
bane5000Is there anybody here that can help me troubleshoot my little graphics card issue :>00:01
H7ROkay .... sorry to tell it but this channel sucks : why there is no ubuntu responsible people in ubuntu channel ? ... maybe they don't support ubuntu at all...00:01
=== Beef_ is now known as Beef__
H7Rbane5000 sorry, i'm not a system administrator ... and all other will tell you that your card is not supported because the constructor is not open source friendly (specialy with nvidia) !00:03
bane5000haha well thankfully it's Radeon ... and the issue is that my ubuntu detects the second monitor fine within the display settings.. it just displays black00:04
H7Rbane5000  So it's an amd so they tell you that they can't help you cause they are not in the module ... good luck to solve your problem here ....00:05
H7Rbane5000 did you tryed to connect your second screen on another VGA/HDI port ?00:06
bane5000H7R: Unfortunately my graphics card doesn't offer two hdmi ports. So i'm stuck using 1 hdmi (which works fine) and the second (DVI with a vga adapter) which doesn't display00:07
H7Rbane5000 or to set a 640*480 resolution ?00:07
bane5000haven't tried that00:07
bane5000H7R: Nope that didn't work00:08
H7Rtry all resolution in the list ?00:08
ryuoH7R: so, the kernel module won't load because of secure boot?00:08
H7Rbane5000 tryed all resolution in the list ?00:09
bane5000trying that now00:09
H7Rryuo : WTF ? didn't understand nothing !00:09
bane5000H7R: Noppers, that didn't work :/00:09
ryuo... nevermind.00:09
H7Rbane5000 did you tryed to move your mouse in the second screen ?00:10
H7R640x480 or 800x600 and move your mousse00:11
bane5000hmm i could try that00:11
bane5000H7R: My display just crashed brb00:11
H7Rif you don't see your mousse then try to see if your monitor is on the good source (PC)00:12
H7Rbane5000 why ?00:12
bane5000H7R: Not sure, but i am unable to see my interface now00:12
bane5000H7R: Ah okay, my desktop was set to display on the blank screen00:15
H7Rbane5000 ???00:16
bane5000H7R: Well the issue isn't resolved, the issue i resolved was the disappearance of my desktop Lol - but my second monitor still isn't working00:16
H7Rbane5000 did you verified electricity cable ?00:17
bane5000H7R: Yep because it works fine when it displays the bios splash screen. It doesn't go blank until it loads ubuntu00:17
H7Rbane5000 that mean you wired the cable on the "MOTHERBOARD" dvi port !00:19
bane5000H7R: No, both are plugged into the graphics card00:19
H7Rso that mean your driver doesn't set well your screen. Return in your driver's configuration interface00:21
H7Rbane5000 it was a long time ago i was able to configure an nvidia board but with my new amd card all is integrated. I don't know how you did to crash your opensource driver ...00:24
bane5000haha well i'm not sure what's going on but xrandr is showing me some weird stuff. so going to do some more research00:24
H7Rbane5000 in my memory there is a set of amd (semi?)proprietary drivers for X window system. try to search amd x in synaptic, maybe it will be usefull ... Else i cant go more further ...00:26
bane5000thank you <300:26
H7Rbane5000 good luck ...00:27
H7Rthe menu bar has crashed some tools i added on (system monitor, clock, sensors, etc...) i'm on mate with compiz-fusion, my card is an AMD radeon 5XXX series00:41
H7Rof course no one can tell me why .... ???00:41
JacobTDCI'm running Ubuntu CLI only, amd for some reason some of my terminals are different fonts...00:42
* H7R seriously think to build his own gentoo !00:42
JacobTDCI'm running Ubuntu CLI only, amd for some reason some of my terminals are different fonts. Does anyone know how to fix this?00:43
H7RjacobTDC it is normal, all terminal program have his own settings. in more each user can change it's own session settings ... a good .bashrc should change that !00:44
JacobTDCH7R: Okay, but should tty1 have a different font than tty2-tty6? I've never experienced thus before, and I dont't like it, TBH...00:46
JacobTDC*this, not thus00:46
JacobTDCH7R: it's a fresh install00:46
JacobTDCHow do I change it back, is what I mean to ask, sorry if I seemed rude, H7R, I've just had a lot of frustration with Ubuntu today... XD00:48
H7RJacobTDC :maybe TTY6 is in another resolution or screen mode than TTY2 or on one TTY you used an application that has changed your preferences ... do on all ttw $ ~/.bashrc to see if ti change something !00:48
H7RJacobTDC I had a lot of frustration with this channel tonight !00:49
H7R on your tty try $"~/.bashrc"+enter00:49
JacobTDCOh, okay.00:50
H7RJacobTDC : so ?00:51
JacobTDCI cam't log in.... XD00:52
H7Rverify the numkey lock00:52
H7Rand the capslock00:52
H7RjacobTDC so ?00:53
JacobTDCOkay, I logged in, but my keyboard is acting up... oh well, ill get it in a min...00:53
JacobTDCCan only `return' from a function or scored script.00:54
H7RWhat ?00:54
JacobTDCThats the error it gave me.00:55
H7Rno i told in the TTY you type "~/.bashrc" (without quotes) and then you type on your keyboard return/enter key00:56
JacobTDCI did.00:56
H7Rwhat's happend ?00:56
JacobTDC"line 8: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script"00:57
H7Rthere is a bug in your .bashrc try the one i send to you !00:58
=== Test is now known as Guest83440
H7Ropen the file transfer window ...01:00
H7Rwhat is your chat client ?01:01
H7Rdid you tryed Xchat ?01:01
booglehexchat will work the same since it was forked.01:02
H7Rboogle : please explain to him how to get file01:02
H7Rboogle : I don't know weechat01:03
JacobTDCI'll just reinstall Ubuntu....01:03
Brokenrose199211I use irssi01:03
JacobTDCfor the 2nd time today...01:03
JacobTDC2nd or 3rd... not sure... XD01:04
boogleI never transferred files with hexchat. I just know it can.01:04
H7RjacobTDC : wwwhhhhyyyy ? ;'((((01:04
H7Rboogle : you said weechat is the same ...01:05
JacobTDCUbuntu has been driving me INSANE today...01:06
miralu1how do I exit from weechat from this server?01:06
boogleNo, i said hexchat can transfer files as well as an alternative to xchat.01:06
H7RJacobTDC If you reinstall at the first little apearance change ubuntu is not for you !01:06
JacobTDCI know, it's just that my computer is trash, so reinstalling typically works.01:07
H7Rboogle can you receipt this file ?01:07
JacobTDCthats not the only problem I have, H7R , btw.01:08
H7RJacobTDC : so what is your main problem ?01:08
JacobTDCSynPS/2 input devices. 'cause I'm using a dinosaur.01:08
H7Rbefore pentium i cannot help !01:09
JacobTDCWelp, bye for now...01:10
H7RJacobTDC : why don't you use LXDE for graphic ?01:10
JacobTDCI'm using CLI only....01:10
JacobTDCWelp, back to waiting for another hour... XD01:12
boogleOkay H7R send a file to boogle_01:12
mofoHi my name is the onewithnoname01:17
boogleI closed the client.01:18
H7Rmofo : hello ulysse !01:18
H7Rgood bye unusefull channel01:19
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atlas_0x01\join #hackerswhoblaze01:44
waltmanOne of the updates tonights (I'm guessing either console-setup or keyboard-configuration) reset my caps lock mapping. I can't find any docs on how to change it back. Can anyone give me a link? Also, WTF?01:49
waltmanAh, never mind, I just found where it was hidden.01:51
RandolfMy date format is screwy.  How can I set it to YYYY-Mmm-DD?  I'm using Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS.  Thanks.01:54
ordanyone on?02:05
ordill assume not but im gonna ask anyway02:07
ordmy entire system locks up at like half second intervals02:07
agerтут есть русские?02:08
leftyfb!ru | ager02:09
ubottuager: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.02:09
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc_t
RandolfHow can I change the date format that shows up in applications like web browsers?  The default is confusing, and I want to change it to:  %Y-%b-%d02:25
RandolfThanks in advance.02:25
leftyfbAlso, web browsers? Anything displaying anything in a web browser is that of the content of the web page. Not of your local system.02:26
RandolfYeah, it doesn't show the date in a logical format.  The most common format throughout the world today is year-month-day, and ISO date format is in this manner too.  For some reason it puts the date in month/day/year format which screws me up.02:26
RandolfNo, the web browser is display a date field in HTML5 that defaults to whatever the format of the end-user's system is.02:27
leftyfbshow an example02:27
RandolfI recently dumped Windows 10 and now I'm just trying to get things working so that I can fully productive again.02:27
leftyfbok, no sure how that is relevant to resolving your issue02:27
RandolfAn example?  Okay, so it defaults to 07/24/2018 and I'm accustomed to using the standard format here in Canada which is 2018/07/24 or 2018-Jul-24.02:28
leftyfbgot a screenshot?02:28
RandolfI've already customized my date and time display at the top of my toolbar in Ubuntu here, and that's working well.02:28
RandolfA screenshot?  I just want to know how to configure a custom date format.02:28
leftyfbgot a screenshot of an example of it being displayed in a manner you don't prefer?02:29
RandolfSome web pages indicate using Language/Region settings, but that only displays the format.  It doesn't actually let me customize it.02:29
leftyfbRight, can you screenshot an example of this?02:29
RandolfI just explained that it displays the date in Month/Day/Year format as:  07/24/201802:30
leftyfbDoes it do this anywhere but a web site?02:30
RandolfAll applications that display the date.02:30
RandolfFortunately I found an easy option to switch to 24-hour format, but no such luck with the date.02:31
leftyfbcool, can you screenshot one of them showing this?02:31
RandolfWhy do you need a screenshot?  I just want to customize my date format.02:31
leftyfbTo better assist you02:31
leftyfbto replicate the issue to find a solution02:32
RandolfGo to this web page, and you'll see an example of whatever your default date format is (see the "Output" window on the right):  https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/date02:32
RandolfOn my system, it shows dates formatted as:  07/22/2018 to 07/29/201802:33
RandolfIn Far2l, I see the same date format, but the first two digits of the year are missing.02:33
=== guiverc_t is now known as guiverc
RandolfHere's a screenshot of my problem that someone else is having (and also doesn't seem to have a solution to):  https://i.stack.imgur.com/GFTzQ.png02:35
RandolfIt comes from this web page:  https://superuser.com/questions/1186861/how-do-i-change-the-date-format-of-date-input-fields-in-chrome02:36
hggdhRandolf: here's the thing: you said this happens on *web pages* but your screenshot does not show us anything about a web page. In fact, I have no clue which application produced this02:39
hggdhRandolf: without knowning *what* produces the date, it get quite difficult to help you02:40
Randolfhggdh: It happens in web browsers that are rendering the HTML5 date-input field.  It also happens in other applications, like Far2l, which display the date using the system format.02:40
Randolfoerheks:  My Language is already set to Canada.  Unfortunately it uses a non-Canadian date format, which is why I need to customize this.02:42
leftyfbI just tested oerheks's suggestion after finding it from googling for "ubuntu google chrome date format"02:42
leftyfbRandolf: log out and back in02:42
leftyfbit works02:42
Randolfleftyfb:  But I haven't changed anything yet because I haven't been able to figure out where to set the custom date format.  My Language has been set to Canada since I installed Ubuntu.02:43
hggdhRandolf: it is not language, it is formats02:43
Randolfhggdh: The "Formats" is set to Canada.02:43
leftyfbRandolf: follow the link oerheks gave you, under "regional formats"02:43
RandolfIt shows "Dates" as:  2018-07-24 (which is correct)02:44
leftyfbRandolf: then reboot02:44
Randolfleftyfb:  I haven't changed anything because it's all set to Canadian alreayd, but I'll try rebooting now.  I'll be right back...02:45
leftyfbRandolf: I just set mine to English(Canada), rebooted and it works as you'd expect02:45
RandolfHello.  I just finished rebooting, and I see that the date format is unchanged -- it's still showing incorrectly as mm/dd/yyyy format.02:47
hggdhRandolf: then the application (or web page) you are using/looking at hard-coded the date format02:48
leftyfbRandolf: please screenshot your "Regional Formats" tab for us02:48
RandolfHere it is:  https://paste.pics/a12c59917576b4421ff64dd9034ac62502:51
RandolfSo, how can I customize this date format?02:52
leftyfbRandolf: what Desktop Environment are you running?02:52
RandolfWhatever the default is that comes with Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS.  Would that be Gnome?02:52
lol123Hey guys, hope you are enjoying yourself... I am kinda having a problem with an ipod not synching in Ubuntu 18.04.. I  have tried various players known to make it work such as Celmentine, Amarok and Banshee... Any idea?02:54
leftyfblol123: I think support for Apple products has gone downhill and been left untouched for many years02:54
Randolflol123: You'll need iTunes.  Even on Windows this is the only way to do it, but Wine may be able to run iTunes for you.02:55
Randolf...if Apple doesn't provide a native Linux version.02:55
leftyfbitunes will not work well or at all in wine02:55
leftyfband Apple does not release a linux version of anything02:55
RandolfThat's too bad.02:55
lol123Lol, I am sure that you know IPod does work in Ubuntu... so stop fooling around and  give me a lead02:55
leftyfbRandolf: I've got the same setting and it's working for me. You should close all your settings windows and just open the "Language Support" util from activities02:56
Randolflol123:  You may need to buy an app that sets up a little HTTP server that provides a download .zip file option.  That's what I ended up doing for my daughter's iPad (I don't buy Apple devices anymore because of this incompatibility problem).02:56
Randolfleftyfb:  There's a bunch of updates here, I'll try another reboot after installing those and try again.02:57
oerheksfor iphone, sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice6 libimobiledevice-dev and connect your phone ( unlocked)02:57
oerheksif not unlocked, it will never see anything02:58
leftyfblol123: Nobody is here to "fool around". If the ipod "does work" in Ubuntu, then there's no problem. Otherwise, as I said, ipod/iphone support(libimobiledevice) for linux applications has dwindled. You can see here, not much activity. https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice02:59
lol123Yeah, got u!  but you know well that ubuntu 18.04 out of the box supports IPOD, not to mention that I have used it before03:00
leftyfblol123: ok, then everything works. Good luck.03:00
lol123Well, let's not talk about luck since it is not working03:01
leftyfblol123: but: "ubuntu 18.04 out of the box supports IPOD"03:01
leftyfbIf that were the case, then it would work "out of the box"03:02
lol123Yeah....blablabla..lol, exactly.... That's the problem.. it should but it's not03:02
leftyfblol123: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/music-player-newipod.html.en03:02
Randolflol123: Apple wants everyone to be locked into using Apple computers running MacOS, or at least running iTunes.  They don't make it easy for people to use third-party products and they have always seemed to be hostile to third parties, including open source.03:04
