
ubptgbotThariq Ali was added by: Thariq Ali05:41
ubptgbot<Thariq Ali> Is this group discuss about ubuntu touch?05:42
ubptgbot<Thariq Ali> Help me to dual boot my device05:43
ubptgbot<Javacookies> it's not officially supported by UT05:46
ubptgbotMichael Stevens was added by: Michael Stevens05:55
ubptgbot<Thariq Ali> Then help me install ubuntu touch on my device06:04
ubptgbot<Thariq Ali> My device is redmi 3 pro06:04
ubptgbot<Thariq Ali> I have try about 3 month and got nothing 😞06:05
ubptgbot<Lakotaubp> https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/ … This is the list of UBports devices06:11
ubptgbot<Lakotaubp> @Thariq Ali, Unless you want to create your own port and add it to the list : 006:12
ubptgbot<Thariq Ali> @Lakotaubp, Can you help me with that?06:13
ubptgbot<Lakotaubp> I will try and find the link to help you, but not me i'm affraid way above my skill level06:14
ubptgbot<Lakotaubp> https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/ … Its in here with lots of other usfull stuff. Hope it helps06:17
ubptgbot<Thariq Ali> @Lakotaubp, Thanks a lot @Lakotaub, but that link  not helping 😭06:23
ubptgbot<Thariq Ali> What you think if I give up to install ubuntu touch @Lakotaubp?06:23
ubptgbot<Lakotaubp> The porting info is in there but it won't be easy and as I said I would not have a clue πŸ˜€06:25
ubptgbot<Lakotaubp> Don't give up on ubports get a second hand supported device and start there it's worth it06:26
ubptgbot<Thariq Ali> @Lakotaubp, very difficult to get a supported device in where I live06:31
ubptgbot<Lakotaubp> sorry to hear that. would try for nexus 5 or One plus one they seem to be most common06:33
ubptgbot<Lakotaubp> good luck on the search and if you get one we will be here when you do. All the best06:34
ubptgbotabdulmahsn was added by: abdulmahsn06:34
ubptgbot<Thariq Ali> Thanks again for your help @Lakotaubp06:36
ubptgbot<Lakotaubp> glad to help06:37
ubptgbot<TomasOqvist> @Flohack, I don't get any TG push notifications on my Pro 5 with xenial. Should I file a bug report?07:46
ubptgbot<Xray2000> @TomasOqvist, I have this also but when i reboot my PRO 5 it works again.07:47
ubptgbot<TomasOqvist> @Xray2000, Reboot doesn't change anything for me.07:52
ubptgbot<Xray2000> @TomasOqvist, Oh i see wierd07:52
ubptgbot<Xray2000> The lasted RC or devel ?07:52
ubptgbot<TomasOqvist> Now on devel, but same thing when I was on RC.07:53
ubptgbot<Xray2000> Wierd i have RC and here it works not always as i told somethimes i need to do a reboot...07:54
ubptgbot<Xray2000> Mebay there is a problem with the push server...07:54
ubptgbot<TomasOqvist> I think I will file a bug, so it gets investigated. Kind of nice not to be disturbed by notifications during vacation though πŸ˜‰07:56
ubptgbot<Xray2000> hahaha07:57
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @TomasOqvist I take advantage of your post just to ask you something....what about your GPS on the Pro5 on the 16.04 image? Is it working fine for you? On my pro5 either GPS is very slow to find the signal or it doesn't work at all. Thank you08:00
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @Xray2000 the question regarding the GPS is also for you Rudi :)08:03
ubptgbot<TomasOqvist> @mattbel10, To be honest, fps has never worked better for me on any UT device. It usually takes max 1 minute to get a fix.08:05
ubptgbot<Xray2000> @mattbel10, Here it also works, but i need to say i never use it.08:08
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Unav in my hammerhead always have a deviation of 50mts from where i actually am09:14
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> In vivid it worked perfect hehe09:14
ubptgbot<Flohack> @TomasOqvist, Please try to collect the log file from the push helper. for 95% of people notifications work everyday ;)09:26
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @TomasOqvist, I found this issue closed on GT: https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/665 if I understood well apparently you got it fixed for what concerns that denial access message to GPS but it is still very slow to get the signal, am I right? I'm wondering whether I should open an other bug report for the GPS on09:35
ubptgbot Pro5 or not.09:35
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @Xray2000, thanks for reporting :)09:35
ubptgbotNocturnalStalker was added by: NocturnalStalker10:11
ubptgbot<TomasOqvist> @mattbel10, I just opened uNav and requested my position. It took about 25 seconds for it to get a fix.11:08
ubptgbotT was added by: T11:08
ubptgbot<Xray2000> @TomasOqvist, Yes here also. ;)11:09
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Thariq Ali, i believe the people in @halium can help with that11:34
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @TomasOqvist, yeah, thank you and also to @Xray2000 I think my Pro5 is problematic :(11:54
ubptgbot<Xray2000> @mattbel10, Oh wierd....11:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mattbel10, how long does it take?11:55
ubptgbot<mattbel10> if in shape it takes at least 1 minute, but now, since I installed Anbox, even after wiping the OS and reflashing a different image (for instance from RC to devel or vice-versa) I noticed it doesn't work anymore11:57
