
opuntiaHi. Any idea when the updated X server (from the testing PPA) that fixes this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1780664 - will be in the main xenial repos?10:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1780664 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Xenial) "Recent libgl-mesa graphics update prevents drop down list menu appearing in apps like firefox three line/bar menu icon" [Undecided,Triaged]10:35
soeemamarley: ping10:44
tjaaltonopuntia: maybe next week. upload to proposed got rejected because the bug doesn't have the sru information...10:47
opuntiathanks for the info, tjaalton 10:50
mamarleysoee: Oh, sorry, it is "nvidia-driver-xyz"11:31
soeemamarley: i tried that on Neon (that is bionic based) and when i tried run nvidia-settings i had and info that nvidia driver is not loaded11:37
soeemamarley: any idea what can be wrong with this driver?19:13
mamarleyNo, you haven't given me enough data to draw any conclusions.19:33

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