
wallyworldveebers: correct, i'm not saying we just copy the cert for every user unconditionally; we need to change the cred schema to include the cert and endpoint for the clusters for which tyey have access as well want to model those bits as part of the cred, not the cloud00:00
veeberswallyworld: ack, ok I'm up to speed now ^_^00:00
=== blahdeblah_ is now known as blahdeblah
veeberswallyworld: might be a dumb q: With a credential, it's just an authtype + map[string]string right? so the cred schema addition is adding to the attrs? or have I missed th boat01:34
wallyworldno, that's correct. the attr values depend on the auth type01:35
veeberswallyworld:  you mentioned a new authtype for the k8s bits, won't the authtype stay the same as is there for the creds? (OAuth2AuthType, UserPassAuthType etc.). I'm not sure how the AuthType works, perhaps this is at a level about the credential itself?03:15
wallyworldthe auth type defines the allowed/supported cred attrs03:16
wallyworldhere we'll be using ca cert and endpoint as attrs03:16
wallyworldthey are specific to k8s clusters so we'll need a new auth type and schema03:16
wallyworldeach environ provider has a method that returns the supported cred schemas for that provider03:17
wallyworldCredentialSchemas() or something03:17
veeberswallyworld: ack, thanks that makes sense03:18
kelvin_wallyworld, got a min to talk about the k8s custom resources?05:35
wallyworldkelvin_: sure, give me 505:50
kelvin_wallyworld, yup.05:51
wallyworldkelvin_: jump in HO?06:05
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
=== tim-jone_ is now known as tim-joens
=== tim-joens is now known as tim-jones
manadartJust threw up a guide for anyone wishing to kick the tires on the new provider for Oracle's OCI: https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/oracle-cloud-infrastructure-oci-support-maturing-in-juju-edge10:14
rick_h_manadart: awesome!10:22
rick_h_manadart: and <3 replying to zeestrat on there and hopefully getting him going.10:23
* manadart nods.10:24
rick_h_pmatulis: I've updated the original 2.4.0 contact us https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/juju-2-4-0-has-been-released/5313:57
rick_h_pmatulis: I want to try to push discourse as first and foremost please as we update the instances13:57
pmatulisrick_h_, ack14:13
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk

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