
tomreynhggdh: you just got klined on another network for spamming ;)01:50
hggdhso there is another hggdh around01:52
hggdhwell, not on gimp and here, at least01:52
hggdhtomreyn: which network as it?01:53
tomreynhggdh: i wont tell, sorry.01:56
hggdhno prob.01:56
tomreynit's the nice part of this botnet that you get to see many known nicks in unusual places01:56
tomreynso at least t has a small positive side effect (when over all it is very daunting if not aggravating)01:58
hggdhtomreyn: so you had the pleasure of seeing me klined ;-)01:59
tomreynluckily those drones love some kline channels.02:02
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:20
lotuspsychjeits more fun in a graveyard lol04:12
lotuspsychje!info udevadm04:21
ubot5Package udevadm does not exist in bionic04:21
lotuspsychje!info udevadm xenial04:21
ubot5Package udevadm does not exist in xenial04:21
ubot5Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours04:22
lotuspsychjejesus all the flavors channels are dead04:25
lotuspsychjeeven #debian stuck at 1400 users05:51
lotuspsychjenormally their ontop of us05:51
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^09:02
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje09:03
guivercJimBuntu, you found the one I was looking for (talking about), well done; 2-3 years; I'm as accurate as ever (2014)11:52
lotuspsychje!cookie | JimBuntu telepathy!11:52
ubot5JimBuntu telepathy!: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!11:52
lotuspsychjeperhaps this might interest you too EriC^^11:53
lotuspsychje<JimBuntu> InHisName, https://www.happyassassin.net/2014/01/25/uefi-boot-how-does-that-actually-work-then/11:53
lotuspsychjeas uefi expert :p11:53
JimBuntuthanks guiverc11:54
EriC^^nice thanks lotuspsychje11:54
lotuspsychjenot my find :p11:55
EriC^^well for highlighting me, i wouldnt have seen it otherwise11:56
lotuspsychjeah ill remember it :p11:57
EriC^^i actually read guiverc 's post and i was like damn i wish he remembers the link11:57
lotuspsychjewell jimbuntu is our glueman11:57
ubot5Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto11:57
BluesKajHi folks12:58
JimBuntuGreat morning to you BluesKaj12:58
BluesKajGood Morning to you too, JimBuntu :-)12:59
pragmaticenigmadoes anyone know if there is a way to add a delay to an IRC script?13:25
pragmaticenigmarather, hexchat commands to execute on joining a server?13:27
pragmaticenigmaor... I could probably join channels after I script the login ... that explains soo much13:36
hggdhpragmaticenigma: if you do not, yet, use SASL as well.13:44
pragmaticenigmawas just reading that in some documentation... any reason?13:44
hggdhpragmaticenigma: (1) more secure; (2) you only join channels *after* login, so there is no "... has quit (changing hosts)"13:46
hggdhand good morning to all :-)13:47
oerhekspragmaticenigma, for what client?13:47
oerhekshi hggdh13:47
hggdhmorning oerheks13:47
pragmaticenigmastand by... testing14:00
pragmaticenigmait works!14:04
pragmaticenigmano more purgatory14:04
pragmaticenigmaI think I hadn't been able to use that in the past because of something in my password14:06
oerheksi crashed not using my full username14:07
pragmaticenigmaon a different private IRC server, I have to script my login identification... they require idenitify plus a secondary authentication to sync the irc chat with their web chat client14:08
BluesKajwhy a webchat ?14:10
pragmaticenigmathat's whay they did... I don't know why they did it that way14:11
BluesKajhexchat is quite good, but quassel is more suited for ubuntu14:14
BluesKajor even konversation if you're willing to put up with kde dependencies14:16
pragmaticenigmaI run KDE currently, but prefer hexchat since I can use it on multiple platforms and share the configuration with them14:19
BluesKajto me hexchat is a mishmash :-)14:21
pragmaticenigmaon gripe I have with hexchat is the coloring ... They don't have it well documented, and installing themes always scares me14:22
BluesKajanyway , grass needs cutting...bbl14:22
pragmaticenigmado mine too please BluesKaj14:27
oerhekshere the grass is yellow and fluffy/dead14:28
pragmaticenigmaya, mine is going on week two of really not needing cutting. save for a couple small areas that are typically shadded during the day14:28
oerheksweeds, as in plants with unknown use, are growing and have beautifull flowers14:29
oerheksthose i have hardly seen, due to mowing the grass regulary14:29
oerheksyou might want to leave an edge uncut, BluesKaj14:30
pragmaticenigmaI have some weeds along the curb.. why they thrive there when nothing else does... is a mystery14:33
oerhekssome are protected too14:35
oerheksi read some news years back, Dutch Militairy could not move trucks due to those plants, and sell them14:36
