[06:34] lotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (mikeride poetry) [14:48] oerheks called the ops in #ubuntu () [14:50] leftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (poopynegromonkey) [18:25] could use an op to kick "the_shit_fukker" from #ubuntu [18:25] asap [18:35] still there ... [18:35] Pici: thanks [18:36] np [19:04] good evening to all [19:04] you guys interested in the nmap results of those spammers ip's? [19:06] perhaps to know more on them, gather info [19:06] we're kinda letting freenode handle this whole thing [19:07] allrighty tnx pici [19:17] /win 1 [22:34] CodeMouse92 called the ops in #snappy ()