[01:27] anyone noticed a delay with "bringing up network interfaces" in 18.04 after upgrading a 17.10 install? [01:30] i've been noticing it take around ~5 mintues to get past this boot initialisation process [01:31] which kernel are you on? [01:32] I wonder if you hit the issue fixed in this USN https://usn.ubuntu.com/3718-1/ [01:44] 4.15.0-29-generic #31-Ubuntu SMP [01:45] looks like i'm up to date [01:45] so.. i had always configured my interfaces with /etc/network/interfaces [01:46] it's looking like this has changed to netplan ? [01:46] i think i'm fighting a few problems; my system has been entering a weird state overnight [01:48] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Hq7yjqgxt5/ [01:48] really weird behaivour; not sure why it's doing this shutdown/reboot [01:48] no errors in syslog before hand [01:49] i'm suspecting a potential problem with the PSU or simialr [01:55] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/scfKrQTg33/ That's the networking.service failure [01:56] one the machine boots; netowrk is working fine [02:39] berglh: could you file a bug against netplan.io for that? I haven't got a clue :( [03:17] berglh: have you noticed it shutting down/rebooting at the same time every night? [03:17] or similar times maybe? [03:20] cuz you might be on the right track, you could be having a PSU issue, however it seems if that were the case, it would do irregular things at various times not really able to be predicted. [03:20] havenstance: no, it's different [03:21] but it's in the morning [03:21] i.e. as the temperature is cooling [03:21] then runs fine the rest of the day? [03:21] yes [03:21] now that's odd [03:21] even for a PSU going out but it's not farfetched, I've seen them make systems do some really strange things [03:21] but this started immediately after the update? [03:21] i'm going to take the PSU out over the weekend and check teh caps [03:22] the thing to look at is was it doing it before the update or not [03:22] i can't mention on the raising the interface bug [03:22] because it's a headless server [03:22] i only attached the display when i noticed it wasn't up [03:23] it's doing dhcp and dns for my network [03:23] so it's not great when it itsn't working [03:23] hm, so you don't really know for sure if it was happening before you updated to 18.04? [03:23] all i know is that before hand it rebooted a lot faster [03:23] i.e. i'd applyg a new kernel and restart [03:24] then it'd be back up quite quickly [03:24] lately i've noticed it's seeming to take longer [03:24] i run smartd and scan my drives for errors etc [03:24] get emails if i'm having storage issues [03:25] tbh, I might try a clean install as annoying as that may be, I know people have ran into issues in the past updating from a .10 to a .04 lts release. [03:27] before I did that though I would check the PSU as your original plan was [03:28] not sure what else to really have you try that others haven't already tbh [03:30] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y6FyWSjWx8/ [03:31] so that's the interesting thing [03:31] you'll see it's shutting down services before the kernel starts on the reboot [03:33] on a ubuntu server if i set up some sites, is it possible seeing them via browser? [03:43] wr: yes, a huge portion of the internet works exactly that way :) [03:44] sarnold, what about core servers? [03:45] sarnold, on a ubuntu server if i set up some sites, is it possible seeing them via browser on a core server? [03:46] wr: do you mean one of these things? https://www.ubuntu.com/core [03:46] wr: if so, I'd expect "yes", but you'd either have to find or create a *snap* to do the hosting [03:47] ah here we are, the snap store https://snapcraft.io/store [03:47] sarnold, in this case http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.4/ubuntu-16.04.4-server-amd64.iso after install dont have a browser or GUI, so i need a GUI to see sites? right? [03:48] wr: I use w3m all the time, no gui required.. but .. most people would indeed rather use a gui web browser [03:48] sarnold, i mean if this is the only way or there are some alternatives [03:49] wr: what exactly are you trying to do? [03:50] sarnold, i had a work here to do but it says to use a ubuntu server 16.4.4 but my teacher told to open sites and some use ssl etc [03:50] wr: aha, I think I understand better [03:51] wr: you can certainly start from the ubuntu-server iso and add packages with apt-get install to get to a functioning desktop computer [03:51] but you might be better