lol123Great, I will give it a shot03:06
leftyfbRandolf: I've got the same setting and it's working for me. You should close all your settings windows and just open the "Language Support" util from activities. From there choose the "Regional Formats" tab. Pick "English(Canada" from the "Display numbers, daes and currency..." section if it's not already selected. Then click the "Apply System-Wide" button and reboot03:07
qwebirc59720hello ! i want create usb bootable for my windows.iso :( how i can create usb bootable ? and add iso file to my usb ?03:16
qwebirc59720:( no one can help me ?03:18
qwebirc59720please !03:19
qwebirc59720uebera||: :/ maybe you are here03:19
qwebirc59720oerheks: you are here ?03:20
qwebirc59720no one is here ?03:20
leftyfbqwebirc59720: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/create-bootable-windows-10-usb-ubuntu03:20
qwebirc59720leftyfb:  it's not work :) https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/create-bootable-windows-10-usb-ubuntu check :)03:22
leftyfbqwebirc59720: define "it's not work"03:23
qwebirc59720leftyfb: the url for downloading :) don't work error 40403:23
leftyfbqwebirc59720: https://launchpad.net/~nilarimogard/+archive/ubuntu/webupd803:24
qwebirc59720leftyfb:  thanks !03:25
amazoniantoadHi. The fans wont come on on my laptop. 18 lts03:54
amazoniantoadCan someone help me figure out how to make my laptops fans automatically turn on?03:54
AAA_awrightamazoniantoad: I don't have any solution, but maybe it's a BIOS thing, or hardware? In any event, you should mention make/model04:04
amazoniantoadill boot into bios and check it out04:11
=== DrunkHotDog is now known as HappyHotDog
jpmhO have a bash script that performs some very slow opeartions,  Is there a way from bash that I can DISABLE buffering on STDOUT04:25
illuminatedwhat does the proc under /proc stand for?04:30
miralu1Hi, I am new to this chat. How do I initiate a chat with someone?04:56
miralu1I am using weecha04:56
guiverc_tmiralu1, if you have a Ubuntu Support question, you just ask it (try and keep to a single line, and be patient waiting for a response, people will respond when and if they can..)04:57
miralu1I am a Ubuntu user for about 12 years05:08
miralu1love it05:09
frost1111hello anyv06:00
frost1111 hello anybody there need some assistance06:01
lotuspsychjefrost1111: thats not how it works mate, when someone asks a question you can offer/contribute06:02
frost1111Is there any way we can connect to bind shell execute command on remote system and show the output on our terminal06:03
lotuspsychjefrost1111: ?06:04
frost1111lotuspsychje: hey i guess u didn't get the question06:05
lotuspsychjefrost1111: how about you start from the beginning, ubuntu version? kernel? what are you trying to for what reason?06:05
mikeridewhat fingerprint Ubuntu gives?06:07
frost1111lotuspsychje: the scenario is like there is a bind shell (Bind shell is a type of shell in which the target machine opens up a communication port or a listener on the  machine and waits for an incoming connection. The user then connects to the machine’s listener which then leads to code or command execution on the server) open on the remote server i as a user try to connect to the particular bind shell execute a command for example whoami and gets a06:10
frost1111output on my terminal06:10
guiverc_tmikeride, fingerprint?06:15
mauriciospeak spanish ?06:19
=== mauricio is now known as Guest59559
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:19
Guest59559ubottu,  muchas gracias06:20
lotuspsychjefrost1111: what has this to do with ubuntu support exactly?06:22
mikeridethe humans don't need to be explored without purpose06:25
mikerideif there is a mission the mission is complete then stop06:26
jpmhhow can I force STDOUT to be flushed in a bash script?06:26
mikerideforce std out?06:28
mikeridefind how it works you can see sometimes in a magazine06:28
mikerideshows how a virus enters the transcription area06:30
mikeridethe remainder of the punishment06:30
mikeridefilling up what was "lacking"06:31
MBoardhi all, I am learning apache2 and I have a server that I share with somebody else.  This server is not going to be used for live sites but for web design practice.  If I want to make 2 accounts on the system am I right to understand that a symbolic link would be required from /home/user/public_html directory to /var/www/html/user directory and make the user part of www-data group?  I have been06:31
MBoardlooking for documentations online but I am struggling to find any decent information.06:31
mikeridenot a lack06:31
MBoardI have ubuntu 18.04 installed06:31
mikeridebut a slow filling full06:31
mikeridelacking in the aebae if the reckoning06:32
guivercmikeride, please stay on topic - this is a [Ubuntu] support forum06:32
ducassecan whoever operates that bot please kill it?06:32
mikeridewhere the remainder of the comy foundation is spent06:32
mikeridethe darkness passes06:33
mikeridebut until it passes there is a remaining balance06:33
uebera||frost1111: You're basically looking for "ssh", then? Or some kind of (hopefully encrypted) "nc" (netcat) cased connection? (See https://www.hackingtutorials.org/networking/hacking-netcat-part-2-bind-reverse-shells/)06:33
mikerideand you push out all std then06:34
uebera||s /cased/based/06:34
mikeridefor any me to be justified06:34
lotuspsychje!ops | mikeride poetry06:34
ubottumikeride poetry: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax06:34
mikerideright justified or left justified06:34
mikerideguiverc it can be used for push out std06:36
mikeridebut not for wrong reasons06:36
Flannelmikeride: Hi, like someone said already, please stop saying random lines in here.  It's not on-topic for this channel.  Thanks.06:37
mikeridenot for justify any by means of having06:37
uebera||MBoard: You might to have a look at https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/howto/public_html.html06:37
FlannelMBoard: You can have each user put stuff in /var/www, or put stuff in their own userdir (in their home directory), like uebera|| pointed out.06:38
titanSTRIXhi guys. I have a problem in my gnome terminal. it does not support Persian fonts. after a lot of searchs i found a way. installing fribidi and bicon. but there is no package for them in bionic06:39
MBoarduebera||and Flannel thank you06:41
uebera||!info fribidi bionic | titanSTRIX06:42
ubottutitanSTRIX: Package fribidi does not exist in bionic06:42
uebera||Oh. Strange.06:42
uebera||It is listed here --> https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/bionic/fribidi06:43
Flanneluebera||, titanSTRIX: I believe the package is named libfribidi-bin06:43
titanSTRIXubottu, yes but its not working in bionic06:44
ubottutitanSTRIX: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:44
Flannel!info libfribidi-bin06:44
ubottulibfribidi-bin (source: fribidi): Free Implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm (utility). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19.7-2 (bionic), package size 8 kB, installed size 31 kB06:44
InitializedSahibhello everyone! i just upgraded my bionic system to 18.04.1 but noticed my snaps are no longer working after the upgrade06:44
titanSTRIXthanks. what about bicon?06:44
InitializedSahibwhen i try to run them in the terminal they print out this error: cannot perform readlinkat() on the mount namespace file descriptor of the init process: Permission denied06:45
InitializedSahiband when i try to run them via the .desktop GUI shortcuts they don't do anything and no processes associated with them are running06:45
InitializedSahibdoes anyone else know about this issue?06:45
uebera||titanSTRIX: There seems to be at least a third party PPA --> https://launchpad.net/~aelmahmoudy/+archive/ubuntu/ppa (but I have never used that)06:47
uebera||That one contains a lot of packages, maybe you want to directly pick bicon manually from there and test it (or, recompile it yourself from source for bionic).06:49
InitializedSahibnever mind, it turns out it's because i'm using 4.18 rc from mainline :^)06:49
titanSTRIXuebera||, I tried it last hour ago. it was full of compile error. and did not giving me a clear log07:00
uebera||titanSTRIX: Did you check the patches provided here? After all, it built for bionic on launchpad --> https://launchpad.net/~aelmahmoudy/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+sourcepub/8540168/+listing-archive-extra07:16
titanSTRIXuebera||, Hey guy. thank you very much. you solved my boring problem07:18
uebera||titanSTRIX: you're welcome ;)07:19
SatchelI am here07:37
Guest61388Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/07:56
Guest61388or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/07:56
frost1111uebera : hey yeah ssh works but is there other  way like openning a bind shell like shared in post and then interacting with that08:00
MBoardI make a user on Ubuntu and added to www-data group.  I make chown -R www-data:user /var/www/html/test.local  for what reason is it that user gets permission error to create index.php file in this directory?08:00
MBoardif I do groups in terminal it is showing user sudo www-data08:02
bozsikarmandHello, I would like to ask, how can I create a pendrive with GPT partition table and the capablity of UEFI booting in the most easy way under Ubuntu? The Disks application only creates MBR scheme when I use the image restoration option. Thanks08:03
MBoarddon't worry, I forget to make chgrp and chmod -_-08:04
EriC^bozsikarmand: image restoration option?08:09
bozsikarmandEriC^, Yeah. in Disks there is a Restore Disk Image option. This works fine but it only creates MBR partition scheme, which is my problem. I would like to use GPT.08:14
roger_rabbit|Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/08:34
roger_rabbit|or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/08:34
EriC^bozsikarmand: are you making a live usb?08:37
horseHey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/08:40
horseor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/08:40
bozsikarmandEriC^, yes :)08:41
snapconfusionI am interested in using a handful of snaps, but I am concerned about using software from unknown publishers. The few pieces of software I am interested in (Discord and Gimp) say they are packaged by "SnapCrafters" instead of the original software authors. What exactly does it mean when the software catalog displays the author as "SnapCrafters"? Do you all think this particular publisher should be trusted?09:05
lotuspsychjesnapconfusion: The “Snapcrafters” are a group of community contributors working to get snaps published by upstream projects09:09
lotuspsychjesnapconfusion: when you search a snap from terminal, you will see individual maintainers,snapcrafters and canonical09:09
lotuspsychjesnapconfusion: snaps are built to be safe, but that doesnt mean nothing can happen, always be prudent or use packages from the official ubuntu repos09:11
snapconfusionI try to stay within the official repositories as much as possible, but it does not seem possible to do that with Discord. I suppose the next best thing is to review the files on the SnapCrafter's github repository and make sure they match what is being installed by the package manager to ensure everything is on the up-and-up.09:12
skraitohey guys09:17
skraitowhat is the best ide for java 10 in ubuntu09:17
ppfthe one you liek most09:18
ppfif you like it the most then yes09:18
=== beaver is now known as evilnewbie
microwaved_morning all, question, i've been having trouble every time i reboot my ubuntu 18.10 system that it won't resolve like google.com when i ping it or when i try apt-get update , i keep having to do manual stuff to fix it , is there anyone who knows of this issue or atleast know how to permanently fix it, i know its a silly thing but i cannot find a clear answer on the internet09:27
microwaved_so i can ping ip addresses like or any other public but it won't let me ping like google.com or anything that has a dns name09:28
microwaved_its the LTS btw09:28
cry_wolfHow the hell do you call opened app in the taskbar ?09:30
grzesag<microwaved> it looks like dns issue, did you try this https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-set-dns-nameservers-in-ubuntu-server-18-04/09:35
microwaved_grzesag: i think so yes but i'm having a look right now09:37
microwaved_are the [ and the  ] mandatory?09:38
miioSomeone here who knows som great linuix study sites or free dok's ?09:40
lotuspsychje!manual | miio09:41
ubottumiio: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:41
Shabbysheikmicrowaved_: in YAML yes, you need to follow the format exactly09:41
lotuspsychjemicrowaved_: ubuntu 18.10 support in #ubuntu+1 please09:41
Shabbysheikhe meant 18.04 lotuspsychje, no worries09:42
tarzeaulotuspsychje: but wow, it's for 12.04 and 13.04?09:42
tarzeauah english is for 16.0409:42
tarzeauwhere's the 18.04 version?09:43
lotuspsychjetarzeau: there are 18.04 wiki manuals if you like09:46
tarzeaulotuspsychje: url?09:47
Yiuweoa7Manaeiou sometimes w and y09:48
lotuspsychjetarzeau: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/ubuntu-help/index.html09:49
grzesag<microwaved> please look at Name Resolution on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html.en09:56
grzesag<microwaved> as well as this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50299241/ubuntu-18-04-server-how-to-check-dns-ip-server-setting-being-used09:56
lotuspsychjeYiuweoa7Man: stop that please09:57
grzesag<microwaved> you can try systemd-resolve --help to set dns server per interface any luck?09:58
microwaved_grzesag: already did the last thing you said and that didn't work09:59
microwaved_grzesag: even per interface did not really do a thing09:59
microwaved_grzesag: thanks for your help anyway :) ill keep looking for a solution and report back when i have one just for the sake of sharing knowledge10:05
TvL2386microwaved_: you using 18.04 server with a static ip?10:07
alex_Здравстуйте. Сижу на 16.04 Сервер. Есть смысл менять на 18.0410:07
TvL2386microwaved_: if that is the case: http://dpaste.com/3BY4XB610:08
microwaved_TvL2386: i am actually using a static ip yes10:08
lotuspsychje!ru | alex_10:09
ubottualex_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:09
TvL2386microwaved_: well in that case my dpaste will help you :)10:09
microwaved_will that count for 18.10 lts aswell?10:09
TvL2386microwaved_: it is from a 18.04 server....10:09
TvL238618.10 LTS does not exist10:09
TvL2386and 18.04 is a LTS release yeah10:10
TvL2386$ lsb_release -d10:10
TvL2386Description:Ubuntu 18.04 LTS10:10
microwaved_TvL2386: sorry i meant 18.04 i need a coffee10:10
TvL2386microwaved_: :)10:10
TvL2386microwaved_: put that file in /etc/netplan and do `netplan apply`10:11
TvL2386and you're done10:11
microwaved_TvL2386: but i do have my config in /etc/network/interfaces, should i remove it there and add it to the file you pasted?10:11
microwaved_TvL2386: sweet, ill have a look now  , ill report back in a minute10:12
TvL2386$ cat /etc/network/interfaces10:12
TvL2386cat: /etc/network/interfaces: No such file or directory10:12
TvL2386that does not exist on ubuntu-18.0410:12
TvL2386not in mine anyway :)10:12
TvL2386but hey, I only have 2 ubuntu-18.04 servers at the moment10:13
microwaved_ok good point let me edit that , btw above that in my netplan file i have renderer NetworkManager instead of networkd10:14
smaudetHey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/10:35
