
=== oer_ is now known as oerheks
HemmelHello there. I have just finished installing Ubuntu Studio 18.04 and I'm already having an issue. The PC is plugged on a 55" TV through HDMI, so Ubuntu automatically puts the resolution at 3840×2160. When I change it to either 1920×1080, 2560×1440, it goes back to login screen and if I log back in, the screen flashes once and goes back to login screen again. The only way out I found is to re-install the OS.17:45
HemmelHas anyone seen this issue before?17:45
OvenWerkswow, I wish I had such a big screen :) have you been able to set the tv resolution lower than native before in any linux?17:53
OvenWerksxorg expects the display to be able to deal with whatever resolution you send it. I would guess the TV should tell the computer what resolutions it can deal with and that is what the display settings should show.18:01
HemmelWow... got an ISP outage right as I replying... This is my first time using Linux since like 2002 or something. I ran it on a computer monitor. But I figured that with a nice nVidia card, I could plug this new PC on my TV and have a great big screen with all the software needed for music production.18:33
OvenWerksIs there any reason not to use the native resolution?18:34
HemmelI also just learned about xorg, which I am unfamiliar with. I thought all Linux OS were on Gnome or KFE (or something).18:34
HemmelWell, 3840×2160 is great, but the issue is text. It is so small!18:34
OvenWerks(KDE) both gnome and kde (and xfce which Studio runs on) have xorg under the hood.18:35
HemmelI already tried changing the text size but the windows stayed the same size and just ended up masking half the text18:35
Hemmeloooooh ok18:35
Hemmelso Ubuntu Studio uses xcfe is that it?18:35
Hemmelerrr xfce18:35
OvenWerkson top of xorg.18:36
OvenWerkshdpi has been a problem in some cases.18:36
OvenWerksI am not sure how to deal with that18:36
HemmelWhat I don't understand is why putting a valid resolution like 1920×1080 shoves me back to login screen18:37
HemmelWith no resolution whatsoever, might I add18:37
Hemmeloops *no resolution changes whatsoever18:37
OvenWerksif xorg tries to switch the resolution to something it can't do it could crash and the underlaying display manager takes over at the login18:38
OvenWerksin settings there is one called Appearance18:39
OvenWerksThere is a tab called fonts that has a custom DPI setting. I am wondering if that could be of some help.18:39
HemmelIIRC I messed about with that... That's what prompted me initially to re-install completely because the display was getting crazy unusable18:40
OvenWerksAlso I would ask on #xubuntu (which also runs on xfce) as there are some of the xfce devs there sometimes.18:41
HemmelOh ok thanks.18:41
OvenWerksthe person to ask here is eylul18:41
OvenWerksif they are online18:41
HemmelWhat I'll do tonight is try to plug in a "normal" computer monitor on the PC and see what happens18:42
OvenWerksnot sure what hours that would be though18:42
HemmelI just hope I won't get stuck on the login loop again18:42
eylulI know there is some form of scaling on XFCE.18:42
HemmelOh hello eylul18:42
eylulthat helps, but one of the reasons I did swap to KDE initially was better support of HiDPI.18:42
eylulI am not here for very long because you caught me right before starting something18:43
HemmelThat's fine.18:43
* OvenWerks is off to the bank with his Yf...18:43
HemmelWhat times are you usually online?&18:43
eylulI will be on later tonight, or better, if you email the mailing list18:43
eylulI can reply later tonight after trying to look into it18:43
eylulbut one of the primary reasons why I swapped to KDE specifically was because XFCE some stuff was hard to fix.18:44
eylulif you can email with a screenshot, and which parts are not scaled. but tldr.18:44
HemmelEmmm where's the mailing list? I missed that18:44
Hemmelgah just found it on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio18:45
eylulbut mostly on XFCE, there is something on window settings that allows you to scale.18:45
eylulif you push that to something like 1.518:45
eylulthat is the main thing18:45
eylulafter that you can change the font sizes on toolbar etc18:45
eylulSOME software won't be fixed through18:45
eylulsorry for incomplete answer18:46
HemmelI'll try to find how to switch to KDE18:46
Hemmelsounds easier18:46
eylulthere is a KDE variant of ubuntustudio in the works btw18:46
eylulKDE or Plasma18:46
Hemmeloh it's in the works18:46
eylulPlasma is the correct name as I keep forgetting18:46
eylulKubuntu-desktop will install that18:46
eylul...and I need to run18:46
Hemmelthanks a whole bunch, wylul18:46
Hemmelerrr eylul sorry18:46
eylulnp at all..18:47
eylulsorry for the slightly hurried answer18:47
eylulbut try the scaling first18:47
eyluland see if this fixes things18:47
HemmelI will18:47
eyluland toolbar, it might be enough18:47
Hemmeldon't worry about it, I'm glad to have had an answer, I didn't think anyone was going to answer ;-)18:47
strixdioI'm trying to instsall UbuntuStudio to iscsi. I got it to pxe boot into the live environment, install open-iscsi, import the target, install to the target, but then when I try to boot from iscsi it doesn't do anything. Any thoughts?23:15

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