
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:21
knightwisemorning brobostigon06:21
brobostigonmorning knightwise06:23
knightwisehow are you doing today man06:24
brobostigonboiled, signs of getting older, and you?06:25
knightwiseha :) same thing06:26
knightwisealthough, i've been doing this mindfullness thing and started to notice it kinda works so .. just the boiled part06:26
knightwiseHave a new outsouring project i"m working on as a contractor, get to be on my own machine all day long.06:28
knightwisethats nice , now i at least have a full set of unix tools at my disposal ,been learning a lot bout tmux and stuff06:28
brobostigonbeen using emacs recently, is ideal really, has the programming stuff builtin, postgresql client, spreadsheet.06:33
knightwiseThats something I still have to learn06:44
knightwisesounds very interesting06:45
brobostigonit is, yes.06:46
knightwiseHm :( Downside to working on a pi is that RTV (reddit client) can be damn unstable :(06:48
knightwisegotta figure out why that is, has something to do with the way the Pi handles locale settings06:50
brobostigoni see.06:51
knightwisefor the rest its behaving quite nicely06:52
knightwisei do have to remind myself i'm not working on an I5 with 16 gigs of ram and an SSD anymore.06:53
knightwisealthough I was thinking if an old netbook with an SSD would not be a better idea, since I would still be working on the i386 architecture of ubuntu07:02
knightwiseit wouln't be fast but neither is the pi07:03
zmoylan-piwell reddit has rss feeds so you could put them in a rss reader...08:33
knightwiseyeah , but not quite the same08:34
knightwisei think that it has mostly to do with the implementation of rtv in raspbian,;08:34
knightwisei think if i stick to ubuntu mate i'll get it working08:34
* zmoylan-pi wonders what reddit would be like in lynx.... ::opens a new terminal tab::08:34
zmoylan-piok... not that way... :-)08:37
knightwisehave you tried brow.sh ?08:39
knightwiselooks promising09:14

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