smaudetor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/10:35
the_madman|Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/10:35
the_madman|or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/10:35
rodarmorHey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/10:35
rodarmoror maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/10:35
microwaved_TvL2386: i think i found the source of the problem , a bit unexpected but weird though.10:35
Guest73448Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/10:36
Guest73448or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/10:36
acerbicHey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/10:37
acerbicor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/10:37
TvL2386microwaved_: mkay, what's it?10:44
DeepfriediceHi all, I'm having an issue with light-locker:11:18
DeepfriediceWhenever I try to unlock my screen, the message "This session is locked: You will be redirected to the unlock dialog automatically in a few seconds" will flash VERY briefly, and then the screen is re-locked.11:18
microwaved_TvL2386: i had multiple interface profiles referring to the same interface name and your solution made my thought process different and then i saw the cause of it being one of them in /etc/network/interfaces, the other profile i'm still looking for but its working as it should now tanks a lot!11:21
=== oer_ is now known as oerheks
skinux /msg nickserv identify laradev1811:42
skinuxDid I just put my password into the channel?11:42
oerheksskinux, yes11:42
blackflowskinux: configure your irc client for automatic sasl11:43
oerheks-- /msg nickserv set password YOURNEWPASSWORD (maximum length 79chars)11:43
skinuxOkay, it's changed11:44
Katnipuse keepass11:44
skinuxI haven't figured out how to configure SASL11:44
blackflowit's not rocket science. what irc client are you using? with irssi it's just three lines in config. sasl_mechanism, sasl_username and sasl_password, done.11:45
skinuxAnyway, I installed Ubuntu Server in VM. I keep seeing stuff about Cloud, do I need to be aware of any specifics?11:45
TvL2386microwaved_: yw! :)11:46
TvL2386I just use ubuntu-18.04-mini-amd64.iso to install ubuntu-server. I don't like the new installer11:49
TvL2386I guess then you won't harrassed with "stuff about Cloud"?11:49
microwaved_TvL2386: whats wrong with the new installer?11:50
oerheks..why not the regular server iso ?11:50
TvL2386well, I wanted to setup LVM and if I remember correctly, there were no options to do so with the new installer11:51
TvL2386also the choices for fstypes were very limited in comparison with the 16.04 server installer11:52
asphyxiafirst time running a program bundled as an AppImage. I chose desktop integration, but then realised I should move the file from Downloads first. I'm new to linux.. how would I find and delete the desktop integration files?11:52
lifeidaDid you use weechat on android?11:54
TvL2386one thing I haven't gotten to work yet with netplan, is the "post-up" and other hooks you had in /etc/network/interfaces. I read documentation on how to get that functionality, but it was simply not working11:55
blackflowTvL2386: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2018-July/007725.html11:57
TvL2386o_O :-D11:58
TvL2386I stand corrected :)11:59
blackflowyou could also help testing :)11:59
TvL2386iso is downloading ;)12:00
BluesKajHi folks12:04
cry_wolfis this possible to add different colors in a same tag in awesome wm ? for example; the firs tag: "1:main" 1 < bright green - :main < green ?12:10
cry_wolfI'm sorry but I can't connect to OFTC (irssi) I don't know why.12:10
cry_wolfThat's why I'm asking here12:11
vitalkanev__I think that latest grub update changes timeout from about 5 seconds to 15 seconds12:20
vitalkanev__(Typing in this channel because I think it's affected on all flavours, like Xubuntu)12:20
TomyWorkI'm on kubuntu 14.04 and i think i just broke my bluetooth. i tried pairing a new device via right-click -> add device. it listed the device, i added it, but it didnt detect any services. in an attempt to fix the situation, i did right-click -> turn bluetooth off. i haven't been able to restore bluetooth functionality since then, even with previously working devices, even after a reboot12:22
TomyWorki cannot connect to services on paired devices, i cannot pair new devices (rightclick -> add new device turns up empty and doesnt stop scanning12:23
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
tomreynTomyWork: about unblocking BT, is anything listed as locked in 'rfkill list'?12:27
TomyWorkbluez-test-device listsome wifi devices are blocked12:27
TomyWorkhci0, which is the device i think was used, is not blocked12:27
TomyWorki notice that there's also dell-bluetooth, which is odd12:28
TomyWorkodd, if i block dell-bluetooth, hci0 disappears12:30
tomreynsounds like you may have misconfigured something while you were trying to make things work.12:31
TomyWorkwhat does "turn bluetooth off" do, actually?12:31
TomyWorkin the rightclick menu of the bluetooth icon in kde12:32
tomreynnot sure, it probably either soft blocks the device or unloads the driver12:32
TomyWorkhow do i check if the driver is loaded?12:32
tomreynrun 'sudo update-pciids' and 'sudo update-usbids', then run this and post the returned URL here: pastebinit <( lspci -nn ; echo; lsusb; echo; lsmod; echo; rfkill list; )12:32
TomyWorknot <<?12:34
mojtabaHello, after running df, I am seeing this: /dev/loop1           640       640         0 100% /snap/gnuchess/912:35
asphyxiahey tomreyn, thanks for your help with the battery diag the other week, turns out it was the hardware after all12:35
mojtabaCould you please explain what it is and how can I unmount it to free some space?12:35
TomyWorktomreyn http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/648psnxtVC/12:35
tomreynasphyxia: :-/ a pity. but glad i could help.12:35
TomyWorkmojtaba are you using snapcraft?12:36
mojtabaTomyWork: I am not sure.12:36
TomyWorkthis stuff?12:36
tomreynmojtaba: this is a snap.12:36
mojtabaTomyWork: let me see.12:36
mojtabatomreyn: I have these:12:37
mojtaba/dev/loop1           640       640         0 100% /snap/gnuchess/912:37
mojtaba/dev/loop2          2048      2048         0 100% /snap/gnuchess/1112:37
mojtaba/dev/loop0         88704     88704         0 100% /snap/core/465012:37
mojtaba/dev/loop3         89088     89088         0 100% /snap/core/483012:37
mojtaba/dev/loop5        217344    217344         0 100% /snap/gimp/3912:37
tomreyn!paste | mojtaba12:37
ubottumojtaba: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:37
TomyWorkwell, you're clearly using snaps, and a bunch of them. i suggest you ask them for support. this is not standard ubuntu stuff. snaps bypass the package manager in a way12:38
mojtabaTomyWork: I am not sure what I have done. Those are there for a long time.12:39
tomreynTomyWork: so this computer seems to be connected to a dell e-port replicator, i think that's a docking station. it may be why you see that dell BT device. try disconnecting, see if this makes BT work again12:39
TomyWorktomreyn it's connected to a docking station, yeah12:39
TomyWorknever used to be a problem, though12:39
TomyWorki'll lose irc connection if i disconnect, so... brb :)12:40
ducasseTomyWork: actually, several snaps are installed by default in the desktop version of 18.04 aiui12:40
vitalkanev__Just in case, here is the paste with "apt policy, apt show and grub-install --version" output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ntFsHK7HBw/12:41
TomyWorktomreyn "rfkill list" still lists dell-bluetooth when i disconnect from the docking station12:41
vitalkanev__for my case12:41
TomyWorkducasse interesting, i didn't know that12:42
tomreynTomyWork: hmm so i guess i was wrong.12:42
TomyWorktomreyn do you know what bluedevil and bluez are and how they're connected?12:45
TomyWorki seem to have both and i think that is not good12:45
tomreynTomyWork: i'm not really sure how to continue debugging this from here on, hardly ever use bluetooth. but there's this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingBluetooth12:46
tomreynTomyWork: i think bluedevil + bluez are software to manage bluetooth interfaces (via drivers)12:47
BluesKajtomreyn, they're both installed here by default and never use BT12:48
BluesKajI never use BT12:48
TomyWorksorry, i couldnt use mouse or keyboard all of a sudden, and kdeinit went up to 100%12:51
TomyWorknot gonna disconnect that docking station again :)12:51
TomyWorkBluesKaj thanks, i think they were installed by default for me as well12:52
kiss885415anyone here?12:53
BluesKajkiss885415, check the nicklist :-)12:53
TomyWorktomreyn as soon as i hit "add new device", bluetoothd goes to 100% CPU and nothing happens12:54
TomyWorkwhich totally explains the behaviour of my CPU fan12:54
netsrotHi, I'm getting amd 2400g freeze "amdgpu vmc page fault" and have to reboot using sysrq. I'm using ubuntu 18.04 amd64, kernel 4.17.9, oibaf drivers. Can anyone help?12:56
oerheksnetsrot, so you used the mainline kernel? those are for testing only12:58
netsrotThe kernel build I got from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.17.9/12:58
netsrotoerheks: I was told the regular kernel doesn't work well with amd 2400g.12:58
oerheksyes, i noticed, the latest stable12:58
vitalkanev__My laptop (HP 15) does not have bluetooth12:59
oerheksindeed amd2400g is supported from 4.16 and up12:59
oerheksnetsrot, make sure you have the latest bios13:01
mojtabahello, do you know how can I free up some space in /?13:03
TomyWorktomreyn "hciconfig hci0 up" did the job13:03
mojtabaI have tried apt-get autoremove and autoclean. but still I am running low.13:03
netsrotoerheks: I have the latest bios.13:03
tomreynTomyWork: yeay, glad you worked it out.13:05
ck86821315hello noob ubuntu user. Only used it for a good year playing around. Is it possible to install windows 10 with Ubuntu 18.04 both via the MPR route?13:09
ck86821315on the same SSD?13:09
TomyWorktomreyn i was also able to connect that device i originally wanted to connect, yay13:12
TomyWorkafter switching it from that crappy telephony protocol to a2dp13:13
TomyWorkso yay13:13
tomreynvery well, Tomy. :)13:15
tomreynck86821315: do you mean MBR? multi boot installation side by side with windows is generally possible, yes13:15
tomreyn!dualboot | ck8682131513:16
ubottuck86821315: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:16
mojtabahello, do you know how can I free up some space in /? I have tried apt-get autoremove and autoclean. but still I am running low.13:17
tomreynck86821315: you should install windows first, ubuntu afterwards. and every couple of years, windows may overwrite the boot loader, preventing you from starting ubuntu.13:17
guivercmojtaba, you can always remove programs; what size partition do you have for / ?13:17
mojtabaguiverc: 15 GB13:18
tomreynmojtaba:can you show us: df -h 2>&1 | pastebinit13:18
mojtabatomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yVTzC7WvZZ/13:19
tomreynmojtaba: so both your / and /home are almost full13:20
blackflowwhy is /tmp 24G?13:20
blackflowmojtaba: ^^13:21
mojtabablackflow: I am not sure. :-P (I am newbie.)13:21
mojtabablackflow: Can I repartition?13:21
blackflowmojtaba: not on live disk like that no. but you have some weird partitioning there going on. /var is sda9, root is sdb1, tmp is sda6, home is sda8, where's the rest of sda and why is it split between sda and sdb like that?13:22
tomreynsure, but you will need to backup beforehand13:22
tomreyni mean, sure, you can reparttion, but not live.13:23
mojtabablackflow: sdb is a SSD of size 16GB.13:23
mojtabasda is my HDD.13:23
BluesKajmojtaba, is tis a hdd/ssd hybrid drive setup?13:24
blackflowmojtaba: in multi-boot with Windows?13:24
mojtabaBluesKaj: I have thinkpad T440S and it came by default like that.13:24
mojtaba(windows pre-installed.)13:25
mojtabablackflow: I removed windows.13:25
ck86821315tomreyn: Thanks :)13:25
blackflowmojtaba: so your laptop cam preinstalled with windows and linux and partitioned like that?13:25
The_BallI'm trying to use apt-offline to install some packages on an offline system, I can see it has created /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/old-releases.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-security_Release and other files in the "partial" folder. However apt-get doesn't seem to pick it up when I'm trying to upgrade13:26
The_BallAny ideas why apt-get doesn't "see" the packages?13:26
mojtabablackflow: It had just windows. I removed it and installed Ubuntu like that. :-P13:26
blackflowmojtaba: so where are sda{1,3,4,5,7}?13:26
ck86821315tomreyn: probably not the right place to ask or I could go to #arch but was wondering if it would be possible to install arch on the same ssd. I tried to a couple months ago but somehow couldn't write it on the windows boot loader...13:27
mojtabablackflow: I don't know. :O13:27
mojtabablackflow: I am looking at gparted13:28
mojtabasda1 is crypt-luks, unmounted.13:28
mojtabasda3 is not mounted as well13:29
blackflowmojtaba: how big are they all? 1,3,4,5 and 7  ?13:29
mojtabablackflow: Sda-7 is swap. There is no sda{4,5}13:30
mojtabablackflow: sda1 is 1000MB13:30
tomreynck86821315: yes, it's not the right place to ask ;)13:30
mojtabasda3: 50GB13:30
blackflowa lot of extra space that you aren't using13:30
mojtabasda7: 11.44GB13:30
blackflowmojtaba: and a bit oversized swap unless that's your RAM size and you hibernate13:31
mojtabablackflow: I have 12GB of RAM>13:31
mojtabablackflow: By hibernate you mean suspend?13:31
blackflowmojtaba: no, I mean hibernate. on disk, not in ram.13:32
Oolpm-hibernate != pm-suspend13:32
mojtabablackflow: I don't hibernate. I don't see its option in Unity. most of the time I suspend.13:32
Oolhibernate is  opt off because with some computer is not working13:33
blackflowmojtaba: well, if you ask me, you've got some 60GB you could get out of it. back up all your data and reinstall ubuntu fresh, automatic disk partitioning unless you really need to customize it.13:33
mojtabablackflow: I installed Ubuntu on the SSD (16G) drive to have it faster.13:34
blackflowmojtaba: I don't know what to do with that 16G SSD... what is that anyway, sounds a bit small. unless it's one of the older, first gen SSDs?13:34
mojtabablackflow: It was by default on my laptop.13:34
blackflowmojtaba: question is, do you even need that. with 12G most of your hot data is probably in RAM cached13:34
mojtabablackflow: After re-installing, my system is faster.13:35
blackflowmojtaba: yeah it probablyb boots faster and program start up is faster, but how often you do that, compared to total computer use time?13:36
BluesKajweren't those small ssds used for the boot and root partitions when they were first introduced quite a few yrs ago13:36
blackflowmojtaba: I mean whatever you want, but 16G is obviously insufficient for your use case.13:36
blackflowBluesKaj: I think so, which means they're the early SSDs and this one is about to fail hard and violently, "soon" :)13:37
BluesKajwould be good for / if it's still a viable drive13:37
mojtabablackflow: any suggestion for now, easy solution. not re-installing?13:37
blackflowBluesKaj: personally I'd use it for L2ARC with ZFS13:37
* BluesKaj nods13:38
blackflowBluesKaj: so if it fails, teh system would just log and shrug (And slow down a bit)13:38
blackflowI have no experience with bache but there's that, for non-ZFS afficionados.13:38