served to start with one of the desktop images instead, since they'll have selected a bunch of packages useful on desktops [03:51] sarnold, im in doubt if he did any mistake, because at start we used a regular ubuntu then this work asks for a server [03:52] wr: you can always install the server software on desktop, that works great. the only slight oddity is that "servers" don't normally use network-manager, but that's the most convenient way to use desktops and laptops.. [03:52] sarnold, yes i know, but only way is to add a GUI right? [03:53] sure, if you want; apt-get install ubuntu-desktop would get you most of the way there [03:53] sarnold, what i mean is that nobody tests sites on a ubuntu server core via browser i guess [03:54] wr: I don't know about "nobody" [03:54] but it's surely more common to have two computers or a computer and a VM instance somewhere [03:56] wr: it's time for me to bail.. I hope you have fun :) [03:56] sarnold, basically i have apache2 php libapache2-mod-php [03:56] sarnold, normally how do you test installed sites on this iso? [03:57] like normal.. [03:57] firefox https://whatever/ [03:57] w3m https://whatever/ [03:57] sarnold, but gotta have a GUI right? [03:57] wr: no [03:57] w3m doesn't require a gui [03:58] try it, w3m https://www.google.com [03:58] sarnold, from shell i just firefox & [03:58] sarnold, w3m i know it works, and links etc [03:58] there ya go :D no gui required [03:58] but if it is firefox [03:59] sarnold, on ff gotta have GUI? [08:17] hello all [08:17] guys, is there a way to make ruid2 work with apache on 14.x ? [08:17] DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS" [08:38] I'm trying to install 18.04 on a bios (non-uefi) system. It installs just fine, creates a 1mb bios_boot partition, and the rest of the FS. The problem is, the disk will not boot - the system insists the disk is not bootable [08:38] even if I boot from the installed and tell it to 'boot first disk' it won't boot [08:39] s/installed/installer [08:47] sixsix: are you able to use the live environment to inspect the not bootable drive? [08:48] sixsix: if yes, I'd be curious to see the output of "fdisk -l /dev/sda" (assuming the drive is sda) [08:54] I can use the installer's live environment, it addresses disks by /dev/disk/by-/ etc - I don't have a console I can easily copy/paste on it but effectively it creates 2 partitions [08:55] the first is 1mb and type is Bios boot [08:55] the 2nd is the remaining disk and is type Linux Filesystem [08:58] actually, I can copy/paste [08:58] sixsix: you can pipe output of commands to termbin.com if you have network tehre. eg, fdisk -l /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 9999 then paste here the URL you get [08:59] so first question is, are you 100% sure that's a BIOS (legacy) boot and not EFI? [08:59] /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3500418AS_5VM7J0XC-part1 2048 4095 2048 1M BIOS boot [08:59] /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3500418AS_5VM7J0XC-part2 4096 976771071 976766976 465.8G Linux filesystem [08:59] quite certain - checking the dmesg on the usb installer has no mention of efi [08:59] it's an intel 965 chipset [09:00] and you're sure the correct drive is selected for boot? [09:00] it's the only drive in the system [09:01] can you confirm the partitioning is GPT? [09:05] parted says it is [09:05] oh and fdisk which says Disklabel type: gpt [09:06] sixsix: and this was installed by ubuntu installer? [09:07] yes, default 'use entire disk' option on the new 18.04 server installer [09:19] The output of `sudo parted /dev/sda print` may help here. [09:19] sixsix: do you know how to chroot into installed root? Wanted to suggest you try re-run grub-install /dev/sda -- assuming it's /dev/sda , from the chroot of installed root. [09:22] I can chroot in to the 2nd partition, but /dev isn't mounted when I do as that's not what booted [09:24] parted's output is: https://gist.github.com/iamsix/178a4c584610c7bbb82a4f492d3fea17 [09:24] sixsix: You need to rbind that mount `sudo mount -rbind /dev/ //dev`. [09:24] Same for `/sys` [09:24] sixsix: so you don't know how to chroot. :) you have to bind mount some dirs from the "host" side. assuming you've mounted the installed root to /mnt => mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc ; mount -R /dev /mnt/dev ; mount -R /sys /mnt/sys [09:25] then you can chroot /mnt [09:26] ok, grub install seems to have worked [09:27] let's see if it will boot that though... [09:28] npoe, still