
sonicwindI'm reading about usb-c and Thunderbolt 3... very confused, but wondering if Ubuntu supports these yet?00:55
oerhekssonicwind, i believe so, maybe not hot pluggable..01:11
oerhekschrome 68 is out, the http issues will appear01:11
sonicwindI don't use chrome :-)01:12
oerhekshmmm the 1st page i try, works fine > http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/01:12
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc_t
hggdhsome people do not, really, want to be helped02:45
leftyfbisn't his first time02:46
leftyfb"Yeah, it doesn't show the date in a logical format"   love the personal "facts"02:47
Unicorn_PrincessSorry about that. Anyway, just popped in her to mention that the software update for ubuntu 18.04 LTS opened a window asking me to choose a method for toggling between national and Latin mode. And before that, it asked me to choose what to do about a 20auto-update file, that was supposedly altered on my machine. these are really weird questions for what is normally an uneventful process. there should04:43
Unicorn_Princessprobably be some extra text explaining why they're there04:43
Unicorn_Princess(for the record, I never manually altered the 20auto-update file that's somewhere in /usr/ or something, but I think I did change the auto-update settings in software center maybe)04:45
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:19
lotuspsychje!info base-files05:20
ubot5base-files (source: base-files): Debian base system miscellaneous files. In component main, is required. Version 10.1ubuntu2.1 (bionic), package size 56 kB, installed size 375 kB05:20
* lotuspsychje purges some packages05:55
tsimonq2"Teach your cat how to use a USB stick." -Adam Conrad05:57
lotuspsychjei know a few guys with cats...:p05:59
Olivier[m]Good morning06:07
lotuspsychjehi Olivier[m]06:08
ducassegood morning06:30
lotuspsychjetsimonq2 needs luna ducasse lol06:33
lotuspsychjeguiverc: think we have a few same comedians again in main06:33
guivercis that vogan poetry ??  (hhgttg)06:34
guivercs/vogan/vogon  (been a long time since i read the book..)06:35
ducasseit's some moron who thinks he's a genius because he wrote a chatbot06:35
Olivier[m]How are you all?07:37
blackflowOkay, how the hell does this thing work. How does clock sources work in VMs. I've turned off all ntp/timesync in a VM to see if kvm-clock sourced from the host would be enough. The host (is a host, of course, of course) has ntp active.10:16
blackflowTurns out.... the VM has been SHUT OFF for a few days.... Turns out, time's off. what the f. it's been off. what fell out of sync if the VM was off.10:16
blackflowtimedatectl shows "RTC time" one second ahead of universal/local. so.... what was tracking universal/local, while the VM was off, that it drifted for one whole second.10:17
lotuspsychjeblackflow: can this help in any way? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/83934/how-do-i-prevent-time-drift-in-a-debian-guest-on-a-centos-kvm-host10:33
blackflowlotuspsychje: not quite. I know how that part works. That's why I'm totally failing to understand how can a VM that has been shut off for days, drift at all. The VM wasn't running, there's no memory location kept for its virtualized clock. The host has been rebooted several times since.10:35
lotuspsychjeblackflow: last answer say heavy cpu can make it drift too10:35
oerhekstime for +R10:36
blackflowlotuspsychje: but _what_ drifts if the VM was off? :)10:36
lotuspsychjeblackflow: how about this: https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/avoiding-clock-drift-vms10:36
lotuspsychjenot sure how offline happens..10:40
lotuspsychjebad sync maybe?10:40
lotuspsychjeit cant work if its off right10:40
blackflowprecisely, and time on the host is correct.10:40
lotuspsychje##networking might know this one10:41
blackflowOh I think I know what it is, and I have to research this further to confirm. The system clock on the host is NOT synced back to hardware until reboot. VMs get time from hardware for their own system clock. host's system clock might be correct because it's syncing via ntp, but that doesn't update hardware and thus VMs don't have the corrections.10:41
lotuspsychjethat sounds logical10:42
blackflowIf so.... incredibly stupid and someone should be fired for that desing. Hell, no, sent to quartz mines for the rest of their lives.10:42