BluesKajblackflow, dunno much about ZFS13:38
mojtabablackflow: What is L2ARC?13:39
blackflowmojtaba: none. your partitioning layout is weird, you're out of space, ther's nothing you can do.13:39
blackflowmojtaba: nothing you could use now. it's persistent cache device for ZFS13:39
mojtabablackflow: So on you pc you are using ZFS instead of ext4?13:40
blackflowmojtaba: yes13:40
blackflowtwo-disk mirror with an ssd L2ARC13:40
deadrom18.04.1 on track? release on friday as planned?13:41
mojtabablackflow: What is the benefit of ZFS over ext4?13:42
blackflowmojtaba: it's a pooled copy-on-write filesystem with data checksumming and volume management / raid. with all the benefits of each of those.13:42
deadrommojtaba: ZFS deos more than just be a file system. it handles raid levels, zraid1 and 2 specifically, acts as a volume manager and can achieved great performance when given proper hardware13:43
blackflowit's raidz not zraid, and it can also do striping and mirror13:43
deadrommojtaba: and with all its tripwires, too. there is a 2 part youtube video series "become a zfs ninja" or so, checking those out gives you proper background. (long but worth watching)13:43
blackflowperformance never was ZFS's strenght :)   there's some perfromance benefit of ARC, but it's usually negligible except in large read-mostly worloads13:44
mojtabadeadrom: blackflow: thanks. (good to know)13:44
blackflowI wouldn't recommend ZFS to a novice, tho', youtube tutorials notwithstanding. it can easily go south.13:45
BluesKajdeadrom, just run full upgrade and you should get the point release now13:45
blackflowdeadrom: if you're on Bionic, that is.13:45
deadrommojtaba: iirc it can deduplicate, but that requires vast amounts of RAM. very basic: don't run without a UPS. ZFS needs 1GB RAM per 1TB storage to perform (rule of thumb) but if you lose power, your zpool might be trashed good13:46
deadromBluesKaj: intend to hop from xenial LTS to LTS13:46
blackflowdeadrom: that's nonsense13:46
blackflowZFS is very much fault tolerant and resistant to pwer loss. it's NOT btrfs.13:47
blackflowand zfs doesn't NEED RAM (except for deduplication where it actually does). it _benefits_ from more RAM, it will use what ever you give it, but it can run just fine wiht 64MB of it.13:47
BluesKajdeadrom, then do-release-upgrade with your LTS only flag enabled13:48
deadromblackflow: haven#t done large installs myself, but the benchmark test I've read definitely say ZFS outperforms traditional FS by far. though I'm talking 0.xPB on big irons. on small installations, yes, not much to squeeze out of 6 drives13:49
deadromBluesKaj: last info is 18.04 not intended for LTS hop, wait for 18.04.1. not true (anymore)?13:50
blackflowdeadrom: ZFS can't outperform anything that doesn't data-checksum because it checksums and verifies checksum of EACH block it reads. that's offset by ARC. but that's not specific to ZFS. any FS benefits from memory caching that the kernel does anyway.13:50
blackflowdeadrom: what's special about ARC is that A in ARC, and things like MFU, so the caches are better, more optimized than just a simple MRU filesystem cache, which is visible on very specific read-mostly loads, esp. those where MFUs fit in RAM.13:50
BluesKajdeadrom, the point release was in the repos yesterday afaik , I already have it13:51
deadromBluesKaj: good to know, thanks. go test machine.13:51
* deadrom is afraid of upgrding his laptop with 16.04 installed in 16.04 and tons of customizations13:52
BluesKajnot too many ppas I hope13:52
blackflowmy upgrade failed, crashed and burned. I ended up reinstalling Bionic from scratch.   :/13:53
deadromthat I did not want to hear :) I will pull a full disk image before...13:54
deadromdo-release-upgrade says: no new release13:54
blackflowdeadrom: something something gdm and I simply couldn't get it to get to login screen, gave up and just reinstalled.13:54
BluesKajblackflow, I upgraded on my laptop and desktop machines without a hitch ...maybe you guys have too many uhmmm "customization"?13:55
=== DarrenS is now known as DarrenJS
blackflowBluesKaj: dunno, I only had one PPA for nvidia ("the graphics PPA") and that was disabled by the upgrader.13:55
BluesKajbut I'm not a gnome guy...kde/plasma here13:55
blackflowoh yes that could be it. this is gnome. I wanted kubuntu but its installer wouldn't allow me to install encrypted root without LVM, and I couldn't even get it to use partitions I pre-pared outside of the installer, so I gave up on that too.13:56
BluesKajyeah the ppas are supposed to be disabled, but sometimes i wonder about that13:56
blackflowso much nonsense. debootstrap installation is the _only_ thing you can rely on.13:57
blackflowBluesKaj: it was, I checked, even purged nvidia but that didn't help. something in gnome upgrade broke seriously.13:57
BluesKajguess I'm just more traditional , but since I'm a home user and don't need exotic FSs I stick with the default ext4FS13:58
blackflowBluesKaj: ZFS has taught me never to look for another FS, ever again :) I see its power every day, from easy snapshot based backups to once a year avoided bitrot corruption event.14:01
blackflowbut yeah, I value my data. work related, source codes, documents, stuff... I need data integrity and backups.14:01
BluesKajblackflow, I've heard of bitrot  but never encountered it, to my knowledge14:02
BluesKajthe workplace is a totally different computer environment than mine, that's a given :-)14:03
blackflowBluesKaj: I see ZFS reporting a checksum error approximately once or twice a year, that's how I notice it. cool thing it heals automatically. :)14:03
BluesKajinteresting, well HW does wear  some14:04
blackflowBluesKaj: google ran some benchmarks showing silent data corruption (bits flipping on their own, due to cosmic rays or whatev) at the rate of 1 bit per 10TB or so14:05
deadromsomething entirely different: smartmontools won't tell me the drive in a usb3 enclosure. drive's too new. other options without opening the case?14:07
blackflowand depending on whom you ask, that statistic ranges from "for worse" to "much less bad".   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_corruption#Silent14:07
BluesKajthat's almost nothing, but I suppose one corrupted bit can cause problems on other FSs\14:07
BluesKajbbiab, stuff to do for a few mins14:08
dwC--Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/14:08
dwC--or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/14:08
deadromblackflow: I remember that, and how they stressed out not to ever ever run storage without ECC RAM14:09
blackflowBluesKaj: depending which one flipped :) coudl be nothing, could be improtant document failing to open. But the problem is, there aren't any regular mechanisms of detecting it. The only way to detect it is data checksumming filesystems or encryption with hmac validation so the dm layer refuses the whole block because it doesn't match the checksum14:09
blackflowdeadrom: that's very much important too, because bits can flip anywhere14:09
JimBuntuAre we talking about how Google loves to run their DNS in hot datacenters... leading to bitflips at alarming rates?14:11
blackflowNot quite, but...... what? :)14:11
deadromforgot the -d switch.. bionic coming.14:12
JimBuntuProbably not an Ubuntu thing, but Google saved money by allowing their datacenters to run hot... which led to lots of bitflipping on the RAM for their DNS. I'm sure there are a number of articles written about exploiting this.14:13
blackflowdeadrom: does it allow the upgrade yet? xenial to bionic?14:13
oerheksi am already on 18.04.1 .. still the official release is tomorrow 27th ?14:16
deadromblackflow: yes, do-release-upgrade -d started the upgrade14:17
blackflowdeadrom: great, thans.14:20
Humvee|Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/14:21
deadromblackflow: :)14:22
RDaneel01ivawHi everyone, having some issues with audio on my system. Running 18.04 and my audio output via analog line out was working perfectly, until a random reboot and now I have zero audio. I have tried starting and stopping pulseaudio, removing it, reinstalling it, and I still get nothing14:26
RDaneel01ivawI have tried a whole bunch of potential solutions I found on the community support forums, and elsewhere, and nothing has worked, and so I'm hoping someone here might be able to help me!14:27
deadromRDaneel01ivaw: #pulseaudio folks are very good at their stuff. did you try alsa output with pasuspender and speaker-test? that way you can narrow it down. command examples on internet14:27
RDaneel01ivawnope I did not try that, and wow, I didn't even know they have their own channel!14:28
deadromRDaneel01ivaw: pulseaudio is such a mysterious and shady beast it better have :D14:29
RDaneel01ivawWHOA! that speaker test works! holy mackerel! That's the first time in about 15 hours of troubleshooting this that any sound at all has come out of my speakers14:32
RDaneel01ivawshould have come here first omg14:32
BluesKajRDaneel01ivaw, check alsamixer in the console and make sure your automute is disabled, for starters14:32
RDaneel01ivawhmmm, I looked up screenshots on how to do that but I don't seem to have that option?14:34
BluesKajRDaneel01ivaw, it's normally located on the far right in alsamixer14:36
poopynegromonkeywhere do i get a gentoo disc?14:37
oerheksmonkey wrong channel14:38
oerheksask in ... ##windows?14:38
RDaneel01ivawBluesKaj, yeah I see where it should be in all the screenshots online, even in the official pulseaudio link... but mine just isn't there... maybe the docs are of an older ver?14:39
deadromRDaneel01ivaw: usually it's something toggled by accident. are all pulse modules loaded you need? I had it more than once that I loaded this sink or the other plugin from cli and did not persist that in pulse's daemon config. check your bash history. then levels: alsamixer, the cli version, proper sound card? in my intel-only system I have two, the hardware device and a pseudo mixer. check both. F6 switches cards14:41
deadromthen see pavucontrol if proer outputs are there. start some sound, youtube or so, see if the VU meter in pavu says something14:42
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, use the right arrow key to navigate14:42
poopynegromonkeyoerheks: you are not amusing14:43
poopynegromonkeysrsly tho i need to mail order a disc14:43
poopynegromonkeyi have 56k internet and downloading linux would take weeks or eben14:43
poopynegromonkeyeven moths14:43
deadrompoopynegromonkey: we're not here to amuse you. take your gentoo things to #gentoo14:43
oerheksmonkey again: wrong channel14:43
deadromalong with your borderline offensive nickname14:44
poopynegromonkeyLOL did i type gentoo sorry14:44
poopynegromonkeyi meant to type ubuntu14:44
poopynegromonkeyi been asking all the distro channels14:44
poopynegromonkeyhard to find discs these days14:44
poopynegromonkeyi want some sort of linux14:44
oerheksshipit stopped, look at ebay, or find a local community14:44
poopynegromonkeybut in this area only the white people can afford more than dial up internet14:45
oerheksjust bring your own usb device14:45
poopynegromonkeyand the only "community" around here who ever tried to do anything but bow to the white people are in the county jail for dis orderly conduct14:46
poopynegromonkeythere arent a lot of techies14:46
RDaneel01ivawthat's not even borderline. It IS and offensive nick14:46
poopynegromonkeythe only things you can acquire on the street are drugs, venerial diseases, and stolen goods14:46
* oerheks is orange14:47
deadrompoopynegromonkey: any university should allow you to draw an image and burn to disc14:47
poopynegromonkeyRDaneel01ivaw: its reality fool14:47
poopynegromonkeydeadrom: i cant afford go to university14:47
poopynegromonkeyand yeah reality sucks14:47
poopynegromonkeyreality is nobody gives a fuck unless for white ppl14:47
oerheksstop the racist rant, monkey14:48
TvL2386poopynegromonkey: you are lying.14:48
poopynegromonkeythats why we have race riots14:48
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax14:48
TvL2386poopynegromonkey: when I ping flood you I get a stream of 800kbit/s back14:48
TvL2386that's not 56k14:48
poopynegromonkeybecause the people in control do not care about how i live14:48
poopynegromonkeysorry dude14:48
poopynegromonkeymaybe its 56 bytes14:48
poopynegromonkeyi dont knoe the diffrence14:49
geniipoopynegromonkey: Please stay on topic of Ubuntu support and mind your bad language14:49
poopynegromonkeysorry genii14:49
poopynegromonkeyi will do better14:49
poopynegromonkeyi've been off from the rocks and clean for three weeks.  im doing better14:49
poopynegromonkeyand i need a computer to apply for jobs14:50
poopynegromonkeyi found one in the dumpster14:50
leftyfbpoopynegromonkey: please stop14:50
deadromthis is getting annoying14:50
poopynegromonkeybut it doesnt have an operating system14:50
leftyfbpoopynegromonkey: what do you need help with?14:50
TvL2386yet somehow you're here14:50
poopynegromonkeyleftyfb: fuck you neo nazi hitler trump shit14:50
poopynegromonkeyTvL2386: yeah on my obamaphone14:50
geniipoopynegromonkey: If you have a question about installing Ubuntu on it, please ask the question14:50
leftyfb!op | poopynegromonkey14:50
ubottupoopynegromonkey: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax14:50
deadromleftyfb: don't feed14:50
poopynegromonkeystupid little touch screen obamaphone14:50
* genii sighs14:51
TvL2386didn't know they have obamaphones in Buharest14:51
geniiTvL2386: Please also remain on topc14:51
TvL2386genii: will do so sir14:51
BluesKajRDaneel01ivaw, this is what my alsamixer looks like https://postimg.cc/image/t94i76mqz/58eaf2e2/14:53
algidanyone have a clue as to how to get Terminator to open in my second monitor instead of the built-in monitor?14:57
klx``_Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/15:00
klx``_or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/15:00
ppfso is this freenode sponsered spam now?15:01
geniippf: No, just a habitual spammer of the system15:02
jrgilmanHey guys, was wondering if any of you have run into  an issue where when you put your computer to sleep, it doesn't actually sleep. The screens go blank, but the mouse cursor is still there. My monitors end up being awake all the time because of this.15:03
RDaneel01ivawBluesKaj, that's so weird!!! Mine doesn't have that. Check this out https://postimg.cc/image/q7mggu2xt/15:10
RDaneel01ivawthe folks over in pulseaudio channel are helping a ton15:11
xous15Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/15:12
BluesKajRDaneel01ivaw, unmute your speakers . M in the little box indicates muted , use the M key to unmute them15:14
BluesKajRDaneel01ivaw, use the arrow keys to navigate15:16
=== DarrenS is now known as DarrenJS
=== DarrenJS is now known as DarrenJ
RDaneel01ivawaudio is fixed!!!! wabbits over at #pulseaudio channel is a rockstar15:23
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)15:24
BluesKajRDaneel01ivaw, good to hear :-)15:32
DbuggerCould anyone give me a suggestion for video editing software? I am hear everywhere to use Final Cut Pro, but since I am an Ubuntu man...15:41
tomreynDbugger: openshot it one, there are at least two others which are often recommended, but i keep forgetting their names.15:42
tomreynshotcut is #215:43
tomreynkdenlive #315:43
Dbuggeraha, thanks15:43
DbuggerIll take a look what is in the snap store15:43
