
loptaAnyone have thoughts on Lubuntu Vs. Xubuntu for a desktop PC that gets use mostly for Web browsing?02:27
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.05:50
zmoylan-pimorning mammals05:59
brobostigonmorning krikkets06:05
knightwisegood morning !06:12
knightwiseanother day at the office :) Just arrived in Brussels06:15
knightwiseBeen doing some archiving at home . found a massive podcast collection from 2005 with a bunch of old shows06:29
knightwiseeven the very first episodes of the knightcast06:38
knightwisemedium to high cringe factor06:38
knightwisei think everyones keyboard melted today09:34
knightwiseMine is probably getting replayced btw09:34
zmoylan-pithose ibm model m's are designed to survive a 1950s atom test... :-)09:36
knightwiseYeah. I have a 2017 macbook pro with a butterfly keyboard. Need I say more ?09:40
knightwiseif as much as an ameoba gets stuck under the keys, the jam up09:41
knightwisezmoylan-pi: i'm gearing up my Pi3 to become my dedicated remote CLI machine, Ive found a 128 gig USB stick that I had lying around.09:42
knightwiseSo with SSH, Tmux and some other apps I think I can get teh max out of that little machine09:43
knightwiseWhat apps (cli) are you running on your pi ?09:43
zmoylan-piirssi, newsbeuter, sc, ttytter, nano for editor, lynx for web browsing (no graphics), still looking for a database i like09:52
knightwisesc ?09:52
zmoylan-pispreadsheet, i use as easy as on my desktop but occasionly i use sc on the pi09:53
zmoylan-pii've even considered getting a pi-top laptop so i can bring my console addiction to my travelling computer09:54
knightwisewell, you can get just about any older laptop and use it by only installing the cli version of linux . nu ?09:55
knightwiseno ?09:55
zmoylan-piyeah, but i like the idea of limited small laptops. and with the pi-top you should be able to upgrade as new pi's are releaed09:57
knightwise319 Dollars ? ? whow09:58
zmoylan-pinot cheap, no...09:58
zmoylan-pii've gotten used to spending about €250 for my laptops, spoiled i am in the eu :-)09:59
knightwiseHmm; the Pi-Tab is also interesting10:00
zmoylan-piyeah, couple that with a solid usb keyboard and you'd also have a full linux distro laptop...10:00
knightwisenice toy to play around with10:01
zmoylan-pia full linux distro is not a toy... coz linux sux at gaming :-P10:02
knightwiselol true10:02
knightwisehmm. i SSH in from my ipad pro to my Pi @ home. I get a pretty good fullscreen cli experience with that while only using minimal bandwidth10:05
knightwiseeven works on the train10:06
zmoylan-piturning a locked down appliance into a real computer10:22
knightwiseyep , works surprisingly well11:17
knightwiseand it looks cool11:21
knightwiselistening back to an archive of podcasts from 2005 .. oh boy12:35
knightwisezmoylan-pi: have you ever played with exposing the pi webserver and making it do things with py scripts ? like triggering your google home etc13:03
zmoylan-pino, i see the pi at home as a simple tool that i only use when at home. i've looked into exposing it to the internet for remote access outside of the house but i'd want to feel more confident in that i could secure it13:12
zmoylan-pia lot more confident13:12
knightwiseTrue, what ports do you expose , only ssh ?13:19
daftykinsnever seen that before, my bank told google automatically about my new card details to update their payment system o013:30
mgdmthat's happened to me with Apple Pay before13:33
daftykinsi'd have seen that happen if it does on google pay, but my phone with the older card reg'd died, so i didn't see the transition13:46
zmoylan-pionly ssh on the rasp-pi atm13:47
mgdmit was quite handy because I could use my phone to pay for things 3 days before the card showed up :)13:48
zmoylan-pisaw a plonker paying with an apple watch for the first time yesterday. looked super awkward trying to twist wrist to touch the reader with the watch while filling hands with groceries13:48
mgdmit's always fun to watch (ahem) those folk on the London Underground13:50
daftykinszmoylan-pi: xD14:00
brobostigonhttps://photos.app.goo.gl/v4RDXg92PovXoyMQ8 :)20:59
zmoylan-pionly 1 of each? pft... newb... :-P21:03
brobostigonhaha, :)21:03
zmoylan-piyou're supposed to have a 5lb bag of d4s alone just so you can scatter them on the floor and stop a hoard on ninjas :-D21:04
zmoylan-pianother 5lb of d20s so you can honestly tell a police officer that you critically hit that mugger :-P21:05
zmoylan-piand enough pencils that you could in a pinch put vampire hunter on job applications21:08
brobostigonor enough that i can put, arcane magic expert on my cv.21:09
zmoylan-pimore than that... https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/2vf84f/how_to_incorporate_dd_into_your_resume/21:11

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