jdstrandzyga: and I feel that doing a non-upstream patch without upstream review will result in more work16:18
jdstrandand possibly bugs16:18
* zyga nods16:19
jdstrandif this is all happening in the ppa, well, I guess that is something the snapd team can decide if it is worth doing the potentially throwaway work rather than working with upstream16:20
jdstrandbut if you do that, please file an upstream bug16:20
niemeyerjdstrand: We had issues around this area before.. we'd not have this issue now if the caching was already based on mtime properly16:20
niemeyerjdstrand: We can probably workaround this again in other ways once more, and wait for the next bug16:21
jdstrandniemeyer: I can't speak to the issues before. I don't have the details at hand16:21
jdstrandI didn't say that it wouldn't be done, I just asked to wait for upstream involvement16:21
jdstrandbut this time it seems clear that it *is* related to the actual time of the device16:22
niemeyerjdstrand: You were part of the conversation as well, but I'm not pointing any fingers.. just saying that tuning the application to do an exact match plus mtime updates sounds trivial and much easier than it may sound16:22
jdstrandI said above that the patch wouldn't be hard, but that it may not fit within upstream's design for fixing this16:23
niemeyerjdstrand: It's okay.. we're fixing what exists, not the future thing that upstream may wish to design16:24
niemeyerjdstrand: mtime is already in use, right?16:24
jdstrandniemeyer: today, when the cache is updated the parser will set the mtime of the cache file to that of the profile16:27
niemeyerjdstrand: Cool.. so on the other end we just need to make sure they match exactly16:27
niemeyerInstead of doing a <=16:27
niemeyerjdstrand: Hopefully a one-liner or close to it16:28
jdstrandactually, what I said wasn't precise. in practice, it will be, but the algorithm is that it will use the newest mtime of the profile or any of its includes16:29
jdstrandagain, I don't have the plans for improving caching at hand (jj does, but he is off today). I was involved with the conversations before, and while I don't have those details at hand, I thought everything was working since I didn't see any new bugs, until it was discovered that fixrtc wasn't doing that it claimed to do16:34
* zyga still researches this16:35
niemeyerjdstrand: We indeed had no known bugs until we found one :)16:39
niemeyerjdstrand, zyga: Let's have a call tomorrow and figure something out16:39
zygasounds good16:40
niemeyerIn all cases, let's please relax a bit.. it sounds like there's quite some tension in the air16:40
niemeyerThere's nothing major broken today.. we have a release blocked, which is bad, but no fires16:40
zygaI'd like to be able to point to a piece of code that misbehaves as right now it's all connected to time but I don't know why exactly16:40
jdstrandI'm only tense cause it sounds like snapd is blocked on this and there seems to be a resistance to getting jj involved16:40
niemeyerzyga: It'd be very useful to have that by our meeting tomorrow16:41
jdstrandjj will be back tomorrow16:41
zygajdstrand: sorry if I gave that impression, I'm not opposed to fixing this upstream16:41
zygajdstrand: I was trying to share the various ideas we discussed during a call16:42
niemeyerjdstrand: No suggestion of that on my end either.. I'd expect those changes to be coordinated with him, as usual, and if new ideas show up, even better.. we just need the issue fixed16:42
jdstrandok then :)16:43
jdstrandI don't know if it was because I was in meetings and we (me and zyga) were trying to participate there and here and if there was some misunderstanding16:43
jdstrandso glad the air is cleared16:44
zygajdstrand: I think that was the case, I was in a call, and chatting with other people at the time, a bit too much context switching and not enough time to discuss and listen16:44
jdstrandI was in several meetings and conversations myself16:44
jdstrandiirc, the idea from jj was that at the time of the compile the preprocessed checksum is stored in the cache file, and so it would be possible to verify that against the profile on disk. *but* I'm not sure that is what he had in mind, what options the parser would provide, how to avoid performance issues, etc, etc, etc16:46
lmartin928Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:51
mvoniemeyer: when you have a moment, could you please enable mup again for the snapcore repos?16:53
niemeyermvo: Of course, thanks for the ping16:53
niemeyermvo: It's all back, in theory16:57
niemeyermvo: Let's see what happens next16:58
niemeyermvo: Please let me know if you perceive it not working or misbehaving again16:58