netsrotif I get a lot of disk errors in journalctl but smart status is ok. Should I be worried?15:43
skinuxHmm. I installed sshd and did minimal configuration, but connection on port 22 is deneid as a closed port.15:44
tomreynDbugger: i missed avidemux15:44
tomreynnetsrot: can you show them? use !pastebinit15:45
tomreyn!pastebinit | netsrot15:45
ubottunetsrot: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit15:45
tomreynskinux: are you able to connect from the server to the server's ip address?15:45
tomreynskinux: that is the ip address which shows up in 'ip a' (but not for the 'lo' interface)15:46
xubuntu1804Is 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver) .iso in 24hr. freeze, and do we know UTC time for official release ??15:48
algidhow can i make programs which always open in the primary monitor instead open in my secondary monitor by default15:48
oerheksxubuntu where did you get the .1 iso ?15:48
leftyfbxubuntu1804: there is no time for official release, only a day15:49
pragmaticenigmaThe only calendar date I have seen is July 26th. I would assume that's when Canonical will release the ISO images xubuntu180415:49
algidsome programs open in the last used display15:49
algidbut some only open in the primary monitor15:49
oerheksxubuntu1804, oops, it does not freese, the iso is frozen, my bad15:49
pragmaticenigmaoerheks: I think you mean the ISO builds are froze, where no further changes to the included packages are allowed15:49
oerheksJuly 26th. Ubuntu 18.04.1 on August 201815:50
netsrottomreyn: is this ok? pastebin.com/E5WVa6Je15:50
=== wowaname is now known as opal
brainwashalgid: "devilspie" allows you to specify rules for window management, including moving windows around15:51
skinuxHow much RAM is really needed for a local server that is only used as a web server to run maybe a few websites or applications at once?15:51
pragmaticenigmanetsrot: Can you also post the output of the SMART report?15:51
ryaoskinux: Well, routers like the WRT54G only have 16MB of RAM and they have web servers...15:52
pragmaticenigmaskinux: Depends on the amount of traffic the server is going to handle... If you are running a website for your own personal use, on your home network, a regular desktop computer with a 4 gigs of ram would be enough.15:52
tomreynnetsrot: not what i meant, but works, yes. this log doesn't look healthy. either your storage, the cable or the controller is not in a good state15:52
ryaopragmaticenigma: Whether you need PHP and MySQL matter too...15:52
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
noonehere4u7Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/15:53
ryaoThe first website was made on this machine that only has 1MB of RAM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeXT_Computer15:53
netsrottomreyn: I'm using gnome-disks to show that and I don't know how to output smart report as text from that.15:53
skinuxI'm making a local dev/testing server15:54
tomreynnetsrot: which disk is it?15:54
pragmaticenigmanetsrot: You can screenshot and post the image to imgr too15:54
skinuxI'm doing it in a VM, so I'm just trying to see how much RAM I actually need to have allocated15:54
naccskinux: if it's a VM, try some amount and test.15:54
skinuxRIght now I have it set for 2G15:55
pragmaticenigmaskinux: You can always adjust the RAM amount later for VMs15:55
skinuxBut, it's just a server, no DE, so I'm thinking that might be way overkill15:55
ryaoskinux: Why do you need a VM?15:55
ryaoYou can run this on your development system...15:55
Shabbysheikskinux: thats a bit like asking how long is a piece of string. We don't know how long your piece of string in particular is. Why not just lower the ram settings on the vm until it starts toi perform badly15:56
Shabbysheikthats your limit then15:56
skinuxVM so that I can store it, have it ready-to-go if I need to restore system15:56
netsrottomreyn: it's a WDC WD2500AAKS-00V6A0 (05.01D05)15:56
skinuxEhh..good point.15:56
ryaoskinux: It isn't hard to backup configuration files and the public_html directory.15:56
tomreynnetsrot: sorry, i meant to ask, what is the device nod, such as /dev/sdSOMETHING15:56
netsrottomreyn: sdb15:57
tomreynnetsrot: can you confirm this by: ls -lah /dev/disk/by-path/*-ata-215:58
tomreynnetsrot: does it say ../../sdb ?15:58
netsrottomreyn: yes15:58
tomreynnetsrot: please run, in a terminal: sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb | nc termbin.com 999915:59
netsrottomreyn: I didn't install smartctl because apt wanted to install an email client when I tried.16:00
tomreynnetsrot: this will output 'smart' info in terminal, and post the output to the termbin.com pastebin, returning the url it was posted to16:00
naccnetsrot: --no-install-recommends16:01
jpmhis there a way toflush STDOUT in bash16:01
tomreynnetsrot: try "sudo apt --simulate install smartmontools" vs. "sudo apt --simulate --no-install-recommends install smartmontools"16:01
tomreynnetsrot: boith simulate, dont actually apply the changes16:02
netsrottomreyn: that worked16:02
tomreynnetsrot: we'd need th eurl once you randmartctl16:02
tomreynnetsrot: sorry for the typos, i meant to write: we'd need the url once you ran smartctl16:03
netsrottomreyn: pastebin.com/KRrmtCrF16:06
OldHatHello.  Does anyone have problems in gnome with eog and vlc spawning a window for each file instead of using same window ?16:09
OldHateog cli works as expected.  Somewhat fixed vlc by allowing only one instance in preferences16:09
tomreynnetsrot: so this has been poweered on for four years, but other than that it looks fine, i agree. when did this start? did you make any hardware configuration changes before it did?16:10
netsrottomreyn: I started getting the errors in journalctl in april 18 this year.16:11
OldHatGNOME Shell 3.28.3, wayland16:11
tomreynnetsrot: if you don't need full I/O from this drive and can keep the computer powered for a vouple more hours, run this to initiate a self-check on the drive: sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sdb16:12
pragmaticenigma!patience | OldHat16:12
ubottuOldHat: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:12
OldHatpragmaticenigma, just info for issue, sorry16:12
netsrottomreyn: I'm using amd 2400g and it crashes a lot.16:12
netsrottomreyn: before I switched to amd 2400g(which was only a few weeks ago) I didn't get any crashed and the OS isn't on the error disk.16:14
causasui_I'm backing up a big chunk of data (a bit less than 4tb) to a single magnetic drive just to have a duplicate because I'm about to move my hardware about 25 miles by car. of the modern linux filesystems is one better than another for this purpose? i'm looking at ext4, xfs, btrfs (but I am not 100% sure btrfs is ready)16:17
tomreynnetsrot: is htis a laptop?16:17
netsrottomreyn: no amd 2400g is a desktop apu.16:18
tomreynnetsrot: hmm no looks like a desktop cpu. so check your bios for the 'power supply idle control' option, set it to 'typical current'. known bug with amd zen cpus.16:18
netsrottomreyn: thanks I will try that if it crashes again. I have been running some updates which I hope have fixed the problem.16:19
xubuntu1804Thanks mods and helpers, you do a great job!16:25
pragmaticenigmaOldHat: The best I can suggest is reach out to the Developers of VLC and thier support channels. It sounds like a bug within the VLC program. Something that's better addressed by their community16:25
OldHatpragmaticenigma, seems to be gnome problem since happens with eog (image viewer) as well.  I don't see a preference or conf file to set only one instance in eog16:27
pragmaticenigmaCan you expand what EOG is? I've not seen that acronym before16:27
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: default image viewer in ubuntu/gnome. Also known as "Eye of Gnome"16:28
OldHatleftyfb, TY16:28
jnewtstuck in a login loop after a software update,  can get to terminal.  18.04, standard install nvidia suspect because it always causes problems16:30
jnewti put in pwd after starting lightdm, blackscreen, then back to login.16:31
MBoardI have ubuntu 16.04 on a laptop, and today the wifi stopped working.  Also the fonts have become larger.  I checked and it is using bcmwl-kernel-source propriety drivers Broadcom.  Any idea how to find out if it is a hardware issue or software issue? -_-16:32
pragmaticenigmaOldHat: Take a look at this article for VLC16:32
OldHatjnewt, try a different DE ?16:32
SporkWitch13Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:33
AlexZ13Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:33
bigpresh7Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:33
OldHatpragmaticenigma, Yes, already done that for VLC and seems to put them into playlist as it should.  Neither program did this before as default.  Didnt find anything in gconf-editor16:34
MBoardlspci shows Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY so I think this is recognising the hardwre no?16:34
MBoardinterfaces file only show lo16:35
masakianyone use spotify with ubuntu?16:35
compdocMBoard, you might try the command:  nmcli general status16:35
naccmasaki: i have in the past, with the snap16:36
naccmasaki: what is your support question?16:36
OldHatMBoard, lo is loopback, pretty sure16:36
MBoardcompdoc it says WIFI-HW, WIFI, WWAN-HW, WWAN as enabled16:37
compdocthats good then16:37
OldHatMBoard, IDK if there is rfkill installed but seem nmcli is new way16:38
MBoardok, I am glad that is good.  But I am unable to see any networks.  There are 4 WIFI networks in reach obviously one is mine which I can see on other laptops and mobile but not on this specific laptop16:38
compdocMBoard, how about the command:  rfkill list16:38
MBoardOldHat I need to see what nmcli is exactly.  This is new for me16:38
MBoardcompdoc just an empty return.16:38
LeoHow can I change the behaviour of byobu when switching tabs?16:39
=== Leo is now known as Guest38204
Guest38204In 16.04 tabs are synced between multiple byobu, while in 18.04 they are decopled16:40
jnewtstartx works though. but i cant start a browser to get new nvidia drivers16:40
OldHatMBoard,    nmcli --help      try nmcli -d16:40
InHisNameA couple days ago, you all convinced me to ignore my FakeRaid on my Aorus X399 MB and consider mdadm instead.  Now have more choices then ever.  What file system ?   for /boot, ubuntu installs +apt-gets etc, and /home.   Also whether to raid 0, 10, or none ?.   Using MVMe.2 3x 500 GB each. Plus one 8 TB HD.16:41
Guest38204In 16.04, tabs are in sync between multiple byobu, while in 18.04 they are decopled. How can I choose the default settings?16:41
Guest38204can anyone help me?16:42
MBoardOldHat I will research nmcli thank you16:42
pragmaticenigma!patience | Guest38204 (please consider a unique screenname)16:42
ubottuGuest38204 (please consider a unique screenname): Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:42
OldHatMBoard try    nmcli radio wifi on16:43
naccInHisName: tbh, you should know those choices already; i don't think it's really the role of this channel to configure your system for you (only you know your workload and perofrmance/reliability needs).16:44
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
MBoardOldHat it just did an empty return with that command, and checked again still no wifi found16:44
=== Guest38204 is now known as Leo133
Leo133pragmaticenigma: thanks16:45
naccMBoard: hav eyou check if `iwlist scan` reports any APs in range/16:46
MBoardnacc iwlist just shows    lo  Interface doesn't support scanning16:47
MBoardit is like it is not enabling the wifi card even though it says is enabled in nmcli general status16:47
naccMBoard: lspci showing yoru device does not mean the kernel sees it16:47
OldHatMBoard It will only show low when modems not detected.  Linux uses it to "talk to itself"16:47
OldHatMBoard  Have you tried to modprobe it ?16:48
MBoardOldHat modprobe? Let me google it16:48
naccMBoard: can you seeif in `lspci -k` output, that specifid device has a driver loaded?16:48
MBoardnacc if it shows the wlan with that command it has loaded?16:49
MBoardI can see it at the bottom of the list16:49
MBoardstarts with 0c:00.016:50
InHisNamenacc: I'm not that sure as my current system is 15 years old.  Jumping to newer bigger system build.  Barely know ext3.  Now find there is ext4, btrfs, xfs. f2fs.   Mostly will use Virtual box and not so heavy on main computer. At least that is what I want to start with.  The last 2 days has my head spinning.16:50
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naccMBoard: look inm the section for that specific device and there should be a line like "Kernel modules: ..."16:53
naccInHisName: I mean... how much do you need to know your filesystem? use the defaults unless you have a specific use case for others (e.g., lots of containers, large files only). If you are doing a bunch of VMs, you probably should just use ubuntu server at the host level?16:54
OldHat0MBoard, what module is listed for device ?  Seems some people prefer the kernel module over proprietary16:54
MBoardOldHat0 I am seeing kernel modules: ssb for the device is this what you are asking?16:55
naccOldHat0: ssb is for the backplan, almost certianly not for your wifi device16:55
naccerr, MBoard --^Y16:55
naccOldHat0: proprietary drrivers are still kernel modules.16:56
OldHat0MBoard, should b43 or brcm etc16:56
naccMBoard: the lines *after* the relevant device16:56
MBoardI think I will backup the files and wipe it16:56
OldHat0nacc, right, I should have said hybrid, I guess16:56
MBoardI will take a photo and upload it somewhere 1 min please16:56
pragmaticenigmaLeo133: I would assume a newer version is included with 18.04 instead of 16.04. Often with newer version, features change or enhacements. I'm not familiar iwth byobu enough, but I'm sure you can get reach out in their community about the issue and see if someone there knows how to restore the legacy behavior16:56
naccMBoard: shouldn't be necessary,b ut you are welcome to do that16:57
OldHat0MBoard    Alt+prntscreen = screenshot window, default into Pictures folder16:57
MBoardOldHat0 the laptop cannot connect to the internet unfortunately16:58
MBoardhttps://imagebin.ca/v/49vB1fm14Cxw this is the photo OldHat0 nacc16:59
OldHat0MBoard, OK just a nifty shortcut if using latter gnome-shell16:59
MBoardOldHat0 I will remember it thank you :)17:00
naccMBoard: i think yhou need to blacklist ssb17:01
nacc(reading some posts historically)17:01
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nacctghere used to be some package like 'broadcom-wl-blacklist' that did this, i guess17:01
naccMBoard: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:02
nacci would simply try `sudo modprobe -r ssb; sudo modprobe wl` and see what happens?17:03
naccor b43? looks like you need the firmware package17:03
MBoardnacc I have to go but I will check the commands you said when I get back17:05
MBoardI just realise the time and I am late :o thank you very much for your time, and you OldHat017:06
OldHat0MBoard, see  "if you need a LP-PHY version (e.g BCM4312), use: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer "   and "switching between drivers" per nacc link17:06
masakithe spotify gpg key expired today, is there a way to get the latest version for ubuntu?17:10
Epx998anyone know what package has a pxelinux.0?  not finding it in syslinux packages17:11
oerheksmasaki, snap package ?17:11
masakioerheks, thank you :)17:12
oerhekscheck out 'other versions' too, latest build 1 month ago17:12