oerheksnature wins14:36
pragmaticenigmai don't think I have anyone on block... but I feel oerheks is seeing something I'm not?14:37
JimBuntupragmaticenigma, It's just been Blues, oer and you for the last 30 minutes14:47
BluesKajcutting my lawn is like a haircut, front is done, now just the sides and the back :-)14:56
* oerheks loves smooth legs15:00
pragmaticenigmaI think oerheks has been hitting the sauce a bit hard today?15:40
* oerheks sniffs garlicbutter15:50
lotuspsychjeevening oerheks BluesKaj16:02
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: i asked unit to edit topic and add .1 release in #lubuntu16:03
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: seems like all the flavor channels are pretty dead16:04
ubot5Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.16:05
oerheksor they have no issues, or on holliday16:06
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: I really should be an op in my own channel...16:06
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: yeah...16:06
lotuspsychjeoerheks: the usercount is low, overall, even #debian 1400, they normally 200016:07
ubot5Error: Debian bug 1400 could not be found16:07
leftyfbnacc: you know he's playing with ADB right? Nothing to do with ubuntu :)16:09
naccleftyfb: ack16:09
oerheksADB .. i read that is a huge backdoor16:11
lotuspsychjeeverything is a danger on android :p16:12
lotuspsychjemobile backdoor16:13
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje16:23
oerheksukuu kukulekuuu16:25
oerhekshi blue in the skaj16:25
oerheksdrunk of love .. but now the bottle is empty16:26
JimBuntuADB *shouldn't* be a back door as their *should* still be the need for the device to be rooted, adb to actually be listening over TCP (not supposed to be by default)16:48
JimBuntuoerheks, seems some manufacturers/etc are doing really stupid things.16:48
oerheksnooooooooo.... they were unaware?16:52
JimBuntuThey must have been, as that's against the stated best practices. ADB should be in USB mode and only after enabling both developer mode AND USB Debug... even then, it's another command to activate the TCP connection (normally)16:53
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
lotuspsychjeconfusion in main lol17:27
naccwho uses exclamation points without thinking...17:28
lotuspsychjejesus that h717:29
EriC^^ubottu getting the wrap17:29
naccEriC^^: heh17:29
EriC^^i think sync /dev/sda1 should work17:30
naccEriC^^: in their original question, they only had the mountpoint17:30
naccEriC^^: i thought the parameter to sync was a file17:31
EriC^^same here, but it seems to work17:31
naccEriC^^: so if you gave it /dev/sda1, wouldn't it sync a non-real file?17:31
naccmaybe they implemented some smarts17:31
naccnot sure what that does, as oerheks pointed out, with raid/lvm17:31
naccEriC^^: right, that does somethjing17:32
naccbut it's not proof of what it does :)17:32
naccyou'd need to check the block cache17:32
EriC^^yeah, an strace should help i think?17:32
lotuspsychje<H7R> whois nacc17:34
lotuspsychjeevening Bashing-om17:34
pauljwhi everyone19:20
oerhekshi paul19:22
pauljwoerheks :)19:24
pragmaticenigmaJava 10 support schedule makes absolutely no sense ... haha19:25
pragmaticenigmathey release then immediately EOL it?19:25
tomreyni think there is just no plan to provide security patches19:25
tomreynupstream, for 1019:25
tomreynbut can't really find a source for this now.19:26
tomreynthe best thing we can do is not use java ;-)19:26
oerheksyes, confusing https://askubuntu.com/questions/1037646/why-is-openjdk-10-packaged-as-openjdk-1119:27
naccit was announced around that time19:29
pragmaticenigmaI only use Java for eclipse IDE... so I can develop in Python... if you can figure that one out19:29
naccsince 11 wasn't out yet, iirc19:29
naccand to minimze cross-release number upgrades (which tend to be paniful)19:29
pragmaticenigmayah, oracle has left a number of companies in a huge lurch because they droped 8 before they had a new stable LTS release out19:29
pragmaticenigmaoracle thought companies would be okay with doing incremental upgrades through 10 to get to the next LTS update19:30
tsimonq2Someone ping lotuspsychje when he's around.19:31
Bashing-omlovepopsickle: He he .. sorry not to have responded .. working UWN .20:00
nacc"i installed openstack from scratch"21:21
nacc5 minutes later21:21
nacc"i used conjure-up"21:21
oerheksno worries, it will soon be monday21:22
oerheksmoon is visable again, lunies.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-2jhTq1wIs21:23
oerheksyeah, often the support channels go wild on such events21:24

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