blackflowand you know who taht is? I'm using systemd-timesyncd on the host.......  :)))10:43
blackflowgonna go back to openntpd for a while, see how that works.10:44
lotuspsychjebbl smoked salmon salad a la lotus10:44
blackflowokay assumptions half-confirmed. restarting timesyncd on the host automagically corrected the time in the VM.10:48
blackflowhrm.... no, not openntpd. chrony. openntpd on linux doesn't do constraints apparently. so no advantage there.10:53
=== oer_ is now known as oerheks
BluesKajHi folks12:04
daftykinsheya \o12:05
daftykinsjust sitting down to call it lunch :D12:06
oerheksBluesKaj, \0/12:07
oerheksdo you have a rolling board ? https://imgur.com/gallery/ApHeDbb12:08
BluesKajhey daftykins, just having mornng coffee here, looks like a gorgeous day here12:08
oerheks* shorts optional12:08
BluesKajhey oerheks12:09
BluesKajheh,neat idea12:09
daftykinsabout to be some 33 deg C heat tomorrow and no AC in this place, so i'm going to escape south to visit a friend and his wife12:10
BluesKajgood move :-)12:13
BluesKajour house became practically unbearable in the heat waves that started 10 yrs ago here, so we installed an AC unit...works quite well. It makes our living space much more comfortable.12:16
daftykinsmmm i'd love one, though normally it's only a few days a year that are only slightly challenging - and the ground floor is fine due to having several feet thick granite walls12:20
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
blackflowJimBuntu: Found this, but I can't find a source on the DNS and bit flips ....  https://www.geek.com/chips/googles-most-efficient-data-center-runs-at-95-degrees-1478473/14:18
JimBuntublackflow, I should be able to find an article or two. There was at least one group who exploited this by buying up domain names that were 1 bit different from their popular counterparts.14:25
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:14
lotuspsychje34c today here17:15
pauljwhi everyone17:56
oerhekshi pauljw , any hot news?17:59
* oerheks runs for the shade17:59
pauljwheheh, hi oerheks, no news here.  I lead a very boring life.18:03
lotuspsychjethats where we showup to spice things up :p18:03
pauljwJust got in from getting my daughter registered for school, can't believe she's a high school senior this year!18:06
lotuspsychjecongrats pauljw18:07
nacci'm concluding it was trolling18:17
lotuspsychjethat resulted fast18:17
lotuspsychjelow support & rising trolls are the worst18:19
Bashing-omLost interest in supporting qwebircXXXX - he does not seem to put a lot of effort into the learning curve .18:20
naccyeah, it was weird18:21
naccand honestly, it's weird they were putting a GUI on a tensorflow machine18:21
oerheksthis is wanna make me stop helping qwebirc dudes, if they don't change the name, they are fake18:21
lotuspsychjethe weird thing is, sometimes 1 is real out of them18:21
lotuspsychjehow can we filter properly..18:21
oerheksask them to change name, and wait18:21
naccit's also really hard to help them over multiple days without a distinct nick18:22
lotuspsychjethats true for sure18:22
lotuspsychjewe should complain on qweb itself, they need to force usernames fill in18:22
lotuspsychjelemme check that site18:24
naccoerheks: i pinged the ops18:26
lotuspsychjethey are playing with each other again18:26
oerheksnacc,  thanks, i just ignore that dude, and his ip from now on, i have a list :-D18:28
naccoerheks: yeah i do too, but for everyone else18:28
oerheksi would love to write my own python program, that recognize ip/nicks and some marking/info details, but then again, that violates GDRP18:30
oerhekssort of plugin for hexcaht18:30
oerheks... and some helpers have a fanclup, nacc :-D18:32
lotuspsychjewhat a fishy website qwebirc..18:32
oerhekslotus, they come to this site, i guess https://webchat.freenode.net/18:33
lotuspsychjeoerheks: with the client?18:35
oerheksweb client yes18:35
lotuspsychjesome wish about it: https://github.com/qwebirc/qwebirc/issues/26518:35
lotuspsychjei guess someone would have to file a new wish18:36
lotuspsychjewhat a weird thing, download a git client to access the freenode webchat?18:37
lotuspsychjeand have a fishy john doe username lol18:37
lotuspsychjelets hope they work fast on the git :p18:43
=== blackflo1 is now known as blackflow

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