masakivery nice thank you oerheks17:13
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ioriaEpx998, a pkg of its own https://packages.ubuntu.com/en/bionic/all/pxelinux/filelist17:20
Epx998ioria: I found the file, problem is this cobbler-web and cobbler web package doesnt properly set itself up :(17:20
Epx998its a train wreck of a package lol17:21
ioriaEpx998, using 18.04 server live edition ?17:23
Epx998this is 16.0417:23
Epx998guess i can redeploy and try bionic17:23
Epx998the post install script ubuntu is famous for didnt run on this, so a lot wasnt set up17:24
lotuspsychjeEpx998: tomorrow you can upgrade to 18.04.117:24
Leo133love u guys, I found the solution to my problem, already17:25
naccOldHat: indeed, i wasn't sure what version of ubuntu they were on, thanks17:26
ryuo[Achievement unlocked: Keyboard Cat]17:26
naccEpx998: cobbler package on ubuntu?17:26
tomreynLeo133: stop this.17:26
OldHatnacc, Sorry ?17:27
naccOldHat: re: MBoard's b43 issue (i was hoping they'd read the page and do the necessary)17:28
Epx998nacc: yeah messing with cobbler/cobbler-web, a bit of setup and problem solving after the package installed.  im trying on bionic, see if the result is any different.17:29
OldHatnacc, Right.  I had to do some of that for my old 4313 but 4312 seems worse device17:29
naccEpx998: i would recommend running cobbler from upstream directly17:29
naccEpx998: it's not well-maintained in the ubuntu archive (iirc)17:29
naccEpx998: they also have their own repository, which is better tested (by cobbler) and there is also #cobbler17:30
Epx998ok ill take a gander at it17:30
naccOldHat: indeed17:30
mottehi, i have a problem with an expresscard usb 3.0 adapter. i have to manually reinsert it after every boot for it to work. dmesg shows usb3: root hub lost power or was reset after booting. it still shows up in lsusb and lspci before reinserting17:31
OldHatDoes Ubuntu support flatpak or just snaps ?17:32
oerhekssnaps standard, flatpack app available17:32
OldHatoerheks, OK TY17:32
lotuspsychjemotte: perhaps take a look on voltages in bios?17:34
naccmotte: yeah, i'd suspect hardware issue; is the adapter powered spearately?17:35
lotuspsychjemotte: wich ubuntu version are you on? have you tried a suspend as a test?17:37
lotuspsychjemotte: did it work properly on another Os before?17:38
OldHatmotte,  are you using powertop ?   Maybe need to whitelist powersave on that device17:38
Epx998no cobbler in 18 hehe didnt want that package anyway17:38
masakimotte, change the power settings in BIOS for your expresscard17:39
masakimotte, make sure it isn't on power savings mode or something like that17:39
motteim on 16.04. can't test it with another pc, don't have one with an expresscard slot. i doubt that the card is faulty as it works perfectly after reinserting. i already disabled power savings in bios for expresscard. i am running tlp though, will try to disable power savings for expresscards17:49
OldHatmotte, looking for way i did before with whitelisting autosuspend by device ID17:50
lotuspsychjemotte: take a look at my bit similar bug on normal usb 3.0 ports: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/174923717:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1749237 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "External usb 3.0 harddisk not detected by default on 16.04.3" [Undecided,New]17:52
qwebirc27966Hi everybody, just need some help, I'm currently under Windows 10 with 4 GPU Nvidia 1080 ti on different PCI-e port, I made an ubuntu usb stick with 18.04 in UEFI, when I reboot the computer, there is a loop stuck on PCI error severity=correct and I cannot launch the installation17:52
qwebirc27966I tried to add pcie_aspm=off and pcie=nomsi17:53
qwebirc27966into the grub cfg file17:53
qwebirc27966but it doesnt change something17:53
lotuspsychjeqwebirc27966: did you try a !nomodeset ?17:53
qwebirc27966should I ?17:53
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | qwebirc27966 yes17:54
ubottuqwebirc27966 yes: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:54
naccqwebirc27966: did you run `sudo update-grub` after modifying the config?17:54
OldHat0motte,  https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=171924  was similar to this that I used17:54
qwebirc27966nacc: Im under an usb stick installation in UEFI mode, impossible to update grub17:54
qwebirc27966ok lets test nomodeset17:54
masakimotte, yeah look into tlp configs i'm on thinkpad as well. i don't use the card anymore to test but definitely power related iirc17:54
qwebirc27966gimme 2 min17:55
naccqwebirc27966: so when you say modify grub config, what did you mean?17:55
OldHat0qwebirc27966, it's diff with UEFI17:55
qwebirc27966nacc: changing the lines into grub.cfg from my usb stick key using another computer17:55
ioriaqwebirc27966, not grub.cfg but /etc/default/grub17:55
naccqwebirc27966: doesn't make any sense17:56
OldHat0qwebirc27966, example in fedore for UEFI     sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg17:56
naccqwebirc27966: for a live usb, you would edit in the grub menu itself17:56
qwebirc27966I was changing F:\boot\grub\grub.cfg17:56
qwebirc27966from my USB stick key17:57
OldHat0qwebirc27966, UEFI is in separate device/partition17:57
oerhekschanging grub on a live iso??17:57
qwebirc27966ok let me check the other partition17:57
ioriaqwebirc27966,  why can't you access your installed system ?17:58
OldHat0qwebirc27966, LiveUSB will not save that grub config17:58
naccqwebirc27966: the foolproof way is to apend to the live usb grub menu17:58
OldHat0its squashfs17:58
naccioria: they say they get some pci errorrs17:59
qwebirc27966yep but before getting the grub menu, there is a loop with PCI-error etc...17:59
iorianacc, ah17:59
naccqwebirc27966: wait, *beofre* grub?17:59
naccqwebirc27966: uh, that's nothing to do with ubuntu then17:59
qwebirc27966yep sometimes before sometimes after17:59
naccqwebirc27966: ... doesn't make sense. before and after are totally different environemtns17:59
qwebirc27966Im just telling what happened lol18:00
qwebirc27966sometimes I can see the menu18:00
naccqwebirc27966: they wouldn't be the same messages18:00
OldHat0qwebirc27966, sounds like you may need to load some module in temp grub edit18:00
naccqwebirc27966: so you're not telling the full "what happened"18:00
ioriaqwebirc27966, and you still need chroot for changing /etc/default/grub18:00
qwebirc27966ok let say i can see the menu18:00
qwebirc27966but if I select install ubuntu18:00
qwebirc27966the loop happens18:00
qwebirc27966what should I do then ?18:00
qwebirc27966and try ubuntu = black screen, nothing happen18:01
OldHat0qwebirc27966, did you try temp grub edit, nomodeset ?18:02
qwebirc27966I'm trying now, wait18:02
OldHat0qwebirc27966, graphics card PCI ?18:02
OldHat0qwebirc27966, ioria  use    cat /proc/cmdline    to see what actually loaded18:04
naccOldHat0: well taht won't work if they can't boot :)18:05
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest74444
MacBuntuHello, everyone!18:06
OldHat0nacc, right, i did mean after, since that will show temporary  change18:08
OldHat0qwebirc27966, PCI is graphics ?  what card ?18:08
qwebirc27966the thing is I do not have any linux already installed on my PC, the goal is to install ubuntu from a USB stick key, now I got access to grub18:08
qwebirc279664 x GTX 1080ti 11 gb18:09
qwebirc27966its a PC to make some A.I research18:09
qwebirc27966using tensorflow18:09
qwebirc27966I got 45 Tflops18:09
OldHat0qwebirc27966, dual boot ?18:09
qwebirc27966not, replacing win10 by ubuntu18:09
MacBuntuDoes anybody know how to change the keyboard layout on Ubuntu 18.04? I've got a mac with Ubuntu installed and the keyboard layout doesn't match a Apple keyboard.18:09
OldHat0MacBuntu, settings > region & language > input sources18:10
qwebirc27966Is it possible to set nomodeset from grub command line ?18:11
naccqwebirc27966: edit ('e') and append it in place18:13
MacBuntuOldHat0 I've already tried that. I can't find the "Macintosh" option in the list, just like at Ubuntu's installation when it asks for your keyboard type.18:13
EriC^qwebirc27966: yes18:13
qwebirc27966ok lets try now18:13
OldHat0MacBuntu, will have to find closest match18:13
qwebirc27966how to save after editing using (e) ?18:15
naccqwebirc27966: iirc, you just 'b' from there?18:16
qwebirc27966ok doesnt work, will try CentOS18:17
qwebirc27966thanks everybody18:17
qwebirc27966have a nice day18:17
OldHat0must not be that important then18:19
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OldHat0Does new Ubuntu have a sliding tray in bottom left corner for dnssec-trigger-panel ?18:21
oerheksno idea what you talk about, 18.04 gives a 'show applications' icon18:24
the_shit_fukkergreetings humans18:24
the_shit_fukkeri am an alien18:24
the_shit_fukkeri come from planet jupiter18:24
the_shit_fukkerand i will invade uranus18:25
oerheksoh my, a kiddo, change your name to less offensive, thanks18:25
the_shit_fukkeroerheks: you have no authority, fucker18:25
the_shit_fukkerfuck fuck fuck shit shit shit cunt cunt cunt18:25
the_shit_fukkeroerheks: are you feeling triggered now?18:25
the_shit_fukkerOldHat0: nobody is speaking to you, fool18:26
aroonianyway to simply show the sidebar/panel of running apps on ubuntu?  seems hard to get them to show up (18.04);  i dont want the activities window; just the sidebar to show up.  anyway to adjust sensitivity of where it shows up?18:26
naccarooni: by default, it doesn't hide, does it?18:27
oerheksarooni, disable auto hide? systemsettings > dock18:27
naccarooni: if it does, disable it as oerheks says :)18:27
OldHat0arooni, there is a gnome extension "window list" at bottom of screen.  I just use alt+tab18:27
OldHat0arooni, if you alt+tab then hover mouse it will also show multiple instances of apps18:28
the_shit_fukkerNAACP stands for Negros Against All Caucasian People18:33
OldHat0drawing your own lines for leverage ?18:33
Richard_Cavellops please18:33
naccRichard_Cavell: i've let them know18:34
OldHat0how do i favorite a channel in hexchat ?18:37
lotuspsychjeOldHat0: right click channel tab/auto join18:37
oerheksstand on the channel in the list , right click, autojoin18:37
oerheksor edit your connection18:38
SimonNLselect the channel name and click favor     ctrl,s18:38
OldHat0lotuspsychje, Duh.  TY   been a while since I used IRC. forgot18:38
SimonNLselect the channel name and click favor     ctrl,s   OldHat018:38
SimonNLyou siad favor but meant autojoin ok18:39
OldHat0as long as autojoin checkbox saves it, that will work.  Ctrl S seems to set SERVER as fav18:40
OldHat0TY all18:40
Platonides12Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:44
masakiin windows, when i alt-tab, i can use shift+tab to navigate backwards18:45
masakiin ubuntu, it just seems to go forward18:45
cholcombe_Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:45
cholcombe_or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/18:45
naccmasaki: alt+shift+tab goes backwards here18:45
masakiis there a way to navigate backwards? (i know arrow keys work but that's too far)18:45
OldHat0masaki, hold alt+ tab and use arrows/mouse18:46
masakinacc, hmmm that's strange. it just goes forwards for me as if i was just pressing alt-tab18:46
naccmasaki: what version of ubuntu?18:46
masakinacc, 18.04 with default gnome18:46
OldHat0masaki, shift+alt_tab goes backwards18:46
naccmasaki: same here18:47
masakiOldHat0, it doesn't for me :(18:47
naccmasaki: i do have alternatetab extension installed18:47
masakinacc, okay i will try that.18:47
masakiwait i think i know why its happening18:48
masakialt+shift changes my language keyboard18:48
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naccmasaki: ah yes, that could be18:49
OldHat0masaki, shift first18:49
masakiso maybe it is overwriting18:49
OldHat0masaki, maybe you have different keyboard shortcuts ?18:50
OldHat0masaki,  doesn't just hover mouse in upper corner show overview of all open windows ?18:53
OldHat0masaki, and others,  I recommend the gtile extension in gnome.  So awesome18:55
masakiOldHat0, yeah hovering mouse works jsut find and also doing alt+tab and then using arrow keys18:55
masakiOldHat0, maybe i'm being picky but i like navigating using as little movement as possible since its quicker and i don't have to shift hand from the typing position18:55
awc737Can I ask questions about LXD here?18:55
masakii'm tying to disable the alt+shift for switching language, if anyone is familar please let me know how i can set it to "None"18:55
masakii am using ibus btw18:56
OldHatmasaki, so keyboard may have different combos then.  I use altGR keyboard but yours probably very different18:58
Alina-malinalast time i installed LXC on my distro it fucked up dhcp lol18:59
OldHatAlina-malina, so much for containing ...19:00
naccawc737: there is also #lxcontainers19:01
naccAlina-malina: LXC != LXD.19:01
OldHatAlina-malina, actually maybe have helped contain in this world LOL19:01
naccAlina-malina: also, please watch the language19:01
OldHatair-gapped you19:01
Xardto my annoyance I noticed that alt+shift changes input language and the binding isn't listed in the keyboard shortcuts: only super+space and shift+super+space (on ubuntu 18.04)19:01
masakiXard, yeah. i normally just use super+space19:02
masakiXard, but if i recall correctly, there's a terminal menu to set it too19:02
masakiXard, i just don't know how to get there...19:02
Alina-malinai assume we talking about linux containers?19:02
Xardthough i found some information about dconf key at "/org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options" which might have values ['grp:alt_shift_toggle','grp_led:scroll']19:03
OldHatso ubuntu different shortcuts than gnome defaults ? Xard masaki19:03
Xardand removing the 'grp:alt_shift_toggle' and leaving the value as ['grp_led:scroll'] fixed it \o/19:03
naccAlina-malina: they haven't asked a question yet, so we don't know19:04
masakiOldHat, I believe its unrelated to keyboard shortcuts provided by gnome because it doesn't even show alt+shift.19:04
masakiXard, will try that19:04
Xardnow scroll lock indicates non-default input method and alt+shift doesn't get consumed19:04
Xardmasaki: using graphical dconf editor is recommended19:04
OldHatmasaki, right, your original question was auto-hiding of window list ?19:05
mahdihow can i install webcma driver in ubuntu artful ?19:05
masakiOldHat, it was about alt+tabbing and why i couldn't use alt+tab+shift and tab to go backwards in the list19:06
Alina-malinanacc, i dont have any other word then to describe what happened, because after installing LXC it disabled something in network configuration, and eachtime i have to run dhclient and assing ip address to my ethernet ineterface lol...19:06
lotuspsychjemahdi: artful is end of life now19:06
masakiOldHat, I learned that that wasn't working because alt+shift is bound to switiching input19:06
Alina-malinawhen i reboot19:06
masakiOldHat, so now the goal is to remove that keybinding19:06
george_I hope nobody sees my IP...19:07
Xardmasaki: this wasn't an issue but some update while ago presented an odd dialog notice during the updates about the language selection19:07
Xardwasn't an issue before*19:07
Alina-malinageorge_, i can see ur ip address19:08
binaryhermithmm, stupid unimportant question: I see it looks like 18.04.1 is coming out tomorrow.  Anyone know approximately when tomorrow?19:08
george_Please, don't boot me...19:08
george_I am tired of flood attacks19:08