no bootable device found :/ [09:29] sixsix: how old is that machine? [09:30] board is from around 2008 as far as I can find [09:30] Well, yeah. I'm thinking that machine is so old, it has no idea how to boot from GPT [09:32] I figured as much too.. I'm not sure why the installer would have installed it with gpt though [09:32] and the default usb installer boots perfectly (just dd the iso to a usb key) but it looks like that uses some kind of active MBR partition [09:35] sixsix: perhaps you can pre-partition the disk from the live env using MBR based table, and then the installer might be able to re-use thos partitions. or you can debootstrap the installation for fully manual installation. I don't see in the new subiquity menus where to select GPT vs MBR, so I don't know what else to suggest. [10:01] Hi, I know this channel isn't about LTSP, however I am trying to set up LTSP on Ubuntu Server 18.04, however I am struggling to find support anywhere, your "more reliable" wiki is no longer maintained and just points me to the LTSP wiki for instructions on how to install LTSP onto Ubuntu 18.04, however, despite LTSP claiming their guide is more stable, I've found it more troublesome than it's worth, especially considering I' [10:02] "Connection Refused" from nbd-client on the thin clients and then dropped to a BusyBox shell. I really don't know what to do, and don't know how to explain what I've tried as I am struggling to understand the architecture. [10:10] Yoyoyoooo: I don't know nbd-client much but if you get a connection refused message it could indicate that there is no server listening at the destination [10:12] I think I have mor ruid2 for apache working on another 14.x install. Why is it not working her e? [10:13] Yoyoyoooo: on the server end, could you try running "sudo ss -nltp" and pastebin the output? [10:13] Do the desktop and server version(s) have different maintainer(s) for mod ruid2 for apache2 ? [10:14] Haris: I'd say no [10:19] mod ruid2 is not working on one 14.x install [10:21] Haris: define "not working"? [10:22] when code writes file to disk, it doesn't get ownership of the u/g its process should be running as [10:25] Haris: are you sure the config is correct? Maybe that question is better suited to #apache. Have you consulted the documentation? https://github.com/mind04/mod-ruid2 [10:25] yes, my config is standard, working normally on other distributions(s) as well [10:26] Haris: pastebin it please? [10:33] will do [10:33] is php 7.2 available on xenial ? [10:33] for production [10:36] Haris: there's a PPA, with all the caveats of that. https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php [10:57] https://pastebin.com/raw/EfrS59j0 [10:57] this is for mod ruid2 issue [11:33] blackflow: PPAs for production? ;) [11:39] PPAs are going into produciton all over the world. nothing new about it [11:39] guys, any feedback on the paste for mod ruid2 ? [11:40] never heard of this module before, sorry [11:41] its a mod to make sure the apache2 process serving a runs with the ownership + perms of that u/g [11:41] %s/serving a runs/serving requests runs/ [11:41] with this I can segregate each vhost with a separate u/g on a linux machine [11:41] %s/with/using/ [12:15] https://pastebin.com/raw/gvC1hZBg [12:15] fresh paste [12:16] does apache2 mod ruid2 work on 14.x ? [12:16] its not working for me [12:26] guys, anyone around at this hour [12:30] I dont see any reason it would not, its more an apache thing than Ubuntu thing [12:32] but its not working on this one instance of 14.x [12:32] file being saved from php code is getting saved with root privileges [12:35] Haris: nothing in the apache2 logs about it? [12:35] nope [12:36] I've never used that mod, but you might do better asking in an apache channel/forum (or contacting the devs? https://github.com/mind04/mod-ruid2). Project looks dead to me though. [13:04] when a bug is filed against a package in xenial, for example. We verify it's indeed a bug there, but it's fixed already in later releases [13:05] should we mark the main task as fix released, and add a task for xenial? Or only do the later if we are committing to an sru? [13:07] IMHO, add a task for Xenial if it's a verified bug (ie. can be Triaged). [13:07] If not committing to an SRU, that can be made clear in a comment. If definitely refusing an SRU, it can always be changed to Won't Fix. [13:07] I'm also in favour of setting Won't Fix even if it's just "for now" to set user expectations. The nuances can be made clear in a