
Spass_Cosmictesting wednesday - I'm on 18.10 install downloading 18.04.1 iso09:33
Spass_Cosmicprobably a known bug, but Ristretto fails to change the wallpaper on 18.1009:34
Spass_Cosmictbh I don't see a point in including 'Greybird-compact' Xfwm theme by default, and what's funny is the '-compact' version has 2px borders and the standard Greybird has 1px11:31
Spass_Cosmicanyway, was playing a bit on current 18.10 on my HDD and besides that Ristretto wallpaper issue it seems to run perfectly fine, also tested 18.04.1 ISO in VM and all was good too11:46
Spass_Cosmicwell... I'll be repeating myself with those two, but this bug still haunts me - https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?pid=48223 and the panel plugin/indicator icons look inconsistent on big panels (I'm testing on 32-40px panel) </complaints>11:53
knomeSpass, 10.10 wallpaper also visible after getting the max upload size bumped up; thanks again! (https://xubuntu.org/release/10-10)18:42
Spasslooks good :) no need to thanks18:45
knomeof course there is!18:55
knomeagain, every contribution is important :)18:55
Spassglad that I've inspired a positive small change18:58
flocculantbluesabre: just doing the missing tests - then we'll have a complete set 19:25
flocculantand evening lurkers19:25
bluesabreflocculant: thanks! I'll get a few more spot tests in tonight or tomorrow morning, sleep deprivation depending :)22:52

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