Xardmasaki: and now alt+shift+tab works19:08
Alina-malinageorge_, why dont you go to #freenode  and ask for clock?19:08
lotuspsychjebinaryhermit: are you on xenial?19:09
naccAlina-malina: LXC or LXD? did you setup a bridge and not do it right?19:09
Alina-malinanacc, i just did apt-get install LXC and that thing happened to me....19:09
binaryhermitI'm already on bionic, I just want to grab the ISOs in case I need to reinstall19:09
george_A question, is Kubuntu supported here too ?19:09
naccAlina-malina: lxc is not the same as lxd; did you really meant to use lxc?19:09
binaryhermitplus to donate bandwidth via torrent19:09
lotuspsychjebinaryhermit: then you can update right now19:09
naccgeorge_: yes19:09
naccbinaryhermit: 18.04.1 is already out19:10
george_Thanks God.19:10
Alina-malinanacc, i dont know, i just wanted to use containers19:10
george_I just moved from Windows19:10
naccAlina-malina: for what purpose? if you don't have existing containers, i'd use lxd19:10
george_I am using ASUS ROG GL552VW...19:10
george_Was pain in the ass to install19:10
Xard"Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS" yeah, it seems so19:10
Xardfrom about screen19:10
OldHatmasaki, Xard   super+space changes my keyboard, so yours is mapped differently ? in Settings > Region & Language > Input sources > options  I can even set diff keyboard for diff windows19:10
Alina-malinanacc, no i dont have LXC, like george_ i am new, but to containers, i wanted to build some virtual networks, bridges and basic routers to train on them ,but i got into that issue19:10
george_Everyone here hates Microsoft like me ?19:11
XardOldHat: the problem doesn't have anything to do with keyboard bindings you can set from the configuration menu19:11
naccgeorge_: please stay ontopic.19:11
Alina-malinai mean i dont have any existing containers19:11
naccgeorge_: just ubuntu support issues here19:11
XardOldHat: it's about xkb_options which override gnome keyboard settings if set19:11
george_I actually have a question.19:11
Alina-malinanacc, will apt-purge remove it completely? or do i have to redo some networking configurations?19:11
OldHatAlina-malina, nacc   arent flatpak, app images, snaps  containers to some extent ?19:11
XardOldHat: and some update set this weird alt+shift xkb-options keybinding19:12
george_I have my Bluetooth headphones, but even after connecting them to my laptop, audio still runs through speakers19:12
george_Can I make audio go through headphones instead ?19:12
naccAlina-malina: it should, yes19:12
naccOldHat: not in the same sesne as lxd, no19:12
Alina-malinaok thanks nacc, ok tnx19:12
naccOldHat: they are more like sandboxes19:12
naccOldHat: which one could argue is a like a form of containerization, but it's not really a full container19:13
george_I mean, my headphones are set as default but still goes through speakers.19:13
george_They are Bluetooth headphones but... how to fix it ?19:13
Xardand here's the source of the information: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/333368/gnome-3-22-disable-altshift-keyboard-layout-switching19:14
OldHatnacc,  ever get qubes installed ?  I could never get to work19:14
masakiXard, you are absolutely right there was an update that changed it19:14
naccOldHat: never tried19:14
masakiXard, happened very recently19:14
masakiXard, OldHat, I fixed the issue by the solution Xard provided19:18
OldHatmasaki Xard   XKB was installed by each of you ?  or because non western  keyboard/language ?19:18
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OldHatmasaki, Glad to hear you fixed it19:19
masakiI use non-western keyboard/language (two) and like Xard was saying, there was an update recently that must have added the line in xkb-options19:19
OldHatmasaki, hopefully the fix didnt break other languages, etc19:20
masakiNow alt+tab+shift works as expected and shift+alt isn't bound to anything which is what i needed19:20
masakiOldHat, yeah typically when i switch language inputs, i just use super+space which is the gnome default (so it was redundant to use alt+shift which lacks gtk visuals too)19:21
OldHatmasaki, Does your superkey + space control keyboard layout ?19:22
OldHatmasaki, LOL at same thoughts19:22
OldHatmasaki, may I ask what languages ?19:22
OldHatmasaki,  ?   greek / russian ?  IDK LOL19:23
masakiRussian hahah19:23
OldHatmasaki, google translate thinks you are bulgarian19:24
OldHatmasaki, japanese, i would say19:24
masakiOldHat, you are smarter than google AI super computer19:25
OldHatmasaki, google translate is much source of laughs19:25
OldHatmasaki, LOL, I doubt that. I can hardly play chess19:26
acetakwasMy server still shows space used up.19:26
acetakwasI have just cleared the log that filled it up.19:27
acetakwas-> /var/log/uwsgi.log19:27
acetakwasWhat can I do to get back the full space.19:27
OldHatmasaki, so it's Korean ?19:27
masakiOldHat, yeah i use korean / russian (mostly for learning foreign language on duolingo)19:28
acetakwas /dev/xvda1     ext4      7.8G  7.3G   50M 100% /19:29
OldHatmasaki, How about some easier ones LOL19:29
OldHatall mine are latin based19:29
masakiOldHat, Xard  i can confirm that everything works, input toggling, alt-tab behavior it's great thanks for the help both of you19:29
wfreemanIs this the right channel to ask about installation/boot issues? I've been using ubuntu for a decade and I've never seen stuff fail as hard as it is trying to install ubuntu on a new laptop19:30
masakiOldHat, lol I figured I want to travel there in a few years so I'm just trying to get the basics down19:30
bemonot really an Ubuntu question, but if there's a solution, I suspect one of you would know -- is there a way to make an nfs relative symbolic link that also works when mounting that nfs share on a windows machine?19:30
OldHatmasaki, no problem. Just dont ask me about the korean language19:30
masakiOldHat, lol. you've mastered english, you can do it again!19:31
masakiOldHat, good chatting with u and thanks for the help again. got to go for now19:32
lotuspsychje!nfs | bemo19:32
ubottubemo: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.19:32
OldHat<  on a mission to master english again !   Feels so monty python, no ?19:33
qwebirc56542hello please im using ubuntu 18.04 tls i want change my system to windows :( but i can't do this seccussfely19:38
bemoubottu: thanks -- I understand NFS in general... was hoping for a solution to the specific problem that a linux-based symbolic link (relative path) on NFS does not appear to work correctly under Windows (but works fine on Ubuntu).19:39
ubottubemo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:39
bemolotuspsychje: guess that should have been directed to you.  :)19:39
qwebirc56542when i create bootable usb flash  when i press f12 and want to format it's don't give me anythin19:39
OldHatbemo, windows requires ntfs ?  Cant you install linux in windows these days ?19:40
bemoOldHat: not really a solution for the "business" types around our company19:40
bemoOldHat: and the nfs mount works okay on Windows... I can see files/directories... just the symbolic links no longer work as desired.19:41
OldHatbemo, LOL at "business types"  That has to be some PAID windows thingy that works19:41
leftyfbqwebirc56542: install woeusb from this ppa. https://launchpad.net/~nilarimogard  # you do not need to format the flash drive.19:41
bemoOldHat: preaching to the choir -- I'm just hoping for a symbolic link solution that works on both Ubuntu and Windows (over NFS)19:43
OldHatbemo, so you are using NTFS already but windows doesnt understand the links ?19:44
bemoOldHat: no... we're using an NFS NAS for common storage... and mounting it on Linux and Windows machines... but any symbolic links we've created on the Linux side don't work on the Windows side19:45
=== jhutchin1_wk is now known as jhutchins_wk
OldHatbemo https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16226/complete-guide-to-symbolic-links-symlinks-on-windows-or-linux/19:46
acetakwasI have just cleared the log that filled it up.19:48
acetakwasMy server still shows space used up.19:48
acetakwas-> /var/log/uwsgi.log19:48
bemoOldHat: thanks!  had seen something similar, but wasn't sure how to create "mklink" links from the Linux side of things.19:48
acetakwasWhat can I do to get back the full space.19:48
acetakwasMy server is down. Someone please help!!!19:48
wfreemanIs this the right channel to ask about installation/boot issues? I've been using ubuntu for a decade and I've never seen stuff fail as hard as it is trying to install ubuntu on a new laptop. USB drives won't boot reliably, installer works but fails to install GRUB (leaving the whole system unusable), etc.19:48
wfreemanGoogle isn't turning up anything reliable.19:49
naccacetakwas: pastebin releavnt outputs (df -h, du with appropriate flags, ls -ahl of relevant directories, etc)19:49
naccacetakwas: what did you do to clear up the log, etc.19:49
tina_i'm having trouble logging in with my user after a bunch of my nvidia stuff was updated.19:51
tina_if i try to login as my user, i just get kicked back to the login screen, but if i use a different user, i can login without issue.19:52
coz_tina_,  out of curiosity, if you log off and log ito "ubuntu on wayland" can you use your original user?19:54
tina_nope, same problem19:54
coz_tina_,  darn , not coing u with anything at the moment19:55
OldHat0tina, Is the user you cant log in with root ?19:57
OldHat0bemo, Did that work ?  Still looking stuff up here19:58
Bashing-omacetakwas: Pastebin ' df -h ; df -i ' - see then if we need to look at (d)isk (u)sage .20:00
acetakwasBashing-om: Thanks20:02
acetakwasBashing-om: https://paste.ofcode.org/c6iRB5nDT2nUYEP7AyzZiS20:02
acetakwasnacc: ^20:02
acetakwasnacc: I only `rm` the log file.20:02
FreeBDSMwhy is there no `sublimetext` available in ubuntu repo?20:03
acetakwasApparently, I had been getting a disk full warning for about an hour, but I wasn't available to attend to it.20:03
acetakwasSo I got in late and quickly removed the largest file I could find (3.2GB)20:04
Bashing-omacetakwas: ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' . See if this is not a kernel abundance issue .20:04
acetakwasTurned out to be the uwsgi.log file.20:04
oerheksFreeBDSM, sublime text is commercial20:04
FreeBDSMoerheks: it has a trial version20:04
acetakwasBashing-om: https://paste.ofcode.org/kjCFpkbfv6FNEbHxgkwDty20:04
FreeBDSMI used it on FreeBSD20:05
oerheksFreeBDSM, there is a snap https://snapcraft.io/sublime-text20:05
OldHat0acetakwas, oerheks xvda1 shows conflicting use%20:05
oerheks* if you trust the author/maintainer20:05
FreeBDSMoerheks: nice20:05
acetakwasOldHat0: Yes.20:06
acetakwasOldHat0: I think one reflects the deletion I made.20:06
OldHat0acetakwas, even so, seems it didnt completely delete it, unless stuff was being added during that deletion20:08
OldHat0acetakwas, You are not worried about data loss on that ?20:08
Bashing-omacetakwas: A *LOT* of old kernels ... try ' sudo apt autoremove --purge ' .20:08
OldHat0acetakwas, NO20:09
acetakwasBashing-om: Done.20:09
acetakwasOldHat0: How do you mean?20:09
acetakwasOn removal of old kernels:20:10
acetakwas /dev/xvda1     ext4      7.8G  6.3G  1.1G  86% /20:10
OldHat0Bashing-om, Huh ?  Removing what now ?  acetakwas these are files or programs ?20:10
Bashing-omacetakwas: And now we have cleared space ? ' df -h ' .20:10
acetakwasBashing-om: ^20:10
acetakwasThat's 1.1G free.20:11
bemoOldHat0: unfortunately, I don't have a Windows machine to test it at the moment... need to borrow time from someone else, when they're back...  (going to see if they're back from lunch yet)20:11
OldHat0acetakwas, Bashing-om Again, these are programs on that drive ?20:11
Bashing-omOldHat0: Whhat I see is many many old kernels .. autoremove - if the package manager is still consistent - will remove them .20:11
OldHat0bemo, How does windows access nfs ?  with samba or WSL or ?20:12
acetakwasBashing-om: What else can I do to clear more space?20:12
acetakwasYou know I previously deleted a 3GB file.20:12
acetakwasThat doesn't reflect yet.20:12
Bashing-omacetakwas: And is /var filling up once more ?20:12
OldHat0acetakwas, why saving old kernels on a 7 GB drive ?  Is it some USB install ?20:13
acetakwasBashing-om: Can't be. I already stopped the program.20:13
acetakwasOldHat0: I didn't save it. That's the system saving it itself.20:13
Bashing-omacetakwas: How did you remove that 3GB file ? still in the .trash ?20:13
OldHat0acetakwas, I would to a fscheck and an updatedb or something20:13
acetakwasBashing-om: https://paste.ofcode.org/9QFDXRXaMANYuNWbrqJwUQ20:14
OldHat0Bashing-om, LOL that would suck20:14
bemoOldHat0: I believe they use something like this to mount it as a drive (e.g., drive "H"): "net use H: nas-01:/mnt/vol1/files/ /persistent:yes"20:14
Bashing-omacetakwas: Of you do not care about what is in the system cache . ' sudo apt clean ' will clean that out .20:15
bemoOldHat0: still not there, and I have a meeting in 15 minutes... may need to revisit this later.  thanks for the help!20:15
acetakwasBashing-om: 100 MB20:15
acetakwasAny other thing?20:15
OldHat0bemo, I dont mind learning stuff.  I will keep looking.  Luck to you20:16
FreeBDSMI did `apt remove zfsutils-linux; dpkg -l` and I still see it in the list, how so?20:17
OldHat0acetakwas, you dont have a backup/snapshot ?20:17
acetakwasShould I reboot the server?20:17
FreeBDSMis there an `apt` analogy to `yum list installed`?20:17
acetakwasI can get my server admin to switch to a backup later.20:18
acetakwasBut this is an emergency operation that only I can attend to right now.20:18
OldHat0FreeBDSM,   --help20:18
Bashing-omacetakwas: 'du' from root does not report anything now alarming .20:18
FreeBDSMOldHat0: didn't work20:18
acetakwasBashing-om: Just a lot of files.20:18
CodeMouse92FreeBDSM: `sudo apt list | grep installed`20:19
FreeBDSMoh, `apt list --installed`20:19
CodeMouse92Or that20:19
CodeMouse92wow. how did I miss the obvious20:19
OldHat0acetakwas, it from a virt machine.  Can you back it up as is with rsync ?  Then reboot and hope it resolves on boot fscheck ?20:19
FreeBDSMapt is weird20:20
OldHat0CodeMouse92, It happens LOL20:21
FreeBDSM`apt list --installed` lists `xul-ext-ubufox`. `apt search xul-ext-ubusoft` finds nothing.20:21
FreeBDSMcould anyone tell me why is that so?20:22
FreeBDSMaw, god damn it20:23
FreeBDSMI am blind20:23
FreeBDSM`ubufox != ubusoft`20:23
OldHat0search maybe looks in description not title20:23
CodeMouse92FreeBDSM: Haha, I missed it too. YAY DYSLEXIA!20:23
OldHat0i am suddenly crosseyed20:24
CodeMouse92That said, there are times a package is only installed as part of a metapackage, but not individually. That throws me off sometimes20:24
FreeBDSMCodeMouse92: YAY ALEXYDIS!20:24
CodeMouse92FreeBDSM: It's not dyslexic being easy. :P20:24
OldHat0dnf is good with that stuff20:25
OldHat0rpm s20:25
Bashing-omacetakwas: Is there a GUI/Trash on this server ? Have you looked in trash ? even though I do not see a .Trash folder listed :)20:25
OldHat0yum shall be assimilated20:25
FreeBDSMsuddenly, there's a yum for ubuntu!20:25
oerheksit is part of an other package, i guess , you installed manually or 3rd party repo20:25
=== blackflo1 is now known as blackflow
OldHat0maybe for snaps or flatpak20:26
acetakwasI rebooted, and now have 4.4G free.20:26
acetakwasBashing-om, OldHat0, oerheks ^20:26
OldHat0acetakwas, % 's   match now ?20:26