comment. [13:15] turns out bionic and cosmic are also affected by this bug I'm triaging, I though they would not be. But the question was worth it [13:15] thought* [13:15] Hi, greetings from Brazil! [13:15] hi mmerlone, bom dia [13:16] Is there something wrong with ubuntu repos? I am unable to apt install ntp traceroute, "No candidate version found for traceroute" [13:16] Tryied http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu and http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu [13:17] mmerlone: I had trouble with that mirror yesterday and removed it for the time being [13:17] the br one, I mean [13:17] the main one (archive.u.c) should be fine [13:17] just tryied "us.archive.ubuntu.com and got the same [13:17] mmerlone: that bein said, traceroute is in universe [13:18] mmerlone: maybe you don't have universe enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list? [13:18] I did [13:18] OOpps [13:18] and did "apt update" succeed before that? [13:19] just got the latest 18.04.1 iso, seems is a little different [13:19] did you use the new installer? [13:19] if yes, it sounds like https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/1783129 [13:19] Launchpad bug 1783129 in subiquity "Only "main" component enabled after install" [High,Confirmed] [13:19] http://pasted.co/4f2881b4 [13:19] yes, new installer [13:19] ok, so it's the bug I linked above [13:20] mmerlone: I like mtr-tiny as traceroute client personally, it's in main :) [13:20] feel free to click on "Does this bug affect you?" bit there :) [13:21] just did. Will get sources.list from another server [13:23] ahasenack: thank you! [13:23] mmerlone: sorry about the bug, at least it's easy to fix [13:24] or rather, easy to apply a fix [17:04] rbasak: do you remember if protobuf-c was ever discussed for a MIR? [17:06] ahasenack: LP: #801735 [17:06] Launchpad bug 801735 in protobuf-c (Ubuntu) "[MIR] protobuf-c" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/801735 [17:06] :) [17:06] 18.04.1 out ? [17:06] hm, I searched [17:06] ahasenack: you have to advanced search -> change the states [17:07] !isitoutyet [17:07] Yes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :) [17:07] Ussat: -^ :) [17:07] Ussat: not sure if the ISOs are spun [17:08] but it's in universe right now [17:08] I guess whatever required it is no longer there, and it was demoted? [17:09] collectd perhaps, which was the motivation for that particular mir back then [17:09] it was in main in oneiric, then in universe in oneiric [17:09] (per publishing history) [17:10] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/protobuf-c/0.14-1build1 [17:11] same srcpkg/version, too [17:11] it briefly touched main [17:12] well, that is making the bind9 delta grow now [17:12] yet another build-depends we have to drop because it's in universe [17:13] nacc, I am more interested in testing a 16 --> 18 upgrade [17:14] yes, the server isos are published http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ [17:15] Ussat: ah yes, then you should be fine [17:15] Ussat: i'm not sure if the upgrade path is 'enabled' or not yet [17:15] nacc, ya will wait on that [17:15] I have 6 test systems with apps on em primed and ready [18:16] popey: is there a discourse bot that could echo new posts into here? [18:16] I'm not aware of one [18:17] you could use rss? https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/server.rss [18:18] hm [18:18] dunno if there's a generic rss to irc bot (probably is, the venn diagram of "people who use irc" and "people who use rss" probably overlaps closely) :) [18:19] yes, gotta think so [18:19] https://github.com/meigrafd/feedie [18:19] i can take a look next week [18:19] but feel free to ping if you need help setting something up [18:19] thanks, I might play around with it [18:19] (I imagine you don't need my help to spin up a mini aws and put that code on though) :D [18:20] heh [18:20] have a great weekend [18:20] o/ [18:20] cya [18:27] Woah... The 18.04.1 /etc/apt/sources.list is almost empty! [18:28] Oh, I see the bug linked above. [18:47] Gonna be updating a few 18 test servers tomorrow I think, and a few 16->18 tests soon(ish) [18:48] then i'll do it after 'soon(ish)' ;) [18:54] so shoult a dist-upgrade get get to to latest 18.04.1 ? [18:54] should [18:54] if you are on 18.04, yes [18:55] ok, gonne do a test run on personal VM [18:55] thanks === TheMaster is now known as Unit193 === TheMaster is now known as Unit193 [21:26] hi - can someone tell me what are the requirements to