ubptgbot<mattbel10> Unav was the only app to grab the GPS signal11:57
ubptgbot<Xray2000> @mattbel10, Ha you use Anbox i think you need to wait for that as i have also note that it brake some things11:59
ubptgbot<mattbel10> yes that't true, but when I realized so, I went back wiping all the installation made with apt12:00
ubptgbot<mattbel10> [Edit] yes that's true, but when I realized so, I went back wiping all the installation made with apt12:00
ubptgbot<Xray2000> @mattbel10, Then it should work again i think.12:00
ubptgbot<Xray2000> What i have done when a not with anbox and wipped and go back to ut was first install again android and then again ut, and i dont had any problem, but i also dont know if it was the corect way but it worked12:01
ubptgbot<Xray2000> [Edit] What i have done when i was using  anbox i wipped and go back to ut was first install again android and then again ut, and i dont had any problem, but i also dont know if it was the corect way but it worked12:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mattbel10, you re-installed UT with wipe option, or you only reverted the apt packages being installed?12:04
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @dohbee, I also re-installed UT with the wipe option yes12:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> hmm, then it should be workingi would think, if it was working before anbox12:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> at least, it shouldn't be functioning any worse than before. unless maybe there's some new interference in the sky or such12:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> which maybe there is, given all the wildfires?12:06
ubptgbot<mattbel10> yes, that's what I thought as well. But then I thought also it could be a regression in some ways but Rudi and Tomas confirmed to me it is not12:06
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @dohbee, however it always worked in a weird fashion. As I told unav seemed the only app able to grab the GPS signal at some point...and just after, if I had other app opened with the same purpose, they also started to receive the GPS signal as well...but only after unav did12:08
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @dohbee, [Edit] however it always worked in a weird fashion. As I told unav seemed the only app able to grab the GPS signal at some point...and just after, if I had other apps opened with the same purpose, they also started to receive the GPS signal as well...but only after unav did12:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, i think there are some general issues with location service behavior, in terms of the API12:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> most apps don't receive updates, so they just query for location when it's needed, and will time out after 10 seconds or whatever.12:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> and unav is always receiving updates from location service12:12
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @dohbee, oooooh ok that could be one reason....but it's strange for example that when I open the Weather app, it shows to be searching for a valid GPS signal for all the time the app is open, but it never finds it12:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mattbel10, hmm, maybe there are some issues there then12:17
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @mattbel10, Dos you try to reflash to android and test it there?12:28
ubptgbotGiaSen was added by: GiaSen12:47
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> How can i start an Libertine app (with gui) from cli ? DISPLAY=?? libertine-launch -i xenial [command]12:47
ubptgbot<GiaSen> hello, I have just ported halium to my device, how to test it with ubport? … I can't understand wiki12:47
ubptgbot<mymike00> @GiaSen, I think actually there are some issues running ut with halium...12:51
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> @GiaSen, It is a CAF device ?12:51
ubptgbot<GiaSen> @BlueKenny, yes12:51
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> @mymike00, With caf, yes :(12:51
ubptgbot<GiaSen> it's xiaomi redmi note 4, mido12:51
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> @GiaSen, Then you need to go to plasma mobile or halium rootfs, as mir with CAF don't work at the moment12:52
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> @BlueKenny, So far as I know ;)12:52
ubptgbot<GiaSen> oh ok12:53
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> @GiaSen, My port is Xiaomi mi5s plus :)12:53
ubptgbot<GiaSen> @BlueKenny, it should be caf too12:53
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> @GiaSen, Yes, ps it think after the next ota they will probably looking to solve the problem,hope so12:54
ubptgbot<GiaSen> ok, thank you12:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> @BlueKenny, with `ubuntu-app-launch $appid` you can use `ubuntu-app-launch-appids` to get list of installed apps. `ubuntu-app-launch-appids | grep $containerid` to get ones in a specific libertine container13:07
ubptgbot<neothethird> @dohbee, IT also has bash completion now, btw13:08
