[19:31] 904672 [19:31] grrrr [19:32] https://lubuntu.me/taking-a-new-direction/ [20:07] good one, tsimonq2 [20:07] Thanks valorie. [20:18] Shipping documentation? How? [20:18] By shipping it in a package... [21:00] Well yes but are you packaging the lubuntu manual? [21:00] I may need some help with the builds of the kubuntu manuel. Travis is failing. [23:24] @ahoneybun, I am. [23:24] @ahoneybun, Let me know. [23:35] tsimonq2: did I lend or give you a battery backup? [23:35] portable but bigish one? [23:36] I have my little one charging but big one is hiding [23:36] valorie: I don't think so [23:36] hmmm [23:36] I swear I had it last conf [23:37] oh well, it's not like I need TWO [23:38] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [23:39] I know how to find it -- buy another! [23:39] but I don't need another [23:39] :-) [23:39] hah [23:39] perhaps I gave it to someone in India [23:40] kit is expensive there