FreeBDSM`snap list` `No snaps are installed yet. Try 'snap install hello-world'.`20:27
OldHat0acetakwas, what was virt of ?20:27
acetakwasOldHat0: I don't get you.20:27
Bashing-omacetakwas: :) I could live with that as '/' is but 7.8G .20:27
OldHat0acetakwas, It is files for a KVM virtual machine.  What Distro / OS ?20:28
acetakwasBashing-om: Yes.20:28
acetakwasOldHat0: Ubuntu.20:28
acetakwasIt's an Ec2.20:28
OldHat0acetakwas, /  and /home in same partition ?20:29
acetakwasOldHat0: Yes.20:29
OldHat0acetakwas, that is the smallest distro install ever LOL ?  Ubuntu ?20:29
OldHat0acetakwas, ec2 is a cloud image ... so disposable ?20:30
OldHat0acetakwas, so this is in the cloud ?  Interesting20:31
acetakwasOldHat0: Yes.20:31
george__How to open PulseAudio Equalizer ?20:34
acetakwasgeorge__: pavucontrol20:35
george__acerakwas: as in Console ?20:35
acetakwasgeorge__: Yes.20:35
george__acetakwas: Uhm... then what? I don't see an equalizer20:36
OldHat0acetakwas, You said server ?  Have you ever spun up a machine from like an android to use as REAL computer ?  Is that possible ?20:36
OldHat0tab or ncurses instructions20:37
OldHat0acetakwas, you are in US ?  Used digital ocean before ?20:38
acetakwasOldHat0: What's a better term? It's a "VPS"20:39
lilkuz2005i am running into some performance issues with ubuntu 18.04 running steam games, i have an older radeon hd 7970 3gb and a xeon x5460 running 3.8ghz with 12gb of ram and in games like dirt showdown im getting like 30 fps20:39
acetakwasThe 'S' is "server".20:39
acetakwasOldHat0: I haven't that.20:39
acetakwass/that/done that20:39
acetakwasOldHat0: In Africa.20:39
acetakwasOldHat0: Yes, I use DO everyday.20:39
acetakwasgeorge__: It should come up.20:40
lilkuz2005should i replace my radeon 7970 with a gtx 980 ?20:40
george__well man, fuck it, it doesn't work20:41
george__I don't see an equalizer20:41
george__I will just lookup myself, thanks for the help20:41
=== aloo_shu is now known as Apple][e
OldHat0acetakwas, ec2 is amazon20:42
lilkuz2005going to shutdown and swap out my 7970 for my spare gtx980 and see if performance is any better in linux20:43
=== Apple][e is now known as Apple][c
tripelbi have an hp laptop. the aging owner forgot his password but his fingerprint is associated with it. can I install a linux partition to use it while I am working on how to unlock it?20:44
acetakwasOldHat0: Yes.20:44
=== Apple][c is now known as aloo_shu
OldHat0acetakwas, Do you have any certificates ?20:45
CodeMouse92tripelb: It depends on what the password is. If it's on the Windows system, yes. If it's on the BIOS itself, no.20:55
CodeMouse92However, another mitigating factor is whether there is space on the hard drive to install the partition20:56
CodeMouse92In my experience, you have to use Windows to resize its own partition.20:56
CodeMouse92It *is* possible to do it with GParted, but you need to be extra careful.20:57
CodeMouse92See also, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoResizeWindowsPartitions20:57
CodeMouse92tripelb: One other option, barring others, would be to use a Live image of Ubuntu to work on the computer, without actually creating the Linux partition outright. This would be the best option if the intended user doesn't want Linux on the system in the end.20:58
CodeMouse92(Boot from USB stick is recommended, or else DVD if necessary)20:58
=== twobitsp1ite is now known as twobitsprite
cluWhen I hit the "super key" and I search for a file, it only searches for files that I have opened once. Is there a way for me to tweak what files / dirs it will search?21:00
masakiWeird keyboard input behavior. I use Russian and Korean. I can't type in Russian when the language is chosen as the third input under Settings > Region & Languages > Input Sources.21:02
masakiTook a while but got everything to work only when Russian is sandwiched between English and Korean (or 2nd input in the list)21:03
3NAAAT73RHey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/21:03
3NAAAT73Ror maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/21:03
masakiBut if Russian is in the third spot (or last spot), it just types in English alphabet instead of Cyrillic21:03
masakiNot sure if this is unique to my system but if anyone has the time, please test and see.21:04
iczero16Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/21:08
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
tripelbCodeMouse92: (nice nick) he doesnt want it back but I would like to be able to sell it with windows on it.  It's maybe 2 years old21:13
CodeMouse92tripelb: In that case, use a Live DVD21:13
CodeMouse92tripelb: Also, I'd recommend reinstalling Windows outright. It's a personal information security thing.21:13
CodeMouse92If it's Windows 10, it's already got the key associated with the BIOS, so you need only pop in a DVD (official ISOs available from MS for free), and fresh install it21:14
CodeMouse92In the meanwhile, just use a Live Linux image21:14
CodeMouse92BTW: you'll find that there's a market for selling those with Ubuntu installed OEM-style. Just saying.21:14
tripelbCodeMouse92: ok. can I dl and make the dvd using a linux usb?21:14
CodeMouse92tripelb: yes21:14
CodeMouse92You can burn any ISO onto a disk using a Live Boot of Ubuntu21:15
CodeMouse92May need to `sudo apt install brasero` to do it, but you can do that from Live21:15
tripelbCodeMouse92: can I dl it onto the windows partition? i dont think it will fit in ram. or in the library ? win7 iir21:16
CodeMouse92tripelb: This is why you boot from USB21:16
CodeMouse92Ah, Windows 7. Let's move this to #ubuntu-offtopic, since this is outside of Ubuntu domain21:16
tripelbright i said usb because you cant boot from optical and burn to it.21:17
CodeMouse92Hah, fair point21:17
tripelbthinks of recycling wireframe woman from the galaxy song in a monty python movie21:18
CodeMouse92Unless...well, see, I have an external drive as well as the internal21:18
tripelbso usb21:18
CodeMouse92tripelb: Anyway, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic21:18
tripelbwell I do but usb is normal21:18
CodeMouse92(Yeah, USB doesn't work on some models of Lenovo Thinkpad)21:18
tripelbhmm i was supposed to be in london today.21:19
tripelbCodeMouse92: i cannot. i have to recover my nick i asked what the command was in freenode. will do it ..bye21:20
=== tripelb is now known as tripel3xb
vltHello. How can I prevent a file system to be mounted when plugging in the USB drive?21:40
yano|Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/21:41
xamithanDepends on your file manager,  I think you can just set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount to false if you are using nautilus21:43
vltxamithan: If that's a file manager thing I could just logout from the DE and use a tty login instead?21:44
* vlt tries that21:45
xamithanProbably,  never tried21:46
Whiskey0Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/21:48
Matthew_23Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/21:48
Matthew_23or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/21:48
snapdatawhere do i buy ubuntu21:50
compdocmaybe on ebay21:51
brainwashthe ubuntu website?21:51
snapdatai cant find an order page21:51
compdoccant just d/l it? its free21:51
snapdatathis is terrible customer service21:51
snapdatawill you give me a coupon code for the inconvenience21:52
compdoc50% off, today only21:52
brainwashthere you go21:52
snapdatathank you21:53
snapdata$150 per year?!21:53
snapdatamy son got me the windows for free21:53
snapdatano thanks21:54
xamithanYou can download ubuntu free,  just no support21:54
brainwashyou get community support!21:55
compdoche's trolling21:55
coz_ /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER coz_ ckngqqwgmqek21:56
hggdhbrainwash: please don't do that21:58
brainwashhggdh: why highlight me?21:59
hggdhcoz_: it is probably a good idea to change your freenode password21:59
coz_hggdh, oh darn, that showed up?22:00
hggdhbrainwash: actually, also valid for compdoc . Please do not reply like that22:00
hggdhcoz_: completely22:00
xamithanGotta watch those spaces before the /22:00
coz_hggdh,  now I have to remember how22:00
brainwashhggdh: you mean in a helpful way?22:00
tripel3xbtripleb is now me.22:01
hggdhbrainwash: you, pretty much, played with the OP. This is not the spirit of support22:03
hggdhcompdoc: ^ same applies to you22:03
brainwashmy answers were not correct?22:04
hggdhbrainwash: you are correct (and I was wrong): this is primarily for compdoc22:18
CodeMouse92Wow, so we actually lost a potential user because of a joke?22:20
CodeMouse92That's actually kinda sad.22:20
vltxamithan: Works.22:20
ryuoCodeMouse92: Who?22:22
=== mous is now known as longcat
hggdhfolks, back to topic, please22:22
Guest97794Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/22:28
ash_worksiif i am install postgresql from source using make install; how can I make it so that it installs the utilities (initdb, pg_ctl, etc) to /usr/bin ?22:36
ash_worksi(or please advise on a better channel :) )22:36
ash_worksiI tried ./configure --prefix=/usr/bin but that didn't seem to work22:37
Stryyker26Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/22:38
Guest47999Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/22:42
Guest47999or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/22:42
arooniis there a way to disable the behavior of when my mouse goes to top left ; the activities window shows up ?  also 2) is there a way to trigger the dock/app list on left by a keystroke that doesnt trigger the 'activities' view.  18.0422:46
arooniassuming auto hide is on22:46
ordinate000ok so22:50
ordinate000i found the root cause of my weird intermittent freezing22:50
ordinate000my nvidia driver keeps reconnecting itself to my computer like every half second22:50
oerheksgnome tweak tool has that setting, activities overview hot corner  in topbar section22:50
ordinate000/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2610]: (--) NVIDIA(GPU-0): VIZ D32hn-E4 (DFP-1): connected22:51
ordinate000now how to get it to stop doing this is an entirely different thing22:51
ordinate000this is hell22:52
ordinate000if i delete gdm-x-session will i stop being able to look at my computer22:54
ordinate000whats the thing to reinstall drivers again22:57
infernix4Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/22:57
infernix4or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/22:57
infernix418Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/22:58
ordinate000this channel sucks22:58
ahi2dam spam22:58
N3X15Dunno why they haven't put that website on the spamfilter yet22:59
Bashing-omordinate000: Fully updated system and ' sudo apt purge nvidia ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' with any old config files also removed .22:59
ordinate000thanks bud22:59
ordinate000didnt work, syslog is still being spammed with reconnections23:02
fallenourI just deleted a file with rm I dont think I should have, what are my options?23:02
ordinate000fallenour: press undo23:03
fallenourordinate000: im in via ssh23:03
Looking23Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/23:03
ordinate000maybe i can just not use ubuntu drivers23:04
ordinate000HERE GOES NOTHIN23:04
ordinate000tried to uninstall gdm3 while using gdm323:08
ordinate000needless to say it didnt work cause i dont know how to fix it23:08
naccfallenour: not many23:13
naccfallenour: best case, unplug the disk and do a disk recovery of the file, if possible23:13
strixdioI know this is "#ubuntu" but hopefully someone has some insight? (I did try in #ubuntustudio, but no one seems to be around) I'm trying to instsall UbuntuStudio to iscsi. I got it to pxe boot into the live environment, install open-iscsi, import the target, install to the target, but then when I try to boot from iscsi it doesn't do anything. Any thoughts?23:14
ordinate000i might just revert to 16.0423:19
ordinate000theres no way to reinstall your whole OS without deleting your personal files right23:19
naccordinate000: if you have a /home partition, you can23:19
ryuoordinate000: it depends. it's a lot easier to do if your /home is separate.23:19
kk4ewtso back them up reguardless23:19
nacckk4ewt: +123:20
ryuoordinate000: either a separate subvolume or so.23:20
ryuoThough I don't think the installer lets you configure subvolumes of BTRFS...23:20
naccstrixdio: when you say boot from iSCSI, you mean in the BIOS/early menu?23:21
ryuonacc: iSCSI is a server thing.23:21
naccryuo: ... i know.23:21
ryuoit sounds like they want to make it network bootable.23:21
naccryuo: please let them respond.23:22
ryuonacc: i am.23:22
strixdionacc: ipxe boot from iscsi23:23
naccstrixdio: so your ipxe boot doens't see the iscsi disk?23:23
strixdiowell, ipxe just sits there after doing its thing. Not sure of the terms, sorry. It's been a little bit since I've tried this.23:24
naccstrixdio: what command are you issuing to ipxe?23:24
strixdiosanboot iscsi:xx.xx.xx.xx:::1:iqn.2018-05.xxx:iscsi23:26
strixdiowhich does work if I install centos7 to the same target.23:26
ordinate000why does nothing work how its supposed to23:27
naccstrixdio: have you tried ubuntu server instead of ubuntu studio?23:27
* strixdio shrugs23:27
strixdionacc: I haven't.23:27
strixdionacc: I specifically need studio :/23:27
naccstrixdio: i've not ever tried anything other than server or cloud images with iscsi23:28
* strixdio nods23:28
naccstrixdio: you probably need other config steps in the installer23:28
strixdiowhich is fine, I just don't know what those steps are lol23:28
naccstrixdio: right, so i was suggesting trying server, see if it works; then ubuntu studio can probably be made to work23:29
strixdioI'm new to iscsi boot. I have windows 10 working, centos7 working, but not ubuntustudio.23:29
naccstrixdio: if server doesn't work, then you probably need to do more work23:29
naccstrixdio: http://it-joe.com/linux/iscsi_pxe_boot23:30
naccstrixdio: probably the steps after "DO NOT REBOOT" :)23:30
strixdioLooking now, thanks.23:31
naccstrixdio: np23:31
strixdioI swear I've tried this before LOL23:31
* strixdio shrugs23:31
strixdioI'll try again, I probably missed something23:31
ryuolol. sounds like the steps I've had to use before to install to ZFS.23:32
strixdiothe only zfs root I've done is gentoo.23:32
strixdionacc: sysv-rc-conf isn't in apt?23:39
naccstrixdio: no, systemd only in 16.04+23:40
OrchulaAnyone know how to fix slow login times via SSH? The only method I found to fix said problem is to disable PAM in sshd config, but I hear that you shouldn't really use this option. What do I do?23:40
strixdionacc: oh, right. well, this guide may be a bit outdated then.23:41
naccstrixdio: could be, but the gist should be the same23:41
ryuostrixdio: rc.local still works, but yea.23:42
strixdioI'll try!23:42
MWMIm looking at mergerfs and trying to compare between my current system of symlinked drives23:54
strixdionacc: sadly this doesn't seem like it's working.23:55
MWMcurrenly I have a samba share with symlinks to every directory that I would need access to.  Is threre any advantage to implimenting a pool structure like mergerfs?23:55
OrchulaShould I use kernel provided by my VPS provider or use Ubuntu kernel?23:57
MWMbasically wondering if there is some sort of I/O boost from mergerfs because i already have the fucntionality I am looking for?23:58
naccstrixdio: stepping away; paste what happens and maybe someone can help23:58

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