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> @dohbee, Thank you :) I only know ubuntu-app-list to show the open one :) thanks13:09
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @BlueKenny, does this mean without caf ut should work with halium?13:11
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @malditobastardo, Yes I tested GPS and wifi on Flyme and there worked nicely13:15
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> @Fuseteam, The oneplus one is also a Caf device ;) so it think with halium 5.1 and not 7.1 it is possible ? Eventually we need to ask How this port is done ?13:19
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> (Photo, 1898x2560) https://irc.ubports.com/A8B0yby0.png13:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmm πŸ’­13:20
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> the pro5 is a exoβ€” samsung chipped device so caf shouldn't influence that one hmm13:21
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> if i wonder if that one would be easier to set up if halium was ported to the canonical devices excluding caf devices atm13:22
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> @Fuseteam, Jop I saw other ports that works13:22
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> oh my13:22
ubptgbot<BlueKenny> As far as i know Bacon has a half/hacked/ halium 5.1 set up :D but I m not sure13:24
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @Fuseteam, here's a full list of ports https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3APorts13:25
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ports as in ported?13:35
ubptgbot<vanyasem> click on issues and check the status13:35
ubptgbot<vanyasem> ports as in ports.13:36
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ah i see haha13:39
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> now to cross check with the list from https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/ i suppose13:40
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmm from what i can see 3 of the 10 has halium ports in dev πŸ’­13:46
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> on the other hand under all 56 ports 1 seems to be complete πŸ’­13:47
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] on the other hand under all 56 ports 1 appears to be complete πŸ’­13:47
ubptgbot<mymike00> @BlueKenny, ah, I'm not an expert with halium and those stuff...13:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> @BlueKenny, No official images are halium based yet. They're all using the older canonical setup still14:09
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> now i know why ppl call ut ubports https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubports15:13
ubptgbotAlfabeta14 DueσΎ“© was added by: Alfabeta14 DueσΎ“©15:13
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> come one guys confirm those bug 😈 https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/milestone/715:59
ubptgbotDannygb was added by: Dannygb17:02
ubptgbot<Flohack> I will try to confirm the 2 SIM cards in FP217:17
ubptgbot<Flohack> But I do not have any external display adapter :(17:17
ubptgbot<ronnietucker> Is it normal for the UBports Installer to have no feedback when installing to the MX4? … It detected the phone, I chose 16.04/rc (and wipe), gave it my admin password, and now the Installer is sitting with a spinning circle saying 'Are your ready for....'20:13
ubptgbot<advocatux> You can start the installer from CLI or tail the installer log ;)20:15
ubptgbot<ronnietucker> I used the appimage file. I've no idea if it's actually doing anything.20:16
ubptgbot<advocatux> Look for the installer log, maybe is in something like `.cache/ubports` I don't remember now where appimage puts it. … Once you know the path to the log, run `tail -f /path/to/the/log` to see the output20:20
ubptgbot<AlexanderPlaza> @ronnietucker, You can run the app image file in terminal. That would give you debug20:20
ubptgbot<ronnietucker> @advocatux, Spot on. … It looks like it can't get the MX4 toreboot into bootloader...20:24
ubptgbot<advocatux> Then maybe you can try again. It's a good idea to try different usb cables and/or diferent usb ports too20:26
ubptgbot<advocatux> [Edit] Then maybe you can try it again. It's a good idea to try different usb cables and/or diferent usb ports too20:26
ubptgbot<ronnietucker> Sometimes the installer asks for the password then sits trying to reboot the phone, sometimes the installer asks for the password and asks me to do the fastboot thing.20:31
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/this-week-in-mir-27th-july-2018/727120:42
ubptgbot<zubozrout> @advocatux, Actually this issue has been there for ages. I've reported it back at Canonical times as well as in this era, just recently. Simply put MX4 doesn't allow for booting images directly from fastboot. At least that's the issue on two Ubuntu preinstalled MX4's I've had the pleasure to work with.23:31
ubptgbot<advocatux> πŸ‘23:32
ubptgbot<zubozrout> So you are left with the old commandline Canonical installer without the --bootstrap option as you can't use current Ubports installer with it because of the above reason.23:33

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