instsall openstack using conjure , regarding web server ? I followed the documentation at https://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/try-openstack but it looks like conjure does not intall a web server .. [21:32] saint_: conjure-up is normally used for *complicated* installations, like openstack or kubernetes; the kinds of things that require a dozen different interacting services on dozens or thousands of computers.. [21:32] saint_: if you just want to automate creating a webserver VM instance on an openstack cloud, juju might be a better fit for that [21:33] sarnold i used conjure to actually install openstack [21:34] it s just that now open stack GUI is using Horizon on a web server, and I thought conjure-up would have installed it (the web server) [21:35] saint_: aha! [21:35] saint_: yes, I'd expect a horizon somewhere on a brand new cloud.. [21:35] and i tried to install apache , but it is still not working . i guess i have to install apache first, horizon, then open stack ? [21:36] I *really* hope not [21:36] that would not be convenient [21:37] i tried 2 times just in case i screwed up. and every time there is no WWW server installed.. [21:37] the guide here suggests that it should just be accessible at http://some.ip.address/horizon https://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/try-openstack [21:37] that s the guide i followed. [21:37] and it is not accessible, since there is no www server installed [21:39] did you install it into lxd instances on your machine? or multiple machines? or a public cloud..? [21:40] ldx on the same machine [21:40] i m just trying it out for now [21:41] then wouldn't it be one of the lxd's IPs? [21:41] saint_: does lxd list show you the new lxd guests? [21:41] does it show any issues? [21:41] no issue [21:42] does it show an IP address for seomthing that looks like it probably hosts horizon? [21:42] lxd show the list of vm i have [21:42] yes, and it is the ip address i am trying to access without success [21:42] netstat -nap|grep 80 shows that no service is listening on port 80 [21:42] saint_: that's run *in* the horizon lxd? [21:43] no clue. i am restoring my previous image, and trying again. stand by [21:43] it s going to take a while actually. [21:43] saint_: ... you should have a clue [21:43] as in, you ran that commadn *somewhere* [21:43] where did you run it? hint, pastebins are helpful for this kind of thing [21:43] i mean yes. lxc list shows the machines i tried from the cloud [21:43] but NOT the horizon [21:44] what? [21:44] saint_: i feel like that sentence didn't make sense [21:44] if you don't have a horizon lxd, then I don't know where you ran netstat [21:46] in the host os (ubuntu itself) [21:46] ah! [21:46] then that weas ... i think, wrong [21:46] https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/install-openstack-with-conjure-up#2 [21:46] i restored my old image . reinstalling now to see what went wrong where .. [21:47] says at the end it gives you the explicit url [21:47] you have to execute the netstat or ss command within the lxd instance that is hosting horizon [21:47] dang it ! [21:47] i bypassed the last screen ! [21:47] don't know why you'd do that, but ok :) [21:48] you can still find it from the lxd containers deployed, i think [21:48] lxd list should show the IP address, iirc [21:48] lxc list, and see if [21:48] nacc this tutorial is way better than the other one i followed [21:48] i ll try now. [21:48] sarnold: lxc, right, not lxd? [21:48] i mean. now that i restored an old image, it s going to take a while. i ll be back in a little [21:48] yes, lxc [21:48] sarnold: just making sure i didn't miss a cli change! :) [21:48] nacc: argh. right. I *hate* the 'lxc' command name to use the lxd service. so confusing. [21:48] sarnold: :) [21:50] https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/issues/725 [21:50] indicates you can use juju status to find the openstack-dashboard machine id and then that correlates to a lxd ip [21:50] or even just the unit directly, i guess [21:51] nacc: aha, good find. I'm .. saddened, but not shocked, that lxc list doesn't know the purpose of each container :( [21:51] sarnold: it might name them usefully, but that feels like an implementation detail === RoyK^_ is now known as RoyK_Heime === precise is now known as precise|pedant [23:09] how can I determine if a package is virtual and how can I find it's non-virtual versions? [23:15] skylite: iirc, virtual means it's in the provides: line of a package [23:15] skylite: context? [23:16] yes [23:16] The following package(s) are "virtual package" names: pure-ftpd [23:16] and I cant find which package should be the non-virtual(s) [23:16] to avoid this [23:17] skylite: i think you need grep-status (from dctrl-tools) to do it; at least that's one way [23:18] skylite: wht version of ubuntu? [23:19] skylite: on 18.04, pure-ftpd is a real pakcage, and afaict, in all releases [23:21] according to salt it isn't [23:21] not sure where it gets that [23:21] skylite: sorry, not sure what salt is in this context [23:21] saltstack [23:22] but it does not have a problem with pure-ftpd-common [23:22] skylite: is that an ubuntu package? `apt-cache policy pure-ftpd` ? [23:22] skylite: you still haven't said what version of ubuntu, btw [23:22] sry 18 [23:22] skylite: ok, 18.04? [23:22] skylite: 18 isn't a version :) [23:23] !info pure-ftpd bionic [23:23] pure-ftpd (source: pure-ftpd): Secure and efficient FTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.46-1build1 (bionic), package size 124 kB, installed size 530 kB [23:23] real, not virtual package --^ [23:23] strange [23:24] skylite: if you can verify the policy output, you should be able to see what's going on better [23:25] policy output? [23:25] skylite: asked for above, `apt-cache policy pure-ftpd` [23:26] yes [23:26] skylite: fyi, https://askubuntu.com/questions/366135/how-to-search-for-packages-that-provides-a-virtual-package may be useful in the future [23:27] I tried it and it gives back 3 packages for pure-ftpd [23:27] pure-ftpd-ldap pure-ftpd-mysql and pure-ftpd-postgresql [23:28] nacc: how is it not a virtual package then? [23:29] skylite: do you not have universe enabled? [23:29] skylite: can you pastebin the output? [23:31] https://pastebin.com/pXGCUBNK [23:31] skylite: that's your sources.list [23:31] sorry what did you want [23:32] skylite: `apt-cache policy pure-ftpd` [23:32] https://pastebin.com/GL6d4dV6 [23:33] ... [23:33] that clearly shows it's installable [23:33] skylite: i feel like you're trolling, maybe? [23:33] not really [23:33] if its a virtual package [23:33] what would be different? is a virtual package not installable? [23:34] it's *not* virtua. [23:34] you can install it, as that output shows [23:34] a virtual package is like a symbol a bunch of packages provide [23:34] you need to tell apt which provider you wantto use, you can't install a virtual package [23:34] but pure-ftpd is *not* a virtual package [23:35] ok it just never says that its a virtual [23:35] so if it was virtual it should show multiple packages? [23:36] ah ok [23:36] so for example [23:36] apt show awk | grep "not a real package" [23:36] ok sorry I missed that line [23:37] skylite: you can't search for virtual packages easily [23:37] skylite: yes, ok, awk is a virtual package [23:38] use the link i pasted above, or grep-status to figure out what provides it [23:38] i'm eod, but you kind of went in a big circle, which is why i said trolling :) [23:38] it's just wierd that only the virtual packages are identified clearly by apt [23:38] and the ones are not I just have to know that they are not virtual [23:39] skylite: i'm not sure why this is a problem in general [23:39] on 18.04, as well, apt will tell you what provides it [23:39] maybe its just me then [23:39] i just tested with awk [23:39] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8hZTxWSyw6/ [23:40] skylite: in any case, i think you should do some more testing/reading, this isn't a general problem for most users, afaict [23:40] have a nice evening [23:40] salt mislead me [23:40] thx:) [23:49] Why do I keep getting this error on ubuntu server 16.04 Jan 6 20:29:15 server kernel: [ 5493.523309] aacraid: Host adapter abort request (4,0,0,0) [23:51] Dell PowerEdge 4600 the error never happened on Ubuntu 14.04 [23:55] http://ask.microsemi.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/15357/~/error%3A-aacraid%3A-host-adapter-abort-request [23:56] nice find [23:56] donest work [23:56] but very old, not a good explanation [23:56] doesnt* [23:56] there is also https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1557659 [23:56] bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1557659 in kernel "aacraid: Host adapter abort request" [Unspecified,New] [23:58] dang. that makes me think it'll be kernel bisect time [23:58] sounds like it. also i dont seem to spot the workaround discussed there [23:59] comment 19 i guess [23:59] im going back to ubuntu 14.04 its obvious there is an issue in newer distros