Shibe7Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/17:01
ravioli12Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/17:03
Ugrastil19Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/17:03
SlashLife17Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/17:07
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^v5Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/17:08
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mvoearly feedback for #5567 would be great17:12
mvomup: hello17:12
mupmvo: Roses are red, violets are blue, and I don't understand what you just said.17:12
mvomup: #556717:13
Chipacamvo: #5557 ?17:15
mupPR #5557: wrapper: generate all the snapd unit files when generating wrappers <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5557>17:15
* zyga -> food17:15
niemeyermvo: Spread PR reviewed17:18
CC669Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/17:18
niemeyermvo: I can't see 5567 either17:20
Chipacamvo: 555717:30
Chipacaniemeyer: i mean you17:30
Chipacaanyway, eod here17:30
mvoniemeyer: ups, sorry, indeed 555717:43
mvoniemeyer: thanks for the spread review, looking17:43
thirasis this a joke?18:08
thirasdo i have to reinstall or reconnect all the snap packages after system update?18:08
mvothiras: do you have more details what happend to you? it sounds like a bug what you describe18:13
thirasmvo, it's 18.04. after update (i couldn't catch which package but updated through "install updates while restarting") VLC/discord/gnome-calculator(why even this package is snap)/spotfiy throws permission denied error18:15
thirasand doesn't work18:15
thirasYou need to connect this snap to the gnome platform snap.18:15
thiras./snap/gnome-calculator/180/bin/desktop-launch: line 23: /home/thiras/.config/user-dirs.dirs: Permission denied18:15
mvothiras: that clearly sounds like a bug18:16
thirasthis line is the common string for all18:16
mvothiras: could you please pastebin the output of "snap changes"?18:16
thirasmvo, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/fNWjKtNV3T/18:16
ogra_likely the seed ordering bug that was recently fixed in the isos18:16
mvothiras: unfortunately its late here in my timezone and I will have to leave soon, do you think you could report the issue in the forum (forum.snapcraft.io) - this way it won't get lost18:17
mvothiras: please include "snap version"18:17
mvothiras: are these all changes? or just the last few?18:18
thirasall the output18:18
mvothiras: thanks for reporting this issue btw18:18
thirasbut forum is not the place for reporting18:18
thirasthis project getting really really unprofessional each day18:18
thirasbut i'll report anyway18:19
mvothiras: thanks, that is appreciated18:19
mvothiras: so just to double check - this worked the other day, there was an update and then your snaps stopped working? the file /var/log/apt/history.log should contain the last package updates, this data might be useful as well, I wonder if the "snapd" deb package was part of a recent apt update18:21
thirasi'll put that log into post too18:21
thirasforums activation mail doesn't work also18:23
thirasmvo, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/bug-broken-snaps-after-each-update/653618:33
mvothiras: thank you18:36
mvothiras: there is a bug related to snapd updates on shutdown but I don't think its the same, we will investigate18:37
labvikingHey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:48
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roadmrgood lord, can something be done about those damn spammers?19:33
niko2Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/19:36
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FreeBDSMhello. does anyone have a snap for firefox 52.9.0 esr?19:41
mupPR snapd#5558 opened: tests: new gce image for fedora 27 <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5558>20:20
SkyPatrol25Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/20:43
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Trevinhokenvandine: mh, sorry, bug me about what (I don't see the context :))20:43
FreeBDSMis it a good idea to keep all the programs (if available) installed as snaps, rather than from my distro's repo?21:07
elkalamarHey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/21:27
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cjwatsonCodeMouse92: they're already been autokilled almost as fast as they can be22:46
CodeMouse92Aw crikey.22:46
cjwatson(though if an op of this channel were to /invite Sigyn here, it would let it react slightly faster)22:47
cjwatsonobvious attack against staff by some random with a stupid grievance is obvious, really22:48
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