[00:02] Same sushi place? I have a co-worker who may want to join us [00:03] I like that place so it would get my vote [00:05] Pembroke pines? [00:06] Yes [00:06] Okay [00:06] @RazPi - when are you heading back? [00:06] I get in July 31st and leave August 2nd [00:07] @KMyers [00:07] For one more week [00:09] In where and leave where? [00:09] Huh [00:10] Into Florida and leave Florida [00:10] Then I’m away for one more week and I come back [00:11] Did you want to do something Wednesday? [00:11] The 1st? [00:11] 31st might be available too [00:16] So you are going back up to NC right after you get back? [00:17] I will need to check my schedule. Weekdays are not as easy but we can do something quick so you can also use it as an excuse to get your package [02:19] Heyguys [02:19] I've been afk. Super busy at work [02:19] I'm catching up on the chat. [02:19] I got the emails about the loco team info as well [02:20] Doesn't our IRC channel post everything from Telegram? [02:20] I would call us pretty active. [02:21] And we are opened to new commers [02:26] Perhaps that will help. [02:27] @KMyers Just found a new favorite emacs feature https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Mark-Ring.html [02:29] and this one.. https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Bookmarks.html